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(eBook PDF) Microsoft Excel 365

Complete: A Skills Approach, 2019

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(eBook PDF) Microsoft Office 365: A Skills Approach,

2019 Edition 1st Edition

(eBook PDF) New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 &

Excel 2019 Comprehensive

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(eBook PDF) Microsoft Office 365: In Practice, 2019


Microsoft Excel Formulas and Functions (Office 2021 and

Microsoft 365) 1st edition - eBook PDF
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Microsoft Office

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chapter 5 Skill 1.4 Entering and Editing Text and

Working with Reports and Numbers in Cells EX-10
Collaborating with Others WD-174 Skill 1.5 Applying Number Formats EX-12
Skill 5.1 Creating a New Document
Skill 1.6 Entering Dates and Applying
Using a Template WD-175
Date Formats EX-14
Skill 5.2 Using the Thesaurus WD-177
Skill 1.7 Inserting Data Using AutoFill EX-16
Skill 5.3 Using AutoCorrect WD-178
Skill 1.8 Exploring Charts EX-18
Skill 5.4 Inserting a Table of Contents WD-180
Skill 1.9 Using the Recommended
Skill 5.5 Adding Tab Leaders WD-182 Charts Feature EX-21
Skill 5.6 Adding a Caption WD-183 Skill 1.10 Entering Simple Formulas EX-24
Skill 5.7 Inserting Footnotes Skill 1.11 Understanding Absolute
and Endnotes WD-184 and Relative References EX-26
Skill 5.8 Using Researcher WD-186 Skill 1.12 Using Functions in Formulas EX-28
Skill 5.9 Selecting a Reference Style WD-188 Skill 1.13 Using AutoSum to Insert a
SUM Function EX-29
Skill 5.10 Adding Citations
to Documents WD-190 Skill 1.14 Calculating Totals with the
Quick Analysis Tool EX-30
Skill 5.11 Using the Source Manager WD-192
Skill 5.12 Creating a Bibliography WD-193 Skill 1.15 Using the Status Bar EX-32

Skill 5.13 Marking Entries WD-194 Skill 1.16 Changing the Zoom Level EX-33

Skill 5.14 Creating an Index WD-195 Skill 1.17 Creating a New Workbook
Using a Template EX-35
Skill 5.15 Using Track Changes WD-196
Skill 1.18 Arranging Workbooks EX-38
Skill 5.16 Working with Comments WD-198
Skill 1.19 Checking Spelling EX-40
Skill 5.17 Hiding and Showing
Changes in a Document WD-201 Skill 1.20 Previewing and Printing
a Worksheet EX-41
Skill 5.18 Accepting and Rejecting
Changes in a Document WD-203
chapter 2
Skill 5.19 Locking Track Changes WD-205 Formatting Cells EX-58
Skill 5.20 Using Read Mode WD-207
Skill 2.1 Cutting, Copying, and
Skill 5.21 Changing How Pages Scroll WD-209 Pasting Cell Content EX-59
Skill 2.2 Using Paste Options EX-61
excel 365 Skill 2.3 Inserting and Deleting Cells EX-63
chapter 1 Skill 2.4 Wrapping Text in Cells EX-66
Getting Started with Excel EX-2
Skill 2.5 Using Undo and Redo EX-67
Skill 1.1 Introduction to Excel EX-3
Skill 2.6 Aligning Cells EX-68
Skill 1.2 Navigating a Workbook EX-5
Skill 2.7 Merging Cells and Splitting
Skill 1.3 Working in Protected View EX-8 Merged Cells EX-70

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Skill 2.8 Applying Bold, Italic, Skill 3.7 Formatting Text Using
and Underline EX-72 Functions EX-118
Skill 2.9 Changing Fonts, Font Size, Skill 3.8 Using CONCAT to
and Font Color EX-74 Combine Text EX-119

Skill 2.10 Adding Borders EX-76 Skill 3.9 Using TEXTJOIN to

Combine Text EX-120
Skill 2.11 Adding Shading with Fill Color EX-78
Skill 3.10 C
 reating Formulas Referencing
Skill 2.12 Applying Cell Styles EX-80 Data from Other Worksheets EX-121
Skill 2.13 Using Format Painter EX-81 Skill 3.11 Naming Ranges of Cells EX-123
Skill 2.14 Applying Conditional Formatting Skill 3.12 Working with Named Ranges EX-125
Using the Quick Analysis Tool EX-82
Skill 3.13 U
 pdating Named Ranges
Skill 2.15 Applying Conditional Formatting with the Name Manager EX-126
with Data Bars, Color Scales,
Skill 3.14 E
 diting and Deleting Names
and Icon Sets EX-84
with the Name Manager EX-127
Skill 2.16 Applying Conditional Formatting
Skill 3.15 Using the Logical Function IF EX-129
with Highlight Cells Rules EX-86
Skill 3.16 C
 alculating Loan Payments
Skill 2.17 Applying Conditional Formatting Using the PMT Function EX-131
with Top/Bottom Rules EX-87
Skill 3.17 F
 inding Data Using the
Skill 2.18 Removing Conditional VLOOKUP Function EX-133
Formatting EX-88
Skill 3.18 Checking Formulas for Errors EX-135
Skill 2.19 Clearing Cell Content EX-89
Skill 3.19 F
 inding Errors Using
Skill 2.20 Using Find and Replace EX-90 Trace Precedents and Trace
Dependents EX-137
Skill 2.21 Replacing Formatting EX-92
Skill 3.20 Displaying and
Skill 2.22 Setting and Clearing the Printing Formulas EX-139
Print Area EX-94

chapter 4
chapter 3 Formatting Worksheets and
Using Formulas and Functions EX-108 Managing the Workbook EX-158
Skill 3.1 Using the Function Arguments Skill 4.1 Inserting Worksheets EX-159
Dialog to Enter Functions EX-109
Skill 4.2 Naming Worksheets EX-160
Skill 3.2 Using Formula AutoComplete
to Enter Functions EX-112 Skill 4.3 Changing the Color of
Sheet Tabs EX-161
Skill 3.3 Calculating Averages EX-113
Skill 4.4 Moving and Copying
Skill 3.4 Finding Minimum and Worksheets EX-162
Maximum Values EX-114
Skill 4.5 Deleting Worksheets EX-164
Skill 3.5 Using Date and Time
Functions EX-115 Skill 4.6 Grouping Worksheets EX-165
Skill 3.6 Creating Formulas Using Skill 4.7 Inserting and Deleting
Counting Functions EX-116 Rows and Columns EX-166

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Skill 4.8 Applying Themes EX-168 Skill 5.9 Filtering Chart Data EX-218
Skill 4.9 Modifying Column Widths Skill 5.10 Inserting Sparklines EX-220
and Row Heights EX-170
Skill 5.11 Converting Data into Tables EX-222
Skill 4.10 Freezing and Unfreezing
Rows and Columns EX-172 Skill 5.12 Applying Quick Styles
to Tables EX-224
Skill 4.11 Hiding and Unhiding Rows
and Columns EX-173 Skill 5.13 Adding Total Rows to Tables EX-225

Skill 4.12 Hiding and Unhiding Skill 5.14 Removing Duplicate Rows
Worksheets EX-174 from Tables EX-226

Skill 4.13 Splitting Workbooks EX-176 Skill 5.15 Sorting Data EX-227

Skill 4.14 Changing the Worksheet View EX-177 Skill 5.16 Filtering Data EX-228

Skill 4.15 Adding Headers and Footers EX-178 Skill 5.17 Filtering Table Data
with Slicers EX-230
Skill 4.16 Inserting Page Breaks EX-180
Skill 5.18 Converting Tables to Ranges EX-232
Skill 4.17 Showing and Hiding
Worksheet Elements EX-182 Skill 5.19 Creating PivotTables Using
Recommended PivotTables EX-233
Skill 4.18 Changing Worksheet
Orientation EX-183 Skill 5.20 Creating a PivotChart
from a PivotTable EX-236
Skill 4.19 Setting Up Margins for Printing EX-184
Skill 5.21 Analyzing Data with
Skill 4.20 Scaling Worksheets
Data Tables EX-238
for Printing EX-185
Skill 5.22 Analyzing Data with
Skill 4.21 Printing Titles EX-186
Goal Seek EX-240
Skill 4.22 Printing Selections,
Worksheets, and Workbooks EX-187

chapter 5 access 365

Adding Charts and Analyzing Data EX-204 chapter 1
Skill 5.1 Inserting a Column Chart Getting Started with Access AC-2
or a Bar Chart EX-205 Skill 1.1 Introduction to Access AC-3
Skill 5.2 Inserting a Pie Chart EX-209 Skill 1.2 Working with Security Warnings AC-6
Skill 5.3 Inserting a Line Chart EX-210 Skill 1.3 Understanding and Viewing
Skill 5.4 Resizing and Moving Charts EX-211 Table Relationships AC-7

Skill 5.5 Applying Quick Layouts Skill 1.4 Organizing Objects in the
to Charts EX-214 Navigation Pane AC-10

Skill 5.6 Showing and Hiding Skill 1.5 Switching between Database
Chart Elements EX-215 Object Views AC-12

Skill 5.7 Applying Quick Styles and Skill 1.6 Navigating Records AC-14
Colors to Charts EX-216
Skill 1.7 Creating a New Record in
Skill 5.8 Changing the Chart Type EX-217 a Table and Entering Data AC-16

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Skill 1.8 Sorting Records in a Datasheet AC-18 Skill 2.11 Formatting Fields AC-70
Skill 1.9 Adjusting Table Column Widths AC-20 Skill 2.12 Setting the Default
Value Property AC-72
Skill 1.10 Creating a New Record in a
Form and Entering Data AC-21 Skill 2.13 Modifying the Field
Size Property AC-74
Skill 1.11 Using Undo and Redo AC-23
Skill 2.14 Applying an Input Mask AC-75
Skill 1.12 Finding and Replacing Data AC-24
Skill 2.15 Working with Attachment Fields AC-78
Skill 1.13 Deleting Records AC-26
Skill 2.16 Adding a Lookup Field from
Skill 1.14 Deleting and Renaming Another Table AC-80
Database Objects AC-27
Skill 2.17 Adding a Lookup Field
Skill 1.15 Previewing and from a List AC-84
Printing Database Objects AC-28
Skill 2.18 Creating Relationships AC-86
Skill 1.16 Backing Up a Database AC-30
Skill 2.19 Enforcing Deletions and
Skill 1.17 Creating a Database from Updates in Relationships AC-88
a Template AC-32
Skill 1.18 Creating a New Blank Database AC-34
chapter 3
Skill 1.19 Using Quick Start Using Queries and Organizing
Application Parts AC-36 Information AC-108

