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NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Saperiment Na. ..
**** ** Daled
Subject of the Experiment

Qualrlatiue Pralp
U ami, Salt Analyu

coeme ko lomalic Aoalypis e noxganie


txperu memt Oluavaion npereme

Dahoae (cO) Bairk eluuenene
ake 2-3nml of diluto HCo on o tee evoluctom Carbronali
a let kule amo add some colounles odo es ga
salt LObia ms im! uJalee
mi lky

Occtate (CHaCo0 hmell o inegalL peemua{

Jake seme salt a oatA aefalu
o amd adod dilule
ulyhusuc aad

Cstalion lest
Sall amd dhy ahohol md |iaswni feuuily mell pwrete ef
aucd u a l fele
uue ba pe te
healed ma

Kakee Lomtaumu ng coa

Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Eperiment Ne . Daled.
Subject of the Experiment

oluavalio alewn ce
nepesahon eSdi nm catloovaali
Sall amo So clium catbovale
amol woalu ú l crleoc a-3 mi

necs1taRY Out At faltraio

anglelhak uetaf ihe Sodium
tatlona cxt oct

onkes mufexy tet lor aclal uttrt tcl. tsleukhon

Soelie_(atbonati erbact uoi
neetal eeic chloute

ch lcnicle toleuley gas lotmi

tonertvaltd celpiuttic acicl tiick iile fuwmes ol lonicde
alt D onuum hydioriele
addta e somt
$oluk onn

Corlhtwra lose lesk_ chlonicde

Bodium ibormate erivad wd_precupi Cpueenu o
txhat u acidi fio_wHeatu es oluble vr ezuu chloucde
ama tutateo emmonim iychozise (mka mmeo
nitaic auid Borkd
(cluh on
wi uluu nttrae rolulion.

Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Esperinent Na Daled
Subject of the Experiment

Expetime oluvali on nfeme

Llt u mixed uoi tolid jotusiun edolush bioun gaj pwena
dusl otueo uala chlomule a
dichs omah ana wasmsd ur o
(omCntrated alpbuul aud 1he onuing llow solufiou, corlimad
vapout al pomLd ne uwatu amd loo pulipl kale

o lut tull olloud by ammonim homecl on odding

acwlab <olutio
iychoande ad lad aat att soluhiuLaol

Salt and con wnialed uwlleueit eddyh brouvn prepen
auid asl Jakem amd I{thies e
umas n stroma nitale
ball ot
Heoavah on cdd papag
fa tet hule
coppes hum nes
Conbemaday fut for nityal
pAerene e
bipam ng leel h houam ing
&odl wm abona ectra oted at tht jaunctantrate u
l hoo Lguids- Lomk'vmed
tRLated uik leeoi ppane
esou ulphake (eulionn ollowed
omwntrata ulpbiric acwd
fakoau ke ade ofee teet


Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Experiment N Dated. *****

Subject of the Experiment


perinod ovakon C n
Lpeuial goup wbue pusehto
alphai (s0,) Soluhy vi all minsal llp hoily
Sali_aueuteu@ å lalen amd aud
add sDm harium hloudee

Conlismotoyteyt wue pui piJale

Jo sodium allral ontact lp hat
aCehc aua md lad achle Selator mm onuum ulphattconiumud.

oralali COq
Sall u eaked. w i dilule Brcisk efunence wk phereme
Sulphuvuic aud and pumtl e he evoluhon of ralale
mamgamist dioude CHo0) eloulle odouuler q

n iroley fesd
e &4odium orbnae ezead|wete praupikte pAltone OR
a ltated wj dilute aeic aid eralale
amd hoil e aion dieaiclg qas conjmid
amd add caliun chlouide sehdon

h afone whule pEipilatu penk(olouso

dissolund on delufe alpbaaic aud km ú disappeaied |eaalat
ond heaBtd add pofasim pumaganae nkinid
8cfu hon m deops
Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Enperimenb N. . Dated..
Subject of the Experiment ***


V apeimemi olcualion eleter

Puesphat (PO3)
tlo o Re sallepmired oi|Betgst ella.o paaihile peeedle Mopa
(Omwmtraka mlphric qud ivndenkied
Onamonium molphedau soheio

Lovafe tmadeory teet

odium caslonai oxtrad u Yelloo_preáfat
4gLatcod wi neu tsal firic phesphale codird.
cA loude
kodi'umta1bonate solwkom r Speteipi lelo pseeena

tsealea ilues vitalo phesrate

oluk on Lonintd

toaafed wolt paLipilao

8odium (obonat vdrad u

uof dilrke y bolled ond àLonrmed


4o e aboue ppl add aceke acd Paecipr lab gele upn phorplab
disyolued mimat

Teacher's Remarks
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Cperimenl Na. - Dated

