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COURSE CONTENTS 1" Year 1* Term EE 1103: Basic Electrical Engineering Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Fundamental concepts and units. Variables and parameters: Voltage, current, resistance, power and energy, independent and dependent sources.Basic laws: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, Joule’s law. Simple resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division, wye-delta transformation. Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis including supernode and supermesh. Network theorems: Source transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton's and superposition theorems with applications in circuits having independent . and dependent sources, Millman’s theorem, compensation theorem, maximum power transfer theorem and reciprocity theorem. Source concept: sources of emf, primaryand secondary cells. Energy storage elements: Inductors and capacitors, series and parallel combination of inductors and capacitors. Magnetic quantities and variables: Flux, permeability and reluctance, magnetic field strength, magnetic potential, flux density, magnetization curve. Laws of magnetic circuits: Ohm's law and Ampere’s circuital law. Magnetic circuits: series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Introduction to measuring instruments: Ammeter, voltmeter, galvanometer and wattmeter. Alternating ‘current circuits: Introduction to alternating current circuits, instantaneous, average and R.M.S values, complex. impedance_and phasor algebra, phasor diagram. Power relations in AC circuits: Real, reactive and apparent power, power factor, power factor improvement. Single-phase AC circuits: Series and parallel RL, RC and RLC circuits, nodal and mesh analysis, application of network theorems in AC circuits. Resonance in AC circuits: Series and parallel resonance, half-power bandwidth, quality factor. EE 1104: Sessional on Basic Electrical Engineering Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 1103 Ph 1103: Physics-1 Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week 44 Fe peat and thermedynamics rmometty: Concepts of heat and temperature, measurement of high vey jow temperature, fesistance thermometer, constant volume thermometer, mo electric thermometer and pyrometer theory of gases: Fundamental assumption of kinetic theory, pressure excrctcd bY A perfect gas, gas laws, Brownian movement, degrees of om, principle of equi-partition of energy, mean free path of gas molecules. Maxwell's Law of distributions of velocities. sfiquation of state: Physical explanation of the behavior of real gases. ‘Andrew's experiments. Vander walls equation, critical constants, defects of Vander wall’s equation, state of matter near the critical point. thermodynamics: Zeroth law of thermodynamics and its significance. First law ‘of thermodynamics, work done during adiabatic and isothermal processes. second law of thermodynamics, Carnot's cycle. Carnot's engine, thermionic emission, entropy changes in reversible and an irreversible process, entropy of 4 perfect gas, Zero point energy and negative temperature, Maxwell's thermo dynamical relations. aWave and oscillations: Wave and composition of simple harmonic motion, simple harmonic motion, average value of kinetic and potential energies ofa harmonic oscillation, superposition of simple harmonic motions, uses of Lissajous figures. Damped and forced harmonic oscillator: Damped oscillatory system, damped harmonic oscillation, LCR circuit, forced vibration, quality factor of forced oscillator, sharpness of resonance, phase of driven oscillator, power absorption. Wave Motion: Types of wave, progressive and stationary wave, energy distribution due to progressive and stationary wave, interference of sound wave, phase velocity and group velocity. sSound Wave: Audible, ultrasonic, infrasonic and super sonic waves, ffects and its application, applications of ultrasonic sound. f sound, Bel, sound pressure level, phonon, acoustic acoustics, diffraction of sound, musical sound and the kinetic Doppler’s ef Acoustics: Intensity o! intensity, architectural noises, speech, characteristic’s of musical Sound. Building Acoustic: Reverberation, Sabine’s reverberation formula, growth intensity, decay intensity, reverberation time and absorption co-efficient, requisites for good acoustic. * Optics: Interference: Nature of light, interference of light, coherent sources, young double slit experiment, energy distribution, condition for interference, production of interference fingers, Fresnel Bi-prism, Newton's ring. Optical Instrument; Photographic camera, simple microscope, compound microscope, lelescope astronomical telescope, spectrometer. Ph 1104: Sessional on Physics-I Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week 45 Experiments based on Ph 1103 Ch 1103: Chemistry Contact Hours: 4Hrs/Week Credit: 4.00 Atomic structure and periodic table: Generalization of chemical properties from periodic table. Inert gases and their importance in industry. ; Crystal symmetry, Miller indices, different methods for the determination of Structure, structures'of the metallic elements and certain compounds with 3-dimensional lattices; defects in solid states, semiconductors. Electronic structure of the elements: metallic bond, band theory, hydrogen_bonding. Chemical kinetics: Theories of reaction rates. . Chemical equilibrium: Law of mass action and its application;Ffactors which affect chemical equilibriurh; Le Chateller’s principle and application; Solvent extraction and ion exchange processes. Electrochemistry: Electrolytes; Nernst’s theory of electrode potential, type of electrodes and electrode potentials, EMF measurement, polarization and over- potentials; Origin of EMF, free energy and EMF, electrical double layer, factors affecting electrode reaction and current, modes of mass transfer, lithium and lithium ion battery, transport number; “pH value and its determination; electrode potentials and ion, electroplating and galvanizing. Nuclear chemistry, nuclear reaction, nuclear hazard & photochemistry. Chemistry of polymer: Polymer_and polymerization, co-polymerization, ionic polymerization, structure and properties of macromolecules, plastic and rubber, conducting polymer. Ch 1104: Sessional on Chemistry Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on Ch 1103 Math 1103: Mathematics-I Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Differential calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability; Differentiation: differentiation of various types of functions, application of differentiation; Successive differentiation: Successive differentiation of different types of functions, Leibnitz’s theorem; Expansion of functions: Rolle’s theorem; mean value theorem; Taylor’s theorem (finite and infinite forms); Maclaurin’s theorem in finite and infinite forms; Cauchy's form of remainder and Lagrange's form of remainder; Expansion of functions by differentiation; Indeterminate forms: L'hospitals rule; Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem; Maximum and minimum: Maxima and minima of different types of functions, physical application; Tangent and normal: Tangent and normal, sub tangent 46 and subnormal in cartesian and polar co-ordinates; Asymptotes; Curvature: curvature, radius of curvature, circle and centre of curvature, chord of curvature in cartesian and polar co-ordinates; curve tracing; Evolute and involute; Envelops. Co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions: Change of ax es, deniitieation of conics. Co-ordinate geometry of three dimensions: System of co-ordinates, aistance between (Wo points, direction cosine and ratio; angle between two Straight lines; Plane; Straight line, ape and rat Set theory: Review of sets, equivalence relations, functions; Boolean algebra: Definition, basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions. Hum 1103: Technical English Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Structure and written expression: The noun-phrase, the verb phrase, subject verb agreement, pronouns; verb as complements; questions; affirmative agreement (too/so); negative agreement (either / neither); negation; commands; modal auxiliaries; adjectives and adverbs; comparison; nouns functioning as adjective; enough with adjective, adverbs and nouns; cause connectors; passive voice ; causative verbs; relative clauses; _that-other uses; subjunctive;, inclusive; use of know / know how; clause of concession; problem verbs; style in written English; problem with vocabulary and prepositions; verbal idioms. : Scientific termittology: Construction of sentences and paragraphs; phrases and idioms; proverbs; punctuation; commercial correspondence and tender notice, amplification and description; comprehension, precis; technical report writing; standard forms of term papers, thesis, etc. CE 1104: Civil Engineering Drawing Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Introduction! Lettering and numbering; use of instruments. Projection: Line, square plating, cube, prism, cone, cylinder. Plan, elevations and sections of residential buildings. Use of various drawing and drafting instruments, Computer aided drawing and design 1* Year 2™ Term EE 1203: Electrical Circuits and Filter Design Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 1103 Transients: Transient analysis in electrical (ac & dc) circuits. f Graph theory: Loop, path-set, cut-set and mesh matrix and their relationships, 47 Coupled circuits: Self and mutual inductances, coupling co-efficient, analysis of coupled coils, dot rule, energy in a pair of coupled coils, reflected impedance, conductively coupled circuits, transfer impedance. Poly-phase circuits: Analysis of balanced and unbalanced polyphase circuits, phase sequence, methods of checking phase sequence, power in three phase circuits and its measurement. Two port networks (TPN): Two port networks (symmetrical & asymmetrical), determination of two port parameters, relationship between two port parameters, equivalent model for different parameters’ representation of TPNs, reciprocity and symmetry of TPNs, x and T equivalent networks, interconnection of TPNs, recurrent networks- ladder, lattice sections, T & PI sections, half section, L section, terminated two port networks; iterative impedance, image impedance, characteristic impedance, symmetrical two port networks. Dissipation less network: Reactance and susceptance curves. Filter: Conventional filter design and operation, elementary filter sections, fundamental equations of an ideal filter, theorem connecting characteristic impedance and attenuation constant-k sections, prototype filter sections, m-derived filter sections, use of feactance curves in determining filter Performance, impedance matching of filters, composite filters, band pass and band stop filters, frequency transformations to develop other types of filter from low pass case. Modern Filter: Ideal transfer function, general design procedure, Butterworth and Chebychev filters: approximation and design. EE 1204; Sessional on Electrical Circuits and Filter Design —Credi Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Experiments based on EE 1203 EE 1222: Computer Fundamentals and Programming Credit: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Introduction to computers: Review of number systems and codes, components, softwares and applications: Types of software and concept of Operating systems, high level language, assembly language and machine language; problem solving technique, algorithm development and construction of flow chart; information technology fundamentals, extranet and intranet. Programming in C: Concepts and notations, variables, constants, data types, operators and operations, expressions and statements, control Structures, input; functions and Program structures: Function basics, parameter passing conventions, recursion; header files; arrays, string and pointers; user defined data type: structures, unions, enumeration; input and output: standard input and output, formatted input and output, file access; 48 hardware , internet, mic memory allocation, yarj dynamic M. variable length a pate C707 handling, ngth argument list; command line TE 3 IIrs/week a Prerequisite Cours criodic 5.00 h 1103 array of atoms, fundamental lattices: Diffraction of waves by Brillouin zones, Fourier analysis of s: Crystal structure: py types of » Miller index. Reciproe: crystals, scattered wave amplitude, basis. Phonon: Vibration of crystal primitive basis, phonon heat crystal interaction, Free cea fermi gas: Energy levels in one dimension, Fermi-Dirac distribution, heat capacity of electric gas, electrical conductivity and Ohm's Jaw, motion in magnetic law, thermal conductivity of metals. Breakdown of the classical theory of conductions: Mean free paths, specific heat, Hall Effect, Fermi structure of metals, construction of fermi surface, electron orbits, hole orbits and open orbits, Wigner-Scitz method for calculation of energy bands, fermi surface of copper, velocity of electron according to band theory. Laser: History of laser, physical process in lasers, laser structure, parameter and modes of operation, laser type, semiconductor lasers, ruby laser, Raman laser, Nobel gas lasers and application of laser. Modern Physics: Practical properties of waves: Black body radiation, Planck's quantum hypothesis, photo electric effect, Crompton effect, quantum state of energy, dual character of light, X-ray diffraction, formulation of Bragg and Von Laue, application of x-ray. Wave properties of matter: De Broglie’s hypothesis, nature of De Broglie’s waves, phase velocity and group velocity, uncertainty principle, elementary proof Heisenberg's uncertainty relation; application of uncertainty principle. Atomic structure: Bohr’s atom model, nature of electron orbits, orbital energy, electron energy levels in hydrogen, orbital energy level diagram of hydrogen atom, correspondence of principle, vector atom model, space quantization, magnetic moment of orbital electron, quantization of magnetic moment, spin magnetic moment ofanelectron, Nuclear physics: Radio activity: Introduction to radioactivity, Laws of radioactive disintegration, half life, mean life, laws of ‘successive disintegration, secular and transient radioactive equilibrium; practical application of radioactivity. Nuclear energy: Fission and fusion process, mass distribution, energy distribution, chain reaction, binding energy, nuclear force, nuclear reactor. with Monatomic basis, two atoms per Capacity, thermal conductivity, enharmonic 49 Relativity: Galilean transformation, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, proper and non proper time, relativistic variation of mass, Einstein's mass energy relation; Min Kowalski space. Solid State Physics: Crystal structure: Periodic array of atoms, fundamental types of lattices, Miller index. Reciprocal Lattices: Diffraction of waves by crystals, scattered _Wave amplitude, Brillouin zones, Fourier analysis of basis. Phonon: Vibration of crystal with monatomic basis, two atoms per primitive basis, phonon heat capacity, thermal conductivity, enharmonic crystal interaction. Free electron fermi gas: Energy levels in one dimension, Fermi-Dirac distribution, heat capacity of electric gas, electrical conductivity and Ohm's law, motion in magnetic law, thermal conductivity of metals. Breakdown of the classical theory of conductions: Mean free paths, specific heat, Hall Effect, fermi structure of metals, construction of fermi surface, electron orbits, hole orbits and open orbits, Wigner- Scitz method for calculation of energy bands, fermi surface of copper, velocity of electron according to band theory. Ph 1204: Sessional on Physics — II Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week Experiments based on Ph 1203 Math 1203: Mathematics-II Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: Math 1103 Integral calculus: Definition of integration, integratiot by the method of substitution, integration by parts, standard integrals; Integration by the method of successive reduction; Definite integrals, it's properties and uses in summation of series; Wallis’s formula; Improper integral, differentiation under the sign of integration, integration under the sign of integration; Beta and gamma functions; Length of a curve in cartesian and polar co-ordinates; Area under a plane curves in cartesian and polar co-ordinates, parametric and pedal equation, intrinsic equation; Volume of solid revolution, volume of hollow solids of revolutions by shell method, area of surface of revolution. Differential equations in one independent variable: Formation of differential equation, order and degree of differential equations; Solution of differential equation of first order first degree by different methods: Solution of first order and higher degree; Application of first order differential equation; Solution of linear differential equations of second and higher orders with constant coefficients; Solution of homogeneous linear equation. Hum 1204: English Skills Laborator: dit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week , Credit Grammar: Tense, article, preposition, subject-verb agreement, clause, conditional and sentence structure. vocabulary building: Correct and precise diction, affixes, level of appropriateness, colloquial and standard, informal and formal. Developing reading skill: Strategies of reading, skimming, scanning, predicting, inferring; analyzing and interpreting variety of texts; practicing comprehension from literary and nonliterary texts. Developing writing skill: Sentences, sentence variety, generating sentences; clarity and correctness of sentences, linking sentences to form paragraphs, writing paragraphs, essays, and reports, formal and informal letters. Listening skill and note:taking: Listening to recorded texts and class lectures and learning to take useful notes based on listening. Developing speaking skill: Oral skills including communicative expressions for personal identification, life at home, giving advice and opinion, instruction and directions, requests, complaints, apologies, describing people and places, narrating events. ME 1203: Basic Mechanical Engineering Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Introduction ‘ to the sources of heat energy. Renewable and non-renewable sources and their potential; Introduction to steam generation. Steam generator: Boilers and their classification; working principle of few common arid modern boiler; boiler mountings and accessories; performance of boiler. Heat engines: Classifications, working principle, applications, fuel, lubrication, cooling systems ‘of IC engines. Thermodynamics: Review of laws of thermodynamics, analysis of different thermodynamic cycles, vapor power cycles, representation of various cycles on PV & TS planes. Basic concepts of refrigeration systems: Vapor compression refrigeration, Absorption, refrigeration, cop, refrigerants and their classifications and properties. Basic concepts of air conditioning systems: Introduction, objectives and major components of air conditioning systems; humidity; dew point. Stress and strain: Tension and compression; internal force; stress; axial stresses and'shear stresses; strain; elasticity and elastic limit; Hook’s law; modulus of elasticity; proportional limit; stress- strain diagram; modulus or rigidity; impact load, introduction to torsion. 