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Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal


Square Root

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

1. What is the sum of 1/4 and 1/3?

a) 2/7
b) 3/7
c) 5/12
d) 7/12

2. Which fraction is equivalent to 2/5?

a) 4/10
b) 3/7
c) 1/2
d) 6/10

3. If you multiply 3/8 by 2, what is the result?

a) 1/4
b) 3/16
c) 6/16
d) 3/4

4. What is the reciprocal of 5/9?

a) 9/5
b) 5/9
c) 1/9
d) 9/1

5. Which fraction is smaller: 2/3 or 5/8?

a) 2/3
b) 5/8
c) They are equal.
d) It cannot be determined.

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

6. What is the difference between 7/12 and 1/6?

a) 1/2
b) 1/3
c) 5/12
d) 1/4

7. Which of the following fractions is in its simplest form?

a) 4/10
b) 1/3
c) 5/15
d) 6/12

8. If you multiply 1/5 by 3/4, what is the result?

a) 3/9
b) 3/20
c) 4/15
d) 3/5

9. What is the reciprocal of 1?

a) 1/1
b) 1/2
c) 2/1
d) 0/1

10. Which fraction is larger: 3/7 or 4/9?

a) 3/7
b) 4/9
c) They are equal.
d) It cannot be determined.

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

11. What is the sum of 5/6 and 1/2?

a) 3/4
b) 7/12
c) 1 1/3
d) 1/3

12. Which fraction is equivalent to 3/9?

a) 4/8
b) 1/3
c) 2/6
d) 6/18

13. If you multiply 4/7 by 5/6, what is the result?

a) 42/20
b) 10/21
c) 15/28
d) 9/14

14. What is the reciprocal of 0?

a) 0
b) 1/0
c) Undefined
d) 1

15. Which fraction is smaller: 2/5 or 3/8?

a) 2/5
b) 3/8
c) They are equal.
d) It cannot be determined.

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

16. What is the sum of 2/3 and 3/4?

a) 11/12
b) 9/12
c) 1 5/12
d) 1/7

17. Which fraction is equivalent to 6/10?

a) 3/5
b) 2/5
c) 6/15
d) 1/2

18. If you multiply 5/8 by 2/3, what is the result?

a) 10/24
b) 10/15
c) 15/24
d) 10/16

19. What is the reciprocal of 7/11?

a) 7/11
b) 11/7
c) 1/7
d) 11/1

20. Which fraction is smaller: 4/9 or 2/5?

a) 4/9
b) 2/5
c) They are equal.
d) It cannot be determined.

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal


1. If 25% of 40% of a number is 5, what is the number?

A) 20

B) 50

C) 125

D) 200

2. If 15% of 25% of a number is 9, what is the number?

A) 240

B) 120

C) 60

D) 36

3. If 10% of 50% of a number is 8, what is the number?

A) 160

B) 80

C) 20

D) 400

4. If 30% of 20% of a number is 6, what is the number?

A) 15

B) 50

C) 100

D) 200

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

5. If 10% of 35% of a number is 7, what is the number?

A) 120

B) 200

C) 60

D) 35

6. If 5% of 40% of a number is 4, what is the number?

A) 60

B) 120

C) 150

D) 200

7. A toy store had a stock of toys. They sold 50% of the toys and have 300 toys left. How many toys did
they originally have?

A) 150

B) 300

C) 450

D) 600

8. A grocery store had a stock of apples. They sold 60% of the apples and have 200 apples remaining.
How many apples did they originally have?

A) 150

B) 250

C) 400

D) 500

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

9. A tech store had a supply of laptops. They sold 35% of the laptops and have 65 laptops left. How many
laptops did they originally have?

A) 65

B) 100

C) 150

D) 200

10. A clothing store had a collection of shirts. They sold 20% of the shirts and have 400 shirts remaining.
How many shirts did they originally have?

A) 200

B) 300

C) 400

D) 500

11. A bookstore had some books. They sold 25% of the books and still have 450 books left. Originally,
how many books did they have?

