My Top 10 Pronunciation Lessons

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Start Watching my Top 10

Pronunciation Lessons
I've handpicked my all-time BEST pronunciation videos for you.

Each video focuses on a specific problem. So, pick a problem that you feel you
have and let's get started!🙌🏻
1. “I don’t know where to start. What should I learn first?”
Let’s start with the absolute basics and learn how to pronounce all the sounds in

2. “I don’t sound natural when I speak English. How do I fix that?”

Let’s master the basics of sentence stress! This will help you sound much more
natural and fluent.

3. “How do I know where the stress is in words?”

Is it REcord or reCORD? Well, this video will teach you all the rules of word stress
that you need to know.

4. “How can I make pronunciation more fun?”

Have some fun while practising your pronunciation with some tricky tongue

5. “Why do native speakers make that strange sound in 'bo'le of wa'er?"

That's called the Glottal Stop! And you can learn how to do it too in just 5 minutes!

6. “When native speakers talk they squish all the words together? Why?”
That's called connected speech! There are many types of connected speech but
here's a video talking about vowel+vowel linking to get you started.

7. “I can't pronounce the 'th' sounds. Help me!”

You're going to learn a really simple trick to pronounce the 'th' sounds in under 7
minutes with this video!

8. “I want to read and analyse a story with you!”

Let’s read and do a full and detailed analysis of a fun story about an elf together!

9. “How do I pronounce ‘t’ and ‘d’ in English?”

Did you know that the 't' and 'd' sounds in English are different compared to some
other languages? Learn how in this lesson!
10. “My intonation is really unnatural! What can I do to improve it?”
Let's learn the basics of intonation so you can start using it in your own speech
straight away.

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