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UNIT 12 If I Were You

This one-act play by Douglas James is a dialogue between Gerrard, the playwright, and an Intruder
who is a criminal. Gerrard lives a lonely life in a small cottage One day, while he is talking over the
telephone, an Intruder enters his cottage with a revolver.

He resembles Gerrard and so intends to kill him to take on his identity and live as Gerrard for the
rest of his life. He bumps accidentally against the table, and at the sound, Gerrard turns quickly. But
he does not get panicked, instead, he maintains calm and gently asks the Intruder his name.

The Intruder, however, ignores Gerrard’s question and shows much interest in knowing his full name.
He asks many questions to Gerrard. Gerrard answers his questions very wisely.

Moreover, he also understands the Intruder’s ill motives. He makes a false story to save himself and
capture the Intruder. He tells him that he is also a murderer and the police are after him. In case he
kills Gerrard he is sure to be hanged.

Gerrard explains that unfortunately one of his men has been caught and he is expecting trouble that
night. He then makes the Intruder understand that it is good for him if he runs away with him in his
car to a safe place.

He also tells him that if it is a frame, he can shoot him in the car. Gerrard tells all these things so
confidently that the Intruder has to trust his words. He is ready to accompany him. But when he is
about to cross the door, Gerrard gives him a push.

The revolver falls on the ground as the Intruder steps into the cupboard. Gerrard then quickly slams
its door and picks up the revolver. Thereafter, he telephones the police for his arrest. In this way, he
saves his life by a clever trick.


1. Did the Intruder try to frighten Gerrard?

Ans: Yes, the intruder tried to frighten Gerrard by showing his revolver to him but gerrard escaped
the situation by acting calmly and patiently. He hits upon a plan by telling a fake story and gets the
intruder caught up in the cupboard.

2. Did the Intruder succeed?

Ans: No, the Intruder did not succeed.

3. What was the Intruder’s first question to Gerrard?

Ans: The Intruder’s first question to Gerrard was “Do you live here alone?”
4. Why do you think he wanted an answer to the question?

Ans: Yes, he wanted an answer to the question to make sure that no one would know about
Gerrard’s murder of death.

5. If Gerrard did not answer, what would the Intruder do?

Ans: If Gerrard did not answer, perhaps the Intruder might shoot him.


1. Is Gerrard successful in finding out the Intruder’s name? How many times does he try? finding out

Ans: No, Gerrard is not successful in Intruder’s name. He tried Ttree times

2. Does Gerrard have a car? Where does he keep it?

Ans: Yes, Gerrard have a car. He kept it in a garage

3. List at least 3 facts about Gerrard that the Intruder had found out before coming to his house.

Ans: (a) That Gerrard has a car

(b) Never sees trades people

(c) That his cottage is in a lonely part of England

4. Refer to 2 incidents that prove that the Intruder is boastful.

Ans: (a) He says, “I’ve got brains.”

(b) Boastfully reveals the motive in his plan to kill Gerrard to Gerrard himself.


1. Why was the Intruder a hunted rat?

Ans: He had killed a policeman in town. He had to move from place to place to avoid capture.
Gerrard have a car Gerrard have a car

2. What did he plan to do as Vincent Charles Gerrard?

Ans: To live as Gerrard in his cottage after murdering him. Since he looked like Gerrard and would
dress and talk like him, no one would catch him.

3. Which of the following remarks of Gerrard suggest that the Intruder will not kill him?

a) “Your idea is to clude the police by killing me taking on my identity?”

b) “You won’t kill me for a very good reason.”

c) “Your clothes will let you down if you’re not careful.”

Ans: b) “You won’t kill me for a very good reason.”

4. (i) Who gives away more information about himself, Gerrard or the Intruder?

Ans: The Intruder gives away more information about himself.

(ii) Is it a strength or a weakness?

Ans: It is a weakness.

(iii) Does it show that he was:

● nervous?
● clever?
● boastful?
● queer?

Ans: Boastful?


