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Accounting Analysis Journal 7(2) (2018) 135-143

Accounting Analysis Journal

The Determinans Of Earnings Response Coefficient:

An Empirical Study For The Real Estate And Property Companies Listed
On The Indonesia Stock Exchange

Jacobus Widiatmoko*1 and MG. Kentris Indarti2

Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Unisbank University Semarang


Article History: This study aimed to examine the influence of the earnings persistence, growth, system-
Received January 15, 2018 atic risk, capital structure, and company’s size on the earnings response coefficient. The
Accepted March 1, 2018 population of this research are the real estate and property companies listed on the In-
Available July 31, 2018 donesia Stock Exchange from 2011-2014. Samples were selected by using the purposive
sampling method and obtained as much as 52, 52, 51 and 50 companies respectively.
The ordinary least square regression was used in this research to analyze the data. The
result shows that the earnings persistence and capital structure have positive and signifi-
Earnings persistence; cant effect on the earnings response coefficient, the company’s growth has negative and
Company’s growth; significant on earnings response coefficient, while systematic risk, and firm size have no
Systematic risk; effect on earnings response coefficient. This condition indicates that the profit obtained
Capital structure; by the company increases continuously, so that investors will more react to the earnings
Company’s size; information and investors prefer to pay attention to the profit figure rather than paying
Earnings response coefficient attention to the opportunity to grow a company.

© 2018 Published by UNNES. This is an open access

article under the CC BY license (

INTRODUCTION positive. Conversely, if unexpected earnings is negative,

abnormal rate of return on average is negative. One of
Investment decisions in financial markets are in-
the tools that can be used to gauge the investors’ reaction
fluenced by information resources. From the viewpoint
to accounting earning information is the Earnings Res-
of stock exchange theorists, one useful source of data
ponse Coefficient (ERC) (Cho and Jung, 1991).
is financial statements, with one of the main goals of
ERC is an estimate of the company’s stock price
financial statements is to help users and facilitate their
changes as a result of the company’s earning informati-
decision_making. One of the most important factors in
on announced to the market (Cheng and Nasir, 2010).
financial reporting is the announcement of information
The earnings response coefficient (ERC) is another me-
related to earnings, which has probably attracted the
asure for the abnormal return observed in reaction to
highest rate of attention from investors (Moradi, et al,
unexpected elements of earnings announced by a firm
publishing its earnings report. In other words, ERC me-
When it has been announced, the market had
asures the sensitivity of stock markets to the reporting
expectations about how much profit of the company
of earnings through a regression slope coefficient bet-
on the basis of available information (Soewardjono,
ween abnormal returns and unexpected earnings (Scott,
2005). The difference between the expectations and
the company’s profit is earnings surprises (unexpected
Research on ERC is helpful for investors in funda-
earnings). Studies conducted by Ball and Brown (1968)
mental analysis to determine market reaction on the ear-
about the relationship between stock prices and earnings
nings information of a company. Investors are expected
that reveal information of the unexpected change in the
to be able to predict the stock price of the earnings in-
positive earnings has abnormal rate of return on average
formation to have an understanding of the factors that
* E-mail:
influence the ERC. Several factors can affect the ERC
Address: Jl. Kendeng V Bendan Ngisor, Semarang City, Central are the persistence of earnings, the company’s growth,
Java, Indonesia the company’s risk, capital structure, and the size of the

