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Certain words are followed by different
prepositions in different contexts.
● I agree with Mr Saxena.
● I agree to your proposal.
● Agree with : agreement with a person,

● agree to : agreement to a plan, or proposal.

● Apply for → a position or something
● Apply to → a person
● Wait at → a place
● Wait for → person
● Wait on → a customer
● Employed at→ a certain place or salary
● Employed for → a purpose
● Employed in → organisation
● Employed by → a certain person

3-She decided to(a)/ apply to the position of
marketing (b)/manager at the company.(c)/no

4-He applied for (a)/ the HR manager for

permission(b)/ to take time off work.(c)/no error(d)/
3-She decided to(a)/ apply for the position of
marketing (b)/manager at the company.(c)/no

4-He applied to(a)/ the HR manager for

permission(b)/ to take time off work.(c)/no error(d)/
5-She is currently(a)/ employed in a prestigious(b)/ law firm in
the city.(c)/no error(d)/

6-He was employed at (a)/his expertise in (b)/project

management.(c)/no error(d)/

7-She is employed for (a)/the finance department of (b)/a

multinational corporation.(c)/no error(d)/

8-He is employed at(a)/a well-known tech (b)/entrepreneur as

his personal assistant.(c)/no error(d)/
5-She is currently(a)/ employed at a prestigious(b)/ law firm in
the city.(c)/no error(d)/

6-He was employed for (a)/his expertise in (b)/project

management.(c)/no error(d)/

7-She is employed in (a)/the finance department of (b)/a

multinational corporation.(c)/no error(d)/

8-He is employed by (a)/a well-known tech (b)/entrepreneur as

his personal assistant.(c)/no error(d)/
1-I wish I know(1) how to play(2) the piano.(3)No
error (4)

2- She spends money (1)as if she has(2)a lot of

it.(3)No error (4)
1-I wish I knew(1) how to play(2) the piano.(3)No
error (4)

2- She spends money (1)as if she had (2)a lot of

it.(3)No error (4)
Rule 18

● Phrases like I wish,he/she wishes, as if, as

though - indicates unfulfilled wish/desire and take
simple past.

If -conditional/imaginary sentences
If she will agree, I will come.

If she agrees, I will come. - present tense

If she agreed, I would come. - past tense

If she had agreed, I would have come.- perfect tense

3-They acted(1) as though they(2) know
everything.(3)No error (4)

4- She wishes(1) she lives closer to (2)her

family(3)No error (4)
3-They acted(1) as though they(2) knew
everything.(3)No error (4)

4- She wishes(1) she lived closer to (2)her

family(3)No error (4)
5- If he would have studied (a)/ diligently (b)/ he would
not have committed (c)/ such silly mistakes.(d)/NE(e)/

6-If Ranjan had asked(a)/ her mother, she would(b)/

have helped him.(c)/ no error (d)/
5- If he had studied (a)/ diligently (b)/ he would not have
committed (c)/ such silly mistakes.(d)/NE(e)/

6- If Ranjan had asked(a)/ her mother, she would(b)/ have

helped him.(c)/ no error (d)/
1- They will stay (a)/at the hotel unless their(b)/ flight
departs tomorrow morning.(d)/NE(e)/

2- Until you study hard,(a)/ you won't (b)/pass the

exam(c)/ no error (d)/
1- They will stay (a)/at the hotel until their(b)/ flight
departs tomorrow morning.(d)/NE(e)/

2- Unless you study hard,(a)/ you won't (b)/pass the

exam(c)/ no error (d)/
Unless It denotes condition.
Until It denote time
1: You will not get(a)/ the admission until you score(b)/ well in
the entrance exam.(c)/no error(d)/

2: I will wait here(a)/ unless my mother returns(b)/ from the

shop.(c)/no error(d)/

3: Unless you(a)/ work hard(b)/, you will fail.(c)/no error(d)/

1: You will not get(a)/ the admission unless you score(b)/ well in
the entrance exam.(c)/no error(d)/

2: I will wait here(a)/ until my mother returns(b)/ from the

shop.(c)/no error(d)/

3: Unless you(a)/ work hard(b)/, you will fail.(c)/no error(d)/


Until/Unless- Negative words

1- Unless you don’t(a)/ work hard(b)/ , you will not
pass.(c)/ no error(d)/

2- You will not(a)/ pass, unless you(b)/ don’t work

hard.(c)/ no error(d)/
1- Unless you don’t(a)/ work hard(b)/ , you will not
pass.(c)/ no error(d)/

