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 Viết 35-45 từ

You arranged to go to the cinema with your Hi Greorge,

friend George on Friday evening, but now you I’m writing about Friday. You wanted to go to the

aren’t free. Write an email: cinema together, remember? I’m sorry, but I can’t

 Appologise come because my grandparents are coming to

 Explain why you can’t go to the visit. You could come to my house on Sunday

cinema on Friday istead? We could watch the new Bond movie.

 Suggest another arangement Hoan/Duc

You went to a new café last weekend and you

want to go to there again with your friend, Hi jenna,

Jenna. I went to an amazing new café in town last weekend. They

Write an email: serve delicious pizzas and pasta. The best thing is the

 Tell Jenna about the café you went to desserts – the chocolate cake is delicious! Are you free on

 Say what you enjoyed most about it friday? We could go there together if you like.

 Invite Jenna to go there with you


You have just got back from holiday. Write an Hi Tom,

email to your friend Tom: I’ve just got back from my holiday in Spain. It was

 Tell Tom where you have been amazing! The beachs were fantasic, and I loved

 Tell him what you enjoyed about the the food. The people were friendly, too. Would

holiday you like to see my photos? I can email them to

 Offer to show him your holiday you if you want.

photos Hoan/Duc

You’re just bought something new for your Dear Teresa,

I’m pleased to tell you that I have got a new lamp.
Write an email to your friend Teresa
It is quite nice and small. I need it light as I often
 Describe what you have bought
go peeing at midnight. I am going to put it beside
 Explain why you needed it
my bed. Come and see it. Love,
 Say where you’re going to put it


You are going to be absent from your English Dear Ms. Hai,

class next week

I think I have to be absent from your English class
Write note to your English teacher, in your
next week because it is my mom’s birthday. I’m
note, you should
really sorry for this inconvenience. I promise there
 Explain why are you going to be
is no second time. Can you tell me about next
week’s work?
 Appologise to your teacher

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 1
 Ask your teacher for information Best wishes

about next week’s work


Your English friend. Alex Is coming to your Dear Alex,

town for the day, and wants to meet you.
I'm glad to hear you're coming to my town . We
Write an email Alex in your email, you should
can meet at a park near my house. After that we
 Explain where you can meet
can eat special food in my town and we will meet
 Suggest what you csn do together
my best friends. You should bring a camera to be
 Advise alex what to bring
save a our memory.



You and your friend, Jerry have tickets for a Hi Jerry,

football match at the weekend , but now you

I'm sorry I can't go to watch the football match
can’t go
with you at the weekend. I have to stay at home to
 Write a not to jerry, in your note you
help my mother cook a big meal and welcome
guests. Why don't you go with Anna instead since
 Apologise to jerry
she also loves to football.
 Explain why you cannot go

 Suggest what Jerry could do with your See you


Write an email to Emma. In your email, you Hi Emma,

should Thanks a million for the money. I was thinking in

 Thank Emma for the present buying one of maroon because there is a new

 Say which music CD you are going to song that is called secret of the movie that I

buy Thanks

 Explain why you have chosen this CD Love,


Your fiend Alex has invited you to a party this Hi Alex,

Saturday afternoon but you can’t go. I got your invitation. But i’m so sorry. I can’t come

Write an email: because I will be out of city on this weekend for

 Apologise to Alex competitions. But I will be free next Saturday and

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 2
 Explain why you can’t go we can celebrate your birthday together in a

 Suggest another day when you could restaurant.

meet See you

You would like to borrow a book from your Hi Chalie,

Australia friend Charlie. Write an email: I write to you to ask about the book “The

 Tell Chalie which book you would like Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

to borrow Can you lend it to me? I need to borrow this book

 Explain why you need to borrow this because it was advised me by my friends and you

book also. I need it for 2 weeks.

 Say how long you need the book for Linh.

You are going to CINEMA this afternoon, and Dear Daryl,

you’d like to invite your Canadian friend Daryl. I want you to come with me at cinema at 8.30

Write : which is the time that start a oscar winning film.

 Invite Daryl to the cinema This film is Harry Poter. I will wait you on Saturday.

 Tell Daryl about the film you plan to Linh.


 Suggest a time to meet

You have invited your English friend Jo to stay Dear Jo,

with you next month, but you now need to As you know, the other day I invited you next

delay this visit. Write: month. I’m sorrt but I have to delay it because

 Apologise to Jo there is may friend’s wedding party that day.

 Explain why the visit has to be Couls you come here on 22th of October.

delayed Your sincerely

 Suggest when it would be converient Linh.

for Jo to come

You have just has a wonderful holiday staying Dear Mary and Fred,

with some English-speaking friends in the Are you already missing me? I’m very well. The

countyside. Write: travel back was good. I really loved that peaceful

 Thank them for your stay place. I’m so thankful for all and i’d like to offer

 Say what you most enjoyed about the you and dinner in my home next Saturday. What

countryside do you think?

 Suggest where you could meet each See you
other next time Linh.

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 3
In your postcard to your penfriend, you Hello Jena. How are you?

should: I hope you are fine.

