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NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT! THOA THUAN KHONG TIET LO No.: 0108/2024/NDAIBH-APP This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement'’), is made and entered into on this date May 15 2024 (Effective Date”), between: Théa thudin khéng tét 6 nay ("Théa thudn’), duoc lap va ky kAt vo ngay 15/05/2024 ("Ngay 6 hiéu lve") gia: Asia Pacific Projects Company Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Vietnam, enterprise code: 0312877685, whose registered office is at 19 Bach Dang, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Mint City. Vietnam (‘Receiving Party’) Cong ty TNHH Asia Pacific Projects, mét cOng ty duroc thanh lép theo phép wat Viet Nam, ma sé doanh nghiép 0312877685, o6 tru s6 dang ky tai: 19 Bach Bang, Phutng 2, Quan Tan Binh, TP.HCM, Viét Nam ("Bén hiv thong tn’) and Bao Hung Investment Joint Stock Company .. a company incorporated under the laws of Vietnam, enterprise code: 0900514914 whose registered office is at Road 3798, Dan Nhiem Vilage, Van Giang Town, Van Giang District, Hung Yen Province, Vietnam ("Disclosing Party") Va Cong ty Cé Phén Béu Tw Bdo Hung, mot cong ty duet thanh lap theo phdp luat Vigt Nam, m& sé doanh nghiép 0900514914, c6 tru sé ding ky tai Duong Giang, Tinh Hung Yen, Viet Nam, (‘Bén tét io") Receiving Party and Disclosing Party jointly shall be referred to as the "Partie Bén nhéin tin va bén tiét 16 86 dizge goila “Cac Ben’ ih order to pursue a mutually benefical business | D8 Theo dudl eo hol kinh doanh cing e6 Tor gia Ban opportunity between Receiving Party and | han va Bén tét 6 ‘Doanh nghiéo dive dé xuét). Bén Disclosing Party ("Proposed Business"), |_mhdn va Bén tit I6 nhan thdy sang 6 thé cén phai trao Receiving Party and the Disclosing Party recognize | ai mot s6 thdng tin bi mat nhdt dh lbn quant dén cée that there may be a need to exchange certain | Bén lién quan den Doanh nghiép. 64 bao ve thong tin b! Confidential information pertaining to the Parties in| mat do knd! vie sir dung va tt 16 tr phop. moi bén connection to the Business. In order to protect such | déng ¥ nhur seu: confidential informalion from unauthorized use and disclosure, each party agrees as follows, 4."Confidential Information” means any | 1. “Thong tin bi mat” 06 nghia ld bAt ky thdng tin information discloses by er on behalf of a party or | néo duve ti 16 bei hodc thay mat mot bén hodc bat Iv any ofits affiates! related Company (‘Disclosing | chi niidnivedng ty lién quan néo cba bén thir nhdt ("Bén Party") to the olher party (Receiving Party), | tit 6) cho bén thir hai (Ben nhén tin), tru hodc sau before or after the Effective Date and whether | Ngay co hiéu luc va di bang miéng, truc quan, bang rally, visually, in waiting or in any other form, | van ban hoae duei bt ky hinh thac nao kdo, bao adm including, without limitation, the existence and | nhung khong gidi han & su t6n tai va céc diéu khodn terms of this Agreement and information about the | cila_Thda thugn nay cong nhw thong tin vd Doanh Proposed Business or associated with the | nghiép hotc lién quan dén théng tin kj thudt thong tin Disclosing Party's technical information, products | sain phdm, giao alch tai chinh, céng vieorhda thuan information, financial dealings, business affairs! | kinh doanh, chién luoe thuong mai, hoat dong ciia Bén agreement, commercial strategies, operations, | tiét 6, thign chi va canh ting, bi mat thuong mai va co goodwill and reputation, trade secrets, and market | h6i thi trudng. Théng tin bl mét bao adm tat cd cdc ghi ‘opportunities. Confidential Information includes all | chd, thit ké, so d, ban v6, phan tich, bién soan, dién notes, designs, flow charts, drawings, analyses, | gidi cdc tai liu khde duoe chudn bj boi hodc cho Bén compiitions, interpretations other documents | hd, trong pham vi ching chia, phan Anh hodc da prepared by or for the Receiving Party, to the | trén Théng tin bi mat cia B6n tiét 0. “Nguoi dai dién extent they contain, reflect or are based upon the | 6 nghia lf Bén nhén, cde bén lién két cda Bn nhén va Disclosing Party's Confidential Information. | cac cén b6, gidm dbo, nhén vin, 1uat sur, ké todn, nha "Representative’ means Receiving Party, its | thu (phu) hofc cd vén kinh doanh chuy€n nghiéo Kae | affliated parties and its and their respective | oda Bén nhén, officers, directors, employees, attorneys, accountants, (Sub') contractors or other | professional business advisors of the Receiving iz i Party. 