2- You will not(a)/ pass, unless you(b)/ don’t work

hard.(c)/ no error(d)/
Rule 21

IF→ Condition → (‘not’ can be used with "IF")

UNLESS→ Condition (no use of not with "Unless")

1: If you don't study(a)/ carefully, you are(b)/ bound to

make mistakes in the exams.(c)/ no error(d)/

2: Unless you don't study(a)/ carefully, you are(b)/

bound to make mistakes in the exams.(c)/ no error(d)/

1: If you don't study(a)/ carefully, you are(b)/ bound to

make mistakes in the exams.(c)/ no error(d)/

2: Unless you don't study(a)/ carefully, you are(b)/

bound to make mistakes in the exams.(c)/ no error(d)/
(a) condition
(b) doubt/uncertainty.

WHETHER→ Doubt/uncertainty
1- I don't know(a)/ if she will attend(b)/ the birthday party of
my my daughter.(c)/ no error(d)/

2- I don't know(a)/ if she will(b)/ come or not.(c)/ no

1- I don't know(a)/ if she will attend(b)/ the
birthday party of my daughter.(c)/ no error(d)/

2- I don't know(a)/ whether she will(b)/ come or

not.(c)/ no error(d)/

LEST - (otherwise) - Conjunction - वरना

(a) It takes the modal "should"

(b) Always takes simple present tense

(c) It is a Negative word (Do not use "not" with "LEST")

Spot the error:
1-. He got up early(a)/ that morning(b)/ lest
he may miss the bus.(c)/ne(d)/

2-. Work hard lest you(a)/ would not fail

in(b)/ the examination. (c)/ne(d)/
Spot the error:
1-. He got up early(a)/ that morning(b)/ lest
he should miss the bus.(c)/ne(d)/

2-. Work hard lest you(a)/ should not fail

in(b)/ the examination. (c)/ne(d)/

(a) BUT x
(b) YET ✓
(c) It is used in contradictory sentences
(d) can also be used without any conjunction (in
this case ‘,’ is used)
1-Although I worked(a)/ hard but I could(b)/
not score well.(c)/ne(d)/

2-Though I worked hard(a)/ yet I could

not(b)/ score well.(c)/ne(d)/
1-Although I worked(a)/ hard yet I could(b)/
not score well.(c)/ne(d)/

2-Though I worked hard(a)/ yet I could

not(b)/ score well.(c)/ne(d)/
Rule 25
Addicted to/ accustomed to/ look forward to/ prior to/
given to/with a view to) + V1 + ing
● I look forward to meet you. - wrong
● I look forward to meeting you. - correct
● He is addicted to smoke. - wrong
● He is addicted to smoking. - correct
Mark the Error
1. A) He is addicted b) to play c) football. D) no error

2. A) She is accustomed to (b) go for a walk ( c) in the

morning (d) no error
Mark the Error
1. A) He is addicted b) to playing c) football. D) no error

2. A) She is accustomed to (b) going for a walk ( c) in the

morning (d) no error
1-I decided to quit/quiet/quite my job because I
found a better opportunity elsewhere.

2-The library was so quit/quiet/quite that you

could hear a pin drop.

3-The movie was quit/quiet/quite entertaining

and kept us on the edge of our seats.
1-I decided to quit/quiet/quite my job because I
found a better opportunity elsewhere.

2-The library was so quit/quiet/quite that you

could hear a pin drop.

3-The movie was quit/quiet/quite entertaining

and kept us on the edge of our seats.

