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Slogan: How to travel and save the planet at the same time? Use GREENWAY!

Do you know how many CO2 you reject when you use your car for one year? Approximately
2 ton of CO2!
This number is just crazy and very worst for our blue planet.

What is our goal:

He’s very simple: optimize the displacement for travel around the world with the smaller
carbon footprint as possible.

How can we do that:

We have developed GREENWAY since 2017 to resolve this problem.

How it works:
This application is very simple for using. You have just to enter your travel and it calculate
the better way and the better conveyance for be ecological.
GREENWAY will bring you all the pertinent announces in internet and every application
(Blablacar, Lia, Uber, Citygo, Velib’…).
The travels are proposed in the order of the most ecological to the least ecological.

What is it costing you:

Absolutely NOTHING! The application works with publicities and this is how we are
remunerating. If you don’t want to have publicities, you can pay the premium version for 5€.
When you reserve a travel with our application, we perceive a commission, but it’s not
impacted your wallet.

Why take a commission from partner companies:

If everybody in the world use GREENWAY, we can seriously decrease the pollution.
The money is used to invest in the development, logistic.
The goal for 2022 is to have widespread GREENWAY all around the world.

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