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RB HEA He 2021 (ery rE) CT] ih CEU Sec 1.1 Volkswagen China: Agile Week 2020 mes 2.1 Bosch China: HR Data Warehouse ~~ Pree ken ona Se aus 2.3 Roche China: Exploration of Digital HR Ce UC LU) Se meee Su ed cre eM UC ue eh oy Paras eau eee ae a Ao LD PRR CRe Ween eet MC aaa aod eu) ERC U ea Ania Mu eae} ecg INS Re eu ie a t ekee Teter) 7.1 Bosch China: Building up a Learning Organisation 7.2 SAIC Volkswagen: Cultivating Digital Talents Oe) 8.1BD China: Friday Focus Time 8.2 Nestlé China: Building Resilience Capability Bere ua] COT Re anc ke - snnenxnsacra yA N ee eo ect i CUCU uni ema Cat aU fer Re Ea Cee aera ROCs co) LOE} 04 Lvs) 06 Org cv) 09 ste} ao Bie} oc 15 iy as 18 19 20 yaa ved PE) FOREWORD A RUC ee ce eo ne lod BT ee ee oe eer gies and practices can help employees to achieve their individual and career development, EU RRO ECU EEE DS COM CE a aU eee Teer Wa ae eA ee RU a eer COO Reels N ode Ol ES elk ROR Te Ra Reals EU a RU co would affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of employees and their families. CTE eu eR aon Rut aR TRU one OR Corea Le RS CoML ATMA RM Tel QUAL) oCeRO Cons CU CC i eels Na) ULa aU ue eMail) eeu Pera eRe PRC OREN ACC Ree R UL Mel a RU Ba RC oles mation, companies were not just focusing on optimising HR process management and cere R UE elle eine mellC Mela ma ed ee Tel cee elk A oR LCA Sco) oe ment of employee experience for current employees, potential candidates and former employ- CCR eel ist Ret Mu A ee US Rnd Reco es ico S La} (eee A euCT oe a EMU OUIC) Top Employers Institute. For a better world of work. 30 1691 NET Certified organisations 120 7 000 000 + Ceo i Wate (olny Employee lives positively impacted globally Our Methodology SUMO aac eee a aol OC Suu employee conditions through Puhr eile PRs Eee eK Pee Sa ecco ony priorities, the role of management Co eo econ) Cae Us Run og Ee eee Ma .os Cea UCR eile @—_Y—_2—_® Sig Sed eared ag Bae RU ete Ca a 13359 SHAPE (=) (Cee mat a oy) Pay Ne DEVELOP 2 © & ® coe ©) @ ENGAGE UNITE lava) a rn & ny a racy P & Cee Intearity cerry VOLKSWAGEN Agile Week 2020 es ee through turbulent times, which have had a huge impact on traditional bu eee Renee ee mete heuer ea) Cree Re See eee ene Reuter culture, Volkswagen Group China launched the “Agile Week" at the end of 2020, inviting their employees to join an innovative ‘agile’ journey. 4x V-Talks: V-Talk is a knowledoe shat launched i During the Agile Week tears, extemal 1 and exchange platform that wi tants and internal om ces, covering topics such as what is Aaile culture ansformation within the oreanisation, ‘Sx Agile games at lunch hour: ina series of At the lunch break, colleagues can participate scpatience how to strenaten the things ina bio picture ces responded enthusiastically to the. work. i thoughts and suggestions for promoting 2 fe on the 6x Agile introductory courses: The training department also organised six ‘group trainings, during which the business and goals, together with many practical apply the agile mindset and tools in their dail “To introduce basic concepts, ideas and tools of aailty through oster an agile mindset fo ployees and encourage ther © apply those agity tools in the daily work inuous leaming development more flexibly and ntly. The ultimate goal ist dle the agile transformation of the entire oraanisatior matt BiRENEK ETI PSEA y oon. Aor ) ate sino sesh riicnipesuiaiarriu aire iecyeninupial In resoonse to this challenge, Bosch China launched HR Data Warehouse, which u standard APIs to connect with different HR products to facilitate HR data analysis and the Cee tea he China team proposed the “1L+3" structure with o AR Master System phi thvee contr would help to accelerate the data arehouse. The research o 3 ce oF HR prod Bosch completed eyo prey ROaTa] Digital Employee Journey Management s in China, Deloitte China has awa Bre ee ee eae aay Pn een Ciera eee etal, We are at a pivotal moment in healtheat reins sisceies ‘medical knowledge, technology and data fe iotetion Employee services ee eee eee Se eRe eRe ea oar Oa areas E ee ae rene: ote re The ambition was to unleash exponential people and business impact through data . teeta Cree e eae cee ean eet) Sie Pena Hoy saricaion Reporting so Ne Basic Analytics ‘Advanced Analytics following five erin 4 al dita trateie, tools, 5 rac * © al Employer Branding Seen sce security and competitive salary are no This is particularly true for medical Beer ecu Dee ae keno cent: the mankind and society. To attract more young talents in this highly competitive Peete macnn! art's 80-year-old work concert eet et ei Iie nee on ene er caer s Coateey za Neen eee and make impacts at the v. longer their most important car \Wmnat t penicilin was used to treat Mozart's inflection? What if Mozart Ived a long life? Winat kind