51 ME 1204: Sessional on Basic Mechanical Engineering Credits 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/veek sed on ME 1203 Experiments Hum 1203: Economics and Accounting Credit: 3,09 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week. Economics: Definition, scope and methods. Demand, supply and thei; clasticity’s; equilibrium analysis-partial and general; consumer behavi.,, marginal utility; indifference curve, consumer's surplus; producer behav iso-quant, iso- cost line. Factors of production function; production possibil, curve; fixed cost and variable cost; short run and long run costs, total average and marginal cost; laws of returns; internal and external economics and diseconomies; market and market forms; perfect and imperfect competition; price output determinations. Introductory ideas on GNP, GDP, perceptual income, interest, rent, saving, investment, inflation; project approval, NPV, IRR and their application, cost benefit analysis. Accounting: Definition, advantages, objects; nature of transaction; double- entry system of book-keeping; classification of account. Accounting cycle: Journal, ledger, trial balance, final account including adjustment. Final accounts: Trading & manufacturing accounts, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet. Depreciation: methods of depreciation. Costing: Concept of cost, classification of cost, cost-sheet, distribution of overhead to the various cost center/ departments, calculation of departmental overhead rate and machine hour rate; job costing: preparation of job cost-sheet and quotation. Marginal costing & profit volume/ratio, operating cost. 2™ Year 1 Term EE 2107: Electrical Machines-I Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week DC Generators: Construction of DC generators, emf equation, principle of Operation, different types of winding, winding table, voltage build up, armature Teaction, characteristics of different types of dc generator, losses and efficiency, parallel operation of DC generators. DC Motor: Principle of operation, classification, losses and efficiency, starting, Characteristics of different type of DC motors, two and four-quadrant operation of DC motors; speed control by conventional methods and SCR, 52 Gace sane, traction and hoist application of DC motor, choice of DC motors for aterent applications. qransformer Working principle, construction and cooling, equivalent circuit, vector diagram, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, parallel operation, determination of transformer constants and polarity. Three phase transformer: Construction and operation of power transformer, pushing, cooling, tap changing and parallel operation, tests and vector groups. single phase transformer: Open delta and scott connections, harmonics in Iyphase transformers. Autotransformer, jnduction Motor: General principles, construction, rotating magnetic field, equivalent circuits, squirrel cage and slip ring motors, torque developed. | pp 2108: Sessional on Electfical machine-I Credit: 1.5 | Contact hours: 3 Hrs/ Week Experiments based on EE 2107 BE 2109: Blectronics-I Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Introduction: Properties of insulators, semiconductors and metals; conduction in solids, conventional current and electron flow, drift and diffusion current, mobility and conductivity; potential barrier; work function; contact potential, Hall effect and Hall devices. Semiconductors: Intrinsic semiconductors: Crystal and energy band diagram, electrons and holes, conduction in semiconductors, electron and hole concentration, fermi level. Extrinsic semiconductors: n-type doping, p-type doping, and compensation doping, temperature dependence of conductivity, carrier concentration temperature dependence, degenerate and non-degenerate semiconductors. Diffusion and conduction equations, random motion and continuity equation, time-dependent continuity equation, steady-state continuity equation. Semiconductor diode characteristics: Qualitative and quantitative theory of the p-n junction as a diode; Ideal pn junction, pn junction band diagram, current components in p-n diode; volt-ampere characteristics; transition and diffusion capacitance, dynamic resistance, reverse breakdown; avalanche and zener breakdown; zener diode, rectifier diode: controlled & uncontrolled rectification. Special- purpose diodes and their applications: Tunnel diode, varactor diode; Metal oxide semi-conductor diode, LED, Laser diode, PIN diode, Schottky diode, current regulator diode Transistor: Transistor and its current components, BJT characteristics and different regions of operation, different transistor configurations, transistor as a switch and amplifier, transistor biasing, DC and AC load lines, thermal Stabilization. . 53 EE 2110: Sessional on Electronics-I Credit; 1 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/ Week Experiments based on EE 2109 CSE 2131: Data Structures and Algorithms Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Data structure and algorithm: Introduction, algorithm analys; asymptotic notation, foundational data structures, data types and abstractio, stacks, queues and deques, ordered lists and sorted lists, Hashing, Hash table tees, search trees, heaps and priority queues, sorting, algorithms. Introduction to C++ programming language: Introduction, characters, Constants and float, integer, character, complex and logical variables, Relational Operators and logical operators, key words, arithmetic expressions, looping, branching, array, string, inputoutput file handling, binary file handling, binary operators, class, dynamic programming, structure, self referentia| Structure, union, pointer and dynamic memory allocation. Some typical Program development tactics using C++ program, introduction to object oriented programming, problem-solving using object oriented programming CSE 2132: Sessional on Data Structures and Algorithms Credit: 1.5 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/ Week Experiments based on CSE 2131 Math 2103: Mathematics-III Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week Vector analysis: Reviews of vector algebra; Vector differentiation: Differential Operators, gradient, divergence, curl; Vector integration: Line, surface and volume integrals; Integral theorem: Green's, Gauss’s and Stoke’s theorems; Curvilinear co-ordinates: Orthogonal coordinates, spherical and cylindrical polar co-ordinates; Introduction to tensor. Matrices: Reviews of matrix algebra: Elementary transformations: elementary transformation, rank; Linear Vectors and matrices; Solution of linear eq Linear transformations; Eigen values a theorem, Differential equations: Solution in series by Frobenious method. Solution of Bessel’s differential equation; Solution of Legendre differential equation; Bessel’s function and its Properties; Modified Bessel’s function, Ber and Bei functions; Legendre polynomials and its properties, Legendre function of second kind. Credit: 00 Inverse by dependence and independence of lations using matrix; Vector spaces, ind eigen vectors; Cayley-Hamilton 34 ry (EM 2103: Industrial Management a Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Credit: 3.00 Introduction: Evolution and various thoughts of management, organization and environment. Organization: Theory and structure, co-ordination, span of control, authority, delegation, centralization and decentralization. Personal Management: Need hierarchy, motivation, leadership, performance, appraisal, wages and incentives, organizational change and conflicts. Cost and financial Management: Elements of costs of products depreciation, break event analysis, Operational Management: Forecasting, inventory management, ABC analysis, MRP and it, Master planning,” basic scheduling technique, CPM and PERT. Jant location and layout, maintenance management, manage information system (MIS), computer aided process planning (CAPP), manufacturing resource planning (MRP- I). 2 Year 2" Term EE 2200: Electrical and Electronic Shop Practice Credit: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Familiarization with electric switches; electric tools; electrical fittings and fixtures.; wire wrapping; soldering; electrical symbols; connection of tube light, staircase lighting, flickering lighting, moving lighting, simple traffic signals, calling bells, etc. i Wire specification: Flexible wire: Electrical cabl T&T cables; fuse wire. etc. Safety devices: Fuse wires:,MCCB; fuse distribution board (FDB); oil circuit breaker, air circuit breaker, etc. Motor winding, fans and regulator repairing, transformer winding, ef. Testing: Megger test, fan and transformer test, earthing and its testing. Electrical .wiring : Mumination, house wiring, industrial installation wiring, estimation for electrical wiring system, safety rules, wiring of air conditioning, designing underground cable, erection estimation, electricity rules, electricity codes, tariff of PDB and REB. Credit: 4.00 EE 2209: Electronics-II Prerequisite course: EE 2109 Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week Transistor circuit analyses: Diffetent transistor equivalent circuits, r-parameters y, medium and high frequencies; id their cascading; analysis of RC coupled effect of input output and h-parameters; analysis at 1o\ Transistor amplifier circuits ark transistor amplifier circuits at LF, MF, and HF ranges, impedances; darlington pair; emitter follower. 