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Lesson Plan for Class 6 CBSE using Quick, Draw!


Duration: 30 minutes

Lesson Title: Exploring Computer Vision with Quick, Draw!


1. Introduce students to computer vision and how AI can recognize and interpret drawings.
2. Develop students' understanding of how AI learns from data and improves its accuracy.

Materials Needed:

 Computer/Tablet with Internet Access

 Access to Quick, Draw! tool: Quick, Draw!
 Worksheet for recording observations and reflections
 Projector or Smartboard for demonstration

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction to Computer Vision (5 minutes)

 Greeting: Welcome the students and introduce the topic of computer vision.
 Explanation: Explain that computer vision is a field of AI that enables computers to
interpret and make decisions based on visual data (images or drawings).
 Examples: Mention examples like facial recognition, self-driving cars, and image search

2. Demonstrate Quick, Draw! (5 minutes)

 Show Example: Use a projector or smartboard to visit the Quick, Draw! website.
Explain that this game involves drawing objects that the AI will try to recognize in real-
 Live Demonstration: Draw a few objects on the website, thinking aloud as you interact.
Show how the AI guesses the drawing based on its training.

3. Students Play Quick, Draw! (15 minutes)

 Instructions: Guide students to open the Quick, Draw! game on their computers/tablets.
o Step 1: Visit the provided link.
o Step 2: Start a game and follow the prompts to draw different objects within 20
o Step 3: Observe how the AI guesses the drawing and see if it gets it right.
 Activity: Allow students to play multiple rounds of the game, encouraging them to
observe how the AI makes its guesses.
 Observations: Hand out worksheets for students to record their observations and
thoughts. Questions on the worksheet could include:
o "What objects did you draw, and did the AI guess them correctly?"
o "Were there any drawings the AI had difficulty recognizing?"
o "Did you notice any patterns in how the AI made its guesses?"

4. Share and Reflect (3 minutes)

 Discussion: Gather students and ask a few to share their experiences. What objects did
the AI recognize easily? Were there any surprises?
 Critical Thinking: Discuss the importance of training AI with a variety of data to
improve its accuracy.

5. Conclusion (2 minutes)

 Recap: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson:

o What computer vision is and how it helps computers understand drawings.
o How AI in Quick, Draw! uses data from many drawings to recognize objects.
 Closing Question: Ask students, "How do you think computer vision can be used to help
people in their daily lives?" Allow a few students to share their ideas.

6. Homework Assignment (Optional)

 Creative Assignment: Ask students to draw a picture of a scene with multiple objects.
Write a few sentences about which objects they think an AI might recognize and why.
This can be shared in the next class.

Note to Teacher:

 Be prepared to assist students with accessing and navigating the Quick, Draw! tool.
 Encourage students to ask questions and think critically about their observations.
 Adapt explanations to the students' understanding level.
Questions on Quick, Draw!

1. What objects did you draw, and did the AI guess them correctly?
o Objects Drawn: Participants draw various objects such as animals, household
items, or symbols.
o AI Accuracy: The AI's ability to guess correctly depends on how accurately the
drawing represents the object and how well-trained the AI model is for that
particular object category.
2. Were there any drawings the AI had difficulty recognizing?
o Complex Drawings: Drawings that are ambiguous or complex in shape may pose
challenges for the AI.
o Uncommon Objects: Objects outside common categories or less frequently
drawn items might be harder for the AI to identify.
3. Did you notice any patterns in how the AI made its guesses?
o Initial Guesses: The AI often starts with broad guesses based on basic shapes or
common features.
o Progressive Refinement: As more lines are drawn, the AI refines its guesses
based on additional details.
o Training Influence: AI guesses can reflect biases or strengths in its training data,
affecting its recognition accuracy.

Example Responses:

 Objects Drawn: "I drew a cat, a car, and a tree. The AI correctly guessed 'cat' and 'tree'
but struggled with 'car' until I added more details."
 Difficulty Recognizing: "Complex shapes like a dinosaur were challenging for the AI. It
initially guessed 'snake' or 'dragon' before recognizing it."
 Pattern in Guesses: "The AI often started with basic shapes like circles or lines and then
adjusted its guess as more details were added. It seemed to improve its accuracy with
each added stroke."

Educational Context:

These responses encourage students to observe how AI interprets visual information and
understand the challenges and strategies involved in AI-based recognition tasks. It prompts
critical thinking about AI capabilities and limitations in visual perception and pattern

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