of music would Mozart have composed it he had lived to 80 years old? With these hypot fizer presented Mozart's 80-vear-old work concert. It ang not just ane fe, but also their possible wo ib ne c ve affected the world de possible with comoute ans from Chin perlands and Austria, presenting three new mi ased on the chara: Me id han 40s, 60s, and 80s and on the musical genres thal pooular dunina tho To differentiate Priz employer brandina from t pharma stical companies thro. ndustry 10k for top talents to join the Pfizer's Management Magnet of Talent Activation th, and talent development is an important pillar of corporate strategy. Based on the employ they integrate various peoole practices, and leverage innovation as the driving force to build Sa ‘a muti-dimensional and diversified approach. ‘Ma ees et Tot Pesca 's, employee orowth, simplification of employee daily processes, employee care, etc. so that employees can display their talents ee eee ee ea While successfully building the talent brand, Sanofi ploring how to better integrate the employer brand this end, the company continues to fully reflect the attractiveness of Sanofi’s ‘Magnet of Talent” and builds a brand that “we want you", te ste aoe Ue Een epee: eee eer ete ‘Magnet of talent - Leader Talk ‘Magnet of talent ~ Position talk ture: Sle reresertatne copa thin each deren of Sano and doy Pega cet ‘Magnet of talent - Campus livestreaming Employer Branding Sanofi China Bee eee erated 'Q. Magnet of talent -Dare to Dream 'Q._ Magnet of talent ~ University Collaboration Camp TN a a ON ene Re Ca ee Rn Re Me a a eeu ne environment for all employees, the company has also been utilizing digital solutions to continuously impr launched in China. This comprehensive information platform integrates HR, admin ‘management, environmental health and safety, company information, labour union information, digital information servi Dee ees tens mee ee ee nen ta help to increase the efficiency of information and resources sharing, thus reducing HR project was initiated by the HR Services Depart nt of BASF ( China in 2098. After preliminary research, information collection and ma analysis. the project team decided to embed the entire on-boarding process plat id not only improve new emalove ience, but also enhance the fork efficiency across different dep: VID-19 outlr eak accelerating the disitalisation or ee portal was offically launched in the fourth quarter of smployees in China have registered as pu © Ghee tal Comm men 1 by 7.52% per month, driving the = ‘optimisation and upgrade of the por Other than providing all relevant information about on-boardina, prevention and control, shuttle bus schedules, d "BASF Greater China EHS AwaRer ‘edge Competition (GEAR)" across China. eating an interactive and social employe le platform has always been BASF’s intention at the first re cere as it can offer employees information and resources more promptly and a = te ee precisely in CAera a o 6 4% @\ Boehringer lh Ingelheim ACU ASREsREnHS BAaRAnns cRRT—Aakone ‘TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES Creating new interactive ways with employees In the VUCA era, to enan : cacy Consultancy Services (TCS) reshapes its thinking al Cee ingle face-to-face activities to a multi-facet and all-round approach of employee interaction. With the company’s multi-channel communication platforms and tc Cee ed ene eee nee lence, which could help to engage more employees and made them feel the care from Peay Publish “TCS China Engagement Calendar” every month. Employees can register for the events and training via emails and online community, Host diversified activities across the regions in China via Office 365 Teams / Stream, covering health, lifestyle, travell and arts. Eg. online cooking competition, travelling vlog, online concert ete Launch live conversation between management teams and employees to share company upda es and have the employees’ voice heard, Setup “TCS Cares Room” across China and use different tools to help employees release their stress in work and life. Meanwhile, the company has designed EAP program for employees and their fami with support via mental care talks, extemal consulting et TATA To create a new way of employee engagement, ro experienc for all employees (in office work ome) To ensure the emp communication (incl. their feedback and requests be timely and transparent with the support of disital commu nication platform To boost the participation of online and offline events and wellbeing programs, and to enhance their experiences To promote employee jomy via online commu: nities and closer the relation: ship b ween local and & Mie ert) Danone Early Life Nutrition PSU EW AUR ei) ELNe m2 (185) f Danons Dee Mae eg ee a a Reel ea ee ura Soa eae Air 2AMNSA: ELN CCR Eee enol AR Tea a3 ee ld friends would return to