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Sweet Peppermint

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Knitted jumper for children in DROPS Alpaca and DROPS Kid-Silk. The piece is worked
top down, with European/diagonal shoulders and double neck. Sizes 2 – 12 years.

DROPS Children 47-12

DROPS Design: Pattern z-052-bn
Yarn group A + A or C

2 - 3/4 - 5/6 - 7/8 - 9/10 - 11/12 years
Child’s height in cm:
92 - 98/104 - 110/116 - 122/128 - 134/140 - 146/152

DROPS ALPACA from Garnstudio (belongs to yarn group A)
150-150-200-200-200-250 g colour 9030, pistachio ice cream
And use:
DROPS KID-SILK from Garnstudio (belongs to yarn group A)
50-75-75-75-100-100 g colour 47, pistachio ice cream

NEEDLES FOR SIZES 2 - 3/4 years:

DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 5 MM: Length 40 cm and 60 cm.
DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 3.5 MM: Length 40 cm and 60 cm.
The technique MAGIC LOOP can be used – you then only need 80 cm circular needle in each size.

NEEDLES FOR SIZES 5/6 - 7/8 - 9/10 - 11/12 years:

DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 5 MM: Length 40 cm and 80 cm.
DROPS CIRCULAR NEEDLE SIZE 3.5 MM: Length 40 cm and 80 cm.
The technique MAGIC LOOP can be used – you then only need 80 cm circular needle in each size.

17 stitches in width and 22 rows in height with stocking stitch and 1 strand of each quality = 10 x
10 cm.
NOTE: Needle size is only a guide. If you get too many stitches on 10 cm, change to a larger
needle size. If you get too few stitches on 10 cm, change to a smaller needle size.





Increase towards the left AFTER MARKER:
Use left needle to pick up thread between 2 stitches from row below, pick up thread from front
and knit stitch in back loop.
Increase towards the right BEFORE MARKER:
Use left needle to pick up thread between 2 stitches from row below, pick up thread from behind
and knit stitch in front loop.


Increase towards the left AFTER MARKER:
Use left needle to pick up thread between 2 stitches from row below, pick up thread from behind
and purl stitch in front loop.
Increase towards the right BEFORE MARKER:
Use left needle to pick up thread between 2 stitches from row below, pick up thread from front
and purl stitch in back loop.

DECREASE TIP (for sleeves):

Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker-thread as follows: Work until there are 3 stitches left
before the marker-thread, knit 2 together, knit 2 (marker-thread sits between these 2 stitches),
slip 1 stitch knit-wise, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch.




The back piece is worked back and forth with circular needle and top down until the armholes are
finished. Stitches are knitted up along each back shoulder for the front piece, then cast on for the
neck and the front piece is worked back and forth with circular needle until the armholes are
finished. The front and back pieces are joined and the body continued in the round with circular
needle. Stitches are knitted up around each armhole and the sleeves worked first back and forth
with circular needle for the sleeve cap, then finished in the round with circular needle/ double
pointed needles. The neck is worked in the round to finish.

Cast on 20-20-24-26-26-26 stitches with circular needle size 5 mm and 1 strand of each quality
(2 strands).
Purl 1 row from the wrong side.
Insert 1 marker inside the 3 outermost stitches on each side. Keep the markers inside 3 stitches
as you work onwards.
Work stocking stitch back and forth.
AT THE SAME TIME, increase AFTER the marker at the beginning of the row (from the right side)
and BEFORE the marker at the end of the row – read INCREASE TIP FROM THE RIGHT SIDE.
On the next row (wrong side) increase in the same way – read INCREASE TIP FROM THE WRONG
Continue increasing, both from the right and wrong side, a total of 14-16-16-16-18-20 times =
48-52-56-58-62-66 stitches. Work 4 rows. Move the markers to the outermost stitch on each
side; the piece is now measured from here.
Continue stocking stitch until the piece measures 5-5-6-7-7-8 cm, from the markers measured
along the armhole. Now increase 1 stitch inside 3 stitches on each side - remember INCREASE TIP
FROM THE RIGHT SIDE. Increase every 2nd row (= each row from the right side) 4 times in total
= 56-60-64-66-70-74 stitches. Continue working until the piece measures 9-9-10-11-12-12 cm
along the armhole. Cut the strand, place the stitches on a stitch holder and work the front piece.

Start with left shoulder (when garment is worn):
Knit up 14-16-16-16-18-20 stitches evenly along the left back shoulder, working from the neck to
the marker in the side, see D in sketch. Work stocking stitch back and forth. When the front piece
measures 4 cm, increase 1 stitch at the beginning of each row from the right side (after 3
stitches) - remember INCREASE TIP FROM THE RIGHT SIDE. Increase a total of 4 times = 18-20-
20-20-22-24 stitches. Purl back from the wrong side. Cut the strand, place the stitches on a stitch
holder and work the right front shoulder.

