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Danh từ (Noun)
Danh từ: Là những từ chỉ người, sự vật, địa điểm hay hiện tượng cụ thể.

Vị trí các từ loại trong tiếng Anh – Danh từ: Ở đầu câu. Đứng sau tính từ,
động từ, mạo từ và lượng từ.

Ví dụ: A big tree (Một cái cây lớn).

● Đứng sau ______________________(his, her, its, their, your, my).

Ví dụ: This is my book (Đây là cuốn sách của tôi).

● Đứng sau ______________________ với chức năng là tân ngữ


Ví dụ: It’s not my fault (Đây không phải là lỗi của tôi).

● Đứng sau mạo từ (______________________ và các từ chỉ định


Ví dụ: What a great day! (Thật là một ngày tuyệt vời).

Look at these people. They’re crazy. (Nhìn mấy người đó kìa. Họ điên mất

● Đứng sau giới từ chỉ ______________________

Ví dụ: I found my pen under the table. (Mình tìm được cây viết ở dưới cái

● Đứng sau a few, any, some, every, enough, little, a little, all,

Ví dụ: There are enough hot soups for everyone (Có đủ canh nóng cho mọi
người cả).
Các hậu tố thường gặp của danh từ:

Hậu Các từ ví dụ

-tion Function (chức năng), notion (khái niệm), nation (đất nước).

-ess Sadness (nỗi buồn), kindness (sự tử tế), flatness (sự bằng phẳng).

-ment Moment (khoảnh khắc), movement (sự di chuyển), contentment (sự

thỏa mãn).

-sion Confusion (sự phân vân), division (phép chia), television (tivi).

-ce Performance (màn trình diễn), convenience (sự thuận tiện).

-ity Identity (sự nhận diện), responsibility (trách nhiệm), opportunity (cơ

-er/or Error (lỗi), terror (sự khiếp sợ), instructor (người hướng dẫn).

-ship Friendship (tình bạn), citizenship (quyền công dân), championship (sự
vinh quang).

-ism Heroism (tính anh hùng), Minimalism (sự tối giản), racism (sự phân biệt
chủng tộc).

-ture Temperature (nhiệt độ), agriculture (nông nghiệp), culture (văn hóa).

-phy Autography (chữ ký viết tay), photography (nhiếp ảnh)

-logy Biology (sinh học), Technology (Công nghệ)

-hood Childhood (thời thơ ấu), Manhood (tuổi trưởng thành), likelihood (sự có
khả năng).

-an/ia Musician (nhạc sĩ), vegetarian (người ăn chay).


-itude Attitude (thái độ), solitude (sự tách biệt).

-ic Physic (Sinh học), economic (kinh tế).

-age Cabbage (bắp cải), advantage (lợi thế), disadvantage (điểm bất lợi).

-th Length (độ dài), strength (sức mạnh), youth (tuổi trẻ).
Động từ (Verb)
Động từ: Những từ chỉ hành động và trạng thái của một người, sự vật hay
hiện tượng nào đó.

Vị trí trong câu: Sau ______________________ và


VD: She often goes to school by bus.

He luckily won the jackpot.

● Đứng sau ______________________.

Ví dụ: I love to eat pizza. (Mình thích ăn pizza).

Các hậu tố động từ thường gặp:

Hậu Các từ ví dụ

-ize Minimize (làm thu nhỏ), criticize (đánh giá), realize (nhận ra).

-en Strengthen (làm mạnh lên), lengthen (làm dài hơn), threaten (đe dọa).

-ate Create (tạo ra), debate (tranh luận), donate (hiến tặng).

-ify Notify (thông báo), simplify (làm đơn giản), classify (xếp loại).
Tính từ (Adjective)
Tính từ: Những từ chỉ tính chất, đặc điểm của người, vật hay hiện tượng.

Vị trí trong câu: Đứng trước ______________________, sau


● Bổ nghĩa cho ______________________.

Ví dụ: I bought a new dress. (Tôi đã mua một chiếc đầm mới).

● Bổ nghĩa cho ______________________.

Ví dụ: I am not good at Math. (Mình không giỏi Toán).

● Đứng sau ______________________ (có đuôi -ly).

Ví dụ: This donut is insanely delicious. (Chiếc bánh vòng này ngon kinh

● Sau các tính từ chỉ ______________________ (very, enough,


Ví dụ: He is very cute (Anh ấy rất dễ thương).

● Sau động từ tình thái ______________________

Ví dụ: You seem sad. What’s the matter? (Nhìn bạn không được vui. Có
vấn đề gì vậy?)

Các hậu tố thường gặp của từ loại tiếng Anh tính từ:

Hậu Các từ ví dụ

-ful Joyful (vui vẻ), peaceful (yên bình), colorful (nhiều sắc màu).

-ed Wicked (độc ác), tired (mệt mỏi), worried (lo lắng).

-al Herbal (thảo dược), frugal (thanh đạm), special (đặc biệt).
-less Friendless (không có bạn), useless (vô dụng), homeless (không nhà).