 Explain why you have moved I have moved recently to this town because we

 Tell your friend what facilities the have more opportunities to have a better life. We
town has can travel far every where by public transport so

 Say what you dislike about living faster as you can’t imagine, and taxis are cheap
there too. If you want see the town you can buy a ticket

for one day by bus and you could visit many


The problem are the pickpockets we have to be


You are going to spend some time with your Hi Douglas,

Scottish friend Douglas next Saturday. Write How are you?

an email: I’m writing you from in London, i’m here for 2

 Arrange to meet Douglas next weeks vacation and i’d like to meet you on next

Saturday Saturday, if it’s possible for you. There’s a nice art

 Suggest something you could do exhibition that we could see at the National

together gallery. We can stay together just until the

 Say how long you will be able to evening. Write me back as soon as you can.
spend with him Linh.

In your postcard to Alex, you should: Hello, Alex. How are you doing?

 Explain when your holiday started In my case, i’m enjoying my holiday in Switzerland.

 Tell Alex where you are staying I’ve been staying here since Monday. There are a

 Say what you are enjoying most lot of beautiful mountains behind the hotel.
about the holiday I’m really enjoying to see nice view.

See you

You want to invite Maria, an English-speaking Are you free tonight? My friends and I will go to

student who is staying with you, to go out pub ans watch cinema all tonight, shall we go

tonight with you and your friends. Write: together?

 Inviting her to go out with you all We are going to go pub at 10.00 pm, and go to
tonight watch cinema at 2.00 am. If you wanted to go,

 Saying where you plan to spend the come to my house at 9.00 pm.

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 4

 Suggesting what time she should be


You have just received a present from some Dear John,

friends who live in the USA. Write a card: Thanks for your present. I’m really like this suit. It’s

 Thank them for the present suitable to me. The winter is coming. This pair of

 Explain why you like it gloves is for you. Thank you very much indeed.

 Say what you are going to send them Your friend Linh.

in return

 Bài 100 từ

This is the part of an email you receive fron an Hi George,

English friend I’m sorry to hear about your problems with your

We had a big family party last weekend.... how do family. I usually get on really well with my parents,

you think I could improve things with my family? although we don’t agree about everything and
Now write an email: we sometimes have arguments. I’ve only got one

brother, and we are very different. We don’t have

much in common, but I’m fond of him and we

don’t often argue. I think you should avoid having

serious discussions with your dad if you never

Little sisters can be difficult, but just be patient.

I’m sure you’ll get on better when she grows up.

Take care and write soon,


Your teacher has asked you to write a story. I saw the advert for a talent show, and decided to
Your story must begin with this sentence. apply. I had always enjoyed singing, and I

I saw the advert for a talent show and decided to dreamed of becoming a star.

apply. I prepared well. First, I chose a great song. Next, I

Write your story? practised until I knew my song perfectly. Finally,

the big day came. However, while I was waiting to

go on stage, I heard another singer- she was

singing my song, really beautifully! I knew

immediately that I wasn’t as good as her!

My performance went well, and I was pleased that

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 5
I had done my best, I didn’t win the show, but I

will always be pleased that I took part!

Your teacher has asked you to write a story. A new home

This is the title for your story: Last month, I went to visit my brother in his new

A new home flat. He has moved in a week before and had

Write your story? invited me for dinner.

When I arrived at the large apartment building, I

rang the bell of the flat on the third floor, but no

one answered. First, I thought he was out, so I

decided to wait. Then, after an hour, I began to

get check his address. I couldn’t believe it- he

lived on the fourth floor!

I went upstairs immediately. Luckily, my brother

and his flatmates found it funny, and we enjoyed a

lovely dinner together.

This is part of a letter you receive from an Dear Teresa,

english friend Thanks you for your letter. I am pleased to hear

 I enjoy my new job but I sit at a computer that you have a new job.

all day now. I don’t get much exercise. Congratulation!

What do you think I should do to keep fit? Working with a computer all day long make you
 Write a letter, giving your friend some tired and don’t have time to get much exercise. In
advice about keeping fit order to tackle this problem, I would strongly

 Write your letter in about 100 words on recommend that you should take part in a gym or

you a2nswer sheet sports club as a member at weekends. When you

have to pay fee for that activity, you will have

more motivation to keep fit. Furthermore, it is

good way to limit the amount of fast food you eat.

Eating healthy food makes you stronger and stay

away from disease.

Anyway, that’s all for now because I’ve got to go


Take care and write soon!

Love, Hoan/Duc

This is part of a letter you recive from an Dear Jenna,

English How are you? Long time no see! I have many

 I’ ve won some prize money in a friends. As my mother always says, friends are

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 6
competition and I’m not sure what to do. important in our life. As I spend, most of my time

My family think I should save the money, at work, I have plenty of friends there. Being

but I want to spend it all on an exciting friends, we can help each other. If we get some

holiday. What should I do? difficultie at work. If I have a personal problem,

Write a letter to you friend, giving your advice friends are important in that moment. They can

advice me about life. So, we can’t live without


I’m happy to be your friend also So, looking

forward to hearing more about your friend.

Best wishs


This is part of a letter you receive from your Dear Jenna,

new penfriend, Jenna How are you? Long time no see! I have many

 I’ve got one close fiend who I spend a lot friends. As my mother always says, friends are

of time with. What about you? important in our life. As I spend most of my time

 Write a latter to jenna about your frends at work, I have plenty of friends there. Being
 friends, we can help each other. if we get some

difficultie at work. If I have a personal problem,

friends are important in that moment. They can

advice me about life. So, we can't tive without


I'm happy to be your friend also So, I'm looking

forward to Hearing more about your friend.

