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Science Class 9

Multiple choice questions:-

1] Cell wall of plants chiefly composed of

a) Pectin b) Cellulose
c) Hemicellulose d) lipids

2] The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes is

known as
a) Nucleus b) Nucleons
c) Nucleolus d) Nucleoid

3] Living cells were discovered by

a) Robert hooke b) Leeuwenhoek
c) Robert brown d) Thomson

4] Cell theory was given by

a) Schleiden & Schwann b) Virchow
c) Hooke d) None of these

5] Cell arise from pre-existing cell was stated by

a) Haeckel b) Hooke
c) Virchow d) Schleiden

6] Kitchen of the cell

a) Mitochondria b) Nucleus
c) chloroplast d) None of these
7] Silver nitrate(AgNO3) solution is used to study
a) Mitochondria b) Ribosomes
c) endoplasmic reticulum d) Golgi body

8] Lipids molecules are synthesize by

a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum b) plastids
c) rough endoplasmic reticulum d) golgi apparatus

9] Lysosomes arise from

a) endoplasmic reticulum b) Golgi body
c) ribosomes d) mitochondria

10] Which of the following is not the function of

vacuoles ?
a) storage b) turgidity
c) waste excretion d) locomotion

11] Which of the following is called “power house

of cell”?
a) Ribosomes b) plastids
c) Mitochondria d) none of these

12] A cell will shrink when it is placed in

a) hypotonic sol. b) hypertonic
c) isotonic sol d) All of these

13] Amoeba acquires its food by

a) exocytosis b) endocytosis
c) respiration d) All of these

14] Chromosomes is made up of

a) DNA b) protien
c) matrix d) both @ and b
15] Cell wall of which one is not made up of
a) Mango tree b) bacteria
c) Hydrilla d) cactus

1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(c)
6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(b) 10.(d)
11.(c) 12.(b) 13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(c)

Give reason:-

1] Our finger skin shrink when we wash clothes from

detergents/soap for a long time.
ans:- When we wash colthes from detergent/soap solution then our
finger skin shrink through exosmosis because, the solution contain
more solute and less solvent (hypertonic sol.) as compared to our finger.

2] Endocytosis only found in animal cell.

ans:- Endocytosis is the process of bulk transfer of material like food
and other substances from external medium. This occurs by the direct
contact of membrane through medium. So, this occurs only in animal
not in plant cell because, cell wall is present .

3] Lysosomes are called “suicidal bags”.

ans:- When a cell get damaged during a metabolic activity then the
lysosomes also get damaged and they contain digestive hydrolylitic
enzymes which digest its own cell or kill its own cell so, it is known
as suicidal bags of the cell.
4] Mitochondria is called “powerhouse of cell”.
ans:- Mitochondria is called power house of the cell because, it gives
energy in the form of ATP which is called currency of the cell which
helps in cellular respiration , photosynthesis , protein synthesize and
other cellular activities.

5] Plants cell have large vacuoles as compared to animal cell.

ans:- Vacuoles are larger in plants because, it stores
 Salts, sugar, amino acids and protein.
 Waste products of the cell.
 Cell sap which provide turgidity to cell.
 Water which helps in osmosis.

Differentiate between:-

1] Plant cell & Animal cell

Cell wall is present in plant. Cell wall is absent in animals.
Large and single vacuole. Small and many vacuoles.
Plastids are present in plant. Plastids are absent in plant.
Centrosomes are absent. Centrosomes are present.
Nucleus is peripheral. Nucleus is centrally located.

2] Eukaryotic & Prokaryotic cell

They have well defined They have not well
nucleus. defined nucleus.
They have membrane They have not membrane
bounded organelle. bounded organelle.
Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction
Large in size Small in size.
3] Rough endoplasmic reticulum & Smooth endoplasmic reticum

It is rough in nature. It is smooth in nature.
It synthesize proteins and It synthesize Lipids
enzymes. and hormones.
It contain ribosomes on its It does not contain
surface. ribosomes on its

4] Difusion & Osmosis

It occurs in all medium. It occurs only in liquid medium.
It is a rapid process. It is a slow process.
It doesnot need a It needs a semi permeable
semipermeable membrane. membrane.

