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Sword Fang Xin; Golden Banquet Bathed in Blood I

Nan Feng waved a talisman in hand, and the two sides finally began to fight. The only free person in the
chaos was Xie Lian. No one was hitting him, and he didn't know whom he should hit. But he had already
set fire to Paradise Manor, so he shouldn't sink this Painted Boat again. Xie Lian put his hand on his arms
to search for any talisman that could be used at the moment, and suddenly touched an unknown
talisman paper. He was startled, took it out, and saw a bright red compass painted on the talisman, his
eyes immediately shining: This thing is still here.

Hua Cheng also saw the talisman. His hand stopped, and the expression on his face subtly changed. It
was obvious he had guessed who would be on the other side of the talisman and said, "Dianxia, don't

As soon as he stopped, both sides naturally stopped fighting. Nan Feng and Fu Yao looked confused, and
Hua Cheng repeated again, "Gege, don't go. Let go of the talisman."

Seeing his serious expression, Xie Lian hesitated for a moment but finally said decisively, "Hua Chengzhu,
I apologize."

When Lang Qianqiu is found, everything will end!

But what he never expected was that, as he tore the talisman, his vision suddenly darkened. A wave of
dizziness and the urge to vomit took over him.

Xie Lian thought he had vomited, but when he raised his hand and wiped it, he found it was blood.

The more he wiped, the more, more, and more flowed. He finally discovered something: He stepped
where he shouldn't have.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lang Qianqiu looked at him from the opposite side.

Xie Lian immediately woke up, sat up, and said, "Qianqiu!"

He heard the sound of iron chains, and Lang Qianqiu's face darkened. He seemed to be thinking of
knocking him out again with a slap. After a while, he said coldly, "Why did you come?"

Xie Lian wiped his face, and the bleeding finally stopped. He said, "I came to find you. Are you alright?"

Lang Qianqiu said, "Why are you looking for me? I searched for you everywhere before, and you didn't
let me find you. Why are you still looking for me now that I didn't let you find me?"

Xie Lian held his forehead and said, "I'm confused about you."
But seeing that Lang Qianqiu seemed fine, he was somewhat relieved. Xie Lian vaguely remembered
that as soon as he stepped here, he felt dizzy and fell unconscious, not knowing what the reason was.
Looking at him now, both his hands and feet were heavily hung with cold iron chains.

Surrounded by cold stone walls. He was tied at one end, and Lang Qianqiu was tied at the other, both
out of reach of each other. Not far away, there were large sarcophagi and coffins arranged in a dense
row, which seemed to be an underground tomb. Xie Lian said, "What place is this? What's with these

Lang Qianqiu said angrily, "I just woke up. You ask me, but who should I ask?" Xie Lian wanted to ask
more, but he seemed to want to cover his ears and said, "Don't talk to me!"

If Xie Lian hadn't woken up now and they were stuck now, he would have talked to him. But how could
he have a calm conversation with Xie Lian? Xie Lian was bored and not angry with him, and tried to
break the iron chain.

Normally, this thick iron chain would have been broken by him. In this case, it didn't even snap. It's hard
to say what kind of magical weapon it is. Xie Lian sighed, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He looked around
patiently, his face getting stranger and stranger, and he muttered, "How could this be here?"

Lang Qianqiu immediately said, "Do you recognize this place?"

Xie Lian shook his head, not in denial, but in disbelief.

He said, "Of course, I know. This is the Imperial Mausoleum of Xianle."

Lang Qianqiu's expression finally changed: "Imperial Mausoleum of Xianle? Your family's tomb?"

He was confused, but Xie Lian was even more confused than him, saying, "The inscription on the coffin is
definitely correct. Why are you here?"

Lang Qianqiu kicked a stone wall. With his magical power, it wouldn't be surprising if the entire wall
collapsed, but the stone wall remained cold and indifferent. Seeing him holding the iron chain with both
hands and exerting force, Xie Lian said, "I advise you to save some effort. Haven't you tried this before?
It doesn't work."

Lang Qianqiu looked at him, seeming like he was right. Xie Lian said, "That's just natural. This place is not
your territory, but the enemy's territory. Your spiritual energy and strength will be suppressed because
you control the enemy's territory. Here you are not welcome."

Lang Qianqiu cursed angrily and said, "It's not like I wanted to get in!"

