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Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1

Lecture 1 of 2
1.1 Introduction to physics
Physics is a basic discipline in the category of natural sciences which attempt to explain diverse physical
phenomenon in terms of few concepts and laws. For e.g. the same law of gravitation (given by Newton)
describes the fall of an apple to the ground, the motion of moon around the earth and the motion of planets
around the sun. Similarly, the basic laws of electromagnetism (Maxwell’s equations) govern all electric and
magnetic phenomena.

Macroscopic Microscopic
Phenomenon at Laboratory, terrestrial Phenomenon at atomic,
and Astronomical scales molecular and nuclear level

Mainly deals with branches of classical mechanics: - Deals with:-

(i) Mechanics Modern physics
(ii) Electrodynamics Nuclear physics
(iii) Optics Solid State physics
(iv) Thermodynamics Particle physics
1.2 Needs for Measurement
Experiment and measurements form the basis of physics. To measure and study phenomenon in physics
we have to perform experiments. Based on the observations of physical phenomena, we develop various
laws and theories. Similarly experimental verification of various theories needs measurements of physical
quantities. Hence there is a definite need for measurements in physics.
1.2.1 Physical Quantities
Those quantities which can describe the laws of physics & are possible to measure are called physical
quantities. A physical quantity is that which can be measured. Physical quantity is completely specified if
it has:
 Magnitude only (scalar); e.g. mass, charge etc.
 Magnitude and Direction (vector); e.g. Displacement, torque etc.
1.2.2 Types of Physical Quantities: These are of two types
(a) Fundamental quantities: Those physical quantities which do not depend upon any other quantity for
their measurements are defined as fundamental quantities.
There are seven fundamental quantities in SI system -
(i) Mass (ii) Length
(iii) Time (iv) Temperature
(v) Electric current (vi) Luminous intensity
(vii) Amount of substance
These quantities are also called base quantities.

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1

(b) Derived quantities: The physical quantities which are derived from fundamental quantities and which
depend upon them are defined as derived quantities.
dis tan ce mass
For example, speed = time
, Density = volume
Home Assignment-1
*Q.1. What is the need for the measurement of a physical quantity?
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________________



*Q.2. What are fundamental quantities?




*Q.3. What are derived quantities? Give examples?




Q.4. State True/False

i. A physical quantity is that which can be measured.
ii. Fundamental quantities are also known as base quantities.
iii. Derived quantities are derived from fundamental quantities.
iv. Electric Current is a fundamental quantity.
v. Volume is a fundamental quantity.
vi. Density is a derived quantity.

1.2.3 Units for Measurements:-

The reference standard used to measure a physical quantity is called a unit.
Physical quantity = Numerical value x unit
e.g. If we say that the length of a rod is 5 m, it means that its length is 5 times as large as a certain standard
length called meter (unit).
Properties of a good unit:-
i) It should be easily available.
ii) It should be invariable (should not change with space and time).
iii) It should be universally accepted.
iv) It should be reproducible and not perishable.
Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
1.2.4 Types of units
(i) Fundamental units: The units which are independent and which cannot be derived from other units,
are defined as fundamental units, e.g. the units of mass, length and time.
(ii) Derived units: The units which are derived from the fundamental units are defined as derived units,
e.g. units of velocity, momentum, work force etc.

Home Assignment-2
*Q.5. What is meant by unit of a physical quantity?
Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________


*Q.6. What are fundamental units?

Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________


Q.7. State properties of a good unit



*Q.8. What are the derived units? State two examples

1.2.5 Systems of Units
A complete set of units, both fundamental and derived for all kinds of physical quantities is called system
of units. The common systems are given below –
(1) C.G.S. system: The system is also called Gaussian system of units. In it length, mass and time have
been chosen as the fundamental quantities and corresponding fundamental units are centimeter (cm), gram
(g) and second (s) respectively.
(2) M.K.S. system: In this system also length, mass and time have been taken as fundamental quantities,
and the corresponding fundamental units are metre, kilogram and second.
(3) F.P.S. system: In this system foot, pound and second are used respectively for measurements of length,
mass and time. In this system force is a derived quantity with unit poundal.
(4) S.I. system: It is known as International system of units, and is in fact extended system of units applied
to whole physics. There are seven fundamental quantities in this system. The units of these fundamental
quantities are known as fundamental unit, as given in the following table:-

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1

Fundamental Units
Physical Quantity C.G.S. F.P.S. M.K.S. S.I. (symbol)
Mass Gram Pounds Kilogram kilogram (kg)
Length Centimeter Foot Metre metre (m)
Time Second Second Second second (s)
Temperature kelvin (K)
Electric Current ampere (A)
Luminous Intensity candela (cd)
Amount of Substance mole (mol)

Supplementary Units:
Supplementary Units S.I. (symbol)
Plane angle radian(rad)
Solid angle steradian (sr)

Standard definition:
(a) Radian: 1 radian is the angle subtended by an arc of length equal to the radius
at the centre of the circle. l
 
(b) Steradian: It is defined as the solid angle subtended at the centre of a sphere
by an area of its surface equal to the square of radius of the sphere.
Solid angle  , When A = R2, then = 1steradian
1.2.6 SI Units:- Its need arose because the use of different system of units became very inconvenient for exchanging
scientific information between different parts of the world
Base SI Units

quantity Name Symbol Definition

The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in

vacuum during a time interval of 1/299, 792, 458 of a
Length metre m second.(1983)

The kilogram is equal to the mass of the international

prototype of the kilogram (a platinum-iridium alloy
Mass kilogram kg cylinder) kept at international Bureau of Weights and
Measures, at Sevres, near Paris, France. (1889)

The second is the duration of 9, 192, 631, 770 periods

of the radiation corresponding to the transition between
Time second s the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the
cesium-133 atom. (1967)
Electric current ampere A The ampere is that constant current which, if
maintained in two straight parallel conductors of
infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
placed one metre apart in vacuum, would produce
between these conductors a force equal to 210-7 newton
per metre of length. (1948)

The kelvin, is the fraction 1/273.16 of the

thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of
Thermodynamic kelvin K water. (1967)

The mole is the amount of substance of a system,

which contains as many elementary entities as there are
Amount of mole mol atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon - 12. (1971)

The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given

direction, of a source that emits monochromatic
Luminous candela cd radiation of frequency 5401012 hertz and that has a
intensity radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per
steradian. (1979)

1.2.7 Derived units:- Derived units are units corresponding to derive physical quantity e.g. m/s for velocity, m2
for area, m3 for volume & kg/ m3 for density.
Derived quantity Formula Name Symbol
Area A = L2 square meter m2
Volume V = L3 cubic meter m3
Speed, Velocity (v) v = s/T meter per second m/s
Acceleration (a) a = v/t meter per second m/s2
Density D = M/V kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
Momentum P = mv Kilogram meter per kg m/s
Force F = ma newton N
Impulse J = Ft Newton second Ns
Work W= Fs joule J
Kinetic Energy 1 joule J
K.E. = mv2
Potential Energy P.E. = mgh joule J
Power w joule per second or watt J/s or W
Pressure F newton per square metre N/m2
Conventions for writing SI units:-
(i) Full name of unit always starts with small letter even if named after a person e.g. newton, joule and not
Newton, Joule etc.
(ii) Symbol for unit named after a person should be in capital letters e.g. ‘N’ for newton, ‘J’ for joule etc.
(iii) Symbols for all other units are written in small letters e.g. ‘m’ for meter and ‘s’ for second etc.
(iv) Symbols of units are not to be expressed in plural form e.g. 25 m and not 25 ms.
(v) Full stop and any other punctuation mark should not be written after the symbol e.g. kg and not kg. or
N and not N.