Best weshes

This is part of a letter you recive from a friend Dear Alex,

 I can’t decide whether to buy a new

Thanks you for your letter. I am delighted to hear
bicycle from a shop or on the Internet,
that you won a prize in a competition.
Where do you think I should buy it ? It is
Congratulation! Regarding the questions you
better to buy some things from shops? Do
asked me about whether you should buy a new
you buy things on the Internet?
bike from shop or on the Internet. I have to say
 Wite a letter answering your fiend’s
that you should go to a shop to opt because it is
easy to check before taking it home. what’s more?

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 7
 Write your letter in about 100 words on Warranty process is also better as it doesn’t take

your answer sheet so long to transport the bike if it has any

problems. Take me as one example, I buy clothes

on the internet, but I am not pleased with the

items I receive. It is so different compared to

images on the internet. Anyway, that’s all for now

because I’ve got to go out.

Take care and write soon!


your english wants you to write a story I looked in the shop window and I saw exactly

your story must begin with this sentence what I wanted. a book, I've been looking for it for

I looked in the shop window and I saw exactly a long time. since this is a hard-to-find book, I'm

what I wanted glad to see it here. The book had everything I

needed to learn about the diet. I plan to lose
weight to have a beautiful body for the upcoming

trip. This book is full of diets for beginners and for

those who have been practicing for a long time. I

think this is the motivation for me to do serious

dieting days to fulfill my wishes in the future. I am

very happy for this.

We had a big family party last weekend, but it was Dear henry,
awful . I argued with my dad, and my little sister
Glad to receive your letter. I’m so sorry to hear
was reallly annoying . do you get on well with your
about your problems with your family.
family? How do you think I could imorove things
with my family. I usually get on really well with my family,

although we don’t agree about everything anhd

we are very diffirent, we don’t have much in

common, but I love him and we don’t often argue.

I think you should avoid having serious problems

with your family if you never agree. You parents

can be difficult, bur please don’t worry. I’m sure

you’ll get on better when he talks again to you,

besides, why don’t you give your sister some gifts,

she is just a small girl

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 8
Please write to me soon

Best wishes, // Hoan/Duc

 what can people do to live a healthy To be healthy, the diet must have an appropriate

life? write a short paragraph with your amount of calories and a variety of plant-based

ideas foods, low in animal foods including plenty of

fresh fruits and vegetables, These ingredients and

foods Provides the body with a variety of vitamins

and minerals that help protect the body from


 what can we do to help protect the In order to have measures to overcome

envirnment? environmental pollution, we need to implement it

in the long run. Plant a lot of trees, Trees are the
source of oxygen for the atmosphere and a source

of carbon gas, reducing soil erosion and

ecosystems. Using materials from nature, Using

clean energy, Using clean energy, Treating

pollution in wastewater before discharging into

the environment..

 what are you favorite social network Bạn yêu thích trang mạng xã hội nào

sites and why

I like the social networking site Facebook.

Because it's fun, connect friends

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 9
 Biển báo

 This week’s fitness class will be half... will be back in the gym at the usual time

 The fitness class will be somewhere different this week.

 Tara, we’ve run out of coffee! Can you get.... i’ll pay you back tomorrow. Daisy

 Go shopping on her way home

 Bank opening hours...... the cash machine outside is in use 24 hours.

 You can’t go into the bank on Saturday afternoons.

 Max, there’s a problem with the shower.... someone’s coming to fix it this afternoon, so it’ll be
OK tomorrow.

 It isn’t possible to have a hot shower this morning.

 Hi Mia, I might be late for the band practice tonight.... See you later. Henry.

 To warn Mia that he may not be on time.

 Lily, Thanks for inviting me to your house next Saturday.... Maybe we can meet up when i
get back? Sara

 To make an apology to lily

 Music festival 15 August..... $8 on the day

 Ticket are cheaper if you buy them before the festival

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 10
 Hi Lucy, the football natch starts at 5.... don’t forget to invite Sam too. Emma.

 Ask Sam if he wants to come to the football match

 You are invited to a Jungle party.... a prize for the best one! Food and deink provided.

 Guests might win something if they wear a costume.

 Marcus. Don’t forget we’re going to the cinema.... but we can decide when we got there.

 To remind him about an arrangement.

 Hi George, I’m going camping next weekend,... if you’ve got a small cooker, that would be
great, too. Thanks. Josh

 To ask if Geogre will lend him some camping equipment.

 Everyone welcome- just meet at the park 2.30 on Saturday.... Bring your best pictures to
share. See you there! Tom

 Come to the picnic with food to cook.

 Art workshop... suitable for all abilities.

