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Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 10) Analysis and Picking out Teley a) Datawarehouse “Minformation is called aS Shivamurthy's ©) Reporting ) Data transformation Ete lS 4) Data mining i x CTT Y=) ) The command that savex all Transactions to the database is (TT a) Create 5) Commit 12) Anexample for guided Media ig a) Infrared b) Laser @ Grant 4d) Revoke d) Optical fibre ¢) Microwaves 13) The device that connects dissimilar ‘Network is a) Hub b) Repeater c) MODEM d) Gateway 14) Anaddress of a file on Internet is a) HTTP b) URL co) Www e) FTP 15) Aweb Programming language in, Which, the web content changes each time, it is viewed. a) HTML b) XML c) DHTML e) C++ Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word / words from those given in brackets. (File, Primary, Datawarehouse, Tuple, Domain) 16) 17) key is a key that uniquely identify each re in a table. is a repository of an organizations electronically stored data. 18) is a set of values for an attribute in that column. 19) Asingle entry in a table is called 20) is a basic unit of storage in computer system. PART -B Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 2x4=8 21) Prove algebraically that x + xy =x. 22) Whats tautology 7 Give an example. 23) Mention any 2 applications of Oops. 24). Write the syntax and example for parameterized constructor, 25) Differentiate between ifstream class and ofstream class, 26) Briefly explain logical one ter architecture, 27) With an example, explain any one SAb-constrants, - mode. 28) Explain any one communication svods.ortt Second PUC PREPARATORY EXAMINATION-Jan 2023 Subject: Computer Science (41) Duration:3hrs 15mints Max Marks:70 PART-A Note: Answer ALL the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. 1X20=20 I Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. How many bits of data are sent in a serial port? a)l b)2 4 ds Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 2. What is Min term. a) Sum of all the Literals b) Product of all the literals c) Subtract of two literals d) None of the above 3. Give the algebraic notation of XOR gate. a) (A+B)' b) A’B+AB’ —c)A’B'+AB_d) (A+B) 4. Which of the following is not the type of queue? a) Priority queue —_b) Single-ended queue c) Circular queued) Ordinary queue 5. Which is used to define the member function of a class externally? a): bys: c)# ~— d)None 6. Which of the following permits function overloading on C++? a) Type _b) Number of arguments c) Both A and B d) None of the above 7. What is a copy constructor? a) A constructor that allows a user to move data from one object to another b) A constructor to initialize an object with the values of another object ) A constructor to check the whether to objects are equal or not d) A constructor to kill other copies of a given object. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, 15, Members which are not intended to be inherited are declared as a) Public members b) Protected members ¢) Private members 4) Private or Protected members The operator used for dereferencing or indirection is a)* b)& c)-> d)->> Users who use the database for querying, modifying and generating reports as per their needs. They are not concerned about the working and designing of the database known as___ a)Database Administrator _b) Application Programmers ©)End users 4) All the above. If you don’t specify ASC or DESC after a SQL ORDER BY clause, the following is used by default a) ASC_b) DESC c) There is no default value d) None HTTPS stands for Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Security b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Synchronize d) Hyper Text Transfer Protect Security What does the Acronym for LAN Stands for? a) Long Area Network b) Large Area Network ¢) Location Area Network —_d) Local Area Network Which is not a type of e-commerce? a) 828 b) 02D c) B2C 4) c2c XML stands for a)Extensible Makeup Language _b) Extensible Markup Language c) Extensible Marking Language —_d) Extensible Marker Language I Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Foreign Key, Alternate Key, 3-tier Architecture, Hierarchical Model, 1-tier Architecture) 16. In, where the Client, Server, and Database all reside in a machine. 17. follows tree structure, 18. ____ is commonly used architecture for web applications. 19. Key which is not selected as primary key is. 20. _____key combines two database tables. Shivamurthy’s Academy YouTube Channel Note: Answer any four questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 2X4=8 21. Construct a truth table for three variables X,Y and Z that will have output 1 when XYZ=100, XYZ =110, XYZ=111. Write Boolean expression for logic network in SOP form. 22, State and Prove Indempotence law . 23. Mention any two differences between POP and OOP. 24, Give the syntax and example for default constructors. 25, Differentiate between get( ) and getline( ). 26, Write the difference between data and information. 27. Give the syntax and example of DROP command in SQL. 28, Mention the protection methods in network security. PART-C Note: Answer any four questions. Each question carries THREE marks. 3X4=12 29, What is the purpose of ports, buses and controllers in the I/O system? 30, Construct logic diagram for OR and NOT operations using only NOR gates. 31, Explain memory representation of single linked list. 32. Define a)this pointer b)memory leak c)free store. 33, Write the member function belonging to fstream class. 34, Mention any three advantages of DBMS. 35, Define a)OSS b)FLOSS c)freeware. 36, What are the uses of server side scripting. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15) Members which are not intended to be inherited are declared as a) Public members b) Protected members ¢) Private members d) Private or Protected members The operator used for dereferencing or indirection is a)* b)& c)-> d)->> Users who use the database for querying, modifying and generating reports as per their needs. They are not concerned about the working and designing of the database known as_ a)Database Administrator _b) Application Programmers c)End users 4) All the above. If you don’t specify ASC or DESC after a SQL ORDER BY clause, the following is used by default a) ASC b) DESC c) There is no default value d) None HTTPS stands for Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Security b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Synchronize 4) Hyper Text Transfer Protect Security What does the Acronym for LAN Stands for? a) Long Area Network b) Large Area Network ) Location Area Network —_d) Local Area Network Which is not a type of e-commerce? a) B2B b) 02D c) B2C 4) C2C XML stands for a)Extensible Makeup Language _b) Extensible Markup Language ) Extensible Marking Language —_d) Extensible Marker Language 11 Fill in the blanks choosing the ropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) 16. ms 18. 19. 20. Note: 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Note: 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. (Foreign Key, Alternate Key, 3-tier Architecture, Hierarchical Model, 1-tier Architecture) In where the Client, Server, and Database alll reside in a machine. follows tree structure. _____ is commonly used architecture for web applications. Key which is not selected as primary key is. key combines two database tables. ShivamurthysAcademy YouTube Channel Answer any four questions. Each question carries TWO marks. -2X4=8 Construct a truth table for three variables X,Y and Z that will have output 1 when xy: form. State and Prove Indempotence law . Mention any two differences between POP and OOP. '=100, XYZ =110, XYZ=111. Write Boolean expression for logic network in SOP Give the syntax and example for default constructors. Differentiate between get( ) and getline( ). Write the difference between data and information. Give the syntax and example of DROP command in SQL. Mention the protection methods in network security. PART-C Answer any four questions. Each question carries THREE marks. 3X4=12 What is the purpose of ports, buses and controllers in the I/O system? Construct logic diagram for OR and NOT operations using only NOR gates. Explain memory representation of single linked list. Define a)this pointer _b)memory leak c)free store. Write the member function belonging to fstream class. Mention any three advantages of DBMS. Define a)OSS b)FLOSS c)freeware. What are the uses of server side scripting. PART-D Note: Answer any six questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 5X6=30 37. Given Boolean function. F(A, B, C, D) = £(0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map(K-Map). 38. Explain the different operations performed on QUEUE data structure. 39, What is searching? Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using binary search algorithm. 40. Define object oriented programming, Write the limitations of object oriented programming. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 41. What are member functions in a class? Write any four characteristics of member functions. 42. When is function overloading is needed? Write any two advantages and restrictions ‘on overloading functions. 43. What is a constructor? Mention different types of constructors and Expl copy constructor with syntax and example. 44, What is visibility mode? What is its role with respect to inheritance? 45, What is a Data Model? Explain any two data model. 46. Explain SQL constraints wit 47. What is Networking? Explain the goals of networking. suitable example. Note: Answer ALL the questions, 1 4a PART-A ach question carries ONE mark. — 1X20=20 Select the Correct answer from the choices given (Repeated answers will not be considered). AGP stands for a)Accelerated Graphic Port —_b) Automatic Graphic Port c) Automatic Graphic Processor c) Accelerated Graphic Processor - __an electronic circuit which operates on one or more input signals to produce an output signal. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel a) Gate _b) Sum of Product _c) Product of Sum d)Both b and c ___ is a gate using which all the basic gates can be designed. a)NAND and NOR b) XOR and XNOR c)ANDandNAND d)OR and NOR is a specialized format for organizing and storing data. a)Data Structure _b) Sorting c) Searching d)Merging ___ represents data and associated functions as a single unit. a)Object b) Class c) Abstraction d) Inheritance Class members are accessed using operator a). byt: ec): d)& Constructors should have either access. @) public or protected b) public and protected c)Private d)None of the above An___ is one that is not used to create objects. a) abstract class b) Base class c) Derived class _d)Virtual class ‘9. Every object in C++ has access to its own address through an important pointer called Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel @) this pointer b) Static pointer c) Dynamic pointer d)Address pointer 10. ___is a file that contains information in the same format as it is held in memory. @) Binary File b) Text File c) Botha andb d)none of the above 11._____ is the stage concerned with the extraction of patterns from the data. a)Data mining b)Data warehouse c)generalization d)specification 12.Data Definition Language commands are a)Create, Alter, Drop b)Create, Alter, Delete €)Create, Drop, Insert d)Create, Update, Select 13. was one of the world’s first operational packet switching networks. a)ARPANET b)FTP c)SMTP d)HTTP 14.This topology consists of a central node to which all other nodes are connected by a single path. a)STAR b)BUS c)RING d)MESH 415.In which type of hosting the company rents an entire server from the hosting company? a) Dedicated Hosting b) Shared Hosting ) Collocation Hosting d)Free Hosting IL Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Attributes, Data security, Information, Data model, End users) 16. Abstract model that describes how data is represented and used is 17.___describes the characteristics of an entity. 18. is the processed data. 19.____are the people who access the database for querying, updating, generating reports. 20. is an example for advantages of DBMS 1-15 All answers are option A 16) Data Model 17) Attributes 18)Information 19) End Users 20) Data Security Note: 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Note: 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Note: 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. PART-B : Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 2X4=8 Prove algebraically that (X+Y)(X+Z)=X+YZ Draw a general K-map for 3 variables X,Y and Z. Mention any two advantages of object oriented programming over earlier programming methods. Which are the different methods through which constructors are invoked? What are input and output stream. What is Candidate Key and Alternate Key. Write the syntax and example for DELETE command in SQL. Explain the half duplex communication mode. Shivamurthy‘s Academy YouTube Channel PART-C Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries THREE marks. ‘3X4=12 What is Motherboard? Write about the chipset in a motherboard. Define Universal gate. Design the basic gates using NAND gate Write an algorithm for traversal in a linear array. Show the general form of new and delete operator in C++. Mention the types of file. Explain any one. Give the difference between Manual and Electronic data processing. What is e-commerce? Write any two technologies are used in e-commerce. What is web hosting? Mention any two web hosting methods. PART-D Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 5X6=30 Reduce the following boolean expression using K-map. F(A,B,C,D)= £(1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,13,15) Reduce it by using K-Map. Write an algorithm to sort an array using insertion sort. What is stack? Mention the types of operations performed on the stack. Mention the applications of OOPS. Explain member function a) inside class definition b)outside the class definition. Define inline function. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using inline function in a program? 43. What is Constructor and Destructor? Write the rules for writing a constructor function. . What is inheritance? Explain the types of inheritance? 45. 46. 47. Explain DBMS architecture. With example explain different group function used in SQL. Give the measures for preventing virus. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel PART-A Note: Answer ALL the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. 1X20=20 I. Select the Correct answer from the choices given(Repeated answers will not be considered). 1. CMOS in motherboard is expanded as A. Customary Metal Oxide Semiconductor B. Complementary Mineral Oxide Semiconductor C. Complete Metal Oxide Semiconductor D. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 2. The x*y=y*xis Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel a) Associative law b) Commutative law c) Involution law d) None of the above 3. Which of the following termed as universal Gate? a) OR Gate b) Inverter gate c) XOR gate d) NAND gate 4. Which of the following is a non-linear Data Structure: a) Arrays b) Lists c) Trees d) Strings 5. Which is the Default Access Specifier in class? a) Private b) Public c) Protected d) Friend 6. Function can be overloaded when a) Function names are same b) Number of parameters are different c) Number of parameters are same _d) All of the Above 7. The symbol used with Destructor is a)$ b)& c)Delta c)~ 8. A Class which cannot produce Objects is known as____ a) Abstract Base Class b) Base Class c) Virtual Base Class) Main Class 9. Which of the following is the Address operator? a)* b)& c)> d)All of the above 10. Each Column heading in database table identified by. a) Attribute b) record c) tuple d) file 11. Which is the Data Manipulation Command in SQL is . a) CREATE b) ALTER c) DELETE d) DROP 12. HTTP stands for_ Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel a) Hyper text Transistor Protocol b) hypertext Transfer Protocol c) hyper turn Transfer Protocol d) hyper twist Transaction Protocol 13. What does the Acronym for LAN Stands for? a) Local Area Network b) Large Area Network c) List Area Network d) line Area Network 14. Which is not a type of e-commerce? a)B2B b)82C c)B2D d) C28 15. XML stands for_ a)Extensible Makeup Language _b) Extensible Markup Language c) Extensible Marking Language d) Extensible Marker Language IT Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in 23, brackets. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Record, Redundancy, Schema, Database, Table) 16. Collection of rows and columns is called as 17. _____is a collection of interrelated data. 18. Data duplication is called as 19. is an Overall Design of the Database? 20. A Single entry in Table is called, 24. 1 Complementary Metal Oxide SemiConductor —-11:DELETE 2 Commutative Law 12 Hypertext Transfer Protocol 3 NAND gate 413 Local Area Network 4 Trees 14020 5 Private 15 Extensible Markup Language 6 Allof the Above 416 Table 7 17 Database 8 Abstract Base Class 118 Redundancy 98 19 Schema 10 Attribute 20 Record PART-! Note: Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 2X4=8 21. Prove X+XY=X 25. X+XY=X x y XY XY. X(+¥)-X ° ° ° ° X(D=X (1+¥=1) 2. 2 2. o X-x 2 ° ° 2 Po 1 1 1 a {any one) 22. What is meant by Tautology and Fallacy? Tautology: If result of any logical statement or expression Is always true or 1. Fallacy: If result of any logical statements or expression is always false or 0. 23. Define Object. Give an Example. Object: An Object is an instance of a Class. Example: ‘class gksum int x; public: Void getdata (> € void putdata ( ) c cout< Table Row, used to define rows in a table. Table Heading, used to define the column heading in a table. Table Data, used to define the data of the column in the table. PART-D Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 5X6=30 Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D)= ¥(0,2,5,7,8,10,13,15) Reduce it by using K-Map. =B'D' The reduced expression BD F(A,B,C,D)= B'D'+BD 38. Write an Algorithm to insert an element at REAR end of queue. Let QUEUE be the linear array consisting of N elements. FRONT is 40. the pointer that contains the location of the element to be deleted and REAR contains the location of the inserted element. ITEM is the element to be inserted. Step1: If REAR = N-1 Then PRINT “ Queue is Full” Exit ‘Step2: If FRONT = NULL Then FRONT = 0 REAR =0 Else REAR = REAR + 1 41. ‘Step3: QUEUE[REAR] = ITEM Step4: Return Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 39. Write an algorithm to delete a data element from an array Algorithm: A is the array with N elements. ITEM is the element to be deleted in the position P and it is stored into the variable item. ‘Step 1: Item = A[P] Step 2: for I = P to N-1 A[T] = A[I+1] End of for Step 3: N= N-1 Step 4: Exit 40. Write the advantages of OOPS a) The programs are modularized based on the principle of class and objects. b) OOPs concepts reduces code duplication and code reusability. ) Providing data security with data encapsulation. 4) Complexity can be minimized through inheritance. e) Data abstraction separates objects specification and object implementation. f) Reduces software development time. g) Communication with outside system is very simple with message passing. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 41. Explain Class definition with syntax and example. Class definition: A Class definition is a process of naming a class and data variables, and interface operations of the class. Syntax class class_name { z private: Member data; Member functions; protected: Member data; Member functions; public: Member data; Member functions; cS Where Where ¥ class is a keyword in C++. 