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advanced vocabulary page encourage 30

avoid abstain from 3 give countenance to
agree accede to 4 focus give one’s mind to 31
visit call on 5 win come out on top 32
escape break loose 6 improve 33
overcome bridge over 7 go from strength to strength
see catch sight of 8 eventually at long last 34
talk non-stop 9 immediatelyat the double 35
chatter like a magpie continuouslyat a stretch 36
help come to one’s aid 10 depressed at a low ebb 37
laugh crack up 11 angry one’s blood is up 38
slowly enter creep into 12 frightened 39
reduce cut back 13 one’s blood runs cold
hurt 14 cheerfulbright and 40
cut someone to the quick breezy
eat dine on 15 happy cock-a-hoop 41
eat out dine out 16 angry with cross with 42
be achievedcome true 17 sad down in the dumps 43
spend moneydip into 18 surprised 44
one’s pocket eyes pop out of one’s head
discuss discourse on 19 relieved 45
prepare draw up 20 breathe a sigh of relief
damage eat away 21 slowly at a snail’s pace 46
sleep fall asleep 22 quickly 47
waste timefool around 23 by leaps and bounds
waste fool away 24 honestly fair and square 48
understandget a fix on 25 loudly at the top of voice 49
contactget in touch with 26 repeatedlyagain and 50
encounter problem 27 again
get into hot water fortunately 51
meet get together 28 as luck would have it
pursue go after 29 early in the morning 52
at the crack of dawn

abstain from 避免

Sentence 句子

We must abstain from smoking as it is not a good habit.

Practice 1 The examples of unhealthy

food are burger, ice-cream,
chocolate and so on. They are
not good for our health.

Subject 人名/主语 We must

Verb 动词 abstain from eating
What 什么食物?
Why 为什么?
because _____________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

3 Prepared by Teacher Ung

agree accede to 同意

Sentence 句子

Finally, my mother accedes to my request to go out with my friends at night.

Practice 2 Okay,I will

buy for

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 accedes to buy
What 什么物品?
Why 为什么? because I get good results in the exam.
Full sentence 完整句子

4 Prepared by Teacher Ung

visit call on 探望

Sentence 句子

Last school holiday, my family and I called on my grandparents at the village.

Practice 3

sick 生病
how are you?

in the hospital

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 called on 探望
Whom 谁?
at where 在哪里?
Why 为什么? because ________________________.
Full sentence 完整句

5 Prepared by Teacher Ung

break loose 逃跑

Sentence 句子

Marry and his friends ran as fast as they could to break loose from the big fire.

Practice 4
I have to break loose
from owner’s house as
soon as possible.我必须
The bad thief

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 has to break loose
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
from where 从哪里?
Full sentence 完整句子

6 Prepared by Teacher Ung

overcome bridge over 克服

Sentence 句子

All of us must bridge over the challenges to achieve great success in our life.

Practice 5

I believe that I can

bridge over the
obstacles 障碍.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 bridge over 克服
What 什么? ____________________ 障碍
Why 为什么? to achieve 达到 great success 成功 in my life.
Full sentence 完整句子

7 Prepared by Teacher Ung

see catch sight of 看

Sentence 句子

My little brother likes to catch sight of small ants crawling on the tree.

Practice 6
I wear a new
spectacles to catch
sight of everything


Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
What 什么?
Why 为什么? to catch sight of __________________________________ .
Full sentence 完整句子

8 Prepared by Teacher Ung

chatter like a
talk non-stop magpie 喋喋不休

Sentence 句子

My friends chatter like a magpie during recess time in the school.

Practice 7

Kelvin and Soon

Kai are best They are very
friends. delighted 开心.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 always chatter like a magpie
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
Why 为什么? because __________________________________ 因为他们是好
Full sentence 完整句子

9 Prepared by Teacher Ung

help come to
one’s aid 帮忙

Sentence 句子

My mother always comes to beggar’s aid by donating money generously.

Practice 8

go across the road

Ben and his
carefully 小心的

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 always comes to his grandmother’s aid
What 帮什么?
to ____________________________
Adverb 动作做得怎么样?
Full sentence 完整句子

10 Prepared by Teacher Ung

crack up 大笑

Sentence 句子

Kelvin always cracks up in front of his friends when he hears a funny jokes.