 You don’t have to be talented to go to the workshop

 If you enjoy playing the guitar and hanging... No plans to play as a band- we just relax and
play! Call 07796245798

 Play music with others

 Stamp collection for sale... On offer as a collection only, not as individual items

 Some of the stamp are very unusual

 nothing of value is left  valuable objects are removed at night

 road repairs starting here on 1 st september for four weeks _ expect delays

 your journey may take longer on this road in september

 Welcom to hotel maroc . dear gucst, our holiday advisor is available in the lounge every day 8-10am
for booking  people staying at hotel maroc can

 Online booking from. Tickets booked within seven days  we don’t post t

 New message . the teams is the same as last week- I’vealready player who have a problem

getting to the fyfield

 Improved service. From next month this bank will remain the bank will have longer

openning hours in future

 Regency cameras. Buy two films and get on free buy there films for the price

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 11
 Mum, the tennis team’s meeting tonight, so I’m taking..daniel daniel is having his photo taken

with the tennis teams tonight

 Casali restaurant. We are open downstairs while improvements  you can only eat in one part of

the restaurant at the

 Ann- Marie Emma called. She’s got a free ticket for this evening’s concert as her  if ann _marie is

free , she could go to the same

 Room to rent_ unexpectedly available  this room is cheap to rent as

 Please forgiving the delay in writing – I’ve beeb so busy!--> explain why she hasn’t contacted

 Won’t be able to get to tonight’s show the weather will make her m

 Karen, Your French teacher rang earlier -the Tuesday evening Karen needs to decide whether

to change

 Local farmers supply all this supermarket’s  We buy our fresh

 Jack, My car broke down on the motorway..David  David is half an hour away from where Jack


 About that sweater you borrowed for skiing  Maria need Deniss to retum something she lent
her while ago

 Parking hospital visitors only waiting  this car park is for peple visitin

 Special one_ day drama class the six _ week course is cheaper if you
 John. I’ve seen an advert for a new Rrench restarant in the twon centre
 Julie wants John’s advice about a venuae for a family celebration

 Olympia sportswear further discounts avaiablle  customers can get special prices on some
 Hi. I have to let the theatre know how many tickets are needs find out if bill wants a theatre

 Matt. Sunday’s race starts at 10.00..Jo jo is reminding matt to put on his

 Comfortable sofa f20  andre will sell his sofa as long as it is taken away

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 12

 Chloe enjoys team sports but doesn’t want to play in competitions..... to buy expensive


Active plus! This is a great class for people who ..... and a monthly report on how your
fitness is improving.

 Mike isn’t very fit.... He’d also like to see how he is improving over time.

Water-cise! Have run and get fit at your local sports.... plus the chance to gain progress

 Sofia loves sport but is recovering from a serious injury.... her advice on exercises she can do at

Fitness for all. If you’re looking for a gentle, low-cost.... classes: every Tuesday from 2-4

 Jack is very fit and is planning a challenging 200 km run.... He wants to train indoors and

Go for it! This is a class for people who want to push.... All equipment provided.

 Tara takes sport seriously.... She isn’t free from Monday to Friday.

Rising starts. We believe sports are for winners!... or book an individual lesson with one of
our trainers.

 Emma loves using her imagination in a creative way..... to visit places and see creative people at


Action! We are a film club, but we don’t watch.... to film studios to see how the
professionals do things.

 Marco loves making things, and he... a skill that he can use outside the class.

A work of food. We can teach you to prepare.... you might decide to become a
professional chef one day!

 Amina is interested in serious issues.... she would also like to discuss her ideas and opinions
with other people.

Think! Do you want to know more.... At out next meeting we are showing a flim about
earthquake rescue teams.

 Niko enjoys going to different places and meeting.... He’s especially interested in history.

City explorers. Get out and about with City.... cities to compare information and

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 13
 Erica is keen to help other people.... she can use in a job when she finishes her studies.

Party plus. At party plus, we are looking for new people.... but you’ll have a lot to other

future employers, and you’ll make a difference!

 George wants a holiday with a big group of friend.... and some in the group have young

Active fun. Looking for an active holiday?.... Price includes accommodation and breakfast.

 Ana loves to be near the sea.... She enjoys being active and learning new skills.

Making waves. Our learn- to- sail holiday in.... Price includes accommodation but not food.

 Harry just want to relax and have fun by the sea.... prefer to pay for everything together.

Golden sands Beach club. There’s lots to do at the... All meals and drinks are include in the


 Jess wants to travel abroad and learn about.... She would also like to see some performances.

Culture shocks. Get away from the usual tourist... a full programme of cultural events

includes some amazing dance shows!

 Greg doesn’t like crowded beaches and wants a peacerful.... happy to send some time alone
with a good book.

Forest camp. Get away from it all at Welldate.... you can just enjoy time on your own
listening to the sounds of the forest.

 Sandrine and her ten – year – old daughter, Quicksteps. Each week, well- known faces from the world

of television

 Tim has an amazing memory fo facts on range. Taskmaster. Can you beat the four members of the


 Simon enjoys murder mysteries, and likes the challenge of working. Inspector blake . A first- division

football player has beautiful wife

 Mariella loves skiing and enjoys watching winter sports . Whiteout. All the lates action from the slopes,

including men’s and women’s

 Ned and jake are computer programmers. Top Team. A return of the jokey quiz show, in wich teams of
famous sports

 Tomoko hasn’t skied before and wants Ice Mountain. Come to this beautiful
 Alex and helen are going skiing . Fairview. This historic mountain

 Matt and martin are looking for some exciting . Windy PiNe. The ski and snowboard runs here are high

in the

 Isabel and her 14 – year – old sn , Juan are expert . ROSE VALLEY. This area has much to often

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 Chris and his wife Jo are not keen skiers. Eagle’s Nest . there’s skiling in this area for skiers of all

 Victor and Olga need a pesonal instructor to teach. Marston Centre. The marston centre offers courses

 Felipe wants a weekend training session for his staff. Aqua Sports. Aqua Sports ofters company team-


