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Worksheet Workshop #2

Workshop 2: The Pivot Point

Where in your life are you still taking action out of fear? Where are you still blaming and
judging and feeling like you are a victim of your circumstances. Noticing this helps to make new
choices. Answer these questions below will create clarity.





How did that make you feel (heavy, lighter, angry, upset, agitated, anxious?) And how do you
think that fear may have impacted your life and business? Just notice and write it out below
(writing it will be like purging it).







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Think about your business (or one you want to open) and what trends you are noticing about
your industry. Is there a new category that you might be able to open up? What are your
competitors focused on… does that feel right or not right? Write your insights below. You can
even do some research right now on Google or look at your competitor's social media, funnels,
etc., and see what they are up to.







Given the insights above, how would your approach fit in or change the market (think big)?







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Where are you in the trend reality success and habit cycle… is it time to pivot?










Are you in a contraction in your business? If so write below what you think your soul is nudging
you to do next… what it the pivot point? If you haven’t started your business yet, ask into your
guidance/soul what is next and how will it make you feel when you get there.



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Be sure to watch the final video workshop, Video Workshop 3: The Referral Machine, as a
proven and powerful way to dramatically improve referrals to your amazing business and gifts.

This workshop is so revolutionary in sharing advanced business practices that include mindset
and energy practices that can be used to improve the vibration and how potential clients will
feel about you (they’ll feel safe).

If you want to preview the opportunity before you, there is also a powerful course here. It
consists of 5 powerful modules focused on “The Business of Healing” on how to start or grow
and scale your healing, coaching, therapy, alternative healthcare, and doctor practice.

These modules use my decades of experience as a brand and business strategist and marketer
in corporate America, specializing in startups. I was able to grow billion-dollar companies. And I
used these same principles and strategies to start and scale my healing business to earn over
$40 million dollars.

Then, there are 8 modules where you will become certified in the Spontaneous
Transformation Technique. In 15 – 20 minutes, you can use this technique with your clients to
create deep healing, directly addressing the core unconscious trauma and events that are at the
foundation of why your clients are not changing as fast as they could. As a result, you become a
referral machine with clients who change deeply, permanently, and quickly and tell friends and
family about your miraculous impact on them.

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GO HERE to learn more about how to become a Certified STT Practitioner and enroll.

Remember this is also a membership to 4 quarterly live interactive Zoom sessions that will be
available indefinitely. So we will be together over and over. As you grow your practice, you can
ask me questions at each stage of your business. You can also check in about STT as you work
with your clients using this amazing and proven system of healing.

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©McLean Masterworks 2024, All Rights Reserved

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