1) Gerrard told the Intruder that

a) he had killed someone and was wanted by the police.

b) he was a Sunday-school teacher.

c) he was friendly with the police.

Ans: a) he had killed someone and was wanted by the police.

2) i) Describe the disguise outfit.

Ans: Artificial moustaches, wigs and props.

ii) Who was it for?

Ans; It was for Gerrard.

iii) Why would he use it?

Ans: He would use it to escape from the police.

3) i) What does Gerrard do for a living?

Ans: Gerrard writes and directs plays for the theatre.

ii) How do you know?

Ans: He tells someone on the phone that he was sorry he could not supply the dress for rehearsal.

4) i) Did the telephone bell ring?

Ans: Yes, the telephone bell ring.

ii) Who did Gerrard say was coming to his cottage?

Ans: A policeman to catch him.

iii) Did the Intruder go with Gerrard willingly or unwillingly?

Ans: Unwillingly- the Intruder was confused and did not know whether Gerrard would be trusted.

5) i) Where did Gerrard push the Intruder into?

Ans: A cupboard

ii) What happened to the Intruder’s revolver?

Ans: Gerrard pushed the Intruder into a cupboard. He fell off and the Intruder’s gun was thrown
away.Gerrard took hold of the gun.

iii) Who was cleverer- Gerrard or the Intruder?

Ans: Gerrard


1. i) What is the title of the play?

Ans: If I Were You.

ii) If ‘T’ in the title stands for Gerrard, the title can be completed like this: If I were you I would not talk
so much.

Ans: If I Were You I would drive the car.

2. Answer the following in about 50-55 words:

(i) Why had the Intruder come to Gerrard’s house?

Ans: The Intruder learnt that Gerrard looked like himself. He also knew Gerrard was rich. The
intruder knew Gerrard only by his

name. He did not know that he was a playwright.

Also he was the owner of the house. He only knows that he lives in the wilds of Essex. Also he was
a kind of mystery man. Not many people know about him. So he wanted to kill

Gerrard and live like him in that house. He thought he would escape arrest for murdering a

(ii) Could the Intruder carry out his plan. If not, why?

Ans: No, he could not. Because Gerrard cleverly made him reveal about himself. Gerrard pushed
him into a cupboard and locked it. Gerrard took his gun and spoke to someone to call the police

(iii) What are the two pieces of evidence that make the Intruder believe Gerrard’s story?

Ans: Gerrard told the intruder that he was leaving that place because policemen are after him. He
showed the bag he had on the table and said, “Tonight I’m expecting trouble and my bag is packed
ready. There it is.”

(iv)Who is the more intelligent of the two: Gerrard or the Intruder? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Gerrard was more intelligent than the Intruder. Gerrard made the man talk about his plan. He
also pushed the man into a cupboard and locked it when the gun went out of his hold. Gerrard took
the gun and spoke to someone on the phone to call the police sergeant.

(v) Which of the following words describe Gerrard and which is the Intruder? Put them in the right
column. boastful, well dressed, clumsy, intelligent, theatrical, witty, uncultured, educated.

Ans: Gerrard-well dressed, intelligent, witty, educated Intruder-boastful, clumsy, theatrical,


A. One word can have more than one meaning.

Example i) The president placed a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier. (a place where
someone is buried)

ii) With a grave look Mr. Birla told his employee, “You must never whistle while working.” (serious)

I. Select the correct meaning of the underlined words and write them against the sentence.

1. (a) You have been at the computer all morning; you deserve a break.

Ans: Stop for a brief period.

(b) I came back to the house to discover that thieves had broken in and stolen everything.

Ans: Steal into a locked house.

2. (a) The motion to increase college fees was unanimously rejected.

Ans: Proposal or plan

(b) The slow motion of the bullock cart lulled him to

Ans: Movement. sleep.

3. (a) She was a leading figure in the movement against child labour.

Ans: Person.

(b)Without looking at the figures we cannot say whether the company is running at a loss.

Ans: Accounts.

4. (a) The audience burst into wild applause.

Ans: Uncontrolled excited

(b) Lions that have been living in the wild usually do not thrive in zoos.