DOI 10.15294/aaj.v7i2.27321 p-ISSN 2252-6765 e-ISSN 2502-6216

136 Jacobus Widiatmoko and MG. Kentris Indarti, The Determinans Of Earnings Response Coefficient: An Empirical Study ...
company (Rofika, 2015). different results indicated by research Rofika (2015) and
Earning persistence is an earning that has the Susanto (2012) which concluded that there is positive
ability as an indicator of future earnings generated by effect but not significant of the systematic risk on the
the company repetitively in the long term (sustainable) ERC.
(Penman, 2003).Earnings persistence is the influence of The capital structure of the company described
an innovation to the accounting earning expected in the the comparison between long-term debt and equity capi-
future (Kormendi and Lipe, 1987). The persistence of tal used by the company (Brigham and Houston, 2010).
earnings reflects the quality of corporate earning and The capital structure is proxied by the leverage ratio.
show that the company can retain earnings over time. Companies that have high leverage value indicate that
The existence of earnings persistence showed that the the company has a large debt. Thus, if the company has
company was able to maintain its earning. This means increased earnings, the company will choose to pay the
that more permanent changes in earnings over time the debt to the creditor than the cash dividends to investors.
higher the ERC, because this condition indicates that the Therefore, the relationship between capital structure
earning that earned by the company is increasing conti- and the ERC is negative. This means that the higher the
nuously. capital structure of the company then the ERC level will
Research on the effect of the earnings persisten- be lower, and conversely the lower the company’s capital
ce to the ERC has been done a lot. Researchs by Kor- structure then the ERC level will be higher. The results
mendi and Lipe (1987), Easton and Zmijweski (1989), of Moradi, et al research (2010) show that financial le-
as well as Delvira and Nelvirita (2013) concluded that verage is relevant information considered by the market
the earnings persistence have a significantly positive ef- in response to unexpected earnings.
fect on the ERC. Otherwise, research by Susanto (2012) Other researchers examined the effect of capital
and Ngadiman and Hartini (2011) found the different structure on ERC, such as Dhaliwal, et al. (1991), Rofika
results, earnings persistence have significantly negative (2015), Mulyani, et al (2007), as well as Ngadiman and
effect on the ERC. Meanwhile, Rofika (2015) founds Hartini (2011). Research Dhaliwal, et al. (1991), and
that earnings persistence has negative and in significant Mulyani, et al (2007) found that the capital structure of
effect on the ERC. the significant negative effect on the ERC. Meanwhile,
The growth of the company described the ben- the results of research by Rofika (2015) and Ngadiman
chmark for the success of the company. Such success and Hartini (2011) indicate that capital structure does
is also a measure of investment growth in the future. not affect the ERC.
Earning information on the growing companies will be Company size is the whole of the assets owned
responded positively by investors. Companies that have by the company that can be seen from the left side of
greater growth opportunities will have higher ERC (Col- the balance sheet (Horne and Wachowicz, 2005). Larger
lins and Kothari, 1989). This condition indicates that companies have bigger sales, bigger capital, and more
the greater the opportunity to grow the company, the employees. Larger companies also allow better perfor-
higher the chance of the company to acquire or increase mance, because they tend to be the public spotlight. The-
earning from the company in the future. refore, companies that are bigger will disclose more in-
Some researchers who examined the effect of formation, so that investors will respond to information
the company’s growth to the ERC among others Rofi- more profit. Thus, the size of the company has positive
ka (2015), Arfan and Antasari (2008), and Setiawati, et effect on the ERC. The bigger the company, the compa-
al (2014). The research done by Rofika (2015) and Ar- ny ERC will be greater.
fan and Antasari (2008) found evidence that the growth The results of research by Chaney, Paul K. and
of the company has a significant positive effect on the Jeter (1992), and Setiawati et al (2014) showed that the
ERC. Meanwhile, research of Setiawati, et al (2014) size of the company’s significant positive effect on the
found that the growth opportunities have a negative ef- ERC. However, the different results shown by studies
fect, but not statistically significant on the ERC. of Zmijwiski and Easton (1989), Rofika (2015), Arfan
Systematic risk is the variability of the realized and Antasari (2008), as well as Ngadiman and Harti-
return to the expected return (Hartono, 2009). Investors ni (2011) who found that company size does not affect
will reduce the level of the risk their receive by consi- on the ERC. The results of the study that were not con-
