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PIB 247 - May 2024

NPCI partners with Bank of Namibia to Introduce Instant Payment System
Justice Sanjaya Kumar Mishra: First President of GSTAT
Capacity Building on Design and Entrepreneurship Program
Drip Pricing
Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre
IndiaSkills Competition 2024
Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative
Insurance Surety Bonds (ISB)
NIDHI & STAR Program launched
Trainer Development Strategy for the Skilling Ecosystem
Materiovigilance Programme of India (MvPI)
National Awards to Teachers (Higher Education) 2024
Inverted Duty Structure
Cyber Rakshak Program
Cost Inflation Index for FY 2024-25
AI Krish and AI Bhoomi
S K Kaumudi Committee
eMigrate Project
NSDC - ILO Strategic Partnership
NHCX - Unified Portal for health insurance claims
30th anniversary of TRIPS Agreement
India-Bhutan: 5th Joint Group of Customs (JGC) meeting
ADB, Citi sign $100 Million Agreement to Support Trade in Developing Markets
WTO – Aggregate measurement of support
UN Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund
Chabahar Port: India-Iran Sign long-term contract
19th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
4th Meeting of ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement Joint Committee
India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)

PIB 247 - May 2024 1

Bacterial Priority Pathogens List (BPPL) 2024
Spain - 99th member of International Solar Alliance
WIPO Treaty on IP, GRs and ATK
WTO Committee on Import Licensing (CIL)
Global Funds
Drone Didi Yojana
Green Credit Program
IndiaAI Mission
RBIH white paper titled ‘At the Helm: Women Entrepreneurs Transforming Middle India’
Aging Well in Asia: Asian Development Policy Report released by ADB
World Bank Report – ‘Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System’
World Migration Report 2024
Ind-Ra raises India's FY25 GDP growth estimate to 7.1%
India to become 3rd-largest Consumer Market by 2026: UBS Bank Report
WHO Releases Global Report on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2024
China surpasses US as India’s largest trading partner: GTRI
PLFS - Quarterly Bulletin (January-March 2024)
World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024-Mid year Update Report
World Bank Report: ‘Water For Shared Prosperity’
ILO Working Paper on Financing Gap for Universal Social Protection
PLFS Q4 FY24 State-wise Data
Paper titled ‘Towards Tax Justice & Wealth Redistribution in India’ released
Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2024 Report

PIB 247 - May 2024 2


NPCI partners with Bank of Namibia to Introduce

Instant Payment System

💡 What: NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL) has recently signed an

agreement with the Bank of Namibia (BoN).

💡 Why: To help in development of an instant payment system akin to India’s Unified

Payment Interface (UPI) for Namibia.

Tell me more

About Partnership

Objective of collaboration: To assist Namibia in modernizing its financial ecosystem by

utilizing technology and expertise from India's UPI.

It will harness technology and insights from UPI, to enhance accessibility, affordability,
and connectivity within Namibia’s domestic and international payment networks, while
also promoting interoperability.

It will help to elevate digital financial services in Namibia, with a particular emphasis on
facilitating real-time Person-to-Person (P2P) and Merchant payment transactions (P2M)
across the country.

NOTE: Several countries, including Sri Lanka, Mauritius, France, UAE, and Singapore, have
partnered or are intending to partner with India on emerging fintech and payment solutions.

Justice Sanjaya Kumar Mishra: First President of


💡 What: The Appointment Committee of the Cabinet has appointed Justice (Retd.)
Sanjaya Kumar Mishra as the first President of the Goods & Services Tax
Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT).

PIB 247 - May 2024 3

Tell me more

It is a Second Appellate Authority established under the Central GST (CGST) Act, 2017

Purpose: It handles appeals against decisions made by the Appellate Authority under
the CGST Act and State GST Acts, ensuring uniformity in the dispute resolution process
within the GST framework.


Principal Bench: Located in New Delhi.

It is presided over by the President with two Technical Members (one from the
Centre and one from the State).

State Benches: There are 31 State Benches across India, with Uttar Pradesh hosting
three benches—the most in any state.

Other larger states like Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and
Maharashtra will have two benches each.

Selection Process: Members of GSTAT are appointed based on recommendations from

a government-appointed Search-Cum-Selection Committee.

Qualifications and Eligibility: The qualifications, eligibility, salary, and other terms for
the appointment are outlined in the CGST Act and the Goods and Services Tax
Appellate Tribunal (Appointment and Conditions of Service of President and Members)
Rules, 2023.


The Principal Bench handles inter-state disputes.

State Benches address other issues, including rate disputes.

Higher Appeals: Parties aggrieved by GSTAT's decisions have the right to appeal to
High Courts and the Supreme Court.

Capacity Building on Design and

Entrepreneurship Program

💡 What: The Ministry of Education has launched the Capacity Building on Design
and Entrepreneurship (CBDE) program

PIB 247 - May 2024 4

💡 Why: To integrate industry expertise with academic curricula to enhance the
entrepreneurial capabilities of future leaders.

Tell me more
About CBDE program

Objective: To instill a problem-solving approach in students, encouraging creative

solutions to complex issues and aiding in scaling up innovative ideas through stage-
wise mentorship from industry experts.

It is a collaborative effort between academia and industry to foster design and

entrepreneurship skills among students and faculty in selected High Education
Institutes (HEIs).

It is designed to provide mentor support to the identified HEIs to learn from the
expertise gained through years of engagement in the industry setup

Participation: Initially, 30 HEIs have been chosen through a rigorous selection process
to participate in this initiative

Nodal Centre for the program: Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and
Manufacturing (IIITDM), Kancheepuram – It is a Malaviya Mission Teacher Training
Center (MMTTC)

Features: It includes

Personalized mentoring for faculty to foster a generative dialogue among faculty,

student teams, and HEI partners.

One-to-one mentoring of faculty and promoting generative dialogue among faculty,

student teams, and HEI partners by a pool of expert mentors.

Drip Pricing

💡 What: The Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food

and Public Distribution has issued a warning against drip pricing.

Tell me more
About Drip Pricing

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It is a pricing technique in which firms advertise only part of a product’s price and
reveal other charges later as the customer goes through the buying process.

It is used as a tactic to attract customers into initiating the purchasing process

It has been identified as a dark pattern under Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation
of Dark Patterns, 2023.

Dark pattern refers to practices adopted by online platforms that mislead people
into paying for items or services they did not intend to do originally


💡 What: The Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

has launched MEDITECH STACKATHON 2024 in New Delhi

💡 Why: To revolutionize India’s growing MedTech sector by thoroughly analyzing

the value chain of selected medical devices.

Tell me more

PIB 247 - May 2024 6

Objective: To address critical challenges, foster domestic manufacturing, and reduce
import dependence, thereby positioning India as a global leader in medical technology.

Organisers: Department of Pharmaceuticals in collaboration with Confederation of

Indian Industry (CII).

It is designed to catalyze transformative change within India's burgeoning MedTech

sector by undertaking a comprehensive value chain analysis of select medical devices.

It seeks to tackle major challenges, promote local manufacturing, and lessen reliance
on imports, ultimately establishing India as a global leader in medical technology.


India's MedTech industry holds immense potential, with projections estimating a growth
rate of 28% annually, reaching a size of US $50 billion by 2030.

Market Size: At present, India is the 4th largest market for medical devices in Asia and
among the top 20 globally.

Net imports (2022-23): It stands at US $4101 Million with an import coverage ratio of
0.45. Imports are driven primarily by countries like the US, China, and Germany.

Exports: India’s medtech exports have surpassed US $4 billion and is poised to capture
10% of the global market share over the next decade.

Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre

💡 What: The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has recently inaugurated a
Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) at Krishi Bhavan in New

💡 Why: To enhance the effectiveness of agricultural practices across India by

providing customized solutions that address the specific needs of the farming

Tell me more
About Krishi ICCC

It is a tech-driven solution for informed decision-making in agriculture using

technologies like artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and Geographic Information

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Functionality: It will operate as a technological hub using advanced tools like artificial
intelligence, remote sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to process vast
amounts of agricultural data.

This data includes metrics such as temperature, rainfall, wind speed, crop yields,
and production estimates.

Visual Output: It will display following critical agricultural information on eight 55-inch
LED screens

Crop yields and production data

Drought situations

Cropping patterns across different geographic regions and timelines.

Trends, outliers, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Integrated Data Visualization: It will provide an integrated visualization of diverse data

sources, including:

Geospatial information from remote sensing and plot-level data through soil surveys

Weather updates from the India Meteorological Department (IMD)

Sowing data from Digital Crop Surveys

Market intelligence from the Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg)

Yield estimation from the General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES)

IndiaSkills Competition 2024

💡 What: The Ministry of Skills and Development is organising India’s biggest skill
competition - IndiaSkills 2024 in New Delhi

Tell me more
About IndiaSkills

Participation: It will feature over 900 participants from more than 30 states and Union
Territories and over 400 industry experts.

Skills: Competitions will cover 61 skills, ranging from traditional crafts to advanced

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Onsite Skills: 47 competitions held at the main venue.

Offsite Skills: 14 competitions in Karnataka, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat,

leveraging the best available infrastructure.

Exhibition Skills: Includes Drone-Filmmaking, Textile-Weaving, Leather-

Shoemaking, and Prosthetics-Makeup.

National Credit Framework Integration: For the first time, participants can earn credits
within the National Credit Framework.

The skills demonstrated in both IndiaSkills and WorldSkills Competitions are aligned
with the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), enabling participants to
creditize their learning outcomes for thriving careers.

Qrencia: It is a competition information system introduced in this edition of IndiaSkills.

Winners of IndiaSkills: They will be prepared for the WorldSkills Competition scheduled
to take place in Lyon, France in September 2024.

Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative

💡 What: Ministry of Communications has unveiled Stage-I Participants for “Sangam

Initiative: A Leap Towards AI-Driven Infrastructure Transformation”.

Tell me more
About Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative

Objective: To transform infrastructure planning and design by utilizing digital twin


It is a Proof of Concept focused on revolutionizing the planning & design of

infrastructure by leveraging digital twin technology to create precise, dynamic models
of physical environments.

Digital twin: It is a virtual representation of an object or system designed to reflect a

physical object accurately.

It enhances the efficiency and accuracy of infrastructure projects

It combines the ability of 5G, IoT, AI, Digital Twin and next-generation computational

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It creates accurate, dynamic models of physical environments, enabling real-time
insights and predictive analytics to enhance the efficiency and precision of
infrastructure projects.

Significance: It addresses complex challenges by integrating telecommunications,

computational technologies, sensing, and imaging to develop comprehensive digital
replicas of physical assets.

Insurance Surety Bonds (ISB)

💡 What: The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) recently organized a

workshop in New Delhi focused on the implementation of Insurance Surety Bonds
(ISB) in NHAI contracts.

💡 Why: To review the progress made in adopting ISBs and encourage broader
participation among stakeholders.

Tell me more
About Insurance Surety Bonds

They are legally enforceable financial instruments to provide a financial guarantee that
contractors will meet their obligations as per the agreed terms.

It is a three-party contract comprising:

1st party: Principal (the beneficiary).

2nd party: Contractor

3rd party: Surety Provider (The Insurance Company).

Equivalent to Bank Guarantee: Ministry of Finance has recognized ISBs as equivalent

to Bank Guarantees for all Government procurements.

NHAI’s Role: It has been actively promoting the use of ISBs among insurance
companies and contractors as an additional method for submitting Bid Security and
Performance Security.

To date, NHAI has received 164 Insurance Surety Bonds, including 20 for
Performance Security and 144 for bid securities.

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So far, around 700 Insurance Surety Bonds valued at around Rs. 3,000 crores have
been issued by different insurance companies.

Significance: Wider adoption of such instruments will help to strengthen infrastructure

development in the country

NIDHI & STAR Program launched

💡 What: The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), Ministry of

Communications on the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information
Society Day has unveiled two special initiatives: "NIDHI" and the "STAR Program".

💡 Why:

To promote a culture of synergetic innovation for indigenous development by

collaboration with academia, startups and industries

To co-create indigenous telecom products/solutions to meet the telecom

needs of India in strategic, rural, and sectors of national importance.

Tell me more
NIDHI Initiative

Objective: To promote entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly among women in

India, who are making significant strides in ICT and STEM fields.

Beneficiary: It is open to startups recognized by the Department for Promotion of

Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) and led by women.

Key features: The top 10 selected startups will receive comprehensive support,

An initial grant of Rs. 10 lakh.

Access to well-furnished office space for six months.

Use of tools and lab facilities.

Mentorship from C-DOT technical leaders.

Opportunities for future collaboration under the C-DOT Collaborative Research


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STAR Program

Objective: To support advanced research and development in telecom technologies.

It will offer scholarships to PhD students from the top 20 engineering institutes as
ranked by the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF).

Key features

Scholarship: Each selected PhD student will receive a scholarship amounting to Rs.
6 lakh per annum for up to four years.

Mentorship and Resources: Scholars will benefit from mentorship by C-DOT

research leaders and access to C-DOT lab facilities.

Trainer Development Strategy for the Skilling


💡 What: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has unveiled

“Trainer Development Strategy for the Skilling Ecosystem”

💡 Why: To foster a dynamic workforce in an ever-evolving economy.

Tell me more
About Strategy

Objective: To enhance the quality and effectiveness of trainers nationwide across

various sectors, focusing on long-term skilling.

Developed by: MSDE in collaboration with the Future Right Skills Network (FRSN).

Its creation has been facilitated by Quest Alliance, with support from FRSN—a
partnership involving Accenture, Cisco, J.P. Morgan, and SAP.

It provides a comprehensive framework and guidelines for developing 21st-century


It advocates for trainers to integrate digital blended content into classroom learning
using modern digital tools and resources.

It seeks to tackle several key issues:

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Staffing and Training Capacity: Addressing the shortage of qualified trainers in the
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector.

Attrition of Qualified Trainers: Reducing the attrition rate of qualified trainers by

addressing issues such as irregular employment, limited career advancement
opportunities, and low pay.

It has outlined methods to improve the efficiency of existing trainers through:

Recognition and Performance Evaluation: Implementing systems to recognize and

evaluate trainer performance.

Motivation and Up-Skilling: Providing ongoing motivation and opportunities for up-
skilling to ensure trainers remain effective and engaged in their roles


💡 What: The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD), Ministry of

Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India

💡 Why: For digitalization of vaccine cold chain management, capacity building, and
communication planning.

Tell me more
About MoU

It will foster strategic partnership between DADH and UNDP India to enhance the
digitalization of vaccine cold chain management, capacity building, and communication
planning in India.

It will focus on strengthening animal health with a One Health approach at the centre.

The digitalization and remote temperature monitoring of the cold chain will ensure
vaccines are stored at the prescribed temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, crucial for
increasing immunization coverage.

Materiovigilance Programme of India (MvPI)

PIB 247 - May 2024 13

💡 What: Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) has asked for timely reporting of
adverse events related to medical devices on the MvPI platform

Tell me more
About MvPI

Objective: To collect data on medical device related adverse events systematically and
scientifically analyze them to aid in regulatory decisions on safe use of medical devices.

Launch Year: 2015

Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) functions as National Coordination Centre

(NCC) of MvPI since 2018.


It monitors medical device-associated adverse events (MDAE)

It creates awareness among healthcare professionals about the importance of

MDAE reporting in India

It evaluates the benefit-risk ratio of medical devices.

It generates independent, evidence-based recommendations on the safety of

medical devices and to communicate the findings to all key stakeholders.

National Awards to Teachers (Higher Education)


💡 What: Ministry of Education has recently launched the portal for nominations for
National Awards to Teachers (Higher Education) 2024.