Skill 1.20 Using Compact and Repair AC-38 Skill 3.1 Using the Simple
Query Wizard AC-109
chapter 2 Skill 3.2 Creating a Query in
Working with Tables AC-54 Design View AC-112

Skill 2.1 Designing a Table AC-55 Skill 3.3 Adding Text Criteria to a Query AC-116

Skill 2.2 Creating and Saving a Table Skill 3.4 Adding Numeric and Date
in Datasheet View AC-58 Criteria to a Query AC-120

Skill 2.3 Renaming Fields AC-59 Skill 3.5 Using AND in a Query AC-122

Skill 2.4 Adding Fields in Datasheet View AC-60 Skill 3.6 Using OR in a Query AC-124

Skill 2.5 Using Quick Start to Add Skill 3.7 Combining AND and OR
Related Fields AC-61 in a Query AC-126

Skill 2.6 Deleting Fields in Skill 3.8 Adding a Calculated

Datasheet View AC-62 Field to a Query AC-127

Skill 2.7 Moving Fields in Skill 3.9 Specifying the Sort Order
Datasheet View AC-63 in a Query AC-130

Skill 2.8 Creating a Table in Design View Skill 3.10 Hiding and Showing Fields
and Setting the Primary Key AC-64 in a Query AC-131

Skill 2.9 Inserting, Deleting, and Moving Skill 3.11 Using a Parameter Query AC-132
Fields in Design View AC-66
Skill 3.12 Finding Unmatched Data
Skill 2.10 Changing Data Type AC-68 Using a Query AC-134

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Skill 3.13 Finding Duplicate Data Skill 4.12 Applying a Theme AC-200
Using a Query AC-137
Skill 4.13 Resizing Controls AC-201
Skill 3.14 Filtering Data Using AutoFilter AC-140
Skill 4.14 Moving and Arranging
Skill 3.15 Filtering Data Using Filter Controls AC-202
by Selection AC-142
Skill 4.15 Modifying the Layout of a
Skill 3.16 Exporting Data to Excel AC-144 Form or Report AC-204

Skill 3.17 Exporting Data to a Text File AC-146 Skill 4.16 Adding Design Elements to
Form and Report Headers AC-206
Skill 3.18 Importing Data from Excel AC-149
Skill 4.17 Adding Page Numbers to
Skill 3.19 Importing Data from a Reports AC-208
Text File AC-153
Skill 4.18 Grouping Records in a
Skill 3.20 Adding Records to a Table Report AC-209
by Importing AC-157
Skill 4.19 Adding Totals to a Report AC-211
Skill 3.21 Importing Data from an
Access Database AC-160 Skill 4.20 Previewing and Printing a
Report AC-212
Skill 3.22 Linking to a Table in an
Access Database AC-162 Skill 4.21 Controlling the Page Setup
of a Report for Printing AC-214

Skill 4.22 Exporting a Report to

chapter 4
Other Formats AC-216
Working with Forms and Reports AC-180
Skill 4.1 Creating a Single Record Form

Skill 4.2
Based on a Table or Query AC-181

Creating a Multiple Items Form AC-182

powerpoint 365
chapter 1
Skill 4.3 Creating a Split Form AC-183 Getting Started with PowerPoint PP-2
Skill 4.4 Creating a Form Using the Skill 1.1 Introduction to PowerPoint PP-3
Form Wizard AC-184
Skill 1.2 Designing Presentations PP-6
Skill 4.5 Creating a New Blank Form
in Layout View AC-187 Skill 1.3 Understanding Views PP-7

Skill 4.6 Adding Fields to a Form Skill 1.4 Working with Thumbnails PP-9
in Layout View AC-188 Skill 1.5 Creating a New Presentation
Skill 4.7 Creating a Basic Report Using a Template PP-10
Based on a Table or Query AC-191 Skill 1.6 Adding Slides to Presentations PP-12
Skill 4.8 Creating a Report Using Skill 1.7 Changing Slide Layouts PP-13
the Report Wizard AC-192
Skill 1.8 Adding Text to Slides PP-14
Skill 4.9 Creating a New Blank
Report in Layout View AC-196 Skill 1.9 Changing the Size of a
Placeholder PP-15
Skill 4.10 Adding Fields to a Report in
Layout View AC-197 Skill 1.10 Applying Character Effects PP-16

Skill 4.11 Formatting Controls AC-198 Skill 1.11 Changing Fonts and Font Sizes PP-18

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Skill 1.12 Changing the Color of Text PP-20 Skill 2.19 Aligning Objects PP-72
Skill 1.13 Using Format Painter PP-21 Skill 2.20 Moving Objects Using
Smart Guides PP-74
Skill 1.14 Clearing Formatting PP-22
Skill 2.21 Using Gridlines and the Ruler PP-75
Skill 1.15 Changing Line Spacing PP-23
Skill 2.22 Adding Audio PP-76
Skill 1.16 Aligning Text PP-24
Skill 2.23 Adding Video PP-78
Skill 1.17 Adding Columns to
Placeholders PP-26
chapter 3
Skill 1.18 Using Find PP-27
Formatting Presentations PP-96
Skill 1.19 Using Replace PP-28
Skill 3.1 Changing the Presentation
Skill 1.20 Using Undo and Redo PP-29 Theme PP-97

Skill 3.2 Customizing the Theme PP-98

chapter 2 Skill 3.3 Changing the Size of Slides PP-100
Adding Content to Slides PP-42
Skill 3.4 Changing the Color of Slide
Skill 2.1 Importing Slides from a Backgrounds PP-101
Word Outline PP-43
Skill 3.5 Applying a Pattern to Slide
Skill 2.2 Using the Outline View PP-45 Backgrounds PP-102
Skill 2.3 Using Copy and Paste PP-46 Skill 3.6 Applying a Gradient to Slide
Backgrounds PP-104
Skill 2.4 Using Cut and Paste PP-47
Skill 3.7 Using Designer PP-106
Skill 2.5 Adding Bulleted Lists PP-48
Skill 3.8 Applying Slide Transitions PP-108
Skill 2.6 Adding Numbered Lists PP-49
Skill 3.9 Applying Quick Styles to
Skill 2.7 Adding WordArt PP-50 Drawing Objects PP-110
Skill 2.8 Understanding the Content Skill 3.10 Applying Fill Colors to
Placeholder PP-51 Drawing Objects PP-111
Skill 2.9 Creating Tables in Skill 3.11 Applying Outlines to
Presentations PP-52 Drawing Objects PP-112
Skill 2.10 Adding Charts PP-54 Skill 3.12 Using the Eyedropper Tool PP-113
Skill 2.11 Adding SmartArt PP-56 Skill 3.13 Applying Quick Styles
Skill 2.12 Adding Shapes PP-58 to Tables PP-114

Skill 2.13 Inserting an Icon PP-60 Skill 3.14 Using the Picture
Styles Gallery PP-115
Skill 2.14 Adding Pictures PP-62
Skill 3.15 Applying Preset
Skill 2.15 Adding Alt Text to Pictures PP-64 Picture Effects PP-116

Skill 2.16 Adding Online Pictures PP-66 Skill 3.16 Customizing Charts PP-117

Skill 2.17 Adding 3D Models PP-68 Skill 3.17 Modifying SmartArt PP-119

Skill 2.18 Changing the Size of Images PP-70 Skill 3.18 Applying Animation Effects PP-121

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Skill 3.19 Modifying Animations PP-123 Skill 4.13 Navigating the Slide Show PP-157

Skill 3.20 Animating 3D Models PP-124 Skill 4.14 Using Presentation Tools PP-158

Skill 3.21 Using Animation Painter PP-125 Skill 4.15 Using Presenter View PP-160

Skill 4.16 Recording a Slide Show PP-161

chapter 4
Skill 4.17 Printing Presentations PP-163
Managing and Delivering
Presentations PP-138 Skill 4.18 Customizing
Handout Masters PP-164
Skill 4.1 Deleting Slides from
Presentations PP-139 Skill 4.19 Printing Handouts PP-166
Skill 4.2 Changing the Order Skill 4.20 Packaging a Presentation PP-167
of Slides PP-140

Skill 4.3 Hiding and Unhiding Slides PP-141

Appendix A
Skill 4.4 Copying and Pasting Slides PP-142
Office 365 Shortcuts A-1
Skill 4.5 Adding Hyperlinks to Slides PP-144
Appendix B Mouse Commands
Skill 4.6 Checking Spelling PP-146 and Touch Gestures B-1

Skill 4.7 Adding Notes PP-148 Glossary GL-1

Skill 4.8 Adding Footers PP-150 Office Index OFI-1

Skill 4.9 Adding the Date to the Footer PP-152 Word Index WDI-1

Skill 4.10 Inserting Slide Numbers PP-153 Excel Index EXI-1

Skill 4.11 Rehearsing Timings PP-154 Access Index ACI-1

Skill 4.12 Starting the Slide Show PP-156 PowerPoint Index PPI-1

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How well do you know Microsoft Office? Many students can follow specific step-by-step
directions to re-create a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or database, but do they
truly understand the skills it takes to create these on their own? Just as simply following
a recipe does not make you a professional chef, re-creating a project step by step does
not make you an Office expert.
The purpose of this book is to teach you the skills to master Microsoft Office 365
in a straightforward and easy-to-follow manner. But Microsoft® Office 365: A Skills
Approach goes beyond the how and equips you with a deeper understanding of the what
and the why. Too many times books have little value beyond the classroom. The Skills
Approach series has been designed to be not only a complete textbook but also a refer-
ence tool for you to use as you move beyond academics and into the workplace.