-able Dependable (có thể tin cậy), capable (có năng lực), available (có sẵn).

–ive Creative (sáng tạo), attractive (thu hút), active (năng động).

-ic Chaotic (lộn xộn), fantastic (tuyệt vời), energetic (đầy năng lượng).

-ish Selfish (ích kỷ), lavish (sang trọng), foolish (ngốc nghếch).

-y Monthly (hàng tháng), yearly (hàng năm), angry (tức giận).

Trạng từ (Adverb)
Trạng từ: Là những từ bổ nghĩa thêm cho tính từ, chỉ trạng thái hay tính
chất của một sự vật/hiện tượng.

Vị trí: Đứng đầu câu, đứng trước tính từ, đứng sau/trước động từ,…

● Đứng ở đầu câu/giữa câu có ______________________

Ví dụ: Fortunately, we won the lottery ticket. (Thật may mắn, chúng ta trúng
vé số rồi).

● Đứng ______________________bổ nghĩa cho tính từ.

Ví dụ: The film is utterly moving (Bộ phim này cảm động quá).

● Đứng ______________________bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường.

Ví dụ: How can I run quickly? (Mình phải làm sao để chạy nhanh?).

● Trạng từ tần suất (always, often,…) đứng trước động từ thường.

Ví dụ: I often wake up late at Saturday. (Tôi thường dậy trễ vào mỗi thứ

Cách thành lập trạng từ

● Dấu hiệu của một trạng từ cơ bản, công thức word form cho trạng
từ dễ nhận biết nhất đó là: Adjective + ly
● Tuy nhiên, không có một trường hợp nào tuyệt đối, một số trạng từ
ở thể đặc biệt:

Ví dụ:

Good → Well

Early → Early

Hard → Hard

Bài tập 1: Phân loại word form

1. Contribute ⇒

2. Equilibrium ⇒

3. Exaggerate ⇒

4. Illuminate ⇒

5. Ambiguous ⇒

6. Diversify ⇒

7. Innovative ⇒

8. Substantially ⇒

9. Resilience ⇒

10. Elaborate ⇒

Bài tập 2: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

1. I had a ____ conversation with her. (meaning)

2. He speaks English _____. (fluent)

3. The ____ of the movie was unexpected. (end)

4. She plays the piano _____. (good)

5. He needs to ____ his skills to succeed. (develop)

6. The dancer moved ____. (graceful)

7. He is a very ____ student. (hard)

8. She did the task _____. (careful)

9. They performed the experiment _____. (successful)

10. The dog barked ____ all night. (constant)

1. Detroit is renowned for the………….. of cars. PRODUCE

2. If you make a good……………… at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS

3. Teaching and medicine are more than…………………., they're professions.


4. My history teacher has a vast…………………. of past events. KNOW

5. You are never too old to go to college and gain some……………. QUALIFY

6. My greatest…………….. was graduating from the university. ACHIEVE

7. The weatherman said there is a strong…………… of rain today. POSSIBLE

8. Some old laws are no longer……………….. EFFECT

9. Athens is…………………. for its ancient buildings. FAME

10. He was caught shoplifting so now he has a……………….. record. CRIME

11. Despite her severe………….., she fulfilled her goals in life. DISABLE

12. Being……………. is the worst thing that can happen to someone. EMPLOY

13. If you buy presents in the summer your…………………… can be very high.

14. Due to the pilot's…………………, the co-pilot managed to land safely. GUIDE

15. It's important to also see the less………………… sides of the job. DESIRE
16. I was surprised at his………………… to give up. REFUSE

17. Children are by nature………………….. of danger. AWARE

18. She is always……………. towards her parents. RESPECT

19. The hospital has the best medical……………. and fast ambulances. EQUIP

20. You can relax in the comfortable………………….. of the hotel. SURROUND

21. The…………………….. looked dark and there were hardly any other guests.

22. Artists must be…………., otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear.

23. Why are you so……………… of his work? He's just doing his best. CRITIC

24. Have you made up your mind? We need to know your ……………as soon as
possible. DECIDE

25. He's too shy to look at people ………… when he talks to them. DIRECT

26. Have they put on Christmas………………….. yet? DECORATE

27. They put too many unnecessary things ……………………… in food. ADD

28. I ……………… think that there's no point in arguing with him. Just ignore

29. Extraterrestrial life has not been…………………. proved yet. SCIENCE

30. Why don't you call the …………………. if the lights don't work? ELECTRIC

31. Music and television are forms of………………… ENTERTAIN

32. The concert didn't live up to our………………… EXPECT

33. The electric company admitted their ………………… for the blackout.

34. Did you use to have …………………… as a child? ALLOW

35. I don't like those trousers, no matter how …………………….. they are. FASHION

36. Life ……………….. varies according to country and gender. EXPECT

37. We need to find a __________ to the problem as soon as possible. (solve)

38. Juan speaks English fluently and makes very few __________ mistakes.

39. The teacher keeps a record of every student's __________ . (attend)

40. Air-conditioning is a ___________ if you live somewhere like the south of

Spain. (necessary)

41. Don't be afraid of the dog. He's absolutely __________ . (harm)

42. The company is trying hard to improve customer __________ . (satisfy)

43. Measures were taken around the world to __________ airport security
after the 11 September Attacks.(tight)

44. We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very
__________ in the last year. (rely)

45. Patricia's very __________ . She writes short stories, paints and makes
mosaics. (create)

46. We need your __________ at the bottom of.

47. The index at the back of the book is in __________ order. (alphabet)
48. The fans waved __________ as the film star stepped out of the limousine.