Quit- verb- leave it

Quiet- adjective - not talking
Quite- adverb - good
1-Despite facing challenges,(a)/ he refused to
quiet and continued pushing (b)/himself to achieve
his goals.(c)/no error(d)/

2-The library was a haven(a)/ for those seeking a

peaceful and quite space(b)/ to focus on their
studies.(c)/no error(d)/

3-Her performance on(a)/ stage was quit

impressive, leaving the (b)/audience in awe of her
talent.(c)/no error(d)/
1-Despite facing challenges,(a)/ he refused to quit
and continued pushing (b)/himself to achieve his
goals.(c)/no error(d)/

2-The library was a haven(a)/ for those seeking a

peaceful and quiet space(b)/ to focus on their
studies.(c)/no error(d)/

3-Her performance on(a)/ stage was quite

impressive, leaving the (b)/audience in awe of her
talent.(c)/no error(d)/
1-She enjoys(a)/ playing sports,(b)/ such
than basketball, tennis, and

2-There was (a)/nothing else than(b)/to

wait patiently for the results.(c)/ne(d)/
1-She enjoys(a)/ playing sports,(b)/ such
as basketball, tennis, and soccer.(c)/ne(d)/

2-There was (a)/nothing else but (b)/to wait

patiently for the results.(c)/ne(d)/


Such + as
Other + than
Else + but
1-She enjoyed various(a)/ outdoor activities, (b)/such as
hiking, biking, and swimming.(c)/no error(d)/

2-I prefer tea over coffee;(a)/ I don't like any(b)/ other

beverage than tea.(c)/no error(d)/

3-She had no(a)/ option else than to apologize(b)/ for

the misunderstanding.(c)/no error(d)/
1-She enjoyed various(a)/ outdoor activities, (b)/such as
hiking, biking, and swimming.(c)/no error(d)/

2-I prefer tea over coffee;(a)/ I don't like any(b)/ other

beverage than tea.(c)/no error(d)/

3-She had no(a)/ option else but to apologize(b)/ for the

misunderstanding.(c)/no error(d)/
1-Her performance(a)/ in the final exam (b)/was
better than him.(c)/ no error(d)/

2- The battery life(a)/ of the iPhone 14 is

(b)/longer than iPhone 13.(c)/ no error(d)/
1-Her performance(a)/ in the final exam (b)/was better
than his participation in the class(c)/ no error(d)/

2- The battery life(a)/ of the iPhone 14 is (b)/longer

than that of the iPhone 13.(c)/ no error(d)/

Comparison - between similar type of objects only

1-The weather in (a)/Delhi is better(b)/ than
Noida.(c)/ no error(d)/

2-My collection of (a)/cars is better (b)/than

his..(c)/ no error(d)/
1-The weather in (a)/Delhi is better(b)/ than that of
Noida.(c)/ no error(d)/

2-My collection of (a)/cars is better (b)/than that of

his.(c)/ no error(d)/
1-She plans to(a)/ finish her project(b)/ latter
today.(c)/ no error(d)/

2-In the comparison (a)/between tea (b)/and

coffee, I prefer the later.(c)/ no error(d)/
1-She plans to(a)/ finish her project(b)/ later
today.(c)/ no error(d)/

2-In the comparison (a)/between tea (b)/and

coffee, I prefer the latter.(c)/ no error(d)/

Later- after

Latter- when talking about two people the second

I will meet you(a)/ at the park latter in(b)/ the evening
when I finish my work.(c)/no error(d)/

Please refer to the(a)/ information in the later(b)/ part of

the book for more detailed explanations.(c)/no error(d)/
I will meet you(a)/ at the park later in(b)/ the evening
when I finish my work.(c)/no error(d)/

Please refer to the(a)/ information in the latter(b)/ part of

the book for more detailed explanations.(c)/no error(d)/
He died of(a)/a severe head injury(b)/
sustained in the accident.(c)/no error(d)/

Many people died from(a)/the flu during(b)/ the

pandemic.(c)/no error(d)/
He died from (a)/a severe head injury(b)/
sustained in the accident.(c)/no error(d)/

Many people died of (a)/the flu during(b)/ the

pandemic.(c)/no error(d)/

Die- death
Death because of something - die + from
Death because of disease - die + of
Raghu’s sister (a)/died of(b)/ an accident.(c)/no

My neighbour(a)/ died from heart (b)/disease

yesterday.(c)/no error(d)/
Raghu’s sister (a)/died from(b)/ an accident.(c)/no

My neighbour(a)/ died of heart (b)/disease

yesterday.(c)/no error(d)/

Lie - untruth
V1 lie, V2 lied, V3 lied, V1 + ing= lying

Lie- in horizontal position

V1 lie, V2 lay, V3 lain, V1 + ing = lying

Lay- to put someone in a horizontal position

V1 lay, V2 laid, V3 laid, V1 + ing= laying
He laid about his whereabouts,(a)/ claiming he was at home
(b)/when he was actually out with friends.(c)/no error(d)/