Practice 9

This movie is so
It makes me to crack
amusing 有趣的。
up delightedly. 它令

Subject 人名/主语 Every time,my brother

Verb 动词 cracks up
Adverb 笑得怎么
When 几时?
when __________________________________ 当他看有趣的电影。
Full sentence

11 Prepared by Teacher Ung

slowly enter creep into 偷偷潜

Sentence 句子

The thief creeps into the house silently to steal some valuable things.

Practice 10

at the midnight
the house

The thief silently 静悄悄地

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 creeps into
Object 物体
Adverb 怎么样偷偷潜
When 几时?
Full sentence 完整句子

12 Prepared by Teacher Ung

reduce cut back 减少

Sentence 句子

We must cut back waste such as plastic,paper and glass to save our earth.

Practice 11
Hi, everyone. Please
practicing reuse, recycle
and reduce in our daily

Subject 人名/主语 We must

Verb 动词 practice 养成
What 养成什么?
to ____________________________________________
Why 为什么? in order to cut back waste.

Full sentence 完整句子

13 Prepared by Teacher Ung

cut someone to
the quick 伤害

Sentence 句子

Lina cried with grief because her best friend cut her to the quick.

Practice 12

cried with grief

Sofia 伤心地哭

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Why 为什么? because her best friend, Mia cut her to the quick.
Full sentence 完整句子

14 Prepared by Teacher Ung

dine on 吃

Sentence 句子

My sister and I like to dine on mouth-watering burgers with cola and crunchy potato

Practice 13 I am extremely glad to

dine on supper with a
gang of old friends.

Subject 人名/主语 Last night, I

Verb 动词 dined on
What 吃什么?
With whom 跟谁? with ____________________________________一群老朋友。
Full sentence 完整句子

15 Prepared by Teacher Ung

eat out
dine out 外出

Sentence 句子

Every night, my family and I dine out as my mother does not cook dinner at night.

Practice 14

I realy like to come

to this romantic

Joseph and his girl friend

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 dine out
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
Where 在哪里?
at ______________________________ 在浪漫的餐厅。
Full sentence 完整句子

16 Prepared by Teacher Ung

be achieved come true 实现

Sentence 句子

I hope my dream to become a wealthy woman can come true sooner.

Practice 15

My dream is to buy a
new house.

Subject 人名/主语 I
Verb 动词 wish my dream
What 什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

17 Prepared by Teacher Ung

dip into one’s
spend money
pocket 花钱

Sentence 句子

Last week, I dipped into my pocket to buy my favourite toys.

Practice 16
We enjoy the shopping
time because the dress
shop is having a sale

Subject 人名/主语 My friends and I

Verb 动词
———————————————— 花我们的钱
What 什么? to buy as many as clothes we can
When 几时?
when _____________________________服装店有大减价。
Full sentence 完整句子

18 Prepared by Teacher Ung

discuss discourse on 讨论

Sentence 句子

I will discourse on difficult homework with my friend at the library.

Teacher, does the

Practice 17 solution of this
Mathematic question

John and his teacher

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 discourse on
What 什么? the ____________________________________________数学题
Why 为什么? because his weakest subject is Mathematic.
Full sentence 完整句子

19 Prepared by Teacher Ung

draw up 拟定

Sentence 句子

I draw up my school timetable and stick it on the wall in my bedroom.

Practice 18

according to the
customer’s request. kitchen plan

is drawing up
The designer

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
What 什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

20 Prepared by Teacher Ung

eat away 侵蚀

Sentence 句子

The rust has eaten away the roof of my house and causes my house to look so ugly.

Practice 19

The iron gate door

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 looks
Adjective 形容词 really ugly
Why 为什么? because __________________________________ 生锈已经侵蚀
Full sentence 完整句子

21 Prepared by Teacher Ung

sleep fall asleep 睡觉

Sentence 句子

Adlil fell asleep tiredly in front of his computer as he just slept for three hours last night
to complete his company project.

Practice 20

Mum, I still don’t want

to fall asleep.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Why 为什么? because he still wants to play.
Full sentence 完整句子

22 Prepared by Teacher Ung

Waste time fool around

Sentence 句子
I wish I can fool around the world one day.

Practice 21

fool around and not

to study

in order not to live

We must not regret.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

23 Prepared by Teacher Ung

fool away

Sentence 句子

We must not fool away our parents’ money as it is hard for them to earn money.

Practice 22

We must not priceless time and


Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 fool away
What 什么?
Why 为什么? because both them are vital in our life.
Full sentence 完整句子

24 Prepared by Teacher Ung

understand get a fix on

Sentence 句子

The pupils pay full attention in order to get a fix on what is teaching in the class.