A) 300

B) 450

C) 600

D) 750

12. Which number is 30% less than 120?

A) 72

B) 84

C) 90

D) 105

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

13. What is the number that is 10% less than 150?

A) 145

B) 140

C) 135

D) 120

14. Which number is 15% less than 80?

A) 68

B) 78

C) 65

D) 72

15. What is the number that is 30% less than 200?

A) 100

B) 120

C) 140

D) 160

16. Which number is 30% less than 50?

A) 10

B) 20

C) 30

D) 35

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal


1. In a school, there are 80 students in the 7th grade. The number of students who want to learn
French and the number of students who want to learn Spanish are in the ratio 3:5. Calculate the
number of students who want to learn French and those who want to learn Spanish.
A) 15 French and 25 Spanish
B) 18 French and 30 Spanish
C) 24 French and 40 Spanish
D) 30 French and 50 Spanish

2. In a zoo, the number of lions to tigers is in the ratio 4:7. If there are a total of 99 lions and tigers
combined, how many tigers are there?
A) 63 tigers
B) 44 tigers
C) 55 tigers
D) 72 tigers

3. The ratio of boys to girls in a classroom is 3:4. If there are 28 students in total, how many girls are
A) 9 girls
B) 12 girls
C) 14 girls
D) 16 girls

4. A company's revenue and expenses are in the ratio 5:3. If the company's total expenses are
$24,000, what is the company's total revenue?
A) $15,000
B) $24,000
C) $30,000
D) $40,000

5. A box contains red, green, and blue marbles in the ratio 4:3:2. If there are 36 marbles in the box,
how many green marbles are there?
A) 9 green marbles
B) 12 green marbles
C) 18 green marbles
D) 24 green marbles

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal


1. What is the average of the numbers 3, -7, 8, 12, and -2?

A) 2.5

B) 2.8

C) 3.2

D) 4.0

2. Given the set of numbers 5, -9, 7, 11, -3, what is their average?

A) 2.2

B) 2.6

C) 3.0

D) 3.4

3. Which of the following sets of numbers has an average of 3?

A) 3, 6, 3, 3, 0

B) 2, 4, 3, 2, 5

C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

D) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

4. Which number should be added to the set -4, 3, 6, 7 to get an average of 4?

A) 4

B) 6

C) 8

D) 10

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

5. The average of six numbers is 15. If one of the numbers is excluded, the average becomes 14. What
is the excluded number?
A) 20
B) 22
C) 24
D) 25

6. The average of five numbers is 8. If a new number 14 is added to the set, what will be the new
A) 8.5
B) 9
C) 9.5
D) 10

7. The average of four numbers is 10. If a new number 20 is added to the set, what will be the new
A) 11
B) 12
C) 13
D) 14

8. If the average of six numbers is 15 and a new number added to the set increases the average by 1,
what is the new number?
A) 21
B) 26
C) 27
D) 32

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

9. A student scored an average of 85 on her first 5 exams. How much does she need to score on her
sixth exam to have an average of 87 over all six exams?
A) 95

B) 97

C) 99

D) 100

10. The average weight of 8 boxes is 10 kg. If a new box weighing 19 kg is added to the set, what will be
the new average weight of the boxes?
A) 10.5 kg

B) 11 kg

C) 11.5 kg

D) 12 kg

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal


1. Ravi borrowed Rs 5000 from a bank for 2 years at an interest rate of 5% per annum. How much
interest will he have to pay after 2 years?
A) Rs 250

B) Rs 500

C) Rs 750

D) Rs 1000

2. Meena takes a loan of Rs 12000 for 3 years at a rate of 8% per annum. What will be the total amount
she has to repay after 3 years?
A) Rs 12880

