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AI Relate Lesson Plan for Class 8

Duration: 30 minutes

Lesson Title: Storytelling using AI


1. Introduce students to AI-assisted storytelling.

2. Encourage creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration by using an AI tool to create and
tell stories.

Materials Needed:

 Computer/Tablet with Internet Access

 Access to an AI storytelling tool (e.g., Google Bard, ChatGPT, or similar) Google Bard
 Projector or Smartboard for demonstration
 Worksheet for recording story ideas and reflections

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction to AI in Storytelling (5 minutes)

Greeting and Objective Introduction (2 minutes)

 Greeting: Welcome the students to the class.

 Objective: Explain that today’s lesson will involve using AI to assist in creating and
telling stories.

What is AI in Storytelling? (3 minutes)

 Explanation: Explain that AI can be used as a tool to help generate ideas, create plots,
develop characters, and even write dialogues. AI can serve as a collaborative partner in
the creative process.
 Examples: Provide examples of AI-assisted storytelling tools, such as AI Dungeon and
ChatGPT, that can help generate story plots and dialogues.

2. Demonstrate the AI Storytelling Tool (5 minutes)

 Show Example: Use a projector or smartboard to demonstrate an AI storytelling tool.

Show how to start a story and how the AI can help continue it.
 Live Demonstration: Begin a simple story and show how the AI suggests the next part
of the story. Explain that students will use this tool to create their own stories.

3. Storytelling Activity (15 minutes)

Group Activity Setup (2 minutes)

 Group Formation: Divide students into small groups and ensure each group has access
to a computer or tablet.
 Instructions: Explain that each group will start a story, and the AI will help them
continue it. They should work together to come up with the initial plot and characters.

Creating the Story (10 minutes)

 Starting the Story: Ask each group to come up with the beginning of their story. They
should write the first few sentences or paragraphs, setting the scene and introducing the
 Using AI for Continuation: Once the beginning is written, have the groups input their
story into the AI tool and use it to generate the next part of the story. They should read
the AI's suggestions, discuss as a group, and decide how to incorporate the AI's input.
 Creative Collaboration: Encourage groups to be creative and collaborative, combining
their ideas with the AI's suggestions to create an interesting and cohesive story.

Sharing and Discussing Stories (3 minutes)

 Group Sharing: Ask each group to briefly share their story with the class, highlighting
the parts where the AI contributed.
 Class Discussion: Discuss how the AI helped in the creative process. Ask questions like:
o "How did the AI's suggestions influence your story?"
o "Did the AI provide any surprising or interesting ideas?"
o "How did you decide which of the AI's suggestions to use?"

4. Conclusion and Reflection (5 minutes)

Recap and Key Takeaways (3 minutes)

 Recap: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson:

o How AI can assist in storytelling by generating ideas and continuing stories.
o The importance of combining human creativity with AI's suggestions to enhance
 Key Takeaway: Emphasize that AI is a tool that can help inspire and support
storytellers, but human creativity is essential in crafting unique and engaging stories.
Reflection Worksheet (2 minutes)

 Distribute Worksheet: Hand out a worksheet with reflective questions for students to
o "What was your favorite part of the story you created with the AI?"
o "How did the AI's suggestions change or enhance your story?"
o "What other types of stories or writing projects do you think AI could help with?"

Homework Assignment (Optional)

 Individual Story Writing: Ask students to write a short story using an AI storytelling
tool at home. They should start the story and use the AI to help continue it. In the next
class, they can share their stories and discuss their experiences with the AI tool.

Note to Teacher:

 Be prepared to assist students with using the AI storytelling tool.

 Encourage students to be creative and collaborative in their storytelling process.
 Adapt explanations to the students' understanding level.