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Class Assignment 1
Q.9* What is S.I. system of units? Explain its need.
Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________



Q.10 State two examples of fundamental quantities and their S.I. and C.G.S. units.

Ans _________________________________________________________________________________



Home Assignment - 3
Q.11* State different types of system of units.
Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________



Q.12* Write two examples of fundamental and derived quantities each with their S.I. and C.G.S units

Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________


Q.13 Fill in the blanks?

Fundamental quantities with S.I. units and symbols.

Fundamental quantity S.I. Unit Symbol

1. length

2. Kilogram

3. s

4. kelvin

5. electric current

6. luminous intensity

7. amount of substance

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Supplementary units

1. plane angle

2. steradian

Derived units

Derived quantity Formula Name Symbol

Speed, Velocity (v)
Acceleration (a)
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy

Q14. According to convention for writing SI units, state which are right and which are wrong?
(a) Newton_______ (b) joule_______ (c) Joule_______ (d) newton_______ (e) N_______
(f) J_______ (g) Ampere_______ (h) ampere_______ (i) A_______ (j) m_______
(k) M_______ (l) s_______ (m) KG_______ (n) K.G. _______ (o) kg_______
(p) Kg_______ (q) 25kg_______ (r) 25kgs_______ .

Q.15. The C.G.S and M.K.S. system were also known as ________ systems, while the F.P.S. system was a
British system used in Great Britain and some other ________________speaking nations.
Q.16. The three system of units in which the base units are only length, mass and time are:-

(i) Length (ii) mass (iii) time

C.G.S means _________ __________ ___________
M.K.S. means ________ __________ ___________
F.P.S. means _________ ___________ ___________
1.2.8 Methods of Measurement of Length:
Methods of Measurement of Length

Direct Method Indirect Method

Scale Parallax Method (Long distance)
Screw Gauge Use of trigonometry (Height & Distance)
Vernier calliper
Direct method:-
(i) A metre scale is used for lengths from 10-3 to 102 m.

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
(ii) A Vernier calliper is used to measure length to an accuracy of 10-4 m.
(iii) A screw gauge and a Spherometer can be used to measure lengths as small as 10-5 m.
Indirect method:-
The distance of a planet or a star from the earth.
Parallax Method
Definition: When you hold a pencil in front of you against some specific point on the S

background (a wall) and look at the pencil first through your left eye A (closing the right 
eye) and then look at the pencil through your right eye B (closing the left eye) you would D D
notice that the position of the pencil seems to change with respect to the point on the wall.
This is called parallax. To measure the distance D of a far away planet S by the parallax
method, We observe it from two different positions (observatories) A and B on the Earth, A b

separated by distance AB = b at the same time as shown in Fig. We measure the angle
between the two directions, along which the planet is viewed at these two points. The  ASB represented
by symbol  is called the parallax angle or parallactic angle. As the planet is very far away, b  1 , and
therefore,  is very small. Then we approximately take AB as an arc of length b of a circle with centre at S
and the distance D as the radius, AS = BS so that, AB = b = D  where  is in radians. D  .Similarly

to determine the size or angular diameter of the planet (the angle subtended by d at the earth), we have
 
The angle  can be measured from the same location on the earth. It is the angle between the two directions
when two diametrically opposite points of the planet are viewed through the telescope. Since D is known,
the diameter d of the planet can be determined using  
Home Assignment- 4
Q.17. An important indirect method to measure large distances (such as distance of a planet or star from
earth) is ________ method .
Q.18. S is a star which is observed from two different points A & B on earth the distance between
the points A&B is b. Then answer the following: S

(a) ASB represented by  is called ________angle or ___________ angle . 

(b) As star is far far away b/D____1. D D
(c) Express b in terms of D and __________
(d) Express D in terms of b and __________

Q.19 The moon is observed from two diametrically opposite points A and B on Earth. The angle θ subtended at
the earth by the two directions of observation is 10 54’ .Given the diameter of the earth to be about 1.276 ×
107 m, compute the distance of the moon from the Earth.


Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Q.20 The Sun’s angular diameter is measured to be 1920’’. The distance D of the sun from the Earth is 1011 m.
What is the diameter of the Sun?


1.2.11 Method of Measurement of Mass
Direct method: - A common balance
Indirect method:-
(i) Large masses in the universe like planets, stars etc can be measured using gravitational method.
(ii) Measurement of small masses of atomic/subatomic particles etc, we make use of mass spectrograph in
which radius of the trajectory is proportional to the mass of a charge particle moving in uniform electric
and magnetic field.

1.2.11 Method of Measurement of Time

1) Mean solar day (duration 24 hr): The mean solar day on earth is considered to be duration of 24 hours
for which an hour is of 60 minutes and each minute is of 60 seconds.
2) Average of solar day over a year: It is the interval from one noon to the next noon. Average of length of
a solar day over a year is considered as a mean solar day.
3) Atomic standard of time: This is based on the periodic vibrations produced in a cesium atom.
4) Cesium or atomic clock: In the cesium atomic clock, the second is taken as the time needed for
9,192,631,770 vibrations of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine states
of cesium – 133 atom.
National Physical laboratory (NPL) New Delhi maintains IST through Cesium clock.

Some Important Prefixes

S.I. Prefixes

Home Assignment 5
Q.21 State few instruments for measuring lengths through direct method

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
(i). Vernier callipers is used for measuring length from ____ to ____ .
(ii) _________ is used to measure to an accuracy of ______ .
(iii) __________ and ______ are used to measure length as small as ______.
Q.22. An important indirect method to measure large distances (such as distance of a planet or star from earth )
is ________ method
Q.23 For dealing with atoms & molecules, the kilogram is an_________unit.
Q.24 The mass of planets & stars is calculated by ____________ method based on Newton’s Law of ______.
Q.25 Measurement of small masses of atomic & subatomic particle is done by using _________.
Q.26 What is mean solar day?
Q.27 Atomic standard of times is based on __________in a __________atom.
Q.28 Explain the method to measure length, mass and time.
1.3 Dimensions
1.3.1 Dimensions of Physical Quantities
The nature of a physical quantity is described by its dimensions. All the physical quantities represented by
derived units can be expressed in terms of some combination of seven fundamental or base quantities. We
shall call these base quantities as the seven dimensions of the physical world, which are denoted with
square brackets [ ]. Thus, length has the dimension [L], mass [M], time [T], electric current [A],
thermodynamic temperature [K], luminous intensity [cd], and amount of substance [mol]. The dimensions
of a physical quantity are the powers (or exponents) to which the base quantities are raised to represent that
quantity. Note that using the square brackets [ ] round a quantity means that we are dealing with ‘the
dimensions of’ the quantity. For e.g., the volume occupied by an object is expressed as the product of
length, breadth and height, or three lengths. Hence the dimensions of volume are [L] [L] [L] = [L3]. As the
volume is independent of mass and time, it is said to possess zero dimension in mass, time [M0][T0] and
three dimensions in length.
The fundamental units are represented as :

Mass =M
Time =T
Current =A
Amount of substance = mol
Length =L
Temperature =K
Luminous intensity = cd

Note: 1. A physical quantity may have a number of units but their dimensions would be same,
Ex. The units of velocity are: cms-1, ms-l, kms-I. But the dimensional formula is M0L1T1.
2. Dimension does not depend on the unit of quantity.