B) Rs 13600

C) Rs 14280

D) Rs 15000

3. If the simple interest on a sum of Rs 8000 for 4 years is Rs 3200, what is the rate of interest?
A) 8%

B) 9%

C) 10%

D) 12%

4. A sum of Rs 6000 yields a simple interest of Rs 900 in 3 years. What is the rate of interest?
A) 4%

B) 5%

C) 6%

D) 7%

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

5. The simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years is Rs 500. If the principal amount is Rs 2500, what
is the rate of interest?
A) 8%

B) 10%

C) 12%

D) 15%

6. If the rate of interest is 10% and a person pays an interest of Rs 500 in one year, how much amount
did he borrow?
A) Rs 4000

B) Rs 5000

C) Rs 6000

D) Rs 7000

7. If the simple interest on a sum for 3 years is Rs 360 and the rate of interest is 8%, what is the principal
A) Rs 1000

B) Rs 1500

C) Rs 2000

D) Rs 2500

8. A sum of Rs 7000 yields an interest of Rs 980 in 2 years. What will be the interest for 3 years at the
same rate?
A) Rs 1470

B) Rs 1500

C) Rs 1600

D) Rs 1650

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

9. Rahul borrows Rs 4000 for 5 years. At the end of 5 years, he repays Rs 5200, which includes both the
principal and the interest. What is the rate of interest?
A) 5%

B) 6%

C) 7%

D) 8%

10. If a sum of Rs 1000 is compounded annually at a rate of 10% for 2 years, what will be the compound
interest earned?
A) Rs 1000

B) Rs 1050

C) Rs 1100

D) Rs 1500

11. If a sum of Rs 5000 is compounded annually at a rate of 10% for 2 years, what will be the compound
interest earned?
A) Rs 1000

B) Rs 1050

C) Rs 1100

D) Rs 1500

12. What will be the compound interest on Rs 20000 for 3 years at an annual interest rate of 10%?
A) Rs 6620

B) Rs 6510

C) Rs 6978

D) Rs 5986

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

13. If a sum of Rs 8000 is compounded annually at a rate of 20% for 2 years, what will be the compound
A) Rs 3520

B) Rs 3850

C) Rs 2850

D) Rs 1400

14. If a sum of Rs 500 is compounded annually at a rate of 10% for 2 years, what will be the compound
A) Rs 100

B) Rs 225

C) Rs 105

D) Rs 600

15. A principal amount of Rs 2400 is compounded annually at a rate of 5% for 2 years. What will be the
compound interest?
A) Rs 256

B) Rs 365

C) Rs 420

D) Rs 246

16. A sum of Rs 4000 is compounded annually at a rate of 10% for 3 years. What will be the compound
interest earned?
A) Rs 1234

B) Rs 1432

C) Rs 1561

D) Rs 1324

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Profit and Loss

1. A vendor bought 1 kg of oranges for Rs. 80 and sold it for Rs. 100. What is the profit percentage?
A) 15%
B) 20%
C) 25%
D) 30%

2. A shopkeeper bought a shirt for Rs. 600 and sold it at a loss of Rs. 100. What is the selling price?
A) Rs. 500
B) Rs. 700
C) Rs. 490
D) Rs. 510

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

3. A merchant sold a product for Rs. 900 and incurred a loss of 10%. What was the cost price?
A) Rs. 800
B) Rs. 850
C) Rs. 1000
D) Rs. 950

4. A vendor sold goods at a profit of 15%. If the selling price was Rs. 575, what was the cost price?
A) Rs. 500
B) Rs. 490
C) Rs. 510
D) Rs. 520

5. If a trader incurred a loss of 8% by selling an item for Rs. 460, what was the cost price?
A) Rs. 480
B) Rs. 500
C) Rs. 450
D) Rs. 420

6. By selling 10 apples, a fruit seller gains the selling price of 2 apples. What is the profit percentage?
A) 20%
B) 25%
C) 22%
D) 28%

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

7. A computer is sold for Rs. 12,600 at a 20% profit. What is the cost price of the computer?
A) Rs. 10500
B) Rs. 20000
C) Rs. 8000
D) Rs. 15120

