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Name: Utkarsh Deep Roll No: PGP39334

Subject: Business Data Communication Section: B


Q. Do you think StarLink project of SpaceX will help providing Broadband to remote


The Starlink satellite internet project by SpaceX has significant potential to expand broadband
access to remote and underserved communities around the world. There are a few key reasons
1. Avoiding the Need for Ground Infrastructure
Traditional terrestrial broadband networks require extensive ground-based infrastructure like
fiber optic cables, cell towers, and other equipment. Deploying this infrastructure in remote,
rugged, or sparsely populated areas can be extremely challenging and costly.
In contrast, Starlink's satellite-based approach avoids the need for this ground infrastructure.
By beaming internet directly from a constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit, Starlink can
provide broadband access to users in areas that lack existing terrestrial networks. This makes
it a more feasible solution for reaching remote communities.
2. Targeting Unserved Populations

SpaceX estimates Starlink could eventually generate $30 billion in revenue by 2025, suggesting
it sees significant commercial potential in underserved broadband markets. The company is
specifically targeting an estimated 4 billion people worldwide who currently lack internet

Furthermore, the FCC awarded SpaceX $900 million over 10 years to support the deployment
of Starlink in rural areas of the United States. This government funding demonstrates the
recognized potential for Starlink to help bridge the digital divide in remote parts of the country.
3. Reusability

SpaceX's reusability efforts have also significantly reduced the costs of launching and
operating its rockets. By recovering and refurbishing rockets, SpaceX has been able to reuse
them multiple times, reducing the need for new launches and the associated costs.
4. Competition
The launch market has become increasingly competitive, with multiple companies vying for
market share. This competition has driven innovation and reduced costs, making it more
feasible for companies like SpaceX to offer affordable broadband services to remote areas.

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