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Lesson Plan

1. Introduction to NLP (5 minutes)

 Greeting: Welcome the students and briefly introduce the topic of Natural Language
 Explanation: Explain that NLP is a part of AI that helps computers understand, interpret,
and respond to human language.
 Examples: Mention examples like Siri, Google Assistant, and chatbots on websites.

2. Demonstrate the "Human or Not?" Game (5 minutes)

 Show Example: Use a projector or smartboard to visit the "Human or Not?" game
website. Explain that this game involves chatting with either a human or an AI, and the
goal is to determine which one it is.
 Live Demonstration: ,
 Start a conversation on the website, thinking aloud as you interact. Show how you
analyze responses to guess whether it's a human or an AI.

3. Students Play the Game (15 minutes)

 Instructions: Guide students to open the "Human or Not?" game on their

o Step 1: Visit the provided link.
o Step 2: Start a conversation and ask questions to gather clues about whether they
are chatting with a human or an AI.
o Step 3: Make their guess and see if they were correct.
 Activity: Allow students to play multiple rounds of the game, encouraging them to think
critically about each response.
 Observations: Hand out worksheets for students to record their observations and
thoughts after each round. Questions on the worksheet could include:
o "What clues helped you decide whether it was a human or an AI?"
o "Were there any responses that surprised you?"
o "Did you notice any patterns in the AI’s responses?"

4. Share and Reflect (3 minutes)

 Discussion: Gather students and ask a few to share their experiences. What strategies did
they use to make their guesses? Were they surprised by the results?
 Critical Thinking: Discuss how AI can mimic human conversation and why it's
sometimes hard to tell the difference.

5. Conclusion (2 minutes)

 Recap: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson:

o What NLP is and how it helps computers understand human language.
o How interacting with AI chatbots can be both fun and challenging.
 Closing Question: Ask students, "How do you think chatbots can be useful in the
future?" Allow a few students to share their ideas.

6. Homework Assignment (Optional)

 Creative Assignment: Ask students to write a short story about a day in the life of a
chatbot. How does it help people, and what challenges does it face? This can be shared in
the next class.

Note to Teacher:

 Be prepared to assist students with accessing and navigating the game website.
 Encourage students to ask questions and think critically about their interactions.
 Adapt explanations to the students' understanding level.


Questions for Reflection on "Human or Not" Game

1. What clues helped you decide whether it was a human or an AI?

o Behavioral Cues: Participants may notice differences in response time,
consistency, or the nature of responses.
o Language Use: Human-like nuances, emotional expression, or colloquialisms
might indicate a human responder.
o Logical Patterns: AI might exhibit consistent logical reasoning or structured
responses that differ from human spontaneity.
2. Were there any responses that surprised you?
o Unexpected Complexity: Some AI responses might simulate human-like
complexity or emotional depth, surprising participants.
o Inconsistencies: Responses that appear too perfect or error-free might raise
suspicion of AI, especially in repetitive tasks.
3. Did you notice any patterns in the AI’s responses?
o Repetitive Structures: AI might use similar sentence structures or phrasing
across different interactions.
o Content Focus: Consistent themes or topics addressed in responses can indicate
AI's programmed focus or limitations.
o Adaptability: AI might adjust responses based on user interactions, showing a
learning component or adaptive behavior.

Example Responses:

 Clues: "I noticed that the AI responses were very precise and lacked emotional nuances
that humans typically show."
 Surprises: "Some AI responses seemed surprisingly empathetic, which made it
challenging to distinguish them from human responses."
 Patterns: "The AI tended to repeat certain phrases when responding to similar questions,
suggesting programmed responses rather than spontaneous answers."

Educational Context:

These questions encourage critical thinking and observation skills among participants, helping
them understand how AI simulates human behavior and the complexities involved in
distinguishing between AI and human responses. It prompts deeper reflection on the capabilities
and limitations of AI in mimicking human interaction.

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