dering the risk of the company in making investment sistent motivated to do retesting the effect of earnings
decisions. Companies with a higher risk will get lower persistence, growth, systematic risk, capital structure
trust from investor. It is caused by investor expectations and size on the company Earnings Response Coefficient
of corporate earning become smaller. This means that (ERC).
the higher the risk of a company, the lower of the inves-
tor reaction to the unexpected earnings, causing its Ear- HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT
nings Response Coefficient will get low, and vice versa.
Signalling theory
Systematic risk is also one of the determinant va-
riables of ERC that is widely studied by previous rese- Signalling Theory is based on the problem of
archers. Results of research by Easton and Zmijewski information asymmetry that occurs within the market
(1989), Collins and Kothari (1989), as well as Delvira (Jama’an, 2008). Information asymmetry occurs bet-
and Nelvirita (2013) indicates that the systematic risk ween the parties as a party who has a lot of information
has significantly negative effect on the ERC. However, about the condition of the company and stakeholders as
Accounting Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018) 135-143 137
a party who has limited knowledge about the condition tained in the company’s earnings. Conversely, the lower
of the company. According to this theory, information the value of the ERC, the less information of the com-
asymmetry can be reduced by signalling by those who pany earnings.
have much information to others. Signalling Theory tells
about how a company should signal to users of financial The Influence of Earnings Persistence on Earnings
statements. This signal is about information what has Response Coefficient (ERC)
been done by management to realize the desire of the Earning persistence is an earning that has the
owner. ability as an indicator of future earnings generated by
Information is an important element for inves-
the company repetitively in the long term (sustainable)
tors and businessman because information essentially
(Penman, 2003).An earnings information announce-
presents information, notes or images for both the past,
ment gives a signal that the company has good prospects
present and future circumstances for the survival of a
in the future (good news) so that investors are interested
company. Information that is comprehensive, relevant,
to make an investment. The high earning persistence
accurate, timely, and much needed by investors in the
shows that the company can retain earnings over time.
capital market as an analytical tool to make investment
Accordingly, investors reacted to information of cor-
decisions. Information published as an announcement
porate earning that indicates its persistence. Therefore,
will give a signal to investors in making investment deci-
the higher the earnings persistence of the company, the
sions. If the announcement contains a positive value, it
higher the ERC. Those statement is supported by rese-
is expected to increase the market price of the securities
arch of Kormendi and Lipe (1987), Easton and Zmij-
weski (1989), Mulyani, et al (2007), as well as Delvira
Announcement of earnings information pro-
and Nelvirita (2013) who found that earnings persisten-
vides a signal that the company has good prospects in
ce significant positive effect on the ERC. Then the hy-
the future (good news), so that investors are interested
pothesis is formulated:
in investing. The reaction of investors would increase
the value of Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC). And H1: Earnings persistence has positive influence on
vice versa, the absence of a signal indicating the expec- Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC).
tation of earnings of companies in the future will make
the investors did not react, thereby decreasing the ERC. The Influence of Company Growth on the Earnings
Response Coefficient (ERC)
Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC)
The company growth explains the company’s
The magnitude that shows the relationship bet- prospects in the future. The company growth is proxy
ween profit and stock return used to measure how much by growth opportunities. Growth opportunities faced in
market reaction to information about the company as the future is a good prospect that can bring profits for
reflected by the release of financial statements, especi- the company. This condition indicates that the greater
ally information on profit known as Earnings Response the company’s opportunity to grow, the higher the chan-
Coefficient (ERC).ERC is the coefficient obtained from ce of companies profit or increase profits in the future.
the regression between stock price proxy and accounting This will attract the attention of investors to invest in the
profit. The stock price proxy used is Cumulative Abnor- company that will increase the company’s stock price