Xie Lian said, "The royal family of the Xianle Kingdom has been buried in the depths of Mount Taicang
for generations. It has been secretly guarded by the Royal Dojo for generations, it is absolutely
impossible to invade. Although the Royal Dojo has long since disappeared, it is still very hidden and
impossible for ordinary people to find the entrance. How did you get in?"

Lang Qianqiu didn't respond and said, "Since it's your royal tomb, it should listen to you. Quickly open
the tomb door and let me out."

Xie Lian shook his head and said, "I can't open the Imperial Mausoleum of Xianle, and I don't know how
to get out."

Lang Qianqiu said, "You are the crown prince of the Xianle Kingdom, why can't you open the Imperial

After a moment of sadness, Xie Lian looked at him and said, "I am the crown prince who destroyed the
country, I am not welcome here."

He had tried to enter before to pay homage to his parents, but every time he set foot inside the Imperial
Mausoleum, either he would bleed from all orifices and faint, or he would be thrown away, to another
mountain several kilometers away, and be stuck in a hole for several days, unable to get out.

It was no wonder that his blood had flowed wildly as soon as he was teleported. Using teleportation
talismans to forcibly break through the rejection of the Imperial Mausoleum would naturally not lead to
good results. One of them was from an enemy country that caused rebellion, and the other was the son
of a country he destroyed. Neither of them was welcome here.

Xie Lian sighed, scratched his head, and said, "I'll tell you the truth, something is not right. To be frank,
the two of us are practically useless here. Let's talk about why you're here: not everyone can open this

Although Lang Qianqiu resisted, he struggled for a moment and still said to him, "It was Blood Rain
Striking the Flowers. When he let me go, he gave me Jue Jian Fang Xin and asked me to go to Mount

Xie Lian was surprised for a moment and said, "Hua Chengzhu... He let you go a long time ago?"

Lang Qianqiu gritted his teeth and said, "He said reluctantly, he let me go because of you. In this case, I
owe him a favor."

Xie Lian probably guessed what was going on. The way Lang Qianqiu was, of course, he would prefer to
be beaten to death than owe someone a favor. Sure enough, Lang Qianqiu said, "He also said that there
are demons causing trouble on Mount Taicang now. If I came here to deal with the problems, the favor
would be repaid. So here I am."

Although he gritted his teeth, he really told the truth about one embarrassing thing. Xie Lian felt strange
and helpless: "Kid, why do you have to be so honest? So what if you didn't come?"
Lang Qianqiu hummed, "You think everyone is like you. Of course, he had to come, otherwise even if the
news that he had to rely on Xie Lian's favor to escape from the future didn't spread, he wouldn't be able
to overcome it himself." Xie Lian said, "Well, even if you wanted to come, you should have at least told
someone. Do you know what's going on in Heaven right now?"

Lang Qianqiu warned, "Don't lecture me." Xie Lian had no choice but to say, "Alright. So, what's
happening now? Who are the monsters on Mount Taicang and how did you end up in the Imperial
Mausoleum and get locked here?"

Lang Qianqiu said, "Guiding Lantern in the Night."

Xie Lian was surprised, "Guiding Lantern in the Night?"

Lang Qianqiu said, "Yes, him. I came to Mount Taicang, fought from the foothills to the top of the
mountain, scattered all the lackeys guarding the mountain. Finally, Guiding Lantern in the Night came
out at night to fight with me, and we arranged to meet somewhere at the top of the mountain. But as
soon as I arrived, my eyes darkened for some reason and I woke up here."

Xie Lian understood that Guiding Lantern in the Night probably deliberately chose the location of the
fight in the Imperial Mausoleum of Xianle. Lang Qianqiu must have gone through the same thing as him.
He got into a fight as soon as he entered the Imperial Mausoleum. He was unconscious. When he woke
up, he was already in enemy territory and could only be released by the opponent.

But he still couldn't believe it, "Is Mount Taicang the territory of Guiding Lantern in the Night? Can he
open the Imperial Mausoleum of Xianle at will? Why can he?"

Not even a crown prince like him can!

Moreover, why did Hua Cheng let Lang Qianqiu come here?

It doesn't make sense to make random assumptions now. Xie Lian said, "Let's first make a palm flame.
Do you still have the power to light a lamp?"

Lang Qianqiu originally wanted to create a flame, but when Xie Lian said that, he couldn't do it. Does
creating a flame mean he was listening to Xie Lian's instructions? Xie Lian immediately changed his
mind, "Wait a minute, I thought about it and decided it would be better not to create the fire. What if
the enemy was in the dark? Wouldn't it be bad for us?"