Creating a story using Google's Gemini, which is an AI-powered language model, involves
leveraging its capabilities to generate and enhance narratives. Here’s a step-by-step approach to
guide you through the process:

Steps for Story Writing Using Google Gemini

3. Prompt Creation:
o Start by creating a clear and engaging prompt or initial idea for your story. This
could be a theme, a setting, or a specific character situation.
4. Interaction with Gemini:
o Access the Gemini tool or platform where you can interact with the AI. You can
find it integrated into various applications or use it directly through Google's
5. Initial Input:
o Provide the AI with the initial details of your story idea. For example:
 "I'm writing a story about a young detective investigating a mysterious
disappearance in a small town."
6. AI Response and Expansion:
o Review the AI-generated response. Gemini may provide a starting point, character
descriptions, or plot elements based on your input.
7. Dialogue and Character Development:
o Use Gemini to generate dialogue for characters, develop their backgrounds,
motivations, and interactions. You can ask for specific details to enrich the story.
8. Plot Development:
o Collaborate with Gemini to develop the storyline. Ask for plot twists, conflicts, or
resolutions that fit your narrative vision.
9. Editing and Refinement:
o Refine the story based on the AI's suggestions. Ensure coherence, consistency,
and emotional engagement in the narrative.
10. Creative Control:
o Maintain creative control throughout the process. Use Gemini's input as
inspiration and guidance while shaping the story according to your vision.
11. Iterative Process:
o Iterate through multiple interactions with Gemini to explore different plot
directions, character arcs, and thematic elements.
12. Finalization:
o Conclude the story-writing process by reviewing the entire narrative, making final
edits, and ensuring a cohesive and compelling storyline.

Tips for Using Gemini Effectively:

 Be Specific: Provide clear prompts and ask targeted questions to guide Gemini towards
generating relevant content.
 Balance AI Input: Combine Gemini's suggestions with your creative ideas to maintain
originality and coherence.
 Experiment: Explore different angles and narrative structures to discover unexpected
story elements.
 Feedback and Review: Seek feedback from others to evaluate the story's impact and

Using Google Gemini can enhance the storytelling process by offering creative insights,
character development ideas, and plot twists that enrich your narrative. Always remember to
infuse your personal style and storytelling voice to create a unique and engaging story.

Here’s an example of how you can start a story using Google Gemini
as a tool for generating ideas and developing a narrative:

Story Title: The Forgotten Key

Prompt: "I'm writing a story about a young archaeologist who discovers an ancient artifact that
holds a mysterious power."

Gemini's Response: "In the heart of the dense Amazon rainforest, Dr. Amelia Reyes, a young
archaeologist fascinated by ancient civilizations, stumbles upon a hidden chamber buried beneath
centuries-old ruins. Inside, she uncovers a beautifully crafted golden key adorned with intricate
symbols and glyphs. Little does she know, this key holds the key to unlocking a long-lost
civilization's greatest mystery—a power that has remained dormant for millennia."

Continuation and Development: Driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, Dr. Reyes
delves deeper into the artifact's origins. With the help of her trusted colleague, Dr. Santiago
Cruz, an expert in ancient languages, they decipher the enigmatic symbols etched onto the key.
Each translation leads them closer to understanding its true purpose and the civilization it once
belonged to.

As they uncover more clues, they realize they are not the only ones interested in the artifact. A
rival archaeological team, led by the ambitious Dr. Victoria Blackwell, seeks to claim the artifact
for their own gain. Driven by greed and a desire for recognition, Dr. Blackwell's team resorts to
drastic measures to sabotage Dr. Reyes' expedition.

Amidst the race against time and the escalating tensions, Dr. Reyes and Dr. Cruz must navigate
through ancient traps, decipher cryptic messages, and unravel the artifact's secrets before it falls
into the wrong hands. Along the way, they uncover the ancient civilization's history of power
struggles, alliances, and betrayals—lessons that resonate with their own modern-day challenges.

Conclusion: In a climactic final showdown deep within the rainforest, Dr. Reyes and Dr. Cruz
confront Dr. Blackwell and her team. They must use their knowledge, teamwork, and courage to
protect the artifact and prevent its misuse. Ultimately, they unlock the artifact's power, revealing
its ability to bring harmony or devastation to the world—a choice that will define the fate of
humanity and the legacy of the ancient civilization.

This story example demonstrates how you can use Google Gemini to initiate a narrative idea and
develop it further with character development, plot twists, and thematic elements. Feel free to
adapt and expand on the story according to your creative vision!

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