Danone, or refer their friends to join the company. Nm Reoan mt iiget: DARN FORNARINA ELN, SRDFERELN ADS calls Bie ERABO, EMM aman. S025. B Talent referral to expand the talent pool ~ attract former c maa unity: to keea the connection with former colleas ana regular communication: BD reseansnnc:n ARLGRRBEE| ek eee kod ® ee Project Manaak jo manage the alumni's WeChat aroup and keep the interac tion every week by sharing new products, recent events, financial reports, social Employee Experience Team: to organise offine "Family Day” and invite alumni to join with existing colleague HR Business Parti leagues to jon the Alumni Group; to Ft out job vaca Intemal Communication Team: to provide financial reports, company updates, such as sustainabilty development Competency-based Development Approach Establishing competency frameworks is not easy for HR professionals, especially for bia etd BOON pg en Le me eet Lea er t approach for employees, unleashing their potentials and providing them with more development opportunities within the or Other than designing and building 30+ Functional Competency Frameworks to support development plan discussions, the compa: Pre Rneceeay With the Functional Competency Frame find outta Nestlé dearly defined each competency frame per function, behavioural indicators, proposed : sp with competency requirement ofthe cure position and conduct saf-assessment, After :dentifvna ther major gaps. they could Talent Acausition: HR. would conduct competency-based interviews and ‘andidates based on thei flop the personal developrnant pls sort me Career Development: Employees could conduct self-assessment and ident aca fy the competency aap between the current and future possible role. Based ernpleyoes loam about tha expo Con the assessrnent results, they can define their personal development plat competency requirements of future ostions beforehand based on thar car aspiration, Ths would enable them Performance Management: The frameworks can provide reliable basis and visual inspection for line managers to manage the employees’ performance snd capablity enhancement, And the team's capabilities and gaps for imorovement. Ud be able to have an overview ot the gaps for ajob promotion or trans When define ther ersonal develooment plan, erpiovees would get dearer about the area that they need to improve. To accommodate theirhigh motivation to lean and develop, Nest unched a number of paral and ind clgital acacer , as is ° = ‘eBusiness Acaderr, Operations Academies, Heath Science Sa # ° > ‘The People Academy is most ponular among al. This one-stop platform inches 10 traning = courses covering si themes that are relevant to all erolovees at levels and fom al functo but ney are Discovering Nestle, Embracing our Princols, Cann forthe Panet Working Together, Adanting Fast and Leading Sef. To promote this Academy within the organisation, HR teams have host ation events, clan tears and compete ed pramational videos on all floors, and invited management tearns dencouraaing 0 Doersona matt BiRENEK ETI Building up a Learning Organisation Cw ronmental vardcoatn ne and its own JoT Cloud Platform ns. od roid sete el In Bosch’s transformation j rds an [oT ¢ A proven games eT La SO OURS ae “se mm Se ee ee eo ws a constants in programs and encouraging each employee to achieve personal develop corer nie rere a 3 Eee ane Tauern ett ital wansiormatic fouchposnts of tion process to ensure Bosch's continued excellence in business operation, ry och “ Continuously identity key skills and reskillupskil the workforce to enhance ae by connote ‘qualifications required forthe success of business and transformation renee cletydeines what italisation and tal alae, Athen eve, Boech has to ain with the statesic needs of the company’s development Enable life-tong learning by making learning personalized, affordable, attractive and effective transformation CConneetory ~ Bosch China built up an internal innovate incubator to dive the le mart agriculture, Industvaisation 4.0, cstal supply chan et Build a learning ecosystem and cultivate learning culture Diaital Talent Community ~ inthis community, employees ean progate innova Various ways of eltvaion and motivation ~ Bosch has aurches trainer compet Leaders as role models ~ Bosch os introcced Chie Learning O Unleash the potential of every associate to turn challenges into opportuni ties and to lead in digital times Bosch China would ie to build coaching leadership through“ Leadershi rife coaching nools and mobile coaching On the one han th 2 EAR SAIC VOLKSWAGEN Cultivating Digital Talents OS ee eee ea ne oR ee ee ad are essential for the long-term success. As a vehicle manufacturer, SAIC Volkswagen has abundant internal and external data resources. About 105 million GB of data is generated every day, of which TOT enters the company's database. How