With Office 365, Microsoft changed the delivery method for new features for users who
have an Office 365 subscription. Rather than waiting for the next version of Office to be
released, users with a 365 subscription will now receive new features through automatic
updates to their account. Why does this matter to you? Because while we feel this book
is still a solid reference for you to use, it could mean that certain content in this book
may be out of date. But there is hope! If you signed up for a SIMnet account along
with purchasing this book, the electronic version of this textbook (the SIMbook) will
be updated along with Microsoft’s updates. This means the text in the SIMbook, along
with the simulated environment used for the exercises, will reflect any changes made to
Office 365. In addition, your SIMbook may include additional content that could not
be accommodated in the printed version of the textbook.


Triad Interactive specializes in online education and training products. Our flagship
program is SIMnet—a simulated Microsoft Office learning and assessment application
developed for McGraw-Hill Education. Triad has been writing, programming, and man-
aging the SIMnet system since 1999.


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about the authors


Cheri Manning is the president and co-owner of Triad Interactive. She is the author of
the Microsoft Excel and Access content for the Skills Approach series and SIMnet. She
has been authoring instructional content for these applications for more than 20 years.
Cheri began her career as an Aerospace Education Specialist with the Education
Division of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), where she
produced materials for K–12 instructors and students. Prior to founding Triad, Cheri
was a project manager with Compact Publishing, where she managed the development
of McGraw-Hill’s Multimedia MBA CD-ROM series.


Catherine Manning Swinson is the vice president and co-owner of Triad Interactive.
She is the author of the Microsoft Word and PowerPoint content for the Skills Approach
series and SIMnet. She also authors SIMnet content for Computer Concepts, Micro-
soft Outlook, Windows, and Web browsers. She has been authoring instructional con-
tent for these applications for more than 20 years.
Catherine began her career at Compact Publishing, one of the pioneers in educa-
tional CD-ROM–based software. She was the lead designer at Compact and designed
every edition of the TIME Magazine Compact Almanac from 1992 through 1996. In
addition, she designed a number of other products with Compact, including the TIME
Man of the Year program and the TIME 20th Century Almanac.

• Kelly Morber, Saints Philip and James School, English Teacher and Malone University,
• Timothy T. Morber, MEd, LPCC-S, Malone University


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Instructor Walkthrough
Microsoft Office 365: A Skills Approach
Confirming Pages

Skill 2.9 Changing Fonts, Font Size,

and Font Color
A font, or typeface, refers to a set of characters of a certain design. The font is the
shape of a character or number as it appears on-screen or when printed. Use the com-
mands from the Home tab, Font group to change font attributes such as font family, font
size, and font color.
〉 To change the font, click the Font box arrow to expand the list of available fonts,
and then select the font you want.
〉 To change the font size, click the Font Size box arrow and select the size you want.
〉 To change the font color, click the Font Color button arrow to expand the color
palette, and then select the color you want.

Font Font Size

FIGURE EX 2.21 Font Color

The font color palette is divided into three parts:

1. The top part shows the Automatic color choice (black or white, depending on the
Confirming Pages color of the background).

〉 1-1 Content in SIMnet for Office 365 2. The middle part shows the Theme Colors included in the theme that is applied to
the workbook. These colors are designed to work together. Confirming Pages
3. The bottom part of the palette shows the Standard Colors (dark red, red, orange,
etc.). These colors are always available, no matter what theme is in use.

Skill 2.3 Inserting and Deleting Cells
Use the Insert command to insert an empty cell, group of cells, row, or column into
your worksheet. chapter
Formatting Cells
To insert an empty cell range, select the range where you want to insert the new cells.
〉 If you have a vertical cell range selected, on the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Automatic Color
the Insert button and Excel will automatically shift existing cells to the right to
Confirming Pages
make room for the new cells.
In this chapter, you will learn the following Colors
〉 If you have a single cell or a horizontal cell range selected, on the Home tab, in the
Cells group, click the Insert button and Excel will automatically shift existing cells
down to make room for the new cells. 〉 Move and copy cell contents Skill 2.1 Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Content
Standard Colors
using cut, copy, and paste
If you want more control over whether cells are shifted to the right or down, use the • Applying
Skill 2.2 Conditional
Using Paste Options
Formatting Using the Quick Analysis Tool (Skill 2.14)
Insert dialog. • Applying Conditional Formatting with Data Bars, Color Scales, and Icon Sets
〉 Insert, delete, and merge cells
1. Select the cell or cell range where you want to insert the new cell(s). Skill(Skill
2.32.15) Inserting and Deleting Cells
〉 Work with text and font attributes • Replacing Formatting (Skill 2.21)
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Insert button arrow. Skill 2.4 Wrapping Text in Cells
FIGURE EX 2.22 • Wrapping Text in Cells (Skill 2.4)
3. Click Insert Cells... to open the Insert dialog. Skill 2.5 Bold,
〉 Apply borders and shading • Applying Italic,Undo and Redo
and Underline (Skill 2.8)
4. Select the option you want and then click OK. • Applying Conditional Formatting with Highlight Cells Rules (Skill 2.16)
〉 Format cells using cell styles Skill 2.6 Aligning Cells
• Applying Conditional Formatting with Top/Bottom Rules (Skill 2.17)
〉 Copy formatting using Format Skill 2.7 Merging Cells and Splitting Merged Cells
EX–74 1. Open the start file EX2019-OnYourOwn-2-5 and resave the file as:
Painter excel 365 Skill 2.8 initials]EX-OnYourOwn-2-5
Applying Bold, Italic,
chapter 2 Formatting Cells
and Underline

〉 Format cells using conditional 2. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the
Skill Message
2.9 Bar Changing Fonts, Font Size, and Font Color
at the top of the workbook so you can modify it.
Insert Button formatting
Skill 2.10theAdding
3. Update data in theBorders
workbook with an inventory of textbooks you own.
Include the purchase price and estimated resell 10/08/19
value for each
AM title.
〉 Modify
cell data using find and 09:49
Confirming Pages Skill 2.11
4. Add Adding
and delete cells asShading
necessary. with Fill Color
Click Insert Cells... to replace
5. Wrap
Skill 2.12text Applying
if any of your Cell Styles
book titles are too long to fit in the cell.
open the Insert dialog.
〉 Work with the print area 6. Format the worksheet title and data table using cell styles, borders, and fill color.
Skill Change
2.13 fonts,
Using Format
font color, Painter
and font size as appropriate.

〉 Introduction—Learning Outcomes are clearly

7. Remember to use Format Painter to copy formatting from one part of the
15. Insert a page break before the Upcoming Safety Improvements section. Skill worksheet
2.14 Applying
to another.
Conditional Formatting Using
16. Add a cover page. theuseQuick
8. You can also Analysis
the Replace if you want to change formatting from
a. Insert a cover page using the Whisp design.
FIGURE EX 2.6 Skill one
2.15style to another in multiple cells at the same time.
Applying Conditional Formatting with
b. Change the Document subtitle to read The latest safety news for you. 9. Apply conditional formatting to identify the most expensive books and the ones
Data Bars, Color Scales, and Icon Sets
〉 At-a-glance Office 365 skills c. Delete the Date control on the cover page. with the highest resell values. Use any type of conditional formatting you’d like.
Recall that in Excel, pasting cell content that has been cut or copied will overwrite 17. Navigate to the Introduction section and add a watermark using the SAMPLE Skill 2.16conditional
10. Apply Applying Conditional
formatting Formatting
to identify the book with the with
best resell value and

Quick, easy-to-scan pages, for efficient learning

the book with the worst resell value.
Highlight Cells Rules
Fix It
the content of the cell where it is pasted. If you want to insert the content instead, use text with diagonal orientation.
Confirming Pages
the Insert command. 18. Print two copies of all the pages except the cover page. NOTE: If you are using 11. When you are satisfied with the appearance of the worksheet, save and close the
this in class or in your school’s computer lab, check with your instructor about Skill workbook.
2.17 Applying Conditional Formatting with Top/
1. Cut or copy the cell content and then click the cell where you want to insert the printing permissions before completing this step. Bottom Rules
On Your Own
new content.

fix it 2.6
19. Save and close the document.

2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Insert button arrow. Skill 2.18 Removing Conditional Formatting

Skill 2.19 Clearing Cell Content
Skill Review
Data files for projects can be found by logging into In this project, you will fix a rather unattractive worksheet that was intended for record-

on your own 3.5

your SIMnet account and going to the Library section.
Skill 2.20 Using
ing walking/running milesFind and Replace
and times.
Skills needed to complete this project:
In this project you will be formatting and printing a marketing sheet for a landscape
Skill 2.21 Replacing Formatting
• Using Undo and Redo (Skill 2.5)

skill review 2.1 Skill 2.22Shading

Setting and Clearing
(Skill 2.11)the Print Area
company. You will apply a theme of your choice and adjust the theme by changing the • Adding with Fill Color
style set, color theme, and font theme. You will add a property control to ensure consis-
• Merging Cells and Splitting Merged Cells (Skill 2.7)
tent spelling of the company name. You will add content to the header and footer of the
In this project you will add formatting to a daily vitamin and supplement plan to make • Applying Cell Styles (Skill 2.12)
the spreadsheet more attractive and easier to read. Throughout the project, use the
document. You will change the layout by adjusting margins and adding a page break.
Undo command ( Ctrl + Z ) if you make a mistake. You will add a page border and a cover page. Finally, you will practice printing multiple • Inserting and Deleting Cells (Skill 2.3)
copies and page ranges. • Changing Fonts, Font Size, and Font Color (Skill 2.9)
Skills needed to complete this project: EX–63
• Using Undo and Redo (Skill 2.5)skill 2.3 Inserting and Deleting Cells Skills needed to complete this project: • Using Format Painter (Skill 2.13)
• Merging Cells and Splitting Merged Cells (Skill 2.7) • Applying Document Themes (Skill 3.1) • Adding Borders (Skill 2.10)
• Applying Cell Styles (Skill 2.12) • Applying Style Sets (Skill 3.2) • Wrapping Text in Cells (Skill 2.4)
• Inserting and Deleting Cells (Skill 2.3) • Using Color Themes (Skill 3.3) • Applying Conditional Formatting Using the Quick Analysis Tool (Skill 2.14)
• Aligning Cells (Skill 2.6) • Using10/08/19
Font Themes
man79449_EX_ch02_058-107.indd 58 10/08/19 09:49 AM
man79449_EX_ch02_058-107.indd 63 09:49 AM (Skill 3.4)
• Changing Fonts, Font Size, and Font Color (Skill 2.9)
• Inserting Property Controls (Skill 3.12) EX–106
• Using Format Painter (Skill 2.13) excel 365 chapter 2 Formatting Cells
• Inserting Page Numbers (Skill 3.10)
• Adding Borders (Skill 2.10)
• Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cell Content (Skill 2.1)
• Adding an Automatic Date Stamp (Skill 3.9)
• Wrapping Text in Cells (Skill 2.4) • Adding Headers (Skill 3.7)
• Applying Conditional Formatting Using the Quick Analysis Tool (Skill 2.14) • Adjusting Margins (Skill 3.14) man79449_EX_ch02_058-107.indd 106 10/08/19 09:49 AM

