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Name: Utkarsh Deep Roll No: PGP39334

Subject: Business Data Communication Section: B


Q. How does Google justify the roll out of driver less car as a part of its business?


Google justifies the rollout of its driverless car technology through several key arguments:
1. Transforming Transportation and Enhancing Safety:
Google posits that self-driving cars can significantly enhance road safety by reducing accidents
caused by human error and providing mobility for individuals unable to drive, such as the
elderly or disabled.
2. Leveraging Technological Expertise:
Google's extensive experience in software development, data collection, and attracting top
talent positions it well to innovate in the autonomous vehicle sector. Its investment in high-risk
"moonshot" projects underscores its commitment to pioneering this technology.
3. Integration with Google’s Ecosystem:
Self-driving cars offer seamless integration with existing services like Google Calendar and
Maps, improving user experience and creating synergies across Google’s product ecosystem.
4. Economic and Market Potential:
The potential market for self-driving cars exceeds $200 billion, with opportunities in software
licensing, partnerships with automotive manufacturers, and new business models such as robo-
taxi services.
5. Addressing Legal and Social Challenges:
Google actively addresses legal and regulatory challenges by lobbying and securing testing
approvals, while also working to gain public trust through cost reduction and safety
6. Strategic Business Benefits:
Data from self-driving cars can enhance Google's core operations, such as search and
advertising, through improved understanding of user behaviors. This aligns with Google's
focus on technological innovation and leading in multiple industries.
In summary, Google's rollout of driverless cars is justified by their potential to improve safety,
integrate with existing services, capture significant market opportunities, address regulatory
challenges, and align with strategic business goals.

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