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AI tools and devices will gradually replace
humans at the workplace. The future of
employment will be dependent upon machines and
computers. How far do you agree or disagree with
this statement?

UNIT NAME : Academic English

TUTOR NAME : Đào Thị Hồng Hạnh

GROUP 3 : Huỳnh Nguyễn Bảo Ngọc 31231026934

Phan Công Tuấn 31231026158
Lê Việt Hoàng 31231027439
Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Nga 31231021446
Đinh Trần Châu Anh 31231027433

LENGTH : 1100 words

I. Introduction …………………………………
II. Definiton & Background..…………………..
III. Body…………………………………………..
IV. Conclusion……………………………………
V. References……………………………………

This essay will make the case that artificial intelligence would be better suited as auxiliary
tools and gadgets than as a gradual replacement for workers in the job. There will be multiple
arguments in favor of this. Firstly, we contend that although AI has the potential to
revolutionize many fields, human creativity and emotional intelligence cannot be completely
replaced by it. Secondly, data security and privacy infringement are worries that come with
the growing usage of AI. Thirdly, the expense of deploying AI must be considered, as it is
thought to require a significant sum of money. On the other hand, a counter-argument is that
AI devices are predicted to progressively replace people in the workplace because of their
many better features and highly accurate multitasking or data analysis skills. However, the
response to this is the shortage of AI soft skills prevented the controversy.


The ability of digital computers or computer-controlled robots to carry out tasks involving
intelligent beings is known as artificial intelligence (AI). This entails mimicking cognitive
functions akin to those of humans, including inference, interpretation, extrapolation, and
experience-based learning. Even while processing accuracy and speed have greatly increased,
AI still can't fully mimic human behavior, which makes it challenging for AI to take the
position of humans in the job (britannica,AI 2023 )


Primarily, it is important to note that AI cannot fully replicate human creativity and
emotional intelligence.
Explanations and evidences:
· AI can perform tasks accurately and efficiently, but it lacks the creativity and
emotional intelligence needed for areas like marketing and agency work. Creating a brand
story or design that resonates with people requires a level of creativity that AI cannot
· According to Scott Darrohn, humans have cognitive abilities that enable them to
understand implicit meanings, interpret nuances, and make intuitive leaps. These abilities
allow us to read between the lines, infer meanings based on context, and make
connections without a clear logical path. This cognitive flexibility is often observed in
problem-solving and creative thinking, where individuals can generate unexpected
solutions to complex problems even without actively thinking about them.

Secondly, with increased use of AI, there are concerns about privacy invasion and data
Explain and Evidence: AI systems require vast amounts of data. This data can include
sensitive information such as social security numbers or financial data, and if this data falls
into the wrong hands it can be used for immoral purposes, such as identity theft, or hacking.
· As AI systems collect and process vast amounts of data, there is a risk that this information
could be mishandled, either through intentional breaches or accidental leaks (Dataconomy,2023).
Furthermore, cybercrimes affect the security of 80% of businesses across the world (The
Economic Times,2023). Hence, there must be a need for transparent and ethical practices when it
comes to data usage.
· In workplace, such systems as employee monitoring tools, facial recognition systems, and
productivity tracking software, can potentially invade employees' privacy. According to PixelPlex,
the misuse and abuse of data can lead to severe consequences. If the data falls into the wrong
hands, individuals’ sensitive information could be exposed, leading to privacy breaches and
potential harm.

Thirdly, it is essential to take the cost of implementing AI into account, which is considered
to require an enormous amount of money
Explain and Evidence: AI’s cost is a complex issue in terms of many different costs
included and especially the high cost in testing, deployment of this tool. Thus, firms need to
carefully determine its size in order to lay out their money appropriately for implementing
· According to an article by Akkio, there are various costs associated with implementing AI.
Hardware and software costs, labor costs, maintenance costs, training costs should be taken into
consideration beside the costs for developing the MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is
estimated approximately from $20,000 to $35,000 (ITRex, 2023). Moreover, it is also essential for
companies to hire data scientists, software developers and machine learning engineers whose
salaries are $102,000 (Indeed), $110,140 (US News) and $112,421 correspondingly.
· AI cost depends on not only diverse factors but also the size of your business. If you have just
started up with a limited budget, you could consider using AI’s chatbot to support your customer.
If you are the boss of a large company, you could invest in developing a personalized
recommendation system to promote your customer’s experience. A good example is Netflix,
which spends about $1.5 billion on technology every year.

On the other hand, it is believed that AI with many superior features combined with high
accuracy multitasking skill or data analysis will gradually replace humans in the working
Explain and Evidence:
· With advanced robotic systems combining deep learning and machine Learning, AI tools are
capable of processing and analyzing large amounts of data more efficiently and accurately.
Furthermore, these technologies may be used to create sophisticated robotics systems that can
carry out difficult tasks that were previously considered to be unachievable. This is especially
beneficial for tasks that involve complex data analysis or prediction in business, science
and agriculture (M. Woschank, E. Rauch, H. Zsifkovits, 2020).
· Large-scale use of artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to boost the world economy by up to
$15.7 trillion by 2030. Many people think that as AI transforms business operations, it will also
alter who does this job, leading to the gradual replacement of human workers by intelligent
computers. This is already taking place: This is already happening: workers are being forced into
lower-paying jobs or being replaced in sectors such as manufacturing, finance and services (David
De Cremer & Garry Kasparov, 2021).
However, it is evident that with the deficiency of soft skills of AI that it cannot replace the
role of humans in the working space.
· AI Robots cannot generalize or contextualize, and have no soft skills. Thus, many tasks in a
sophisticated management system need interacting with outside forces. In a workplace like this,
employees must be able to anticipate and manage unforeseen circumstances and
misunderstandings that AI cannot provide (Martina Mara,2022). As a result, people are still
necessary in the workplace to oversee and improve AI decision-making.


This outline demonstrates that AI cannot completely replace humans in a working

environment. The reasons cited are AI's lack of emotional intelligence and inventiveness, its
consideration of user privacy invasion and data security, and the expense of AI. The response
demonstrates that, in the end, non-soft skill smart devices will not be substituted for humans
in the workplace, despite the counterargument that artificial intelligence's high multitasking
ability and accuracy will replace humans.


Panel, E. (2023, May 10). Why AI Will Never Fully Replace Humans In 19 Agency
Service Areas. Forbes. Retrieved from

Scott Darrohn | Co-Founder - fishbat Media, LLC. | Forbes Agency Council. (n.d.).
Forbes Agency Council. Retrieved from

Gülen, K. (2023, January 16). Artificial Intelligence Security Issues: AI Risks And
Challenges - Dataconomy. Dataconomy Media. Retrieved from

Online, E. (2023c, April 25). AI and Privacy: The privacy concerns surrounding AI,
its potential impact on personal data. The Economic Times. Retrieved from

Haritonova, A., & Haritonova, A. (2023, July 28). AI and Privacy: Business Concerns
and Effective Solutions. PixelPlex. Retrieved from
Reilly, J. (2021, May 3). A cost breakdown of artificial intelligence in 2023. Akkio.
Retrieved from

Admin, & Klubnikin, A. (2023, October 5). How much does artificial intelligence
cost in 2023? — ITRex. ITRex. Retrieved from

Soori, M., Arezoo, B., & Dastres, R. (2023). Artificial intelligence, machine learning
and deep learning in advanced robotics, a review. Cognitive Robotics, 3,
54–70. Retrieved from

De Cremer, D. (2021, August 30). AI should augment human intelligence, not replace
it. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Stahl, A. (2022, May 3). The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence: Will Robots Actually
Replace People? Forbes. Retrieved from

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