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
1.3.2 Dimensional Formula And Dimensional Equation
Dimension formula = [ Ma Lb Tc Ad Ke cdf molg]
When a dimensional formula is equated to its physical quantity then the equation is called Dimensional,
Equation. Here a, b, c, d, e, f, g are the dimensions of M, L, T, A, K, cd & mol respectively.
Note -
1. Pure number & pure ratio are dimension less.
Ex. 1, 2, , ex, logx, sin, cos etc. & refractive index.
2. Dimension less quantity may have unit. Ex. Angle and solid angle.
3. The method of dimensions cannot be applied to derive the formula if a physical quantity depends on
more than three physical quantities.
4. Dimension less quantity may have unit. But unitless quantities are dimensionless.
Ex. angle - dimensionless but it has unit radian.
1.3.3 To Obtain Dimensional Formula of Different Quantities
(i) Write the formula
(ii) Change derived units in the fundamental units.
(iii) Solve the equation except given quantity

(i) Area = k.x.y (k is dimensionless, x and y are length)
Dimensional formula of Area = [L] [L]
= [L2]
(ii) Density = mass

D.F of density =
M = [M][L]-3 = [ML-3]
L 
(iii) Velocity =
D.F. of velocity = = [L][T] -1 = [LT-1]
Solved Examples
*Illustration:1 Define dimensions and dimensional equation. Give two examples.
Solution. The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which fundamental units must be raised
in order to obtain the unit of a given physical quantity.
An expression, which gives the relation between the derived units and fundamental units in terms
of dimensions is called a dimensional equation.
Eg. velocity is defined as rate of change of displacement hence its dimensional equation will read
as [M0LT-1]. Similarly acceleration is defined as rate of change of velocity hence its dimensional
equation would be [M0LT-2]
The dimension of each term in an equation must be same.
For example : v  u  at

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
v   LT 

u    LT 1

a   LT 2 
t   T 1 
Here we see dimensions of each term of the equation is same.
Note: [LT-1]+[LT-1]  2[LT-1]
Home Assignment 6
Q.29. What do you mean by dimensions of a physical quantities?

Ans _________________________________________________________________________________
Q.30. True or false.
(i) If two quantities have same dimensions, they represent the same physical content.
(ii) V = u + 2at is dimensionally correct.
Q.31. Fill in the blanks.
(i) For determining the dimensions of a physical quantity, the units of fundamental quantities are
represented by _____________for length, __________ for mass,_________ for time, __________
for temperature, __________for current, ___________ for luminous intensity and _________ for
amount of substance.
(ii) An expression, which gives the relation between the derived units and fundamental units in terms
of dimensions is called a __________.
(iii) Mechanics deals with only three fundamental quantities _________, _________ and _______.
(iv) A dimensionally correct equation need not actually be a ___________ equation but dimensionally
incorrect equation is necessarily ___________ .
(v) The dimensions of all the terms on the two sides of a physical equation must be ________. This is
called the __________.
(vi) C.G.S. unit of force is __________.
(vii) 1 newton = _________dyne.
(viii) 1 joule = ________ erg (unit of energy in C.G.S.).
(ix) A numerical constant, cannot be found by using ________ and can be found out _________.

Classroom Assignment 2
Q 32. Name a system of units which are not based on units of mass, length and time alone._______
Q.33 Wavelength of ray of light is 0.00006m . Convert it into microns._________

Q 34. Newton–second is the unit of________________

Q.35 One million electron volt (1 MeV) is equal to how many eV. _________

Q 36. Hertz is the unit of_________________

Q.37 In S = a + bt + ct2. S is measured in metres and t in seconds. Then find the unit of C.

Home Assignment 7
Q 38. Which unit is used for measuring nuclear radii. __________________
Q 39. What does kilowatt hour represent. _________________________
Q 40. One nanometer equals to ___________ meters?

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Q 41. Write down the value of plank’s constant h with proper units if E = hv where E is energy and v is frequency
having dimension T-1
Q 42. The C.G.S unit of potential energy is_____________________
Q 43. Density of wood is 0.45 gm/cc in the CGS system of units. Find the corresponding value in MKS units.