to maximise Deeg ee Men Sette a eee juct quality has become a priority for the Ceo To tackle this challenge, SAIC Volkswagen launched a "Data Hackathon" with the support of its intemal disital including training courses, mentoring programs, project incubation, competition etc. This project aims at building a talent pool of data experts who can support the business transformation with data analysis. Based on the 721 le: Volkswagen designed 3-stens ning approach, SAI no joined the data marathon: Traditional data analysis is generally led by IT department, ho Step1: Certification of Learning very likely that the result for 486 employees ver, itis ose eee ee rts So, the new tl econ Step3: Data Hackathon tion, and testing & packaging. the commany launched * Data Hackathon. ving interna ‘sino inclusing maintenance of and external data exoerts to orovde guidance While the Hackathon could potentially help to databare and alsoritam platforms tackle Business challenges, mor it extabighed the comoa’s data analy talent arading standard (Lor statistical data analsis,L2 for algorithm model for busines AR sets uo a platform, invites relopment. 3 for algorithm model for innovation) rd bola pyramid of 2 people wh sternal expers,develon (cud rive the company’s distal ranetormaben, ised courses, hosts oft Not only does inspire employ participation, but also makes the analysis results closely aligned with Sat tte TPs 3 the business needs. At the same Evneerreanrrtetie) time, it fosters a tion and coll company, new mod es to take active hin the Eee In the post-COVID era, more and more companies introduced flexible working conditions such as work-from-home, flexible working hours etc. Other than these offerings, BD launched ‘Friday Focus Time’ to support the development of individu- als and teams. Every Friday afternoon, employs ec oem eae eat DUET ARIE: Wi LPB Mencortt; AR Se MURERESS ROLLER Gee s5: £5 Ne) senpimeaere MEHR; Deoreed WAY *GCES: anne wD: TH ‘@ ‘i abe IBUCARE Outlook FF SMH14:00-18:0018 IER, AGES, HRS aiK. Company announcement shared by WeChat ¢ Seri-annual company meeting Sharing from senior management jeams thro and meeting about how they benefit from the ‘Friday ve events by BDU LUNCH & LEARN ~ from training, collect tice sharing To provide better work alancing the workin eativty, emolo efficient and wellbeing-orient ed employer branding To create a porate culture with trust and health, TTC Tie Cie eel ha With the backdrop of the COVID-19 outbreak, Nestlé China set safety & health of their employees as the priority in 2020 and lots of people care and safety & health un Pee ei nae ee Me cm eee Ce ue Se meee aN eG programs as well as the full offering of Resilience Capability Building. The Pen ueat There were two rounds of enrolment for the workshop. The first round target. ed at Sales team who might have bigger pressure given they had sales KPI. The second round was open or all employees. In the morning, participants would make a ‘box’ of their own which helped & explore more about themselves. In the afternoon, they would learn about the ways to handle stress in a positive way. They also used “Value” cards to get clearer about their motivations. Based on the existing materials of resilien participants, Nestlé GCR como training and the feed ed the one-day workshop into a one-hour session, including offline training and live tive sharing. This session is open for all employees and has been piloted in Nestle's Talent team and a business units. By end of this year, HRBP from all business units are expected © attend the train-the-trainer program as they are the ones closest to busines no can provide prompt support for colleagues under tr Other than the tra ings above, Nestié also launched an interactive Healthy Lives learning journey. Employees can take self-paced learning modules (1 Chinese & 8 English) from People Academy, which is a digital learning hub, In ne post-COVID era, resilience is a =. oe oe key capability for everyone. There: fore, Nestlé would continue to HB mene explore the learning and training resources internally and externally 2 The reslience training would be theme to keep employees’ constant awareness of mental health. Every quarter, Nestlé invited external ycholoaists to share the esilience-related topics with their employees. E.g.: How to perceive accept and break through yourself, (ow to handle stress, haw to think i others’ shoes and adjust your ‘emotions. So far, over 1 00C 1m 33 business units ave attended thi and learnt more about self, stress and emotions. virtual sharings Setomner oe a conan el 5 partcpan reed to wear a box’on thar rac Each bo had @ ste. tena one represete the fecras and what ey to be seen by thers Partioans can make the can boes by craving and vn keywords Embrace the Green PS Ree One Cae oe ake Ree Re See con ecology and