Ans: in natural conditions. B. Find out more such words and use them in your daily language use.


» Very Short Questions with Answer: >> Marks: 12

1. What is Gerrard’s full name?

Ans. Vincent Charles Gerrard.

2. If Gerrard did not answer the intruder’s first question, what would the intruder do?

Ans. He would hurt Gerrard.

3. Why did the Intruder want an answer to his question, Do you live here alone?’

Ans. To make sure that no one would know about Gerrard’s death or murder.

4. What does Gerrard say that ensures that the intruder will not kill him?

Ans. Gerrard says, “You won’t kill me for a very good reason.”

5. Because he revealed about himself, what do we know about the intruder ?

Ans. We know that he was boastful.

6. What did Gerrard say to the intruder to frighten him ?

Ans. Gerrard said, “You will hang for sure. If not as yourself, then as Vencent Charles Gerrard.”

7. Who is the cleverer””””” Gerrard on the lutruder?

Ans. Gerrard

8. Who did Gerrard say was coming to his cottage?

Ans. He said a policeman was coming to his college.

9. Describe Gerrard when he appears first in the one act play ‘IF I WERE YOU’

Ans. Gerrard is of medium height. He wears horn-rimmed glasses. He has a lounge suit on and a
grey cont.

10. Describe the man who enters Gerrard’s room.

Ans. The intruder is similar in build to Gerrard. He wears an overcoat and a soft hat. He has a
revolver in his hand.

11. How can you say the intruder was boastful ?

Ans. He says, “I’ve got brains.” He reveals his motive to kill Gerrard to Gerrard himself.

12. What was the Intruder’s plan?

Ans. His plan was to murder Gerrard and live in that house. Because he resembled Gerrard, no one
would suspect him or arrest him.

13. Where did Gerrard push the intruder into? What happened then?

Ans. Gerrard pushed the Intruder into a cupboard. He fell off and the Intruder’s gun was thrown
away. Gerrard took hold of the gun.

Ans. He said a policeman was coming to his college.

9. Describe Gerrard when he appears first in the one act play ‘IF I WERE YOU’

Ans. Gerrard is of medium height. He wears horn-rimmed glasses. He has a lounge suit on and a
grey cont.

10. Describe the man who enters Gerrard’s room.

Ans. The intruder is similar in build to Gerrard. He wears an overcoat and a soft hat. He has a
revolver in his hand.

11. How can you say the intruder was boastful ?

Ans. He says, “I’ve got brains.” He reveals his motive to kill Gerrard to Gerrard himself.

12. What was the Intruder’s plan?

Ans. His plan was to murder Gerrard and live in that house. Because he resembled Gerrard, no one
would suspect him or arrest him.

13. Where did Gerrard push the intruder into? What happened then?

Ans. Gerrard pushed the Intruder into a cupboard. He fell off and the Intruder’s gun was thrown
away. Gerrard took hold of the gun.

2. What had the intruder heard about Gerrard?

Ans: The intruder knew Gerrard only by his name. He did not know that he was a playwright. Also he
was the owner of the house. He only knows that he lives in the wilds of Essex Also he was a kind of
mystery man. Not many people know about him.

3. Why did the intruder want to kill Gerrard? How did Gerrard fool the intruder with his false story?
Ans: Gerrard told intruder that one of his men had been caught. The things which should had been
burnt had been found. So, due to that he expected trouble that night. That’s why, he wanted to clear
off at the earliest.

4. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wanted to take on?

Ans : The intruder is a murderer, chased down by the police so he hatched the very smart idea of
impersonating him as a gentleman who was not under the police scanner so he chose Gerard. The
intruder chose Gerrard because he found him closely similar to him. If he wore clothes like Gerrard
did, did what Gerard used to do, met people Gerard used to do, all after killing Gerard, there were
few (few means almost none) chances that he was caught.