8. A toy was sold for Rs. 220 at a profit of 10%. What was its cost price?
A) Rs. 190
B) Rs. 200
C) Rs. 205
D) Rs. 210

9. A jeweler incurs a loss of 5% by selling a ring for Rs. 3800. What was the cost price?
A) Rs. 4000
B) Rs. 3950
C) Rs. 5025
D) Rs. 4100

10. A shopkeeper sells a book at Rs. 340 after offering a discount of 15%. What was the marked price?
A) Rs. 390
B) Rs. 400
C) Rs. 385
D) Rs. 395

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

11. The ratio of cost price and selling price is 4:5. The profit percent is
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 30%

12. If a person sells a ‘sari’ for Rs. 5200, making a profit of 30%, then the cost price of the sari is
a. Rs. 4420
b. Rs. 4000
c. Rs. 3900
d. Rs. 3800

13. A book is sold for Rs. 780, at a profit of 30%. What was the original cost price of the book?
a. Rs. 570
b. Rs. 600
c. Rs. 650
d. Rs. 585

14. A pair of shoes is sold at a loss of 20% for Rs. 1,200. What is the original cost price of the shoes?
a. Rs. 1,400
b. Rs. 1,500
c. Rs. 1,350
d. Rs. 1,280

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

15. A laptop was purchased for Rs. 25,000. After spending Rs. 5,000 on repairs, it was sold for Rs. 36,000,
resulting in a profit of 20%. What was the cost of the laptop?
a. Rs. 29,000
b. Rs. 30,000
c. Rs. 31,500
d. Rs. 32,000

16. A mobile phone was bought for Rs. 15,000. After a repair cost of Rs. 1,500, it was sold resulting in a
profit of 10% on the combined cost. What was its selling price?
a. Rs. 18,150
b. Rs. 17,500
c. Rs. 16,500
d. Rs. 16,150

17. A bicycle was purchased for Rs. 4,500. After a repair cost of Rs. 1,000, it was sold at a loss of 20% on
the combined cost. What was its selling price?
a. Rs. 4,400
b. Rs. 4,600
c. Rs. 5,000
d. Rs. 4,200

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Types of Sets in Mathematics

Singleton Set

Singleton Sets are those sets that have only 1 element present in them.


• Set A= {1} is a singleton set as it has only one element, that is, 1.

• Set P = {a : a is an even prime number} is a singleton set as it has only one element 2.

Similarly, all the sets that contain only one element are known as Singleton sets.

Empty Set

Empty sets are also known as Null sets or Void sets. They are the sets with no element/elements in them.
They are denoted as ϕ.


• Set A= {a: a is a number greater than 5 and less than 3}

• Set B= {p: p are the students studying in class 7 and class 8}

Finite Set

Finite Sets are those which have a finite number of elements present, no matter how much they’re
increasing number, as long as they are finite in nature, They will be called a Finite set.


• Set A= {a: a is the whole number less than 20}

• Set B = {a, b, c, d, e}

Infinite Set

Infinite Sets are those that have an infinite number of elements present, cases in which the number of
elements is hard to determine are known as infinite sets.


• Set A= {a: a is an odd number}

• Set B = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,…..}

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Equal Set

Two sets having the same elements and an equal number of elements are called equal sets. The elements
in the set may be rearranged, or they may be repeated, but they will still be equal sets.


• Set A = {1, 2, 6, 5}

• Set B = {2, 1, 5, 6}

In the above example, the elements are 1, 2, 5, 6. Therefore, A= B.

Equivalent Set

Equivalent Sets are those which have the same number of elements present in them. It is important to
note that the elements may be different in both sets but the number of elements present is equal. For
Instance, if a set has 6 elements in it, and the other set also has 6 elements present, they are equivalent


Set A= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}

Set B = {p, q, r, s, t}

Set A and Set B both have 5 elements hence, both are equivalent sets.