2. For the purpose of this Agreement, "related company” means: Where a company: ais the holding company of another corporation; isa subsidiary of another corporation; or ©. is 2 subsidiary of the holding company of another corporation; that first-mentioned company and that other ‘company shall for the purpose of this Agreement be deemed to be related to each other. 3. The obligation of confidentially under this Agreement shall not apply to Confidential Information that () is or Becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the Receiving Party or its Representatives in breach of this Agreement, (i) was already known by the Receiving Party or ts Representatives without any obligation of confidentiality, (ii) is lawfully disclosed by the Receiving Party or its Representatives without any obligation of confidentiality, or (iv) independently developed by the Receiving Party or its Representatives without use or reference to eny Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party. 4, Receiving Party shall (i) maintain the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information in strict confidence using the same degree of care that it tees with regard to its own information of like rrature, but in no event less than a reasonable degree of care; (i) not disclose or make available Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party except as authorized herein or | with a prior written consent from the Disclosing Party, and (ii) not to use any such Confidential Information other than for the Proposed Business and not otherwise direct or indirect compete unfairly with or obtain an unfair advantage vise-2- v's Disclosing Party in any commercial activity that may be comparable to the commercial activity contemplated by the Parties in connection with the Proposed Business. A Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party's Coniidential Information only to its Representatives who have a need to know for, and solely to the extent necessaly to pursue, the Proposed Business, provided that it has to ensure that its Representatives acknowledge and agree to comply with the provisions ofthis Agreomant, as if itis @ party to this Agreement. Each Receiving Party shall be responsible for any breach of or non-compliance with this Agreement by. its Representatives 8.Rocoiving Party will promptly inform the Disclosing Party of the full circumstances of any unauthorized cisclosure, misappropriation or mmisuse by any other third party of any Confidential Information upon Receiving being put on notice of the same. 2. Vi mye dich cia Théa thusn nay, “cong ty én quan’ ¢6 nghia ta Cong ty ma a. cng ly mo ciia mét cong ty kro; . 18 cOng ty con ctla mot tap doan khée: hose «. 18 cOng ty con eva cOng ty me ca mot tap dan cb de a cp dun a v8 cng tka vi muc dich cia Théa thuan nay, s® duge coi la c6 Hen quan voi nhau, 3.Nghia vu béo mai theo Théa thuén nay s6 Khong 4p dung d6i voi Thong tin bt mat. () dang hose sé duoe ‘sung cép r6ng rai cho cong ching khdng phsi do 86n mdn hoéc Nguoi dai dién ciia Bén nha st 16 vi pham Thde thuén ndy, ( i) dB dupe Bén nan hodc Bal dién cia Bén nhén biét ma Khdng co bt ky nghia vu. bdo. mat nao, (i) duoc Bén nhén hose Bai dién cia Bén | nhdn tiét 16 mot céch hop phép ma kh6ng od bat ky | ~<” nghia vu bdo mat nao, hoa (iv) dupe Bén nhan hose} TY » Dai dién cla ae oe iy trién d6c ip khdng suv dura {uuiluw hoe tham chidu dén bat ky Thong tin BI mét nao cila¢eqiiey Ben wt 10. ETS ; Ke 2 iN aU Ty 4. Bén ahén thong tin pha: (9) duy tri Théng tin BA) mt cia Ben tbr 6 re coch bao me uel oO Dg PHONG cach sit dung cing mic do cn trong ma nhdn vien Sip ———< ‘dung 46% voi théng tin cO tinh chat tong ty cde chineyaT OS minh, nhung trong moi truémg hop khéng thép han mike 6 cén trong hop I, (i) khong t8t 16 hose cung cép Thong tn bf mat ada Bén tt I6 trv Ki duoc ty quyén & day hae 66 su dng ¥ true bing vin bén cil Bén tit 1; va (i) khOng st dung bat ky Thong tin bt mat nao nhu vay ngoai mue dich danh cho Doanh nghiép vé khong canh tranh trye tép ho’ gian tiép khéng cong bang vor hose dat duoc loi thé khong céng bang kh cp thi thyc cho Bén tist 16 trong bat ky hoat dong thuong mat mao c6 thé so sénh ver heat dong throng mai duge dv tinh