5. How did Gerrad lock the intruder in the cupboard?

Ans : Having convinced the intruder that he himself was being wanted by cops and that police could
any time break into his home, Gerrard advised the intruder to escape in his car. When he saw that
the intruder was ready to come with him in his car, Gerrard opened the door of his cupboard that
looked like an exit door. As the intruder stepped into the cupboard, thinking it was an exit door,
Gerrard gave him a push and locked the door from outside.

6. What precautions did Gerrard take while calling the police?

Ans : Gerrard was smarter than the intruder. Having locked the intruder inside the cupboard, he
knocked the revolver out of his hand. To make sure that the intruder would not break out of the
cupboard, Gerrard went to the phone, where he stood with the gun pointed at the cupboard door.

» Short Questions with Answers: ► Marks: 4/5

1. What is Gerrard’s profession? How does his speech and words reveal this?

Ans: Gerrard is a playwright by profession. Several parts of the play reflect this. He calls the situation
melodramatic and melodrama is a genre of drama. Another instance is Gerard’s calling himself a
sympathetic audience. He also points out that in most melodramas the villain is foolish enough to
delay his killing long enough to be frustrated and hangs on to reminding the intruder that he was
luckier than most melodramatic villains. Referring to the contents of his bag, he mentions what they
were – disguise outfit and false mustaches. Gerard, after having made his escape, gives another
dramatic dialogue to the cornered villain – “Sorry I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal,
I’ve had a spot of bother – quite amusing. I think I’ll put it in my next play.”

2. mystery I propose to explain.” What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain?

Ans:The mystery that Gerrard proposed to explain was the story he made up to dodge the intruder
and save his own life. The story was that Gerrard himself was a criminal like the intruder. He asked
the intruder why else would he not meet any trades people and be a bit of a mystery man here
today and gone tomorrow. The game was up as things had suddenly gone wrong for him. He had
committed a murder and got away. Unfortunately, one of his men had been arrested and certain
things were found which his men should have burnt. He said that he was expecting some trouble
that night and therefore, his bag was packed and he was ready to escape,

3. How did Gerard convince the intruder that he would not get away even as Gerard?

Ans: With his great presence of mind, Gerard told the intruder an instantly made story that he
himself was a criminal wanted by the police. He further explained to the intruder that he was in a
hurry to run away as one of his men was caught by the police. He pointed out his not meeting
tradespeople as a sign of his mysterious character. He said that the police have traced evidences for
his criminal records and that he was waiting trouble any moment. He also showed him his packed
bag and convinced that he was in a hurry to escape. To the intruder’s scrutiny, Gerard said that his
bag contained disguise outfit-false mustaches and stuff.

3. “At last a sympathetic audience.”

(a) Who says this?

Ans: Gerrard says this.

(b) Why does he say it?

Ans: He says it because the intruder shows some sympathy towards him.

© Is he sarcastic or serious?

Ans: He is sarcastic. “You’ll soon stop being smart.”

(d) Who says this?

Ans: The intruder says the line.

(e) Why does the speaker say it? 144

Ans: The speaker says it to frighten Gerrard. (1) What according to the speaker will stop Gerrard
from being smart? Ans: According to the intruder, Gerrard would stop being smart once he knew
what was going to happen to him. The intruder’s plan was to kill Gerard and take over his identity.
He felt that when Gerrard would know this, he would stop being smart and start getting scared.

4. “They can’t hang me twice.”.

(a) Who says this?

Ans: The intruder says the line.

(b) Why does the speaker say it?

Ans: The intruder had been telling Gerrard that he had murdered one man, and that he would not
shy away from murdering him too. This is because the police could not hang him twice for two

“This is your big surprise.”

(c) Where has this been said in the play?

Ans: This has been said twice in the play. On the first occasion, it is spoken by the intruder while
revealing his plan to kill Gerrard. Secondly, it is spoken by Gerrard before he reveals his fictitious
identity to the intruder.

(d) What is the surprise?

Ans: The intruder’s surprise is his plan to kill Gerrard and take on his identity to lead a secure and
hassle-free life. Whereas, Gerrard’s surprise is his fictitious identity, his way of refraining the intruder
from killing him.

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