chapter 2 question bank

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Shivani Rana 1

Chapter 2
Self and Personality

1. Social self is also called ______________.

2. The _______________________ an orientation in which one feels primarily
concerned with oneself.
3. ___________________ refers to those attributes of a person that makes him/her
different from others.
4. The _________________ emerges in relation with others and emphasises such
aspects of life as cooperation.
5. The most commonly used situational test is ______________________.
6. ___________________ refers to those aspects of a person that link him/her to a
social or cultural group or are derived from it.
7. The value judgement of a person about herself/himself is called
8. In _________________ view of self there are clear dichotomies between self and
9. The notion of self efficacy is based on _______________ social learning theory.
10. The ________________ approach focuses on the specific psychological attributes
along which individuals tend to differ in consistent and stable ways.
11. The _________________ approach holds that situational characteristics play an
important role in determining our behaviour.
12. The greek physician ___________________ had proposed a typology of
personality based on fluid or humour.
13. _______________ are highly generalised dispositions. They indicate the goal
around which person’s entire life seems to revolve.
14. ________________ traits are often used in writing a testimonial or job
15. _________________ traits are all about the likes or dislikes of the person.
16. Cattell used a statistical technique called ____________________.
Shivani Rana 2
17. Cattell developed a test called ______________________.
18. Freud used __________________________, _____________________, and
__________________ to understand the internal functioning of the mind.
19. The _____________________ is a reservoir of instinctive or animal drives.
20. Freud developed a therapeutic procedure called ___________________.
21. _________________ is the source of a person’s instinctual energy.
22. Id is energised by two instinctual forces, called _____________________ and
23. The instinctual force that energises the id is called ____________.
24. The critical component in resolving the Oedipus complex is the development of
identification with the ______________ sex parent.
25. During _____________________ period, the child continues to grow physically,
but sexual urges are relatively inactive.
26. Failure of a child to pass successfully through a stage leads to
________________ to that stage.
27. ________________ argued that psychological distress were caused by disturbed
interpersonal relationship.
28. In _____________ vie, every individual suffers from the feelings of inadequacy
and guilt, called ____________.
29. ______________________ are frequently used for assessment of personality in
educational and industrial settings.
30. ______________________ is often used in obtaining peer assessment.
31. The most commonly used situational test is ______________________.
32. ___________________ and __________________ have contributed to the
development of Humanistic perspective on Personality.
33. The most important idea proposed by Rogers is that of a
_______________________ person.
34. Rogers developed _______________________ therapy.
35. MMPI consist of _______ statements and is divided into _________ subscales.
36. _______________ developed self report measure.
Shivani Rana 3
37. Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was developed by
38. ____________________ is a tendency on the part of the respondent to endorse
items in a socially desirable manner.
39. ____________________ is a tendency of the subject to agree with items
irrespective of their contents.
40. ________ and __________ developed TAT?
41. This test was developed by __________________ to assess how people express
42. Differentiate between self as subject and self as object. OR Explain the dual
status of self.
43. Difference between personal identity and social identity.Differentiate between
personal self and social self.
44. Define self.
45. Define self concept
46. What are the four cognitive and behavioural aspect of life? Differentiate among
them using examples.
47. What are the four areas of development for overall sense of positive self esteem.
48. What are the factors affecting development of self esteem?
49. Define self efficacy.
50. State the techniques of self regulation. OR It is important to understand the
importance of gratification of needs. What are the different techniques one can use
to regulate one’s own behaviour?
51. Differentiate between Indian and western cultural perspectives towards self/
52. Define personality. What are its characteristics?
53. How does Indian Ayurveda classifies people? Elaborate on the ‘Gunas’ present in
every person.
54. Differentiate between trait and type approach.
55. What does interactional approach to personality suggest?
Shivani Rana 4
56. Hippocrates classified human personality on the basis of fluids. What was the
classification proposed by him?
57. Explain any three theories trait and type approach.
58. Differentiate between source and surface traits.
59. What is a theory of personality proposed by H.J Eysenck?
60. Compare the trait approaches given by Allport and Cattell to understand
61. Explain Five- Factor model of personality.
62. What are the techniques which can be used to approach the unconscious.
63. What are the three level of consciousness proposed by Sigmunf Freud? Write a
short note on each.
64. What is the therapeutic procedure developed by Sigmund Freud. What is the basic
goal of that approach?
65. Write a short note on structure of personality as proposed by Freud.
66. What are the ego defense mechanisms. Explain each using examples.
67. Explain the psychosexual stages of development.
68. Elaborate on the third stage of development as proposed by Freud.
69. Explain the basic assumptions of any three neo analytics theories.
70. Explain Regression giving examples.
71. With the help of an example explain the phenomenon which is the result of
maladjustment in any of the stage of psychosexual development.
72. How would Karen Horney’s explanation of psychological disorders be different
from that of Alfred Adler’s?
73. What are the major criticism face by psychodynamic theories?
74. How does behaviour approach explains the personality?
75. How does humanistic approach helps to attain congruency in an individual’s life?
76. Psychologist have tried to assess personality in various ways. What are the most
commonly used techniques?
77. Explain any two direct measures for the assessment of personality.
78. Give an overview of any two self report measures to assess personality. What are
the drawbacks of this technique?
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79. Projective techniques were developed to assess unconscious motives and feelings.
Elaborate the statement and explain any two such techniques.
80. How is assessment of personality is done using indirect techniques? Briefly
describe any two such technique.
81. What are the characteristics of projective tests?
82. Who developed Rorschach Inkblot test?
83. State the methods of assessment of personality under behaviour analysis. Explain
any three.
84. What are the two types of Interview methods?
85. What is behaviour observation?
86. What are the limitations of interview and observation method?
87. Critically evaluate the method of behavioural rating for assessing personality.
88. Explain behavioural rating in assessment of personality.
89. Identify the type:
a. Fat, soft and round ____________________.
b. Rectangular with strong body built __________________.
c. Thin, Long and fragile ______________
d. Shy, withdrawn and alone _______________.
e. Sociable, outgoing and deals with people __________________.
f. High motivation, lack patience and burdened with work ___________________.
g. Cooperative, unassertive, prone to cancer ____________________.
h. Prone to depression __________________.
i. Anxious, moody, and quickly lose control __________________. (Eysenck)
j. Hostile, cooperative and friendly _____________ (five factor)
k. Achievement oriented, hardworking and self controlled ________________.

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