42 ¥ class_names is the name of the class and can be treated as the user defined data type. The pair of flower braces indicates the body of the class. The semicolon (;) after the right brace is must. The variables are declared inside and are called data members. The member functions can access or manipulate data members without passing them as parameters. v The private, protected and public are access specifiers for the members of class. Example Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel #include class sum t private: int a, b: public: CORK void getdata() t cout<<"Enter Numbers for Addition: "; cin>>a>>b; ’ 43 void display) t ’ cout<<"Addition of two numbers; "< The function is declared with keyword friend. > It can be called like any normal function without using any objec. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel » It can be placed anywhere in the class declaration. » Scope resolution operator (::) is not needed while defining a friend function. » It cannot access the member variables directly and has to use an object_name.member_name. 43. What is constructor? Mention the rules for naming constructor? A Constructor is a special member function used to initializing the objects of a class automatically. The following rules are used for writing a constructor function: i) A constructor must have the same name as that of the class name. ii) There is no return type for constructor (not even void). ili) A constructor should be defined under public specifier. iv) A constructor can have default arguments. v) A constructor is invoked automatically when objects are created. vi) It is not possible to refer to the address of the constructor. vii) The constructors make implicit calls to the operators new and delete when memory allocation is required. 44, Explain Single level inheritance with a programming example. Inheritance is the capability of one class to inherit properties from another class. #include \de ss GkStudent t private: int regno: char name[50]; public: void getdata() cout<<"enter the nam: cin>>name: cout<<"enter the regno: cin>>regno: » void putdata() « ‘cout<<"Rey cour<<"Nam. ;” Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel ss GKMarks : public GkStudent <>m1>>m2: » void putdata1Q, { cout<<"Subject1. cout<<"Subject2: cout<<"Total Mark: , » void mainQ: GkKMarks M; 45. Difference between Manual and Electronic data processing. Manual Data Processing Computerized Electronic Data Processing The volume of the data processed : em Large volume of data can be processed. is limited. [Manual data processing requires eee 'erequires |e easonable less amount of paper is used. large quantity of paper The speed and accuracy at which the job is executed is limited. _| The job executed is faster and Accurate. Labour cost is high. Labour cost is economical. Storage medium is Secondary storage Storage medium is paper. 8 ry storags medium. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 46. With example explain different group function used in SQL. These functions are: COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, DISTINCT a) COUNT(): If you want the number of employees working in a Computer department. SELECT COUNT(*) from employee WHERE dept=’Computer’; b) MAX(): This function is used to get the maximum value from a column. SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee; c) MIN(): This function is used to get the minimum value from a column. SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employee; d) AVG():This functions is used to get average value of a numeric column. SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee; ) SUM(): This function is used to get the sum of a numeric column. SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee; f) DISTINCT(): It is used to select the distinct (unique) rows. SELECT DISTINCT dept FROM employee; Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 47. Explain Network security in detail. Network security deals with policies adopted by network administrator to protect the network from unauthorized access and misuse of network resources. It also ensures that the authorized users have adequate access to all the network resources. PROTECTION METHODS There are different methods of protection 1) Authorization: It determines whether the service provider has granted access for the web service to the user. 2) Authentication: Authentication is password protection where user is asked to enter a valid password to use the service. 3) Encrypted smart card: An encrypted is hand held smartcard that can generate token that a computer system can recognize. 4) Biometric System: The biometric system involve some unique aspects of a person's body such as figure prints, retinal patterns etc to establish his or her identity. 5) Firewall: Firewall is software to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. Subject: Computer Science (41) Duration:3hrs 15mints Max Marks:70 PART-A Note: Answer ALL the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. 1X20=20 I Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. How many bits of data are sent in a serial port? a)l b)2 c)4 d)8 Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 2. What is Min term. a) Sum of all the Literals b) Product of all the literals c) Subtract of two literals d) None of the above 3. Give the algebraic notation of XOR gate. a) (A+B)’ b) A’B+AB’ —c)A'B'+AB_d) (A+B) 4. Which of the following is not the type of queue? a) Priority queue __b) Single-ended queue c) Circular queued) Ordinary queue 5. Which is used to define the member function of a class externally? a): b):: ¢)# —d)None 6. Which of the following permits function overloading on c++? a) Type _b) Number of arguments c) Both A and B d) None of the above 10. at. 12. What is a copy constructor? a) A constructor that allows a user to move data from one object to another b) A constructor to initialize an object with the values of another object ) A constructor to check the whether to objects are equal or not d) A constructor to kill other copies of a given object. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel Members which are not intended to be inherited are declared as _ a) Public members b) Protected members c) Private members d) Private or Protected members The operator used for dereferencing or indirection is a)* b)& c)-> d)->> Users who use the database for querying, modifying and generating reports as per their needs. They are not concerned about the working and designing of the database known as___ a)Database Administrator _b)Application Programmers c)End users d) All the above. If you don’t specify ASC or DESC after a SQL ORDER BY clause, the following is used by default a) ASC b) DESC c) There is no default value d) None of the mentioned HTTPS stands for a) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Security b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure 13. 14, 15. c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Synchronize d) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Standard What does the Acronym for LAN Stands for? a) Long Area Network b) Large Area Network c) Location Area Network —_d) Local Area Network Which is not a type of e-commerce? a) B2B b) B2C c) B2D d) C2B Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel XML stands for a)Extensible Makeup Language _b) Extensible Markup Language c) Extensible Marking Language —_d) Extensible Marker Language 11 Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) 16. 17. 18, 19, 20. Note: 21. 22. 23. 24. &. (Record, Data integrity, primary key, Database, file) Collection of records is called as is a collection of interrelated data? Correctness of the Data is called as Is the uniquely identify each record in a table? Tuples are also called as PART-B ‘Answer any four questions. Each question carries TWO marks. 2X4=8 Prove algebraically X(X+Y) = X State the principle of duality. Write the dual of 1+X=1. Define base class and derived class. Write the features of default constructors. Differentiate between read( ) and write( ). 26. 2. 28. Note: 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. Note: a. 38. 39. 40. 41. Write the difference between data and information. Give the syntax and example of UPDATE command in SQL. What is communication (transmission) mode? Explain simplex mode. Shivamurthy’s Academy YouTube Channel PART-C Answer any four questions. Each question carries THREE marks. 3X4=12 What is the purpose of ports, buses and controllers in the 1/0 system? Construct logic diagram for OR and NOT operations using only NOR gates. Write an algorithm for insert element into a one dimensional array. Explain the operations performed on pointers. Write the member function belong to ifstream class. Mention any three advantages of random/direct access file organization. Define E-commerce. Write the various technologies and services used in E-commerce. Explain the general structure of HTML. PART-D Answer any six questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 5X6=30 Given Boolean function. F(A, B, C, D) = £(0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map. Explain the different operations performed on QUEUE data structure. What is stack? Write an algorithm for PUSH( ) and POP( ) operation. Give the difference between POP and OOP. What are member functions in a class? Write any four characteristics of member functions. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. When is function overloading is needed? Write any two advantages and restrictions on overloading functions. What is a constructor? Mention different types of constructors and Explain any one constructor in brief. What is a Inheritance? Briefly explain multilevel and multiple inheritance. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel What is a database? Mention any four applications of database. Explain any five relational / Comparison operators in SQL with suitable examples. Define the following network devices. a) MODEM b) HUB c) REPEATER d) BRIDGE e) ROUTER 11PU COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ MODEL PAPER 1 PART-A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20=20 1, Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1, Which is the leading microprocessor developer company in the world? (a) Dell (b) Intel (c) Microsoft (a) uP 2, Boolean algebra deals with SAivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Binary numbers (b) Decimal numbers. (c) Octal numbers (d) Hexadecimal numbers 3. The other name of NOT gate is (a) Neglect gate (b) Inverter gate (c) XOR gate (d) XNOR gate 4, ‘The data structure that allows the insertion, as well as the deletion from both the ends, are: (a) String (b) Linked List data structure (c) Stack data structure (d) Dequeue data structure 5 isan instance of a class (b) Data members (b) Member functions (©) Objects (d) Access specifiers 6, Funetion overloading also known as (a) Run time polymorphisi (b) Abstraction (©) Encapsulation (d) Compile time polymorphism 7. Constructor is used to initializ automatically (a) Member functions (b) objects (©) Data members (d) All the above 8, Capability of one class acquiring properties from another class is called (a) Polymorphism (b) Abstraction (c) Overloading (@) Inheritance 9, Pointer is used to store (a) Memory addres (b) Value (©) Data (d) Information 10. is called information (a) Raw fact (b) collection of data (©) Unprocessed data (d) Processed data (a) Theoretical Language (b) Procedural Language (©) Structured Language (d) Unstructured Language 12. FTP stands for (a) Final Transistor Protocol (b) File Transformation Protocol (c) File Transfer Protocol (d) File Transaction Protocol 13. iis the messages transmitted from web server to a web browser (a) Cookies (b) SMS (c) Chatting (d) None of the above 14, Which type of the following software source code is not freely available? (a) Proprietary software (b) Free software (c) Open source software (d) All the above Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 15. HTML stands for (a) Hyper Text Makeup Language (b) Hyper Text Markup Language (c) Hyper Text Marking Language (d) Hyper Text Marker Language IL. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Security, Redundancy, DBMS, Database, Table) 16, Collection of rows and columns is called as 17.____isa collection of interrelated data. 18, Data duplication is called as, 19. is a software for creating and managing databases 20, Protection of data is the PART-B IIL, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks, 2x4=8 21, Prove X= X. 22. Define tautology and fallacy. 23. Briefly explain classes in OOp's 24, What is destructor? Give example for destructor. 25. Mention any two functions of ifstream and give their meaning 26. Give any two advantages of database system. 27. Give the syntax and example for INSERT command in SQL, 28, Write the difference between LAN and WAN. PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks, 3x4=12 29. Briefly explain characteristics of mother board 30, Write the logic diagram and the truth table for XOR gate. 31, Give the memory representation of stack data structure. 32, Mention any three advantages of pointers, 33. What is a data file? Differentiate between text and binary files. 34, Give the meaning for any three components of E-R diagram. 35. What is e-commerce? Explain any one type of e-commerce 36, Explain any three table tags in HTML. Shivamurthy’'s Academy YouTube Channel T-D Answer any SIX questions, Each question carries five marks. Sx6=30 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = £(0,2,5,7,8,10,13,15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38. Explain any different operations performed on primitive data structure. 39. Write an algorithm to delete a data element from the queue. 40. Give the advantages of object oriented programming, 41. With an example explain member function inside the class definition. 42. What is a friend function? Mention the characteristics of a friend function. 43. What is a constructor? Write rules for creating a constructor. 44, What is inheritance? Explain any two types of inheritance. 45. Differentiate between manual and electronic data processing. 46. Explain CREATE and UPDATE commands in SQL. 47. Explain the following: i SMS ii E-mail ili, Voice mail iv. Chat _v. Video conference PART -A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20=20 1. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. Which of the following is not an example for /O port? (@) USB (b) MODEM. (Pcl (d) Serial Port 2. Another name of Boolean algebra is, (a) Switching algebra (b) Relational algebra (©) Logical algebra (d) None of the above 3. Which of the following is not a derived gate? (a) NAND gate (b) AND gate (©) XOR gate (d) XNOR gate 4. is an example for non-primitive data structure (a) Arrays (b) int (©) float (d) pointers 5 Functions referred in a class are called (a) Data members. (b) Member functions (c) Class functions (d) Sub functions 6. Function cannot be overloaded when (a) Function names are same (b) Function names are different (c) Number of parameters are different (d) Data types of parameters are different 7. Constructor must be declare in. section (a) Private (b) Protected (c) Public (d) Anywhere inside the class. 8. Base clas is called Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Sub class (b) Super class (c) Inherited class (d) Built-in class 9. Which of the following is the correct way to declare a pointer? (a) int *ptr b) int ptr (c) int &ptr d) All of the above: 10. is collection of raw facts, figures, values (a) Data (b) information (c) Database (d) Processed data 1, Which of the following is an example for DML command (a) UPDATE (b) INSERT INTO (©) DELETE (d) All the above 12. Hotspot refers to (a) Venue offers Wi-Fi access (b) Offers free software (c) Offers physical connection (A) Offers storage space 13. HTTP stands for (a) Hyper Text Travel Protocol (b) Hyper Type Transfer Protocol (c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (d) Hyper Text Transmit Protocol 14, Software licensed under exclusive legal rights of the copy right holder (a) Proprietary software (b) Free software (c) Open source software (d) All the above Shivamurthy' 'S Academy YouTube Channel 1S. is the extension of HTML files. (a) xml (b) html (e) txt (d) xls I. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Tuple, Rectangle, MySQL, ISAM, Schema) 16. The structure of database is called as. 17.____ is the symbol used to represent entity. 18, Row of a table is also called as 19,__isa software for creating and managing databases. 20. is a combination of serial and random file organization. PART-B IIL, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks, 2x4=8 21. Prove X+ XY =X. 22. Define mintermand maxterm. 23. Define Abstraction and encapsulation. 24. What is default constructor? Write its features, 25. Mention any two functions of ofstream and give their meaning. 26. Give any two applications of database system. 27. Give the syntax and example for UPDATE command in SQL. 28. Write the difference between simplex and duplex mode. PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3x4=12 29. What is cache memory? Explain its types. 30. Write the logic diagram and the truth table for XNOR gate. 31. Give the memory representation of one dimensional array. 32. Write different operations performed on pointers. 33. Explain different file modes. 34. Mention different database users. 35. Write the advantages of E-Commerce. 36. Explain any three text formatting tags used in HTML. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel "ART-D Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = £(0,4,6,7,8,12,14,15).. Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map), 38. Explain any different operations performed on linear data structure. 39. Write an algorithm to insert a data element from the queue. 40. Give the applications of object oriented programming. 41. With an example explain member function outside the class definition 42, What isa fiend function? Write its syntax and example. 43. What is destructor? Write its characteristics. 44. What is inheritance? Explain any two types of inheritance. 45, Explain data processing cycle. 46. Explain different SQL group functions. 47. What is topology? Explain any two types of topology 5x6=30 {PU COMPUTER SCIENCE - MODEL PAPER 3 PART-A Answer all the questions, Each question carries one mark. 1x20=20 I Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. L1 cache resides in (a) Motherboard (b) RAM (c) Processor (@) Main memory 2. Canonical Sum Of Product expression represented using symbol (as @)n O& @E 3. Standard symbol for XOR sateis. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel @e (b)o. (e)+ (d)- 4, Name the data structure which is called LIFO list (a) Arrays (b) Stack (©) Queue (d) Linked List 5. Member functions can be defined (a) Inside class (b) Outside class (©) Inside & Outside class (d) Inside Main function 6, Function can be overloaded when (a) Funetion names are same (b) Data types of parameters are different (6) Number of parameters are different (d) All the above 7. Return type specifier of constructor is (a) Basie data type (b) Derived data types (©) User defined data type (d) Do not have any return type 8. Derived class is called (a) Sub class (b) Super class (©) Main class (d) First class 9, Which of the following operator is used to declare pointer? (@)* (b) & ()= (d)~ 10. Field in a database is (a) Table (b) Row (©) Cell (@) Column, 11. Which of the following is an example for DDL command? (a) UPDATE (b) INSERT INTO (c) DELETE (d) CREATE 12. Which of the following is an example for simplex communication mode? (a) Radio (b) Internet (©) Walkie - Talkie (d) Modern telephone system 13. Hardware device used to connect several computers together is (a) Repeater (b) Modem (©) Hub (@) Ethernet card 14. Which of the following software is not web browser?” (a) Google Chrome (b) Yahoo (c) Internet explorer (d) Mozilla Firefox. 