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Các loại mạo từ thường gặp

Mạo từ bất định Mạo từ xác định

Mạo từ bất định gồm “a” và “an” Mạo từ xác định “the” thường dùng
cho những đối tượng được xác
– Mạo từ “a” thường đi kèm với
định cụ thể, cả người nói và người
danh từ đếm được số ít, và đứng
nghe đều biết rõ về đối tượng được
trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một
đề cập. “The” đứng trước danh từ
phụ âm.
và thường sử dụng cho danh từ
Ví dụ: a dog (một con chó), a pencil đếm được ở số ít hoặc danh từ
(một cây bút chì), a person (một không đếm được ở số nhiều.
Ví dụ: the girl (cô gái), the cat (con
– Mạo từ “an” thường đi kèm với mèo),…
danh từ đếm được số ít và danh từ
Lưu ý: Mạo từ “the” dùng để đối
bắt đầu bằng phụ âm (e, u, i, o, a)
tượng đã xác định. Ngược lại, mạo
hoặc âm “h” câm.
từ “a” và “an’ dùng để chỉ đối tượng
Ví dụ: an elephant (một con voi), an chưa xác định.
orange (một quả cam),…

Cách dùng mạo từ a/ an/ the

Cách dùng mạo từ “a”

- A là một mạo từ không xác định trong tiếng Anh, thường bắt đầu bằng
một _________________________. Trong vài trường hợp ngoại lệ, một
số danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm nhưng được phiên âm như
phụ âm thì vẫn sử dụng A.

Ví dụ: a uniform/ˈjuːnəfɔːm/ , a cat, a fish

● A được sử dụng trong một số thành ngữ chỉ


Ví dụ: a one third (1/3), once times a day, once upon a time,...

● A được dùng với các _________________________, hoặc các

thành ngữ nhất định về _________________________.

Ví dụ: a couple, a lots, a lot of,…

Cách dùng mạo từ “an”

Các danh từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm (_________________________) thì

thường đi kèm với mạo từ “an”. Ngoài ra, một số trường hợp từ bắt đầu
bằng phụ âm nhưng là _________________________.

Ví dụ: an egg, an orange, an horse,…

Cách sử dụng mạo từ “the”

● Khi đối tượng được đề cập đến là _________________________.

Ví dụ: The moon (mặt trăng), the sun (mặt trời),…

● Dùng trước một danh từ danh từ nếu

Ví dụ: I see a girl. The beautiful girl is going to the coffee shop.

● Đặt trước một danh từ chỉ một đồ vật riêng biệt mà người nói và
người nghe _________________________.

Ví dụ: Please pass the jar of honey. (Làm ơn hãy đưa cho tôi lọ mật ong

● Dùng trong so sánh __________hoặc đứng trước

_________________________ khi các từ này dùng như tính từ
hay đại từ.

Ví dụ: Anna is the shortest in her class (Anna thì thấp nhất trong lớp)

● The + danh từ_________________________: tượng trưng cho

một nhóm đối tượng chung bất kỳ.

Ví dụ: The baby is so cute. (Con nít thì rất đáng yêu)

● Dùng trước một tính từ để chỉ _________________________ và

tạo thành cụm danh từ

Ví dụ: The young (người trẻ), the poor (người nghèo),…

● Sử dụng trước những danh từ riêng


Ví dụ: The Atlantic Ocean (Đại Tây Dương), The United States (Hợp chủng
quốc Hoa Kỳ),…

● The + _________________________.
Ví dụ: The Williams (Gia đình Williams, bao gồm tất cả thành viên trong gia
đình như vợ, con,…), The Johnsons (Gia đình Johnson)

Trường hợp không sử dụng mạo từ

– Không sử dụng mạo từ với các _________________________.

● He lives in Washington near Mount Rainier.

● They live in Northern British Columbia.
● They climbed Mount Everest.

