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A Grade 10 Research Paper Presented to the English Faculty of Davao City National
High School F. Torres Street, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject English 10-Langguage






“Surround yourself only with people who are
going to lift you higher”-Oprah Winfrey. We
lovingly dedicate this work to our supportive
family, loving friends and classmates, to our
teachers and student teachers who encouraged
us and do our best and fullest. And most of all
to our Almighty Father who gave us strong
faith, strength, wisdom, love and life.

Title Page……………………………………………………………………………. i

Acknowledgement.....................................................................................…... ii

Dedication......................................................................................................... iii

Abstract............................................................................................................. iv

Table of Contents….......................................................................................... v




Review of Related Literature…………….

Theoretical Framework……………………………

Conceptual Framework…………………………………….

Statement of the Problem………………………


Research Design………………


Research Instruments…………….
Data Gathering Procedure…………………

Chapter 1



“The sign of great parenting is not child’s behavior. The sign of truly great

parenting is the parent’s behavior,” Andy Smithson. A child’s behavior not only is

affected by their surroundings but is also influenced by the way a child is being

raised by their own parent. In psychology today, there are four substantial

recognized parenting style; authoritative, neglectful, permissive and authoritarian.

Each one when being shown to a child can entirely change a child’s behavior and

ways. It is important to know that every relationship with a child is different and that

there will be sure one guide on how a parent should raise their child.

According to Biangard (2005) the relationship of academic performance and

parenting style highly affects the achievement one child garners. It is simply taken to

a fact that among the children UK, they are being taught good manners above else

that is why their children are being respected in school and could perform well in

academic performances. These parents also taught their children to be modest and

hard-working they also dissect a child to leave them with their own problems and

with them to figure out their own solution so that it won’t happen again. In South

Africa, the communities are tightly bonded with their loved ones, families both

immediate and extended live in close proximity to watch out in case when a child

needs help and a child’s welfare is a responsibility for all. Children that are raised
this way tend to become socially attached to their parents making them less sociable

when in terms to the public. Yet, they still give importance to those people around

them and is still a proper way of a parenting style that on USA.

In most cultures, parenting is seen as an integral social role with great

influence on the lives of the children and of parent’s themselves (Alampay, 2014;

Bornstein, 2001). The parenting style that is currently taught in a Filipino’s home is

characterized by cohesiveness, respect for elders, deference to parental authority, a

fulfillment of obligations. It is known in the Filipino families that among mothers,

competitiveness is present. In terms of academic studies, authoritarian mothers often

push or force their young ones in doing what they want, which often leads for the

child to pressure on their parent’s wants and disregarding their own interests. While

those permissive mothers, children are often spoiled and in terms of academics,

these children disregard their studies and look forward to their advantages. In the

Philippines, authoritative parents are commonly seen, though they may be strict but

they still listen to their child’s pleas and own opinions. Philippines being an nationally

religious country, always bring family first, that’s why in comes to these family bonds,

authoritative parents comes first, gaining the right amount of knowledge and well

academic studies for the student.

Taken from one mom’s point of view in Davao City, it’s highly suggested that

parent’s pay close attention to their child’s interest, identify their needs, and provide

motivation. When a parent lack these essential things are often those kids who are

rebels to their families and often join in gangs and frat groups, may it be because of

their lack of attention and love from their parents or the influence of the people

around them. As the mom said, parents should be physically active and support their
young ones in order to cultivate the mind sets of the children to give them enough

motivation on the things that they will be doing.


The importance of the study is that it will produce enough knowledge to all parents

and help them develop their parenting style.

The Students – this study will help the students take knowledge about the different

parenting style and for them to be able to share it with the others.

The Parents – through this research, parents are able to know what kind of parent

are they and so that they will be able to improve themselves in terms in their parental

styles to their children.

The Future Researchers- this study shall benefit the future researchers for they

equip the same learning that we found in both socially and internet inclined. They will

know what parents they should be and the parenting styles they will be taking.

Review of Related Literature

This presents a review of related literature which focuses on the parenting style.

Parenting Styles

Parenting style refers to the behavior of a parent towards their children

defined by overall demeanor that a parent has when they are engaging their

children. Parenting style are beneficial in understanding complex behaviors and

attitudes associated with child outcomes (Rodriguez et al., 2009).

Guardians play an important role in developing their child’s improvement,

particularly in the academic performance of their child (Munyi, 2013). Parenting style

are successful in instructive execution of academic performance of their child.

