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Global Outlook



Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): This recently adopted directive (November 2022) requires comprehensive ESG reporting from a
wide range of companies operating in the EU. It sets stricter and broader standards than previous regulations.
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR): This regulation, introduced in 2019, influences how financial products in the EU consider ESG
factors. It requires transparency from financial institutions about how they integrate sustainability considerations into their investment decisions.
EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities: This classification system helps define which economic activities can be considered environmentally
sustainable. It plays a crucial role in directing investments towards truly sustainable projects.


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate Disclosure Rules: These recently adopted rules (2022) require certain publicly traded companies
in the US to disclose climate-related risks and opportunities in their filings. While not as comprehensive as the CSRD, they mark a significant step
towards ESG transparency in the US.
California's Climate Disclosure Laws (SB 253) require large companies to disclose greenhouse gas emissions, promoting environmental transparency,
a key aspect of ESG. This pushes businesses to focus on sustainability and paves the way for potentially broader ESG reporting in the future.

China: China has a strong focus on environmental regulations and is Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) Guidance on ESG
developing a national ESG rating system. Disclosure: The CSA provides non-mandatory guidance for issuers
Japan: Japan's Corporate Governance Code encourages ESG on ESG disclosure, encouraging best practices in transparency for
considerations, and the Stewardship Code promotes responsible investors.
investment by institutional investors. Supplier ESG Disclosure for Large Federal Contractors: Since
India: India has issued guidelines for responsible business conduct and is April 2023, large federal contractors must disclose greenhouse gas
working on a business responsibility reporting framework. emissions and set reduction targets. This promotes environmental
responsibility within government supply chains.


Egypt: In 2021, the FRA introduced resolutions requiring listed
Brazil: A frontrunner in the region, Brazil requires certain financial
institutions to manage ESG risks and establish environmental and social companies and large non-banking financial institutions (with a
responsibility policies. The Central Bank of Brazil also recently mandated certain capital threshold) to submit annual ESG disclosure reports.
that banks consider ESG risks alongside traditional ones. This likely applies to many banks in Egypt, promoting transparency
Chile: The Chilean Financial Market Commission (CMF) requires targeted on their ESG performance.
issuers to disclose their sustainability and corporate governance South Africa: Listed companies on the JSE must report on ESG
performances in line with specific frameworks. This enhances transparency risks and opportunities, following the JSE's ESG Reporting
for investors. Guidelines. The JSE is developing additional sustainability
Other Countries: Countries like Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico are also disclosure guidance, including specific climate change disclosure
developing ESG-focused initiatives or incorporating ESG considerations guidance, to further enhance transparency.
into existing regulations.


Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels (effective from July 2024): These upcoming rules will significantly impact the
financial sector. Asset managers and firms offering investment products will need to disclose their ESG approach and considerations. It also introduces a
voluntary labelling regime for sustainable investment products.
Sustainability Disclosure Standards (SDS): The UK is ramping up transparency on corporate sustainability with the introduction of the Sustainability
Disclosure Standards (SDS), expected to be published in July 2024 and take effect in January 2025. These standards are based on the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Sustainability Disclosure Standards, ensuring global consistency in sustainability reporting.

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