The cat had lied on the windowsill(a)/ for hours, basking(b)/ in the
warmth of the sun's rays.(c)/no error(d)/

She had lain the table for dinner,(a)/ carefully placing the
dishes(b)/ and cutlery in their proper positions.(c)/no error(d)/
He lied about his whereabouts,(a)/ claiming he was at home
(b)/when he was actually out with friends.(c)/no error(d)/

The cat had lain on the windowsill(a)/ for hours, basking(b)/ in the
warmth of the sun's rays.(c)/no error(d)/

She had laid the table for dinner,(a)/ carefully placing the
dishes(b)/ and cutlery in their proper positions.(c)/no error(d)/

found- past form of find

Founded- established
I founded my lost(a)/ keys under the(b)/ couch
cushions.(c)/no error(d)/

The organization was(a)/ found with the(b)/ aim of

promoting environmental awareness and
sustainability.(c)/no error(d)/
I found my lost(a)/ keys under the(b)/ couch
cushions.(c)/no error(d)/

The organization was(a)/ founded with the(b)/ aim of

promoting environmental awareness and
sustainability.(c)/no error(d)/

As soon as + connector = wrong

No sooner + than = correct

Hardly/ rarely/ barely/ scarcely + when = correct

As soon as the sun (a)/sets, when the temperature
drops(b)/ significantly in the desert.(c)/no error(d)/

No sooner had she finished(a)/ her presentation when the

applause(b)/ from the audience began.(c)/no error(d)/

Hardly had he started (a)/reading the first chapter than his

phone rang,(b)/ interrupting his concentration.(c)/no
As soon as the sun (a)/sets, when the temperature
drops(b)/ significantly in the desert.(c)/no error(d)/

No sooner had she finished(a)/ her presentation than the

applause(b)/ from the audience began.(c)/no error(d)/

Hardly had he started (a)/reading the first chapter when

his phone rang,(b)/ interrupting his concentration.(c)/no
Rule 33
‘As’ is used ‘As’ is not
with → used with →
describe Consider
define Elect
treat Appoint
view Choose
regard Call
1-She was(a)/ described a talented(b)/ artist by
her peers.(c)/no error(d)/

2-She was(a)/ appointed as the (b)/new

manager.(c)/no error(d)/
1-She was(a)/ described as a talented(b)/ artist
by her peers.(c)/no error(d)/

2-She was(a)/ appointed the (b)/new

manager.(c)/no error(d)/
Rule 34-
These verbs take +ing form of verb after them:
1.Resume 11. enjoy
2.Avoid 12. spend time
3.Imagine 13. waste time
4.Practice 14. admit
5.Resent 15. avoid
6.Resist 16. report
7.Postpone 17. deny
8.Keep on 18. imagine
9.Consider 19. finish
10.Mind 20. tolerate
1.I avoid go to the doctor and dentist because I'm
scared of needles.

2.He has a bad temper. It's better to avoid make

him angry.
1.I avoid going to the doctor and dentist
because I'm scared of needles.

2.He has a bad temper. It's better to avoid

making him angry.
Rule 35
Bare infinitive (Infinitive without ‘to’) is used after let, bid, hear, watch,
behold, see, feel, make etc.

Note : But in passive voice ‘infinitive with to’ is used with them.
1- Then we realize that there is nothing to make it to

2- I felt someone to tap my shoulder.

1- Then we realize that there is nothing to make it to

2- I felt someone to tap my shoulder.

Rule 36: After modal auxiliaries ‘bare
infinitives’ are used.

Modal auxiliaries- will, must,can, may,

could, shall, should etc.
1- I must to get my hair cut before my meeting
1- I must to get my hair cut before my meeting
Rule 37:

3.‘Bare infinitives’ are used after ‘had

better, had rather, had sooner, had as
soon ……….as.
1- He had better to go now.

2- I had sooner to run than walk.

1- He had better go now.

2- I had sooner run than walk.

Analysis 1:

"In recent years, 70%

questions on Prepositions
have been observed in the
Analysis 2

In the last two years'

exams, 30% of the error
detection questions have
been based on verbs and
Analysis 3


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