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MCQ periode Juli 2019

1. A 35 years Old man with pain in both leg since 3 days ago due to fallen tree. Patient
also complain of micturition and defecation . Physical examniation found saddle
The possible diagnose in this case is :
a. Conus Medullaris Syndrome
b. Cauda equina syndrome
c. Central cord syndrome.
d. Posterior cord syndrome
e. Brown sequard syndrome.

2. The level of injury to the spine as level as :

a. L2-L3
b. L3-L4
c. L4-L5
d. L5-s1
e. S1-S2

3. The 37 Years old man complained that he could not feel the lower part of his body
and legs after falling from height 3 meters with his back hitting the ground 1 day ago.
There was no history of decreased level of consciousness and vomit.
The possible diagnosis in this case is :
a. Muscle Sprain
b. Spinal cord Injury
c. Pelvic Fracture
d. Femur Fracture
e. Hemorrhagic shock

4. 2 days after treatment, the patient has begun to move both of the limb after received
high doses of steroid. On physical examination, reflex bulbocavernosus (+)
What phase that occurs in this patient is
a. Spinal shock
b. Neurogenic shock
c. Traumatic shock
d. Hypovolemic shock
e. Hemorraghic shock.

5. Which of the following muscle does not fom rotator cuff of shoulder :
a. Subscapularis
b. Supraspinatus
c. Infraspinatus
d. Teres minor
e. Teres major.

6.Which of the following statement is true about dislocation of IP joint of finger?

A. Flexion injury
B. Extension injury
7. A Fracture radius displacement distal fragmen in radial deviation, dorsal tilit, and
proximal displacement was describe by an irish surgeon. Which of the following fracture
above description pertains to ;
a. Monteggia Fracture
b. Galeazzi fracture
c. Barton Fracture.
d. Colles Fracture.
e. Smith Fracture.

8. Concerning fracture head of radius which of the following is not correct :

a. It is common in children than adults
b. Quite often can be treated conservatively
c. Excision is required for comminuted fr
d. Can lead to limitation of elbow motion
e. Can be associated with inferior radio ulnar joint discruption

9. Most common etiology of volkmann contracture?

A. Tight plaster bandage
B. Humerus fracture
C. Radius fracture
D. Elbow dislocation
E. Supracondylar humerus fracture

10. What is true about supracondyler fracture.

a. Distal fragment tilts posteriorly due to pull of gastrocnemius
b. Distal fragment tilits anteriorly due to pull of quadriceps.
c. Can be treated quite well by nailing
d. Can be treated with skeletal traction
d. Can be complicated by injury to sciatic nerve.

11. A patient complain with pain at left leg that decrease with nsaid, in x ray there is
tumor at the diaphysis at the tibia. CT scan result tumor with central nidus, what is the
diagnose ?
a. Osteosarcoma
b. Osteochondroma
c. Osteoid Osteoma.

12. Inability to extend IP joint of thumb few weeks after Colles fracture because of :
A. Compartment syndrome
B. Attrition rupture of EPL
C. Avulsion of EPL

13. 20 Years old girl pain at distal femur, sunburst and codman triangle. diagnose?
b. Osteosarcoma.

14. 56 Years male, painfull mass at hip, venectasis (+), skin warmer, consistency and
margin is unclear. What is the next plan after physical exam ?
a. Imaging and lab
b. Biopsy
c. Excision
d. Amputation.
15. 40 Years Old. Palpable mass at distal left wrist. Pain and decrease ROM.
Xray : Eccentric lytic lesion at distal radius. Diagnosis ?
a. Ewing Sarcoma
b. Adenoid carsinoma
c. GCT
d. Osteoid osteoma
e. Multiple myeloma

16. A Patient present for further evaluation and management of an incidentally

discovered lesion in distal femur. An AP radiograph of the right knee was demonstrating
a pedunculated exophytic lession arising from the distal femoral metaphysis most
consistnet with an osteochondroma which of the following is true regarding this
diagnose in pediatric population?
a. MRI will likely demonstrate a thin cartilage cap < 1 mm.
b. Secondary transformation occure in approximately 20 % odf cases.
c. Secondary transformation is extremly rare and result in a low grade tumor tupically
cure with surgery alone.
d. Treatment should consist of radiotherapy alone
e. Treatment sholud consist of chemoterapy and excision.

17. what is the diagnose :

a. Greestick Fracture
b. Buckle fracture.

18. In healing fracture, amoint of cartilafe formation increased by :

A. Rigid immobilization
B. Movement at the fracture site
C. Necrosis of bome ends
D. Compression platting
E. Infection

19. what the test name ?

a. Ortholani
b. Barlow.
c Galeazi
d. palvick
e. Tetralogic

20. 10 Years Old female, right hip pain, past history hipoparathroidisme, in situ pinning,
which problem is likely to occur?
a. Contralateral SCFE
b. knee ipsilateral pain.
21. Patient, sustained open wound and bleeding profusely. Before the hospital, what is
the safest method to stop bleeding?
A. Leg elevation
B. Local pressure ob wound and elevation of leg
C. Tourniquet
D. Ligation of bleeding vessel
E. Pressure over femoral artery

22., what is true about this condition?