Tell me more

About Awards


To recognise the distinctive contributions of finest faculty members in the country

and honour them for their dedication and hard work, particularly in teaching and

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To recognise and honour the unique and path-breaking achievements of faculty
members in teaching-learning, community outreach, institutional service, research,
and novelty of work in the field of higher education.

It is conferred on the exemplary teachers/faculty members of technical and non-

technical higher education institutions and Teachers of Polytechnic Institutions.

Eligibility: It is open to all the faculty members of colleges/universities/higher

educational institutions/polytechnics in India, satisfying the following conditions:

Should be a regular faculty member

Should have at least 5 years of full-time teaching experience at the Undergraduate

and/or Post-graduate level.

Should not be above 55 years of age.

Vice-Chancellor/Director/Principal (regular or officiating) are not eligible to apply.

However, individuals who have held such positions earlier, but are below 55
years of age and still in active service are eligible.

The selected awardees will be felicitated on 5th September (Teachers’ Day) to

commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former President
of India and a remarkable teacher.

Inverted Duty Structure

💡 What: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has shared list certain items to
Ministry of Finance

💡 What: To address issues related to Inverted Duty Structure (IDS)

Tell me more
About Inverted Duty Structure

It refers to situation where import duties on input goods are higher than on finished

In other words, the GST rate paid on purchases is more than the GST rate payable
on sales.

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Impact of IDS

It affects domestic industry, as manufacturers’ have to pay high price for raw material
than on finished products.

On domestic market: Such products are prone to cheaper imports.

On Export Markets: Expensive inputs make domestic products costly and less
competitive as they cannot compete in the export market.

Taxation Issues: It creates working capital issues for the taxpayers (domestic
manufacturers) as their resources remain blocked in the form of Input Tax Credit (ITC)
due to high input tax.

Cyber Rakshak Program

💡 What: Common Services Centres (CSC) is implementing the Cyber Rakshak

program in rural and remote areas in collaboration with leading IT infrastructure
service provider companies across the world.

💡 Why: To equip women with new technology skills and help them emerge as cyber
security ambassadors.

Tell me more

About CSC

CSCs are Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY's) e-governance

service provider

This project is being implemented by CSC e- Governance Services India Limited (CSC
Special Purpose Vehicle, CSCSPV).

CSCs are a self-sustainable entrepreneurship model which are run by Village Level
Entrepreneurs (VLES).

They are an integral part of the Digital India mission.

They serve as an access point for the delivery of Digital India services to rural and
remote areas across the country

They offer assisted access to Government to Citizen (G2C) e-services in India,

focusing on enhancing governance.

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They deliver essential government and public utility services including range of
social welfare schemes, financial services, educational courses, skill development
courses, healthcare, agriculture services, and digital literacy.

Cost Inflation Index for FY 2024-25

💡 What: The Income Tax Department, Ministry of Finance has released the Cost
Inflation Index (CII) for the financial year 2024-25.

💡 Why: For calculating long-term capital gains (LTGC) from the sale of assets such
as immovable property, securities, and jewellery, adjusted for inflation.

Tell me more

CII for the financial year 2024-25: It has been set at 363 (value wrt base year 2001-02
– 100) .

CII for the previous fiscal years: For 2023-24, it was 348 and for 2022-23, it was 331.

2024-25 CII marks an increase of 15 points from the previous year, indicating an annual
inflation rate of approximately 4.3%.

About Cost Inflation Index (CII)

CII is notified under the Income-tax Act (1961) every year.

It is used by taxpayers to compute gains arising out of sale of capital assets after
adjusting for inflation.

It is used to determine the inflation-adjusted purchase price of assets, thus computing

the taxable LTCG accurately.

Base year: 2001-02

Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG): It is the profit arising from the sale of a capital asset
(i.e., Stocks, Bonds, jewellery, immovable property, etc.) held for a duration of 12 to 36
months (based on the asset type).

For ex – 24 months for immovable property and unlisted shares, and 12 months for
listed securities.

Benefits of CII

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Inflation Adjustment: The CII reflects inflation in the economy, which affects the prices
of goods and services over time.

Tax Rebates: A higher CII is beneficial for taxpayers as it allows them to claim larger tax
rebates by adjusting the purchase price of assets for inflation, thus reducing taxable

By using the CII to adjust the purchase price based on inflation, the taxable amount
is reduced, leading to lower tax liability.

AI Krish and AI Bhoomi

💡 What: Doordarshan Kisan (DD Kisan) became first government TV channel to

launch two AI (Artificial Intelligence) anchors named AI Krish and AI Bhoomi.

Tell me more
About AI Anchors

They can work like a human and can read news 24 hours and 365 days.

These AI anchors will provide necessary information about agriculture like ongoing
research, trends in agriculture mandis, changes in the weather, and any other
information of government schemes.

They can speak 50 national and international languages.

About DD Kisan

Objective: To give farmers information about farming research, market trends, weather
updates, and government programmes.

Launch Year: 2015

It is the only TV channel in the country dedicated to the farmers.

It gives farmers real-time information to help them make better decisions quickly.

It is available to farmers in every state across the country.

S K Kaumudi Committee

PIB 247 - May 2024 18

💡 What: Ministry of Home Affairs has set up an inter-ministerial committee of
various law enforcement and intelligence agencies

💡 Why: To tackle the recent “spurt” in transnational organised cybercrimes being

launched against Indians from various South East Asian countries such as
Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos PDR.

Tell me more

45% of cyber financial frauds taking place in the country are originating from the
Southeast Asian countries including Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos PDR

The quantum of money lost per crime is much higher in cybercrime cases originating
from the South East Asian countries and, hence, this high-level committee has been
constituted to have a very focused action here.

About Interministerial Committee

Mandate: To tackle increasing cybercrimes originating from SE Asian region


Chairperson: V S K Kaumudi – Special secretary (internal security) in the MHA

Members: Officers from the Reserve Bank of India, Department of Financial

Services, banks, Financial Intelligence Unit, Department of Telecommunication
(DoT), and financial technology companies, among others.

Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre(I4C): It has been mandated to tackle

increasing cybercrimes and attacks in the country in a coordinated and comprehensive

It is a wing under the cyber and information security division of the MHA.

eMigrate Project

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💡 What: A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed recently

Ministry External Affairs (MEA)

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

CSC eGovernance Services India Limited

💡 Why: To create a synergy between CSC SPV & MEA to provide the eMigrate
services through Common Services Centers (CSCs) in the country.

Tell me more

About eMigrate Project

It has been undertaken by MEA to assist blue-collar workers going to Emigration Check
Required (ECR) countries.

It was conceptualized to address issues faced by migrant workers by making the

emigration process online seamless.

It also brings foreign employers and registered recruitment agents and insurance
companies on one common platform aimed at promoting safe and legal migration.

About MoU

Objective: To expand channels of safe & legal migration at the grassroots level, to
prevent exploitation from unscrupulous elements of Indian citizens when they seek
employment overseas.

Under it, eMigrate Portal of MEA will be integrated with CSC’s portal, to provide the
following eMigrate services to the citizens:

Facilitate registration of applicants on the eMigrate portal through CSCs

Facilitate uploading and processing the required documents through CSCs

Facilitate and support booking for medical and other services required by migrant
workers or applicants registered on the eMigrate portal through CSC.

Creating awareness about eMigrate services amongst citizens across India.

NSDC - ILO Strategic Partnership

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💡 What: National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under the Ministry of Skill
Development & Entrepreneurship and the International Labour Organization (ILO)
have recently announced a strategic partnership

💡 Why: To advance skill development and lifelong learning in India and globally.

Tell me more
About NSDC-ILO Strategic Partnership

Objective: To empower individuals across the globe, by equipping them with essential
competencies and qualifications, thereby enhancing employability and sustainable
economic growth.

It is dedicated to developing effective policies, governance and financing structures

which will enhance skill development, both nationally and internationally.

It will facilitate public-private partnerships and knowledge exchange to

Enhance Sector Skill Councils (SSCs)

Develop micro-credentials

Promote Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) through a global knowledge-sharing


It will implement Skill India Digital Hub (SIDH) to streamline skill development initiatives,
enhancing their efficiency, accessibility, and global impact.

NHCX - Unified Portal for health insurance


💡 What: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will be launching National Health
Claim Exchange (NHCX), a unified portal for health insurance claims.

💡 Why: To simplify the process of filing health insurance claims.

Tell me more

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About NHCX

Objective: To enhance transparency, ensure interoperability, and improve the efficiency

of the health insurance sector.

Developed by: National Health Authority (NHA) as part of the Ayushman Bharat Digital
Mission (ABDM).


Single-Window Platform: It will serve as a single-window platform connecting

health insurance companies, hospitals, and insurance policyholders.

Efficiency: It will facilitate easier and faster health insurance claim settlements,
streamlining the entire process.

Data Sharing: It will utilize a common data collection format containing all
necessary information for various insurance companies.


30th anniversary of TRIPS Agreement

💡 What: World Trade Organisation (WTO) members recently commemorated the

30th anniversary of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPS).

Tell me more

It is the most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property rights (IPR)

under the World Trade Organization (WTO) framework

IPR gives the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creations (inventions;
literary and artistic works; designs, etc.) for a certain time.

It evolved as part of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), predecessor to WTO.

It was included as one of the main annexes to the Marrakesh Agreement that
established the WTO.

It came into force on January 1, 1995.

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India had joined the TRIPS Agreement in 1995.

Coverage: It covers Copyright, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs,

patents, layout designs of integrated circuit, etc.

Dispute settlement: Any disputes regarding TRIPS obligations are subjected to the
WTO’s dispute settlement procedures.

India-Bhutan: 5th Joint Group of Customs (JGC)


💡 What: The 5th Joint Group of Customs (JGC) meeting was held in Leh, Ladakh.

💡 Why: To discuss a host of bilateral issues for further enhancing cooperation

between the two countries

Tell me more
India-Bhutan JGC meetings

They are held annually to discuss issues relating to re-defining and re-engineering
Customs procedures, and promote Customs cooperation and cross-border trade
facilitation with alignment to global best practices.

These meetings play a vital role in enhancing connectivity and developing trade
infrastructure for smooth customs clearance at land borders.

There are 10 Land Customs Stations along the India-Bhuan Border in the States of West
Bengal (6) and Assam (4).

5th JGC meeting: It discussed a host of bilateral issues such as the opening of new
Land Customs Stations and notifying new trade routes, development of infrastructure

India-Bhutan trade relations

India is Bhutan’s top trade partner both as an import source and as an export

Since 2014, India’s trade with Bhutan has more than tripled from $484 million in 2014-15
to $1,615 million in 2022-23, accounting for about 80% of Bhutan’s overall trade.

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Trade with Bhutan through the land Customs Stations is significant as Bhutan is a land-
locked country.

Enhancing connectivity with Bhutan is pivotal to India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ and the
‘Act East’ Policy.

ADB, Citi sign $100 Million Agreement to Support

Trade in Developing Markets

💡 What: Asian Development Bank (ADB), through its Trade Finance Program (TFP),
has entered into a $100 million agreement with Citi Bank

💡 Why: To further support trade activities in developing markets across Asia.

Tell me more

Significance of the partnership

It will help ABD in addressing the funding needs of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) for trade finance.

This support would promote growth and job creation in Asia, aligning with ADB's

ADB's Trade Finance Program (TFP)

It offers guarantees and loans to over 200 partner banks to facilitate trade, thereby
enabling more companies throughout Asia to engage in import and export activities.

Launch Year: 2009

It is backed by its AAA credit rating

AAA rating is the highest rating concerning organisation’s ability to repay its debts.

Till date, it has supported over 12,000 small and medium-sized businesses across
developing Asia, involving over 16,600 transactions valued at over $30 billion.

In 2017 alone, TFP facilitated approximately $4.5 billion in trade through 3,505
transactions, demonstrating its substantial impact on trade facilitation in the region.

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WTO – Aggregate measurement of support

💡 What: United States and Australia have accused India of exceeding the World
Trade Organisation’s (WTO’s) 10% subsidy limit for developing countries by
providing excessive subsidies to sugarcane farmers.

Tell me more

Allegations indicate that between 2018-19 and 2021-22, India's subsidies ranged from
91-100%, far beyond the permissible 10% limit set for developing countries under WTO
regulations categorized as Aggregate Measurement of Support (AMS)

About Aggregate Measurement of Support (AMS)

AMS means the annual level of support (subsidies) expressed in monetary terms,
provided by the government for an agricultural product in favour of the domestic

This support can be categorized into two types:

Product-specific support: This type of support is directly linked to specific

products like wheat, corn, or rice.

It is calculated by determining the difference between domestic prices

(supported by government purchases) and a set external reference price
established by the WTO.

Non-product-specific support: This includes subsidies that are not tied to a

specific product but support the agricultural sector as a whole.

Examples include subsidies for inputs like fertilizers, electricity, seeds, and
credit facilities.

These subsidies benefit a range of crops or the entire agricultural sector.

AMS represents trade-distorting domestic support and is referred as the “amber box”.

Impact of AMS on Trade: AMS beyond permissible limits is considered to distort trade
as it can artificially alter market prices and production levels, impacting the fairness and
balance of international trade.

WTO's Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) mandates member countries to decrease

these subsidies to ensure a level playing field in international markets.

Limits: Each member country of the WTO is required to keep track of its AMS to ensure
it does not exceed agreed limits (de minimis provisions) of WTO under AoA.

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De minimis provisions

Developing countries: Up to 10% of agricultural GDP

Developed countries: Up to 5% of agricultural GDP

NOTE: These thresholds are designed to maintain support for agriculture

without excessively distorting trade.

UN Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund

💡 What: India has contributed $500,000 to the United Nations Counter-Terrorism

Trust Fund (UN CFT).

Tell me more

With this, India's total financial support to the UN CFT has reached $2.55 million, reflecting
its ongoing commitment to global counter-terrorism

India’s recent contribution will support

UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT’s) global programs mainly Countering

Financing of Terrorism (CFT) and Countering Terrorist Travel Programme (CTTP).

Global programs aimed at enhancing the capacities of Eastern and Southern African
member states to combat terrorism financing and disrupt terrorist movements.

About United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)

Established Year: 2017

It leads and coordinates an all-of-UN approach to prevent and counter terrorism and
violent extremism conducive to terrorism.

Mission: To deliver tailored support to Member States in our common goal to have a
world free of terrorism.

UN Counter-Terrorism Trust Fund: It was established in 2009 by UN Secretary-General

and transferred to UNOCT.

UNOCT Programmes:

CFT: It aims at strengthening capacity of member-states to understand risks of


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CTTP: It assists beneficiary Member States in building capabilities to detect and

Chabahar Port: India-Iran Sign long-term


💡 What: India and Iran have signed a 10-year contract for the operation of Shahid
Beheshti Port Terminal at the strategically important Chabahar port in Iran.

💡 Why: To enhance regional connectivity and facilitate trade, particularly between

India, Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia, bypassing neighbouring Pakistan.

Tell me more
About the New 10-year contract

The new 10-year contract was signed between India Ports Global Ltd (IPGL) and the
Ports & Maritime Organisation of Iran (PMO).

Under it, IPGL will invest approximately US $120 million in equipping the port and
operating the port for the duration of the Contract.

India also offered a credit window equivalent to US $250 million, for mutually
identified projects aimed at improving Chabahar-related infrastructure.

NOTE: Chabahar is one of the two overseas ports that will be managed by India. The other
is Sittwe port in Myanmar.
About Chabahar Port

It is located in Sistan and Baluchestan province on the Makran coast in southeastern

Iran, along the Gulf of Oman, outside the Strait of Hormuz.

It is the only deep-sea port in Iran with direct access to the ocean.

