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Przysłówki zawierające przeczenie – Negative adverbials

(1) NEVER (before) – nigdy (wcześniej), RARELY (rzadko), SELDOM (rzadko)
➡ Najczęściej są używane z czasem Present Simple, Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect lub czasownikami
modalnymi takimi jak: can & could.
I never go to the theatre. -> Never do I go to the theatre.
Peter has never been to Austria. -> Never has Peter been to Austria.
She rarely goes jogging. -> Rarely does she go go jogging.
They seldom go away. -> Seldom do they go away.

(2) HARDLY, BARELY, SCARCELY (+ when) -> najczęściej są używane z czasem Past Perfect lub Past
NO SOONER (+ than) -> najczęściej używane również z czasem Past Perfect lub Past Simple
➡ Wszystkie mają podobne znaczenie i znaczą ‘ledwie’.
Hardly had me moved in when the problems with sewage system cropped up.
Barely had I been appointed the manager when our company started to struggle with fierce competitors.
Scarcely had they come back home when Alice phoned with some urgent problem.
No sooner did we start supper than our neighbours came round.
2. Inwersja stylistyczna z ONLY
ONLY AFTER (tylko po), ONLY BY (tylko dzięki), ONLY WHEN (tylko kiedy), ONLY IF (tylko gdy)
Only after you take the dog for a walk can you watch your favourite series.
Only by his wife’s support did he manage to survive the worst.
Only when Peter came back home did his sister serve dinner.
Only if you let me in will I tell you the truth.

ONLY LATER (dopiero później), ONLY THEN (dopiero wtedy), ONLY IN THIS WAY (tylko w ten
Only later did we realize that he had cheated us.
Only then did I notice that I had forgotten my umbrella.
Only in this way can you apply for that job.

Jeśli po ONLY na początku zdania występuje podmiot, to wtedy nie stosujemy szyku przestawnego:
Only Caroline likes me. (No one else likes me.)
Only you were on my side when the argument broke out. (No one else was on my side.)

3. Wyrażenia z NO / NOT
Under no circumstances (pod żadnym pozorem), On no condition (pod żadnym warunkiem), On
no account (pod żadnym pozorem), At no time (w żadnym razie, nigdy), Not only (nie tylko), In no way (w
żaden sposób), Not once (ani razu), Not for a moment (nawet przez chwilę nie)
➡ Inwersja następuje bezpośrednio po podanych wyżej wyrażeniach:
Under no circumstances are you allowed to go out tonight. You’re grounded.
On no condition will I marry him.
On no account should you go and meet with her.
At no time did I feel uncomfortable in his presence.
Not only did I mop the floors but also dusted furniture.
In no way will I agree to live abroad.
Not once was I jealous of Jenny.
Not for a moment did it occur to me that he was trying to deceive me.

Not until (dopiero)

➡ Inwersja następuje w drugiej części zdania:
Not until I met him did I realize that I knew him from primary school.

LITTLE (prawie wcale, niewiele):

➡ najczęściej występuje z czasownikami takimi jak: know, understand, realize, suspect
Little did she know what we were struggling with. = She didn’t really know what we were struggling with.
Little do they understand what we’re going through right now. = They don’t really understand what we we’re
going through right now.

4. Inwersja stylistyczna w zdaniach warunkowych

➡ Inwersja stylistyczna może być stosowana we wszystkich typach zdań warunkowych. W każdym z nich
pomijamy ‘if’, a wydźwięk zdania jest bardziej formalny.
➡ W zdaniu warunkowym 0 i 1 ‘if’ zastępujemy słówkiem ‘should’.
Should you need any help, call me immediately. = If you need any help, call me immediately.
Should it be sunny at the weekend, we will go on a city break to Cracow. = If it is sunny at the weekend, we
will go on city break to Cracow.
Were I flexible enough, I would do gymnastics. = If I were flexible enough, I would do gymnastics.
Had I gone to the mountains, I would have had a great time with my friends. = If I had gone to the mountain, I
would have had a great time with my friends.

Z inwersją stylistyczną spotkasz się również w trybach warunkowych:

 I tryb warunkowy:
If she exercises a lot, she’ll be strong.
Should she exercise a lot, she’ll be strong.

W przypadku pierwszego trybu warunkowego wystarczy IF zamienić na SHOULD. Musisz jednak pamiętać, że tworząc
inwersję w tym trybie w III osobie czasownik przyjmie formę bezokolicznika - tak jak w powyższym przykładzie.

 II tryb warunkowy:
If dogs had wings, they’d be able to fly.
Were dogs to have wings, they’d be able to fly.

Aby utworzyć inwersję z drugiego trybu warunkowego musisz zamienić IF na WERE, a następnie zmienić formę czasownika
na bezokolicznik z to - tak jak zostało to pokazane w przykładzie wyżej.

 III tryb warunkowy

If you had told me about your problem, I would have helped you.
Had you told me about your problem, I’d have helped you.
Inwersja w trzecim trybie warunkowym jest banalnie prosta. Należy “wyrzucić” IF, a następnie zmienić miejsce podmiotu z
czasownikiem HAD. I gotowe!

5. Inwersja stylistyczna z SO & SUCH

➡ Jeżeli zdanie rozpoczyna się od ‘so’ lub ‘such’, to stosujemy inwersję stylistyczna bezpośrednio po tych
So perceptive is she that it’s hard to deceive her. = She is so perceptive that it’s hard to deceive her.
So tired was he that he fell asleep in his armchair. = He was so tired that he fell asleep in his armchair.
Such friendly people did we meet yesterday that we went to the cinema with them. = We met such friendly
people yesterday that we went to the cinema with them.

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