• Applying Conditional Formatting with Data Bars, Color Scales, and Icon Sets • Inserting Page Breaks (Skill 3.6)
(Skill 2.15)
• Adding Page Borders (Skill 3.17)
• Applying Conditional Formatting with Highlight Cells Rules (Skill 2.16)
• Adding a Cover Page (Skill 3.18)
• Removing Conditional Formatting (Skill 2.18)
• Printing Multiple Copies of a Document (Skill 3.19)
• Applying Conditional Formatting with Top/Bottom Rules (Skill 2.17)

Projects that relate to a broad range of careers and

• Replacing Formatting (Skill 2.21) • Printing Page Ranges (Skill 3.20)

〉 Diverse end-of-chapter projects

1. Open the start file EX2019-SkillReview-2-1 and resave the file as: [your initials] 1. Open the start file WD2019-OnYourOwn-3-5 document and resave this document

perspectives, from nursing, education, business, and

EX-SkillReview-2-1 as: [your initials] WD-OnYourOwn-3-5
2. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the 2. If the document opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the
Message Bar at the top of the workbook so you can modify the workbook.

everyday personal uses.

Message Bar at the top of the document so you can modify it.
3. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells A1:H1 and cells A2:H2.
3. Apply a theme of your choice to the document.
a. Select cells A1:H1.
4. Change the style set to one of your choice.
b. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the Merge & Center button.
c. Select cells A2:H2.
5. Choose a new color theme xvii
d. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the Merge & Center button.
4. Apply the Title style to the main worksheet title. WD–118
word 365 chapter 3 Formatting Documents
a. Select the merged cells A1:H1.
b. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Cell Styles button.
c. Click the Title style.

man79449_WD_ch03_078-121.indd 118 09/13/19 06:58 PM

excel 365 chapter 2 Formatting Cells

man79449_EX_ch02_058-107.indd 98
xvii 10/08/19 09:49 AM
10/25/19 09:54 AM
tips & tricks tell me more
When you add a citation from the Researcher task pane, The Researcher feature is only available in the Office
Formatting marks include symbols that represent spaces, nonbreaking spaces, tabs, Final PDF to printer
paragraphs, and page breaks. The following table shows examples of formatting marks
Word automatically inserts a properly formatted citation 365 version of Microsoft Office. If you have the 2019
and the keyboard commands used to create them:
based on the reference style for the document. Word on-premises version, you will not see the Researcher
also adds the source information in the source manager, button on the Reference tab.
allowing you to quickly add citations to the source later
within the same document or in other documents.
Space • Spacebar
let me try Paragraph ¶ Enter
If you do not have the data file from the previous skill open, open the student data file wd5-08-SpaProductReport
Tab → Tab
and try this skill on your own:

1. Place the cursor before the period at the end of the first paragraph in the Wraps and Full-Body Treatments Line Break ↲ Shift + Enter
section (the sentence ending next big spa trend).
Nonbreaking Space  Ctrl + Shift + Enter
2. Open the Researcher task pane and type “spa trends” in the search box. NOTE: If you do not have the
Researcher feature in your version of Microsoft Word, skip to step 5.
3. Type a sentence based on the research you completed.
Tips Page
& Tricks
Break ............Page Break..........¶ Ctrl + Enter

4. From the Researcher task pane, add a citation to the source you used.
5. If you will be moving on to the next skill in this chapter, leave the document open to continue working. If not,
tips & tricks
From the perspective of. . .
save the file as directed by your instructor and close it.

You can choose to always show specific formatting marks on-screen even when the Show/Hide button is inactive.
To show specific formatting marks:

from the perspective of . . . 1. Click the File tab and select Options.
2. In the Word Options dialog, click the Display category.
GR AD UATE STUD E N T 3. Select the formatting marks you want to display in the Always show these formatting marks on the screen
When I wrote my first term paper, my professor rejected it informing me that it wasn’t section.
formatted correctly and I was using the wrong reference style. I didn’t understand. I had 4. Click OK.
typed everything very carefully, but apparently I was supposed to use the APA style and
not the Chicago style. After that, I started using the reference tools built into Word.
Confirming Pages
Now I can generate a table of contents from headings in my paper, mark entries for my
index as I write, and auto-generate the index. Most important, I can set my reference tell me more
style to use the APA style, add my sources, and create a bibliography in the correct
〉 A nonbreaking space is a space between two words that keeps the words together and prevents the words from
style. When I resubmitted my paper, my professor was impressed with how well it was
formatted. I got an A! being split across two lines.
Confirming Pages
tips & tricks
〉 A line break forces the text onto a new line, but does not treat the text as a separate paragraph.

When text is bolded, italicized, or underlined, the button appears highlighted on the Ribbon. To remove the effect,
click Me
another More
the highlighted button, or press the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

tips & tricks To show formatting marks, you can press

tell me more
Ctrl + Shift + 8 .

When text is bolded, italicized, or underlined, the button appears highlighted on the Ribbon. To remove the effect,
click the highlighted button, or press the appropriate keyboard shortcut. let me try
〉 Some of the other character effects available from the Ribbon include:
• Strikethrough—draws a horizontal line through the text.

If you do Subscript—draws
• not a small
have the data file fromcharacter below
the previous skillthe bottom
open, of the
open the student
text. data file wd2-14-SpaNewsletter and
Confirming Pages
tell me more Rubberball/Getty Images
try this •skillSuperscript—draws
on your own:
1. Show
a small character above the top of the text
the formatting marks inother
the document.
〉 The Font dialog contains character formatting options not available from the Ribbon. These effects include
〉 Some of the other character effects available from the Ribbon include: 2. On Double strikethrough,
the first page, there is anSmall
line.All caps among
Remove others.
the extra blankToline
open thethe
from Font dialog, on the Home tab, in the
document. WD–187
• Strikethrough—draws a horizontal line through the text. Font
I’mgroup, clickarticle,
the dialog
should beSelect an option
after in the Effectsatsection and
of aclick OK to apply the character
Skill 5.8 Using Researcher
3. In the So Gelish no spaces punctuation the end paragraph. Remove
• Subscript—draws a small character below the bottom of the text.
the effect to the text.
extra spaces from the article.
• Superscript—draws a small character above the top of the text tips & tricks
4. Hide the formatting marks.
〉 The Font dialog 187 contains other character formatting options not available from the Ribbon.
man79449_WD_ch05_174-222.indd These
10/12/19 12:50

Double strikethrough, Small caps, and All caps among others. To open the Font dialog, on the Home
PM effects
5. Ifinclude
text willanother method
be moving
is bolded,
in highlighted
on to the
italicized, next skill in the
or underlined, this button
leave the documenton
highlighted open
the to continue
Ribbon. working.the
To remove If not,
click close
the the file. button, or press the appropriate keyboard shortcut.
Font group, click the dialog launcher. Select an option in the Effects section and click OK to apply the character 〉 The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to apply the bold, italic, and underline effects:
Another Method
effect to the text. • Bold = Ctrl + B

tell me more
• Italic = Ctrl + I WD–53
• Underline = Ctrl + U skill 2.14 Revealing Formatting Marks
another method 〉 Some of the other character effects available from the Ribbon include:
〉 To access the bold, italic, or underline commands, you can also right-click the selected text and click the Bold,
• Strikethrough—draws a horizontal line through the text.
Italic, or Underline button on the Mini toolbar.
〉 The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to apply the bold, italic, and underline effects: • Subscript—draws a small character below the bottom of the text.
• Bold = Ctrl + B • 〉Superscript—draws
To apply an underline a small character
style, click theabove the top
Underline of the
button text and select a style.
man79449_WD_ch02_036-077.indd 53 09/13/19 06:26 PM
• Italic = Ctrl + I
〉 The Font dialog contains other character formatting options not available from the Ribbon. These effects include
• Underline = Ctrl + U
Double strikethrough, Small caps, and All caps among others. To open the Font dialog, on the Home tab, in the
〉 To access the bold, italic, or underline commands, you can also right-click the selected text and click the
let me try
group, click the dialog launcher. Select an option in the Effects section and click OK to apply the character
Italic, or Underline button on the Mini toolbar. effect
Opento the
the student
text. data file wd2-01-SpaNewsletter and try this skill on your own:

〉 To apply an underline style, click the Underline button arrow and select a style. 1. Select the text free smoothies in the first paragraph of the newsletter.

2. Apply method
the bold character formatting to the text.
3. Select the text online appointment booking system in the second paragraph of the newsletter.
let me try 〉 The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to apply the bold, italic, and underline effects:
4. Apply the italic and underline character formatting to the text.
• Bold = Ctrl + B
Open the student data file wd2-01-SpaNewsletter and try this skill on your own: • 5. If you
Italic will+beI moving on to the next skill in this chapter, leave the document open to continue working. If not,
= Ctrl
save the
• Underline =file
U by your instructor and close it.
1. Select the text free smoothies in the first paragraph of the newsletter.
2. Apply the bold character formatting to the text. 〉 To access the bold, italic, or underline commands, you can also right-click the selected text and click the Bold,
3. Select the text online appointment booking system in the second paragraph of the newsletter. Italic, or Underline button on the Mini toolbar.

