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(Success Begins With

(Foreign Standards)
(The 1987 Constitution)
(7 Continents)
(5 Oceans)
(5 Races)
(8 Millennium Goals)
(Newspaper Articles)
(Test papers)
(Group Papers)
(The Eras)
The 7 Continents of the World


1. Asia

- The largest continent, known for its diverse cultures, landscapes, and rich
history. It includes countries like China, India, Russia, and Japan.

2. Africa

- Known for its vast deserts, diverse wildlife, and a mix of ancient and modern
cultures. Countries like Nigeria, Egypt, and South Africa are part of this continent.

3. North America

- Comprising countries such as the United States, Canada, and Mexico, it's
characterized by diverse landscapes, from the Arctic tundra to tropical rainforests.

4. South America

- Home to the Amazon Rainforest, the Andes Mountains, and vibrant cultures.
Countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Peru are located here.

5. Antarctica

- The southernmost continent, covered mostly by ice. It has no permanent human

population, and scientific research stations are the primary human presence.


-Known for its historical landmarks, diverse languages, and cultural heritage.
Countries like France, Germany, and Italy are part of this continent.

7. Australia

- Often referred to as a country and a continent, Australia is known for its unique
wildlife, vast deserts, and coastal cities like Sydney and Melbourne.


1. Pacific Ocean

- The largest and deepest ocean, covering more area than all the landmasses
combined. It is known for its diverse marine life, including the Great Barrier
Reef, and is surrounded by numerous countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

2. Atlantic Ocean

- The second-largest ocean, separating the Americas from Europe and Africa.
It is vital for global shipping and trade, known for its powerful ocean currents,
including the Gulf Stream.

3. Indian Ocean

- The third-largest ocean, characterized by warm waters and rich biodiversity.

It borders countries in South Asia, East Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast

4. Southern Ocean

- Also known as the Antarctic Ocean, it surrounds Antarctica. It is the smallest

and youngest of the oceans, and its waters are often colder and less explored
than those of other oceans.

5. Arctic Ocean

- The smallest and shallowest ocean, located around the North Pole. It is
covered by sea ice, and its frigid waters are home to unique Arctic wildlife.
The Arctic region is gaining attention due to climate change impacts on ice


1. Caucasoid

- This group includes people from Europe, Western Asia, South Asia, and North
Africa. Caucasoid individuals typically have lighter skin tones, straight or wavy
hair, and a variety of facial features.

2. Mongoloid

- Encompassing populations from East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the
Arctic, the Americas, and some Pacific Islanders, Mongoloid individuals often
have distinctive facial features such as epicanthic folds (the skin fold of the upper
eyelid covering the inner corner of the eye), and a wide range of skin tones and
hair types.

3. Negroid

- This category historically referred to people from Sub-Saharan Africa. Negroid

individuals generally have dark skin, tightly coiled or curly hair, and a diverse
range of facial features.

4. Australoid

- Primarily representing the indigenous peoples of Australia, Melanesia, and some

parts of Southeast Asia, Australoid individuals tend to have darker skin tones,
wavy to curly hair, and a range of facial features.

5. Capoid

- Sometimes considered a subset of the Negroid race, Capoid refers specifically to

the indigenous peoples of Southern Africa, particularly the Khoisan groups.
Capoid individuals typically have brown skin, tightly coiled hair, and distinct
facial features such as prominent cheekbones and elongated heads.
8 Millennium Goals

TCW 101 (The Contemporary World)

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger: This goal aimed to halve the proportion of
people living on less than $1.25 a day and to reduce the proportion of people who
suffer from hunger by providing access to adequate food and nutrition.

2. Achieve universal primary education: The goal was to ensure that all boys and girls
complete a full course of primary schooling, aiming to eliminate disparities in access to
education, especially for girls.

3. Promote gender equality and empower women: This goal sought to eliminate gender
disparities in primary and secondary education, empower women by promoting their
equal participation in decision-making processes, and ensure equal access to
employment opportunities.

4. Reduce child mortality: The objective was to reduce the under-five mortality rate by
two-thirds, ensuring that children everywhere could survive and thrive beyond their
fifth birthday.

5. Improve maternal health: This goal aimed to reduce the maternal mortality ratio by
three-quarters and to achieve universal access to reproductive health care, including
family planning and skilled attendance at childbirth.

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases: The goal was to halt and begin to
reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other major diseases, ensuring universal
access to treatment for HIV/AIDS and halting the incidence of malaria and other major

7. Ensure environmental sustainability: This goal focused on integrating the principles

of sustainable development into country policies and programs, reversing the loss of
environmental resources, reducing biodiversity loss, and increasing access to safe
drinking water and basic sanitation.

8. Develop a global partnership for development: The final goal aimed to develop a
global partnership for development, including targets for aid, trade, and debt relief, as
well as addressing the special needs of the least developed countries and landlocked
developing countries.
Local News:

Procurement law amendments to improve efficiency, curb corruption - Angara

What: The news discusses ongoing efforts to amend the Government Procurement
Reform Act (GPRA) to enhance efficiency and combat corruption.

Who: It is Senator Sonny Angara who advocates the amendments of Government

Procurement Reform Act ( GPRA ) as well as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. who
supports the reform.

When: The efforts have been ongoing, with three hearings, 10 technical working group
meetings, and months of consultations. The specific date is not mentioned.

Where: The focus is on the Philippines, particularly on legislative processes and

government procurement practices within the country.

Why: The amendments are pursued to streamline procurement processes, enhance

effectiveness, and reduce corruption.

How: The process involves legislative procedures, including consultations, hearings,

and technical working group meetings, aiming to implement amendments that mandate
improved planning and early procurement activities.

Global News:
United Airlines reports fifth flight incident in a week as jet turns back due to
‘maintenance issue’

What: The news reports on a United Airlines flight that had to return to Sydney shortly
after takeoff due to a maintenance issue, marking the fifth incident involving United
Airlines flights in the past seven days.

Who: The passengers and crew aboard the United Airlines flight, which included 183
individuals. Additionally, United Airlines is mentioned as the carrier experiencing the
series of incidents with its flights.

When: The incident occurred shortly after the flight departed from Sydney, but the
specific date is not provided.

Where: The incident took place on a United Airlines flight bound for San Francisco,
departing from Sydney.

Why: The flight was forced to return due to a "maintenance issue," according to United
Airlines. The incidents involving United Airlines flights in the past week include an
engine catching fire midair, a lost tire after takeoff, an aircraft skidding off a runway,
and a flight being diverted due to an issue with the plane's hydraulic system.

How: The Boeing 777-300 aircraft carrying 183 passengers and crew was redirected
back to Sydney safely. Passengers were deplaned normally, provided with overnight
accommodation, and rebooked on alternative flights to San Francisco. The other
incidents involving United Airlines flights in the past week include various technical
issues and emergencies occurring during flight.

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