Subject of the Experiment

aton Dralyss
dntes-gaoiup sepesatb » fet alton
P 2+
Cu2t 2nd

Fe2+ 3rd
2 n 2+

Ca t

Hg2t GH

eohileppt HLtrati 4 u sgo à paua catkikg
Hlthale + beil off h5 ga1 udol 2-3 olopr eptonc HNG3.
cakou presneofLAdd sold NHac|_ end h0H søluhon etteu kltrab wnfik
duell coei le. FvRtralo + 4l2S
ationPpto13)Ad lerh coloat ditrate fboil of H2Ss
dishe eroum P pp
addhyCl4 OH,OH Sola
Cre) CHnt)l
ohua p conu1ed
lo /oad eo
Feacher's Romarks
NOOTAN Practical Notebook
Caperiment Na. .
Subject of the
*** '**

keyslonaatic naly_Aeiones eup 1)
Speimenut Obuvailio rnlhsune
he sl geup preuipilale
e oiled wik wat and
diuideali vnt too past
e red post, ada Yelloo peipilal Perine e pb*
alic acid and potarstum ident lrd
thaomalo sdufon
Jo kLOnd part add
loo ppt_cd:8sohan op PusUrodo 2
poha81unn icdide scluhon ama|healing and uays tallite| lenimud
Geatit as oldM panmgl on
SegorodLc Dnal of Guoup alom
Jhe ppt is dissehad w hot,_|
dilute nitlo aid bol o
HaSgasamd diulded vno
hoo pat

he Mk yasladdexces bue_ppf vn eeM o C 9mldonbificd,

emaion of nomune
coppe nlphel
Teacher's Remarks
NOOTAN Practical Notebook
Egpesinsend Na Dated
Subject of the Experiment

Jetie ttond. part,add Auddeshroun putpihe Putttnu

O Ha t00 ond
Cu tonmed
potast kaO Uyaride
omair Pralpa Gugexp 3cabor
glatirous, diselaei die ldentifed
HCL ama duide it mle
heest part odd fuo hake Pheiunu ef al
pass duops oCmus

Dxh tut.o a Bll& peue inted atn.

ORt gl aßnious pt , add condimed
cobalt_iirah and to
alei_aud. D:ltu papr
6oakdl vn t hmid b
H npt sdeksl. broun
dinollue t tn dil Hlari

Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

EaperimentN . . Daled
Subject of the Experiment o d

0 thst past ) add k,felw)|Deap pue 1olulon DAewneal fe"

Aouhor u ldentifa
0 he Lbmapast add pokesmuBloe atd (alou aion Putumu of Te
u l phouyau de CkCNS) ci (onhismçd

Onalps beotp 4 aW'ons

4L th à bulp-colouted ot DROwm ppt
Plslw colousedro ppt dessolue

na add dtlui aoH soluh on

Putwnc H n 1
Sethe abeue brouwm pt add Pink supernadent
eacl_diod'de and tonc. niludc soluhio econkhemed
Qu'a ee_ if Strorgy, amd

fit d 0ktb qulatonous ppt wae ppb soluble 2

add dil e botl ef S ges clenti ied

dtuede, 'nlo heue asth o te
k pa add lu le waoH

o he 2nd pol ddd ae He acel wle ppt

aol po JesS um ferno denbikiect
Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook
Experimenb No. . Dated..
Subject of the Experiment

J0e 3 pock pas HSgos ka Pepserrcecl Tn

Ddd tet Cuei goup ppt Ctuem Hnted ash

Sd gOLp ppt diKued ei Bouwn pp

aute aehc add amd beiled of
C0 md di uided into 3 paG

he 5
part addpottakiu lello ppt
o ppt Pesne Ba
honmolisoluton uiderti picd.
b aleue nltoo pp s disdYllouw ppt DaelemeB a
i dil HL amo add dil hso one med
Plam Tet
oup _ppt t Com H
Ie he a hOpat cdd talium
ulpivete 40le LIakh Mhe innesBany oeuta ppt Pnu cf Sy
Mdok o e tet hulw
lass ad.

Teacher's Remarks
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Eperimend No. Dated

Subject of the Experiment

damt Jeut
koup p (on H ReRe breen Cuisosom
ama ud Llamt i unpiured

1e he thind pattodd die

SQ oa boil rId w4 O4 ad
amavnoxalau solui on weule Paraplati DReltmu Cat

F lame fet Brick rd lome

-Pp+ lomHe Conlimtd

Dhalyu ioup 6 calion.

d u_pp om om_gr0u , fuLu ond diiuide ijnto tuial pat
Juk_feMagrei un CHg*)
one pait ef_solu lton exts bab caeshlline
ct uo à added olloura by lppruipi ab elerk fi eo
Mus e_ 6odim lyiogm
phoiphale soluton ard thake
finltd a l PAesen efheg 2
heaboue pp_ i tolkded adhPn
dasgoluecd vs or aWos his c conkimed
loihc wiktoialltat, reln
aBeL papat d moleaa d iy
60ncmel bumud o aslhes
Teacher's Remarks:
NOOTAN Practical Notebook

Experiment Na. .. Dated.

Subject of the Experiment.

omd paet of iobo irenludDeeppt

toiha eo daps ef ma qgamit Lerkirmed

Phalp f tero,Cal
bite the salt bolect ui tngnt shvelliuggei Pame
Na OH Aohuton procduwd

D gak R0d dippec con Deee cobh_oneg Poone of NHt

hydhochlore aúa i houm ve h a de o Ku ornafan LoyRi vned.
dhe pas ev otned abone

A llea pap mcis lered ot Hh P oum sevr ppca lseore H 4

eS sbers Rlagnt h o m m he llee Comliimed.

a evotnecd vnlet |.

Teacher's Remarks:

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