Practice 23

to get a fix on the in the class


ask questions actively

Subject 人名/主语 The pupils

Verb 动词
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
Where 哪里?
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

25 Prepared by Teacher Ung

get in touch
with 联系

Sentence 句子

I sometimes get in touch with my little brother who studies abroad via media social
such as Facebook.

Practice 24

Hi, Miya. What are Hi, Sofia.I am drinking

you doing now? a cup of hot coffee.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 always gets in touch with
Whom 谁?
How 怎么样联系?
Full sentence 完整句子

26 Prepared by Teacher Ung

encounter problem get into hot

Sentence 句子

Wei Jun gets into hot water as he fails in his History test again and again.

Practice 25

in the class

when they don’t know how to

Kiki and Joshua do the questions in the exam

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 get into hot water
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
When 几时?
Full sentence 完整句子

27 Prepared by Teacher Ung

get together

Sentence 句子

Betty gets together delightedly with his old friends once a month.

Practice 26

We are so delighted as
we can get together to
keep up 保持 our
friendship 友谊.

Chloe and Ming Zhi

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 get together
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
Why 为什么? to __________________________________ 保持关系。
Full sentence 完整句子

28 Prepared by Teacher Ung

go after

Sentence 句子

Bryan decides to go after his dream by studying hard .

Practice 27

to go after his dream

works hard
as a manager

Subject 人名/主语 My brother

Verb 动词
Why 为什么?
When 几时? within a year.
Full sentence 完整句子

29 Prepared by Teacher Ung

encourage give
to 鼓励

Sentence 句子

My class teacher, Miss Lee always gives countenance to me in my studies.

Practice 28

Dear sister, you must

study hard to pass the
exam with flying colors.

Subject 人名/主语 My sister

Verb 动词 always gives countenance to me
Why 为什么?
so that ________________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

30 Prepared by Teacher Ung

focus give
(one’s )mind to

Sentence 句子

Jimmy gives his mind to his Mathematic homework before going outside to play with
his friends.

Practice 29
I am Jayden. I have to give
my mind to do revision so
that I can pass the exam
with flying colors.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 gives his mind to
do what 做什么?
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

31 Prepared by Teacher Ung

come out on
top 赢

Sentence 句子

Rayden tried his best to come out on top in the chess competition.

Practice 30
Congratulation! The
winner in the running
competition is David.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 came out on top
What competition
Full sentence 完整句子

32 Prepared by Teacher Ung

go from strength
to strength 不断

Sentence 句子

We must go from strength to strength in order to success in workplace.

Practice 31

Madam Lim to success in her career

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 goes from strength to strength
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

33 Prepared by Teacher Ung

eventually at long last 最后

Sentence 句子

Tommy found his car key at long last after finding it for three hours.

Practice 32

Alif near Puchong

his dream house at long last bought

lastis dream house at long last
Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
What 什么?
Where 哪里?

Full sentence 完整句子

34 Prepared by Teacher Ung

at the double
immediately 快速地

Sentence 句子

The cloud gets dark at the double as it is going to rain heavily.

Practice 33

Oh my god! I am
late already…….

always wakes up


Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Adverb 动作做得怎么样 at the double
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

35 Prepared by Teacher Ung

at a stretch

Sentence 句子

The officer works at a stretch from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Practice 34

Subject 人名/主语 It
Verb 动词 has been raining
Adverb 动作做得怎么样 at a stretch
How long 多久? for five hours.
Full sentence 完整句子

36 Prepared by Teacher Ung

at a low ebb

Sentence 句子

Mary is at a low ebb because she does not pass the exam with flying colors.

Practice 35

Where is my
favourite toy car? I
have lost it. I
cannot find it.

Subject 人名/主语 Jackson

Verb 动词
Adjective 形容词 at a low ebb
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

37 Prepared by Teacher Ung

angry is up 生气

Sentence 句子

Mia’s blood was up because her little brother ripped her school workbooks to pieces.

Practice 36

Mei’s blood was up

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Why 为什么? because her mother did not buy favourite clothes for her.
Full sentence 完整句子

38 Prepared by Teacher Ung

(One’s) blood
frightened runs cold 害怕

Sentence 句子

My sister’s blood ran cold when she watched horror movie alone at midnight.

Practice 37
Why I heard some noises
coming from behind? I
was frightened.