15. is a page used to present information through text, images, audio, video cte.,on web (a) Word processor (b) Notepad (©) Wordpad (a) Web page Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel IL Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (View, Diamond, Oracle, Data mining, DBA) 16. Jevel is also called as external level in data abstraction. 17. is the symbol used to represent relationship in E-R diagram, 18, Person who have the authorization to access, monitor data base is 19, is a software for creating and managing databases. 20, Extracting and discovery of knowledge from large amount of data is called PART-B IIL, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2x4=8 21. Prove XX +XY =X. 22, What is duality theorem? Find the dual of | +X =X. 23. Define base class and derived class. 24, What is parameterized constructor? Write its features 2, Mention any two functions of fstream and give their meaning. 26. What is data independence? Mention its types. 27. Give the syntax and example for DELETE command in SQL. 28. Mention any two antivirus softwares. PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3x4-12 29. Expand UPS. Explain its types. 30. Write the logic diagram and the truth table for NAND gate. 31. Give the memory representation of two dimensional arrays. 32. Write pointer declaration and initialization, 33. Give the functions of: (a) get( ) (b) getline( ) (c) read( ) 34. Explain relational data model with example. 35. Define the term: (a) Web page (b) W.W.W (c) Web browser 36, Explain any three basic HTML tags, Shivamur thy's Academy YouTube Channel PART-D Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks, 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = 11(0,4,8,9,10,11,12,13,15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38, Explain any different operations performed on arrays. 39. Write applications of queue. 40. What is object oriented programming? Write its limitations. 41. Explain class definition with syntax and example. 42. Explain inline functions with programming example. 43. What is destructor? Write its syntax and programming example. 44. Write the advantages of inheritance. 45. Differentiate between hierarchical and network data model, 46. Explain different logical operators used in SQL, 47. What is networking? Explain the goals of networking. Hepennmenneerennney Sx6=30 1 PU COMPUTER SCIENCE - MODEL PAPER 4 PART- A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20=20 I. Select the correet answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1, Name the standard used in latest motherboard (a) XT (b) AT (c) Baby AT (d) ATX Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 2. Canonical Product Of Sum expression represented using. symbol. {a)$ wn (o) & @z 3, Standard symbol for XNOR gate is fe (b)o ©~ @- 4. Name the data structure which is called FIFO list (a) Arrays (b) Stack (c) Queue (d) Linked List 5, Members declared in_ section are accessible outside the class? (a) Public (b) Private (c) Protected (d) None of the above 6. Keyword inline is used to define (a) Inline functions (b) Friend funetions (6) Constructor (@) Destructor 7. Constructor must be declared in. section (a) Public (b) Private (6) Protected (d) Anywhere inside the class 8, Aclass whose properties are inherited by another class is (a) Sub class (b) Base class (6) Inherited class (@) Derived class 9. Which of the following operator is used to initialize pointer? (a* (oe © @~ 10, Single entry in a table is called (a) Attribute (b) Domain (e) Record (@) Field 11. Which ofthe following is an example for DDL command (a) UPDATE (b) INSERT INTO (©) DELETE (a) CREATE 12, Which ofthe following is an example for duplex communication mode? (a) Radio (b) Internet (c) Walkie - Talkie (d) Modern telephone system 13. Hardware device used to convert analog signals to digital is, (a) Repeater (b) Modem (©) Hub (d) Ethernet card 14, Which of the following software is a web browser? (a) Google (b) Yahoo (c) Internet explorer (d) Photoshop 15, Collection of web pages is called_Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Folder (b) File (c) Website (4) Word document 1, Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Metadata, Table, Primary key, Eclipse, Physical) 16 level is also called as internal level in data abstraction. 17,__ is the symbol used to represent attributes in E-R diagram. 18, is an entity like table, 19,____uniquely identifies each record in a table. 20. Data about data is called PART-B IIL, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2x4=8 21, Prove (X + YX +Z)=X + YZ 22. Dein sum-of-product and product-of:sum expressions, 23. Define Polymorphism and message passing 24, Mention different types of constructors. 25, What is a stream? Mention any one stream used in C++ 26. Explain database users 27. Give the syntax and example for INSERT INTO command in SQL 28, What are communication modes? Explain simplex mode PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3x4-12 29, What is port? Explain serial port. 30. Write the logic diagram and the truth table for AND gate. 31, Write an algorithm for PUSH operation in stack 32, Differentiate between static and dynamic memory allocation, 33. Give the functions of put( ), get( ) and write( ) functions, 34, Briefly explain one-tier database architecture. 35. What is web browser? Mention any two browsing softwares. 36, What is web hosting? Mention types of web hosting, Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel Answer; 1y SIX questions, Each question carries five marks. 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = 2(0,3.4,6,8,9,10,11,12,14). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map) 38, Write an algorithm for search elements using binary search 39. Explain different operations performed on stack data structure 40, Explain different characteristics of OOP's 41, What is the significance of using access specifiers? Explain different access specifiers, 42. Explain function overloading with syntax and example. 43. What is default constructors? Explain with syntax and example program. 44, Explain single level inheritance with a programming example. 48, Differentiate between Electronic and manual data processing, 46, Explain GROUP BY and ORDER BY commands with syntax and example, 47. What is computer virus? Give measures of preventing computer virus PUT - PAPI PART-A Answer all the questions, Each question carries one mark. 1x20=20 1 Select the correet answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. Name the devices connected to North bridge of the processor (a) Sound card (b) Video card () USB (@) Memory card 2. Boolean algebra used in the designing of (a) Softwares (b) Input devices (c) Output devices (d) Electronic circuits 3. Standard symbol for AND gate is (a) + (bo (c)~ (d)- 4, Data type of array subscript is Shivamurthy’s Academy YouTube Channel (a) float (b) double (c) int (d) char 5. Which access specifier is implicitly used in class? (a) Public (b) Private (c) Protected (d) None of the above 6. Inline functions should be defined (a) Before all functions (b) After all functions: (c) Outside class (d) Anywhere in a program 7. Which type of constructor do not accept any arguments? (a) Default constructor (b) Parameterized constructor (©) Copy constructor (a) None of the above 8. A class which derives properties from another class (a) Main class (b) Base class (6) Super class (A) Derived class 9, Memory allocated during runtime is, memory allocation (a) Compile time (b) Dynamic (6) Static (@) None of the above 10. Set of values in a column is called (a) Attribute (b) Domain, (c) Record (d) Field ul. commands described schema and sub schema (a) DML (b) DQL (c) DDL (d) DCL 12, Which of the following is an example for half duplex communication mode? (a) Radio (b) Internet (c) Walkie - Talkie (d) Moder telephone system 13. Virus spreads through (a) Network (b) E Mail (c) Foreign disc (d) All the above 14, URL stands for__ Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Uniform Resource Locator (b) Uniform Resource Location (c) Unique Resource Locator (d) Uniform Research Locator 15. The process of embedding and creating scripts in a webpage is called (a) Web hosting (b) Web scripting (©) Website (¢) Webpage IL Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (E.F Codd, Hashing, Candidate, Data warehousing, Instances) 16. keys are the keys which are not currently selected as primary key. 1 is the repository of organizations electronically stored data. 18, Father of relational algebra is, 19 is set of values in each row 20. Algorithm used in random or direct access file organization is, PART-B IIL. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2x4=8 21. What is principle of duality? Give one example. 2, State and prove complementary law. 23. Write any two limitations of OOP's. 24, Mention the features of parameterized constructor. 25. Differentiate between read{ ) and write) 26, What are the advantages and disadvantages of ISAM? 27. Give the syntax and example for CREATE command in SQL. 28. What is meant by client and server? PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3x4=12 29. Explain any three types of motherboard. 30. Write the logic diagram and the truth table for NOR gate. 31, Write an algorithm for traversal in a linear array 32, Define: (a) Pointer (b) Static Memory Allocation (©) Dynamie Memory Allocation 33, Give the functions of. (a) get( ) (b) getline( ) (©) read ) 34, Mention any three advantages of randonwdirect access method. 35, What is meant by shareware? Write its limitations 36, Explain general structure of HTML. Shivamurthy's Academy Yoeyyube Channel Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. 5x6=30 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = E(1,3.4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14,15).. Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38, Write an algorithm for insertion sort method. 39, Write applications of stack data structure 40, Write the difference between procedural and object oriented programming techniques 41, Explain object definition with syntax and example. 