55 ic concept, amplifier voltage and curren: negative feedback amplifiers, effect of negative feedback on input and outpy, resistances, different types of feedback amplifiers; stability. FET: Introduction, construction and characteristics, transfer characteristic MOSFET: Construction and characteristics, depletion type and enhancemey type MOSFET, FET amplifier and biasing, VVR, CMOS, VMOS, CMa” inverter, FET small signal model and analysis. Power Amplifiers: Untuned Class A, AB and B amplifiers, tuned class B and ¢ amplifiers, neutralization, push-pull class B and C amplifiers and thei: design, transistor amplifier with complimentary symmetry, tuned potentiaj amplifiers: Single, double and cascaded. Feedback Amplifiers: B OP-AMP: Different types of operational amplifiers and their applications as differentiator, integrator, comparator circuits e.t.c. Analog computer and its application in differential equation solution. Active filter. EE 2210: Sessional on Electronics-II Credit: 1.5 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 2209 EE 2211: Electromagnetic Fields Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Vector analysis: Reviews of vector analysis. Electrostatics: Coulomb's law and forces, electric field intensity, electrical flux density, Gauss’s-theorem with’ application; electrostatic __ potential, equipotential surfaces, boundary cotiditians, method of images, Laplace's and Poisson's equations and their solutions, energy of an electrostatic system. Magnetostatics: Concept of magnetic field, flux density and magnetic field intensity. Faraday’s law, Biot- Savart law and Ampere’s law, vector magnetic potential; energy of magnetostatic system; mechanical forces and torque’s in electrical and magnetic fields; solutions to static field problems; Electromagnetic fields and its radiation: Introduction to displacement current, derivation of Maxwell's equation in different co-ordinate systems and its application. Boundary conditions for time varying systems, retarded potentials. The electrostatics of circuits: Circuit concepts and itsderivation from thefield equations. High frequency circuit concepts, circuit impedance's, concepts of good and perfect conductors, depth of penetration, internal impedance, power loss calculation, skin effect of practical conductors. Propagation and reflection of: electromagnetic wave in unbounded media: plane wave _propagation,polarization, power flow and Pointing 56 neorem, , transmission line analogy, reflection from conductor . and “nduetind dielectric boundary adio wave propagation: Plane wave propagation through ionosphere, ground save propagation, effect of earth curvature on wave propagation ck 2235: Signals and Systems Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week i Introduction to linear systems and signal classification: Signals classification, basic operauion on sigrials, elementary signals, represéntation of signals using impulse function; systems classification. Properties of Linear Time Invariant (LTT) systems: Linearity, causality, time invariance, memory, stability, inevitability. Time domain analysis of LTI systems: Differential equations-. system representation, order of the system, solution techniques, zero state and zero inpul response, system properties; impulse response-. convolution integral, determination of system properties; state variable- basic..concept, state equation and time domain solution. peed . Analogous systems: f-v and f-i analogy for different types of system. Frequency. domain analysis of LTI systems: Fourier series- properties, harmonic representation, system response, frequency response of LTI systems; fourier transformation- properties, system transfer function, system response and distortion-less systems. Applications of time and frequency domain analyses: solution of analog electrical and, mechanical. systems. Laplacé transformation: Fourier to Laplace, propertigs, inverse transform, solution. of system eqiations, system transfer function, system stability and frequency response . and application, convolution « integral and” its application, superposition integral. ° The Z Transformation: Sampled data system, definition and properties of Z- transform, ROC, inverse Z-transform, mapping between Z plane and S plane, stability, solution of difference equations. EE 2240; Electrical and Electronic Circuit Simulation Laboratory Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Credit: 1.5 Simulation laboratory based on EE 1103, EE 1203 and EE 2209 theory courses, Students will verify the theories and concepts learned in EE 1103, EE 1203 and EE, 2209 using simulation software like PSpice and MATLAB. Students will also perform specific design of electrical (DC and AC) and electronic circuits theoretically and by simulation. 57 ‘ Math 2203: Mathematics-IV Credit: 3.09 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week | ; Complex variable: Fundamentals of complex variables, Cauchy Riemann equation, singular points, harmonic function, orthogonal family of curves; Complex integration; Cauchy's theorem; — Morera’s theorem, consequences of Cauchy's theorem; Cauchy's integral formula, expansion of function; Taylor's and Laurent’s theorem; Residue: Calculation of residues, residue theorem, evaluation of integrals, conformal mapping transformation, Jacobian of transformation, some general transformation. Fourier series and Fourier transformation: Fourier series representation of function, complex form of Fourier series, Parseval’s theorem, Fourier integral, finite Fourier transformation, series, infinite Fourier transformation, use of Fourier transformation in boundary value problems. Laplace transform: Introduction to Laplace transform, application of Laplace transform to solve differential equations related linear circuit and partial differential equations. Harmonics: Solution of simple partial differential equation with initial and boundary condition; Solution of two and three dimensional Laplace equation. Optional-I Hum 2203: Sociology and Government * Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Sociology and its development. Fundamental concepts: Society, community and association, group; some evaluation and techniques of production; culture and civilization. Social history and culturé of Bangladesh; pre-industrial & industrial society; urbanization & industrialization in Bangladesh; impact of Industrialization & urbanization; Population and urban ecology. Social problems: population, poverty, prostitution, beggary, crime and juvenile delinquency; problems arising out of liberation in Bangladesh; social structure of the tribal people of Bangladesh. Government: Scope and utility of government and politics, relation of political sciences; the origin and development of the state functions of the modern state; citizenship. Modern forms of government: The electorate, public opinion part system, democracy and socialistic ethics; development of political through Plato and his “Republic”, Aristotle and “Policies”. Contribution of Islam to political thought. Feudalism (India Feudalism). Political importance of Feudalism; Fascism and Marxism; UNO; constitution of Bangladesh. 58 : a yum 2217: Professional Ethics and Moral Thoughts Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hirs/week introductions: Meaning of ethics, professional ethics codes, psychological basis of Ethics. Religion and ethics, egoism and relativism, utilitarianism and rational utilitarianism, ethics and other branches of knowledge, intuitionism, standard as values. Concept of moral thoughts and’ moral judgement, bases of human behavior, moral development and reasoning, morality and social institution, moral rights and duties, interpersonal moral sentiment, occupational culture and ideology, occupational stress, morality and religion, organizational commitment, morality in international context. Engineering and professionalism, ethics, the negative face of engineering ethics, the positive faté of engineering ethics, engineering as social experimentation, facts codes of ethics, utilitarian thinking respect for persons. Hum 2219: Occupational Psychology (Optional-I) Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week : Personnel selection and assessment: Theory and context of personnel assessment; models of selection; validity, reliability and fairness; equal opportunities; selection interviews; psychometric tests; assessment centers; work samples; personality inventories; ethical issues in candidate assessment; assessment of managerial aptitude and other specific abilities. Feedback skills; performance appraisal; career’ development; counseling and personal development. to, 7 Organizational behavior and health: ° Training aid development in organizations; training needs analysis; models of training evaluation. Employee relations; the psychological contract at work; motivation theories, models