 Harry wants to find a centre where top people in watersprts. Padcaster centre. The huge lake
 Tania and paolo can alresdy waterski. Marinewater. The M website shows theis whole range

 Laura and Adam want to celebrate laura’s birthday at a watersport centre. Camford Centre. The C C
offers sailing for people who love relaxing

 Yang is looking for used copies of modern novels for her book group. Holt’s. Although its prices are

 STEfan loves beautiful art books but would like to check . Scrimshaw’s has a huge selection of books


 Scott has been unable to get a particular. Regal. . Here you’ll find the country

 Jasmin is seting up a library of classic fiction. Topping’s. You’ll only find good-quality
 Ian wants a quiet bookshop where he can relax. Bales. This shop is famous for its range of titles


 Football stars at school

Ashton-on- Mersey School is very close to Manchester United’s football ground. => B

Young players join Manchester United from many different counties. => A

Some young player start playing for the main team when they are 16 years old. => A

Most young player go on to become professional footballers. => B

Some football clubs allow their young player to stop studying. => B

At Manchester United, young player have some experience of normal teenage life. => A

Manchester United’s young players have classes at school every day. => B

The Manchester United students don’t have to follow all the school rules. => B

The main advantage for the school is that it receives money from the football club. => B

One player helped some students to speak French better. => A

 Could a personal shopper help you?

 Adlers’ Department Store has just started offering a personal shopping service. => B

 The personal shopping charge is refunded if you buy some clothes. => A

 The personal shopper start by showing you some clothes to find out what you are looking for. => B

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 Personal shoppers learn their skills from people who know the job well. => A

 You should decide how much you can afford to spend before you come to your appointment. => A

 You have to share a changing room with other shoppers. => B

 A maximum of five people can attend an appointment together. => B

 The personal shopper can help you to find clothes at reduceced prices. => A

 You have to book in advance to get an appointment with a personal shopper. => B

 With the special other this month, you can only save money on electronic goods. => B

 Bees, bees, bees

 Lisa first saw the bees in her garden when she opened the window. => B

 Lisa went back into the kitchen because she heard the bees. => A

 Lisa was scard when she saw the bees. => B

 The beekeeper thought it was funny that the bees had landed on Lisa’s cake. => A

 Even though the bees had enten a lot of the cake, Lisa still ate it. => B

 When John saw the insects, he knew immediately that they were bees. => B

 John stopped his car because he wanted to call a beekeeper. => B

 The queen bee was is the boot of John’s car. => A

 The bees followed the car because they could see the queen. => B

 John got out of his car when the beekeeper arrived. => B

Lost in the rocky mountains

Bob rigsby was in canada in oder to study its wildlife B

On the first day os getting lost, Bob realised how B

Bob had few problems finding something safe A

ON the fourth day, Bob recognised the place that he was in A

Shirley thought that Bob sounded upset on the phone B

It was the frist tme Bob Had been missing for such a length of time A

The frist phone call that Shirley made was to the canadian embasy A

The hotel owner was worried B

Employees from the hotel B

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BoB says he regrets going A

Young people’s music day

The aim of the music day is for young B

Student will learn sowme music A

At the concert, the professional A

Transport home by coach from B

Classes will begin straight after the B

Each student attending may be lucky A

Students wanting any of the goods on sale B

Students staying to wait for the evening A

Some students will need to bring A

For safety reason, the organisers B

My frist long motorbiking trip – by Graham Jones

Graham says his friend Luke was keen for him A

Luke was confident their ride with his club B

For Graham’s frist group ride, they planned to go to a place 100km B

One rider in their group, Tania , started B

Graham wondered if he would feel the same as Tania A

At one point, the group leader decided A

Luke was concerned that the weather conditions A

They found that the clothes they were wearing B

Luke and Graham’s mood improved A

Immediately after the trip Graham bought B

Arctic expedition

A building was ready for the scientists B

This was the first time scientists has tested A

Information was collected on the expedition B

The north pole was the destination of a previous A

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Ann had to do special training A

During her career, ann B

Ann’s group achieved everything A

Helen knew it would be difficult doing experimennts A

When she went onto the ice, Helen B

The expedition research is now A


 A hotel under the sea

 What is the write doing in this text?

Giving information about an underwater hotel.

 What do we learn about the hotel?

It will only have a small number of rooms.

 What can guest do in the hotel?

Watch the ocean life near the hotel.

 What is the best thing about hotel, according to the designers?

It won’t cause any damage to the environment.

 What might a guest in this hotel say?

It’s great to stay in such a beautiful hotel that is also good for the planet.

The price of a prefect holiday?

 The purpose of the text is to ?

Explain some of the problems that cruise ships cause.

 One reason cruise ships cause a lot of air pollution is because ?

They use types of fuel that are not permitted on land.

 What do we learn about the waste products on cruise ships?

An enormous amount of the waste water isn’t recycled.

 Why are cruise ship passenger not popular in some cities?

They don’t spend money on meals.

 Which best describes large cruise ships?

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They seem to offer ideal relaxing holidays, but they aren’t environmentally friendly.

Athletics in Jamaica

 What is the writer doing in this text?

Discussing the importance of an athletics championship.

 What does the text say about the Championships?

They started over 100 years ago.

 What does Dwayne Simpson say about the Championships?

They encourage young athletes to do their best.

 According to Nathaniel Day, the event

Helps young athletes get used to being filmed.

 Which best describes the Jamaica Schools Championships?