A. No genetic predisposition
B. With treatment child will be enable to walk and run
C. Mostly unilateral
d. treatment with bracing till puberity

23. A man complains pain at the elbow, the pain worsens when the wrist extended,
what is the diagnosis?
A. Carpal tunnel syndrome
B. De quervain's syndrome
C. Lateral epicondylitis

24. 36 yo, female, a laundress, pain at carpometatarsal join, limited ROM of the wrist.
What is the special test?
a. Tinnel test
b. Finklestein test
c. Allen test

25. 36 yo, female, a laundress, pain at carpometatarsal join, limited ROM of the wrist.
What anatomy affected?
a. Extensor retinaculum
d. EPL
e. EPB

26. 36 Years old, female a laundress, pain at wrist , limited ROM wrist. What is the
diagnose ?
a. CTS.
b. De quarvain

27. Male 31 years old. pain at right hand after slipped. decrease of ROM, pain at sniff
box. What is radiograph need ?
a. Wrist 3 series.
b. ap
c. lateral
d. wrist and radius
e. wrist and ulna
28. Male, 31 y.o come to the hospital with chief complaint pain at the right handafter
slipped at the bathroom. The pain suffered 2 hours before admitted with the hand
position rest on the floor. From physical examination: decreased of ROM and pain at
Snuffbox. What complication can occure in this case?
a. Posttraumatic osteoartritis
b. Osteonecrosis
c, Stiffness
d, Osteomyelisis
e. Bone fussion

29. Xray : Humerus Fracture. what is initail assesment

b. Splinting
c. Casting
d. Traction
e. Rujuk

30. 40 old year male come to primary clinic with chief complaint pain index finger, 1
week more paint physical examination have sweling index finger ,the diagnosis is
tendonsynovitis the next examination?
A.romberg sign
B.thomas sign
C.tinel sign
D.kanavel sign

31. Normal extension ROM Shoulder

a. 30 degre
b. 40 degre
c. 50 degre
d 60 degre
e. 70 degre
32. Humerus Shaft Fracture , what nerve is most likely injury
a. Ulnar nerve
b. median nerve
c. radial nerve
d axillary nerve

33. .what is the second most important of long bone fractures?

A. Immobilization
B. Accurate anatomical reduction
C. Antibiotics

34. 35 th most common etiology of volkman contracture ?

A. Tight plaster bandage
B. Humerus fracture
C. Radius fracture

35.Last stage of fracture healing

a. Remodelling

36. Above knee plaster, knee should flex 30 degree. Why ?

a. To relax the cruciate ligament.
b. to prevent rotation movement
c. to avoid streching posterior capsule

37. Case about Mallet Finger. What is patoanatomy ?

a. Avulsion of extensor tendon distal to DIP.
b. Distruption of DIP

38. Which of the following is commonest complication of Colless Fracture?

a. Stiffnes of fingers
b. Stiffnes of wrist
c. Stiffnes of shoulder
d. Subluxation of inferior radioulnar joint with pain
e. Sudeck’s osteodystrophy

39. Colles Fracture deformity.

a. garden spade
b. Dinner fork
c. Swan neck
d. Boutteniere

40.Inability to extend interphalanx join of thumb after colles fracture indicated to ?

a. avulsion insertion of EPL
b. attrition rupture of EPL tendon
c. tear of muscle belly EPL

41. what movement causes recurrent shoulder dislocation?

b. abduction and external rotation
c.adduction and internal rotation

42. what injury produces posterior hip dislocation

a. dashboard injury with knee flexed

43. Male, hearing pop during fall, knee effusio , insall salvati ratio 0,7. Patella
baja. What is likely diagnosis?
a. patellar tendon rupture
b. quadriceps tendon rupture

44. mineral decrease, matrix normal?


45. X ray for proximal humerus fracture

a. AP, scapular Y, axillary view

46. Anterior shoulder dislocation, affecting what function?

A. Sensory of lateral forearm
B. Deltoid?

47. Osteomyelitis pastient. What is follow up test after antibiotic administration to

determine success or unsuccess treatment?

48. Trendelenburg. For testing?

A. Pelvic instability
b. abductor hip muscles
Essay periode Juli 2019
1. Explain about Dorsal wrist compartment!
What is deQuervain syndrome?
What are the clinical signs of deQuervain syndrome?
How to treat deQuervain syndrome?
What is the adverse effect of corticosteroid injections?
What is the pitfall on surgery?
2. Male with lump cystic in the lateral of left volar wrist for 8 months without pain,

what is the diagnosis?

What structure that forms the disorder?
How to do the physical examination, outpatient procedure, and treatment?
What modalities can be used to diagnose it?
How to treat the patient?
3. Picture of Pelvis AP radiographs. Describe the radiographs (DDH)
4. Pointing pictures of proximal femoral vascularization

5. Photo of lower left leg swelling. How to diagnose accurately on compartment

What are the pathoanatomy?
Mention and explain the function of leg compartment
How to treat compartment syndrome?
6. Picture of Elbow AP view radiograph. Mention the pointing pictures
Mention in order by the time of the ossification of the elbow.
Mention the articulation of the joint
7. Photo of dorsal posterior of leg.
What is the diagnosis?
What is the special test?
How to treat the patient?
8. What are the static and dynamcIc stabilizer of the glenohumeral joint?
9. What is the different between woven and lamellar bone?
10. Picture of dorsal wrist compartments. Mention the pointing picture.

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