4. Apply the italic and underline character formatting to the text. Let〉 Me Try
To apply an underline style, click the Underline button arrow and select a style.
5. If you will be moving on to the next skill in this chapter, leave the document open to continue working. If not,
save the file as directed by your instructor and close it.
let me try
Open the student data file wd2-01-SpaNewsletter and try this skill on your own:
1. Select the text free smoothies in the first paragraph of the newsletter.
2. Apply the bold character formatting to the text.
3. Select the text online appointment booking system in the second paragraph of the newsletter.
4. Apply the italic and underline character formatting to the text.
5. If you will be moving on to the next skill in this chapter, leave the document open to continue working. If not,
save the file
WD–38 as directed by your instructor and close it.
word 365 chapter 2 Formatting Text and Paragraphs

man79449_WD_ch02_036-077.indd 38 09/13/19 06:26 PM

〉 Instructor materials available in the SIMnet course manager.

word 365 chapter 2 Formatting Text and Paragraphs

• Instructor Manual
• Instructor PowerPoints
man79449_WD_ch02_036-077.indd 38 09/13/19 06:26 PM

• Test Banks
word 365 chapter 2 Formatting Text and Paragraphs

man79449_WD_ch02_036-077.indd 38 09/13/19 06:26 PM


man79449_fm_i-xx.indd xviii 10/25/19 09:54 AM

Final PDF to printer

SIMnet for Office

365 Online Training
& Assessment
〉 Includes: the course. It’s more than a resource; it’s a tool they can
• Microsoft Office Suite
® use throughout their entire time at your institution.
• Computer Concepts
• Windows 10
• File Management SIMnet provides powerful, measureable results for you
• Web Browsers and your students. See results immediately in our various
reports and customizable gradebook. Students can also
E ASY TO USE see measurable results by generating a custom training
lesson after an exam to help determine exactly which
SIMnet is McGraw-Hill’s leading solution for training and content areas they still need to study. Instructors can use
assessment of Microsoft Office skills and beyond. Com- the dashboard to see detailed results of student activity,
pletely online with no downloads for installation, SIMnet assignment completion, and more. ­SIMnet Online is your
is accessible for today’s students through multiple brows- solution for helping students master today’s Microsoft
ers and is easy to use for all. Now, ­SIMnet offers SIMbook Office Skills.
and allows students to go mobile for their student learn-
ing. Available with videos and interactive “Guide Me” S I M NE T FOR OFFI CE 20 1 6
pages to allow students to study MS Office skills on any
device. It’s consistent, clean user interface and function- . . . Keep IT SIMple! To learn more, visit
ality will help save you time and help students be more and also contact your
successful in their course. McGraw-Hill representative.


SIMnet offers lifelong learning. SIMnet is designed with

features to help students immediately learn isolated
Microsoft Office skills on demand. Students can use SIM-
Search and the Library to learn skills both in and beyond


man79449_fm_i-xx.indd xix 10/25/19 09:54 AM

Final PDF to printer

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Final PDF to printer

office 365

man79449_intro_001-038.indd 1 10/15/19 07:06 PM

Final PDF to printer

Essential Skills
for Office
In this chapter, you will learn the following skills:

〉 Learn about Microsoft Office and Skill 1.1 Introduction to Microsoft Office
its apps Word, Excel, Access, and
Skill 1.2 Opening Files

〉 Learn the difference between

Skill 1.3 Closing Files
Office 365 and Office 2019 Skill 1.4 Closing the App
Skill 1.5 Using the Start Page
〉 Demonstrate how to open, save,
and close files Skill 1.6 Getting to Know the Office User Interface

〉 Recognize Office common Skill 1.7 Getting Help

features and navigation elements Skill 1.8 Using Smart Lookup
〉 Use Microsoft Help and Tell
Skill 1.9 Working in Protected View
Me features
Skill 1.10 Picking Up Where You Left Off
〉 Create new files
Skill 1.11 Working with File Properties
〉 Share files through OneDrive

〉 AutoSave documents and

Skill 1.12 Creating a New Blank File
manage versions Skill 1.13 Saving Files to Your PC
〉 Modify account information and Skill 1.14 Saving Files to OneDrive
the look of Office
Skill 1.15 Using AutoSave
〉 Customize the Quick Access
Toolbar Skill 1.16 Sharing Files Using OneDrive
Skill 1.17 Using the Account Page

Skill 1.18 Changing the Look of Office
Skill 1.19 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

man79449_intro_001-038.indd 2 10/15/19 07:06 PM

Final PDF to printer

This chapter introduces you to Microsoft Office. You will learn about the versions of Microsoft Office
and how they differ. You will learn about the shared features across the Office apps and how to
navigate common interface elements. You will learn how to open and close files as well as different
ways to save and share files, including through your OneDrive account.

Skill 1.1 Introduction to Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a collection of business “productivity” apps (computer programs
designed to make you more productive at work, school, and home). The most popular
Office apps are:
Microsoft Word—A word processing program. Word processing software includes
powerful formatting and design tools that allow you to go beyond simple text files and
create complex documents such as reports, résumés, brochures, and newsletters.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel—A spreadsheet program. Originally, spreadsheet apps were viewed

as electronic versions of an accountant’s ledger. Today’s spreadsheet apps can do
much more than just calculate numbers—they include powerful charting and data
analysis features. Spreadsheet programs can be used for everything from managing
personal budgets to calculating loan payments.

Microsoft Excel OF–3
skill 1.1 Introduction to Microsoft Office

man79449_intro_001-038.indd 3 10/15/19 07:06 PM

Final PDF to printer

Microsoft Access—A database program. Database apps allow you to organize

and manipulate large amounts of data. Databases that allow you to relate tables and
databases to one another are referred to as relational databases. As a database user, you
usually see only one aspect of the database—a form. Database forms use a graphical
interface to allow a user to enter record data. For example, when you fill out an order
form online, you are probably interacting with a database. The information you enter
becomes a record in a database table. Your order is matched with information in an
inventory table (keeping track of which items are in stock) through a query. When your
order is filled, a database report can be generated for use as an invoice or a bill of lading.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft PowerPoint—A presentation program. Presentation apps are used to cre-

ate robust multimedia presentations. A presentation consists of a series of electronic
slides. Each slide contains content, including text, images, charts, and other objects.
You can add multimedia elements to slides, including animations, audio, and video.

Microsoft PowerPoint

To open one of the Office apps in Windows 10:

1. Click the Windows Start button (located in the lower left corner of your computer
2. Scroll the list of apps on the Start menu.
3. Find the app in this list and click the app you want to open.

office 365 Essential Skills for Office

man79449_intro_001-038.indd 4 10/15/19 07:06 PM

Final PDF to printer

There are two main ways to license and pay for the installed version of Microsoft Office:
Office 365—This version allows you to download and install Office and pay
for it on a yearly or monthly subscription basis. Office 365 includes full versions
of the Office apps along with online storage services for your files. Microsoft is
continually updating Office 365 with security and bug fixes. In addition, the apps
are updated with new features twice a year. If you have an Office 365 subscription,
Office will prompt you when an update is available.
Office 2019 (on-premises)—The on-premises version of Office allows
you to install Office and pay for it once. The on-premises version of Office
receives security and bug fixes, but does not receive new feature updates. In
addition, certain features available in Office 365 are not available in Office 2019
on-premises, including the Editor in Word and PowerPoint’s Designer feature.
Because this book is written for Office 365 which is continually being updated, your
version of the software may look different than the screenshots shown here. For exam-
ple, after the Office 2019 on-premises version of the software was released, Microsoft
updated the look of the Ribbon and Backstage in the apps.
If you have the 2019 on-premises version of Office, the Ribbon will look like this:

If you have the updated Office 365 version, the Ribbon looks more like this:

Be aware that although the interface has changed, the steps to complete the skills
are the same. SIMnet (the software that accompanies this textbook) is updated with the
new feature and interface changes twice a year.
tell me more
Office apps are available to you on a variety of platforms. The features available depend on which version of the apps
you are using:

〉 Desktop apps—Full-featured version of the Office apps that you download and install on your computer. If you
are creating complex documents or presentations or performing complicated calculations on large amounts of
data, you will most likely need the desktop version of the app. If you purchase an Office 365 subscription or the
Office 2019 on-premises version, you will be downloading and installing the Desktop app version of the software.
〉 Online apps—Available at These apps are accessed through a Web browser (no installation
required) and allow you to create and save files online using your OneDrive account (Microsoft’s cloud storage
service). The online apps have a limited set of features, but depending on your needs that may be enough.
〉 Mobile apps—Free apps available for your tablet device. Similar in features and functionality to the online apps,
these apps are designed to run on the iOS and Android operating systems. They offer limited functionality com-
pared to the installed desktop apps.

let me try
Try this skill on your own:
1. Display the Start menu.
2. Open the Word app.
3. Keep the app open to work on the next skill. OF–5
skill 1.1 Introduction to Microsoft Office

man79449_intro_001-038.indd 5 10/15/19 07:06 PM

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
“In contemplating such a scene as this, how the heart saddens and
sickens to know that humble and devoted ministers of the cross are
put to death for no other cause than that of being ministers of the M.
E. Church, South. Is it because that Church has been, and still is, in
the way of those who profess to have all the piety, loyalty and religion
in the land, that its members and ministers are specially denounced,
proscribed and persecuted, and are the marks of special vengeance
for every gang of raiding soldiers that chance to come into Missouri?
“I am credibly informed that the deceased had never taken any
part in the excitement growing out of the war up to that time; that he
had never mentioned politics in the pulpit, and had never left home
on account of the troubles during all the dark days of ’61 and ’62.
“Rev. Green Woods was a native of Missouri, and through many
portions of Southern and Southeastern Missouri will he be
remembered, as his powerful and eloquent voice echoed and died
away upon the gently murmuring breezes of his native hills and vales
in calling sinners to repentance. But he now sleeps the long sleep of
death. That clarion voice is now silent, and will no more be heard on
earth proclaiming the good news and glad tidings of salvation which
shall be unto all people. But we close, and drop a silent tear to his
memory; knowing that He who holdeth the earth in the hollow of his
hand, and who numbereth the very hairs of our heads, doeth all
things well.
“We have good reason to believe that the religion he so long and
faithfully preached to others sustained him in the last trying hour;
and in the great day, when all mankind shall stand forth to be judged
according to the deeds done in the body, many will rise up and call
him blessed.