Chabahar Port comprises two terminals: Shahid Beheshti and Shahid Kalantari.

The port is a part of India’s proposed International North-South Transport Corridor


INSTC is a 7,200-kilometer multi-mode transport project linking the Indian Ocean

and Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea via Iran, and further to northern Europe through

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Saint Petersburg in Russia.

19th Session of the United Nations Forum on


💡 What: India recently participated in the 19th Session of the United Nations Forum
on Forests (UNFF), held at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Tell me more
About UN Forum on Forests (UNFF)

It is an intergovernmental policy forum for promoting the management, conservation,

and sustainable development of all types of forests and strengthening long-term
political commitment to this end.

Parent Organisation: It is a key commission of the UN Economic and Social Council


Established Year: 2000

Membership: It has universal membership, and is composed of all Member States of


Achievements: It has achieved the following significant milestones since its inception

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2007 – Adoption of the first UN Forest Instrument

2015 – Establishment of Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network (GFFFN)

2017 – Approved first UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030 with its six Global Forest

Key Highlights of India's Participation at the 19th UNFF

Increase in Forest Cover: India emphasized its significant advancements in forest

conservation and sustainable forest management, leading to a consistent increase in
forest cover over the past 15 years.

India ranks third globally (after China and Russia) in net gain in average annual
forest area between 2010 and 2020.

Green Credit Program introduced: It is aimed at incentivizing entities to undertake tree

plantation and restoration of degraded forest lands, thus strengthening climate action

Hosted Country Led Initiative under UNFF: It was hosted in October 2023 in Dehradun,

It was attended by representatives from 40 countries and 20 international


It discussed forest fire management and forest certification, with recommendations

presented by India during UNFF 19.

4th Meeting of ASEAN-India Trade in Goods

Agreement Joint Committee

💡 What: The 4th Joint Committee meeting for the review of AITIGA (ASEAN-India
Trade in Goods Agreement) was held in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

💡 Why: To review of AITIGA, to make it more trade-facilitative and beneficial for

businesses across the region.

Tell me more

ASEAN is one of the major trade partners of India with a share of 11% in India’s global

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Bilateral trade: It stood at US $122.67 billion during 2023-24.


It is a trade deal between the ten member states of ASEAN and India.

It was signed in 2009 at the 7th ASEAN Economic Ministers-India Consultations in

Bangkok, Thailand.

It came into effect in 2010

It covers trade in physical goods and products; it does not apply to trade in services.

NOTE: ASEAN and India signed a separate ASEAN-India Trade in Services

Agreement in 2014.

5th Joint Committee meeting of AITIGA: It will be held in July 2024 in Jakarta,

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor


💡 What: India-UAE have recently concluded the first round of talks on India-Middle
East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) as part of the India-UAE Inter-
Governmental Framework Agreement (IGFA) on IMEC.

Tell me more
About IMEC

It is a proposed transit network that aims at integration of Asia, Europe, and the Middle

It consists of railroad, ship-to-rail networks (road and sea), and road transport routes
(and networks)

MoU to establish it was signed between India, European Union, France, Germany, Italy,
Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the US at New Delhi G20 summit.

It comprises of two separate corridors

East corridor connecting India to the Gulf

Northern corridor connecting Gulf to Europe

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It will provide reliable and cost-effective cross-border ship to rail transit network to
supplement existing maritime routes.

It intends to increase efficiency, reduce costs, secure regional supply chains, increase
trade accessibility, enhance economic cooperation, generate jobs and lower
greenhouse gas emission, resulting in a transformative integration of Asia, Europe and
the Middle East.

India-UAE Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement (IGFA) on IMEC: It was

approved in March 2023 for exploring further potential of future joint investment and

IGFA includes areas of cooperation between the two countries with the objective of
exploring further potential of future joint investment and collaboration in respect of
development of the IMEC.

Bacterial Priority Pathogens List (BPPL) 2024

💡 What: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated its Bacterial Priority
Pathogens List (BPPL) 2024.

PIB 247 - May 2024 31

Tell me more

About BPPL

It is being published since 2017

It serves as a global tool which forms the basis for activities related to surveillance and
control of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

It also guides research and development (R&D) efforts for new antibiotics, ensuring
effective treatments are available in the future.

Updated BPPL list 2024: It has included 24 pathogens belonging to 15 families of

antibiotic resistant (ABR) pathogens

These pathogens are grouped into critical, high and medium categories based on
priority for R&D and for public health measures.

About AMR

AMR occurs when the microbes (bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses) evolve so that
existing antimicrobial drugs are no longer effective.

The evolved pathogens that are harder to treat are referred to as “superbugs.

Spain - 99th member of International Solar


💡 What: Spain has become the 99th member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA)
after it officially handed over the ISA Instrument of Ratification.

Tell me more

About ISA

It is a treaty-based intergovernmental organisation to provide a dedicated platform for

countries and the wider global community to support the increasing use of solar

Genesis: It was jointly launched by India and France in 2015 on the sidelines of COP-21
of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in

It was officially established in 2017, with the entry into force of the ISA Framework

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This framework agreement was amended in 2020 to allow all member states of
the United Nations to join the ISA.

Headquarters: Gurugram, Haryana

Key Strategy of ISA: It is guided by the ‘Towards 1000’ strategy. Under it, ISA aims to

To mobilise USD 1,000 billion of investments in solar energy solutions by 2030

To deliver energy access to 1,000 million people

To install 1,000 GW of solar energy capacity

Observer Status of UN: It was granted in 2021 by the UN General Assembly

Observer status means it has right to take part and speak at UNFA meetings, but not
to vote on resolutions.

WIPO Treaty on IP, GRs and ATK

💡 What: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) members have

approved Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources (GRs), and
Associated Traditional Knowledge (ATK)

Tell me more

Genetic resources

They include medicinal plants, agricultural crops, and animal breeds.

While GRs themselves cannot be directly protected as IP, inventions developed using
them can be, typically through patents.


WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property policy, services, information and

It is one of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations, established in 1967,

with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Negotiations for this treaty began at WIPO in 2001, following a proposal by Colombia in

About Treaty

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Objective: To protect biodiversity, increase transparency in the patent system, and
strengthen innovation by integrating traditional knowledge into the global IP framework.

It establishes a new international legal requirement for patent applicants to disclose

inventions based on GRs and/or ATK.

Under it, applicants whose inventions are based on GRs and/or ATK must disclose the
country of origin or source of these resources.

Additionally, if the invention is based on ATK, applicants must disclose the

Indigenous Peoples or local community that provided the knowledge.

It will come into force with 15 contracting parties approving it.

Significance of Treaty

It marks the first WIPO treaty to tackle the intersection of IP, GRs, and ATK and includes
specific provisions for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Protecting Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: It ensures that the

contribution of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to these inventions is
recognized and protected.

Support for Traditional Knowledge: It validates and protects the traditional knowledge
and wisdom that have supported local economies, societies, and cultures for centuries.

Increased Transparency: It promotes transparency in the patent system by requiring

detailed disclosure of the origins of GRs and ATK.

Safeguarding Indigenous Rights: By including provisions for Indigenous Peoples and

local communities, it acknowledges their crucial role in the stewardship of GRs and
ATK, ensuring they receive recognition and protection under international law.

WTO Committee on Import Licensing (CIL)

💡 What: Japan and China have formally raised concern over India’s laptop import
licensing measure announced in August 2023 but was soon reversed at the World
Trade Organisation’s (WTO) – Committee on Import Licensing (CIL)

Tell me more

About Committee on Import Licensing (CIL)

It was established under Article 4 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures

(ILP Agreement).

PIB 247 - May 2024 34

ILP seeks to reduce scope for discrimination or administrative discretion in the
application of import licensing procedures.

It supervises the implementation of the ILP Agreement.

Its work revolves around two main areas of reviewing specific trade concerns and
ensuring transparency in import licensing.

Global Funds

💡 What: Union Health Secretary recently held a bilateral meeting with the Global
Fund on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly of WHO in Geneva,

💡 Why: To acknowledge Global Fund’s continued support towards the elimination of

three diseases in India, namely, TB, HIV/AIDS and Malaria.

Tell me more

About Global Fund

Objective: To attract, leverage, and invest additional resources to end the epidemics of
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria to support the attainment of the SDGs.

It is an international financing and partnership organization.

Established Year: 2002

Secretariat: Geneva, Switzerland

It is the world's largest financier of AIDS, TB, and malaria prevention, treatment, and
care programs.

It multistakeholder international organization that serves as a financing mechanism

rather than an implementing agency.

Funding Mechanism: It raises funds on a three-year cycle.

Governments, the private sector, and foundations pledge funds to it

In 2022, it had disbursed a record US $5.2 billion to fight HIV, TB, and malaria, and
support COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) activities.

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Drone Didi Yojana

💡 What: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has recently

signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd

💡 Why: To conduct two Pilot Projects under the Drone Didi Yojana.

Tell me more

About MoU

Under it, pilot projects will be conducted at the National Skill Training Institute (NSTI)
locations in Hyderabad and Noida.

Each project will skill 500 women in batches of 20, with a comprehensive 15-day
curriculum that adheres to Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) standards.

The curriculum will be delivered by qualified instructors from Remote Pilot Training
Organisations (RPTO) at these centers.

Future Plans and Expansion: The outcomes from the pilot projects will help MSDE to
scale the Drone Didi Yojana across other NSTIs and ITIs throughout the country.

Additionally, Mahindra & Mahindra will extend drone training for women at their
skilling centers located in Zaheerabad (Telangana) and Nagpur (Maharashtra).

About Drone Didi Yojana

Objective: To equip 15,000 women-led Self-Help Groups (SHGs) with agricultural

drones to assist in tasks such as crop monitoring, spraying fertilisers and sowing seeds.

Launch Year: 2024

Under it, rural women are trained to become drone pilots for agricultural purposes.

This will help to enhance economic empowerment by providing additional income

opportunities and financial autonomy among women, especially in rural areas.

Green Credit Program

PIB 247 - May 2024 36

💡 What: The Central Government has approved 12 greening projects under the
Green Credit Program.

Tell me more
About Green Credit Program (GCP)

Objective: To incentivise environmental positive actions across diverse sectors by

various stakeholders like communities through market-based mechanism and generate
Green Credit (GC).

GC is tradable and made available for trading on a domestic market platform.

Launch Year: 2023

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change

It introduces a market-based approach to incentivise 8 identified environmental


Sustainable agriculture

Waste management

Air pollution reduction

Mangrove conservation and restoration

Eco mark label development

Sustainable building and infrastructure

Water conservation


Focus Activities: In its initial phase, it will focus on water conservation and

Implementing Agency: Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE),

Dehradun will serve as GCP Administrator.

It will be responsible for program implementation, management, monitoring, and


It will develop Green Credit Registry and trading platform to facilitate the registration
and buying and selling of Green Credits.

To obtain Green Credits, individuals and entities must register their activities
through the central government's dedicated app/website

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Administrator will verify the activity through a designated agency, with self-verification
for small projects.

Once verification is complete, the Administrator will grant a Green Credit certificate
which will be tradable on the green credit platform.

IndiaAI Mission

💡 What: Government is ready to finance up to 50% to create Artificial Intelligence

(AI) compute infrastructure in the country under IndiaAI Mission

💡 Why: To establish at least 10,000 GPU (graphics processing unit) worth of AI

compute capacity in the country.

Tell me more

About IndiaAI Mission

Objective: To establish a comprehensive ecosystem that catalyzes AI innovation

through strategic programs and partnerships across the public and private sectors.

It will be achieved by democratizing computing access, providing startup risk

capital, ensuring socially impactful AI projects, bolstering ethical AI, etc.

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

Budgetary Outlay: Rs 10,371.92 crore

Implementation: It will be implemented by ‘IndiaAI’ Independent Business Division (IBD)

under Digital India Corporation (DIC)

It has following components

1. IndiaAI Compute Capacity

2. IndiaAI Innovation Centre

3. IndiaAI Datasets Platform

4. IndiaAI Application Development Initiative

5. IndiaAI FutureSkills

6. IndiaAI Startup Financing

PIB 247 - May 2024 38

7. Safe & Trusted AI


RBIH white paper titled ‘At the Helm: Women

Entrepreneurs Transforming Middle India’

💡 What: The Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH) has released a comprehensive
white paper titled 'At the Helm: Women Entrepreneurs Transforming Middle India'.

💡 Why: To shed light on the intricate socioeconomic dynamics influencing women's

entrepreneurship in Middle India.

Tell me more

About White Paper

Objective: To identify success factors crucial to women's entrepreneurship by

examining established businesses with sustained growth and employment records.

It is based on the study that delves deep into the challenges and opportunities faced by
women entrepreneurs, focusing on critical issues such as access to capital, caregiving
responsibilities, and supportive infrastructure and policies.

Middle India: It is based on a survey that highlights the complex socio-economic

dynamics affecting women’s entrepreneurship in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, referred to as
Middle India, and the role of women in their transformation.

Highlights/Findings of White Paper

Entrepreneurial Impact: Women entrepreneurs in Middle India are not only generators
of employment but also facilitators of local skill development.

They play a pivotal role in nurturing local markets while simultaneously tapping into
global opportunities through digital platforms.

Moreover, they serve as catalysts for inspiring other women to embark on

entrepreneurial journeys, fostering supportive networks, and promoting sustainable

PIB 247 - May 2024 39

Role of Women in the MSME sector: Only around 20% of India’s MSMEs are women-
led, of which the majority are sole proprietorships. Within these, 5.2% of small
enterprises are women-led and 2.6% of medium enterprises are women-led.

Factors Holding Women Back: The path to entrepreneurial success for women tends to
extend longer due to various challenges.

About 35% of respondents reported pausing their entrepreneurial efforts due to

caregiving responsibilities.

2% of women are primary decision-makers in their ventures, highlighting their

autonomy and leadership.

Key Challenges

Capital Gap: Only 3% of women surveyed have accessed bank loans or equity
investments. This underscores the financial hurdles hindering women entrepreneurs'
growth prospects.

Data Gap: The absence of gender-disaggregated data perpetuates stereotypes and

impedes evidence-based policy interventions and program evaluations.

Visibility Gap: Women entrepreneurs face societal undervaluation and limited visibility,
often being judged by stereotypical roles within the family or age-related biases.

Safety Gap: Cities perceived as safer for women witness a higher propensity for
entrepreneurial activities, emphasizing the need to enhance women's safety to foster
vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Network Gap: Marriage-induced migration disrupts women entrepreneurs' social

networks, hindering career progression and necessitating efforts to rebuild

NOTE: Marriage accounts for 87% of women's migration in Middle India.

Policy Recommendations

Data-driven Interventions: Granular gender-disaggregated data is imperative for

combating stereotypes and formulating effective policy interventions.

Enhanced Access to Capital: Providing meaningful grants, establishing female-focused

incubators, and venture capital funds can facilitate access to risk and growth capital for
women entrepreneurs.

Family Support Incentives: Fiscal incentives for childcare leave and expenses can
encourage familial support for women entrepreneurs.

Role Model Promotion: Highlighting success stories of local women entrepreneurs

through urban infrastructure can serve as inspiration and motivation.

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Infrastructure Support: The provision of co-working spaces and co-building facilities
can address operational limitations faced by home-based women entrepreneurs.

Inclusive Financial System: Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for inclusive
investing and credit can make the financial system responsive to women's needs.

Aging Well in Asia: Asian Development Policy

Report released by ADB

💡 What: The Asian Development Bank has recently released a report titled "Aging
Well in Asia: Asian Development Policy Report" during its 57th Annual Meeting.

