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I. Choose the correct answer. (4 marks)

1. The name of the theorem the Greek mathematician discovered in Geometry?

a. Pythagorean Theorem

b. Archimedes

c. Theon Of Alexanderia

d. Aristotle

II. The system that meant “Rule by the people” which is ancient Greece s enduring contribution to
the modern world?

a. Monarchy

b. Demokratia

c. Dictatorship

d. oligarchy

III. Under whose chairmanship was the constitution of India drafted?

a. Jawaharlal Nehru

b. Mahatma Gandhi

c. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar

d. Muhammad Jinnah.

IV. Which Biomes has the lowest Temperature?

a. Temperate

b. Tundra

c. Taiga

d. Tropical

V. Which is not a type of Marsh land:

a. Marsh and Bog

b. Open Water and Swamp

c. Sand and desert.

VI. Aryan are thought be originated from Area surrounding the Caspian Sea in southern:

a. Afghanistan

b. Europe

c. Russia.
VII. The Aryan worshipped The sky, the wind, rain and fire and other elements of Nature as Gods. The
name of the god of Rain was:

a. Indira

b. Surya

c. Varuna

d. Agni.

VIII. What ranges are always cooler than the nearby lowland:

a. Valley

b. Plateau

c. Grassland

d. Mountain.

2. Fill in the blanks:(2)

a. _____ History is considered foundational to modern western civilisation.

b. The _______ set of rules according to which the government governs the country.

c. DPSP stands for ______

d. EVM stands for _____

3. Match the following (2)

1Hellenistic Not Extreme

2. Tundra Lungs of the world

3. Rainforest Birdlife thrives here
4. Temperate Lies mainly around the Artic
5. wetland Begin with Alexanders death.

4. State true or false:( 4)

1. Olympic ring was made by Pierre de Coubertin , all the 5 colours represent the competing
country’s flag in ancient times.

2. The constitution of India is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world.

3. The Arctic is a frozen Ocean, a huge sheet of fallen snow.

4. Historian know a lot about the Aryan from the scared religious literature satwika.
5. Evidence for the coming of Aryans into India are horses and chariots, Iron weapons and painted

6. Citizens above the age of 18 must vote and should not let it go waste.

7. The conduction of election in India is organised by Election commission.

8. The western philosophy is based on ideas of Ancient Greeks.

5. Name the following: (4)

I. Which modern day events exemplifies the legacy of Greeks love of Athletics and sports?

ii. The Greeks invented western Drama. Which of the ideas of drama were introduced by Greek

iii. The introduction to constitution is called?

iv. The two types of grasslands are?

v. A thick layers of foliage, full of birds, animals and climbing plants?

vi. Mention two threat to grasslands?

vii. The main factors that determine the biomes in a region?

viii. Aryan lived in houses made of?

Part B
Short answers for the following questions: (5)

i. Were women allowed to be the part of the sports event in Ancient Greece?

ii. In your opinion which is the most important fundamental rights? Justify your answers.

iii. Describe one incident you witnessed / read where a civic duty was exercised. who did it
help or benefit?

iv. Why should we be a good neighbour?

v. Why are climates that are located farther from the equator cooler than those closer to the

7. Write short answer for the following: (8)

i. Give an example of right and duties?

ii. What do you think are the difficulties of living in a desert like Sahara?

iii. Explain what kind of civic duties you can perform that make one a responsible citizen.

iv. What is the main objectives of Directive Principles of State Policy? List out one of its
Write long answer questions: (9)
i. The Greek made many advancements in the area of science and technology. Name at least
three of the advancement that have influenced the modern world. can you think of how each
of them has been useful even today?

ii. How does the country’s climate affect the houses, the crops grown or how its people dress?

iii. What do you understand by the term ‘civic minded’? Why is it important ? Give a reason
and an example.

9. Write long answer: (8)

i. Explain 4 ways in which the Election commission help in conducting the elections in India?

ii. The Aryan entered northern India through the mountain pass. After Conquering the people
of Indus valley civilisation. Then they entered southeast, and conquered the Ganges Plains
What attracted the Aryan to India?


Answer the following opinion-based questions(4)

In a small village amidst lush greenery, there lived a girl named Maya. Despite her
eagerness to learn and explore, Maya spent her days toiling in the fields instead of
attending school. She longed for education, but her family relied on her labour to
make ends meet. Maya knew her fundamental right to education was being
violated, but she felt powerless to change her circumstances.

One day, a group of activists visited Maya's village, advocating for children's rights.
Inspired by their passion, Maya found the courage to speak up. Together with the
activists, she urged the government to take action against child labour and ensure
access to education for all children. The government responded by enforcing laws
against child labour and establishing free schools in rural areas like Maya's village.

As a result, Maya and other children like her were finally able to attend school and
pursue their dreams. With education, they gained the power to shape their own
futures and break free from the cycle of poverty.

1. Which fundamental right is violated in this story?

2. What action should be taken against the parents who sell their children or
make them work in such conditions?
3. How can the government ensure the right of children to basic education?
4. Which fundamental right is in your opinion the most important rights?
Summarise using 2 or 3 examples from the real life to show why is it the most
important ?

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