AI Purpose Third Period AI Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Class 7

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AI Purpose Lesson Plan for Class 7

Duration: 30 minutes

Lesson Title: AI Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


1. Introduce students to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role of AI in
achieving these goals.
2. Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving by designing AI solutions for specific

Materials Needed:

 Computer/Tablet with Internet Access

 Projector or Smartboard for demonstration
 Printable SDG icons or a chart of the 17 SDGs
 Markers, pens, and pencils
 Worksheet for recording ideas and reflections

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction to SDGs and AI (5 minutes)

Greeting and Objective Introduction (2 minutes)

 Greeting: Welcome the students to the class.

 Objective: Explain that today’s lesson will introduce the United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and explore how AI can help achieve these goals.

What are the SDGs? (3 minutes)

 Explanation: Briefly explain the 17 SDGs, which aim to address global challenges such
as poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation by 2030.
 Examples: Show a chart or images of the 17 SDGs. Highlight a few examples, such as:
o No Poverty (Goal 1)
o Quality Education (Goal 4)
o Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6)
o Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7)
o Climate Action (Goal 13)
2. Role of AI in Achieving SDGs (5 minutes)

Explanation and Examples (5 minutes)

 Explanation: Discuss how AI can be used to address and solve problems related to the
SDGs. AI can analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and create efficient solutions to
complex issues.
 Examples: Provide a few examples of AI applications for SDGs:
o AI in Healthcare (Goal 3): AI algorithms can analyze medical data to predict
disease outbreaks and improve patient care.
o AI in Education (Goal 4): AI-powered tools can provide personalized learning
experiences for students.
o AI in Climate Action (Goal 13): AI can predict natural disasters and optimize
renewable energy sources.

3. Group Activity: Designing AI Solutions for SDGs (15 minutes)

Group Formation and Instructions (2 minutes)

 Group Formation: Divide students into small groups and ensure each group has access
to a computer or tablet.
 Instructions: Assign each group one or two SDGs to focus on. Explain that they will
brainstorm and design AI solutions to help achieve their assigned SDGs.

Brainstorming AI Solutions (5 minutes)

 Activity: Ask each group to discuss the problems related to their assigned SDGs and
brainstorm how AI can help solve these problems.
o Example questions to guide brainstorming:
 What specific issues are associated with this SDG?
 How can AI be used to address these issues?
 What kind of data would AI need to analyze to create a solution?

Designing AI Solutions (8 minutes)

 Drawing and Planning: Have each group draw or write down their AI solutions. They
should describe:
o The problem they are addressing.
o How their AI solution works.
o The expected impact of their AI solution on the SDG.
 Encouragement: Encourage creativity and detailed thinking in their solutions.
4. Presentations and Conclusion (5 minutes)

Group Presentations (3 minutes)

 Sharing Solutions: Ask each group to briefly present their AI solutions to the class.
They should explain:
o The SDG they focused on.
o The problem they addressed.
o Their AI solution and its expected impact.

Conclusion and Reflection (2 minutes)

 Recap: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson:

o The importance of the SDGs.
o How AI can contribute to solving global challenges and achieving SDGs.
 Reflection Worksheet: Distribute a worksheet with reflective questions:
o "Which SDG do you think is most important and why?"
o "How can AI make a difference in achieving this goal?"
o "What other ways can technology help solve global challenges?"

Homework Assignment (Optional)

 Research and Presentation: Ask students to research another SDG and write a brief
report on how AI can help achieve that goal. They can present their findings in the next

Note to Teacher:

 Be prepared to assist students with understanding the SDGs and brainstorming AI

 Encourage students to ask questions and think critically about the use of AI in addressing
global challenges.
 Adapt explanations to the students' understanding level.

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