Following are the uses of dimensional equations:
(i) Conversion of one system of units into another.
(ii) Checking the accuracy of various formula or equation.
(iii) Derivation of formula.
(i) Conversion of One System of Units into Another
Let the numerical values are n1 and n2 of a given quantity Q in two unit system and the units are-
U1  M1aLb1T1c and U2  Ma2Lb2T2c (in two systems respectively)
Therefore, by the principle nU = constant n2U2 = n1U1
a b c
n1[M1a Lb1 T1c M  L   T1 
n2  n2   1   1    n1
n 2 [Ma2 Lb2 T2c ] = n1[M1a Lb1 T1c ]  [Ma2 Lb2 T2c ]   M2   L 2   T2 
To find the conversation factor between the units of force . i.e. newton in SI system to dyne in c.g.s. system.
. Let 1 newton= x dyne – (1)
The dimensions of force are [L1 M1T-2]
 equation 1 in dimension form can be written as
[L11M11T1-2] = x [L2 1M21T2-2]
1 1 2 1 1 2
L1 M1 T1   L   M   T 
 x =  1 1 2 =  1   1   1  -(2)
L 2 M2 T2   L 2   M2   T2 
where suffix 1 indicates SI system and suffix 2 indicates C.G.S. system. In S.I. system L,M and T are
expressed in m, kg, s and in C.G.S system L,M and T are expressed in cm , g and s respectively.
 Equation 2 becomes
1 1 2
 m   kg   s 
x =     
 cm   g   s 
1 1
 2 cm   3 g 2
= 10  10  1
 cm   g 
 x = 105
 1 newton = 105 dyne

(ii) To Check The Accuracy of a Formula

It is based on homogeneity principle of dimension according to it formula is correct when dimensionally
when dimensions of each term in an equation is same.
1 2
Consider the equation, S = ut + at .
By writing the dimensions, we get
s   L1M0 T0  , ut   L1M0 T 0  , at 2   L1M0 T 0 

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
The number has no dimensions. Hence each term has the dimensions. Thus the equation is dimensionally
correct. (Though this does not mean that it is always a perfect physical equation)

(iii) To Derive the Formula by Dimensional Analysis Method

Let a physical quantity x depends on other quantities P, Q and R.
Then x (P)a (Q)b (R)c
x = k (P)a (Q)b (R)c ...........(1)
Now consider dimensional formula of each quantity in both side -
MxLy T z  [Mx1Ly1 T z1 ]a [Mx 2 Ly 2 T z2 ]b [Mx 3 Ly 3 T z 3 ]c
bx by bz cx cy cz
 M xLy T z  M ax 1 Lay 1 T az1 M 2 L 2 T 2 M 3 L 3 T 3
 M x Ly T z  Max 1  bx 2  cx 3 Lay 1 by 2  cy 3 T az 1 bz 2  cz 3
Now comparing the powers of both sides -
ax1 + bx2 + cx3 = x ...........(2)
ay1 + by2 + cy3 = y ...........(3)
az1 + bz2 + cz3 = z ...........(4)
After solving equation (2), (3) and (4) value of a, b and c will be m, n and o may be find out
Now substitute the values of x, y and z in equation (1)
Then obtained formula will be- x = (P)m (Q)n (R)o
Illustration 2:
The period ‘T’ of oscillation of a simple pendulum depends on length ‘l’ and acceleration due to gravity
‘g’. Let us assume that
T = K lx gy - (1)
K= constant which is dimensionless.
The dimension of t   L0M0 T1 
The dimension of l   L1M0 T 0 
And the dimension of  g   L1M0 T 2 
 Equation 1 can be dimensionally written as
x y
L0M0 T1   K L1M0 T 0  L1M0 T 2 

 L0M0 T1   K Lx  y M0 T 2y  -(2)

By comparing the powers of L, M < T on both sides of equation 2 , we get
0= x + y and 1 = -2y
1 1
 y= - and x = +
2 2
Substituting these values of x and y in equation 1 we get