42, When is function overloading is needed? Write any two advantages and restrictions, 43, What is copy constructor? Explain with syntax and example program. 44, Explain different types of inheritance. 45, Differentiate between hierarchical and network data model. 46, What is Data Definition Language? Give its functions. 47, What is computer virus? Write the symptoms(characteristics) of computer virus. Hennennenonneenenne PART Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20=20 I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. Form factor defines_ of motherboard. (a) Functions (b) Geometry and structure (¢) Data coordination (a) Memory 2. Minterm notation of xyz is Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a)m (b) Mr (c)ms (d) Ms 3. Standard symbol for NOT gate is @e (bo (+ (d)- 4. Which of the following is an example for non-linear data structure? (a) arrays: (b) stack (c) Queue (d) Trees 5. operator used to access members of a class (a) (b); (c) (d)* 6. Advantages of inline function includes (a) Faster execution (b) increasing readability (c) Generating efficient code (d) All the above 7. Inwhich type of constructors all the objects created initializes to same set of values (a) Default constructor (b) Parameterized constructor (c) Copy constructor (4) None of the above 8, Advantages of inheritance is (a) Reusing existing code (b) Easy to extend (c) Memory utilization (@) All the above 9, new operator is used to create memory during (a) Compile time (b)Runtime (©) Static time (d) None of the above 10. Table with rows and columns is called. (a) Column (b) Row (c) Relation (d) Field 1 commands used to define relationship between records, (a) DML (b) DOL (©) DDL (a) DCL 12, Which of the following is the first computer network? (a) TCPAP (b) TELNET (c) ARPANET (d) INTERNET 13, Which networking device is used to connect two network together? (a) Hub (b) Modem (c) Repeater (@) Bridge 14, Which of the following software is provided to user on limited trial basis? (a) Shareware (b) FLOSS: (©) Freeware (A) Free software 15. Inwhich type of hosting the company rents an entire server ftom the hosting company? (a) Free hosting (b) Dedicated hosting (© Virtual hosting (@) Shared hosting IL. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (Attributes, Data security, Information, Data model, End users) 16, Abstract model that describes how data is represented and used is 17. describes the characteristics of an entity, 18, The processed for of data is 19. are the people who access the database for querying, updating, generating repots 20 is an example for advantages of DBMS. PART-B. IIL. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks, 2x4=8 21. Write truth table and logic symbol for NOT gate 22. State and prove idempotance law. 23. Explain classes with example, 24, Mention the features of copy constructor. 25. Differentiate between get( ) and getline( ). 26. Differentiate between data and information. 27. Mention different data types used in SQL. 28. Give any two applications of computer networks, PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks, 3x4=12 29. Explain any three slots present in motherboard. 30. Realize AND, OR ,NOT gates using NAND gate 31, Write an algorithm for POP operation in stack 32. What is the purpose of new and delete operator? 33. Give the funetions of (a) seekg( ) (b) tellg() (©) put) 34, Explain different components of E-R diagram. 35. What is 36, What is web scripting? Explain its types. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube. Channel Answer any SIX questions, Each question carries five marks, 5x6 -commerce? Explain any two types. 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = mp+m:+ms+my+ms+m;+ms+my+mytmi+mys+mis Reduce it by u 38. Write an algorithm to search elements using linear search 1g Karnaugh map (K-Map). 39, Explain operations performed on queue data structure. 40. Write application of object oriented programming, 41. Explain array of objects with syntax and programming example. 42. What is inline function? Write its advantages and disadvantages 43. What is constructor? Write an example program. 44, Explain different types of inheritance. 45. Explain DBS architecture. 46. Explain different comparison operators used in SQL. 47. Explain different types of switching techniques. 1LPU COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ MODEL PAPER 7 PART Answer all the questions, Each question carries one mark. 1x20 I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. Which of the following device is not an example for USB? (a) Keyboard (b) Monitor (c) Printer (d) Mouse Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 2. A K-Map of n variables is made up of (a) 2° (b) 3° or @s 3. Which ofthe following is a universal gate? (a) NAND (b) OR (©) XOR (d) XNOR 4, Which of the following is not an example for linear data structure? (a) arrays. (b) stack (c) Queue (d) Trees 5 operator used to access members outside the class (a) (b); ©). (d) 6. Inline function may not work if function is (a) too long (b) recursive (c) have switch or looping (d) All the above 7. Ifdifferent objects are initialized with different values which type of constructor is preferred? (a) Default constructor (b) Parameterized constructor (©) Destructor (a) None of the above 8, Symbol used while defining derived class. (a) (b) ; (©. (d) 9. operator is used delete memory created during runtime (a) new (b) delete () NOT (@) AND 10, Process of organizing data in database is called (a) Data warehouse (b) Normalization (©) Data mining (d) Database ul is a SQL data type (a) varchar (b) number (©) char (d) All the above 12. In which topology all computers are connected through hub? (a) Bus topology (b) Ring topology (c) Star topology (d) Mesh topology 13. CDMA stands for Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Common division muttiple access (b) Common data multiple access (c) Code division multiple access (d) Common divide multiple access 14, Which of the following is not related to shareware? (a) Source code not available (b) Modification to source code is not allowed (c) Software is completely free of cost (d) Allthe above 15. Which of the following is not text layout tag? (a)

(b) (©)

in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Alternate key, Data Model, Foreign key, staging, domain) 16. Key which is not selected as primary key is, 17, key combines two database tables. 18. Set of values for an attribute in each column is 19. describes how data is represented and used. 20. Process of cleaning, standardized and loading data in data warehouse is called PART-B 1. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 21. Prove xy +N7= x. 22, State and prove commutative las using truth table, 23. List different characteristics of OOP". 24. Mention different types of constructors. 25. What are the advantages of saving data in binary form? 26. Define primary key and foreign key. 27. Mention different logical operators used in SQL. 28. Name different types of networking cables. PART-C Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3 29. Explain different components of motherboard. 30. Realize AND, OR ,NOT gates using NOR gate 31. What is queue? Mention different types of queue. 32. What is dynamic memory allocation? Explain. 33. Give the functions of: (a) eof{ ) (b) seekp() (©) tellp() 34, Explain any three types of keys used in database creation. 35. Write a note on open source software. 36. Explain different types of hosting websites. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Chapnel Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. S5x6= 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = 2(1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11,13,15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38. Write an algorithm to insert and delete an element from an array. 39. Explain operations performed on linked list. 40. Write the advantages of object oriented programming. 41. Describe how objects can be used as function arguments. 42. What is function overloading? Explain the need for overloading 4 44, Explain the visibility modes in inheritance Explain default constructors with syntax and example. 45. What is data warehouse? Explain the components of data warehouse. 4 4 & Explain SQL constraints with example. 4 . Explain any five networking devices. Spesonreeee EEE il L PAPI PART-A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. Parallel port is used to carry. bytes of data (a) 1 Byte (b) 8 Byte (©) 1 Bit (d) 1 Mega byte 2. Result of any logical expression is always FALSE(0), is called (a) Tautology (b) Fallacy (c) Minterm (d) Maxterm 3. What is the output of the 2 input OR gate for inputs A = 0, B=0? (a) Output 0 (b) Output 1 (c) No output (d) Both (a) and (b) 4, Which of the following is an application of stack? (a) Backtracking (b) Reversing a word (c) Tower of hanoi (d) All the above 5. Array having class type elements is called (a) Array of pointers (b) Array of objects (c) Array of elements (d) Array of variables 6. Friend function must be defined (a) inside class (b) outside class with keyword friend (c) Outside class without keyword friend (d) anywhere in the program 7. Constructor used to copy one object to another object is (a) Default constructor (b) Parameterized constructor (c) Copy constructor (d) None of the above Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel 8. Visibility mode defines (a) Type of derivation (b) Type of data types (c) Type of function (d) None of the above 9. is the collection of addresses (a) Array of objects (b) Array of pointers (c) Array of elements (d) Array of variables. 