social commitment being accorded equal importance in all of their activities Crees ees en ne nee atu Seen) proving funds, technology and r Meee es eee ae ere ec lishment of the Corporate ation to better coordinate these volunteer activities. De eon er ae Rec er a concept of sustainability development has been embedded in every business unit. Based on their expertise, different teams would partner with local governments, supply chains and relevant social groups to enhance the impact of sustainability development. One of the benchmarking social impact projects led by business unit is the pracing the Green It is a large-scale non-profit training ‘ogram jointly organized by Bayer Crop China and National Agricul: tural Technology & (NATESC) Sino-Germar operation framework sion and Service Center To respond to th ture, this project ai ds of aren and qual opment in Chinese agricul -ompetence of green develooment amo key players, ¢.9, local officials and technicians in agriculture, executives in new types of aaribusinesses, serve organisations and leaders in co-operatives. Based on th needs in agriculture in various regions, the prograr im ies in green development poli nologies te fed the latest concepts, standards Hinge tm OO A aimee eure | miteen 1300 ° ao WW 2019-20208, RISER AER am, ae Accelerating packaging transformation to shape a "waste-free future" In the F&B industry, plastic is one of the main materials in product packaging. To tackle the global crisis of plastics pollution, itis imperative to develon more sustainable packaging materials. Yet its still a huge challenge faced by the industry. In 2018, Nestlé announced a commitment that 100% of their packaging would be recyclable or reusable by 2025, To achieve a waste free future, the npany has been undergoing business innovation and transformation. Meanwhile, Nestlé collaborates with the Ree eC eee nee Tee f this global challenge of plastic packaaing waste, and to develop functional, safe and more sustainable f"Rendu Ocean”, a non-sovernment for employees to join the ‘Clean-up’ initiative by ng the marine litter hare started in 209. They cal Jeaning up the rubb anwhile, the company also invited the founder of th the current situation of mi ition with the management team. In June 2020, Nestlé e ployees in mainland China, Hong Kon: in the “C picking up litter at different bea: This campaign hi an the coastline and of environmental protection, n the coastline and mor Atthe end of 2038, Nestlé se organisation t arch institute for pact accelerate sustainability agenda. In 20, Ne: launched nopen innovation challenge in par ) Tsinghua x-lab, a Tsinghua University education platform which is designed to foster student i urs. The era : is Dey developing local solutions to fetta SS Eee Te, wa HS SE sree packaging suiab WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, leveraging Tsinghua University’s extensive capacity for inno During the challen: from Nestlé’ Ri th 31 students as ment D center led S and coaches, helping the students to polish their proposed solutions {for product packaging and business models. This challenge also raised more awareness of sustainability develonment among the youngsters. Top Employers China 2021 Certified Companies a QOEVIC Rows moa ALSTOM aint Autoliv BD Ozer Be DELDa mnoe= Deloitte. ESTEE @evonik —faurecia woe === as sehason, ‘IJ nant (\\ See He & vovarris OSRAM PANDORA = ppsico wort — Qfizer noo melee ne Solu * ‘dahin ™ see SSE O 1G ASS sanvori== 2, an ii pL eR MRBEDT ss SCHAEFFLER = Qszs" Cignify 2 (ones cose. Gvinmswa VOLKSWAGEN vourswacen ‘thyssenkrupp UPM voRiverK von : ws “ar | @ es Wars wren How Top Employers Institute delivers value usc} XE a ‘Connecting th obs) a a eu ee Ce Loveraina he Sencha your Encwring HO and ein ‘ur brand sd hah, Top Employers nt re allaned and optimises 85% of Top Employers agree that our Certification Programme delivers value. “We are proud to be certified as a Top Employer every year and continuously do our best so that we can keep our certification.” 2% 1% Over 90% of Top Employers, 77% of Top Employers use benchmarking data use the Certification Seal to to adapt and improve HR strategies. ict and engage talent. (0:00 Te nove bene dt srs Main ettons hon for the perception of ROI the Certain Se ci et roe HR os nd ras e rele bene ihe @ thee S008 TORE FH) 14 84% Sees ee . ttt » 71% spate cen astern ‘More an75% To Emotyers bree habe aration data tos he: 74% mathe een ies “once “Being part of Top Employer community isa great opportunity for our comeany. Not only forthe certification but also for st yma the network of companies we are able to connect with." Discover the value that Top Employers Institute can bring to your organisation, For a better world of work DAC au ERT For a better world of work

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