Set A will be called the Subset of Set B if all the elements present in Set A already belong to Set B. The
symbol used for the subset is ⊆

If A is a Subset of B, It will be written as A ⊆ B


Set A= {33, 66, 99}

Set B = {22, 11, 33, 99, 66}

Then, Set A ⊆ Set B

Power Set

Power set of any set A is defined as the set containing all the subsets of set A. It is denoted by the
symbol P(A) and read as Power set of A.

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

For any set A containing n elements, the total number of subsets formed is 2n. Thus, the power set of A,
P(A) has 2n elements.

Example: For any set A = {a,b,c}, the power set of A is?


Power Set P(A) is,

P(A) = {ϕ, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {b, c}, {c, a}, {a, b, c}}

Universal Set

A universal set is a set that contains all the elements of the rest of the sets. It can be said that all the sets
are the subsets of Universal sets. The universal set is denoted as U.

Example: For Set A = {a, b, c, d} and Set B = {1,2} find the universal set containing both sets.


Universal Set U is,

U = {a, b, c, d, e, 1, 2}

Disjoint Sets

For any two sets A and B which do have no common elements are called Disjoint Sets. The intersection
of the Disjoint set is ϕ, now for set A and set B A∩B = ϕ.

Example: Check whether Set A ={a, b, c, d} and Set B= {1,2} are disjoint or not.


Set A ={a, b, c, d}
Set B= {1,2}

Here, A∩B = ϕ

Thus, Set A and Set B are disjoint sets.

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

1. Which of the following is a finite set?

a) The set of all even numbers less than 100
b) The set of natural numbers
c) The set of all prime numbers
d) The set of integers

2. What is the cardinality of an empty set?

a) 0
b) 1
c) Infinity
d) Undefined

3. If Set A = {1, 2, 3} and Set B = {3, 4, 5}, what is A U B?

a) {1, 2}
b) {3, 4, 5}
c) {3}
d) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

4. What does the symbol "∪" represent in set theory?

a) Intersection
b) Union
c) Subset
d) Complement

5. If Set C = {a, b, c} and Set D = {c, d, e}, what is C ∪ D?

a) {a, b, c, d, e}
b) {a, b, d, e}
c) {c}
d) {a, b}

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

6. Which of the following is an example of a universal set?

a) The set of all even integers
b) The set of all real numbers
c) The set of all positive integers
d) The set of all odd numbers

7. What is the complement of a set?

a) The set itself
b) The set with all elements removed
c) The set with some elements added
d) The set with some elements inverted

8. If Set A = {a, b, c} and Set B = {b, c, d}, what is A ∩ B?

a) {a}
b) {b, c}
c) {d}
d) {}

9. Which of the following is an example of an infinite set?

a) The set of natural numbers less than 100
b) The set of all prime numbers
c) The set of even integers
d) The set of integers from -10 to 10

10. If Set P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and Set Q = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, what is P ∩ Q?

a) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
b) {4, 5}
c) {1, 2, 3}
d) {6, 7, 8}

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

11. What is the intersection of a set with the universal set?

a) The universal set itself
b) The empty set
c) The set itself
d) The complement of the universal set

12. Which of the following is an example of a singleton set?

a) {1, 2}
b) {a, b, c}
c) {7}
d) {3, 4, 5}

13. What is the union of a set with the empty set?

a) The empty set
b) The set itself
c) The universal set
d) A null set

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Question 1: If set P = {2, 4, 6, 8} and set Q = {6, 8, 10, 12}, what is P ∩ Q?

a) {2, 4}
b) {6, 8}
c) {10, 12}
d) {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}

Question 2: If set M = {red, blue, green} and set N = {blue, yellow, purple}, what is M ∪ N?
a) {red, blue, green}
b) {blue}
c) {red, blue, green, yellow, purple}
d) {green, yellow, purple}

Question 3: If set S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and set T = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, what is S ∩ T?

a) {1, 2, 3}
b) {4, 5}
c) {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
d) {}

Question 4: If set U = {a, b, c, d} and set V = {c, d, e, f}, what is U ∩ V?