Parents are responsible for their sure effect for student’s achievement (Ondongo et

al., 2016).

There are nine classified parenting style suggested by Baumrind (1999).

These are; authoritative, demanding, traditional, authoritarian, undifferentiated,

democratic, permissive, non-directive and rejecting-neglecting.

Authoritarian Parenting Style and Academic Performance

Authoritarian is an almost dictatorial style that involves the highest degree of

control over children and very low levels of warmth (Baumrind, 1996). Children are

expected to obey strict rules set by the parents. Failure to follow the rules means

punishment (Munyi, 2013). Numerous studies have found that an authoritarian

parenting style is negatively associated with academic achievement (Kashahu et al.,


Children with authoritarian parents have low self-esteem and spontaneity, as

well as withdrawal, antisocial, and delinquent behavior (Coie and Dodge, 1998).

Putting excessive pressure and intervening for any reason and all the time can lead

children to low academic performance (Rogers et al., 2009).

Authoritative Parenting Style and Academic Performance

Authoritative parenting almost the same as authoritarian, where parents

establish strict rules and have high expectations. However, these parents are more

responsive and willing to listen to their children (Munyi, 2013). These parents also
have high standards for their children, monitoring their doings and allow proper

freedom (Woolfolk, 2011).

Authoritative parents have high influence in the academic performance of a

child (Steinberg et al., 1992). Researchers concluded that authoritative parents are

promoting high academic performance on their child (Kashahu et al., 2014). Children

with authoritative parents also developed stronger school orientation, school

engagement, and bonding with teachers (Steinberg et al., 2006).

Permissive Parenting Style and Academic Performance

Permissive or indulgent parenting style, usually have few demands and low

expectations, these parents are extremely supportive and always do and give what

their child wants, to the extent that he child winds up taking control of the situation

(Munyi, 2013).

Children with permissive parent have greater risk for emotional and

behavioral problem (Fite et al., 2009). Children of permissive parent are less likely to

be motivated and therefore lack of patience in learning, also lack of self-control often

causes difficulties engaging in social interactions (Kahashu et al., 2014).

Uninvolved Parenting Style and Academic Performance

Uninvolved or negligent parenting style is characterized by low levels of both

warmth and control at the same time (Baumrid, 1996). It is also characterized by few

demands, low responsiveness and little communication (Munyi, 2013). In extreme

cases, these parents may even neglect or reject the needs of their child (Baumrind,

1999). Causes children at risk of suicidal attempts, most particularly females who are

depressed (Ehnval et al., 2008).

Children with permissive parents tend to display poor social skills

(Constanzo, 1985). These children are emotionally needy; seek emotional guidance

and reassurance in their close relationship. This discipline issues translate that the

child’s academic performance are relatively poor (Munyi, 2013).

Theoretical Framework

Baumrid’s “Four Type Parenting Style” will be the basis of this study that includes

Authoritarian style parenting

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Authoritarian Parenting Style

High expectations



Authoritative Parenting Style

Academic Performance
Freedom of expression
Average marks of the
Responsive students throughout the
school year
Parent’s expectations

Permissive Parenting Style

Low expectation


More responsive

Uninvolved Parenting Style

No rules and regulations

Few demands

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the Impact of Different Parenting Styles on the

Academic Performances of Junior High School Student.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the preferable parenting style used to raise a child?

2. What are the effects of different parenting style on the academic performance of a

junior high school student?

3. Is there a significant relationship between parenting style and academic

performance of a junior high school student?

Null Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between parenting style and academic

performance of junior high school student.



This chapter describes the methods used in this study to realize the objectives

of this study. It contains research design, the respondents, sampling design,

research instruments, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study will use a quantitative research design to know the impact of

parenting styles on the academic performance of junior high school student.


The respondents of this study will be 100 junior high school students in Davao

City National High School and 50 random parents in Davao City, Philippines.

Sampling Design

The sampling design we will use is random sampling design in which the

students are chosen randomly and entirely by chance.

Research Instrument

The study will use a semi-administered survey questionnaire to gather data.

Kothari (2004) stated that questionnaires offer considerable advantages in

administration, simultaneously present an even stimulus potential for large numbers

of people and provide easy data accumulation for the investigation. The instrument

was chosen on the basis of these strengths. The questionnaire contains three

questions for the students and parents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data for this study will be collected through primary and secondary

studies. The primary study will be conducted through means of survey questionnaire

method with the respondent. The secondary study will be collected from previous

studies. The respondent of this study will be the junior high school students in Davao

City National High School.

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