10. Abstract model the describes how data is represented and used is (a) Data warehouse (b) Data Model (c) Data mining (d) Database u operator used to search for values that are within a set of values (a) ANY (b) BETWEEN (c) ALL (d) EXISTS 12. Device that amplifies a signal being transmitted on the network is (a) Hub (b) Modem (©) Repeater (@) Bridge 13. Which of the following is not an example for antivirus software? (a) Kaspersky (b) Norton 360 (©) Quick heal (d) Turbo ¢++ 14. Which of the following is not an advantage of E-commerce? (a) 24X7 service (b) Global participation (0) Free trial before purchasing (d) Home delivery Is refers to the web content that changes each time it is viewed (a) HTML (b) XML (©) DHTML (d) None of the above. IL. (Repeated answers will not be considered) ill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (one-tier, Data independence, serial file organization, tuple, Attribute) 16, Each column is identified by distinct header called "7 is the architecture where users direetly sit on DBMS and uses it. 18, Each row ina table is called 19 stores data in serial order in the database. 20. Ability database to modify schema at one level without affecting it on another level is Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube { Channel ILL Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 21, Prove xy +xy= x. 22, State De-Morgans theorems. 23, List different characteristics of OP's 24. Mention different types of constructors, 25. What are the advantages of saving data in binary form? 26, Define primary key and foreign key. 27. Mention different logical operators used in SQL. 28, Name different types of networking cables. PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 29. What is bus? Mention its types 30. What are derived gates mention different derived gates. 31. What is linked list? Mention its types 32. What is static memory allocation? Explain. 33. Explain methods of opening files in C++. 34. Explain logical two tier client server architecture. 35. Write the features of open source softwares, 36. Explain types of web scripting, Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube,Chanpel Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = £(0,1,2,3,4,8.9,10,11, 12). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map), 38. Write an algorithm to perform PUSH and POP operation in stack. 3 4 S Explain different operations performed on linear array. & |. Explain different characteristics of object oriented programming, 41, What is an object? Explain syntax and example for object definition. 4 4 4 8 Explain the characteristics of friend functions. & . Explain destructor with syntax and example & |. Define the terms:(a) Inheritance (b) Base class (c) Visibility mode (d) Abstract class __(e) Virtual base class 4 4 4 B Explain the features of database system. a Explain ALTER and UPDATE command with syntax and example. 3s What is networking? Explain the applications of networking. Spore E ore 1LPU COMPUTER SCIENCE - MODEL PAPER 9 PART Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20 I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1, CMOS is used to store (a) Intermediate data (b) Date and time instructions (©) input data () Output result 2. Result of any logical expression is always TRUE(1), is called (a) Tautology (b) Fallacy (©) Minterm (d) Maxterm 3. What are the inputs to a3 input OR gate if its output is 0? (a) All inputs must be 1 (b) All inputs must be 0 (©) Atleast one input must be 0 (@) Atleast one input must be 1 4, Name the data structure whose relationship between data elements is by means of links (a) Arrays (b) stack (c) Queue (d) linked list 5. Which of the following is the default access specifier? (a) Public (b) Protected (c) Private (d) None of the above 6. Friend function isa. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Member function (b) Non member function (c) Main function (d) Recursive function 7. In constructor declaration of object is followed by argument list enclosed in parenthesis is (a) Implicit call (b) Explicit call (©) Initialized at the time of declaration using = (d) None of the above 8. Ifno visibility mode is specified then by default the visibility mode is (a) Public (b) Protected (c) Private (d) None of the above 9. is the built in pointer that hold the address of the object defined for a class (a) this pointer (b) new (c) delete (d) AND 10. Visual representation of data that describes how data is related to each other is (a) ER diagram (b) flowehart (c) Data model (@) None of the above i operator used to compare value to any applicable value in the list (a) ANY (b) AND (ALL (@) NOT 12, Which is the system/software application which has internetwork capability of joining dissimilar network?” (a) Gateway (b) Bridge (c) Router (d) Switch 13. Which of the following is the characteristic of virus? (a) Able to replicate (b) Reduce memory space (0) Modification of data (d) All the above 14, Which of the following is not related a service of E-Commerce? (a) E-MAIL (b) E-Banking (c) Electronic fiund transfer (d) Finance 15. Which of the following is HTML tag is used to create table? (a) (b) (c) (d) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (tree, domain, DBMS, entity, Database) 16, Set of values for an attribute in each column is 17. 18. Hierarchical model follows, structure s an application software used for creating, updating, managing database 19, is a collection of logically related data 20. is an object like table. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Chagnet IIL Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2x4 21. Find the complement of the expression F= XY + XZ +XY 22. Draw a general K-Map for 3 variables. 23. Define class and object. 24. Write syntax and example for copy constructor. 25. Name the stream classes supported by C++ for file input and output. 26. Define Primary key and Secondary key. 27. What is dual table? Give example. 28, Write advantages of networking, PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions, Each question carries three marks. 3x4 29. What is the purpose of ports, bus and disk controllers 30. What are universal gates? Mention different universal gates 31. What is stack? Write any two applications of stack. 32. What is self referential structure? Give example 33. Explain any three modes to open a file in C++ 34. Explain any E-R diagram notation and write its purpose... 35. Write advantages and disadvantages of WWW. 36. Give the features of XML. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. 5x6 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = mi+my+my+metmstmytmetmytmitmistmictmis Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38. What is sorting? Write an algorithm to sort an array using insertion sort. 39. What is queue? Explain different types of queue. 40. Write the difference between procedural and object oriented programming, 41. What are access specifiers? Explain different access specifiers. 42. Explain inline function with syntax and example program 43. Explain destructor and its characteristics 44, What is inheritance? Write its advantages. 48. Differentiate between electronic and manual file organization. 46. Explain DELETE and UPDATE command with syntax and example. 47. Explain different switching techniques. eee 11 PU COMPUTER SCIENCE ~ MODEL PAPER 10 PART-A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20= 2 I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. The function of BIOS is (a) Stores data (b) Store Date and time instructions (c) Stores input data (4) Stores instructions to load hardware setting 2. Method of simplifying the expression by passing most possible values is, (a) Perfect induction method (b) Algebraic simplification (odes tyvaie Shivamurthy's Acad cademy YouTube Channel 3. NOR gate is a combination of gates (a) NOT AND (b) NOT OR (©) NOT NAND (a) NOT NOR 4, Which of the following is not an application of queue? (a) Simulation (b) Converting infix to postfix expression (©) Scheduling algorithm, (d) Maintenance of printer server 5 is the process of representing essential features without including background details. (a) Data abstraction (b) Inheritance (©) Data hiding (@) Polymorphism 6. Friend function must be defined (a) inside class (b) outside class with keyword friend (c) Outside class without keyword friend (d) anywhere in the program 7. Function which initializes object of a class automatically is (a) Destructor (b) Friend function (©) Constructor (d) Inline function 8. In private inheritance public members of base class becomes. members of derived class. (a) Public (b) Protected (©) Private (d) Allofthe above 9, Pointers pointing to object ofa class called (a) Array of pointers (b) Class pointers (c) Object pointer (d) This pointer 10, Field ina relation that matches the primary key column of another table (a) Primary key (b) Foreign key (c) Secondary key (a) Candidate key ul operator used to search for the presence ofa row in a specified table (a) ANY (b) AND, (©) ALL (d) EXISTS. 12, In which type of communication one interface is transmitter and all other interfaces are receivers? (a) Simplex (b) Duplex. (c) Half duplex. (d) All the above 13, SMS stands for__ Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Small Message System (b) Small Message Service (c) Short Message Service (d) Short Message System 14. is the exchange of services, information or products between two consumers, (a) B2B (b) B2C (CB (d) C20 15, Which of the following is HTML tag is used to create forms? (a)