Tell me more

About Report

It has identified four key dimensions of older persons’ well-being - health, productive
work, economic security, and social engagement.

It highlights the dual reality of longer lifespans as both a testament to the region’s
developmental success and a challenge due to inadequate preparedness in securing
the well-being of its older population.

It highlights the need for lifelong investment in human capital, a life-cycle approach to
intervention for age-specific needs, and population-wide outreach to people of all ages.

It provides concrete recommendations in the policy domains of health, employment and

retirement, pensions, long-term care, and community-level support.

Highlights of Report

Key Challenges

Growing Older Population: Developing Asia is aging rapidly with risk of not having
adequate resources to support ageing populations.

Older people (aged 60 and above) accounted for 13.5% of the regional population in
2022, it is expected to nearly double to 25.2% (1.2 billion) by 2050.

This demographic shift underscores the pressing need for expanded pension and
welfare programs and enhanced healthcare services.

Low Pension Coverage: Approximately 40% of the region’s older adults lack access to
any form of pension, with older women particularly disadvantaged due to higher rates

PIB 247 - May 2024 41

of unpaid domestic work.

Employment in Old Age: Many older adults continue working past retirement age out of
necessity, predominantly within the informal sector which lacks labor protections and
pension benefits.

Health Concerns: Physical and mental health challenges are prevalent, with 60% of
older adults missing regular health check-ups and 31% experiencing depressive
symptoms due to various factors including illness, social isolation, and economic

India-related findings: There is the lowest health insurance coverage among older
people at 21%.

80%–90% of financial resources for retirement come from private income and
assets, not public pensions or social assistance.


Silver Dividend: There is potential for a "silver dividend," where increased productivity
from older individuals could boost the region’s GDP by an average of 0.9%.

Contribution to Society: Encouraging family and social ties can help foster a healthy
and productive older population, maximizing their societal contributions.

Policy Recommendations

Health and Pension Support: Implementation of government-assisted health insurance

and pension plans is crucial.

There is a need for improved health infrastructure and free annual health check-ups
and lifestyle evaluations to promote better health outcomes among older adults.

Universal Health Care: Policies should aim for universal health care coverage, ensuring
that older adults receive the necessary health services without financial hardship.

Labour Protections: There is a need to extend basic labor protections to older workers
in the informal sector to safeguard their rights and improve their quality of life.

For this, transition to market-based long-term care systems, community-based

social activities (like the Ibasho project in Japan), and digital skills training are

Flexibility in Retirement: Adjusting mandatory retirement ages and providing

opportunities for suitable work, lifelong learning, and skills development can help older
adults remain economically active and productive for longer.

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World Bank Report – ‘Recipe for a Livable Planet:
Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood

💡 What: The World Bank has released a Report titled "Recipe for a Livable Planet:
Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System"

💡 Why: To outline actions for countries to enhance food security, and climate
resilience, and protect vulnerable populations during the transition to net-zero

Tell me more

About Report

It provides the first comprehensive global roadmap for mitigating the agrifood system’s
contributions to climate change.

The agri-food system encompasses the entire journey of food from farm to table (i.e.,
from cultivation, harvesting, processing, packaging, etc. to preparation, consumption,
and disposal).

It also encompasses non-food products (for example forestry, animal rearing, use of
feedstock, etc.)

Key findings

Emissions: The world’s agrifood system emits about 16 gigatonnes of greenhouse

gases (GHG) per year — about a third of all global emissions — and is projected to keep

The top ten agrifood system emitters: China, Brazil, India, United States, Indonesia,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia ration, Canada, Pakistan, and Argentina.

Of these, two (Canada and the US) are high-income countries (HIC), one (the
Democratic Republic of Congo) is low-income country (LIC) and the rest are
middle-income countries.

3/4th of agrifood emissions come from developing countries and China, Brazil, and

PIB 247 - May 2024 43

In India: 60% of such emissions come from the farm gate, mainly due to enteric
fermentation in the livestock sector

Disparity in Emissions: Countries with the highest agrifood emissions tend to also be
the most populous countries.

Therefore, China and India rank high in total emissions but much lower in per capita

Countries with the highest per capita agrifood system emissions differ from those
with the highest total agrifood system emissions.

HICs have the highest per capita agrifood system emissions, with LICs catching up

Suboptimal climate financing: Despite an overall doubling of climate financing (at $660
billion) over the last decade, project-level financing for agrifood systems stands at only
4.3% (at $28 billion).

There is need to increase annual investment to $260 billion a year to halve agrifood
emissions by 2030 and reach Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Greatest mitigation potential: It lies in carbon sequestration in agriculture which

includes measures to reduce enteric fermentation, increase synthetic fertilizer
efficiency, and manage water resources in rice cultivation.

World Migration Report 2024

💡 What: The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has launched the World
Migration Report 2024 in Bangladesh

💡 Why: To highlight significant shifts in global migration patterns.

Tell me more

Key Highlights of Reportthe

Migration continues to propel human development, it also faces persistent challenges.

Global count of international migrants: It has reached 281 million.

Rise in international remittances: They have increased by over 650% from US $128
billion in 2000 to US $831 billion in 2022.

PIB 247 - May 2024 44

Notably, US $647 billion of these remittances went to low- and middle-income

Top 5 Countries: India (US $111 billion), Mexico (US $61.19 billion), China (US $51
Billion), Philippines (US $ 38.05 billion) and France (US $30.4 billion)

Gulf countries remained the most favorable destinations for migrant workers from
around the world.

Migrants in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, and Qatar accounted for 88%,
73%, and 77% of the population, respectively.

Factors driving global displacement: Conflict and climate change remain the most

Of the total international migrants worldwide, 117 million are displaced, marking the
highest level recorded

Issues faced by Migrants

Reduced migration pathways for individuals from less developed countries is

driving more people to resort to irregular migration pathways.

Migrants are subjected to racism, xenophobia, criminalization, gender-based

violence, and other human rights violations.

India related findings

India hosts the world's largest number of international migrants (18 million – 1.3% to the
total population), residing notably in UAE, USA, and Saudi Arabia.

In 2022, India was the top remittance recipient country, receiving more than US $111
billion, the first country to reach and even surpass the US $100 billion mark.

In India, the strong influence of climate impacts on internal migration from Rajasthan,
Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

Ind-Ra raises India's FY25 GDP growth estimate

to 7.1%

💡 What: India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has upgraded India’s GDP growth
estimate for FY25 to 7.1%, a notable increase from its earlier forecast of 6.5%.

Tell me more

PIB 247 - May 2024 45

Highlights of Ind-Ra Projections

Growth projection of 7.1% slightly surpasses the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) forecast
of 7.0%, indicating a positive outlook for the Indian economy.

Factors Driving Growth: Sustained government capital expenditure, corporate and

banking sector deleveraging, and emerging private corporate capital expenditure cycle.

Government capital expenditure remains a key driver, with Gross Fixed Capital
Formation (GFCF) expected to grow by 8.5% year-on-year in FY25

It is supported by significant budget allocations at both the union and state

levels for infrastructure development.

Consumption and Investment: Private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) is

forecasted to grow by 7.0% year-on-year, driven by goods and services consumed by
higher-income households.

Private sector greenfield capital expenditure, particularly in sectors like crude oil,
base metals, power, and telecom, is witnessing a revival, contributing to investment

Export Challenges: Goods and services exports are expected to grow, but challenges
such as high inflation are affecting purchasing power and geopolitical uncertainties
continue to weigh on India's export sector.

Sectoral Outlook:

Services sector is projected to grow by 7.8% year-on-year, with financial services,

real estate, and professional services leading the growth.

Industrial growth is forecasted at 7.0% year-on-year, driven mainly by the

construction and electricity/utility sectors.

Agricultural growth is expected to benefit from above-normal monsoon rainfall, with

a growth forecast of 3.6% year-on-year.

Inflation and Fiscal Targets: Average retail and wholesale inflation are anticipated to
come in at 4.6% and 2.9%, respectively, in FY25.

Fiscal deficit: The targets set by the government indicate a commitment to fiscal
consolidation, with the targeted deficit of 5.1% of GDP in FY25 deemed achievable.

External Sector and Forex Reserves: The current account deficit (CAD) is expected to
remain under control at US $46.3 billion (1.2% of GDP) in FY25, supported by steady
remittances and software exports.

Flows in the capital account are estimated to improve, leading to a net addition of
US$ 81.3 billion in forex reserves.

PIB 247 - May 2024 46

Currency Outlook: Indian rupee to average 85.10/USD in FY25, with a depreciation of

However, potential risks from global commodity prices and supply chain disruptions
could impact this forecast, leading to a lower depreciation scenario.

India to become 3rd-largest Consumer Market

by 2026: UBS Bank Report

💡 What: According to the latest report of UBS Bank, India is expected to become the
third-largest consumer market by 2026 after the US and China, surpassing
Germany and Japan.

Tell me more
Highlights of the UBS Report

India’s Consumer Market: This will be driven by a rise in the affluent population, with
an estimated 40 million people in India having an annual income above $10,000 as of

This number is projected to more than double by 2028, reaching 88 million


Consumption Growth Outlook: There will be continued growth in the premium/affluent

segment, despite expectations of muted consumption growth at 4-5% in FY 2024-25
and FY 2025-26, below the 6.5-7% average witnessed in the past.

Urban mass-market demand may remain modest due to various factors like
softening corporate wage growth and personal loan moderation, the
premium/affluent segment is expected to thrive.

Rural Segment and Economic Factors: The rural segment is forecasted to witness
recovery, supported by factors such as normal monsoon, removal of export bans on
agricultural commodities, and capex recovery.

Inflation: It is expected to ease to 4.5% in FY25 from the 5.4% average in the previous
fiscal year, according to Reserve Bank of India estimates.

Challenge: Sustaining consumption growth requires the creation of quality jobs, which
remains a challenge for India despite its economic potential.

PIB 247 - May 2024 47

Consumption Dichotomy and Factors Driving Change: The consumption dichotomy in
India reflects income disparities post-pandemic, increased access to consumer credit,
and evolving consumer preferences.

WHO Releases Global Report on Neglected

Tropical Diseases 2024

💡 What: The World Health Organization (WHO) has published its Global Report on
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) 2024.

Tell me more

About NTDs

They are a diverse group of conditions of parasitic, bacterial, viral, fungal and non-
communicable origin, mainly prevalent in tropical areas.

They are so called ‘neglected’ as they are almost absent from the global health agenda.

It includes diseases such as yaws, chikungunya, dengue, trachoma, dracunculiasis,

leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, rabies, soil-transmitted helminthiases, leishmaniasis.

About Report

It details the progress made in 2023 towards the goals outlined in the Roadmap for
NTDs 2021–2030 ahead of World Health Assembly (WHA77)

WHA77 is scheduled to take place in Geneva, Switzerland

Report Highlights of Report

Intervention Needs: In 2022, 1.62 billion people needed interventions against NTDs, a
26% decrease from 2010.

However, this reduction is insufficient to meet the roadmap’s target of a 90%

reduction by 2030.

Country Achievements: In 2023, five countries eliminated one NTD, and one country
eliminated two.

By December 2023, 50 countries had eliminated at least one NTD, marking

progress towards the 2030 target of 100 countries.

Treatment Coverage: Approximately 848 million people received treatment for at least
one NTD in 2022, 49 million fewer than in 2021 but 50 million more than in 2020.

PIB 247 - May 2024 48

Mortality Increase: Reported deaths from vector-borne NTDs increased by 22%
compared to 2016.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Access to WASH is 85.8% in NTD-endemic

countries, but only 63% among populations require NTD interventions.

Financial Protection: 4% of the at-risk population is protected against catastrophic out-

of-pocket health expenditures due to NTDs.

New NTDs: In 2023, noma (cancrum oris, gangrenous stomatitis) was added to the list
of NTDs.

Medicine Donations: NTD medicine donation programs achieved significant

milestones, delivering 2.1 billion tablets and vials, 200 million more than in 2022.

WHO managed 994 million of these, distributing them to 112 Member States free of

Post-COVID-19 Recovery and Challenges: The report identifies several challenges,

including slow recovery from COVID-19, funding uncertainties, geopolitical disruptions,
climate change, knowledge gaps, and insufficient data, highlighting the complexities in
combating NTDs.

India related findings:

40.56% of the Indian population required interventions against NTDs in 2022.

India was certified free of dracunculiasis (2000) and yaws (2016).

China surpasses US as India’s largest trading

partner: GTRI

💡 What: According to data released by the Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI),
China has overtaken the US as India’s largest trading partner in the fiscal year
2023-24. This marked a change after a two-year period where the US held the
top position.

Tell me more

Key Highlights of GTRI Data

India's Global Position: India ranked 17th globally in exports, with a 1.8% share in world

PIB 247 - May 2024 49

On the import front, the country is ranked 8th, holding a 2.8% share in global trade.

India's merchandise exports in 2023-24 fell 3.11% to $ 437.1 billion

Imports declined by 5.4% to $ 677.2 billion in the last fiscal.

India-China Bilateral trade: It reached $118.4 billion in FY24

Imports rose by 3.24% to $101.7 billion

Exports increased by 8.7% to $16.67 billion.

Trend Analysis: Over the past five years, India's exports to China experienced a
marginal decline of 0.6%, while imports surged by 44.7%, highlighting the growing
trade deficit.

India-US Trade: Two-way trade between India and the US amounted to $118.3 billion in

Exports decreased by 1.32% to $77.5 billion

Imports also decreased by 20% to $40.8 billion.

India's imports from free trade agreement (FTA) partner countries: These countries
are UAE, South Korea, ASEAN, Japan and Australia

Imports from these FTA partner countries increased by about 38% to reach $187.92
billion during the fiscal years 2019-2024.

In contrast, exports to these FTA partners increased by 14.48% to $122.72 billion in

the fiscal year 2023-24 from $107.20 billion in 2018-19.

Impact of Free Trade Agreements: India's imports saw a substantial rise, indicating
the varied impact of free trade agreements on the country's global trade dynamics.

Exports and Imports Trends: While exports grew steadily, imports experienced a
more significant surge, highlighting the changing trade landscape.

PLFS - Quarterly Bulletin (January-March 2024)

💡 What: National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics & Programme

Implementation has released the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) - Quarterly
Bulletin (January-March 2024)

Tell me more

PIB 247 - May 2024 50

Objectives of PLFS

To estimate the key employment and unemployment indicators (viz. Worker Population
Ratio, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment Rate) in the short time interval of
three months for the urban areas only.

To estimate employment and unemployment indicators in both rural and urban areas

Key Findings PLFS - Quarterly Bulletin (January-March 2024) - for persons of age 15
years and above

Unemployment Rate (UR) in urban areas: Decreased from 6.8% to 6.7% during
January – March 2023 to January – March 2024.

Male UR: Increased from 6.0% in January – March 2023 to 6.1% in January –

Female UR: Decreased from 9.2% in January – March 2023 to 8.5% in January –

Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in urban areas: It has shown an increasing
trend from 48.5% to 50.2% during January – March 2023 to January – March 2024

Male LFPR: Increased from 73.5% to 74.4% during this period.

Female LFPR: Increased from 22.7% to 25.6% during this period.

Worker Population Ratio (WPR) for persons aged 15 years and above: It has increased
from 45.2% in January – March 2023 to 46.9% in January – March 2024.

Male WPR: Increased from 69.1% to 69.8% during this period

Female WPR: Increased from 20.6% to 23.4% during this period.

World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024-

Mid year Update Report

💡 What: The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has
released World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024-Mid Year Update Report.

Tell me more

Key Highlights Mid-Year Update Report

PIB 247 - May 2024 51

World economy: It is now projected to grow by 2.7% in 2024, up from the previously
forecasted 2.4%.