and applications; job’ satisfaction and. performance; job satisfaction and quality of working life; counseling at work; age and work; the impact of unemployment. . Human factors and ergonomics:, Job demands and job design; ergonomics; person-centered and job-cehteféd approaches; . person-machife ;’ interface, human-computer interaction; psychological ' well-being at work; stress management; repetitive strain injury; organizational health assessment; human error; shift-work. > . |\_ Assessing people for work: Organization design; organization structure and performance: organization development and change; psychological bases of resistance to change; culture and climate in organizations; leadership style and models of leadership; work groups and’ team effectiveness at work; team building models and validation evidence; inter-group co-operation and conflict in organizations; business strategy at work; organizations and their environments. Multivariate theories and methods in occupational Psychology: 59 from: principles of factor analysis; methods of factor, rotation; factor analytic models of ability and personality; multivariate a of variance; multivariate classification procedures; profile analysis. typo ature of typologies, measurement of similarity; making predictions ang hypotheses involving several measures; fitting and testing Models 8 categorical data; general approaches to prediction, measurement and con tt psychological investigations. / i Research design and analysis: Basic concepts in research design; Variables definitions; populations and samples; reliability and validity, meta-anaye experimental methods; quasi-experimental design; quality of life iq fe workplace; social indicators; evaluation research; observation methods anq survey research; questionnaires and modular survey design; —surye research; comparison groups and norms; new paradigms; ethics in reseq\ Topics selected applying research methods to small groups in organizations. eh, 3° Year 1% Term EE 3107: Electrical Machines-II Credit: 3.09 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE2107 Induction motor: Starting methods, speed control, tests, losses and efficiency, determination of constants from test data, two-axis theory, axis transformation, model in different frames (stationary and synchronous), circle diagram, harmonics in the air gap flux, induction generator. Single phase induction motor: Rotating field, equivalent circuits and theories. Double revolving field and cross field theories, phase splitting principle, operating principle, characteristics and applications of split phase, capacitor, shaded pole motors. Alternators: Construction, theory of operation, armature windings, voltage regulation, armature reaction and reactance, control of excitation, two-reaction analysis, transient condition, losses and efficiency, synchronizing and load sharing, low power single-phase alternator. Synchronous motor: Theory of operation, characteristics, mathematical analysis, vector diagram, v-curves, starting, losses, efficiency and starting, hunting and damping, synchronous condenser. Electro mechanical energy conversion: Principles of electro-mechanical energy conversion, energy balance equation, energy in singly excited magnetic systems, mechanical force and energy. Special machines: Universal motor, reluctance motor, hysteresis motor and PM motors. 60 r BE 3108: Sessional on Electrical Machines II Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 3107 EE 3109: Electronics-III Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 2209 pulse circuits: Bistable multivibrator: The stable state of binary, fixed and self- biased tansistor binary, commutating capacitors, unsymmetrical and symmetrical triggering of the binary, direct connected binary circuit, Schmitt trigger circuit, emitter coupled binary. Monostable multivibrator: The monostable multivibrator, gate width and waveforms of the collector coupled monostable multivibrator, the emitter coupled monostable circuit. Astable multivibrator: The collector coupled and emitter coupled astable multivibrators; their waveforms. Oscillator: Sinusoidal oscillator and its classification, essential of transistor oscillator, Different types of transistor oscillators: Tuned collector oscillator, Colpitt’s oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Crystal oscillator. Optoelectronic devices: Optical process in semiconductors, emission, luminescence, light emitting devices; LEDs and LASERs, infrared and other LEDs and LASERs, photo-diodes, quantum well and nano structures of optoelectronic devices. TV transmitter: Television signal propagation and antennas. modulation system, duplexer, TV antennas, signal reception, ghost image. TV receiver: Principles of black & white (B&W) and color TV, composite video & chrominance signals, formulation of the chrominance signal, I & Q signals, block, schematic & pictorial diagrams of TV and their functions, CRT, static & dynamic convergence, automatic degaussing circuits, raster & raster formation, different sections of B&W and color TV, VHF & UHF frequency allocations, control of all section, AFT & remote control circuits, AGC, video signal & camera tubes. Introduction to LCD & LED monitors, HDTV, 3D TV and advanced display technology. EE 3110: Sessional on Electronics 11 Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 3109 EE 3113: Digital Electronics and Logic Design Credit: 4.00 Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 2109 Review of binary codes, Boolean algebra, logic gates, coding systems, standard and canonical forms and other logical operations, implementation of logic circuits using various gates. 61 Simplification of Boolean functions: Boolean algebra, K-map and tabuig ee Adder, subtractor, multiplier, code converte Combinational logic circuit: I re checker and magnitude comparator, encoder, decoder, multiplexe demultiplexer and ROM. - aaacaee sable logic devices: programmable logic array (PLA), programm; Programmable logic eee oe c(P. c ex programmal array logic (PAL), complex pr logic Sequential circuits: Introduction to sequential circuits, SR, JK, master slave, and D type flip-flops, tiggering of flip-flops. analysis and synthesis ous and asynchronous sequential circuits. d asynchronous counter design and analysis, ,: synchronous Counters: Synchronous ani 1 counter, Johnson counter, ripple counter, counter with parallel load. Registers: Classification, shift registers, circular registers and their applicatic and registers with parallel load. Logic circuit design: Design of combinational and sequential circuits usir VERILOG and FPGA. Digital IC logic families: Brief description of RTL DTL, TTL, TIL, ECL, Mos and CMOS logic, their characteristics, principles of operation and applications. Races and hazards in logic circuits: Static and dynamic hazards, significance of hazards, design of hazard free switching circuits. A/D and D/A converter circuits. EE 3114: Sessional on Digital Electronics and Logic Design Credit: 1.5 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 3113 EE 3115: Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Measurement of low, medium, high and earth resistance, inductance and capacitance measurement with general balancing procedure for ac bridges. cable faults and localization of cable faults, magnetic measurement, separation of iron losses, high voltage measurement. Instrument transformers: current and potential transformers. Measuring instruments: Classification, operating principle of ammeters. voltmeters, wattmeter and watt-hour meters. Introduction to instrumentation error: Classification of error, normal law of error, guarantee of error. Transducer: Resistive, strain gauges, thermal, magnetic, LVDT, capacitive. piezoelectric, optical. Electronic measuring instruments: Oscilloscope, DMM, digital meters. Computer based instrumentation: PC-based data acquisition, filtering by moving average, instrumentation for process control, data conditioning. 62 Mechanical measurement: Measurement of speed, frequency, pressure, femperature, flow, force, level detector and shaft encoder. EE 3116: Sessional on Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Cred Experiments based on BE 3115 EE 3121: Numerical Methods and Statistics Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Computer application to numerical methods: Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, half interval search, method of false opposition, Newton-Raphson method, method of iteration; solution of polynomial equations, solution of systems of linear equation, Gauss’s elimination method, Gauss-Seidel iteration method. Interpolation: Finite difference method, forward difference and backward difference, Lagrange's interpolation formula. Numerical differentiation: Use of Newton’s interpolation formulas. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rules. Solution of differential equation: Picard’s methods, Euler's method, Runge-Kutta method. Statistical analyses: Review of frequency distribution and its graphical representation, measure of central tendency, dispersion, and location. Form of distribution: Moments, skewness and kurtosis; Correlation and regression: Linear correlation, measures of correlation, the least square regression lines, standard error of estimate, variations, coefficient of correlation, remarks concerning the correlation coefficient. Product-moment formula for the linear correlation coefficient. Rank correlation, regression lines and the linear correlation coefficient, sampling theory of correlation and regression. Curve fitting: Relationship between variables, equations of approximating curves; the straight line; the method of least squares, the least square line on linear relationship, Least square parabola, problem involving two or more variables. Index number, time series analyses. Probability: Probability function and probability distribution; Binomial distribution, Poisson’s distribution, and normal distribution. EE 3122: Sessional on Numerical Methods and Statistics Credit: 0. Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 3121 63 ! Year 2™ Term sical and Electronic Project Design Credit: 9 Week Contnet hour et , electronic components: Filters, amplifier, sci) General design bi supply from both mains & batteries and, audio’ amplifies design. ‘Typical design problems, digital circuit ag ae crteuit. design using —Op-4mps, Programmable — 4, Electro! microcontrollers. EE 3201: Control System Engineering Cred Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Introduction to control system: Conventional control system, steady response {0 step, ramp, and parabolic inputs, transient response, poles 4 zeros, frequency response from pole-zero diagram, Routh’s stability crite 9; block diagrams, canonical forms, transfer functions and signal flow gr: system types, static error coefficients, root locus, frequency response, gain ang phase margins, Nyquist’s stability criterion, phase lead and lag compensator design using root locus and bode diagram. Modern control system: Introduction, state variable analysis, controllability ang observability, application of Eigen value, linear control system design by state feedback, pole placement. Controller design: On-off, fuzzy, P, PI, PD and PID Controller, their applications in control system design, introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLC), temperature, position and speed control systems. EE 3202: Sessional on Control System Engineering Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 3201 . EE 3203; Power System Analysis-I Credi Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Introduction to transmission lines: Flux linkages, inductance due to external flux, inductance of single-phase two-wire line, G.M.D, 3-phase line with equilateral and with uns circuit of 3-phase line. Capacitance of transmission lines: Electric field, capacitance of two wire line three-phase lines with symmetrical & with equilateral spacing, effect of earth, Parallel circuits lines, representation of lines: Short medium and long aaeene lines, T and m representation, exact solutions, equivalent circuit of 8 transmission line, underground and overhead lines, 64 5.00 composite conductor lines, symmetrical spacing, parallel | | Generalized line constants: General line equations in terms of ABCD constants, relations between constants, charts of line constants, constants of combined networks measurement of line constants, power circle diagram. Insulators for overh lines: Types of insulators, their constructions and performance, potential distribution in a string of insulators, string efficiency, methods of equalizing potential distribution, special types of insulators, testing cs of transmission lines: Sag and stress analysis, effect of wind and i¢e loading, supports at different elevation, conditions of erection, effects of temperature changes. ulating materials, electrostatic str jing, three core cable-dielectric losses and heating, modern developments in oil filled and gas filled cables, measurements of capacitance, cable testing, corona & corona power loss. EE 3205: Communication Engineering —I Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequi Course: EE 3109 Introduction of communication systems: Basic principles, fundamental elements, system limitations. Information theory: Information and system capacity, information transmission, entropy, channel capacity, signal transmission through linear network, filter transfer function, complex frequency spectrum, distortion less transmission, response of idealized network, impulse response of linear network. - Analog communication: AM, FM, PM, DSB, SSB, VSB, ISB. Radio Engineering: AM, FM, PM transmitter & receiver, super heterodyne receiver. Digital communication: Introduction, Nyquist sampling theorem, quantization of analog system, quantization noise, PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, LOGPCM, and systems, digital modulations, ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK, QAM, MSK, M-array digital modulation, delta modulation, multi carrier modulation, line coding, frame construction, error probability. Multiplexing: Space division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, and code division multiplexing. Noise: Physical sources of noise, types of noise, calculation of noise, SNR & noise figure, and calculation of noise figure, noise temperature, equivalent noise resistance. EE 3206: Sessional on Communication Engineering -I Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/ Week Experiments based on EE 3205 65 OO 8 : Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Peripherals Cre, cea name 5 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course; EE Introduction to different types of microprocessors: 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit chitectures, pin diagrams and features, pentium MICrOprocess, oo RISK & CISC processors, addressing modes, instruction nguage programming using 8086, Microprocessor peripherals and their interfacing: EPROM and RAM injey Interfacing of microprocessor with peripheral IC’s: 8251, 8253, 8254, 5 8257, 8259, 8279 and their applications, A/D and D/A converter interfacin, Microcontroller: Introduction to 8051, ATMEL and ARM. Microcontro microcontroller programming; introduction to embedded system design, ang ‘ors Set EE 3214: Sessional on Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Peripheral, Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Credit; 1s Experiments based on EE 3213 EE 3219: Electrical Engineering Materials Credit: 3,09 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Elementary materials science concepts: Bonding and types of solids, crystalline State, crystalline defects and their significance, electrical and thermal conduction in solids, scattering, classical-Drude model, Mathiessen’s tule, failure of classical theory in modern devices, introduction to quant theory, Elementary quantum physics: Photons, electron as a wave, time-independent Schrodinger equation, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, modern theory of solids, band theory of solids, E-K diagram & its physical meaning, density of States, electron effective mass from E-K diagram, direction dependent effective mass (Effective mass tensor). Statistics- Boltzmann and fermi-dirac fermi energy significance. Dielectrics: Matter polarization and relative permittivity, Polarization- covalent solids, polarization mechanisms, polar and nonpolar dielectrics, Langevin’s theory of polarization, Clausius- Mossotti equation, interaction between field and matter, frequency dependent dielectric constant and dielectric loss, Gauss’s law, dielectric strength and insulation breakdown, piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity and pyroelectricity. Magnetic properties: Magnetization, dipole and atomi vector, field intensity, permeability and susceptibi tum transport Statistics, electronic ic moment, magnetization ility, magnetic moments, Magnetic domains, polycrystalline and » soft and hard magnetic materials, magnetic —, Superconductivity: Zero resistance and Meissener effect, Type-I and Type-Il superconductors, origin of superconduetivity Optical properties: Interaction of light with solids, refractive index, dispersion, Fresnel’s equations, light absorption and scattering, polarization, optical anisotropy, birefringent, electro-optic effect. Introduction to nanotechnology and nanomaterials, organic materials and their applications in devie EE 3220: Sessional on Electrical Machine Design Credit: Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Specification and design of clectromagnets, solenoids, chokes, transformers and induction motors. 4" Year 1 Term EE 4000: Project and Thesis Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 6 Hrs/Week Study of problems in the fields of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Continued from the 4" year 1“ term) EE 4103: Power System Analysis -II Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 3203 Power network representations: P.U. method of performance calculation, P.U. impedance of three winding transformers, power flow in simple systems, load flow studies of large systems using the Gauss-Seidel methods, control of voltage, power and reactive power, symmetrical three-phase faults on synchronous machine, Symmetrical components: Sequence impedance and sequence networks of generators, transformers and lines, sequence network of systems, Unsymmetrical faults: Single line to ground fault, line to line fault, double line to ground fault. Recent trends in power system: Overview of flexible ac transmission system (FACTS), high voltage dc transmission system (HVDC), distributed generation, smart grid and SCADA. Power system stability : The stability problem of power system, distinction between steady state and transient stability, the swing equation, equal area criterion and its applications, solution of swing equation, factors affecting transient stability, methods of improving stability, Voltage stability: Definition and concept. 