mal Return (CAR), while the accounting profit proxy in the future. This is supported by Rofika (2015), Ar-
is Unexpected Earning (EU). Generally, ERC is me- fan and Antasari (2008) research which showed that the
asured by showing the coefficient slope in regression of growth opportunities have a significant positive effect on
abnormal stock return with unexpected earnings (Scott, the ERC. Then the hypothesis is formulated:
2009).This shows that ERC is a reaction to the profit
H2: The company growth has positive influence on
announced by the company.
Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC).
The changes in stock prices move in accordance
with investor confidence. This is in line with the Efficien-
The Influence of Systematic Risk to Earnings Re-
cy Market Theory which states that the market will react
sponse Coefficient (ERC)
quickly to new information, so shortly before and after
the financial statements are released, information on the Systematic risk is the risk associated with the vo-
published earnings numbers will affect the behaviour of latility of stocks and investment experienced by all wit-
investors. If unexpected earnings are positive, then have hout exception. Investors will reduce the level of risk
abnormal rate of return on average positive. Conversely, acceptance by considering the risk of a company in ma-
if unexpected earnings are negative then have abnormal king investment decisions. The sensitivity of investors to
rate of return on average negative. information about small-risk firms will be greater becau-
There are several variables that cause different se firms with less risk are more secure. This shows that
market responses to earnings, among others earnings the higher the risk of a company, the lower the investor
persistence, company growth, corporate risk, capital reaction to the unexpected earnings, causing its Ear-
structure, and firm size. Therefore, the company’s res- nings Response Coefficient would be lower anyway, and
ponse varies from one company to another. The higher vice versa. This is supported by Easton and Zmijewski
the value of the ERC, the higher the information con- (1989), Collins and Kothari (1989), Mulyani, et al (2007)
138 Jacobus Widiatmoko and MG. Kentris Indarti, The Determinans Of Earnings Response Coefficient: An Empirical Study ...
researchs, as well as Delvira and Nelvirita (2013) which size of the company is the total assets of the company.
showed that the systematic risk has a significant negative Companies with a larger size have the initiative to re-
effect on the ERC. Then the hypothesis is formulated: veal more information when compared with companies
H3: Systematic risk has negative influence on Earn- that are smaller in size. The more availability of infor-
ings Response Coefficient (ERC). mation resources in large companies, it will increase the
ERC in the long term. The statement was supported by
The Influence of Capital Structure on Earnings Re- Susanto’s (2012), Mulyani, et al (2007), and Setiawati,
sponse Coefficient (ERC) et al (2014) studies which concluded that firm size had a
significant positive effect on ERC. Then the hypothesis
Companies with high leverage level means having is formulated:
a debt greater than its total assets. The leverage ratio
may indicate risks faced by the company, because of the H5: Size of the company has positive influence on
greater risks faced by the company, the uncertainty of Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC).
future earning will also increase (Widiatmoko and Ma-
yangsari, 2016). If there is an increase in earnings, then METHOD
the beneficiaries are debt holders, so that investors will Population and Sample
not respond to earnings information that contains high
leverage value. Thus, there is a negative relationship The population in this study are the real estate
between leverage and the ERC. The higher the capital and property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
structure (leverage), the lower the ERC and vice versa. Exchange 2011-2014. The reason is that in recent years
The statement is in line with Dhaliwal’s research, et al. the real estate and property industries have developed
(1991) and Mulyani, et al (2011) found that capital struc- quite rapidly so that the appeal to investors and poten-
ture had a significant negative effect on ERC. Then the tial investors. Samples were selected by using purposi-
hypothesis is formulated:
ve sampling technique and the results are presented in
H4: The capital structure has negative influence on Table 1. Based on table 1, it is known that the number
Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC). of the real estate and property companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period 2011-
The Influence of Company Size on the Earnings
2014 are 52, 52, 51 and 50 respectively. Based on the
Response Coefficient (ERC)
predetermined criteria, the samples are 28, 27, 28 and
Company size is the whole of the assets owned by 36 respectively, so that the amount of data processed in
the company. One of the benchmarks that indicates the this research is 119.

