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My poems <3

Unexpected love
True love was once a myth until you came. Love is that how you spell it,right? The day smells
like you and the nights are forever long lasting So your melody will play on and on, with the
best of 'em you are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible.
A centerfold miracle, lyrical.
No one compares, you stands alone.You’re music to my heart,a song that goes on and on.
I’ll show you how to fall in love and treat you like no other.
You make me melt like ice cream when you smile . Walked past you, with the same cologne on
from last night . My eyes widened as you gently puts your arm across my waist and kissed me
pushing softlyagainst mine. Autumn, with a little touch of sour grapes on my tongue. I know
that you love me, you don’t need to say it. Just one touch and yes I believe it’s real.
Cause all of the smalls,things that you do, remind me why I fell for you, and when we’re apart
and I’m missing I close my eyes and all I see is you keeping flowers at my feet. You made
every love song about you
- slesha

Love of horror
Tears of blood as she lurks through the bushes pinching her uncomfortably. Through she falls
from the edge of his hands. Finally free from the horrors of love, or love of horror? Is it? He
lets out an oddly inhuman voice directed towards grieve. The wolf howls in the dark night
barely being shadowed by the light of the moon. Trembling and tripping she crawls out
laughing . he’s lost her, he’s lost her forever. Into the dark she follows the radiant light beams
from across the room finding the last strand of hope. Down she falls in the endless stream of
guilt as he yells out her name shivering and crying. Back she goes to him even though he hurt
her, cutting her every-time he spoke his words stabbed her stomach and killed the

You’re my love
Opened my eyes to find you keeping roses at my feet. I saw what others couldn’t, nobody can
treat you better than me I promise love. I won’t disappoint you darling. Pink skies merged in
orange clouds,you hold my hand and it feels unreal. I’ll show you how to fall in love, I can be
your lovergirl.

Love at first sight

He walks past her, unnoticed she stands. Her hair flies as her eyes glitter and sparkle. Zing!
Love at first sight is what they call it. She stood there staring at the wall which started to curl
up forming butterflies in her stomach. Her heart enjoyed the sensation of love. she held her
hands against her chest calming down her heart,yet being frozen. Love was now something
she could feel burning inside her,but not,pain more of a sweet pain,or so she felt it. She knew
right then and there that, that boy was something or someone god creates with exceptions

This one’s for you chahana <3

She’s someone special to me a life long journey she hold onto. Somebody, someone id never
let go off, not in a zillion years I could never stop loving her like my own. Best friends are
destined together suffer or pain they go through one’s pain together. A delicate soul she
holds and a mind of a kid she acts like. Guiding her is my love for her and loving her is my
guidance to her future. I can see her in every future plan of mine, there with me, by my side,
in my downfall and success, she’s there forever.

Sanaaya this one’s for you <3

“Girl for heaven”
Hold my hand under the desk,make me feel special and I’ll give up everything for your
attention, yes I get jealous whenever somebody else has your attention, I need it, I need it all.
Love for you is uncontrollable. Forehead kisses, baby boops on your nose, my hand on your
thighs and thumb rubs everyday is a daily routine I pledge to take, make me yours and I won’t
disappoint you my love. You’re somebody I wouldn’t lie to nor doubt you. I’ve trusted you
ever since my love. These words are way too less to describe the bond I have with you, you
make me feel so glad to be living and there’s so much I can say but I just can’t express them
to you. I just love you even though it hurts so much

Jeesha here’s one for you <3

“Girl by my side”
You have my love, my love for you uncontrollable it’s gonna grow and grow and now you’re
my obsession, it’s gonna turn to one of your problems with pain though I’ll suffice you with
sweet pain. Suffer with me, experience my love for you do anything for you my love. (No this
is not sweet home Alabama) that one popular friend, favourite cousin , best friend and what
not else could you be in my life? I can’t share you, you’re forever somebody I can blindly
trust. You’re so beautiful and pretty, I love you so much it hurts with sweet sugary pain
Just like last night you have the same cologne on. Sweet pies and love texts. Can’t resist you
at any point of my life. let’s let our love unfurl. Brown eyes, brown eyes. Yeah, that sunlight
glare. Floating kisses busting by the river , I’ve been missing your strawberry your kiss,
cause there’s nothing there as sweet as your strawberry kisses. For you, you’re the love of
my life I’m falling head over toes just for you.

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