Sure enough, Lang Qianqiu immediately said, "No, I want to light it." As he said this, he raised a flame in
the palm of his hand with a "hoom". Unexpectedly, After that, the two of them saw a shadow. In the
distance, their backs suddenly covered in chills. Lang Qianqiu shouted, "Who!"

Golden Banquet...
They saw a man in richly ornamented clothes, kneeling in front of a sarcophagus with his back to them,
bowing before it.

In fact, there was another person in this tomb, but the two never noticed!

Xie Lian shivered at first, but upon closer inspection, he relaxed and said, "It's okay, that's not a human."

Lang Qianqiu asked suspiciously, "How do you know? Both were bound by chains and it was impossible
to see them clearly from that distance." Xie Lian said, "Didn't you think his back looked familiar?"

Lang Qianqiu doubted, but when he looked closer, he suddenly became horrified.

And it was indeed very familiar. The more you look at him, the more familiar he becomes.

Because the back of that man was exactly the same as Xie Lian's in front of him right now.

Xie Lian removed a piece of gravel from the crack in the wall, turned it slightly to the side, and flicked it
away with his fingers. The small stone hit the sarcophagus, ricocheted, and hit the "person's" forehead,
and the sound of "ding" was the sound made by the stone hitting the gold.

Lang Qianqiu also struck a stone, this time with more force, the "man" fell backwards onto the ground,
but still maintained a rigid kneeling posture.

Sure enough, it's not a human being, but a life-size bronze statue. It was just sculpted in a kneeling
position with an expression of mourning, like that of a grieving dog, which was extremely
uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable thing was that his face was exactly the same as Xie Lian's.
Although Xie Lian had never made that expression on his face.

Lang Qianqiu said with a livid face, "What the hell is this?"

At first glance, it was obvious that this kind of statue was made especially to insult him and was beyond
the scope of his tolerance and imagination. Xie Lian didn't take it seriously, picked up two more stones,
and said, "I don't have weapons, so I can only use this to defend myself. Use it sparingly and catch it!"
He said and threw a stone. Lang Qianqiu was about to catch it unconsciously, looked at it, and suddenly
retracted his hand, saying, "No."

The stones fell to the ground, bouncing quickly towards Xie Lian. Xie Lian worked hard to catch it again.
He tried his best to reach it, but couldn't. He felt like a cow nailed to the ground by a plow. In the end,
he had to give up and sit on the ground and sighed, "What's wrong?"

Lang Qianqiu looked at him and said, "How can you know that this is your bronze statue just by looking
at its back? It's impossible for a person to recognize their own back."

Because it's impossible for people to see their own backs!

Xie Lian was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't know how to explain to you. Anyway, I've seen
many of these things."

Lang Qianqiu asked, "What the hell are these things? Why have you seen them so much?"

Before Xie Lian could answer, a voice suddenly came from the sarcophagus: "That thing is called the
'Prince's Atonement Statue,' he has seen them a lot!"

A wave of heat surged towards Xie Lian, and there were several sounds of "blowing," and rows of
torches attached to the stone wall began to "dance" in flames. A dark figure with disheveled hair
emerged from the coffin.

"This Prince's Atonement Statue, do you know how it came about? After the Kingdom of Xianle was
destroyed, our crown prince was hated by people all over the world. I hated him so much that I built a
set of kneeling statues. The goal is to have him trampled by thousands of people, by tens of thousands
of people, and he will never be able to stand up again. This thing can be seen in thousands of
households, maybe it's at the door of your temple, of course he has seen it a lot."

The entire tomb was well lit, but it was still very cold. Xie Lian squinted his eyes and was still adjusting to
the sudden light. Lang Qianqiu regained composure and shouted, "Who?"

The dark figure laughed, pushed back the black hair, and exposed the pale face to the firelight of the
tomb, saying, "Don't you know who I am just by looking at my face?"

This was an incredible sight. The man's mouth was full of blood, obviously he had been hiding in the
sarcophagus and feasting. Looking again, it was even worse: His face was really very similar to Xie Lian's!

However, his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were extremely narrow, which made his face look a bit
more treacherous. Although one could say that he was handsome, one look at his face shows that he
was extremely difficult to deal with. Therefore, he was nothing like Xie Lian.


[1] Daochang (场) refers to a place where Taoism is practiced, such as temples and palaces. It also refers
to the larger-scale Dharma ceremony in Buddhism. Tanism and Yiguandao, such as the Water and Earth
Dojo, the Compassion Dojo, etc.

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