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AI Possibilities Lesson Plan for Class 8

Duration: 30 minutes

Lesson Title: Exploring AI Jobs and Creating Job Advertisements of the Future


1. Showcase local case studies of people using AI for good or working in the AI field.
2. Gain awareness of the skill sets needed for jobs in the AI field.

Learning Outcomes:

3. Describe how AI has been affecting jobs in various industries.

4. Identify skill sets needed for jobs in the AI field.

Materials Needed:

 Computer/Tablet with Internet Access

 Projector or Smartboard for demonstration
 Printable case studies or access to online resources
 Markers, pens, and pencils
 Worksheet for recording ideas and reflections

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction to AI in Various Fields (5 minutes)

Greeting and Objective Introduction (2 minutes)

 Greeting: Welcome the students to the class.

 Objective: Explain that today’s lesson will explore the emergence of AI jobs in various
fields and that students will create job advertisements for future AI jobs.

Brief Overview of AI in Different Fields (3 minutes)

 Explanation: Provide a brief overview of how AI is being used in different industries:

o Healthcare: AI for diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and robotic surgery.
o Security: AI for surveillance, threat detection, and cybersecurity.
o Education: AI for personalized learning, grading, and virtual tutoring.
o Agriculture: AI for precision farming, crop monitoring, and automated
o Entertainment: AI for content creation, recommendation systems, and virtual
o Service: AI for customer service, chatbots, and automated assistance.
o Transport: AI for autonomous vehicles, traffic management, and logistics.

2. Local Case Studies and AI Job Skills (10 minutes)

Local Case Studies (5 minutes)

 Showcase Local Examples: Present case studies of local individuals or companies using
AI for good or working in the AI field. This could include:
o A local hospital using AI for patient care.
o A startup developing AI-based educational tools.
o A security firm implementing AI for enhanced surveillance.
o An agricultural company using AI for better crop management.
 Discussion: Ask students to share any local examples they are aware of or discuss how
AI might be impacting their community.

Skills Needed for AI Jobs (5 minutes)

 Explanation: Discuss the key skills required for jobs in the AI field:
o Technical Skills: Programming, data analysis, machine learning, and
understanding AI algorithms.
o Soft Skills: Critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and communication.
o Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Combining knowledge of AI with fields like
healthcare, agriculture, or transport.
 Interactive Discussion: Ask students what skills they think are important for working
with AI and write their answers on the board.

3. Creating Job Advertisements of the Future (10 minutes)

Instructions and Group Formation (2 minutes)

 Instructions: Explain that students will work in groups to create a job advertisement for
a future AI job in one of the fields discussed.
 Group Formation: Divide students into small groups and assign each group one of the
fields (healthcare, security, education, agriculture, entertainment, service, or transport).

Group Activity (8 minutes)

 Creating Job Advertisements: Each group should create a job advertisement that
o The job title and description.
o The skills required for the job.
o How AI will be used in this job.
o The impact of this job on the industry and society.
 Worksheet: Provide a worksheet to help guide their advertisement creation, including
sections for job title, description, skills, AI applications, and impact.

4. Presentations and Conclusion (5 minutes)

Group Presentations (3 minutes)

 Presenting Advertisements: Ask each group to present their job advertisement to the
class. They should explain:
o The job title and description.
o The skills required for the job.
o How AI will be used in this job.
o The impact of this job on the industry and society.

Conclusion and Reflection (2 minutes)

 Recap: Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson:

o How AI is impacting jobs in various industries.
o The skills needed for jobs in the AI field.
 Reflection Worksheet: Distribute a worksheet with reflective questions:
o "What did you learn about AI jobs today?"
o "Which AI job interested you the most and why?"
o "What skills do you think you need to develop to work in the AI field in the

Homework Assignment (Optional)

 Research Project: Ask students to research a specific AI job in more detail and write a
report on what they learned, including the skills needed and the impact of the job on
society. They can present their findings in the next class.

Note to Teacher:

 Be prepared to assist students with understanding the impact of AI on different industries

and guide them in creating their job advertisements.
 Encourage students to ask questions and think critically about the future of AI jobs.
 Adapt explanations to the students' understanding level.

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