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Constitution of 1956

This constitution was implemented on 23rd March 1956.

Basic features
Written constitution
It was a written constitution consisted of 234 Articles, 13 parts and 6 schedules.
This constitution declared Pakistan a federation with two provinces. Division of powers between
centre and provinces, dual polity, provincial autonomy and the Supreme Court were provided.
There were three lists of subjects, i.e., Federal, Provincial and Concurrent.
Parliamentary form of government
Parliamentary form of government was introduced. Prime Minister was to be the head of the
government with his full responsibility, along with his cabinet, to the parliament.
President was to be the head of the state. Constitution granted him certain powers. He was to be
elected by members of the National Assembly and Provincial Assemblies.
Unicameral legislature
Parliament was to be consisted of one house to be known as National Assembly and it was
composed of 300 members, 150 each from West and East Pakistan.
National language
Urdu and Bengali both were to be the national languages.
Islamic provisions
 Pakistan was to be known as Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
 President was to be Muslim
 No law repugnant to Islam could be enforced.
 Rights of minorities were to be fully protected.
 Fundamental human rights of citizens were guaranteed.
 Eradication of social evils was to be responsibility of the state.
Constitution of 1962
This constitution was implemented on 8th June 1962.
Basic features
Written Constitution
It was a written constitution that contained 250 Articles.
Again Pakistan was declared a federation that had two provinces, East and West Pakistan.
Powers were divided between center and provinces. Dual polity, written constitution and
Supreme Court were provided.
Unicameral Legislature
The parliament was composed of one house to be known as National Assembly of Pakistan. Its
strength was 156 members, 78 each from East and West Pakistan. Later on the strength was
increased to 218 again on the principle of parity between East and West Pakistan.
Presidential System
Presidential form of government was introduced. President was to be the head of the state as well
as head of the government, to be elected by basic democrats (BDs). He was not responsible to
the parliament. He could veto any bill.
Indirect Method of Election
People elected 80000 to 120000 BDs across the countries. BDs elected the Provincial
Assemblies, National assembly and the President of Pakistan.
National Language
Both Urdu and Bengali were made national languages of Pakistan.
Islamic Provisions
 Islamic provisions of the 1956 Constitution were retained. However the Islamic name of
the country was dropped in the original constitution and was restored as Islamic Republic
of Pakistan through an amendment after a strong protest by the people.
 A novel Islamic provision in the 1962 Constitution had introduced an 'Advisory Council
of Islamic Ideology' to be appointed by the President. The functions of the Council was to
make recommendations to the Government as to means which would enable and
encourage the Muslims of Pakistan to order their lives in accordance with the principles
and concepts of Islam and to examine all laws in force with a view to bring them into
conformity with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Qur'an and
 There shall be an organisation to be known as Islamic Research Institute, which shall be
established by the President. The function of the Institute was to undertake Islamic
Research and Instruction in Islam for the purpose of assisting in the reconstruction of
Muslim society on a truly Islamic basis.

Constitution of 1973
National Assembly appointed a committee that was composed of both government and
opposition. The committee drafted a constitution which was passed by the parliament and signed
by the president. The constitution was enforced on 14 August 1973.
Main features
Written constitution
It is a written constitution consisted of 280 Articles and 12 parts and 5 schedules.
Fundamental human rights
The constitution of 1973 provides for the fundamental human rights like security of life, honor
and property, freedom of faith, expression, movement, association etc.
It declares Pakistan is a federation. The powers are divided between center and provinces.
Originally there were two lists of subjects, namely the Federal List and Concurrent List. But now
the Concurrent List has been done away with and there is a single list, the Federal List containing
67 items. All residuary powers are vested with provinces.
The constitution provides for the parliamentary form of government. Prime minister is the head
of the government and chief executive of the federation. The president has to act on his advice.
He and his cabinet members are responsible to the parliament and must be the members of the
parliament as well.
Bicameral legislature
Under the constitution, there is bicameral legislature. There are two houses of the parliament.
The upper house is called the Senate and the lower house is called National Assembly of
Pakistan. The Senate is composed of 96members having equal representation of all provinces
and National assembly is composed of 336 members, having proportional representation. The
senate is a permanent house while National assembly is elected for five years.
An amendment to the constitution may be introduced by two-third majority of the parliament. So
for 25 amendments have been introduced.

Independence of judiciary
The constitution guarantees independence of judiciary. The Supreme Court is the apex court of
the country. There are five High Courts.
National language
Urdu is the National language of Pakistan.
Islamic Provisions
 The country is to be known as Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
 The Objectives Resolution is compulsory part of the constitution which states that
sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah and the authority
delegated by Him is a scared trust.
 Islam is the state religion of Pakistan.
 According to article 31 the people of Pakistan would be allowed to order their lives
according to the basic concepts of Islam.
 The Constitution provides definition of Muslim. A Muslim is one who believes in the
oneness of Allah and in the absolute and unqualified Prophet Hood of Muhammad
(S.A.W), as to be the last messenger of Almighty Allah.
 According to the Constitution both the president and prime minister are required to be
 According to Article 227, no law repugnant to Islam shall be enacted and all the
existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the teachings of the Holly Quran
and Sunnah.
 According to Article 37, the state shall promote social justice and eradicate social
 The Constitution set up Council of Islamic Ideology which advises the government
whether a particular law is according to Islam or not.

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