This upgrade is largely due to the better-than-expected performance of the United

States economy and an improved outlook for several large emerging economies.

However, this modest gain in growth momentum is partly offset by downward

revisions in the growth forecasts for the European Union, Africa, and Western Asia.

Overall, the near-term economic outlook remains cautiously optimistic due to

Persistent economic vulnerabilities

High interest rates

Ongoing geopolitical tensions

Increasing climate risks

India's expected growth rate: 6.9% for the year 2024 and 6.6% for 2025.


The world economy is also facing significant challenges in accelerating the

transition to net zero emissions.

Technological breakthroughs especially processing and use of critical minerals has

opened up new opportunities for boosting economic growth.

Challenges in investment of critical minerals

Concentration of resources in a few geographical locations may lead to

supply chain vulnerabilities for ex-Lithium triangle consisting of Argentina,
Chile and Bolivia

Supply-chain and national security concerns are increasingly shaping

critical mineral sector policies for ex-European Union’s Critical Raw
Materials Act (2024).

Unsustainable Mining and processing

World Bank Report: ‘Water For Shared


💡 What: World Bank has recently released a report titled ‘Water For Shared
Prosperity’ at 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia.

PIB 247 - May 2024 52

Tell me more

About Shared Prosperity

Shared Prosperity: World Bank defines Shared prosperity as boosting prosperity,

particularly for poorest, to achieve more equitable societies.

Four interconnected building blocks of Shared Prosperity:

Health and Education (human capital)

Jobs and Income (economic capital)

Peace and Social cohesion (social capital)

Environment (natural capital)

Key Findings of Report

Population growth, urbanization, and climate change are causing disparity in global
water access.

In 2022, 2.2 billion people lacked access to safely managed drinking water, 3.5 billion
lacked safely managed sanitation, and 2 billion lacked basic hygiene services.

Between 2000 and 2022

Number of people without access to safely managed drinking water increased by

197 million

Number of people without basic sanitation increased by 211 million people

Globally, about 450 million people live in high-poverty and low-water-access hotspots.
In low-income countries, access to water services is available in less than half of

Inadequate and unsafe water affects early childhood development.

Climate change leads to extreme weather events like floods, droughts, further
disrupting children’s learning leading to school dropouts, damaging crops, increasing
conflicts etc.

Recommendations for inclusive water security

There is need to improve resilience to extreme hydro-climatic risks by setting up early

warning systems.

Improve water resources development and allocation by integrating nature-based

solutions and adopt water accounting method.

Safely managed water supply and sanitation by reforming water information systems to
target pro-poor.

PIB 247 - May 2024 53

About World Water Forum (WWF)


To raise importance of water on political agenda

To support discussions towards resolution of international water issues; etc.

It is held every three years

It is Co-hosted by World Water Council and a host country.

The 10th WWF 2024 is being hosted by Indonesia.

ILO Working Paper on Financing Gap for

Universal Social Protection

💡 What: The International Labour Organization (ILO) has released a working paper
on “Financing gap for universal social protection”

Tell me more

Universal Social Protection (USP)

USP refers to a set of policies designed to ensure social security to all.

Social Security is the protection that society provides to individuals and households to
ensure access to healthcare and to guarantee income security, particularly in cases of
old age, unemployment, sickness, maternity etc.

Key Highlights of Working Paper

It has estimated the financing gap to attain USP in 133 Low and Middle-Income
Countries (LMICs).

It provides investment estimates necessary to ensure Universal Social Protection of:

Basic benefits for all children

Mothers of newborns

Persons with severe disabilities

Elderly individuals

Unemployed persons

Universal essential healthcare

PIB 247 - May 2024 54

Financing Gap: Low- and middle-income countries need to increase spending by an
estimated additional US$1.4 trillion to ensure universal social protection.

The required increase represents 3.3% of the annual GDP of low- and middle-
income countries combined.

For low-income countries alone, the financing gap reaches a staggering 52.3% of
their annual GDP.

Government Spending: Achieving universal coverage necessitates an additional 10.6%

of annual government expenditure in these countries.

This can be sourced through domestic means such as taxation, social security
contributions, and better sovereign debt management.

Regional Disparities

Africa: Faces the largest challenges with a financing gap of 17.6% of the continent's
GDP per year.

Arab States: Low- and middle-income countries in this region face a gap of 11.4%.

Latin America and the Caribbean: 2.7% gap

Asia and the Pacific: 2.0% gap.

Europe and Central Asia: 1.9% gap

India: It will require US$135.3 billion to ensure universal social protection and has a
financing gap of 3.3% of GDP and 11.8% of government expenditure.

Strategies to close financing gap

Domestic resource mobilization including increasing tax revenue and social security

Removing explicit and implicit fuel subsidies, and introducing carbon pricing

Eliminating illicit financing flows such as money laundering, tax evasion and
financial corruption.

Managing sovereign debt effectively and creation of new international financing


PLFS Q4 FY24 State-wise Data

PIB 247 - May 2024 55

💡 What: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the
Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) for 15-29 year age group in urban areas for
January-March 2024 Quarter (Q4) of FY24 (2023-24).a

Tell me more

Key Findings

The latest PLFS survey covered 22 states and Union Territories (UTs) across India.

Kerala topped youth unemployment rate among 15-29 age group at 31.8% for Q4 (Jan-
March) FY24.

Delhi registered the lowest unemployment rate among 15-29 age group at 3.1% for Q4

Unemployment Rate

Overall unemployment rate for 15-29 age group: Increased from 16.5% (October-
December, 2023) to 17% (January-March, 2024).

It is slightly lower than compared to 17.3% for Jan-March, 2023.

Unemployment rate for all age groups: It increased marginally from 6.5% for Q3 FY24
to 6.7% for Q4 FY24.

It is slightly below the 6.8% for Q4FY23(2022-23).

Female Unemployment Rate

PIB 247 - May 2024 56

Overall female unemployment: It has slightly increased from 22.5% Q3 FY24 to 22.7%

It is lower than 22.9% for Q4 FY23.

Male Unemployment Rate

PIB 247 - May 2024 57

Paper titled ‘Towards Tax Justice & Wealth
Redistribution in India’ released

💡 What: The World Inequality Lab has released a paper titled ‘Towards Tax Justice
& Wealth Redistribution in India’.

Tell me more

About World Inequality Lab

It is a research organization focused on studying and analyzing income and wealth

inequality around the world.

It produces comprehensive reports and data on global inequality trends, the distribution
of income and wealth, and policy recommendations to address these issues.

Key Highlights of Paper

It is a follow-up to its previous study titled ‘Income and Wealth Inequality in India, 1922-
2023: The Rise of the Billionaire Raj’ published in March 2024.

It proposes a tax package for the ultra-wealthy that could generate revenue between
2.5% - 5% of GDP.

This revenue should be spent on social sectors like health and education to
facilitate redistribution.

Income and Wealth Inequality in India

Trend: Inequality declined post-independence, but began rising in the 1980s, and has
skyrocketed since the 2000s.

Income Inequality: Top 1% earn 22.6% of total pre-tax national income (up from 7.3%
in 1980) while the bottom 50% earn only 15%.

Wealth Inequality: Top 1% control over 40% of total wealth (up from 12.5% in 1980)
while the bottom 50% hold only 6.4% of total wealth

Tax package proposed

Wealth Tax: 2 % annual tax on net wealth exceeding Rs. 10 crores and 4% for net
wealth exceeding Rs. 100 crores.

Inheritance Tax: 33% inheritance tax on estates exceeding Rs. 10 crores in valuation
and 45% tax on estates exceeding Rs. 100 crores.

PIB 247 - May 2024 58

Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook
2024 Report

💡 What: The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has released the Asia-Pacific
Employment and Social Outlook 2024 report titled “Post-Pandemic Recovery and
Future Challenges”.

Tell me more

Key Highlights

Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate in the region is expected to remain

steady at 4.2% for 2024 and 2025, translating to 87.8 million unemployed individuals in

Variation: Despite a regional unemployment rate below pre-pandemic levels, there are
considerable differences among subregions and countries.

Jobs Gap: The region's total unmet employment need was 164 million in 2023.

This figure includes individuals, such as women unable to job search due to care

Persistent Issues

Working Poverty and Informality: Many workers continue to be engaged in low-quality,

informal jobs despite economic growth.

In 2023, two-thirds of workers were in informal employment, showing only a slight

improvement over a decade.

Demographic Shifts

Population Ageing: The ratio of people aged 65 and above is expected to double by
2050, increasing the economic dependency ratio and posing challenges for sustaining
economic growth.

Regional Impact: East Asia will experience a demographic drag on growth by 0.3
percentage points annually, while South Asia will see a decline in its demographic

Future Prospects and Productivity

PIB 247 - May 2024 59

Income Growth Potential: Despite ageing populations, continued per capita income
growth is achievable with strong productivity gains.

Labour Productivity: Labour productivity in emerging Asia-Pacific economies is less

than one-third of that in high-income countries.

Overcoming structural barriers and providing training opportunities are essential for
tapping into the potential of the region's workforce.

Policy Recommendations

Reforms and Standards: Significant policy reforms and better implementation of

existing standards are crucial for reducing inequalities, improving prospects for older
workers, and ensuring equitable pension systems.

Social Dialogue: Robust social dialogue among workers, employers, and governments
is necessary to address these challenges.

Initiatives like the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just
Transitions are highlighted as vital steps towards advancing social justice.


❓ Q.) With which country’s central bank has NPCI International Payments Limited
(NIPL) recently signed an agreement to develop a Unified Payment Interface (UPI)
like instant payment system?
[a] Germany
[b] South Africa
[c] Namibia
[d] Nigeria
[e] Philippines

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 60

❓ Q.) Identify incorrect statement about the recently released White Paper titled 'At
the Helm: Women Entrepreneurs Transforming Middle India'
[a] It has been released by the NITI Aayog
[b] It sheds light on the intricate socioeconomic dynamics influencing women's
entrepreneurship in Middle India
[c] Only 3% of women surveyed have accessed bank loans or equity investments
[d] Only around 20% of India’s MSMEs are women-led, of which the majority are
sole proprietorships
[e] Marriage-induced migration disrupts women entrepreneurs' social networks,
hindering career progression and necessitating efforts to rebuild connections

✅ Solution: [a]

❓ Q.) Which of the following statements are correct about the recently released
report titled "Aging Well in Asia: Asian Development Policy Report"?
(1) It has been released by the United Nations Population Fund
(2) Older people (aged 60 and above) accounted for 13.5% of the regional
population in 2022, it is expected to nearly double to 25.2% (1.2 billion) by 2050
(3) Approximately 60% of the region’s older adults lack access to any form of
pension, with older women particularly disadvantaged due to higher rates of
unpaid domestic work
(4) In India, there is lowest health insurance coverage among older people at 21%
(5) There is potential for a "silver dividend" where increased productivity from
older individuals could boost the region’s GDP by an average of 0.9%
[a] 1, 2 and 3 Only
[b] 2, 4 and 5 Only
[c] 3, 4 and 5 Only
[d] 2, 3 and 4 Only
[e] 1, 3 and 5 Only

✅ Solution: [b]

PIB 247 - May 2024 61

❓ Q.) What is the primary purpose of the Goods & Services Tax Appellate Tribunal
[a] To enforce GST laws uniformly across India
[b] To handle appeals against decisions made by the GST Council
[c] To handle appeals against decisions made by the Appellate Authority under
the CGST Act and State GST Acts
[d] To audit GST filings of large corporations
[e] To adjudicate initial GST disputes at the state level

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Which is the Nodal Centre for the recently launched Capacity Building on
Design and Entrepreneurship (CBDE) program by the Ministry of Education to
integrate industry expertise with academic curricula to enhance the
entrepreneurial capabilities of future leaders?
[a] IIT Delhi
[b] IIITDM, Kancheepuram
[c] IISc, Bengaluru
[d] IIM Ahmedabad
[e] IIT Bombay

✅ Solution: [b]

❓ Q.) Under which guidelines/directives/standards issued by the Department of

Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution has
drip pricing been identified as a dark pattern?
[a] Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2020
[b] Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023
[c] Online Commerce Act, 2018
[d] Fair Trade Practices Directive, 2015
[e] Digital Marketing Standards, 2021

PIB 247 - May 2024 62

✅ Solution: [b]

❓ Q.) Which Ministry in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
recently organized MEDITECH STACKATHON 2024 in New Delhi?
[a] Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
[b] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
[c] Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
[d] Ministry of MSME
[e] Ministry of Science and Technology

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) In which year did the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual

Property Rights (TRIPS) officially come into effect?
[a] 1985
[b] 1990
[c] 1995
[d] 2000
[e] 2005

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) The 5th Joint Group of Customs (JGC) meeting between India and which
neighbouring country was recently held in Leh, Ladakh?
[a] Bangladesh
[b] Nepal
[c] Bhutan
[d] Sri Lanka
[e] Maldives

PIB 247 - May 2024 63

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Asian Development Bank (ADB), through its Trade Finance Program (TFP), has
entered into a $100 million agreement with Citi Bank to further support trade
activities in developing markets across Asia. When ADB’s TFP was launched to
offer guarantees and loans to partner banks to facilitate trade in the region?
[a] 2005
[b] 2007
[c] 2009
[d] 2012
[e] 2015

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 64

❓ Q.) Which of the following statements are incorrect about the recently released
report titled "Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the
Agrifood System" by the World Bank?
(1) The world’s agrifood system emits about 16 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases
(GHG) per year — about half of all global emissions
(2) 3/4th of agrifood emissions come from developing countries and China, Brazil,
and India.
(3) In India, 90% of such emissions come from the farm gate, mainly due to
enteric fermentation in the livestock sector
(4) Despite an overall doubling of climate financing at $660 billion over the last
decade, project-level financing for agrifood systems stands at only 4.3% at $28
(5) There is a need to increase annual investment to $260 billion a year to halve
agrifood emissions by 2030 and reach Net Zero emissions by 2050
[a] 1 and 2 Only
[b] 2 and 3 Only
[c] 1 and 3 Only
[d] 4 and 5 Only

[e] 2 and 4 Only

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 65

❓ Q.) Which of the following statements are incorrect about the recently released
World Migration Report 2024?
(1) It was released by the International Labour Organisation in Bangladesh
(2) The global count of international migrants has reached 281 million
(3) International remittances have increased by over 650% from US $128 billion in
2000 to US $831 billion in 2022
(4) China hosts the world's largest number of international migrants (18 million –
1.3% to the total population), residing notably in UAE, USA, and Saudi Arabia
(5) In 2022, Brazil was the top remittance recipient country, receiving more than
US $111 billion, the first country to reach and even surpass the US $100 billion
[a] 1, 3 and 5 Only
[b] 2, 3 and 4 Only
[c] 3, 4 and 5 Only
[d] 1, 2 and 3 Only
[e] 1, 4 and 5 Only

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) has recently upgraded India’s GDP growth
estimate for FY25 to ______________, an increase from its earlier forecast of 6.5%.
Fill the gap
[a] 6.7%
[b] 6.9%
[c] 7.0%
[d] 7.1%
[e] 7.4%

✅ Solution: [d]

PIB 247 - May 2024 66

❓ Q.) When will India become the third-largest consumer market after the US and
China, surpassing Germany and Japan according to the latest report of UBS
[a] 2030
[b] 2028
[c] 2027
[d] 2026
[e] 2025

✅ Solution: [d]

