681260168 All ICC2 Top Commands

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create_lib rp_top_MV -ref_lib

/home/deva/ICC2_28NM_TECH2/tsdn28hpcpuhdb4096x33m4mwa_170a.ndm" -technology


read_sdc /home/guepd08030susdp21/scripting/synthesis/rp_top_top/outputs/rptop_netlist_april.sdc

set_attribute [get_layers {M3 M5 M7 M9}] routing_direction veritcal

set_attribute [get_layers {M1 M2 M4 M6 M8 MRDL}] routing_direction horizontal

initialize_floorplan -control_type core -core_utilization 0.7 -shape R -orientation N -side_length

{1380 710} -core_offset {1.48 2.2 1.48 2.2} -flip_first_row true -coincident_boundary true

create_pin_guide -boundary {{1.4800 42.2850} {0.0000 122.0550}} -name tp_guide [get_ports -

filter "direction == in"] -pin_spacing 1

place_pins -ports [get_ports -filter "direction == in"]

create_pin_guide -boundary {{1382.9450 161.1850} {1381.4600 205.7600}} -name rgt_guide

[get_ports -filter "direction == out"] -pin_spacing 1

place_pins -ports [get_ports -filter "direction == out"]

#for removing pin boundary (remove_pin_guide -all)

set macros [get_cells -hierarchical -filter "is_hard_macro == true"]

create_placement -floorplan

create_keepout_margin -type hard -tracks_per_macro_pin 0.5 -min_padding_per_macro 5

[get_cells -physical_context -filter "is_hard_macro == true"]

#for all sides ^

#create_keepout_margin -tracks_per_macro_pin 0.5 [get_cells -physical_context -filter

"is_hard_macro == true"]

#create_mode func

#create_mode scan


#to change modes

#current_mode func #if it is in scan mode

#creating corners

create_corner ss0p88125_rcw

create_corner ss0p88m40_cw

create_corner ff0p88125_cb

create_corner ff0p88m40_rcb


#changing corners


current_corner ss0p88125_rcw

set_process_number 1

set_voltage 0.88

set_temperature 125

#for all 4 corners ^

#report_corners ss0p88125_rcw / do same for all corners

#give pg.tcl

source ../scripts/pg.tcl

#if we get drc's

connect_pg_net -automatic



#for removing ENDCAP/TAPCELLS

get_cells -filter "ref_name =~ TAP*" / "ref_name=~ ENDCAP*"

remove_cells [get_cells -filter "ref_name =~ TAP*"] / ENDCAP*

#placing endcap cells/boundary cells

create_boundary_cells -left_boundary_cell
tcbn28hpcplusbwp30p140hvt/BOUNDARY_LEFTBWP30P140 -right_boundary_cell
tcbn28hpcplusbwp30p140hvt/BOUNDARY_RIGHTBWP30P140 -prefix ENDCAP

#placing tapcells

get_lib_cells TAP*

create_tap_cells -lib_cell tcbn28hpcplusbwp30p140hvt/TAPCELLBWP30P140 -distance 30 -

pattern stagger -prefix TAPCELL -skip_fixed_cells

#creating ports of VDD & VSS

create_port -direction in VDD

create_port -direction in VSS

create_net -power VDD

create_net -ground VSS

#connct pg to ports

connect_pg_net -net VDD [get_ports VDD]

connect_pg_net -net VSS [get_ports VSS]

#connecting pg to std cells

connect_pg_net -net VDD [get_pins -physical_context */VDD]

connect_pg_net -net VSS [get_pins -physical_context */VSS]

ex:report_app_options *pg* =>shows all the options havng pg*

#to change any options in app_options

set_app_options -name place_opt.flow.trials_clock_tree -value false/true

#to turn off our hold* when it is in true

set_scenario_status -active false -hold false [get_scenarios *hold*]

#not including driving cells given below

set_lib_cell_purpose -include none {CK* DEL* *D24* *D18* *D16* *D20*}

get_lib_cells *BUFFD8*

add_buffer [remove_from_collection [get_ports] {VDD VSS clk spi_clk}] -new_cell_names

PORTBUFF -lib_cell tcbn28hpcplusbwp30p140hvt/BUFFD8BWP30P140HVT

sizeof_collection [get_cells PORTBUFF*] 418

sizeof_collection [get_ports] 426

magnet_placement [get_ports] -cells [get_cells PORTBUFF*] -mark_legalize_only

###legalize_placement -cells [get_cells *PORTBUFF*]

connect_pg_net -automatic

report_app_options *prefix*

set_app_options -name opt.common.user_instance_name_prefix -value initial_place

place_opt -to initial_place

sizeof_collection [get_cells *initial_place*] 0

set_app_options -name opt.common.user_instance_name_prefix -value hfns

place_opt -from initial_drc

sizeof_collection [get_cells *hfns*] 994

#we can change utilization at app_options

set utilization to 70% (set_app_options)

place_opt -to initial_place


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