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
The value of ‘K’ which is a numerical constant , cannot be found by using dimensional analysis and can
be found out experimentally. Its value is taken as K = 2.
 T = 2
(a) While deriving a formula the proportionally constant cannot be found.
(b) Generally the formula for a physical quantity depending on more than three other physical quantities
cannot be derived. It can be checked only.
(c) The equations of the type v = u ± at cannot be derived. They can be checked only
(d) The equations containing trigonometrical functions (sin, cos, etc.), logarithmic functions (logx, logx3
etc.) and exponential functions (ex, ex
etc.) cannot be derived. They can be checked only.
Solved Examples
 a 
Illustration 3: In  P   (V  b) = constant, P and V refer to pressure and volume. Find the dimensions of a
 V2 
and b.
 a 
Solution. [P] =  2
V 
[a] = [PV2] = ML1 T2L6 = ML5 T2
[b] = [V] = L3.
Illustration 4: The time of oscillation (t) of a small drop of liquid under surface tension  depends upon the
r 3
density r, radius r and surface tension (dimension MT-2 ). Prove dimensionally that t  .

Solution. Time of oscillation t  a rb c
 t = ka rb c, where k = constant
Writing dimensions of both the sides, we have,
[T] = [ML3]a [L]b [MT2]c = [Ma+c L3a+b T2c]
Comparing the powers of M, L and T on both sides, we have,
a+c=0 …..(i)
3a + b = 0 ….(ii)
2c = 1 …(iii)
Solving equations (i), (ii) and (iii) we get,
1 1
a= ,c=
2 2
and b =
Putting these values in t = karbc
We get t = k1/2 r3/2 1/2
or t .

Class Assignment 3
*Q.44. Find the dimensions of
1 q1q 2
(i). Power (ii) Force (iii) Permittivity of vacuum ( 0 ) (Assume F= where F in
4π 0 r 2
force , q is charge with dimension IT, r is distance)

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Ans :

*Q.45. Using dimensions show that 1 joule = 107 ergs


*Q.46. If length ‘L’, Force ‘F’ and time ‘T’ are taken as fundamental quantities. What would be the dimensional
equations of mass and density?
Ans :

*Q.47. The hydrostatic pressure ‘P’ of a liquid column depends upon the density ‘d’ , height ‘h’ of liquid column
and also on acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. using dimensional analysis, derive formula for pressure P.

Home Assignment 8
Q.48* State the uses of dimensional Analysis. Explain each use with the help of an example.
Ans : ___________________________________________________________________________________
Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Q.49 What are the limitations of dimensional analysis?

Ans : ____________________________________________________________________________________
Q.50. Fill the dimension of the following derived quantities:
Derived quantity Dimension
Speed, Velocity (v)
Acceleration (a)
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy

Q.51. The dimensions of force are _________________________

**Q.52 Force, F[ M L T-2] experienced by charge ‘q[ T I]’ moving with velocity ‘v[ L T-1]’ in a magnetic field ‘B’
is given by F = qvB. Find the dimensions of the magnetic field.

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1

Q.53. What will be the dimensional formula for spring constant? Expression: F= -kx, where F[M L T2] is
force, k is the spring constant and x [L], is the deformation in the length of spring

**Q.54 Check whether the equation is dimensionally correct, v2 = u2 + 2as2 (where v & u are velocity, a is
acceleration and s is displacement).

Q.55. The velocity of water waves v [ L T1] may depend upon their wavelength  [L], the density of water 
[M L3] and the acceleration due to gravity g [L T2]. Using the method of dimensions find the relation
between these quantities?

Q.56. The quantities A and B are related by the relation, m=A/B, where m is the linear density and A is the force.
Find the dimensions of B?

Q.57. The Martians use force (F), acceleration (A) and time (T) as their fundamental physical quantities. What
will be the dimensions of length on Martians system?