Knit up 14-16-16-16-18-20 stitches evenly along the right back shoulder, working from the
marker in the side to the neck, see E in sketch. Work stocking stitch back and forth. When the
front piece measures 4 cm, increase 1 stitch at the end of each row from the right side (before 3
stitches) - remember INCREASE TIP FROM THE RIGHT SIDE. Increase a total of 4 times = 18-20-
20-20-22-24 stitches. Purl back from the wrong side.
Now work as follows from the right side: Knit the 18-20-20-20-22-24 stitches from the right front
piece, cast on 12-12-16-18-18-18 stitches for the neck, knit the 18-20-20-20-22-24 stitches from
the left front piece = 48-52-56-58-62-66 stitches.
Continue stocking stitch back and forth until the piece measures 11-13-14-15-16-18 cm along the
armhole. Now increase 1 stitch inside 3 stitches on each side, remember INCREASE TIP FROM
THE RIGHT SIDE. Increase every 2nd row (= each row from the right side) 4 times in total = 56-
60-64-66-70-74 stitches. Continue with stocking stitch until the front piece measures 15-17-18-
19-20-22 cm.
Now join the front and back pieces for the body.

Work the 56-60-64-66-70-74 stitches from the front piece, cast on 6-8-8-8-8-8 stitches (side),
work the 56-60-64-66-70-74 stitches from the back piece, cast on 6-8-8-8-8-8 stitches = 124-
136-144-148-156-164 stitches.
Work stocking stitch in the round until the piece measures 30-34-38-42-46-49 cm, from the top
of the shoulder on the front piece. Knit 1 round and increase 20-24-24-28-28-28 stitches evenly
spaced = 144-160-168-176-184-192 stitches. Change to circular needle size 3.5 mm. Work rib
(knit 2, purl 2) for 6 cm. Cast off a little loosely. The jumper measures approx. 36-40-44-48-52-
55 cm from the top of the shoulder and down the front piece.

Lay piece flat and insert 1 marker on the top of armhole (NB: This is not where the stitches were
knitted up for the front piece, but approx. 3-5 cm down on the front piece, this is the middle of
the shoulder).
Using circular needle size 5 mm and 1 strand of each quality, start in the middle of the new
stitches cast on under sleeve and pick up 42-44-46-50-54-56 stitches around armhole – adjust so
that there are the same number of stitches along armhole on each side of the marker. Now work
stocking stitch back and forth with short rows over sleeve cap, to give the sleeve a better fit.

1st row (from right side): work 4 stitches after marker, turn.
2nd row (from wrong side): work 4 sts after marker, turn.
3rd row (from right side): work 8 sts after marker, turn.
4th row (from wrong side): work 8 sts after marker, turn.
5th row (from right side): work 12 sts after marker, turn.
6th row (from wrong side): work 12 sts after marker, turn.
7th row (from right side): work to the beginning of the round.

Continue working in the round in stocking stitch over all stitches. Insert a marker-thread at the
beginning of the round (mid-under sleeve). Allow the marker-thread to follow your work onwards.
Work stocking stitch in the round.

When the sleeve measures 5 cm from the knitted-up stitches, decrease 2 stitches mid-under
sleeve – read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 3-4-5-5-4½-5 cm a total of 5-5-5-6-7-7
times = 32-34-36-38-40-42 stitches. Continue working until the sleeve measures 20-24-28-32-
36-40 cm from the knitted-up stitches. There is approx. 6 cm left; try the jumper on and work to
desired length before the rib. Knit 1 round and increase 8-6-8-6-8-6 stitches evenly spaced = 40-
40-44-44-48-48 stitches. Change to double pointed needles size 3.5 mm and work rib (knit 2,
purl 2) for 6 cm. Loosely cast off. The sleeve measures approx. 26-30-34-38-42-46 cm.

Work in the same way as the left sleeve.

Use short circular needle size 3.5 mm and 1 strand of each quality. Start on one shoulder and knit
up from the right side, inside 1 edge stitch, 68 to 84 stitches around the neck. The stitch-count
must be divisible by 4. Work rib in the round (knit 2, purl 2) for 14 cm. Cast off a little loosely.
Fold the neck double to the inside and fasten down with a couple of stitches.

Diagram explanations

= stitches for left front shoulder (d) knitted up along left back shoulder (D), stitches for right
front shoulder (e), knitted up along right back shoulder (E)
= knitting direction

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© 1982-2024 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about
what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site.

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