(*) Trường hợp ngoại lệ: Sử dụng “The” khi đó là một quốc gia được tạo
thành từ các tiểu bang như Hoa Kỳ (The United States).

– Không sử dụng mạo từ với _________________________ và

_________________________ để nói về các đối tượng một cách tổng quát.

● He writes books.
● She likes sweets.
● Do you like jazz music?
● She ate bread with butter in the morning.

Sau a, an, the là loại từ gì?

Sau a, an, the kết hợp từ loại là _________________________.

● Công thức: a/a/the + Noun

● Ví dụ: a cat, an apple, the girl,…

Sau a, an, the có thể kết hợp với _________________________ và một

_________________________ đi kèm với nó.
● Công thức: a/an/the + Adj + Noun
● Ví dụ: an experienced content writer, a delicious meal, the
beautiful girl,…
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with a suitable

article (a, an, the, zero article ‘x’)

1. There was _______ knock on ______ door. I opened it and found

______ small dark man in _______ blue overcoat and woolen cap.

2. He said he was _____ employee of _____ gas company and had come
to _____ read meter.

3. But I had _______ suspicion that he wasn’t speaking _____ truth

because _______ meter readers usually wear peaked caps.

4. However, I took him to ______ meter, which is in _____ dark corner

under ______ stairs.

5. I asked if he had ______ torch; he said he disliked torches and always

read ______ meters by light of ______ match.

6. I remarked that if there was ____ leak in ____ gas pipe there might be
_____ explosion while he was reading _____ meter.

7. This morning I bought _____ newspaper and _____ .magazine. _____

newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put _____ magazine.

8. I saw _____ accident this morning. _____ car crashed into _____ tree.
_____ driver of _____ car wasn’t hurt but _____ car was badly

9. There are two cars parked outside: _____ blue one and _____ grey
one. _____ blue one belongs to my neighbors. I don’t know who _____
owner of _____ grey one is.
10. My friends live in _____ old house in _____ small village. There is
_____ beautiful garden behind _____ house. I would like to have_____
garden like this.

11. This house is very nice. Has it got _____ garden?

12. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in _____ garden.

13. Can you recommend _____ good restaurant?

14. We had dinner in _____ most expensive restaurant in town

15. There isn’t _____ airport near where I live. _____ nearest airport is 70
miles away.

16. “Are you going away next week?” - “No, _____ week after next”

17. Q: Are John and Mary ________cousins?

A: No, they aren't ________cousins; they are ________brother and


18. ________fog was so thick that we couldn't see ________ side of

________road. We followed ________car in front of us and hoped that we
were going ________right way.

19. I can't remember ________exact date of ________storm, but I know it

was on ________Sunday because everybody was at ________church.
On ________Monday ________post didn't come because ________roads
were blocked by ________fallen trees.

20. Peter thinks that this is quite ________ cheap restaurant.

21. A: There's ________murder here.

B: Where's ________body?

A: There isn't ________body.

B: Then how do you know there's been ________murder?

22. Mary has ____ older sister who lives in ____ city. Mary is planning to
visit her sister in ____ summer.

23. Yesterday, I went to ____ art gallery and saw ____ amazing painting.
____ artist who created it is quite famous.

24. Can you lend me ____ cup of sugar? I promise I’ll return it to you in
____ evening.

25. My friend is looking for ____ new car. He wants to buy ____ hybrid car
because it’s more fuel-efficient.

26. We’re going to ____ concert this weekend. I heard that ____ lead
singer of the band is ____ incredible performer.

27. This is ____ best pizza I’ve ever had. It’s made with ____ special
sauce that gives it ____ unique flavor.

28. I’m thinking of buying ____ new laptop. I saw ____ advertisement for
one that seems to be ____ good deal.

29. I read ____ interesting article about ____ benefits of meditation. It said
that practicing meditation can lead to ____ improvement in mental health.
30. There’s ____ small café on ____ corner of ____ street where they
serve ____ delicious pastries. I highly recommend trying ____ almond

31. Last night, we watched ____ romantic movie. It was ____ beautiful
story about ____ couple who overcame many challenges to be together.