❓ Q.) Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has recently inaugurated a Krishi
ICCC at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi. It aims to enhance the effectiveness of
agricultural practices across India by providing customized solutions that address
the specific needs of the farming community. What does ICCC stands for?
[a] Innovative Centre for Crop Community
[b] INDRA – Climate Change Forecast Centre
[c] India Crop Command Centre
[d] Information Control and Communication Centre
[e] Integrated Command and Control Centre

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) What does AMS stand for in the context of World Trade Organisation (WTO)
[a] Aggregate Market Subsidy
[b] Annual Monetary Support
[c] Aggregate Measurement of Support
[d] Assessed Market Subsidy
[e] None of the above

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 67

❓ Q.) With which company has the Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) recently signed an MoU to conduct two Pilot Projects
under the Drone Didi Yojana?
[a] Tata Sons Ltd
[b] Reliance Industries Ltd
[c] Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd
[d] Interglobe Aviation Ltd
[e] Google India Ltd

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) India and which country have recently signed a 10-year contract for the
operation of Shahid Beheshti Port Terminal at the strategically important
Chabahar port?
[a] Oman
[b] Iraq
[c] Saudi Arabia
[d] Iran
[e] Kuwait

✅ Solution: [d]

❓ Q.) The UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) is an intergovernmental policy forum for

promoting management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of
forests and strengthening long-term political commitment to this end. It is a key
commission of the________________, established in ____________. Fill the gaps
[a] UNDP, 2016
[b] UNEP, 2012
[c] UNESCO, 2010
[d] UNFAO, 2004
[e] UNECOSOC, 2000

PIB 247 - May 2024 68

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a Global Report on
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) 2024. This report details the progress made
in 2023 towards the goals outlined in the Roadmap for NTDs 2021–2030 ahead of
the World Health Assembly (WHA77). According to it, _____________ of the Indian
population required interventions against NTDs in 2022. Fill the gap
[a] 49.34%
[b] 35.44%
[c] 40.56%
[d] 51.90%
[e] 57.47%

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Which country has emerged as India’s largest trading partner in the fiscal year
2023-24 according to data released by the Global Trade Research Initiative
[a] US
[b] UAE
[c] China
[d] Australia
[e] Germany

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 69

❓ Q.) The 4th Joint Committee meeting for the review of AITIGA (ASEAN-India Trade
in Goods Agreement) was held in Putrajaya, Malaysia to review AITIGA, to make it
more trade-facilitative and beneficial for businesses across the region. When was
AITIGA signed?
[a] 2009
[b] 2002
[c] 2007
[d] 2010
[e] 2012

✅ Solution: [a]

❓ Q.) Which Ministry has recently unveiled Stage-I Participants for “Sangam
Initiative: A Leap Towards AI-Driven Infrastructure Transformation”?
[a] Ministry of Education
[b] Ministry of Science and Technology
[c] Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
[d] Ministry of Communications
[e] Ministry of Culture

✅ Solution: [d]

❓ Q.) Which sector of the economy is expected to benefit from the wider adoption
of Insurance Surety Bonds (ISBs)?
[a] Healthcare sector
[b] Information technology sector
[c] Infrastructure development sector
[d] Education sector
[e] Financial services sector

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 70

❓ Q.) Which initiative has been recently launched by the Centre for Development of
Telematics (C-DOT), Ministry of Communications to promote entrepreneurship
and innovation, particularly among women in India, who are making significant
strides in ICT and STEM fields?
[a] NIDHI Initiative
[b] Star Initiative
[c] HER Initiative
[d] HOPE Initiative
[e] HELP Initiative

✅ Solution: [a]

❓ Q.) Which of the following statement is incorrect about recently released Periodic
Labour Force Survey (PLFS) - Quarterly Bulletin (January-March 2024) by the
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation?
[a] Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in urban areas has shown an increasing
trend from 48.5% to 50.2% during January – March 2023 to January – March
2024 respectively
[b] Worker Population Ratio (WPR) for persons of age 15 years and above has
increased from 45.2% in January – March 2023 to 46.9% in January – March
[c] Unemployment Rate (UR) in urban areas has increased to 6.8% from 6.7%
during January – March 2023 to January – March 2024
[d] Female LFPR has increased from 22.7% to 25.6% during this period
[e] Female WPR has increased from 20.6% to 23.4% during this period

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 71

❓ Q.) The Central Government has recently approved 12 greening projects under the
Green Credit Program (GCP). This program aims to incentivise environmental
positive actions across diverse sectors by various stakeholders like communities
through market-based mechanism and generate Green Credit (GC). In which of
the following environmental activities has this program introduced a market-based
(1) Sustainable agriculture
(2) Waste management
(3) Mangrove conservation and restoration
(4) Eco mark label development
(5) Electric Mobility
[a] 2, 3 and 5
[b] 1, 3, 4 and 5
[c] 3, 4 and 5
[d] 1, 2, 3 and 4
[e] 2, 3, 4 and 5

✅ Solution: [d]

❓ Q.) The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has recently
released World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024-Mid Year Update Report.
According to it, world economy is now projected to grow by ____________in 2024,
up from the previously forecasted 2.4%. India's expected growth rate is __________
in 2025. Fill the gaps
[a] 2.7%, 6.6%
[b] 2.8%, 5.2%
[c] 3.0%, 6.9%
[d] 3.2%, 7.7%
[e] 3.9%, 8.5%

✅ Solution: [a]

PIB 247 - May 2024 72

❓ Q.) Government has recently announced that it will finance up to 50% to create
Artificial Intelligence (AI) compute infrastructure in the country under IndiaAI
Mission to establish at least 10,000 GPU (graphics processing unit) worth of AI
compute capacity in the country. Which of the following are components of
IndiaAI Mission?
(1) IndiaAI Compute Capacity
(2) IndiaAI Innovation Centre
(3) IndiaAI Datasets Platform
(4) IndiaAI FutureSkills
(5) Safe & Trusted AI
[a] 1, 2, 3 and 4
[b] 2, 3, 4 and 5
[c] 1, 4 and 5
[d] 2, 3 and 5
[e] 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) With which international organisation has Department of Animal Husbandry &
Dairying (DAHD), Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying recently
signed an MoU for digitalization of vaccine cold chain management, capacity
building, and communication planning?
[a] World Bank
[c] UNDP
[d] WHO
[e] ADB

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 73

❓ Q.) With which country did India recently conducted first round of talks on India-
Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) as part of their Inter-Governmental
Framework Agreement (IGFA) on IMEC?
[a] Oman
[b] Saudi Arabia
[c] Israel
[d] Russia
[e] UAE

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) Which country recently became the 99th member of the International Solar
[a] Germany
[b] China
[c] Italy
[d] Mexico
[e] Spain

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) Which institutions' faculty members are eligible for the National Awards to
Teachers (Higher Education) 2024?
[a] Only faculty members of technical higher education institutions
[b] Only faculty members of non-technical higher education institutions
[c] Faculty members of technical and non-technical higher education institutions
and Polytechnic Institutions
[d] Only faculty members of universities
[e] Only faculty members of private institutions

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 74

❓ Q.) How does the Inverted Duty Structure impact the domestic industry?
[a] It makes raw materials cheaper than finished goods
[b] It reduces the overall cost of production
[c] It forces manufacturers to pay a higher price for raw materials than for finished
[d] It increases the competitiveness of domestic products in the export market
[e] It eliminates the need for import duties

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Which of the following is the one of the recommendations for inclusive water
security mentioned in the recently released World Bank report titled ‘Water For
Shared Prosperity’ at 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia?
[a] Increasing the price of water
[b] Setting up early warning systems to improve resilience to extreme hydro-
climatic risks
[c] Reducing investments in water infrastructure
[d] Limiting access to water for urban areas
[e] Removing water subsidies

✅ Solution: [b]

❓ Q.) According to the recently released working paper on “Financing gap for
universal social protection” by the International Labour Organization (ILO), low-
and middle-income countries need to increase additional spending by
______________ to ensure universal social protection. India requires ___________ to
ensure universal social protection and has a financing gap of ____________ of GDP.
Fill the gaps
[a] US$ 1.6 trillion, US$ 150.4 billion, 3.6%
[b] US$ 1.4 trillion, US$ 135.3 billion, 3.3%
[c] US$ 1.5 trillion, US$ 147.8 billion, 4.4%
[d] US$ 1.7 trillion, US$ 128.2 billion, 4.8%
[e] US$ 1.9 trillion, US$ 115.5 billion, 5.2%

PIB 247 - May 2024 75

✅ Solution: [b]

❓ Q.) Which international organisation has recently approved its first treaty on
intellectual property, genetic resources (GRs), and associated traditional
knowledge (ATK)?
[a] WTO
[b] UNDP
[c] World Bank
[d] ADB
[e] WIPO

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) Which program has been launched by MeitY's e-governance service provider
Common Services Centres (CSC) in rural and remote areas in collaboration with
leading IT infrastructure service provider companies across the world?
[a] Cyber Suraksha program
[b] Cyber Niyantran program
[c] Cyber Rakshak program
[d] Cyber Help program
[e] Cyber Protection program

✅ Solution: [c]

PIB 247 - May 2024 76

❓ Q.) According to Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) for 15-29 year age group in
urban areas for January-March 2024 Quarter (Q4) of FY24 (2023-24) released by
the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has increased from
16.5% (October-December, 2023) to _______________(January-March, 2024).
_______________ State/UT has recorded lowest female unemployment rate in
January-March 2024. Fill the gaps
[a] 19%, Chandigarh
[b] 18.5%, Uttarakhand
[c] 17%, Delhi

[d] 17.5%, Gujarat

[e] 19.5%, Tamil Nadu

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect about the Cost Inflation
Index (CII)?

[a] It is notified every year by the National Statistical Office under the Income-tax
Act (1961)

[b] It is used by taxpayers to compute gains arising out of the sale of capital
assets after adjusting for inflation

[c] Its base year for computation is 2001-02

[d] A and B

[e] B and C

✅ Solution: [a]

PIB 247 - May 2024 77

❓ Q.) What are the names of the AI Anchors launched recently by DD Kisan to
provide necessary information about agriculture?
[a] AI Agri, AI Farm
[b] AI Bhuvan, AI Mitra
[c] AI Krish, AI Bhoomi
[d] AI Pal, AI Horti
[e] AI Jagran, AI Samridhi

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Identify incorrect about the recently released paper titled ‘Towards Tax Justice
& Wealth Redistribution in India’
[a] It has been released by research organisation – World Inequality Lab
[b] Inequality in India had declined post-independence, but began rising in the
1980s, and has skyrocketed since the 2000s
[c] Top 1% earn 22.6% of total pre-tax national income (up from 7.3% in 1980)
while the bottom 50% earn only 15%
[d] Top 1% control over 70% of total wealth (up from 12.5% in 1980) while the
bottom 50% hold only 10.5% of total wealth
[e] It has proposed 2% annual tax on net wealth exceeding Rs. 10 crores and 4%
for net wealth exceeding Rs. 100 crores

✅ Solution: [d]

❓ Q.) What is the main objective of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures
(ILP) Agreement of the World Trade Organisation?
[a] To increase tariffs on imported goods
[b] To reduce scope for discrimination or administrative discretion in the
application of import licensing procedures
[c] To promote exports from developing countries
[d] To standardize import tariffs across all WTO members
[e] To limit the number of import licenses issued annually

PIB 247 - May 2024 78

✅ Solution: [b]

❓ Q.) Who will head the inter-ministerial committee of various law enforcement and
intelligence agencies recently set up by the Ministry of Home Affairs to tackle the
increase in transnational organised cybercrimes launched against Indians from
various South East Asian countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos PDR?
[a] Rajiv Mehrish
[b] Pradeep Kumar Sinha
[c] Ajay Kumar Bhalla
[d] Rajiv Gauba
[e] V S K Kaumudi

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) Which Ministry/ies recently signed an MoU with CSC eGovernance Services
India Limited to provide the eMigrate services through Common Services Centers
(CSCs) in the country?
[a] Ministry of External Affairs
[b] Ministry of Labour and Employment
[c] Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
[d] A and B
[e] A and C

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) The Global Fund was established in 2002 to attract, leverage, and invest
additional resources to end which of the following the epidemic/s?
[b] Tuberculosis
[c] Malaria
[d] A and B
[e] A, B and C

PIB 247 - May 2024 79

✅ Solution: [e]

❓ Q.) With which international organisation has National Skill Development

Corporation, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship recently
announced its strategic partnership to advance skill development and lifelong
learning in India and globally?
[a] World Bank
[b] IMF
[c] ILO
[d] WTO
[e] WHO

✅ Solution: [c]

❓ Q.) Which unified portal will be launched by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare to simplify the process of filing health insurance claims?
[a] NLCH
[b] NHHT
[c] NITX
[d] NHCX
[e] NHDM

✅ Solution: [d]


PIB 247 - May 2024 80

❓ Q.) Which Ministry will be hosting the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
(ATCM 46) and the 26th Meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection
(CEP 26) in Kochi, Kerala?
[a] Ministry of Science and Technology
[b] Ministry of Mines and Minerals
[c] Ministry of Ports and Shipping
[d] Ministry of Earth Sciences
[e] Ministry of Defence

PIB 247 - May 2024 81

✅ Solution: [d]

It will be organised by the Ministry of Earth Sciences through the National

Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR)

The ATCM and meetings of the CEP are pivotal in the international
community's ongoing efforts to safeguard Antarctica's fragile ecosystem and
promote scientific research in the region.

They are convened annually under the Antarctic Treaty System

About Antarctic Treaty

It was signed in 1959 and entered into force in 1961

It has established Antarctica as a region dedicated to peaceful purposes,

scientific cooperation, and environmental protection.

56 countries currently party to it including India.

CEP: It was established under the Protocol on Environmental Protection to

the Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol) in 1991.

It advises the ATCM on environmental protection and conservation in


India has been a Consultative Party to the Antarctic Treaty since 1983.

It participates in the decision-making process along with other 28

Consultative Parties to the Antarctic Treaty to date.

India’s first Antarctic research station, Dakshin Gangotri, was

established in 1983.

At present, India operates two year-round research stations: Maitri

(1989) and Bharati (2012).

❓ Q.) The Gross Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue collections for April 2024
has hit a record high at _______________. Fill the gap
[a] Rs 2.10 lakh crore
[b] Rs 2.00 lakh crore
[c] Rs 1.97 lakh crore
[d] Rs 1.89 lakh crore
[e] Rs 1.82 lakh crore

PIB 247 - May 2024 82

✅ Solution: [a]

GST collections hit a record high in April 2024 at Rs. 2.10 lakh crore.

This is the first time, GST collections have crossed the Rs. 2 lakh crores

This represents a significant 12.4% year-on-year growth, driven by a strong

increase in domestic transactions (up 13.4%) and imports (up 8.3%).

Net GST revenue for April 2024 (after accounting for refunds) stands at Rs.
1.92 lakh crore, reflecting an impressive 15.5% growth compared to the same
period last year.

Breakdown of April 2024 Collections:

Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST): Rs. 43,846 crore

State Goods and Services Tax (SGST): Rs. 53,538 crore

Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST): Rs. 99,623 crore, including
Rs. 37,826 crore collected on imported goods;

Cess: Rs. 13,260 crore, including Rs. 1,008 crore collected on imported

Inter-Governmental Settlement: In the month of April, 2024, the central

government settled Rs. 50,307 crore to CGST and Rs. 41,600 crore to SGST
from the IGST collected.

This translates to a total revenue of Rs. 94,153 crore for CGST and Rs.
95,138 crore for SGST for April 2024 after regular settlement.

