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AI Excite Lesson Plan for Class 6

Duration: 30 minutes

Lesson Title: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Rock, Paper, Scissors Game


1. Students get their first taste of what problems Artificial Intelligence can solve and
become excited about learning the technology behind it.
2. Students gain the habit of solving problems by practicing critical thinking and self-
directed learning.

Materials Needed:

 Projector or Smartboard
 Laptop/Computer with Internet Access
 Access to the Afiniti Rock, Paper, Scissors AI game:
 Worksheets for reflection and critical thinking
 Paper and pens for brainstorming

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

 Greeting: Welcome the students and briefly introduce the topic of Artificial Intelligence.
 Warm-Up Question: Ask students, "Who has played Rock, Paper, Scissors before?" Let
a few students share their experiences.

2. Brief Introduction to AI (5 minutes)

 Explanation: Provide a simple definition of AI: "Artificial Intelligence is when

computers or robots can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, like
understanding language, recognizing patterns, or making decisions."
 Examples: Mention a few examples of AI they might be familiar with, like Siri, Alexa,
or recommendation systems on Netflix.

3. Rock, Paper, Scissors AI Game (10 minutes)

 Introduction to the Game: Explain that they will be playing Rock, Paper, Scissors
against an AI. The AI tries to learn their patterns to predict and beat their moves.
 Game Play:
o Step 1: Show the game on the projector and play a few rounds with the class,
explaining your choices and the AI's responses.
o Step 2: Allow students to come up and play a few rounds against the AI.
o Discussion: Ask students to observe how the AI tries to predict their moves.
Discuss briefly how the AI is using patterns to make decisions.

4. Reflection and Critical Thinking (7 minutes)

 Worksheet Activity: Distribute worksheets with questions to help students reflect on the
game and think critically:
o "What strategy did you use when playing Rock, Paper, Scissors?"
o "How do you think the AI was able to predict your moves?"
o "Can you think of other games or tasks where AI might be useful?"
 Group Discussion: Review the answers with the class, discussing their thoughts and any
new ideas they have about AI.

5. Conclusion (3 minutes)

 Recap: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson:

o What AI is and how it can solve problems.
o The use of AI in predicting patterns as seen in the Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
 Closing Question: Ask students, "Can you think of any everyday problems that AI could
help solve?" Allow a few students to share their ideas.

6. Homework Assignment (Optional)

 Creative Assignment: Ask students to think about and write down a problem they
encounter in their daily life and imagine how AI could solve it. This will be shared in the
next class.

Note to Teacher:

 Be prepared to answer basic questions about AI and provide simple explanations.

 Ensure the lesson remains interactive and engaging, especially during the game play.
 Adapt explanations to the students' understanding level.

How AI Predicts Moves in Rock, Paper, Scissors

1. Data Collection:
o AI collects data on previous moves made by the player. For instance, it records
sequences of moves like "rock, paper, scissors" or "paper, paper, rock".
2. Pattern Recognition:
o AI uses algorithms to analyze this data and identify patterns. It looks for recurring
sequences or tendencies in the player’s moves.
3. Decision-Making:
o Based on the identified patterns, AI makes predictions about the player’s next
move. For example, if the player has chosen "rock" twice after choosing
"scissors", the AI might predict "rock" again after "scissors".
4. Probability and Strategy:
o AI calculates probabilities for each possible move based on the patterns observed.
It then selects the move that it predicts has the highest likelihood of winning
against the player’s predicted move.
5. Adaptation and Learning:
o As the game progresses, AI continuously updates its predictions based on new
data (new moves by the player). It adapts its strategy to improve its prediction
accuracy over time.

Example Explanation:

 Imagine you've played Rock, Paper, Scissors against an AI several times. If the AI
notices that whenever you lose a round with "rock", you tend to switch to "paper" in the
next round, it might predict "rock" and counter with "paper" to win.
 AI's ability to predict moves relies on its analysis of your past choices and its
understanding of probabilities. The more data it gathers, the more accurate its predictions

Educational Context:

This explanation is designed to be straightforward, focusing on the concepts of data analysis,

pattern recognition, and decision-making in AI. It helps students understand how AI can make
predictions based on observed patterns, applying the concept to a familiar game scenario like
Rock, Paper, Scissors.

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