67 and Power System EE 4104 Sessional on Power System Analysis \n : Cree Analysis -IT Contact hours: 22 Mrs/Week 3203 and BE 4103 Expenments based on PE EE 4108: Communication Engincering-IT , — Credit: 35 Contact Hours: 3 Hey Week Prerequisite Course: EE, 37, Telephony: Introduction to telephone system, principles, microphone, rece, and elements of telephone. Exchange: Introduction to switching systems, strowger and crossbar exchany digital switching and exchange, signaling & switching technique. traffic theo; PABX system, telephone/exchange tariff measurement. Ophical communication: Optical fiber. characteristics, source: Introduction to satellite and RADAR communication. Mobile communication: Introduction, concept, evolution and fundamental analog and digital cellular systems, cellular radio system, frequency reuse. co channel interference. cell splitting. mobile radio propagation, propagation characteristics, models for radio propagation, antenna at cell site and Mobile antenna, frequency management and channel assignment, different multiple access techniques, spectrum utilization, fundamentals of channel assignment, fixed channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel assignment, handoffs and dropped calls: reasons and types, forced handofis, mobile assisted handoffs and dropped call rate. Introduction to networks: ISDN, B-ISDN, network topologies, LAN, MAN, WAN, BLUETOOTH, ATM, and multimedia communication, unicast, multicast, and broadcast. detecto; EE 4106: Sessional on Communication Engineering -II Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 4105 EE 4109: Power Electronics and Industrial Drives Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: EE 3109 Semiconductor power device: SCRs, thyristors, TRIAC, BJT power MOSFET and IGBT, turning on, snubbers, commutation, and pulse circuits. AC to DC controlled converter: Single phase and three phase half wave, full wave and semi-converter, phase control, characteristics, harmonics, power factor control and converter triggering circuits, AC to AC controlled converter: On-off and phase control, single phase and three phase power controllers and cycloconverter. DC to DC converter: Chopper, characteristics and ‘operation of step up and step down choppers, switching converter and power regulators. 68 Inverter: Three phase and single phase voltage source and current source inverters, modulation techniques, voltage, frequency and harmonic control. PWM inverters, resonant converter, space vector modulation in three phase inverters. Introduction to power electronic control of motor: DC motor speed control. braking. scalar control of poly phase induction motor. Industrial applications: Introduction to dielectric heating and induction heating. EE 4110: Sessional on Power Electronics and Industrial Drives Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Credit: 0.75 Experiments based on EE 4109 EE 4121: VLSI Design and Technology Credit: 3.00 3 Irs/Week Introduction to. microelectronics and MOS technology. basic electrical properties and circuit design processes of MOS and Bi-CMOS circuits, Layout design rules. sub-system design processes. Computational elements: design of CPU and ALU sub-system, data path, adder, multipliers, memory, registers. and aspects of system timing, practical aspects of design tools and testability, Device modeling: MOS, diode, bipolar and passive component, CMOS Design: Behavioral description, structural description, physical description and design verification. Fabrication and processing technology: Crystal growth, wafer preparation, photolithography, oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, epitaxi metallization etching, NMOS and CMOS fabrication technology. Testing and packaging: Overview of silicon semiconductor technology, power dissipation, packaging, silicon on insulator. Introduction to GaAs technology: Contact Hour: tra-fast VLSI circuits and systems. KE 4122: Sessional on VLSI Design and Technology Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 4121 EE4130: Technical Seminar Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week Students will present two technical papers/topics related to electrical or electronics engineering in two seminars. The papers/topics must be selected from published renowned Journals or Conferences. 69 Optional-tl (Any one of the offered Courses with its Sessiona)) EE 4113: Embedded Systems Credit; 3, Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week a Introduction: Embedded computing, characteristics of ernbedded comput applications, embedded-system design challenges, constraint-driven design, . hardware and software co-design. Development environme; ution environment, memory organization, system space, code space, «, space, unpopulated memory space, VO space, system start-up, intern, ponse cycle, function calls and stack frames, runtime environment, obje placement, Embedded computing platform: Sensors and actuators, embedded processo,« (CPUs), bus, memory devices, /O devices, component interfacing, designiy with microprocessors, development and debugging, design examples, desig, patterns, data-flow graphs, assembly and linking, basic compilation techniques, analysis and optimization, Real time embedded systems, real time operating systems, embedded systems programming, mapping between languages and hardware, embedded communication systems, and embedded computer security. Distributed embedded-system design: Inter-process communication, shared. memory communication, accelerated design, design for video accelerators, networks for embedded systems, network-based design, internet-enabled systems. Design techniques: Design methodologies and tools, design flows, designing hardware and software components, requirement analysis and specification, system analysis and architecture design, system integration, structural and behavioral description, case studies. EE 4114: Sessional on Embedded Systems Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 hours/week Experiments based on EE 4113 EE 4123: High Voltage Engineering Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week High voltage supplies: AC: Cascaded transformers, resonant circuit, DC: Rectifier circuits, cascaded generators, electrostatic generators. Impulse generators: Impulse voltage wave shapes, mathematical analysis and design consideration of impulse generators. Multistage generators. Triggering of impulse generators. Measurement of high voltages: Sphere gap and uniform gap methods. Corona: Power loss calculation, corona formation voltages, corona breakdown of solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics, 70 Insulation testing, standard specifications; High voltage DC. Transmission, merits and demerits over AC transmission; bridge arrangement. Mathematical analysis of the bridge circuit, regulation, reactive power, artificial commutation. Protection against lightning and insulation co-ordination: Lightning phenomena, direct and indirect lightning, transmission line design based on direct strokes, ground wire; Protective devices: Lightning arrestors and protector tubes; insulation co-ordination and transformer insulation protection; selection of lightning arrester, BIL. EE 4124: Sessional on High Voltage Engineering Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/week Experiment based on EE 4123 EE 4125: Data Communication and Networking Credi Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Data and signals: Analog signals, digital signals, transmission impairment, data rate limits, performance measures; Digital transmission: Digital-to-digital conversion, Analog-to-digital conversion: Pulse code modulation, delta modulation, Transmission modes: Parallel and serial transmission; Analog transmission: Digital-to-Analog Conversion: ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM, Analog- to-Analog conversion: amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation; Transmission media: Guided media: Twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, Unguided media: Radio waves, micro waves, infrared. Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing: Frequency-division multiplexing, wave- division multiplexing, synchronous time-division multiplexing, statistical time- division multiplexing, Spread spectrum: Frequency hopping spread spectrum, direct sequence spread spectrum; Switching networks: Circuit switched networks, datagram networks, and virtual-circuit networks. Telephone networks: Telephone networks, dial-up modems, and digital subscriber line: ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, VDSL, cable TV networks; Error detection and correction: Block coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes, checksum; Protocol hierarchies; Data link control: HLDC; DLL in internet; DLL of ATM; LAN protocols: Standards IEEE 802.