32. _________ modern life is stressful.

33. What’s _________ capital of your country?

34. _________ doctor earns more than _________ teacher.

35. Do you know who invented _________ computer?

36. Have you seen _________ newspaper? I can’t find it anywhere.

37. Is this _________ first time you’ve stayed at _________ Hilton?

38. Is _________ Nile or _________ Amazon _________ longest river on

_________ earth?

39. Several million visitors ________ year are attracted to ________ ski
slopes of ________ Alps.

40. I’ll meet you outside ________ post office. I’ll be there in ________
quarter of ________ hour.

41. _________ young people tend to think that _________ life was more
difficult in _________ past.

42. Anna is looking for _______ place to eat _______ night.

43. Would you pass _______ jar of honey, please?

44. Please turn off _______ air conditioning when you leave _______

45. Are you looking for _______ movie to watch with your boyfriend?

46. My husband’s family speaks _______ English.

47. He returned after _______ hour.

48. Your soup is so good. _______ meat is pretty tender.

49. Stella spent a week traveling around _______ Europe.

50. David is on _______ night duty this day.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with a suitable

article (a, an, the, zero article ‘x’)

Activity trackers are (1)_____ very popular way to keep track of (2)_____
physical activity and (3)_____ calorie consumption. But are they accurate and
reliable? A recent study conducted by (4)_____ researchers at Stanford
University looked at seven of (5) _____ most popular trackers and focused on
two measurements: (6)_____ heart rate and how many calories were burned.
(7)_____ 60 volunteers who took part in (8)____ study included 31 women
and 29 men.

For heart rate, researchers compared (9)_____ trackers to (10)_____ findings

from an EKG or electrocardiogram. It turns out most of them were pretty
accurate and reliable, with (11)____ error margin of just five percent in six out
of (12)_____ seven trackers analyzed.

To measure calories burned, researchers compared (13) trackers’ findings to

those of (14)____ instrument that measures oxygen and carbon dioxide in a
person’s breath. (15) _____ trackers’ calorie measurements, it turns out, were
incredibly inaccurate. (16) _____ degree of inaccuracy ranged from 27
percent for (17)____ most accurate tracker, to 93 percent for (18) ____ most
inaccurate one.

Researchers concluded that (19)____ people should not base their food
intake on how many calories (20)______ activity tracker says they’re burning.


Hi John,

I arrived in ………… USA last Monday. We left ………… Rome, flew over
…….. Alps and made a quick stop in ………….. London. There we went
shopping in ………… Harrods, visited ………….. Tower and enjoyed a sunny
afternoon in ……….. Hyde Park. On the following day we left for …………
New York. ………….. time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to
watch on …………….. monitor. …………. people on ………. plane were all
…………… Italian. Before we landed at ……….. JFK airport, we saw
………… Statue of Liberty, …………… Ellis Island and ………….. Empire
State Building. ………… hotel I stayed in was on ………….. corner of
…………42nd Street and …………. 5th Avenue. I don't like …………… hotels
very much, but I didn't have …………. time to rent an apartment.

Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.


Exercise 3: Choose the correct options to complete the


Dr. Ludwig is (1)_____ obesity expert and professor of nutrition at Harvard

University. He wrote (2)____ book entitled Always Hungry. (3)____ main
message of the book is that what causes obesity is not (4)____ excess of
calories, but (5)____ excess of (6) ____ sugar and (7)____ refined or
processed carbohydrates. Dr. Ludwig believes that (8)____low fat, high
carbohydrate diet people have been eating for the last four decades is
making us unhealthy.

1. A. a B. an C. – D. the

2. A. a B. an C. – D. the

3. A. a B. an C. – D. the

4. A. a B. an C. – D. the

5. A. a B. an C. – D. the

6. A. a B. an C. – D. the

7. A. a B. an C. – D. the

8. A. a B. an C. – D. the

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