chapter 1 question bank

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1. Intelligence in the Indian tradition can be termed as _____________________.

2. _______________________________________________ is a set of skills that
underlie accurate appraisal, expression, and regulation of emotions.
3. The concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced by
4. In 1920s ___________________ found that persons with high IQ were not
necessarily creative.
5. ________________ is the most commonly used aptitude test.
6. _________________ is the collective system of customs, beliefs, attitudes and
achievements in art and literature.
7. ___________________ refer to distinctiveness and variations among people’s
characteristics and behaviour patterns.
8. Aptitude tests are available in two forms, ___________________ &
___________________ aptitude tests.
9. ____________________ is the first step in understanding a psychological attribute
10. The ___________________ perspective views human behaviour relatively more
as a result of influence of external factors.
11._______________ refers to an individual’s underlying potential for acquiring
12.____________________ is an in-depth study of the individual in terms of her/his
psychological attributes, psychological history in the context of her/his
psychosocial and physical environment.
13._______________ considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities.
14._______________________ describes the processes people use in intellectual
reasoning and problem solving.
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15.__________________ proposed a hierarchical model of intelligence consisting of
16.________________ assessment is objective, standardised, and organised
17.___________________ is an individual’s preference for engaging in one or more
specific activities relative to others.
18._________________ was one of the first psychologists who worked on
19.____________________ defined intelligence as the global and aggregate capacity
of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully, and to deal effectively with
her/his environment. ________________ is a method in which a person provides
factual information about herself/himself
20._________________________ proposed a two-factor theory of intelligence
employing a statistical method called ____________________.
21._________________ proposed the structure- of-intellect model which classifies
intellectual traits among three dimensions: _______________, _____________,
and _______________.
22.Levels of hierarchal model of intelligence are _______________ &
__________________ respectively.
23. CAS stands for __________________.
24. In 1905, _______________ and ___________________, made the first successful
attempt to formally measure intelligence.
25.___________________ devised the concept of Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
26.What is Intellectual Deficiency as per AAMD?
27.___________________________ is exceptional general ability shown in superior
performance in a wide variety of areas.
28.___________________ tests can be administered only to literate people.
29._______________________ made a pioneering attempt in constructing an
intelligence test in Hindi
30.Giftedness from the teachers’ point of view depends on a combination of
_____________________, ____________________ , and
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31.According to Robert Sternberg persons high on __________________ aspect
easily adapt to their present environment or select a more favourable environment
than the existing one
32.__________________ proposed the theory of multiple intelligences.
33.____________________ involves employing systematic, organised, and objective
procedures to record behavioural phenomena occurring naturally in real time.
34._______________________ or _________________ intelligence is involved in
using past experiences creatively to solve novel problems.
35.___________________________ was the first person to study gifted children.
36.Define assessment. Explain two types of assessment forms.
37. Define intelligence.
38. Differentiate between psychometric and information processing approach.
39. Differentiate between (a) Individual and Group test (b) Verbal and Non- verbal
40. Define emotional intelligence.
41. What are the characteristics of an emotionally intelligent person?
42. Name the seven primary abilities proposed by Louis Thurnstone.
43. Explain the S-O-I model.
44. Explain Tri- archic theory of intelligence.
45. Why a normal is called a bell shaped curve.
46. Differentiate between two deposed view on individual differences.
47. Name and define any four psychological attributes.
48. What are the main assessment methods used to gather information?
49. Explain PASS model.
50. What is the combination and influence of nature and nurture?
51. Show classification of people on the basis of IQ using graph.
52. Explain the concept of intelligence as per Indian tradition.
53. Differentiate between giftedness and talent. What are the characteristics of a
gifted child?
54. List down and explain any two theories under psychometric approach.
55. List down and explain any two theories under information processing approach.
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