49. Chickenpox is a highly __________ disease which many people catch as a

child. (infect)

50. Matt is very __________ . He wants to be number one at everything.


Bài tập 3: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. She is a ____ (talent) artist; her paintings are amazing.

a) talented b) talents c) talentful d) talenting

2. The weather suddenly turned ____ (cold) in the evening.

a) colder b) coldness c) coldly d) coldful

3. He needs to work ____ (efficient) to meet the deadline.

a) efficient b) efficiently c) efficiency d) effice

4. The ____ (beauty) of the landscape took my breath away.

a) beautify b) beautician c) beautiful d) beauty

5. She speaks English ____ (fluent) than her classmates.

a) more fluently b) fluenter c) fluency d) more fluenter

6. His ____ in solving complex problems impressed his colleagues.

a) skillful b) skill c) skilled d) skillfully

7. The movie was so ____ that many people left the theater.

a) bore b) bored c) boring d) boreful

8. She dances very ____ on stage.

a) graceful b) grace c) gracefully d) graceless

9. The student’s ____ attitude towards learning is commendable.

a) enthusiasm b) enthusiastic c) enthusiastically d) enthuse

10. The ___________ of the project took longer than expected.

a) complete b) completely c) completion d) completive

Bài tập 4:
We earn our _______________ (LIVE) in America today in peaceful

_______________ (COMPETE) with people all across the earth. Profound and

_______________ (POWER) forces are shaking and _______________ (MAKE)

our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can change

our friend and not our enemy. This new world has already _______________

(RICH) the lives of millions of Americans who are able to _______________

(COMPETITION)and win in it. But when most people are working harder for

less when others cannot work at all, when the cost of healthcare

devastates families and threatens to _______________ (BANK) our

enterprises, great and small, when the fear of crime robs law-abiding

citizens of their _______________ (FREE), and when million of poor children

cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not

made change our friend.


1. Hurry up. There’s no ________ time to lose.

2. There’s plenty of ________ food for everyone.

3. When I left ________ station I had to wait for ________ taxi for a long time.

4. Who is ________ girl over there with Mike?

5. Jack doesn't like ________ bread from ________ local bakery.

6. We spent a wonderful evening having ________ drinks at one of ________ best


7. I want to work as ________ engineer.

8. Laura is ________ very intelligent girl.

9. It was such ________ lovely day that we went to ________ seaside.

10. In general, ________ car is expensive to buy but once you have it you can't do


11. Anna is looking for _______ place to eat ________ night.

12. Would you pass ______ jar of honey, please?

13. Please turn off ________ air conditioning when you leave ________ office.

14. Are you looking for________________ movie to watch with your boyfriend?

15. My husband’s family speaks _____ English.

16. He returned after _____ hour.

17. Your soup is so good. ______ meat is pretty tender.

18. Stella spent a week traveling around _____ Europe.

19. David is on ______ night duty this day.

20. Have you been to ____ Moon?

21. I have _____ cat.

22. Can you turn on ____ air conditioning, please?

23. We will take ____ trip that we have been waiting for a long time.

24. I checked _________ email twice.

25. I’ve been living in _____ USA for two years.

26. My mom often goes to work in ____ morning

27. All employees must obey _____ company rules.

28. I saw ____ horrible accident last week.

29. Linda had ___ meal in a yacht.

30. You are ____ apple of my eye.

31. Take your hand off ____ table, please!

32. The employees have _____ new manager called Mr. Jane.

33. The game has come to ____ end.

34. Lisa talked for _____ hour about her school project.

35. I have _____ dinner at 6 p.m.

36. This is _____ university well suited to your talents.

37. Billy went to ____ school to see his children.

38. Hanna attended _____ Victory University.

39. Dennis lived at___four houses from the stadium.

40. It was ____ best film I had ever watched.

41. What _____ amazing idea Alex had yesterday morning.

42. I’m not very hungry. I had ____ big lunch.

43. When dad was ill ____ lot of his friends came to home to visit him.

44. Don’t stay in that homestay. _____ beds there are very unpleasant.

45. I met _____ few Japanese tourists when I was in Thailand.

46. ____ President USA is from Washington.

47. They studied the geology of ____ Gobi Desert.

48. _____ boys like playing golf.

49. He is ____ engineer.

50. Tommy is in Floria studying for _____ RSA.

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