a) {a, b}
b) {c, d}
c) {e, f}
d) {}

Question 5: If set W = {x, y, z} and set X = {y, z, w}, what is W ∪ X?

a) {x, y, z}
b) {y, z}
c) {x, y, z, w}
d) {w}

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Question 6: If set A = {1, 2, 3} and set B = {4, 5, 6}, what is A ∩ B?

a) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
b) {1, 2, 3}
c) {4, 5, 6}
d) {}

Question 7: If set P = {apple, banana, cherry} and set Q = {cherry, grape, kiwi}, what is P ∩ Q?
a) {apple, banana, cherry, grape, kiwi}
b) {cherry}
c) {apple, banana, grape, kiwi}
d) {}

Question 8: If set M = {red, green, blue} and set N = {yellow, green, purple}, what is M ∩ N?
a) {red, green, blue, yellow, purple}
b) {green}
c) {red, yellow, purple}
d) {}

Question 9: If set X = {2, 4, 6, 8} and set Y = {1, 3, 5, 7}, what is X ∩ Y?

a) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
b) {}
c) {2, 4, 6, 8}
d) {1, 3, 5, 7}

Question 10: If set A = {a, b, c} and set B = {c, d, e}, what is A ∪ B?

a) {a, b, c, d, e}
b) {c}
c) {a, b, c, d, e}
d) {a, b, d, e}

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Fractions and Decimals

1. A number, when one-fourth of it is increased by 15, becomes equal to one-eighth of it increased by

45. What is the number?

A) 60
B) 120
C) 90
D) 150

2. If one-sixth of a number increased by 25 is equal to one-third of the number decreased by 15, what
is the number?

A) 120
B) 150
C) 180
D) 210

3. One-seventh of a number decreased by 10 equals half the number increased by 40. Find the

A) 140
B) 210
C) 280
D) 350

4. A number, when one-third of it is increased by 30, becomes equal to half of it decreased by 20.
What is the number?

A) 150
B) 180
C) 210
D) 240

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

5. If one-fifth of a number decreased by 10 is equal to one-fourth of the number increased by 20, what is
the number?

A) 160
B) 200
C) 240
D) 280.

6. One-sixth of a number increased by 60 equals one-third of the number decreased by 30. Find the

A) 180
B) 270
C) 360
D) 450

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

1. If 4/3 of a number is 8, what is the number?

A) 4
B) 6
C) 10
D) 12

2. If 5/3 of a number is 10, what is the number?

A) 4
B) 6
C) 8
D) 12

3. If 2/5 of a number is 8, what is the number?

A) 10
B) 16
C) 20
D) 25

4. If 3/4 of a number is 15, what is the number?

A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 25

5. If 7/2 of a number is 21, what is the number?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8

6. What is the product of 1.2 and 2.5?

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

A) 2.7
B) 3.0
C) 2.4
D) 3.6

7. What is the product of 1.6 and 3.0?

A) 4.8
B) 5.2
C) 4.6
D) 4.2

8. What is the result of multiplying 2.3 and 1.5?

A) 3.45
B) 4.50
C) 3.35
D) 3.55

9. If you multiply 2.2 with 3.0, what do you get?

A) 6.0
B) 6.4
C) 6.6
D) 6.8

10. What is the product of 1.3 and 2.4?

A) 3.12
B) 3.5
C) 2.23
D) 3.02

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

11. If you multiply a number by 6, and the result is 24, what is that number?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

12. A number, when multiplied by 5, gives 20. What is the number?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

13. Two numbers multiply to give 12.8, and one of them is 3.2. What's the other number?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

14. The product of two numbers is 9.6. If one number is 2.4, what is the other number?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

15. The product of two numbers is 15.6. If one of them is 3.9, what is the other number?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