PIB 247 - May 2024 83

❓ Q.) The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) - Advanced Materials
and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI), in collaboration with the Knowledge
and Awareness Mapping Platform (KAMP) recently conducted a Scientific
Excursion under the CSIR Jigyasa and Viksit Bharat Program. Where is CSIR-
AMPRI located?
[a] Pune
[b] Chennai
[c] Kochi
[d] Kolkata
[e] Bhopal

✅ Solution: [e]

CSIR- AMPRI was instituted in 1981 in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh as “Regional

Research Laboratory”.

About KAMP

It is an initiative and knowledge alliance between the CSIR - National

Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR) and
industrial partner M/S Nysa Communications Pvt. Ltd.

It provides a platform for students to explore and engage with scientific

concepts, develop a holistic understanding, and ignite their scientific

❓ Q.) Which campaign has been recently organised by the National Anti-Doping
Agency (NADA), India to create awareness about clean sports?
[a] #CleanIndia Campaign
[b] #CleanSports Campaign
[c] #PlayTrue Campaign
[d] #India4CleanSports Campaign
[e] #AntiDpoing Campaign

PIB 247 - May 2024 84

✅ Solution: [c]

NADA, India concluded #PlayTrue Campaign, with turnout of more than 12,133
participants. The campaign commemorated WADA’s Play True Day.

Objective: To foster awareness about the importance of clean sport and anti-
doping practices in India

It highlights NADA India's commitment to equipping athletes, coaches, and the

entire sporting community with a thorough understanding of anti-doping
regulations, empowering them to champion clean play in India.

Duration: It was held from 15th to 30th April, 2024.

❓ Q.) The Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations and the Ministry of
Panchayati Raj, in collaboration with which UN organisation is organizing a side
event titled “Localizing the SDGs: Women in Local Governance in India Lead the
Way” during the 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development
(CPD57) being held at UN Headquarters in New York?
[a] United Nations Development Fund
[b] United Nations Environment Programme
[c] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
[d] United Nations Population Fund
[e] United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

PIB 247 - May 2024 85

✅ Solution: [d]

About CPD57 side event

Objective: To highlight India’s trailblazing model of empowering Elected

Women Representatives (EWRs) in Panchayati Raj Institutions to spearhead
the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Organisers: It is being organised by the Permanent Mission of India to the

United Nations and the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, in collaboration with the
United Nations Population Fund

It will shed light on the key role of Indian women in grassroots political
leadership, emphasizing their significant contributions to sustainable
development at the grassroots level.

NOTE: Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) have been instrumental in

driving positive change at the grassroots level.

India stands at the forefront globally, with 1.4 million women serving as
elected members of Panchayati Raj Institutions / Rural Local Bodies,
constituting 46% of the total elected representatives of PRIs.

❓ Q.) Which IIT has been commissioned by the Ministry of Mines to conduct a study
for designing the framework, collecting data, and formulating the State Mining
[a] IIT Bombay
[b] IIT Kharagpur
[c] IIT Delhi
[d] IIT Roorkee
[e] IIT Dhanbad

PIB 247 - May 2024 86

✅ Solution: [e]

Ministry of Mines has commissioned the Indian Institute of Technology –

Indian School of Mines (IIT-ISM), Dhanbad to conduct a study for designing
the framework, collecting data, and formulating the State Mining Index.

The index has been envisaged to capture the mining sector performance as
well as States’ future readiness in mining activity.

Its ambit will be non-fuel major minerals and minor minerals.

❓ Q.) Which digital campaign has been recently launched by the Ministry of Tourism
at Arabian Travel Mart held in Dubai, UAE?
[a] Cool Summers of India campaign
[b] Devbhoomi – Spiritual India campaign
[c] Green India – Swadesh campaign
[d] Unknown Blue India campaign
[e] Himalayas – The Cool adobe campaign

✅ Solution: [a]

The Ministry of Tourism has launched the ‘Cool Summers of India’ campaign
at Arabian Travel Mart.

The digital campaign challenges the notion of India being too hot for summer
travel, emphasizing on its offerings in hill resorts, including the Himalayas.

It seeks to promote India as a holistic destination throughout the year.

❓ Q.) Which African country has recently agreed to operationalise the Unified
Payment Interface (UPI) of the National Payments Corporation (NPCI) on its
Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems?
[a] Ethiopia
[b] Kenya
[c] Tanzania
[d] Rwanda
[e] Ghana

PIB 247 - May 2024 87

✅ Solution: [e]

India, and Ghana have agreed to operationalize UPI on Ghana Interbank

Payment and Settlement Systems in six months

It was decided in the 4th Session of the India-Ghana Joint Trade Committee
held in Accra, Ghana.

Ghana is an important trading partner of India in African region. Bilateral trade

between India and Ghana stood at US $2.87 billion in 2022-23.

India stands as a leading investor in Ghana and emerged as the third-

largest investor.

These investments traverse diverse sectors, encompassing

pharmaceuticals, construction, manufacturing, trade services, agriculture,
tourism, and more.

❓ Q.) Which CPSE has recently received a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the
Reserve Bank of India, for setting up a wholly owned subsidiary in International
Financial Services Centre (IFSC) - International Finance Tec-City ("GIFT"),
Gandhinagar, Gujarat?
[a] REC Ltd
[b] NTPC Ltd
[c] ONGC Ltd
[d] NHPC Ltd
[e] BHEL Ltd

✅ Solution: [a]

REC Limited, a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry
of Power and a leading NBFC, has received this NoC.

PIB 247 - May 2024 88

❓ Q.) India and which country have agreed to finalise the Local Currency Settlement
System Agreement soon?
[a] Indonesia
[b] Nigeria
[c] Thailand
[d] Vietnam
[e] Australia

✅ Solution: [b]

India and Nigeria have agreed to finalize the Local Currency Settlement
System Agreement soon

This decision was taken at the 2nd Session of the India-Nigeria Joint
Trade Committee held in Abuja.

Under the local currency settlement system, the bilateral trade will be
settled in India's local currency – the Rupee (INR) and Nigerian local
currency, the Nigerian naira.

Nigeria is a major partner- the 2nd largest trading partner of India in the Africa

Bilateral trade between India and Nigeria stood at US $11.8 billion in 2022-

In the year 2023-24, the bilateral trade stands at US $7.89 billion showing
a declining trend.

With a total investment of US$ 27 Billion, approximately 135 Indian

companies are actively engaged in Nigeria’s vibrant market.

These investments traverse diverse sectors, encompassing

infrastructure, manufacturing, consumer goods and services.

PIB 247 - May 2024 89

❓ Q.) Which organisation recently hosted the Student-Science Connect program
titled “Impact of Climate Change: Food and Water Sustainability” in New Delhi?
[a] CSIR
[b] DRDO
[c] ISRO
[d] ICAR

✅ Solution: [a]

It has been organized by the Jigyasa Division of the Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR)-National Institute of Science Communication and
Policy Research (NISCPR).

It aimed to engage school students and inspire action towards sustainability

through science education.

❓ Q.) With which steel company has the Indian Coast Guard recently signed an MoU
for supplying indigenous marine grade steel to enhance the indigenous content in
[a] Tata Steel
[b] BMM Ispat
[c] Jindal Steel & Power

✅ Solution: [c]

Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and Jindal Steel & Power (JSP) have signed an MoU
for supplying indigenous marine-grade steel to enhance the indigenous
content in shipbuilding.

Through this partnership, both entities have committed to fostering

indigenization, enhancing capabilities to produce and use these items in the
Nation’s interest.

PIB 247 - May 2024 90

❓ Q.) India is currently ___________ largest technical textiles market in the world. Fill
the gap
[a] 1st
[b] 2nd
[c] 4th
[d] 5th
[e] 3rd

✅ Solution: [d]

India’s Technical Textiles market has a huge potential backed by a significant

growth rate of 10% and placement as the 5th largest technical textiles market
in the world.

❓ Q.) Where has Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA)
incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary named "IREDA Global Green Energy
Finance IFSC Limited"?
[a] BSE
[b] NSE
[c] NYSE
[d] IFSC
[e] HKSC

✅ Solution: [d]

IREDA has incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary Named "IREDA Global

Green Energy Finance IFSC Limited" in the International Financial Services
Centre (IFSC) located in GIFT City, Gujarat.

It had received No Objection letter from RBI for it in February, 2024

PIB 247 - May 2024 91

❓ Q.) Where has the Ministry of Communications organised the first-of-its-kind
"Telecom Design Collaboration Sprint"?
[a] IIIT Bangalore
[b] IIT Delhi
[c] IIT Bombay
[d] IIT Madras
[e] IIT Kharagpur

✅ Solution: [a]

This Sprint was organised by DoT at IIIT, Bangalore.

It underscores DoT's commitment to nurturing innovation and fostering

industry collaboration to propel India's telecommunications sector towards
global leadership in the 5G era and beyond.

❓ Q.) Which organisation had organized National Symposium & Industry Meet on
‘Emerging Technologies in Infrastructure Development’ in New Delhi?
[a] ISRO
[b] DRDO
[c] CSIR
[d] ICMR
[e] ONDC

✅ Solution: [b]

DRDO had organised this symposium

PIB 247 - May 2024 92

❓ Q.) With which company has Indian Coast Guard (ICG) recently signed an MoU for
the manufacturing and supply of indigenous marine-grade aluminium to Indian
public and private shipyards for the construction of ships?
[b] Hindalco Industries
[c] Adani Defence
[d] Reliance Industries
[e] Tata Steel

✅ Solution: [b]

Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and Hindalco Industries have signed this MoU.

❓ Q.) Which Ministry/ies and State Police have recently joined hands to curb the
misuse of telecom resources in cyber-crime and financial frauds?
[a] Ministry of Communication
[b] Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
[c] Ministry of Home Affairs
[d] A and B
[e] A and C

✅ Solution: [e]

Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

and State Police have recently joined hands

This collaborative effort aims to dismantle networks of fraudsters and protect

citizens from digital threats.

PIB 247 - May 2024 93

❓ Q.) Which organisation recently organised the 8th Technology Council Meeting in
New Delhi to review the status of induction of its technologies into the Central
Armed Police Forces, Police, and National Disaster Response Force under the
Ministry of Home Affairs?
[a] ICMR
[b] CSIR
[c] ISRO
[d] DRDO
[e] ICAR

✅ Solution: [d]

DRDO has organised this 8th Technology Council Meeting

It is the premier research organisation involved in development of critical and

futuristic technologies for the Defence Services towards achieving self-

To aid in the modernization of Central Police and Paramilitary forces under

MHA and the state police forces, an MoU was signed between DRDO and
MHA in 2012

This MoU facilitates the induction of DRDO-developed technologies and

products into these forces.

❓ Q.) According to the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), the Index of Industrial
Production (IIP) with a base of 2011-12 grew by __________in March 2024
compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Fill the gap
[a] 4.9%
[b] 5.2%
[c] 3.8%
[d] 6.7%
[e] 7.3%

PIB 247 - May 2024 94

✅ Solution: [a]

The IIP growth rate for March 2024 compared to the corresponding period of
the previous year is 4.9%.

The growth rates of the three sectors in March 2024—Mining (1.2%),

Manufacturing (5.2%), and Electricity (8.6%).

❓ Q.) Which Ministry has released new functionality in the Annual Information
Statement (AIS) for taxpayers to display status of the information confirmation
process in real-time?
[a] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
[b] Ministry of Heavy Industries
[c] Ministry of Finance
[d] Ministry of Consumer Affairs
[e] Ministry of Electronics and IT

✅ Solution: [c]

The Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance has now rolled out a
new functionality in AIS to display the status of the information confirmation

AIS is available to all registered Income Taxpayers through the compliance

portal, accessible through the e-filing website.

AIS provides details of a large number of financial transactions undertaken

by the taxpayer which may have tax implications.

It is based on the financial data received from multiple information


PIB 247 - May 2024 95

❓ Q.) As per the recently released Global Electricity Review (GER) 2024 Report
Global Electricity Review (GER) 2024, India has emerged as the __________ largest
solar power generator. Fill the gap
[a] 1st
[b] 4th

[c] 6th
[d] 2nd
[e] 3rd

✅ Solution: [e]

As per the Global Electricity Review (GER) 2024 report, released by global
energy think tank Ember, India has emerged as the third largest solar power
generator (surpassing Japan) after China and the US.

Renewables provided 30% of global electricity for the first time and solar was
the main supplier of electricity growth in 2023.

❓ Q.) Which Ministry is participating in IMEX, Frankfurt to showcase the strengths of

India as a leading MICE destination to the global market and to act as a catalyst to
bring forth a greater number of Conferences and Conventions to be hosted in the
[a] Ministry of Culture
[b] Ministry of Tourism
[c] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
[d] Ministry of Finance
[e] Ministry of Education

PIB 247 - May 2024 96

✅ Solution: [b]

Ministry of Tourism is participating in IMEX, Frankfurt.

IMEX is a hub for the global events industry, which offers a valuable and
lucrative opportunity for professionals to enhance businesses, foster genuine
connections, and gain invaluable insights.

MICE tourism stands for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions

India ranks 9th in the ICCA (International Congress and Convention

Association) ranking of countries in the Asia Pacific region, in 2022.

❓ Q.) Which Ministry has recently launched a dedicated portal for the National
Green Hydrogen Mission?
[a] Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
[b] Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
[c] Ministry of Heavy Industries
[d] Ministry of Science and Technology
[e] Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

PIB 247 - May 2024 97

✅ Solution: [a]

It has been launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

This portal will serve as a one-stop location for information on the Mission and
steps taken for the development of the green hydrogen ecosystem in India.

Ministry also has released reports on “Green Hydrogen Standards and

Approval Systems in India” and “India’s Green Hydrogen Revolution”.

National Green Hydrogen Mission: It was launched in 2023 with an overall

outlay of Rs. 19,744 crores.

It has set an ambitious target to achieve a green hydrogen production

capacity of 5 MMT (Million Metric Tonnes) by end of the year 2030.

As on date, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has awarded tenders
for setting up of 412,000 tonnes of Green Hydrogen production capacity
and 1,500 MW of electrolyzer manufacturing capacity

Hydrogen Valley Innovation Clusters: It has been initiated by the Department

of Science and Technology to foster innovation and promote Green Hydrogen
ecosystem in India.

❓ Q.) Which country recently hosted World Hydrogen Summit 2024?

[a] France
[b] UK
[c] Germany
[d] Spain
[e] Netherlands

✅ Solution: [e]

The World Hydrogen Summit 2024 was held in Rotterdam, Netherlands

For the first time, India has set up its pavilion, at this summit

It was set up by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy.

It was one of the largest pavilions at the Summit

PIB 247 - May 2024 98

❓ Q.) Which IIT recently organised the 4th Technology Innovation in Cyber-Physical
Systems (TIPS) workshop?
[a] IIT Delhi
[b] IIT Bombay
[c] IIT Madras
[d] IIT Kharagpur
[e] IIT Indore

✅ Solution: [b]

The 4th Technology Innovation in Cyber-Physical Systems (TIPS) workshop

organised at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

It is a bi-annual workshop wherein each of the 25 Technology Innovation

Hubs TIHs demonstrates the progress and achievements made.

It provides a platform for all the stakeholders including the government,

startups, investors, academia, and industry, to interact, exchange ideas, and
witness the cutting-edge technology development in the Cyber-Physical
Systems domain.