(b) (© (a) IL, Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (one-tier, Data independence, serial file organization, network model, Attribute) 16, Each column is identified by distinct header called 17, isa data model that follows graph structure 18, Each row in a table is called 19. stores data in serial order in the database. 20, Ability database to modify schema at one level without affecting it on another level is PART-B II, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2x4=8 21, Write the statement for De-Morgans theorem. 22. X+Y = +X evaluate using truth table. 23. Write any two limitations of OOP's. 24, Write syntax and example for parameterized constructor, 25. Write the difference between put( ) and get( ) functions. 26. What is data mining? Mention its components. 27. What is the purpose of GRANT and REVOKE, 28. Explain circuit switching technique. PART-C IV, Answer y FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3x4 29. What is bus? Mention its types. 30, Write truth table and logic symbol for XOR gate. 31. What is queue? Write any two applications of queue. 32. What is relationship between object and pointers? Give example, 33. Write the difference between text file and binary file 34. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ISAM? 35. Define E-Commerce. Write its services. 36. Give the features of DHTML, Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. 5x6=3 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = £(0,48,9,10,11,12,13). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38. Write an algorithm for search elements using binary search. 39. Explain different operations performed on stack data structure. 40, Write the difference between procedural and object oriented programming 41. What are access specifiers? Explain different access specifiers. 42. What is function overloading? Write the needs for function overloading, 43. Explain constructor with syntax and example. 44, What is inheritance? Explain multiple and muttilevel inheritance 45, Explain data processing cycle 46, Explain INSERT INTO and SELECT command with syntax and example. 47. What is network security? Explain different protection methods. ILPU COMPUTER SCIENCE - MODEL PAPER 11 PART-A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20=2% I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1 is a system designed to transmit information between electronic musical instruments. (a) MIDI (b) VGA. (c) DVI (d) Firewire t 2. Sum of several literals is called_Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel (a) Tautology (b) Fallacy (c) Minterm (d) Maxterm 3. NAND gate is a combination of. _ gates (a) NOT AND (b) NOT OR (c) NOT NAND (d) NOT NOR: 4. Base address is (a) Address of first element (b) Address of last element (c) Address of middle element (d) Address of any element 5. is an ability ofan object to more than one form (a) Data abstraction (b) Inheritance (c) Data hiding (d) Polymorphism 6. Friend keyword is required while function (a) Defining (b) Declaring (c) Both defining and declaring (d) Not needed 7. Constructor overloading is not possible in (a) Default constructor (b) Parameterized constructor (c) Copy constructor (d) Destructor 8. Which of the following is most used visibility mode in inheritance? (a) Public (b) Protected (©) Private (d) None of the above 9 is the structure that include an element that points to another structure of same type (a) Memory heap (b) Self referential structure (c) Structure (d) Memory poo! 10. Application software used to create, update, access and manage data in data structure is (a) DMBS (b) Database (©) File (d) Folder ML. operator used to search for values that are within a set of values (a) BETWEEN (b) AND (c) ALL. (d) EXISTS 12, In which type of communication each interface works as transmitter and receiver alternatively. (a) Simplex (b) Duplex. (c) Half duplex (d) All the above 13, The legal and regulatory aspects of internet and WWW is (a) Protocols (b) Cyber law (c) Cyber crime (a) Crackers 4 is the exchange of services, information or products between two business partners. (a) BB (b) B2C (0) CB (aac 15. Type of web hosting which hosts web pages free of cost (a) Free hosting (b) Colocation hosting (c) Dedicated hosting (d) Virtual hosting IL Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Heirarchical model, Number, random file organization, tuple, G-sat) 16, is an example for data mining software. 17, is a data model that follows tree structure. 18. Each row ina table is called 19. stores data in random order in the database. 20. An example for data types used is DBMS is Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel PART-B IIL, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks. 2xd= 21. Prove algebraically XX + XY =X 22. Write the logic circuit diagram for (X + YX +Z) =X +¥Z 23. Write any two characteristics of OP'S. 24. Write rules for naming constructors, 25. Write the difference between ifstream and ofstream class. 26. What is data mining? Mention its components, 27. Classify various SQL operators. 28, What are the advantages of networking, PART-C IV. Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries three marks. 3xd= 29, Explain cache memory. 30. Realize AND, OR gate using NOR gate. 31. What is linked list? Mention its types. 32, Define a pointer. Write its declaration and initialization 33. Write the difference between text file and binary file 34, Explain any three types of keys. 35. Give the advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce. 36. Give the advantages of web designing. PART-D s. Each question carries five marks. 5x6=30 Answer any SIX questi 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = 3(1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,13,15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map). 38, What is an array? Write an algorithm to insert an element into an array. 39, Write an algorithm to insert and delete an element from stack. 40. Write the applications of OOP’s. 41. What are member functions? Write an example program to define member functions outside elas. 42, What is inline function? Write an example program. 43, Explain destructor with syntax and example. 44, What is inheritance? Explain single and multilevel inheritance 45. Explain three level DBMS architecture. 46. What is data definition language? Explain SELECT and UPDATE command. 47. What is network topology? Explain star and ring topology. seseneseneneneneeee I PU COMPUTER SCIENCE - MODEL PAPER 12 PART—A Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1x20 I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered) 1. L2 cache is present in (a) Along with CPU (b) Between CPU and RAM (c) Along with RAM (d) On the motherboard 2. Product of several literals is called (a) Tautology (b) Fallacy (c) Minterm (d) Maxterm AL Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel logic gate is an (a) Electronic circuit works on signals (b) Table with values (c) Device which gives result (d) None of the above 4, Subscript of first element ofan array is (1 (0 ()N (d) N-l 5. Access specifiers used to implement (a) Data abstraction (b) Inheritance (©) Data hiding (d) Polymorphism 6. Friend function must use to access class members. (a) Object (b) dot operator (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Scope resolution operator 7. A class can have how many destructors? (a1 (b)2 (c) Any number (a) Cannot have destructor 8. Which of the following is most used inheritance? (a) Public (b) Protected (c) Private (d) Allof the above 9. Dynamically allocated memory not deleted remains occupied called (a) Orphaned memory (b) Memory poo! (©) Stream (d) Structure 10. Which of the following is not an example for DBMS software? (a) MS Access (b) Oracle (c) IBM DB2 (d) MS Excel M. operator used to searches every row of a specified table for uniqueness. (a) BETWEEN (b) AND (c) UNIQUE (4) EXISTS 12. isa high speed computer which facilitates services in network. (a) Server (b) Client (©) Workstation (d) Node 13, Which of the following is an application of computer network? (a) E Mail (b) SMS (c) Sharing of resources (d) All the above 14, WWW stands for (a) World Wide Web (b) World Wild Web (c) Word Wide Web (a) World Width Web 15. Which of the following is HTML tag is not an attribute of
tag? (b) (a)
IL. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets. (Repeated answers will not be considered) (Think analytics, one-tier, Domain, tuple, Attribute) 16. Each column is identified by distinct header called 17. is the architecture where users directly sit on DBMS and uses it. 18. Each row ina table is called 19. is an example for data mining software. 20. Set of values present in a column is called Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube Channel IIL, Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries two marks, 2x4=t 21. State and prove involution law. 22. Give the applications / uses of De-Morgan’s theorem, 23, Write any two advantages of OOP's. 24. Write syntax and example for destructors. 25, Write the difference between get( ) and getline( ) functions. 26. What is data warehousing? Mention its components. 27. Whaat is the purpose of COMMIT and ROLLBACK, 28. Explain packet switching technique. PART-C r 29. Explain different components of motherboard. 30. Write truth table and logic symbol for XNOR gate. . Answer any FOUR questions. Each question earries three marks. 3x41 31. Give the memory representation of 2-dimensional array in column major order. 32. Give the operations performed on pointers. 33. What isa file? Explain its types. 34. What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct or random access method? 35. Define E-Commerce. Write its disadvantages. 36. Give the general structure of HTML. Shivamurthy's Academy YouTube,Chgnnel Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five marks. Sxt 37. Give the Boolean function F(A,B,C.D) = 2(1,2,3.4,5,7,9,10,11,15). Reduce it by using Karnaugh map (K-Map) 38. Write an algorithm for search elements using linear search. 39. Explain different operations performed on Queue data structure. 40. Write the advantages of object oriented programming, 41, What are access specifiers? Explain different access specifiers. 42. What is function overloading? Explain with syntax and example. 43, Explain parameterized constructor with syntax and example 44, What is inheritance? Explain hierarchical and hybrid inheritance 45, Explain data base architecture. 46. What are SQL group functions? Explain any five group functions. 47. What is network security? Explain different protection methods. sere e EE ER

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