boi céc Bén lién quan dén Doanh ‘aghiép. Ban nha tin chi c6 thé tét 16 Thong tin Bs mat ila Bén tél 16 cho nhting Nui dai dién ctla ho e6 nhu cu bidt va chi trong pham vicén thiét a8 theo audi Kinh doanh, véi diéu kién ld Bén nhén tin phai dim bao rang Nguoi dai dién cia ho thva nhan va déng y tuan thi: cac quy dinh cua Thda thudn nay, nhur thé ho lei mot bén cia Théa thuén nay. MBi bn nhén tin phai chiu trdch nhigm v8 moi hanh vi vi pham hog khong tuan thi Théa thudn nay ova Naurbi dai aién ciia minh 5. Bén nhén tin s8 nhanh chong thong béo cho Bén tidt 16 v8 toan bo tinh hudng ca bat ky ben the ba ndo hdc tit 16, chi8m dung ho8c lem dung trai phép bat ky Théng lin mat nao khi BEn nhan tin duoc thong bao vé vige tuong ty. 8. This Agreement shall be in effect as the Effective Date unti itis expressly superseded by 2 definitive agreement in respect of Proposed Business between the Parties. If there is no definitive agreement between the Parties, this Agreement is valid for a period of one (1) year from the Effective Date. Each Receiving Party’ s obiigations of confidentially under this Agreement with respect to Disclosing Party's Confidential Information shall survive for after the termination this Agreement. 7. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual writen agreement of the Parties hereto, 8, This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. Any disputes, controversy or claim atising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be setlled through an amicable discussion within 30 (thifty) calendar days, however if fails. and for this purpose, the Parties hereby agree to seltle by arbitration at the Vietnam International Arbitration Center {VIAC) in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration, by one arbitrator appointed in compliance with the Rules. The law of this arbitration clause shall be Vielnam law. The seat of arbitration shall be Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, ‘The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English. The Parties agreed that VIAC award shall be final and binding. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement regarding the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings and communications, oral or written, between the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have ensured this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representative(s) on the date first written above, in 2 (two) originals, each with having the same legal power. Asia Pacific Projecst Company Limited 6. Théa thudn nay sé 06 hiéu Iwo ké ter Ngay 66 hiéu lure ‘cho dén khi né duge thay thé 1 ring bing mot thoa inuan ditt Khost vé Kinh doanh gifta cée Bén, Néu khong 6 thda thuan di khoat gita cde Bén, Hop aéng nay co hig luc trong mét (1) néim ké tte ngay hiéu tue. Mi bén nn tin c6 trach nhiém béo mat dudi thod thugn nay voi B6n tiét 16 ngay ca sau khi chdm du thod thuan 7. Thda thutn nay 6 thé due sita aéi bat ci lie no theo théa thudn chung bing vin bén cia céc Bén theo day 8. Théa thudn nay sé duoc diéu chinh va gidithich theo hap tuét Vist Nam. Mo) tranh chép, tranh ei hoae ‘ehi6u nai phat sinh tr hod. ién quan dén Thde thudn nay, hotc viée vi pham, chdm dit hose fam mAt hicu luc tia Théa thuén sB duoe gidi quyét théng que mot ude thao tua than thign trang vang 30 (ba muoi) ngay te fh, turin nu ne Keng th cong v8 me dich nay, c&c. Bén theo day ding ¥ gi8i quyét bing trong tai tai Trung tm Trong tai Quéc\¥é Viét Nam (VIAC) theo Quy tac Trong tai cda Trung Yim, boi mot trong tai vién duoc chi dinh tuén thi Quite. Phap Ivat eda diéu khodin trong tai nay Id php ludt’ét Nam. Bie «idm trong tai sé la Thanh phé H6 Chi Minh, Viet Nam Qué tinh 18 tung trong ta s6 dro tién hénh bang tibng Anh. Cac Bén déng ¥ ring phén quyét cila VIAC sé Ia phan quyét cudi cing v8 mang tinh ring bude. Théa thuén nay 1d tuyén b6 déy dit va déc quyén 8 chi dé cca Thda thuan nay va thay thé t8t 8 cab thea thuan, cach hiéu va théng tin lién lac truéc a6, )baNng miéng hode bing van ban, gitia cae Bén lién quahdBn cha dé tla Théa thudn nay. DE LAM BANG CHUNG, Cac Bén d8 dim bdo ring Théa thudn nay duoc ky bdi (nhOng) ngudi dai dién due dy quyén hop phap cia ho vio ngay ghi dau tien & trén, thénh 2 (hai) bin géc, méi ban 06 gid ti phan If hu nhau GHU TICH HDQT yin Gh Heng Tan

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