Define:-(15-30 words)
1] Cell, 2] ER, 3] Nucleus, 4] Chromatin materials,
5] Mitochondria, 6] Plasma membrane, 7] Cell wall
8] Cell division , 9] Plastids , 10] Cytoplasm.

1- Cell is the basic structural and fuctional unit of a

living organism.
which is the smallest fundamental unit of life.

2- The Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is network of

membrane bounded tubular structures , which
is present upon nuclear membrane.

3- Nucleus is dense spherical structure which

control all cellular activities and also play an
important role in cell division.

4- The interwined mass of the chromosomes which

is consist of DNA and protein is called Cromatin
material and its present inside the nucleus.

5- Mitochondria is a cell organelle which is sussage

like structure which is called power house of the

6- The outermost flexible covering of the cell is

called the plasma membrane it provide
boundary to the cell and also helps in transport
of materials.

7- In plant cell there is an additional rigid covering

which provide mechanical strength and shape to
the cell which is called cell wall.
8- Cell division is the process of spliting of the cell
and new cell are formed in this process . it is
conducted by nucleus.

9- Plastids are coloured and colorless pigment which is

found in plant cell there are three types of the
plastids 1 Chloroplast 2 Chromoplast 3 Leucoplast.

10- Cytoplasm is the fluid matrix which is found between the plasma
Membrane and the nucleus. It provides a site for chemical reactions
in the cell.


Answer in one word:-

1] The Cell organelle which is nonmembranous

2] Scavenger of the Cell
3] Kitchen of the cell
4] The organelle helps in manufacture of materials
5] Full form of ATP
6] Control room of the cell
7] Protein synthesizer of the cell
8] Helps in detoxi fication

1] Ribosomes 2] lysosomes 3] chloroplast 4] Golgi appartus
5] Adenosine triphospahte 6] nucleus 7] Ribosomes 8] SER
What happen when:-

1] A cell is put in hypotonic solution

Ans- The cell will gain water by endosmosis and cell will swell.

2] A cell is put in hypertonic solution

Ans- The cell will loose water by exosmosis and cell will shrink.

3] The organisation of the cell get destroyed

Ans- A well organised cell helps in proper functions like respiration,
reproduction and nutrition etc. if the organisation of the cell get damaged
due to some physical cause then it may not perform its basic activities
and it may die.

4] Cell membrane is removed from the cell

Ans- The plasma membrane provides boundary to the cell and if it is
removed from then the whole fluid containt get separated out and the
entire body get damaged .

5] A red blood cell is kept in concentrated Nacl sol.

Ans- The red blood cell will shrink.

6] Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar
syrup is put on it.
Ans- boiling will kill the leaves. The dead leaves and their cells as
protoplasmic structures will dispersed.

7] Golgi appartus is removed from the cell.

Ans – Golgi appartus hleps in modification of the materials and play
important role in memebrane biogenesis. If it is removed then these
functions will not occur in the cell.
Write the functions :-

1] Endoplasmic reticulum
2] Plasma membrane
3] Cell wall
4] Vacuoles
5] Plastids


1] The ER provide a passage for intercellular transportation.

It provides skeletal frame work to the cell.
It helps in memebrane biogenesis.

2] It separate the internal fluid content from external environment

It allows movement of only selectively molecules through it.

3] Cell wall provide mechanical support to cell protection to cell and it

Gives shape to the cell.

4] Vacuoles provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell .

store water, waste products and food.
It helps in excretion .

5] plastids provide colour to plant

Leucoplast helps in storage.
Chloroplast helps in photosynthesis.

Answer the following questions (30-50) words:-

1] Why is the cell called the structural and funtional unit of life?
2] How do substances like CO2 and H2O move in and out of cell?
3] Which component of the cell control most of the cellular activities
and what are its Component?

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