It’s an important event which helps young athletes to improve.

Open – air Theate

1, what is the write trying to do in the text?

Explain what it’s like to work in an open - air theatre

2,when plays are disturbed by local wildlife, the actors

Change their preformance to include it

3, what is the audience’s attitude to bad weather during performancens?

They accept it as they have come well-prepared

4,what does John Barnack say about outdoor theatre?

I’m keeping a tradition going. And

Rik mayall talks about his experiences as an actor

1.What is Rik Mayall’s main purpose in writing the text?

To talk about his fovourite acting roles

2.What does Rik Mayall’s say about The New Statesman?

Not everyone approved of it

3. What kind of work does Rik Mayall prefer?

Performing in front of an audience

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4.Why was Rik Mayall pleased about acting in A Family Affair?

The writers of the play admired his performance

5.Which of the following is the best description of Rik Mayall?

He is a successful actor who says that he enjoys playing characters who are unpleasant.

American Black Ducks

1. What is Sam Prentice doing in the text?

Explaining how he is doing a piece of research
2. What is Sam hoping to discover about American Black Ducks?

What their behaviour is like after dark

3. When Sam spends long periods watching duks , he

Something fnds it difficult to stay awake

4. What does Sam say about working inside a lab over the summer?

He accepts that it’s a necessary part of his job

5. What might Sam say about his exper ences of working outdoors?
Something the moon hasn’t been very bright, but our equipment provides the amount of light we

need to collect information

Helen Skelton

1. What is the writer doing n this text?

Describing a woman’s achievement

2. Helen knew she would be safe if she fell because

She was wearing special equipment

3. During her training , Helen was surprised to find that

She had to work so hard at her fitness

4. When Helen performed her work on the high wire

She managed to keep herself calm

5. What might Helen say about the walk?
The training could be painful at times but at least’s I’m in really good condition now, resdy for my

next challenge.

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 The actress Emma Watson grew up near Oxford in the south of England and (1) ....trained.... as an
actress at the Stagecoach School in Oxford. (2) .....Alhough..... she had only acted in a few school

plays, in 2001 she was lucky enough to get the role of Hermione in the Harry Potter film (3)

.....series.... . This was the role which first (4)...made..... her famous. She appeared in (5) ....all....

eight of the Harry Potter films from 2001 to 2011. After the Harry Potter films, Emma (6)
..continued... to work in films, but also (7) ...spent..... a few years studying English Literature at

university. She acted while she studied, and (8) ...since.... 2012 she has continued to develop her

career and has appeared in (9) ....several..... very successful films. She is (10) ...also..... very
interested in fashion, and has worked as a fashion model for a well-known fashion magazine.

 The city of Glasgow has a modern underground rail network and (1) ...plenty.... of buses and

trains. It also has a (2)..few... other forms of transport. The ferry across the river Clyde between
Yoker (3) ...and.... Renfrew is popular with tourists. There has been a ferry in service here (4) ..for....

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around 500 years. The (5) ....trip... takes about half an hour, and it’s an interesting way to see this

part of the city. For a (6) ....longer... boat ride, you could try one of the cruises on the Clyde. The
cruises (7) ...depart.. at the Riverside Museum and sail down the river past some interesting

historical parts of the city. If you (8)..fancy... trying something more adventurous, you could travel

from Glasgow to the island of Mull on a seaplane. The (9) ...fares.. are quite expensive, but it’s an

experience you won’t forget. Also in the air, why not try a helicopter flight? It’s not cheap, but you
get an amazing (10) ...view... of the city.

 People have always tried to (1) ...predict... the weather. In the past, people often watched the sky
for (2) ...signs... of how the weather was changing. A red sky at night, for example, suggested that

the (3) ...following.... day would be fine. Animals’ behavior also (4) ..provided....information for

forecasting the weather. For example, if cows were lying down it meant it was (5) ..likely... to rain.

Nowadays, (6) ..however.., scientists use complicated computer models to produce weather
forecasts that are much more (7) ...accurate... They can say, for example, if there is a 20% or 30% (8)

..chance... of rain on a particular day. They can also warn people if a storm is (9) ..approaching...

This is important for farmers and other people who work outside. It also helps ordinary people know
whether they need to (10) ..take... an umbrella with them when they go out!

 Alexander Graham Bell

Akexander Graham bell, WAS born …developed away …should be pronounced ….sounds of
words…Alexander trained to be…interested in how…climate would be … that he
invented…similar to the… along a wire….all our lives!

 The ART of Drawing

Drawing has always been a very… popular bobby..soon as …true that some…learnt you

can…of all about…need to do is…subject is to … time. More courses…which means…limit is

your imagination.


Wool comes from sheep and Certain other…which 60%…mostly come from...keeps

babies…can protect their bodies. contains a high…simplest way to do….remover from
the….but it is… rather than wool. …became a more


Most people would agree that…gave himself…instead of taking…spent much of …among the

stores … using very basic …collect enough…but also …every weekend …short time… search
for 30

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 Last week, a friend of mine visited the Santiago Bernabeu football stadium.
 It was the first time he had been to this stadium

 You have to send/ pay $9 to go on a tour of the stadium

 The tour includes a visit to the dressing room

 Santiago Bernabeu is bigger than any other football stadium in madrid

 It doesn’t take you long to fill in a job application form

 At a job interview they will ask, What jobs did you do before?