Table 1. The Population and Sample

No Information 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total
Real estate and property company listed on the Indonesia Stock Ex- 52 52 51 50 205
change (BEI) in 2011-2014
1 Not to publish annual financial reports consistently over years of re- (5) (4) (4) (2) (15)
search that is 2011-2014 in the official website of the Stock Exchange.
2 The Company obtained the opinion adverse opinion or disclaimer of 0 0 (2) (2) (4)
3 Experiencing delisted from the Indonesia Stock Exchange so it can- 0 0 0 0 0
not continue to trade on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the
period of estimation.
4 Have a negative retained earnings or losses during the study period. (19) (21) (17) (10) (67)
Total Sample 28 27 28 36 119

Operational Definition and Measurement of UE = Unexpected Earnings

Variables Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC) α = Coefficient
(ERC) β = The coefficient of the regression results
ERC is obtained from the slope coefficient β bet- e = error
ween cumulative abnormal return (CAR) and the unex-
pected earnings (UE) (Mulyani, et al., 2007; Syarifulloh ERC indicates the extent of the information con-
and Wahyudin, 2016), which can be expressed in the tent of earnings of the company. When statistically β
empirical model as follows: not equal to zero, meaning that earning contains use-
ful information for investors in decision-making. ERC
CAR = α + β (UE) + e calculation is done in two stages. The first stage is to
Explanation: calculate the CAR. Furthermore, the second stage is cal-
CAR = Cummulative Abnormal Return culates the UE.
Accounting Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018) 135-143 139
Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) Explanation:
Xit = Earning of firm i in period t
CAR is a proxy of the stock price or market reac- = Constant
tion (Soewardjono, 2005). The formula used to calculate = coefficient regression results (earnings
CAR, namely: persistence)
Xit-1 = Earnings of firm i in period t-1
e = Error component

