flow charts chapter 1

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Shivani Rana 1

Chapter 1
Flow charts

Two School of Thoughts to explain Human Functioning

Individual differences Situationism


Formal Informal

Domains of Psychological Attributes

Intelligence Aptitude Interest Personality Values

Shivani Rana 2

Methods of Psychological Attributes

Psychological Interview Case Observation Self-

Test Study Report

Structured Unstructured Naturalistic Participant

Definition of Intelligence

Oxford Alfred David

Dictionary Binet Wechsler
• Perceiving • Judge well • Think Rationally
• Learning • Understand well • Act Purposefully
• Understanding • Reason well • Deal effectively
• Knowing

Theories of Intelligence

Psychometric Information Processing

Approach Approach
Shivani Rana 3

Psychometric Approach

Uni or One Theory of Primary Structure Of Intellect

factor Theory: Mental Abilities: Model: J.P Guilford
Alfred Binet Louis Thurstone - Operation: 6
V-I-P-W-S-N-M - Content: 5
- Product: 6
6*5*6= 180 cells

Two Factor Theory:

Charles Spearman
- G Factor Hierarchical Model of
- S Factor Intelligence: Arthur Jensen
Level I: Associative Learning
Level II: Cognitive Competence

Information Processing Approach

Theory of Multiple PASS Model: J.P Das, Kirby,

Intelligence: Jack Naglieri
Howard Gardener • A- Arousal/Attention
L-L-I-I-M-B-S-N • S- Simultaneous &
Successive Processing
• P- Planning
Triarchic Theory: Robert Sternberg

Componential/ Analytical Knowledge Acquisition

Experiential/ Creative Meta-component

Contextual/ Practical
Shivani Rana 4

Cognitive Assessment System:

J.P Das, Naglieri

• Battery of test (Verbal- Non-Verbal)

• 5-18 Years of age
• Used to find cognitive defects and
learning problems among children.

Assessment of Intelligence

• First intelligence test: 1905, Alfred

Binet & Theodore Simon
• Coined Intelligence Quotient (IQ):
1912, William Stern
• IQ= MA/CA*100
• MA- Mental Age

Variations of Intelligence

Intellectual Deficiency Intellectual Giftedness

- mild (IQs 55 to approximately 70), - - Lewis Terman
moderate (IQs 35–40 to - IQ above 130
approximately 50– 55) - Difference between giftedness and
- severe (IQs 20–25 to approximately talent
- profound (IQs below 20–25).
Shivani Rana 5

Types of Intelligence Tests

Individual OR Group Verbal, Non Verbal Culture Fair

Performance Culture Biased

Culture And Intelligence

Technological Integral
Intelligence Intelligence
(Western culture) (Indian culture)

Cognitive Capacity

Social Competence

Emotional Competence

Shivani Rana 6

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