 It’s important not to be late for work

 Some people prefer working outdoors to working inside

 Some firms give their staff free uniforms

 Why don’t you buy a second- hand car -, Ben?

 Ben couldn’t aflord to buy a new car

 Ben got in touch with the owner of a car for sale after seeing an advert

 Ben decided he liked the car as soon as he drove it

 The car was less expensive than Ben had expected

- Jessica hadn’t been on a train for several months

- Jessica’s ticket was bought in advance online

- The train was so/ that crowded that it was difficult to find a seat

- Jessica asked ‘ didn’t what time will we arrive in York?

- Jessica find the journey boring because she had a good book

Last week, someone sent Beth an advertisement for a new clothes website.

Last week, Beth was sent an advertisement for a new clothes website.

 The website had a sale, so Beth bought a dress.

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There was a sale on the website, so Beth bought a dress.

 The dress was too short for Beth.

The dress wasn’t long enough for Beth.

 The dress was less colorful than the picture on the website.

The dress wasn’t as colorful as the picture on the website.

 Her friend suggested asking her money back.

Her friend said, ‘you should ask for your money back’.

 I first met Chris and his brother Karl five years ago.

I have known Chris and his brother Karl for five years.

 Chris always wants to go out and meet new people.

Chris is always keen to go out and meet new people.

 He really doesn’t like to spend time alone.

He can’t stand spending time alone.

 Karl is different to Chris.

Karl isn’t the same as Chris.

 He isn’t as sociable as his brother.

He’s less sociable than his brother.

 August is hotter than the other months of the year.

August is the hottest month of the year.

 My Spanish friend said, ‘you shouldn’t stay in the hot sun for too long’.

My Spanish friend advised me not to stay in the hot sun for too long.

 I prefer staying in the shade when it’s very hot.

I’s rather stay in the shade when it’s very hot.

 Most years, there is too little rain in the south of the country.

Most years, there isn’t enough rain in the south of the country.

 The government encourages people to use water carefully.

People are encouraged to use water carefully by the government.

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 PART 1 chọn tranh

-Part 1.1

1 đi bộ; 2 bàn phím; 3 06:30; 4 bánh gato; 5 đàn; 6 chơi tenit; 7 hai áo trắng

-Part 1.2

1 đưa sách ở quán café; 2 áo; 3 có tuyết; 4 trung tâm thể thao; 5 nghĩ về thuyền; 6 ném bóng vào sân; 7

nhiều bát đĩa nhất

-Part 1.3

1- ảnh 3 người; 2-chai hình cô gái; 3- picnic ngoài trời; 4-áo tay dài; 5- 14th; 6-nhà có 2 cây; 7-quả bóng

hết hơi

-Part 1.4

1- máy ảnh; 2- 2h30; 3- bộ dàn trống; 4- mây mưa; 5-sách đàn ông gõ bàn phím


 Brittany realised that she really enjoyed acting when

She took part in a school play

 How did Brittany fell before her first theatre performance.

Anxious that she would use the wrong accent

 Why did Brittany move into TV acting?

She wanted to try something new.

 What does Bethtany still find difficult about screen acting?

Learning to speak more quietly

 Brittany particularly enjoys

Receiving a new part to learn

 What does Brithtany dislike about being an actor

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Starting work early in the morning

 Why did Carla change the way she worked?

She spent very little time at home

 What does Carla say about running her own business?

She countinues to work a lot of hours

 What changes did Carla make to her exercise routine?

She exercises at a different time of day

 How does Carla feel about her health and eating habits?

Surprised that see now feels so much better

 Where does Carla spend time with her sisters?

In her own home

 Which time-saving idea does Carla find efficient?

Having a lot of similar clothes

What does Scott say about his ‘capsule’ apartment in Japan?

He had to think carefully about where to put things

 Scott says that the ‘upside-down’ house he lived in

Wasn’t as exciting as he thought it would be

 How did Scott feel when he had to leave his home in London?

Pleased to escape the effects of the weather

 What does Scott enjoy about living in cities?

Seeing lots of people

 What problem has Scott had with his ‘water buiding’?

It’s hard to find the right colour for it

 Why would Scott like to design a railway station?

To test his design skills

 AMY decided to become a fashion designer while?

She was working in a shop

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 Amy say the most important skill for a designer is

Understanding how clothes are made

 What does amy particularly like about her work?

Having her name recognised

 How does Amy feel about today’s fashion?

She feels clothes should be more attractive

 What helps Amy find new iddeas for designs?

Seeing things around her

 What project is Amy working on at the moment?

A collection of clothes for a film

 What was Robin’s job in Argentina ?

Traveling salesman
 On robin iast trip to Argentina, the weather was

Suitable for what he planned

 What did robin buy from the arket he visited?

A picture

 How did robin feel during the dance performance he saw?

He wanted to get up and dance

 What did robin do while he stayed in the village?

He went on a river trip

 What did robin like about his favourite place?