❓ Q.) Which campaign has been launched by the Department of Ex-servicemen,

Ministry of Defence in Darjeeling, West Bengal to honor the sacrifices made by
ex-servicemen and their families, by proactively engaging with them and
addressing their grievances related to the department’s various welfare schemes?
[a] Milap Campaign
[b] Maitree Campaign
[c] Suraksha Campaign
[d] Samadhan Campaign
[e] Shakti Campaign

✅ Solution: [d]

The Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare had organized the ‘Samadhan

Campaign’, its outreach program at Bengdubi Army Camp, in Darjeeling, West

PIB 247 - May 2024 99

❓ Q.) The National Green Hydrogen Mission is a flagship initiative of the Government
of India, aimed at fostering the development and adoption of green hydrogen
technologies in India. With a target of establishing ______________ of annual green
hydrogen production capacity by ____________, the mission represents a significant
step towards realizing India's ambitions in the hydrogen economy. Fill the gaps
[a] 3 million tonnes, 2025
[b] 5 million tonnes, 2030
[c] 7 million tonnes, 2027
[d] 9 million tonnes, 2026
[e] 11 million tonnes, 2032

✅ Solution: [b]

With a target of establishing 5 million tonnes of annual green hydrogen

production capacity by 2030, the mission represents a significant step
towards realizing India's ambitions in the hydrogen economy

❓ Q.) Approximately _____________ of India’s current installed electricity capacity is

from non-fossil-fuel sources, with projections indicating a rise to 50% by
____________. Fill the gaps
[a] 48%, 2025
[b] 30%, 2032
[c] 39%, 2028
[d] 47%, 2026
[e] 43%, 2030

✅ Solution: [e]

Approximately 43% of India’s current installed electricity capacity is from non-

fossil-fuel sources, with projections indicating a rise to 50% by 2030.

PIB 247 - May 2024 100

❓ Q.) The first set of citizenship certificates after notification of Citizenship
(Amendment) Rules, 2024 under Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 were issued
by Ministry of Home Affairs. These rules grant citizenship to persons belonging to
Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian communities from which countries
on account of persecution on grounds of religion or fear of such persecution?
(1) Pakistan
(2) Sri Lanka
(3) Bangladesh
(4) Nepal
(5) Afghanistan
[a] 1, 3 and 5 Only
[b] 2, 3 and 4 Only
[c] 1, 2, 3 and 5 Only
[d] 1, 3, 5 and 5 Only
[e] 1, 2 and 5 Only

✅ Solution: [a]

These rules grant citizenship to persons belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Jain,

Buddhist, Parsi, and Christian communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and
Afghanistan who have entered India up to 31.12.2014 on account of
persecution on grounds of religion or fear of such persecution.

❓ Q.) Which Ministry/ies recently organized the ‘ONDC Startup Mahotsav’, a first-of-
its-kind event, in New Delhi to provide a platform for startups to leverage Open
Networks for Digital Commerce?
[a] Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
[b] Ministry of Education
[c] Ministry of Commerce and Industry
[d] A and B
[e] B and C

PIB 247 - May 2024 101

✅ Solution: [c]

It was organized by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal

Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

It marked the celebration and collaboration of two of DPIIT’s flagship initiatives

– the Startup India initiative and Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC).

❓ Q.) According to industry experts, India's internet economy is estimated to reach

_________ by 2030, primarily due to e-commerce, which is expected to be worth
_______ and rank __________ globally. Fill the gaps
[a] $5 trillion, $744 billion, 5th
[b] $4 trillion, $620 billion, 4th
[c] $3 trillion, $540 billion, 1st
[d] $2 trillion, $433 billion, 2nd
[e] $1 trillion, $325 billion, 3rd

✅ Solution: [e]

India's internet economy is estimated to reach $1 trillion by 2030, primarily

due to e-commerce, which is expected to be worth $325 billion and rank third

NOTE: The digital economy will become roughly about 1.5 billion dollars in
India by 2025-26 and it will be 15% of the GDP.

❓ Q.) Incubation Centre inaugurated at National Council for Cement and Building
Materials (NCB) to mentor incubatee startups/entrepreneurs by the NCB scientists
and experts from cement and building materials industry. Under which Ministry
does NCB function?
[a] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
[b] Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
[c] Ministry of Science and Technology
[d] Ministry of Heavy Industries
[e] Ministry of Commerce and Industry

PIB 247 - May 2024 102

✅ Solution: [e]

About National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB)

It is an apex Research and Development organization under the

administrative control of DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce & Industry.

It is dedicated to research, technology development & transfer, education

& industrial services for cement, allied building materials & construction


It will mentor incubatee startups/entrepreneurs by the scientists of

NCB and experts for further improvisation and development of market-
ready products for commercialization.

The incubatee startups/ entrepreneurs will have support of advanced

laboratories at NCB to carry out the development work.

❓ Q.) Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) is a digital gateway that allows
industry players to access logistics-related datasets from various Government
systems through API-based integration. It aims to bring ease of doing business in
the logistics sector by simplifying the logistics processes, improving its efficiency,
bringing in transparency and visibility, and reducing logistics cost & time. When
was ULIP launched?
[a] 2020
[b] 2019
[c] 2021
[d] 2018
[e] 2022

PIB 247 - May 2024 103

✅ Solution: [e]

Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP), launched in 2022 as part of the

‘National Logistics Policy (NLP)’.

Currently, the platform integrates with 37 systems from 10 ministries via 118
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), covering over 1800 data fields.

Private sector participation in ULIP has been instrumental in amplifying its

impact, with over 900 companies registered on the ULIP portal.

Additionally, these companies have developed over 90 applications,

leading to more than 35 crore API transactions.

❓ Q.) Which country recently hosted World Hydrogen Summit 2024?

[a] France
[b] UK
[c] Germany
[d] Spain
[e] Netherlands

✅ Solution: [e]

The World Hydrogen Summit 2024 was held in Rotterdam, Netherlands

For the first time, India has set up its own pavilion, at this summit

It was set up by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy.

It was one of the largest pavilions at the Summit

❓ Q.) Ministry of Corporate Affairs in partnership with which organisation had

recently organised an Inter-Ministerial Workshop on the ‘Responsible Business
Conduct in India” in New Delhi?
[b] World Bank
[c] ADB
[d] UNDP
[e] UNEP

PIB 247 - May 2024 104

✅ Solution: [d]

About Workshop


To map the policies of different ministries aligned with responsible


To share the progress made against the policies and schemes related to
responsible business

To deliberate the need for collaborative action

To seek inputs for documenting initiatives pertaining to responsible

business leading towards Viksit Bharat.

Organisers: School of Business Environment, Indian Institute of Corporate

Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in partnership with the UN Development
Programme (UNDP).

❓ Q.) Which Project was launched by Ministry of Defence in 2023 with an aim to
synthesize ancient wisdom with contemporary military practices, forging a unique
and holistic approach to address modern security challenges?
[a] Project Udbhav
[b] Project India
[c] Project Suraksha
[d] Project Maitri
[e] Project Samridhi

PIB 247 - May 2024 105

✅ Solution: [a]

Project Udbhav is a visionary initiative by the Indian Army (Ministry of

Defence) and United Service Institution of India that seeks to integrate age-
old wisdom with contemporary military pedagogy.

‘Udbhav’, which translates to 'origin' or 'genesis', acknowledges the vintage

scriptures and writings that span centuries in the past and contain profound
knowledge that can benefit modern military strategies.

As part of this project, ‘Udbhav Compendium’ and a book ‘Alha Udal - Ballad
Rendition of Western Uttar Pradesh’ were released.

❓ Q.) Recently, Defence Sector ICT Conclave was organised by Telecom Equipment
and Services Export Promotion Council (TEPC) in collaboration with Ministry of
Communications, and Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi. When was TEPC
established under the ambit of the Foreign Trade Policy?
[a] 2004
[b] 2007
[c] 2009
[d] 2012
[e] 2015

✅ Solution: [c]

About TEPC

Under the ambit of the Foreign Trade Policy, TEPC was established in 2009, to
promote and develop the export of telecom equipment and services.

The council's scope encompasses the entire telecom ecosystem including

ICT hardware and software, Infrastructure products, service provision, system
Integration & consultancy services.

TEPC effectively caters to the diverse stakeholders within the telecom

domain, including equipment manufacturers, system integrators, service
providers and other relevant entities.

PIB 247 - May 2024 106

❓ Q.) Which Indian PSU has been ranked 3rd globally at the ATD BEST Awards
[a] ONGC
[b] NTPC
[c] BHEL
[d] REC
[e] BPCL

✅ Solution: [b]

NTPC has recently achieved milestone of securing the 3rd rank globally at the
ATD BEST Awards 2024, this being the highest ranking among all Indian

Notably, NTPC is the only PSU to have received this prestigious award seven
times in the past eight years.


It was established by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), USA

It is one of the most esteemed international recognitions in the field of

Learning and Development (L&D).

It honors organizations that leverage talent development as a strategic

business tool and demonstrate enterprise-wide success through effective
employee development practices.

NOTE: Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), a Maharatna

Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power has been
conferred the prestigious ATD BEST Awards 2024 for its strategic approach to
talent development driving business results.

This is the third time POWERGRID has been honoured with the ATD BEST
Award, having previously received it in 2021 and 2023.

PIB 247 - May 2024 107

❓ Q.) Shallow Aquifer Management (SAM) pilot models were recently launched in
Telangana. SAM is a sustainable urban water management technique that involves
drilling shallow water borewells to pump out water and recharge the underneath
layers during rainfall to increase the water table. SAM is promoted under which
[a] AMRUT 2.0
[b] SBM
[c] Jal Shakti Abhiyan
[d] Atal Bhujal Yojana
[e] Namami Gange Programme

✅ Solution: [a]

It is part of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)

scheme of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

❓ Q.) Which scientific organisation has recently launched Electric Tiller to meet the
requirements of small to marginal farmers?

✅ Solution: [a]

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Mechanical

Engineering Research has launched Electric Tiller

Its innovative technology is tailored to meet the requirements of small to

marginal farmers, who constitute over 80% of the nation’s farming community.

These farmers can utilize the electric tiller for various agricultural tasks,
benefiting from substantially reduced operational costs.

PIB 247 - May 2024 108

❓ Q.) Which PSU has been recently conferred with the prestigious ‘The Economic
Times HR World Future Ready Organization Award 2024-25’?
[a] NTPC
[b] ONGC
[c] BPCL
[d] NHPC
[e] REC

✅ Solution: [d]

NHPC, India’s premier hydropower company, has been conferred with the
prestigious ‘The Economic Times HR World Future Ready Organization Award

It has been awarded in recognition of its preparedness in the areas of

upskilling of employees, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
interventions, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives, constant
technological upgradations, Employee Engagement processes, robust
Corporate Governance strategies etc. which establish it as a trusted brand
amongst all its stakeholders.

❓ Q.) Which Ministry/ies have recently taken decisive action to protect citizens from
potential SMS fraud through the Sanchar Saathi initiative?
[a] Ministry of Communications
[b] Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
[c] Ministry of Home Affairs
[d] A and B
[e] A and C

PIB 247 - May 2024 109

✅ Solution: [e]

Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communications in

collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), has taken decisive
action to protect citizens from potential SMS fraud through the Sanchar Saathi

Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), MHA, provided information

about misuse of eight SMS Headers for sending fraudulent communications
for committing cyber-crime.

❓ Q.) Which country along with the WHO Regional Office for Southeast Asia
(SEARO) recently co-hosted high-level meeting on “Advancing Health and Well-
Being of Billions in WHO South-East Asia Region”, a side-event to the 77th World
Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland?
[a] Sri Lanka
[b] Thailand
[c] China
[d] Vietnam
[e] India

✅ Solution: [e]

It was co-hosted by WHO Regional Office for Southeast Asia (SEARO) and
Government of India, in Geneva.

Purpose of the meeting: To strategize concerted actions of Member States,

WHO and Partners in addressing key public health agenda in the Southeast
Asia Region.

PIB 247 - May 2024 110

❓ Q.) What is the primary goal of PRAGATI-2024, organised by the Central Council
for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), an autonomous body under the
Ministry of Ayush in New Delhi?
[a] To launch new AYUSH products
[b] To maximize the potential of Ayurveda stakeholders in drug and device
development by connecting researchers and industrial partners
[c] To establish a new CCRAS headquarters
[d] To create awareness about AYUSH
[e] To conduct clinical trials for new AYUSH drugs

✅ Solution: [b]

The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), an

autonomous body under the Ministry of Ayush is hosting "Pharma Research in
AyurGyan And Techno Innovation (PRAGATI-2024)" in New Delhi.

PRAGATI 2024 offers a very useful opportunity for collaborative research in

the filed of Ayurveda.

❓ Q.) Which PSU has been honoured with the Corporate Social Responsibility award
in the NF (Non-Fossil Fuel) business category at the Outlook Planet Sustainability
Summit & Awards 2024, held in Goa?
[a] PFC
[b] NHPC
[c] REC
[d] NTPC
[e] ONGC

✅ Solution: [a]

Power Finance Corporation Ltd. (PFC) has been honoured with the Corporate
Social Responsibility award.

PIB 247 - May 2024 111

❓ Q.) Which PSU has been recently honoured with the ‘Sustainability Champion –
Editor’s Choice Award’ at the ‘Outlook Planet Sustainability Summit & Awards
[a] REC
[b] NHPC
[c] NTPC
[d] ONGC
[e] PFC

✅ Solution: [a]

REC Limited, a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry
of Power and a leading NBFC, has been honoured with this award.

It recognizes REC’s commitment to sustainability initiatives and its efforts in

driving progress towards a greener future.

The award highlights the corporation’s pledge to sustainability initiatives,

leading the path toward a greener future.

REC is the nodal agency for Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana
(SAUBHAGAYA), Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) and
National Electricity Fund (NEF) Scheme.

It has also been made the nodal agency for certain States/UTs for the
Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS).

It has also been given the responsibility of PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojna.

Loan Portfolio of REC under renewable energy: It is approximately Rs.

38,971 crores.

It has set a target of improving the renewables mix to around 30% of

projected loan book of about 10 lakh crores by the year 2030.

PIB 247 - May 2024 112

❓ Q.) Which country recently hosted a side event on Digital Health at the 77th World
Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland?
[a] USA
[b] Germany
[c] France
[d] Australia
[e] India

✅ Solution: [e]

During the ongoing 77th World Health Assembly, India hosted a side event on
Digital health which saw participation by the Quad countries (Australia, Japan
and US).

Purpose of the event: To emphasize the transformative potential of Digital

Public Infrastructure for Addressing Social Determinants of Health.

It highlighted India's success in implementing digital public infrastructure at

scale such as

Aadhaar for digital identities

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) for the financial transactions

Effective health service delivery with Co-WIN during the pandemic.

Co-WIN is being transformed into UWIN for the National Immunization


❓ Q.) ______________ is the world's largest telemedicine initiative, serving 241 million
patients, including 57% women and 12% senior citizens. Fill the gaps
[a] e-Sanjeevani
[b] Tele-Manas
[c] e-Health
[d] e-Sehayat
[e] e-Suraksha

PIB 247 - May 2024 113

✅ Solution: [a]

e-Sanjeevani is the world's largest telemedicine initiative.

It has led to savings of US $2.15 billion in out-of-pocket expense

AB PMJAY (Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana)

It is the world’s largest public funded health assurance scheme providing

a health cover of Rs 500,000 (Rs 5 Lakh) to 550 million (55 crore) needy
and vulnerable population.

It has provided 70 million (7 crore) treatments worth US$ 11.2 Billion (Rs
89000 crore).

❓ Q.) The National Tele-Mental Health Programme in India has reached a significant
milestone, receiving over 10 lakh calls on its Tele-MANAS toll-free number,
averaging 3,500 calls per day. When was Tele-MANAS launched?
[a] 2022
[b] 2023
[c] 2021
[d] 2019
[e] 2020

✅ Solution: [a]

It was launched in 2022 to enhance mental health service delivery nationwide.

National Tele-Mental Health Programme operates 51 Tele-MANAS cells across

all States and Union territories.

PIB 247 - May 2024 114

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