Flow Chart Chapter 2

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Shivani Rana

Chapter 2: Self and Personality

Dual Status of Self

Self as Subject Self as Object

Kinds of Self

Personal Self Social Self/

Familial Self

Cognitive & Behavioural aspect of Self

Obs. of Behaviour
Self Self Self Efficacy: Self
Concept Esteem Bandura Regulation Self Instruction

Self Reinforcement

Shivani Rana

Culture & Self

Indian / Western /
Collectivistic Individualistic

Approaches to study Personality

Type Approach Trait Approach

Type Approach

Charak Samhita Sheldon Carl Jung Friedman &

1. Endomorphic 1. Introverts Rosenman
2. Mesomorphic 2. Extraverts 1. Type A
3. Ectomorphic 2. Type B

Tri Doshas Tri Gunas 1. Type C
1. Vata 1. Sattva 2. Type D
2. Pitta 2. Rajas
3. Kapha 3. Tamas

1. Sanguine
2. Phlegmatic
3. Melancholic
4. Choleric

Shivani Rana

Trait Approach

Gordon Allport Raymond Cattell H.J Eysenck Paul & Costa

1. Cardinal Traits 1. Source Traits 1. Neuroticism Vs O- Openness to experiences
2. Central Traits 2. Surface Traits Emotional Stability C- Conscientiousness
3. Secondary 2. Introversion Vs E- Extraversion
Traits Used Factor Extraversion A- Agreeableness
Analysis 3. Psychoticism Vs N- Neuroticism
Developed 16 PF
Developed EPQ

Psychodynamic OR Psychoanalytic
Sigmund Freud

Level Of Structure Of Defense Psychosexual

Consciousness Personality Mechanism Stages

1. Conscious 1. Id 1. Repression 1. Oral (Mouth)

2. Preconscious 2. Ego 2. Projection 2. Anal (Anus)
3. Unconscious 3. Superego 3. Reaction 3. Phallic (genitals)
Formation Oedipus &
4. Rationalisation Electra Complex
5. Regression 4. Latency
6. Denial 5. Genital

Shivani Rana

Post- Freudian Approaches

Neo analytic

Carl Jung: Karen Horney: Alfred Adler: Erich Fromm: Erik Erikson:
Analytical Optimism Individual Human Search for
Psychology Psychology Concerns identity
• Archetypes • Disturbed
• Collective Interpersonal • Personal • Social Beings • Identity
Unconscious Relationships Goals • Justice, Crisis
• Unity & • Basic Anxiety • Inferiority Freedom &
harmony Complex truth

Humanistic Approach

Abraham Maslow Carl Rogers

• Fully functioning person
• Self Actualisation • Client centred Therapy
• Unconditional positive regards
• Congruence & Incongruence
• Ideal & Real self

Shivani Rana

Assessment of

Psychometric Self report Projective Behavioural

Test Techniques Analysis

Self report Measure: Allport

Minnesota Multiphasic Eysenck Personality 16 Personality Factor

Personality Inventory Questionnaire (EPQ) Questionnaire (16PF)
(MMPI) • H.J Eysenck • Raymond Cattell
• Hathaway & Mckinley • Three Dimensions • Factor Analysis
• Psychiatric Diagnosis • Introversion- Extraversion • Most popular &
• 567 statements (T/F) • Neutroticism- Emotional widely used.
• 10 Sub-scales Stability
• Psychoticism- Sociability

Self Report Disadvantages

Social Desirability Acquiescence

Shivani Rana

Projective Techniques

The Rorschach Inkblot Rosenzweig’s picture Draw a Person Test (DPT)

Test (RIBT) frustration test • Subject is asked to
• Hermann Rorschach • Rosenzweig draw a person.
• 10 Cards (5 B/W, 2 red • To assess • Then, draw the
ink & 3 Pastel colors) aggression majorly opposite sex of first
• 2 phases: Performance among children drawn.
proper & inquiry. • Make stories around
the drawings.

Thematic Apperception
Sentence completion
Test (TAT)
• Morgan & Murray
• reflects attitude,
• 30 black & white and 1
motivation and
Blank card
• Subject forms story in
three tenses.

Behavioural Analysis

Interview method Nomination Behavioural Rating

1. Structured interview • Peer assessment • used in educational &
2. Unstructured • helps in industrial setting
interview understanding • Limitations: Halo
personality & effect, Middle &
behavioural qualities Extreme category bias

Observation method
1. Naturalistic Situational test
2. Participant • Situational stress test.
• tells how a person behaves
in stressful situations

Shivani Rana

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