Thus passed away, by the hand of violence, one of the excellent of

the earth, “of whom the world was not worthy.” A faithful witness for
the word of God and the testimony of Jesus, having committed no
offense against the laws of God or man, he fell a martyr to the truth;
gave his life for a principle and a cause, and offered himself upon the
service and sacrifice of his chosen Church, and the faith she
vindicates in his death, and ascended the thrones of martyrdom, to
await, with the martyrs of all ages, the final and glorious triumph of
the Kingdom of Messiah, in whose service he counted not his life
dear unto himself. It is a grand thought that Infinite Goodness and
Power has ordained that “Christ must reign till he hath put all
enemies under his feet.” “Then cometh the end.” “Even so: come
Lord Jesus.”

Rev. A. Monroe, the Patriarch of Missouri Methodism—Age,

Honor and Sanctity not Exempt from Profanation—Mr. Monroe
and his Wife Arrested in Fayette—Mrs. Monroe’s Trials and
Witty Retorts—How Mr. Monroe Escaped the Bond—Robbed of
Everything by Kansas Soldiers in 1864—An Old Man Without his
Mittens—A Tower of Strength—“Our Moses”—Calls the Palmyra
Convention—Rev. W. M. Rush—The Character of Missouri
Preachers—A Native Missourian—Settles in Chillicothe—In St.
Joseph the First Year of the War—Caution in Public Worship—
An Offensive Prayer by Rev. W. C. Toole—General Loan Closes
the Church and Deposes Mr. Rush from the Ministry by Military
Order—General W. P. Hall vs. Mr. Rush—Hall Publishes a Letter
that Denies Mr. Rush Protection, and Exposes him to
Assassination—Mr. Rush Returns to Chillicothe—His House a
Stable and his Home a Desolation—Bold Attempt to Assassinate
him—Correspondence with General Hall—Goes to St. Louis—
Masonic Endorsement—In Charge of the Mound Church—Will
Hear of Him Again—Rev. Nathaniel Wollard Murdered in Dallas
County—Horrible Details—Particulars—Reflections.
Rev. Andrew Monroe.
Even this venerable and honored servant of God—now the
Patriarch of Missouri Methodism—was not exempt from trials and
troubles during the late war. If a venerable form, erect and majestic;
grey locks, long and flowing; lofty mien, benign and saintly; a pure
life, long and useful; an honored name, associated with the history of
the good and pure in the State; saintly beneficence, sanctified to the
highest purposes of the gospel, and a meek and quiet spirit diffused
through the toil, and suffering, and labor, and triumphs of half a
century in the ministry could disarm malice, awe the passions into
reverence, break the force of prejudice and shield the person and
property, the home and happiness, the liberty and life from vicious
violation and petty profanation, then Andrew Monroe had lived in
peace unmolested, and his humble house, a freeman’s sacred castle,
been secure from the tread of vandalism and the hand of plunder.
But no altar was too sacred, no home too pure, no name too greatly
reverenced and no life too pure and holy to deter the invader or
wither the sacrilegious hand of the spoiler. Meanness was not an
incident of the war, and sacrilege was not confined to Mexican
guerrillas. Men are naturally mean, and depravity is a fact of human
nature. Nor did the war make thieves, and robbers, and murderers,
and highwaymen; they were such before, the occasion only was
wanting. The sunbeam does not create, it only reveals the motes in
the atmosphere. The war furnished the occasion and unveiled the
meanness of men; the pure gospel ministry rebuked it, and, naturally
enough, provoked its malice and became its victim. Even Andrew
Monroe, the noble old Roman, could not escape.
In the winter of 1862 the Rev. A. Monroe was traveling the Fayette
Circuit, Missouri Conference M. E. Church, South, and living in the
town of Fayette, Howard county. Fayette, like all other towns of
importance in the State, was a military post, with one Major
Hubbard in command.
One day of that winter Mr. Monroe and his family were surprised
by the appearance of a Federal officer and a squad of men entering
his humble home, placing him and his wife under arrest, and
marching them off to headquarters, for what offense they never
The soldiers had arrested many other ladies and gentlemen at the
same time, and they had plenty of company when they reached
headquarters, amongst whom was the Rev. Dr. W. H. Anderson, then
President of Central College.
When Major Hubbard came in and saw the number of ladies
present under arrest he affected surprise, and said that he had not
ordered their arrest; that his subalterns had transcended his orders,
and at once informed the ladies that they were released, remarking at
the same time that when he wished to see them he would not send
for them, but do himself the pleasure of calling at their homes. To
which Mrs. Monroe promptly replied that she was obliged to him for
releasing them so early, but as for seeing him, she had no desire
whatever to see him at her house or anywhere else.
Many a true and modest woman had occasion during those
troublous times to call upon her ready wit to reply to the various
impertinent inquiries and demands of a ruffian soldiery; and while
Mrs. Monroe was surprised at her own courage, her indignation was
somewhat appeased when she observed the cutting effect of her
retort. Not many days afterward she had occasion again for her ready
wit and her Christian fortitude and forbearance. Very early in the
morning five soldiers called and demanded breakfast. Mr. Monroe
was at home, but he soon retreated from the front door and called
upon his wife to meet the issue. She had no help, and the idea of
cooking for so many, and these, too, whom she believed to be her
enemies, and who would not hesitate to do her any injury, was very
repulsive. But to get rid of them was a difficult question, as many
ladies know. By the time she reached the front door and heard their
request her answer was ready. She replied, “My Bible teaches me, ‘If
thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink;’ upon
these terms and no other you can get breakfast.” To her surprise one
of them said, “Madam, we will accept breakfast upon those terms, for
I profess to be somewhat acquainted with the Bible.” She thought
they would turn and go away in a rage, but, on the contrary, she had
to turn and get breakfast for “her enemies” with the best grace she
It turned out that the spokesman was a local preacher in the
Northern Methodist Church, and at the table he remarked to Mrs.
Monroe that his father was as great a rebel as she was. To which she
replied, that it was a thousand pities that he had so far departed from
the ways of his father as to be a degenerate son of an honored sire.
Whereupon he said, “As a loyal man, I would hate awfully to have to
live with such a rebel. Gen. Price could well afford to issue a
commission to you, madam.”
Not many days after this Mr. Monroe was just ready to mount his
horse one morning for a tour of appointments in the country, when a
soldier appeared with orders to arrest him and take him to the
headquarters of Capt. Hale, then commanding the post. The
venerable man of God was then marched up to headquarters at the
point of the bayonet and required to take the military oath, (so-
called), and give bond, with good security, for his future loyalty to the
Government, and for the loyalty and good order of his family, the
Captain remarking that “the secesh talk of the women of his family
should be stopped.” Mr. Monroe replied that he could take the oath if
he would then let him go about his Master’s work, but as for the
bond, he must excuse him, as he did not wish to involve his friends
and he had but little property. If it was his little property he was
after, he might as well go and take charge of that at once and let him
go about his business. The Captain saw the point and told him to
take the oath then and “go preach the gospel to every creature.”
“In 1864 Mr. Monroe was living on a farm about eight miles from
Glasgow, in Howard county, when General Price made his famous
raid into Central Missouri, and took Glasgow amongst other places.
The day before the battle of Glasgow Mr. Monroe was out in a field
on his little farm, and his family all away from home except a
servant, when a company of Kansas soldiers passing along the road
halted, entered the house and robbed it of everything of value they
could find. The house was literally pillaged. Mr. Monroe’s watch, a
fine cloth coat, several pairs of bed-blankets, quilts, comforts, and,
indeed, everything of any value to them. While thus engaged they
saw a young man who lived near approaching the house, all
unconscious of what was going on. He was arrested and relieved of
all his money, $75. One rough-looking Dutch soldier rode out to the
field and accosted the venerable man with an imperative demand for
his money. When he found that he had but two dollars in the world,
he would not take it, but rode back in disgust. A young man—Mr.
Monroe’s nephew—was met near the house on his uncle’s only riding
horse, with his only saddle and bridle. The young man was arrested,
and the horse and equipments taken to Glasgow and never heard
from afterward.
Thus, in one single hour, the venerable servant of God stood alone
in his field, stripped of everything he had—horse, watch, clothes,
blankets, bedding—everything of value. What must have been the
feelings of Mrs. Monroe on returning home, after an absence of just
one hour, to find her house plundered by a ruffian soldiery, and her
husband beggared. To complete the work, a small squad of soldiers
passed along soon afterward, and when they could find nothing else
to steal or appropriate, a rough, drunken Dutchman demanded of
the old man his woolen mittens, which a lady had but recently given
him. He gave them up, and considered himself fortunate to get off so
With such petty annoyances, involving privation and suffering, this
faithful minister of the gospel—this pioneer and patriarch of
Missouri Methodism—passed through the dark and trying scenes of
the late civil war, always hopeful and joyful, and ready to rejoice that
he was counted worthy to suffer for a cause of which himself was the
finest type, and a principle to maintain which he was willing to go
even to prison and to death. To the struggling cause of Christ and his
suffering friends he was a tower of strength, to the discomfited and
disheartened hosts of the Methodist Israel, he was “our Moses.”
When “these calamities were overpassed,” and the shock of war had
expended its fire and force—when the smoke of battle cleared away,
and the stormcloud hung low upon the horizon, he surveyed the
field, marked the desolation, measured the extent of the wreck,
discovered some remains of Zion’s former beauty, while others, with
indecent haste, sounded her funeral knell; and his voice, like that of a
mighty chieftain, was heard over the prairies, along the railroads and
in the cities of Missouri, calling the faithful to duty, and rallying the
scattered forces for counsel. Upon his call a few ministers and friends
convened in Palmyra, in June, 1865, and decreed the life of the
Church, the resuscitation of her vital powers, the recovery of her lost
ground, and the rehabilitation of her distinctive institutions and
organs. (See the particulars of this Palmyra meeting in its
appropriate place.)
Rev. W. M. Rush.
Few men suffered earlier, or more, than the subject of this notice.
For many years the name of the Rev. W. M. Rush has been
conspicuous on the rolls of Missouri Methodism. Prominent amongst
her ablest and truest ministers and foremost in her aggressive
evangelism, he has stood through many years of her history.
Identified with her early struggles and a faithful laborer upon her
broad foundations, he has grown with her growth and strengthened
with her strength, until his life and her history are one. Few men
have been more conspicuous in her councils or more distinguished in
her fields of labor and conflict. The class-mate of Marvin, the senior
and compeer of Caples, the companion of Monroe, and Jordan, and
Smith, and Eads, and Johnson, and Redman, and the noble band of
Methodist pioneers and patriots, his name will adorn the early
annals of the Church, as it will illustrate her later persecutions.
Mr. Rush does not care to conceal the fact that he is a native of
Missouri. He was converted to God July 8th, 1838, and united with
the Methodist Church the following August. He was licensed to
preach in Sept., 1841, and was admitted on trial in the Conference
the following October, at Palmyra, Bishop Morris presiding and W.
W. Redman acting as Secretary. He has ever been, since that date, an
effective itinerant preacher—never sustained any other relation to
the Conference.
While traveling the Brunswick district, in 1856, and by the advice
of Bishop Pierce, he made arrangements to settle his family in a
permanent home, and selected Chillicothe, Livingston county, as the
most central and suitable location. He purchased eligible lots, with
land adjoining the town, and erected an excellent and commodious
residence for his large family. He also improved, furnished and
stocked his adjoining lands to make them productive. Here he settled
his family and remained until 1860, when he was appointed to St.
Joseph station, and it became necessary for him to lease out his
property in Chillicothe and move his family to St. Joseph, where he
was living when the war broke out in 1861. He was deeply impressed
with the necessity of caution and prudence in the conduct of his
pulpit and public services, as the people to whom he ministered were
divided on the questions at issue in the war. He was so careful not to
give offense to any that he framed a somewhat formal prayer to be
used in public services touching the troubles of the country.
It was about as follows: “O Thou, who art infinite in wisdom, in
goodness and in power, we pray thee so to direct in the affairs of this
country, that the events that are now transpiring may all result for
thy glory and the well-being of humanity. We pray that those in
authority may have wisdom to direct them in adopting such
measures as shall be promotive of the best interests of all the
To this form of prayer and the sentiments it contained he thought
all good citizens of either party could say, Amen. He carefully
abstained from every expression that would be offensive to the
sectional feelings and views of any of his congregation. In this he was
particular, and, he thought, successful. Matters passed on well
enough until early in February, 1862, when, after preaching on
Sabbath, he called on the Rev. W. C. Toole, a local preacher, to close
the service with prayer. He was a strong partisan, and his language in
the prayer was extremely bitter toward those in rebellion against the
Government. Though the congregation was much divided in
sentiment, they were at peace among themselves. This prayer was
like a firebrand. It excited a good deal of feeling, and people of
opposite views thought it much out of place. Upon reflection and
consultation with his leading brethren, he determined thereafter to
close his own services with prayer, which ministers should always do
unless other ministers are present and in the pulpit. He pursued this
course but one Sabbath afterward, and then a brother minister, the
Rev. S. W. Cope, preached for him, when, during the week following,
Brigadier-General B. F. Loan, then in command, sent for Mr. Rush to
report himself at his headquarters. This he did, and Gen. Loan told
him that he had concluded to close his church. Mr. Rush asked him
on what account. He replied, “Because of disloyalty.” He was then
asked in what respects they were disloyal, and answered that he was
informed that a prayer for the Government could not be offered in
that church without giving offense.
The whole matter of the prayer of Mr. Toole and the general
character of the service were then explained to Gen. Loan. Mr. Rush
was careful to give the reasons for avoiding the introduction of
anything savoring of sectional views into the public service; that they
could not settle the troubles of the country in the church service; that
such an effort would only destroy the peace of the church without in
the least benefiting the country; that no prayer savoring of secession
had ever been offered in the church or would be tolerated on any
account; that the course pursued was the only proper one; and that if
all the churches in the land would attend to their appropriate work
and let politics alone it would be far better for the country. To all of
this the General replied that the time had come when there must be a
distinction in the churches between patriots and traitors. Mr. Rush
told him that he could not discriminate in his church on account of
political opinions; that he had been in the ministry more than
twenty-five years, and in all that time he had not in a single instance,
in prayer or sermon, given utterance to a word or sentence by which
his opinions could be known upon any political questions at issue
before the country, and that he did not expect in the future to depart
from that course. He replied that his mind was made up to close the
church. The interview ended, and the church was closed.
Soon afterward the General directed a special order to be issued
forbidding Mr. Rush from preaching or conducting any kind of
religious service within the bounds of his military district. Thus he
was silenced—deposed from the ministry, and his ordination
credentials revoked by a military satrap. An ambassador for God
stricken down by one stroke of a pen to which bayonets imparted
power! A messenger of salvation to dying men silenced by the caprice
of shoulder-straps, and one to whom the risen Messiah by his spirit
said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,”
suspended from his divine commission by the decree of human
power! A “legate of the skies” at the feet of a miserable specimen of
human weakness clothed with a little brief authority! Impious
presumption! equaled only by sacrilegious contumely and prurient
After Gen. Loan was dismissed from the military service by Gov.
Gamble, and Gen. W. P. Hall had succeeded him in command of the
district, Mr. Rush addressed a note to Gen. Hall, calling his attention
to the order of Gen. Loan, and asking its revocation. Mr. Rush hoped
for much consideration at the hands of Gen. Hall from a somewhat
intimate acquaintance of sixteen years, and the further fact that at
the beginning of the troubles their views were in perfect harmony.
He had no doubt whatever but that the silencing order of Gen. Loan
would at once be revoked. But for once he had mistaken the man.
Mr. R. did not then properly estimate the power of the German
Radicals of the district nor the ambition of Gen. Hall—the necessity
for him to manufacture a character for extreme loyalty, in doing
which he would sacrifice any man or any principle that stood in the
way of his personal promotion.
Gen. Hall not only refused to revoke the order of Gen. Loan, but
published in the St. Joseph Herald, a paper that circulated
extensively in the military camps, his letter to Mr. Rush, in which the
latter was denounced as a traitor and unworthy the protection of the
Government. While Gen. Loan, in his personal intercourse with Mr.
Rush, was courteous and gentlemanly, Gen. Hall was abusive,
ungentlemanly and tyrannical. His published letter unveiled his true
character, while it subjected its helpless victim to suspicion, insult
and attempts at brutal assassination.
Mr. Rush, in the midst of such trials and dangers, had to give up
his charge and return to Chillicothe. Here he found his beautiful
home laid waste; the fencing destroyed, the house broken up, horses
stabled in three rooms on the first floor, and soldiers quartered on
the second floor, and the fruit and shrubbery all destroyed.
He rented a house for his family, and while the officers of the post
always treated him with courtesy and kindness, Gen. Hall’s letter had
stirred up the common soldiery until his life and the lives of his
family were in constant peril. When he discovered this state of
things, he wrote Gen. Hall a polite letter, protesting against his
published letter, representing the injustice he had done him, and the
danger to his person and life caused by it. Gen. Hall returned his
letter, and in reply threatened him with a military commission.
About the 1st of May, 1863, a bold attempt was made to
assassinate him in his own house. His house was first assailed with
stones and brick-bats, by which the windows were crushed in and the
door battered. Pistol shots were then fired through the doors and
windows; but a kind Providence protected him and his family from
serious injury.
Upon reporting the facts to the officers in command, protection
was promptly furnished, and a guard stationed at the house. But, at
the same time, the officers advised him to seek safety elsewhere; that
with all their efforts to protect him the assassin’s missile might any
moment put an end to his life.
The week after this occurrence he went to St. Louis to attend the
sessions of the Grand Masonic bodies of the State. These grand
bodies gave to his ministerial and personal character their highest
endorsement, by electing him Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge,
also of the Grand Chapter, and also of the Convention of High Priests
for the State of Missouri.
The following is the written order which Gen. Loan directed Col.
King, his subordinate, to issue deposing Mr. Rush from the functions
of the ministry in his military district:

“Headquarters Reg’t M. S. M., }

Chillicothe, Mo., April 24, 1862. }

“Rev. W. M. Rush, Chillicothe, Mo.:

“Dear Sir—I am directed by the Brigadier-General commanding

the district to notify you that it is deemed advisable and necessary to
suspend you from the performance of your duties as a minister, or
preacher, within this military district, so far as they relate to any of
the public services in the church. This will, you observe, include all
preaching, the conducting of prayer meetings, &c., &c. Of said
suspension you are hereby notified.
“This, I will add, results from information, deemed entirely
reliable, of your disloyal sentiments, and of your very great desire to
actively promote the cause of the traitors.
“I am, sir, very respectfully,

“Walter King, Col. M. S. M.,

“Commanding Chillicothe Post.”
Mr. Rush had been prohibited by verbal order from preaching in
St. Joseph. After he left St. Joseph he preached once in Plattsburg
and once in Chillicothe, whereupon General Loan ordered Colonel
King to issue the above order. It was this order which Mr. Rush
requested Gen. Hall to revoke.
The reply to the letter asking the revocation of Gen. Loan’s order,
besides being published, was sent as a private note also, and is as

“Headquarters N. W. Dis., }
St. Joseph, Mo., February 17, 1863. }

“Rev. W. M. Rush, Chillicothe, Mo.:

“My Dear Sir—I am in receipt of yours of the 16th inst. I regret that
I am not able to comply with your request. According to my views, a
religious congregation that can not endure prayers for its
Government is disloyal; and a minister that encourages such a
congregation in its course is also disloyal.
“I agree with you, that allegiance and protection are reciprocal. But
allegiance requires the citizen to protect the Government against all
enemies. This you not only refuse to do, but you are not willing to
pray for the success of your Government over traitors. You claim to
be neutral. A citizen has no right to be neutral when enemies are
assailing his Government.
“I can not relieve you from Gen. Loan’s order.

“Very respectfully,
“Willard P. Hall,
“Brig.-Gen. Com’dg.”