16. What is the fraction representation of the decimal 0.25?

A) 1/5
B) 1/4
C) 2/5
D) 2/8

17. Convert the decimal 0.75 into its simplest fractional form.
A) 3/5
B) 7/10
C) 3/4
D) 7/8

18. What fraction represents the decimal 0.6?

A) 1/6
B) 3/5
C) 6/10
D) 2/3

19. Convert the mixed fraction 2 3 into an improper fraction.

A) 7/3
B) 5/3
C) 6/3
D) 8/3

20. What is the improper fraction representation of 3 5

A) 17/5
B) 15/5
C) 16/5
D) 14/5

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

21. Convert the mixed fraction 54 into an improper fraction.

A) 23/3
B) 23/4
C) 24/4
D) 20/4

22. Convert the improper fraction 11/3 into a mixed fraction.

A) 2 2/3
B) 3 2/3
C) 3 1/3
D) 2 1/3

23. What is the mixed fraction representation of 18/4?

A) 4 1/2
B) 4 2/4
C) 5 1/2
D) 5

24. Convert 26/5 into a mixed fraction.

A) 5 5/1
B) 6 1/5
C) 5 1/5
D) 5 2/5

25. Convert the product 3 x 1/4 into a decimal.

A) 0.75
B) 1.25
C) 2.5
D) 3.75

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

26. What is the decimal representation of 4 x 2/5?

A) 0.8
B) 1.6
C) 2.4
D) 3.2

27. Convert the product 6 x 3/4 into a decimal.

A) 2.5
B) 3.5
C) 4.5
D) 5.5

28. What is 7 x 1/3 when converted into a decimal?

A) 2.1
B) 2.3
C) 2.33
D) 2.4

29. Convert the product 5 x 1/5 into its decimal form.

A) 0.2
B) 1
C) 1.5
D) 2

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

Basic operations in maths

1. What is the result of the expression 56 - 4 × 2 + (18 ÷ 3) ?

a) 54

b) 55

c) 42

d) 70

2. What is the result of the expression 20 + 5 × 2 - (12 ÷ 4)?

a) 12

b) 47

c) 27

d) 28

3. What is the result of the expression 48 ÷ (6 + 2) × 3 - 5?

a) 9

b) 13

c) 15

d) 18

4. What is the result of the expression 7 × (4 - 2) + 10 ÷ 5?

a) 9

b) 16

c) 10

d) 14

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

5. What is the result of the expression 15 - (6 × 2) + 4 ÷ 2?

a) 6

b) 8

c) 5

d) 12

6. What is the result of the expression 20 ÷ (3 + 2) × (5 - 1)?

a) 6

b) 12

c) 16

d) 24

7. What is the result of the expression 40 - 2 × 3 + 8 ÷ 4?

a) 10

b) 36

c) 18

d) 40

8. What is the result of the expression 14 + (5 × 3) - 2 ÷ 2?

a) 20.5

b) 17

c) 19

d) 28

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

9. What is the result of the expression 4 ÷ (2 × 2) + 10 - 3?

a) 5

b) 7

c) 8

d) 9

10. What is the result of the expression 32 - (4 ÷ 2) × (3 + 1)?

a) 16

b) 20

c) 24

d) 28

11. What is the result of the expression 25 - 3 × (2 + 1) + 10 ÷ 2?

a) 14

b) 16

c) 21

d) 22

12. What is the result of the expression 18 ÷ (3 × 2) - 4 + 5?

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) 7

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal
Prof. Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

13. What is the result of the expression 30 - (4 + 5) × 2 + 6 ÷ 3?

a) 12

b) 14

c) 16

d) 18

14. What is the result of the expression 15 + (6 ÷ 3) × 2 - 4?

a) 9

b) 11

c) 13

d) 15

15. What is the result of the expression 48 ÷ (4 + 2) × (7 - 3)?

a) 6

b) 32

c) 18

d) 24

16 What is the result of the expression 72 – 12 ÷ by 3 – 2 ]+ ( 18 – 6) ÷ 4 ?

a) 69

b) 42

c) 98

d) 24

“Just remember to be kind and spread love in this world and love your parents”. – Abhijeet C. Jaiswal

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