Art & Design - Art and Design Form 1 - Marking Scheme

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Term 3 - 2023
ART AND DESIGN - Marking Scheme
Time: 2 Hours

Name: …………………………………………………………. Adm No: ……………….

School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: …………………..
Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………...


a) Write your name, Class, house and date in the spaces provided above
b) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
c) Answer all questions in sections A and B and any ONE in Section C.
d) Answers to all the questions must be written in the spaces provided.
e) Where drawings and diagrams are appropriate, they should be included within the text of your answers
f) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and
that no questions are missing.

For Examiner’s Use Only

Section Question Maximum Score


A 1 20
2 05
B 3 05
4 05
5 05
6,7,8 15
9/10 15
Max. Score 70

Answer all the questions in this section.


a) Give any two characteristics of organic shapes

Irregular in character/line
Appears to be in motion. (2marks)

b) Study the artwork below,

(i)Identify the type of perspective portrayed in the drawing above

(One-point perspective) (Any1, mark)
(ii) Name the part marked X-Varnishing point (1mark)
c) What do you understand by the term texture? Roughness or smoothness of a surface/object.
The surface quality of an object/the degree of roughness or smoothness of a surface/object.

(ii)Give two types of texture Tactile and visual/simulated texture (2marks)

d) Study the colour triangle below.

(i) Identify any two sets of complimentary colours (2mks)

(i)Set of primary and secondary-Red and Green, Blue and orange, Yellow and purple
(ii) Set of tertiary and tertiary-Blue green and Red orange, yellow green and Red purple, yellow
orange and blue purple
(ii) Any 3 sets of triadic colours
(i)Set of primary-Red, yellow, blue
(ii) Set of secondary-Yellow, Purple, Green
(iii) 2sets of tertiary-Yellow green, blue purple, Red orange,
Yellow orange, blue green, Red purple. (Any 3- 3mks)
(iii) Any three sets of analogous colours
(iv) Orange, yellow orange, red orange.
Purple, Blue purple, red purple.
Green, Blue green, yellow green. (3marks)

(v) State the resultant colour achieved when yellow is mixed with blue in the ratio of 2:1 respectively
Light green/yellow green colour is obtained (1mark).
(v)Blue+ little white gives light blue,State the term used for this process-Tinting.(1mark)

e) (i)Define balance. The state of equilibrium between the elements used in a composition

(ii)Explain the type of balance depicted in the above picture (2marks)

Symmetrical balance-
Then shapes in the composition are visually balanced and identical both sides of the central axis
The shapes are in a mirror image


Answer all the questions in this section.

2. Study the composition below and answer the questions that follow.

a) State the category for such a type of artwork. (1mark)

-Still life drawing
b) Explain any two uses of the following elements in the above composition.
i. Tone
Creates illusion and depth
-Suggests movement
-Models a form and creates 3D effect. (Any 2=2marks)

ii. Shape –express feelings, ideas and emotions

-suggests movement
-creates illusions and volume/space
Creates 2D objects used to create forms (3D) (Any 2=2marks)
iii. Study the letter anatomies below:


Name parts A Counter.
B Apex
C Serif D
D Cross bar (4marks)

(b)What is the origin and meaning of the word Graphics?

Graphikos, A Greek word meaning-To write? (1mark)

4.a) What name is given to
(i) Small cut out pieces of coloured materials that create the composition in mosaic work?(1mk)
(ii)Small road-like network of spaces left in between the mosaic artworks -Interstices (1mark)

(iii)State any two uses of lines

Creates moods express feelings and ideas
Encloses shapes
Defines a form
Suggests movement
Creates depth(1mark)

b) Study the picture below.

Name & explain the principal that has not been properly observed in producing the above picture.
Proportionality-The large/exaggerated size of the head as compared to the rest of the body parts
(torso/burst and limbs) makes the form unproportional.

5(i) Differentiate between dry and wet media tools in art. Dry media, use dry pigments such as, chalk, charcoal,
pencils while wet media use liquid such as pens, paints and the likes. (2marks)
(ii)Name three approaches and stages of drawing

Approaches: From observation

From imagination
From memory (1 ½ marks)

Stages: Drawing as a sketch

Drawing as a study
Drawing as complete work. (1 ½ marks)

6. Outline the principles of art and design

Rhythm and movement
Contrast (3 marks)
(b)Give any two reasons why African man painted in caves.
As a symbol of success e.g. after a successful hunting expedition
Expression of their ideas, feelings and emotions
Religious purposes, e.g. worshiping their gods-some animal and other forms.
As a sign of adoration etc.
(Any 2=2marks)

7. (i) Give the difference between visual and performing art (2mks)

Visual arts are forms of creative artworks appreciated and by sight, e.g. paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc
while Performing arts are forms of creative activities showcased in front of audience, such as Music, dance
and drama
(ii)Give any 6 design courses in art. (3mk)
Graphic design, interior design, product design, Architectural design, web design, Graphic design, Fashion
design, fabric design, etc.

8(a) using any relevant illustration, differentiate between ascenders and descenders in the space bellow (2mks)
Use words like words like

day, dog bag, tag, and many more have ascenders and descenders

(b)In the space below, construct the word Art in the following fonts:

(i) Block upper caseART (1 ½ mks)

(ii) Serif letters ART (1 ½ mks)


9.In the space below, use calligraphic texts to write the first two lines of the stanza for the kenya national anthem-
english version (15marks)
Lettering-construction, spacing -4mks

Letter Style, proportions and shading-4mks

Outlines and neatness/shading-3mks

Media Use and tool control-4mks


10.In the space below, draw a simple landscape composition and label the following parts.
(i)Foreground,(ii)Middle ground (iii)Background (iv) Horizon (iv)Varnishing point ,(vi) Apply linear and
Atmospheric perspective

>Drawing skills, Subject relevance, shapes, forms and Proportions -4mks

>perspective and depth -4mks

>Labeling 6mks

> Execution and precision/quality=1mk

[Total 15mk)

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