The following letter was written to General Hall after Mr. Rush
had suffered long and much from the effects of his published letter.
It explains itself:

“Chillicothe, Mo., April 30, 1863.

“Gen. W. P. Hall:
“Dear Sir: Some months ago I requested you to relieve me from
Gen. Loan’s order. This you declined to do, and at the same time
(unintentionally, I hope,) inflicted upon me a severe injury. Your
letter was published in the Herald, and was made the basis of
various actions against me. Dr. Hughs, who classified those who were
exempt from military duty as loyal and disloyal, enrolled me disloyal.
I asked him on what ground he so enrolled me, and told him that I
claimed to be as loyal as any man in the Government, and that I
challenged any man to show the contrary. He told me that he acted
upon your letter and did not feel himself authorized to go behind it.
He assigned no other reason. Dr. Hughs, you may know, is an
extreme Radical man.
“On the 1st of January Capt. Moore, Provost-Marshal of this post,
gave what are called free passes to my negro woman and girl, and
they are now in Kansas. I called on him to know on what ground he
based his action. He said he concluded from your letter that I was
rebellious, and, therefore, gave the passes without any charge or
“On the first Monday of April, at our municipal election, my vote
was challenged by a Lieutenant from St. Joseph, I believe. I asked on
what ground. He said my name was on the disloyal list. I told him I
did not put it there. Capt. Moore said it was put there by order of
Gen. Loan.
“Such are some of the open effects of your published letter, and, as
a lawyer, you doubtless know the extent of your legal responsibility
for such publication.
“In your published letter to me you regarded me as disloyal
because, as you say, I encouraged a congregation that could not
endure prayers for its Government. If by the Government you mean
the country and the Constitution, I beg to inform you that prayers
are regularly offered for the country, in the public congregation as
well as in my private family; and in private I pray to Him who is
infinite in wisdom, in goodness and in power, that he would so direct
in the affairs of the nation, and so control the events that are now
transpiring as that all things might yet result for his glory and the
well-being of humanity; that he would grant unto our rulers wisdom
to adopt such measures as would speedily bring peace and prosperity
to our distracted country.
“If by the Government you mean the measures of the
Administration, I must say that I do not pray for the success of the
President’s Proclamation liberating the slaves of the South.
“Since these troubles began, I have claimed to be, and I believe I
am, as loyal a man as there is in the country, and the Constitution
does not permit you, nor any body of men, to prescribe a form of
prayer as a test of my loyalty. Since the commencement of these
troubles I have been a man of peace. I believed that war would be
disastrous to the country, and that if persevered in it would tear
down the fair fabric which my fathers helped to rear, and that my
children would be left without a country.
“Sir, I boast not of family, but an ancestral name stands on the
Declaration of Independence, and the family has represented the
Government at Paris and at London. Sir, I can pray for peace, but I
can not pray for war. I never in public or in private prayed for the
success of the sword as wielded by any power on earth.
“What was my offense? I labored to preserve the peace of my
congregation. I thought that the Church was not the proper arena for
the strife of those contending opinions that were convulsing the
“Why did not Colhoun and Lyon of the Presbyterian Church offer
such prayers as that offered by W. C. Toole? I will answer. They had
too high a sense of religious propriety. Sir, political preaching has
sown the seeds that are bringing forth the death of the nation. In
more than twenty years in the ministry I have never given utterance
to a political sentiment in the pulpit. But now these political
preachers are heroes, and I am without a pulpit.
“You have, also, published to the world that I have no claim upon
the Government for protection. Thus I am published by you as an
outlaw, to be slain by any one who may be so disposed. And this,
notwithstanding I have constantly performed every duty enjoined
upon me by the Constitution and laws of the country.
“On last Wednesday evening, just at dark, my son William, while
feeding, was shot at by some one who had secreted himself but a few
yards from him. The bullet entered his cap just over his forehead and
passed out behind. An inch lower would have killed him. The shot
was, no doubt, intended for me.
“When I wrote to you before, I did it that you might make your
own record in my case. You had the opportunity of revoking Gen.
Loan’s order or of sustaining it. You saw proper to exceed very much
the order of Gen. Loan.
“One word more. I had a financial interest of $1200 a year in my
pulpit so long as my pastoral relation to the Church should continue.
That relation still continues, but my financial interest in the pulpit
has been confiscated, without the authority of law and contrary to a
general order issued by the General commanding the department. I
am advised by eminent legal counsel that yourself and General Loan
are financially responsible to me.
“General, I have thus written to you candidly, as I think a man of
conscious integrity has a right to write to one to whom he is willing
to accord equal integrity. If you think that order should still remain
in force, so let it be.

“Your obedient servant,

“W. M. Rush.”

To this letter General Hall made the following reply:

“Headq’rs Seventh Military Dis’t of Mo., }

St. Joseph, Mo., May 2, 1863. }

“Rev. Wm. Rush, Chillicothe, Mo.:

“Sir—I return herewith your very extraordinary letter of the 30th

ult. Notwithstanding the threats contained in it against myself, you
surely did not consider what you were writing. My opinion was, and
is, that it would do a serious injury to the public for me to rescind
Gen. Loan’s order with reference to yourself. To threaten an officer
for the discharge of his duties, especially in times like these, is a
serious offense, which a Military Commission would promptly
punish. I bear you no malice. I have done what I have done in your
case because I believed my duty required it. My advice to you is, to
make no more threats.

“Very respectfully,
“Willard P. Hall,
“Brig.-Gen’l E. M. M.”

Neither explanation nor comment is necessary to the full meaning

of this instance of heartless cruelty and wanton oppression. The fact
that General Hall’s mother-in-law, with whom he lived, was at the
time one of the most devoted, pious and prominent members of Mr.
Rush’s Church, only shades the deeper and darker the character of
this Missouri Nero.
General Hall’s skepticism and political ambition made him a ready
and a cruel instrument of religious persecution. Without the moral
courage to avow his skepticism, and denied the force of character
necessary to meet and master opposition, he was just the man to use
the authority of shoulder-straps to make war upon the institutions of
heaven and persecute God’s chosen ministers of salvation; and he
will feel very uncomfortable in the history he has made.
Mr. Rush found it necessary for his own safety to remove his
family to St. Louis, and remain there until the close of the war. He
found the Mound Church without a pastor, and by the appointment
of the Presiding Elder took charge of that Church, and there
remained until the quiet and safety that succeeded the war was
restored to the State. Mr. Rush will appear again as a victim of the
New Constitution, and a noble champion of the liberty of conscience
and the supremacy of Christ in his Church, which the infidel
provisions of that instrument endeavored to strike down.
It will be appropriate to close this chapter with an account of the
murder of the
Rev. Nathaniel Wollard,
A minister of the Calvinistic, or, as generally termed, “Hard-Shell”
Baptist Church.
Elder Wollard, or “Uncle Natty,” as he was familiarly called, was
an aged man, in his seventy-second year. He had lived a long time in
Dallas county, Mo., where he was extensively known and very highly
appreciated as a true man, a good neighbor, a kind father, an
affectionate husband, a peaceable citizen and an acceptable minister
—highly esteemed in love by his denomination for his character and
work. He could not, nor did he desire to, take any part in the strifes,
excitements and dangers of the war. He craved the boon of living at
home unmolested, and spending the evening of his life in peace in
the bosom of his family.
He had grown up in the olden times, and under the old regime,
when men were outspoken, candid and fearless in the utterance of
their sentiments; and, hence, be expressed himself in opposition to
the “abolitionists,” as he called the Union men, and in sympathy with
the South. He did not make himself officious or offensive in the
expression of his Southern sympathies. He was not a secessionist per
se, but a Southern man, deeply impressed with the conviction that
the Northern fanatics intended to break up the Government and
destroy the foundations of republican liberty. He honestly believed
that the success of the South in the struggle would vindicate the
wisdom of the fathers of the Republic, and establish firmly and
forever the vital principles of civil and religious liberty for which
“Washington fought and freemen died.”
The fact that he entertained such sentiments, however prudent
and cautious in their utterance, “was sufficient to call forth the
vengeful feelings and murderous purposes of the militia of this
A detailed account of his murder has been furnished by one
acquainted with all the facts, in the following language:
“The murder was committed on the evening of Sept. 1, 1863—that
dark and bloody year. A cheerful fire had been made in his sitting
room, and he was peacefully enjoying an evening with his family, all
unconscious of the approach of danger—not dreaming that his peace
would so soon be disturbed, or that his long life was so near its end.
While thus in domestic tranquillity, and unconscious of danger, a
squad of militia scouts rode up to the door, dismounted and walked
in without any ceremony. They addressed the old man in a very
rough manner, ordering him out of his house, as they wished to
speak with him. Father Wollard told them that they could talk to him
where he was; that he was not going to leave his house.
“The intention of the militia was evidently to get him out of his
house, feign that he made an effort to escape, and shoot him. If this
was their intention they were defeated by the fact that Father
Wollard supposed that if he left the house, one or two men would
guard him and his family while the rest of them would pillage and
then burn the house.
“When they found that they could not get him out of the house,
one of the militia raised his pistol and shot him, the ball taking effect
in the face and inflicting a mortal wound. He was removed from the
house into the yard and laid on a bed prepared for him, his head
resting on the bosom of his heart-broken companion, while his son, a
youth of sixteen, was wiping the blood from his face, and keeping it
from his mouth, as it flowed so freely from the wound that he feared
it would strangle his father. In the meantime the militia had set the
house on fire and committed everything they had to the flames.
“Having finished their work of destruction, one of them came to
where the dying old man was lying, and, finding that he was not yet
dead, shot him again, the ball taking effect in his forehead. He
instantly expired.
“The only charge they made against him was that he fed
‘bushwhackers,’ which was not true. He had fed Southern and
Federal soldiers alike when they came to his house, and some of
these very men had been recently fed at his table who now turned
upon him and brutally and barbarously murdered him.
“The men who committed this fatal and foul deed belonged to
Capt. Morgan Kelly’s company of militia. They were never punished,
but are now living in Dallas county undisturbed, except by an
accusing conscience. Capt. Kelly himself professes to be a minister of
the gospel, of the Christian, or Campbellite, Church, yet he seems to

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