Subject 人名/主语 Gim Seng’s

Verb 动词 blood ran cold
When 几时?
when ————————————————————————
Full sentence 完整句子

39 Prepared by Teacher Ung

bright and
breezy 快乐的

Sentence 句子

It is bright and breezy morning, I feel energetic to do my daily activities.

Practice 38

Subject 人名/主语 Kelvin

Verb 动词 is
Adjective 形容词
Object 名词 baby
Why 为什么? because ______________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

40 Prepared by Teacher Ung


Sentence 句子

The children are cock-a-hoop after school.

Practice 39

Mummy, I have just drunk a

bottle of milk.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 is
Adjective 形容词
When 几时?
when _______________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

41 Prepared by Teacher Ung

cross with
angry with

Sentence 句子

Jimmy was cross with his mother for not buying him toy cars.

Practice 40
Leon, why you don’t
want playing with me?

Subject 人名/主语 Daren

Verb 动词 was cross with
Object 名词
Why 为什么?
for _____________________________________ 没有跟他玩。
Full sentence 完整句子

42 Prepared by Teacher Ung

down in the
sad dumps 伤心

Sentence 句子

Hock Seng was down in the dumps when his school holiday came to an end.

Practice 41
I was down in the dumps
because my friend
moved to other country.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 was
Adjective 形容词 down in the dumps
Why 为什么?
because ______________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

43 Prepared by Teacher Ung

surprised eyes pop out of
(one’s) head 惊讶

Sentence 句子

Sophia’s eyes popped out of her head when she saw her friends giving her a valuable
diamond as birthday gift.

Practice 42

It was a charming dress.


Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 eyes popped out of her head
Why 为什么?
because _______________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

44 Prepared by Teacher Ung

breathe a sigh
of relief 放松

Sentence 句子

I breathed a sigh of relief after I attended the interview of the job that I had applied last

Practice 43

Finally, I had done my
revision at last minutes.

Subject 人名/主语 Louis

Verb 动词 breathed a sigh of relief
When 几时? when _________________________________________________
Full sentence 完整句子

45 Prepared by Teacher Ung

at a snail’s
pace 慢慢地

Sentence 句子

The baby learns to walk at a snail’s pace when he is one year old.

Practice 44 Oh no, he ran faster

than me in the running

Subject 人名/主语 John

Verb 动词 ran
Adverb 动作做得怎么样
When 几时?
Full sentence 完整句子

46 Prepared by Teacher Ung

quickly by leaps and
bounds 迅速地

Sentence 句子

The exam results of Mandy has improved by leaps and bounds.

Practice 45
Good job!
The firefighter arrived at the
scene within 10 minutes.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Where 哪里?
Adverb 动作做得怎么样? by leaps and bounds
Why 为什么?
to _________________________________灭火。
Full sentence 完整句子

47 Prepared by Teacher Ung

fair and
square 公平地

Sentence 句子

Alice won in the writing competition fair and square so she was over the moon.

Practice 46

Congratulation! Steven.
You are the winner in the
running competition.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 won
Object 名词 in the running competition
Adverb 动作做得怎么样?
Full sentence 完整句子

48 Prepared by Teacher Ung

at the top of
loudly voice 大声的

Sentence 句子

William likes to scream at the top of voice when he is unhappy.

Practice 47

Mum, I am hungry. I want

to drink a bottle of milk.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词 cries
Adverb 动作做得怎么样 at the top of voice
Why 为什么? because __________________________________ 他想喝奶。
Full sentence 完整句子

49 Prepared by Teacher Ung

again and
repeatedly again 重复的

Sentence 句子

My mother is a super woman because she does house chores again and again every day.

Practice 48
I must do revision again and
again in order to become an
useful person in future.

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Adverb 动作做得怎么样 again and again
Why 为什么?
Full sentence 完整句子

50 Prepared by Teacher Ung

as luck would
fortunately have it 幸运的

Sentence 句子

As luck would have it, nobody was injured seriously in the accident just now.

Practice 49
Yeah!I get good results in the

Subject 人名/主语 As luck would have it, I

Verb 动词
Object 名词
Full sentence 完整句子

51 Prepared by Teacher Ung

at the
early in the morning crack of
dawn 清晨

Sentence 句子

At the crack of dawn, I like to see the scenic view through the window in my bedroom.

Practice 50

The rooster crows on the

big trunk .

Subject 人名/主语
Verb 动词
Object 名词
When 几时? at the crack of dawn.
Full sentence 完整句子

52 Prepared by Teacher Ung

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