Msn Ll Communicable Diseases.pptx

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MSN ll

Extra short questions answers
Fill in the blanks

1. Common causes of infection are bacteria, virus,fungi, protozoa.

2. Direct contact is a modes of transportation.
3. Handwashing should be done for 10 to 15 secs.
4. Handwashing has 7 steps.
5. Malaria is a vector borne diseases.
6. MR vaccines prevent measles.
7. 2 lakh IU dose of vitamin A given in case of severe measles.
8. Varicella zooster virus causes chicken pox.
9. Pre eruptive stage of chicken pox last for 24hours.
10. Swine flu is also known as influenza flu.
11. Ebola is deadly virus that causes bleeding inside and outside of the body.
12. Tamiflu is a antiviral agents.
13. Tamiflu can cut short the duration of illness by 1to 2 days.
14. Acyclovir used to treat Encephalitis.
15. Encephalitis is an acute illness of brain and spinal cord.
16. Other name of Lockjaw is Tetanus.
17. Difficulty in swallowing is called dysphagia.
18. The bacteria of typhoid fever is Salmonella typhi.
19. Metronidazole is an antiparasitic drugs.
20. Dengue fever is an illness caused by the bite of Aedes egypti mosquito.
21. Incubation period is a period between exposure to a pathogenic organism
and the onset of symptoms of a diseases.
22. Jungle yellow fever is a disease which directly related to monkeys.
23. Leprosy is a diseases caused by Mycobacterium leprae.
Match the following columns
1. Tuberculosis a. Rubeola (3)

2. Chicken pox b. Bordetella pertusis (9)

3. Measles c. Paramyxovirus (10)

4. German measles d. Clostridium tetany (11)

5. Typhoid e. Salmonella typhi (5)

6. Leprosy f. Varicella zooster (2)

7. Plague g. Rubella (4)

8. Diphtheria h. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (1)

9. Whooping cough i. Mycobacterium leprae (6)

10. Mumps j. Corynebacterium diphtheriae (8)

11. Tetanus k. Yersinia pestis (7)

Multiple choice questions answers
1. Example of live vaccines are
a) BCG, b) measles,c) Cholerah,d) a&b. ✓
2. Chicken pox is also known as
a) Varicella,b) Rubella,c) pertusis, d) Varicella zooster ✓
3. Mantoux test is done used to diagnose
a) Diphtheria, b) Meningitis, c) TB, ✓. d) Encephalitis
4. Tetanus is caused by
a) spores, b) toxin, c) Clostridium tetany ✓ d) droplets
5. Cholerah is caused by
a) Clostridium difficile, b) E. coli, c) Salmonella typhi, d) Vibrio Cholerah ✓
6. Clinical Manifestations of Diphtheria includes
a) sore throat, b) difficulty in swallowing,c) greyish colour pseudomembranes in
mouth, d) all of the above ✓
7. Tetanus patient should be kept in
a) normal hospital ward, b) quite dark room with minimum stimuli producing
room. ✓. c) ICCU, d) a& c
8. What is the word meaning of measles
a) Green spots, b) red spots ✓,c) German measles, d) purple spots
9. Hepatitis A caused by
b) Faeco-oral route , b) sexual route,c) parenteral route, d) all of the above ✓
10. Which drugs used to treat viral encephalitis
c) Acyclovir, b) Vidarabine, c) a& b ✓ d) penicillin
11. Plague is transmitted by
a) bite of an infected fly, b) direct contact with tissues of infected animals,
c) droplets contact, d) all of the above ✓
12. Black sickness is also known as
a) kala azar, b) plague, c) visceral leishmaniasis, d) a& c ✓
13. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a
a) Gram positive bacteria, b) gram negative bacteria, c) aerobic bacteria,
d) acid fast bacteria ✓
14. Which of the following is not bacterial infectious disease?
a) whooping cough, b) Diphtheria, c) measles ✓ ,d) tuberculosis
15. Which of the following is not the viral infection?
a) Rubella, b) COVID 19 , c) dengue, d) none of the above ✓
16. Which of the following disease is caused by protozoa?
a) Japanese encephalitis,b) malaria ✓,c) chikungunya fever, d) monkey fever
17. Which of the following disease has no carrier state?
a) measles ✓ , b) poliomyelitis,c) Diphtheria,d) mumps
18. Which of the following disease has the carrier as the major source of.
a) Diphtheria, b) measles,c) Meningitis,d) both a & c ✓
19. Which of the following statements holds true in the context of communicable
disease ?
a) about 95% of Diphtheria is transmitted by carrier
b) TB shows iceburg phenomenon of disease
c) measles is highly infectious at prodromal stage
d) all of the above ✓
20. Which of the following disease has the longest incubation period?
a) TB, b) HIV/AIDS ✓ ,c) enteric fever, d) rabies
21. Which of the following diseases has the shortest incubation period?
a) Japanese encephalitis, b) influenza ✓ , c) plague, d) leptospirosis
22. Which of the following diseases has the highest secondary attack rate ?
a) mumps, b) TB, c) Rubella ✓ , d) chicken pox
23. Vaccine hasn't been developed for which of the following disease?
a) HIV / AIDS ✓, b) malaria, c) Cholerah, d) plague
24. What is the period of communicability of Tetanus disease?
a) 10 days to 20 days. , b) 1 week to 2 week , c) 1 days to 5 days ,
d) none of the above ✓
25. Which of the following vaccine is contra indicated among pregnant women?
a) MR vaccines,✓ b) plague vaccine, c) yellow fever vaccine, d) all of the

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