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Half-yearly summative assessment 2024


Class VI

Instructions for Students

Suppose, you are a member of the reading club at your school. You often meet your classmates to read
and discuss books, magazines, newspapers, etc. You and your classmates have just finished reading a

newspaper article on ‘Living Green’. You are inspired and have decided to start a green movement. For
that, you have to complete the following tasks.
মেন কেরা 'িম )তামার িব,ালেয়র পাঠচে2র সদ5। 'িম 7ায়ই )তামার সহপাঠীেদর সােথ বই, <াগািজন, সংবাদপ@ ইতAািদ পাঠ এবং

আেলাচনা করার জেD )দখা কেরা। 'িম ও )তামার সহপাঠীরা ‘Living Green’ নােম একG সংবাদপে@র িনবH পড়া )শষ কেরছ। এটা
পেড় 'িম অO7ািণত হেয়ছ এবং )তামার এলাকা সQজ রাখার িসRাS িনেয়ছ। তা করেত হেল )তামােক িনেচর কাজTেলা সUV করেত হেব।

Get into groups of four and discuss what you may do to keep your community green. Note down the
main points of your discussion.
চার জেনর দল গঠন কের, )তামার এলাকােক সQজ রাখেত কী করেত পােরা তা িনেয় আেলাচনা কেরা। আেলাচনার Wল িবষয়Tেলা )নাট

For your better understanding, another important article on ‘Going Green’ is given here. Now read the
article individually and complete the following activity.
ভােলাভােব Qঝার জD, ‘Going Green’- নােম আেরকG TZ[\ণ ] িনবH এখােন )দয়া হেলা। এখন এককভােব িনবHG প)ড়া এবং

িন^িলিখত কাজG কেরা।

Going Green
Sustainable living has certainly become a popular phrase. As individuals, we are increasingly aware of the
impact we have on the planet and our fellow humans. But is greening our own lifestyle enough? We can

learn to see our relations to our environment and its people. By getting involved in our communities, by
talking to our neighbors and by supporting local groups we can green not only our own lifestyles, but our
streets, neighbourhoods, towns, cities and, ultimately, our societies. Who knows, we may even make friends
doing it.

To help green your community, you first need to be part of it. Start talking to your neighbours, find out
what's going on around you, and get involved. It sounds obvious, but busy days often don't include time for
keeping in touch with the community.

Buying locally produced items also help protect your environment. Shopping locally reduces food
transportation; it also keeps resources within the community. It's a great way to get to know your

Limiting car use can be a great way of reducing your individual carbon footprint, but it doesn't end there.
When we walk, cycle, or take the train or bus, we also help make it easier for others to do the same, and it
can be a great way of meeting people.

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People are increasingly curious about living 'green.' If you bike to work, use compost, or buy organic food,

tell people why. If people are interested in trying it themselves, show them how.

Note the adjectives in the given text and the nouns they describe. Copy the table in your script.

Complete the table below with five adjectives from the text and write the nouns they refer to.
7দ_ অOে`দ )থেক ৫G Adjective সনাb কেরা এবং )সTেলার িনেদ ]িশত Noun িচিcত কের )তামার খাতায় িন^dপ ছেক িলখ।

Adjective Noun

Task-3 22
As you want to make your community green, you need to talk to your community leaders for support.
'িম )যেহ' )তামার এলাকার সQজায়েন কাজ করেত চাও, এ কােজ সমথ ]ন )পেত )তামার এলাকার TZ[\ণ ] fিbর সােথ কথা বলা

a) Now, write a set of questions that you want to ask your community leaders. You must include at
least 5 questions. In your questions, follow the rules of making interrogative sentences and using
question marks properly.

এখন )তামার এলাকার TZ[\ণ ] fিbর কােছ িজেgস করার জD একG 7hমালা iতির কেরা। )তামার 7hমালায় কমপেj ৫ G 7h
থাকেব, এবং 7hT)লা 7h)বাধক বাকA iতির এবং সlক ভােব 7h)বাধক িচc fবহার করার িনয়ম )মেন চলেব।

b) Now, based on the questions you have made, write an imaginary conversation between you and the
community leader about the ways to keep the locality green.
এখন, )তামার করা 7hT)লার উপর িভি_ কের, এলাকাGেক সQজ রাখার উপায় সUেক] )তামার এবং )তামার এলাকার TZ[\ণ ]

fিbর মেn একG কাoিনক কেথাপকথন িলখ।

In your writing you should include the following:

)তামার )লখায় িন^ িলিখত শত]T)লা অSp]b করেত হেবঃ

I. Use article (a/an/the) as appropriate.

II. Use full stop (.) question mark and capitalization where appropriate.
III. Use assertive sentences where necessary.
IV. Use formal expressions to welcome someone.
V. Use formal expressions to show respect to other’s opinions.

Green Movement is related to human values, specially the kindness of the creator and the values of His
creation. Now read the poem “Kindness” by Edgar Albert Guest and answer the following questions.
Green Movement মাOেষর rsেবােধর সােথ সUৃb। িবেশষ কের uvার wিv এবং তার wিvর rsেবাধ। এখন Edgar Albert
Guest এর )লখা ‘Kindness’ কিবতাG পেড়া এবং িনেচর 7hTেলার উ_র দাও।

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By Edgar Albert Guest

One never knows
How far a word of kindness goes;

One never sees
How far a smile of friendship flees.
Down, through the years,
The deed forgotten reappears.

One kindly word

The souls of many here has stirred.
Man goes his way
And tells with every passing day,
Until life's end:
"Once unto me he played the friend."

We cannot say
What lips are praising us to-day.
We cannot tell
Whose prayers ask God to guard us well?
But kindness lives
Beyond the memory of him who gives.

a) How many stanzas are there in the poem? Copy the first stanza and identify the rhyming words.
কিবতাGেত কয়G stanza আেছ? কিবতার ১ম stanza কিপ কেরা এবং rhyming words িচিcত কেরা।

b) Copy the table below and, in column A, write down 5 words from the poem “Kindness” and in
column B write the words that rhyme with the words in column A.

িনেচর ছকG খাতায় yেক column A )ত কিবতা )থেক ৫G word িলখ এবং column B )ত )সTেলার সােথ ছেzর িমল আেছ
এমন word িলখ।


c) Write at least five sentences explaining how the theme of the poem “Kindness” relates to the concept
of “Living Green”. Use no less than five adjectives in your sentences.
‘Kindness’ কিবতার Wলভাব ‘Living Green’ এর ধারণার সােথ কীভােব সUৃb তা fা{া কের কমপেj ৫ G বাকA িলখ।
)তামার )লখায় কমপেj ৫G adjective fবহার কর।

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