Q .58. An athletic coach told his team that muscle times speed equals power [ML2 T-3]. What dimensions does he
view for muscle?

Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1
Q 59. If the time period (T) of vibration of a liquid drop depends on surface tension , radius (r) of the drop and
density () of the liquid, then find the expression of T then find the dimension of .

**Q 60. Find the conversion factor between S.I. unit and CGS unit of density.

**Q 61. The frequency [T-1] (n) of vibration of a wire under tension depends upon (T), mass per unit length (m)
and vibrating length (l) of the wire. Using dimensional analysis, obtain the dependence of frequency n on
these quantities.

**Q.62. Derive an expression of kinetic energy of a body of mass ‘m’ and moving with velocity ‘v’, using
dimensional analysis.

Q. 63. If the velocity of light (C), gravitational constant (G) and Planck's constant (h) are chosen as fundamental
units, then find the dimensions of mass in the new system. [for CBSE/ISC Only]


Physics New Acme Measurement Lecture code PT(1)-1

4. All true except the fifth one. Fifth is falls which states that volume is a fundamental quantity.
14. Only b, d, e, f, h, i, j, l, o, q are right.
15. Metric, English.
16. (i) Length (ii) mass (iii) time
C.G.S means centimeter gram second
M.K.S. means metre kilogram second
F.P.S. means foot pound second
17. Parallax

18. (a) parallax, parallactic b) << c) b = D d) D = b/

19. Since 10 = 60 ' , θ = 1° 54′  θ = 60 ' +54 ' = 114′.

Since 10= /180 radian  60 ' =/180  1 ' = /180 /60 = /10,800 = 2.9 x 10-4 radian
 θ = 114′ = 114 x 2.9 x 10-4 = 0.03314.
Since b = D  D = b/  D = 1.276×107 / 0.03314 = 3.84 x 108 m

20. Ans. 5 Sun’s angular diameter α= 1920"= 1920 × 4.85 10-6 rad = 9.31×10−3rad [ 1 '' = /180/3600
= 4.85 x 10-6 rad]
-3 11 9
Sun’s diameter d = α D=(9.31 ×10 ) ×(1.496 10 ) m = 1.39 x 10 m

21. (1) metre scale, 10-3 m to 102 m 22. parallax

(2)Vernier callipers, 10-4 m 23. Inconvenient.
(3) Screw gauge, spherometer, 10-5 m
24. Indirect , Gravitation. 25. Mass spectrograph.
26. A solar day is the interval from one noon to the next noon Average of length of a solar day over a year is
considered as a mean solar day.
27. Periodic vibration, Caesium.
29. The dimensions of a physical quantities are the powers to which fundamental units must be raised in
order to obtain the unit of a given physical quantity.
30. (i) F (ii)T
31. (i) L, M, T, K, I, cd, mol (ii) Dimensional equation (iii) Length, mass, time
(iv) correct, incorrect (v) same, principle of homogeneity (vi) dyne (vii) 105
(viii) 10 (ix) Dimensional analysis, experimentally
32. S.I System 33. 60 microns 34. Momentum 35. 106 eV
36. Frequency 37. m/s2 38. Fermi 39. Electrical Energy
40. 10-9 41. 6.63  1034 J-sec 42 g(cm / sec)2 43 450 kg/m3
44. (i) ML2T-3 (ii) MLT-2 (iii) M-1 L-3I2T-4 46. [M] = FL T [d] = FL-4T2
-1 2

47. P = hdg 51. MLT-2 52. MI-1T-2

53. MLT-2 54 incorrect 55. V2 g  [B] = L2T-2
57. [AT2] 58 [MLT-2] 59. T = k  r 3 /  [] = MT-2
k T
60. S.I. unit =10-3 CGS unit 61. n = 62. kmv2 63. [M] = h1/2 C ½ G-1/2
l m


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