Explanation: Company growth

CARit(-3,+3) = Cumulative Abnormal Return of Investors will give a greater response to the com-
firm during the observation period of pany with the possibility of high growth, because it will
approximately 3 days from the date of provide high benefits in the future. The growth opportu-
publication of financial statements nity variable can be measured from the market to book
ARit = Abnormal return for firm i on day t ratio, which is the ratio between the market value of
equity and the book value of equity (Palupi, 2006, An,
To obtain the data of the abnormal returns, it 2015). The formula is as follows:
must first seek daily stock returns and daily market re-
Market Value of Equity
turn. Market to Book Ratio =
Equity Book Value
ARit = Rit – Rmt
Systematic risk
Pit – Pit-1
Rit = Systematic risk is the risk that can not be elimina-
ted by diversifying, because the fluctuation of this risk
Rmt = IHSGt– IHSGt-1 is influenced by macro factors that can affect the overall
IHSGt-1 market. The systematic risk (beta) is measured by using
Explanation: market model. (Hartono, 2013). Measurement of beta
ARit = Abnormal return of firm i on day t can use the following formula:
Rit = Return to the company in the period-t
Pit = The closing price of the stock i on day t Rit = α + β Rmt + e
Pit-1 = closing price of share i on day t-1
Rmt = Return to the market in the period-t Explanation:
IHSGt = Composite Index on day t Rit = Return stock company i in period t
IHSGt-1 = composite stock price index on day t-1 = Constant
= Beta stocks (systematic risk
Unexpected Earnings (UE) indicators)
Rmt = Return market in period t
UE is defined as the difference between accounting e = Error component
earning expected by the market. The calculation uses
earnings per share (EPS) measurement with random Capital structure
walk model (Moradi et al., 2010). UE formula is:
Proxy for company’s capital structure is leverage.
UEit = (EPSit – EPSit-1) EPSit-1 High leverage level indicates that the company has more
Explanation: debt than capital. Therefore, the capital structure is ne-
UEit = Unexpected Earnings firm i in period t gatively related to the ERC. Measurement of leverage
EPSit = Earnings per share for firm i in period t uses the ratio of total debt (liabilities) to the total assets
EPSit-1= Earnings per share for firm i in period t-1 of the company (Dhaliwal et al., 1991, Mulyani et al.,
2007, Widiatmoko and Mayangsari, 2016), which is for-
Earnings persistence mulated as follows:

The earnings persistence is earning that has Leverage = Total Liabilities

the ability of indicators of future earnings generated                  Total Assets
by the company repeatedly (Sunarto, 2010). The more
persistent an accounting earning, the greater the value Company size
of the ERC. Earnings persistence can be measured using The size of the company is divided into two cate-
the regression coefficient between accounting earning gories, namely large company size (large firm) and small
in the current period to the prior period accounting companies (small firm). There is a positive relationship
earning. Formula earnings persistence, namely:
between company size and ERC, because large size
companies will present more information, thus getting
more response from investors. Parameter that can be
used to measure the size of the company is the number
140 Jacobus Widiatmoko and MG. Kentris Indarti, The Determinans Of Earnings Response Coefficient: An Empirical Study ...
of assets owned by the company. In this study, the size variable and control
of the company measured by using the natural log of Persist = Earnings persistence
the assets of each company (Collins and Kothari, 1989, Growth = Firm’s growth
Riantani and Nurzamzam, 2015). The formula is: Risk = Systematic risk
Lev = Leverage (Capital structure)
UP = Ln (TA) Size = Companies size
Explanation: e = Component error
UP = Company size
TA = Total assets
Descriptive statistics for all variables after the
transformation can be seen in Table 2. The variables
Data analysis technique
analyzed were the ERC, earnings persistence, growth,
Data analysis techniques used in this research is systematic risk, capital structure (leverage), and size.
regression ordinary least squares (OLS), with the follo- ERC variable as the dependent variable indicates the
wing equation: minimum value -0.4694 which occurred at PT. Jaya
Real Property Tbk (JRPT) 2012. The minimum value is
caused due to the share price before and after the date
of publication did not differ significantly. The maximum
value of 0.3805 occurs in PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol
ERC = Earnings Response Coefficient Tbk (PJAA) in 2012. The maximum value is caused
because the stock price after the publication date is
= Constant
constantly increasing. The ERC variable has an average
, , , , = Coefficient of each independent value of 0.0132 and a standard deviation of 0.0937.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
ERC 103 -.4694 .3805 .013212 .0937305
Persist 103 -.3583 2.3734 .806948 .6716278
Growth 103 .1942 17.9502 1.7435E0 1.9798157
Risk 103 -3.9584 4.5646 .448803 1.4094481
Lev 103 .0582 .6942 .413791 .1307777
Size 103 25.7210 31.0747 2.8899E1 1.3022281
Valid N (listwise) 103