*; Hubs, bridges, and switches, FDDI, fast Ethernet; Routing algorithm; Congestion control; Internetworking, WAN; Fragmentation; Firewalls; IPV4, IPV6, ARP, RARP, Mobile IP, Network layer of ATM; Transport protocols; Transmission control protocol: connection management, transmission policy, congestion control, timer management; UDP; AAL of ATM; Network security: Cryptography, DES, IDEA, public key algorithm; Authentication; Digital signatures; Gigabit Ethernet; Domain name system: Name servers; Email and its privacy; SNMP: HTTP; World wide web. 00 71 Contact Hour Credit EEL. " Contact hours: 3 Hrs/veek >) md fo farch al signal processing (DSP) and its benefit; applic, Juction to digital signal processing cat tres key DSP. operatoins: real-world applications of DSP: Ay, a y DS telecommunication, and biomedical applications. ; Analog to digital conversion, frequency domain effects of sampling: Peri repetitions in frequency domain due to sampling in time domain, sip aliasing and anti-imaging filters; oversampling reconstruction, role of anti D/A and A/D conversions , Discrete transformations: Discrete Fourier series, the discrete-time Fourie transform, diserete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFP, Forward and inverse transforms; time and frequency resolution; periogic extension, zero padding and modulo-M reduction; properties of the DFP, circular convolution; Cooley-Tukey decomposition, recursive application, radix-2_ FFTs, time and frequency decimation, computational complexity, Discrete transforms in real life applications. DCT, Walsh, Hadamard transform. Z-Transforms: Discrete time-signal and systems; background idea behind the z-transform (solution to LTI discrete-time differential equation), calculation of z-transform and its inverse (briefly), regions of convergence, Properties of 2- transforms: Role in solution of discrete-time LTI systems, convolution property and graphical interpretation of the convolution operation, z-transforms of cascaded systems, stability and causality, Realization and frequency response: Frequency response (magnitude and phase), representation of LTI systems with rational polynomials. Difference equations. Correlation and convolution descriptions; fast correlation and convolution. Digital filters: FIR filters- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using impulse invariant, bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods, linear phase, butterworth, Chebychev, Inverse Chebychev, Bessel and elliptic filters, finite precision effects in implementing digital filters. Implementing digital filters: Block-diagram representations; direct forms: cascade forms, first and second-order factors; parallel forms; feedback loops transposed forms; linear-phase FIR structures. Wavelets: Short time fourier transform; fundamentals of wavelets, wavelet fansform (continuous and discrete), time - frequency density and orthogonal aes, 2 EE 4136: Sessional on Digital Signal Proce: Contact Hours: 3/2 hours/week This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EE 4135. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EE 4135, fg Credit: 0.75 4" Year 2™ Term EE 4203: Switchgear and Protection Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 4103 Circuit breakers: Types, ratings, constructions and selections, arc extinction, maintenance, testing and recovery voltage. Fuse: Commercially available fuses, their construction, characteristics and applications. Relays: Types. construction, principle and operating characteristics of over current, IDMT, reactance, directional, power and impedance relays, balanced current relaying of parallel line, ground fault relaying, pilot relaying principles, solid state relays, protection relay schemes for generators, transformers, lines, feeders, buses, motor, generator and power systems, reactors, lightning artestors, surge absorbers, ground wire, generators grounding, co-ordination of over current relay. Digital relaying and applications. Bus bar system and reactors: Simple bus bar, double bus bar, ring bus bar, reactors. EE 4204; Sessional on Switchgear and Protection Credit: 0.75 Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Experiments based on EE 4203 EE 4217: Power Plant Engineering Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Typical layout of a substation and load curves: Demand factor, diversity factor, load duration curves, energy load curve, load factor, capacity factor, plant use factor and load forecasting. Planning of power plant: Types of power plants, generating capacity and selection of plants, types of load and their effects, site selection for different plants. Station performance: Efficiency, Depreciation of plant, heat rate and incremental rate, load division between generating units for economy, cost and tariff. Generation scheduling: deterministic and probabilistic. Conventional power plant: Hydro and thermal power plant, generating cost. 73 fusion; energy release; moderati, types of nuclear reactor; safe. Nuclear power plant: Nuclear fission control, cooling and snelding asp clear ver plants. P . measures for nuclear power pl suis (emer pou, ver generation: -conventional power gener jvoliaic (PV) ower genera nip nd applications, maximum power point Tl inte » pinta tem, grid-connected PV system. concentrated PV system; wind: Princip, system, grid-c components, classification of yj vind energy system compon f and applications, wind energy components es eon or tloctrie aystem. performance of wind machines; i cua f bie "i a bio-mass, geotherm: thermo-electric, thermionic an oat aus lynam power generation; variation in availability of rene BY source storage of electricity. Reliability concepts: Failure rate, outage, naan Paes series an: parallel systems and redundancy, reliability evaluation techniques. Optional-III (Any one of the offered Courses with its Sessional) EE 4205: RADAR Satellite and Optical Communication Credit: 3.00 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week RADAR: Introduction, principal, RADAR equation, LORAN, SONAR, ILS, GCA radar beacon, CW radar, TR, ATR tubes duplexer and application of radar. | Satellite communication systems: Introduction to satellite communication systems, communication satellite subsystems, earth station, regenerative satellite systems, broadcasting by satellites and satellite link analysis. Optical communication: Introduction, light propagation through optical fiber, ray optics theory and mode theory, optical fiber, types and loss characteristics, transmission characteristics, fiber joints and fiber couplers, light sources: light emitting diodes and laser diodes, detectors: PIN photo-detector and avalanche photo-detectors, receiver analysis, direct detection and coherent detection, noise and limitations, transmission limitations: dispersions, nonlinear refraction, four wave mixing and laser phase noises, optical amplifier: laser and fiber amplifiers, applications and limitations, introduction to multi-channel optical system. EE 4206: Sessional on RADAR, Satellite and Optical Communication Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week Credit: 0.75 Experiments based on EE 4205 EE 4215: Biomedical Instrumentation mee) Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Credit: 3.0 Physiology and transducers: Cell and its st tructure; resting and action potential; Nervous system: Functional org; . i nization of the nervous system ; structure of ; 14 nervous system, Neurons, synapse, transmitters and neural communication; Cardiovascular system: Respiratory system ; basic components of a biomedical system ; transducers-selection criteria; piezoelectric, ultrasonic transducers; temperature measurements- fiber optic temperature sensors. Electro-physiological measurements: Electrodes; limb electrodes; floating electrodes; pregelled disposable electrodes; micro, needle and surface electrodes; Instrumentation amplifiers: Preamplifiers, differential amplifiers, chopper amplifiers, isolation amplifier, signal conditioning. ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, lead systems and recording methods, typical waveforms. Electrical safety in medical environment: Shock hazards, leakage current, instruments for checking safety parameters of biomedical equipment’s. Non-electrical parameter measurements: Measurement of blood pressure cardiac output; heart rate; heart sound, and pulmonary function measurements— spirometer; photo plethysmography, body plethysmography. Blood gas analyzers: pH of blood, measurement of blood pCO2, pO2, Finger- tip oxymeter: ESR, GSR measurements. Medical imaging: Radio graphic and fluoroscopic techniques; computer tomography; MRI; ultrasonography; endoscopy; gamma camera; Thermography-different types of biotelemetry systems and _ patient monitoring-introduction to biometric systems. Assisting and therapeutic equipments: Pacemakers; defibrillators; ventilators; muscle stimulators; diathermy; heart-lung machine; audio meters; dialysers; lithotripsy. EE 4216: Sessional on Biomedical Instrumentation Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 hours/week Experiments based on EE 4215 EE 4221: Optoelectronics and Light Wave Technology Credit: 3.00 Contact hours: 3 Hours/week Fundamentals of optoelectronic devices: Theory and industrial practice, photo detectors, quantum efficiency, frequency response, bandwidth, noise, light emitting diodes and lasers, homojunction, heterojunction, quantum well and nanostructure of optoelectronic devices, wavelength, power, line width, linearity, temperature sensitivity. Optical modulators: Bandwidth, speed, extinction ratio, switching voltage. Optoelectronics integrated circuits: Integration techniques, monolithic, hybrid integration, integrated receivers, integrated transmitter, integrated guided wave devices, photonic crystal integrated circuits, 75

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