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Paper 1
2 ¼ hours


Uganda Certificate of Education
Paper 1

2 hours 15 minutes

This paper consists of two sections; A and B. It has five examination items. Section A
has one compulsory item.
Section B has two parts; I and II. Answer one item from each part. Answer three
examination items in all.
Any additional item(s) answered will not be scored.
All answers must be written in the answer booklet(s) provided

© Bristol High School, Matugga

1 ICT department 2024 Turn Over
Answer the item in this section
Item 1
Most students at Bristol high school look forward every second term. This is because
it’s the term in which the highly anticipated elections are held. Marvin, a student in
senior three is interested in the post of computer laboratory prefect. However, all
interested students vying for posts in the protectorate must be vetted by a panel of
teachers. This year, this won’t be the case. Instead, students have been informed to
write to the panel about their manifestos on the things they plan to do once elected to
their respective positions. He intends to focus on introducing order in the computer
laboratory and ensuring the computer equipment are in good working condition.

Make writeup to the panel detailing Marvin’s manifesto.

Answer only one item from this section
Item 2
Success in our Ugandan community is often attributed to well-paying white-collar
jobs and elevated standards of living. This is often celebrated by family members once
one member of the family working in a prestigious company. Bridget landed her
dream job with Uganda airlines as a technical help support personnel. During her
working works she interacts with the computer to go by her day-to-day tasks. All was

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well till recently she started experiencing some discomfort. This persisted till recently
when visited a doctor to share her dilemma. The doctor attributed her condition to the
nature of work she does.

Imagine you are the doctor that Bridget visited, make a writeup educating her on
possible causes of this prolonged discomfort and make possible recommendations.
Item 3
Riverton, a picturesque town with a population of around 15,000, has been
experiencing rapid technological advancements over the past few years. The town
council is keen to ensure that these advancements benefit all residents. To this end,
they organized a town hall meeting to discuss how technology could improve various
aspects of life in Riverton. On a sunny Saturday morning, the town hall was abuzz
with activity as a diverse group of residents gathered to share their experiences and
ideas. Among the attendees were students, business owners, teachers, healthcare
workers, and elderly citizens, each with unique perspectives on the role of technology
in their lives.

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Imagine you were in attendance to this meeting, share your thoughts on how you have
used ICTs in your daily life and give reasons why you think there has a reluctancy by
a section of the town to embrace use of ICTs.

Answer only one item from this section.
Item 4

Alex is a college student working on a comprehensive multimedia project for his

Information Technology course. The project involves creating a presentation that
integrates documents, images, and videos. After weeks of effort, Alex realizes that his
laptop's performance has slowed significantly, and he's struggling to find his project
files quickly. Additionally, he needs to submit the project on both a USB flash drive
and a CD, but he's unsure if his files are correctly organized or if his laptop has
enough space to handle these tasks efficiently.

The instructor hinted at the importance of good file management practices but left it
up to the students to figure out the best approach. Alex sits down to solve these
problems methodically.


Make a writeup with the steps Alex can follow to overcome his dilemma.

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Item 5
Floods have become rampant in Uganda. The main challenge at hand is that most
people don’t have information about floods, predicting their onset and how their
effects will be minimized.
As an ICT learner, you have been contacted to search for information about floods and
compile a document and share it among various groups of people over the internet.

Imagine a friend of yours also has been assigned the same task, however the he is not
really sure on what to do. Make a write up detailing the steps he should follow.

Success dwells where the will of God is known and done

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