The peace



-The club meet at the football stadium in the town

-Last year’s members will be sent a registration form by email

-Members who pay $5 recive a special sports bag that show the club’s name

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-All runners get a wate bottle as a free gift

-You know the runner’s level of experience by the colour of their shirt
-Contact carol beaton on 8302195


- Steve had accommodation in a shares tent

- Steve says it was important to have good meals at the end of each day
- Steve worked with a team that made a path through the forest
- Steve also collected information needed for a map of the forest area

In the morning steve was surprised to hear the sound of rabbits in the forest

- When he did the trip, Steve only had to pay for his flight


Courses avaiable on:

English literature/ 18 century artists// modern architecture

Dates for all courses:

start date : 14 th June// end date: 12 july// classes : every day except Fridays

reduced prices for : groups

included in price: accommodation and food/ useof the library/ social activities/ books
not included in price: extra lessons// transport

available from college secretary : registration forms// a copy of the timetable for your course


The film

Country it is about : greenland

Day it is on : Sunday

Time last performance starts: 5p.m

Other things to do at the museum

Use the computer in the basement

See a model spaceship on the frist floor

Try the café on the top floor

Send an email before 12 o’clock on friday


The films Jungle Fever is a (1) cartoon about a family of tigers.

Actor Steve Wills plays a (2) chef in his new film, Call it.

Swim! Is about a man who wants to swim in a local (3) lake.

Competition for listeners

Listeners can enter an online quiz at www. (4) movies co.

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Winners will receive (5) restaurant tickets.

Entries must be received on (6) January 28th by 2 pm.

 The training manager is called Mandy (1) Hickets.

New assistants will work on the (2) ground floor.

Part-time workers have a rest day on (3) Thursday every week.

Workers who live in the town can use the store’s (4) bus servise for free.

The staff discount cannot be used to buy (5) food.

Assistants need to collect their (6) ID card on their first day.


 The (1) army use the name ‘bootcamp’ for soldiers’ training.

Extreme Bootcamp takes place on a (2) bridge so you can exercise and look at the river.

Members start each class at 6.30 am by doing some (3) jogging.

Wear the same clothes as for other exercise classes, and bring good (4) trainers.

The next bootcamp start on (5) 30th September.

Contact Ellie (6) Shawes for more information.


 Robin is surprised by how much recycling people do in his town => A

 Lisa thinks it takes too long to recycle metal => A

 Robin belives there should be more bottle banks => B

 Lisa thinks that people are making good progress with paper recycling A

 Robin and Lisa agree that people need more information about plastic B

 Robin thins that people should pay less to use public transport. => A

 Ted thinks he wastes time looking at Intergram => B

 Ted is surprised at how long Sylvia spends online every day => B

 Sylvia admits that she finds it difficult to sleep after looking at screens A

 Ted and Sylvia agree that Snapchat is fun to use => A

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 Sylvia thnks that some people use Facebook in the wrong way => A

 Ted and Sylvia both enjoying reading posts on Twitter => B

 Sophia thinks that Japanese is a difficult language to learn => A

 Aaron and Sophia agree that it is important to learn languages => B

 Aaron thinks he has a natural ability for remembering new words => A

 Sophia feels worried when she can’t understand what someone says = B

 Aaron thinks writting í the most difficult skill => A

 Both Aaron and Sophia think it is useful to make mistakes => A

 Prter wants to take his sister to the party B

 Anne hopes the party will be bigger than the one last year B
 Peter thinks the new college hall A

 Peter thinks DJs play a good B

 Anne hopes the college cafeteria will supply the food for the party B

 Peter is confident the party will end after midnight A

 They agree that the last show in the series was complicated A

 James believes that the series is successful A

 They both admire the main character’s B

 Martha thinks that the main character has similar A

 James was surprised to find B

 They both plan to watch the serise again B

 Natasha has decided to take the day off work to go running B

 Colin found running to work was bad for his health A

 Natasha would prefer to go running outside A

 Natasha would like to wear her sports clothes B

 Natasha will run in the big race bacause B

 Colin and natasha will prepare for the big race B

 Claire has read about the football tour in a newspaper B

 Claire is worried about being the youngest B

 Tom feels that school work is more A

 Claire intends B

 Claire thinks B
 Tom agrees A

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 30

What has sara sent at email?.. : C C B C A

What has josh sent this…: C A B A B


Where peter… boook? B

What dis girl … market? C

What will the weather be like for the race ? A

What does the girl like best about the city? C

What does the boy…the film? A

What happened doing the football match ? B

Which part of the gallery did the man visit? B

What has the boy lost? B

What time does the race begin B

Which musical intrument C

What will the weather A mua

What is the subject … book? A

How will they book their flights? C

What has the daughter tofgotten to bring C

What will the man and woman do on Sunday B

Which blouse does the gril decide to buy B

When is the gril having a party A

Where is the motorcycle race going to finish C

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 31
What will the woman repair next B

What did the man do at the sports centre yesterday? C

Which sport does the woman compete A

Where will the friend running A

Which winter sport Max C

What did the girl lose B

Which sports instructor C

What will open at the sports centre soon B

What time will the flight to … C

What does the man enjoy most … C

Where will maggie family saty on holiday … B

What has the woman left behind ….A

What will the weather be like … B

What was damaged during the journey ? …A

Where can you park your car for free…A

Which is the girls…C

What should people not do ? … C

What has the wonman studend in college week.. A

What does the man prefer to swim?....A

What did the students enjoy learning about….B

How did the family travel in ic….C

What did the friend learn about in the tv ….A

Anh Ngữ Linkcenter - Luyện thi Đại học, B1, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Toeic quốc tế, IELTS!
Add: Số nhà 16 chợ SV Nông Nghiệp, gần Nem Nướng Hải Anh - Phone: 09678.43.545 Page 32

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