Earnings persistence variable shows the mini- lue of 4.5646 occurs in the company of PT. Duta Ang-
mum value of -0.3583 is owned by PT. Danayasa Artha- gada Realty Tbk (DART) in 2014, this is because the
tama Tbk (SCBD) in 2014. The minimum value occurs stock price changes significantly. The systematic risk va-
because of changes in income that is not persistent. The riable shows an average value of 0.448, and a standard
maximum value of 2.3734 occurs in PT. Bekasi Fajar deviation of 1.409.
Industrial Estate Tbk (BEST) 2012.This value is due to The variable of capital structure (Leverage)
a substantial increase in profits. Earnings persistence va- shows the minimum value of 0.0582 that occurs in PT.
riable has an average value of 0.806948 with a standard Agung Podomoro Land Tbk (APLN) in 2012.The mini-
deviation of 0.6716. mum value occurs because the company has a relatively
Company growth variable shows minimum va- small debt compared to its total assets. The maximum
lue 0.1942 owned by PT. Mas Murni Indonesia Tbk value of 0.6942 happened at PT. Summarecon Agung
(MAMI) in 2014.The cause of the minimum value ob- Tbk (SMRA) in 2011. The maximum value is caused
tained by PT. Mas Murni Indonesia Tbk is due to its by PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk has less debt compared
price per share is the lowest compared with other com- to its total assets. The capital structure variable (Levera-
panies. Maximum value of 17.9500 occurred at PT. Jaya ge) shows the average value of 0.4137 and the standard
Real Property Tbk (JRPT) in 2012. This is because the deviation of 0.1307.
number of outstanding shares of PT. Jaya Real Property Size variable shows the minimum value of
Tbk (JRPT) in 2012 more and the price per share is qui- 25.7210 that occurred at PT. Bekasi Asri Pemula Tbk
te high. The company’s growth variable has an average (BAPA) in 2012, this value is occurs because the total
value of 1.7435E0 with a standard deviation value of assets of the company is smallest compared to the to-
1.978. tal assets of other companies. The maximum value of
The systematic risk variable shows the minimum 31.0747 occurs at PT. Lippo Karawaci Tbk (LPKR) in
value of -3.9584, occurring at PT. Bekasi Asri Pemula 2013, because the total value of its assets is relatively
Tbk (BAPA) in 2012. The minimum value resulting from large compared to others. The maximum value is due
stock prices in 2012 did not increase. The maximum va- to PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk has less debt than its
Accounting Analysis Journal 7 (2) (2018) 135-143 141
total assets. The Size variable shows an average value of limit (du) of 1.7814 and the upper limit (4-du) of 2.2183,
2.8899E1 with a standard deviation of 1.3022. it can be concluded that there is no autocorrelation.
The result of determination coefficient test shows
Hypothesis Testing that the value of Adjusted R Square is 0,270.Thus, it can
be concluded that the variables of earnings persistence,
Normality testing in this study was conducted by
systematic risk, company growth, capital structure (le-
using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. The result of norma-
verage) and size of the firm are able to explain the va-
lity test before transformation with 119 data shows that
riability of ERC of 27%.The remaining 73% can be ex-
the residual significance value of 0.000 is smaller than
plained by other variables not included in this research
0.05, so it can be concluded that the data is not normally
model. The simultaneous test results in table 4 shows the
distributed. Since regression analysis requires normally
F value of 8,561 with a significance level of 0.000 smal-
distributed data, the next step taken is to eliminate out-
ler than 0.05, which means that the variables of earnings
lier data. The result of residual normality test after trans-
persistence, systematic risk, growth, capital structure (le-
formation shows that the value of 0.777 is greater than
verage) and size of the firm can be used to predict the
0.05, so it can be concluded that the data is normally
value of Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC).
distributed with the amount of data 103.
Variable earnings persistence has a beta coef-
The results of heteroscedasticity test are presented
ficient of 0.026 with a significance level of 0.044, less
in Table 3. Based on table 4, it can be seen that the pro-
than 0.05. These findings prove that earnings persistence
bability value of all variables is above the 5% confidence
has significant positive effect on the ERC. The results
level. Thus we can conclude that there are no symptoms
are consistent with research by Mulyani, et al (2007)
of heteroscedasticity in the regression model.
and Delvira & Nelvirita (2013) which proves that the
earnings persistence has positive and significant effect
Table 3. Test results of Heteroskidastity Testing
on the ERC. Earning persistence is the effect of an in-
using the Park Test
novation on expected accounting earnings in the future.
Unstandardized Standardized The existence of earnings persistence showed that the
Coefficient Coefficient
Model t sig company was able to maintain its profit. If the change
B Beta in earnings increases over time, the higher the value of
ERC because this condition indicates that the earning
Constant 1.311 4.639 .283 .778
generated by the company increases continuously, so
Persist .103 .311 .035 .332 .740
that investors will more react to the earnings informa-
Growth -.194 .103 -.193 -1.889 .062
Risk -.274 .147 -.193 -1.860 .066
The growth variable has a beta coefficient value
Lev 1.287 1.567 .084 .822 .413
of -0.027 with a significance level of 0.000, lower than
Size -.251 .164 -.164 -1.527 .13
a. Dependent Variable: LNSQRES_1 0.05.These results indicate that company growth has a
significant negative effect on ERC. These findings are
Table 4. The Results of Hypothesis Testing consistent with the results of research conducted by
Indra, et al (2011) which showed that the growth of the
Unstan Stan
company has a significant negative effect on the Ear-
dardized dardized
Model Coefficient Coefficient t sig VIF
nings Response Coefficient (ERC).The explanation that
Std can be given is that investors prefer to pay attention to the
ß ß profit figure rather than paying attention to the opportu-
Constant 0.278 0.191 1.455 0.149 nity to grow in a company. In investing, investors tend to
Persist 0.026 0.013 0.187 2.041 0.044 1.180 want to get a short-term profit that is capital gains rather
Growth -0.027 0.004 -0.566 -6.310 0.000 1.125 than long-term gains. In companies with high growth ra-
Risk -0006 0.006 -0.094 -1.030 0.306 1.164 tes, usually have a low dividend rate. This is because in a
Lev 0.119 0.065 0.167 1.847 0.068 1.138 high growth company, the funds should be distributed as
Size -.010 0.007 -0.138 -0.138 0.147 1.239 cash dividend to shareholders is used for reinvestment.
DW : 2.074 Variable systematic risk has a beta coefficient of
R2 : 0.306 -0.006 with a significance level of 0.306, greater than
R2Adjusted : 0.270 0.05. The result of the third hypothesis testing shows
Fcount : 8.561 that the systematic risk variable has no effect on ERC.
Sig F : 0.000 This result is in line with the results of a study conducted
by Susanto (2012) which states that the systematic risk
The result of multicollinearity test shown in table does not significantly affect the ERC. This is probably
4 shows that the persistence of profit, company growth, caused by the investor on the Stock Exchange is a risk
systematic risk, leverage structure, and firm size have to- taker (dare to take the risk). In addition, investors do
lerance values greater than 0.1 and VIF value less than not consider that profit is an indicator of earnings power
10. It is means that the regression model is free from and returns in the future.
multicollinearity problems. Based on table 4 also seen The capital structure variable (leverage) has a
that with the amount of data as much as 103 DW value beta coefficient value of 0.119 with a significance level
of 2.074.The DW value of 2,074 is between the lower of 0.068, greater than 0.05.Thus H4 which states the
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