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Date of Issue: Term 2 Week 5 - Monday 27th Due Date: Term 2 Week 10 – Tuesday
May 2024. July 2nd Part ONE must be submitted
via Google Classroom before 8.50am.
Part TWO is to be completed in class
on Period 1 on the Due Date

Task Name: Module A: Narratives that Shape Task No: 2 of 3

Our World

Weighting: 40% (Skills 20% / Content 20%)

Outcomes to be assessed:
EA11-1 responds to, composes and evaluates complex texts for understanding, interpretation, critical
analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure
EA11-2 uses and evaluates processes, skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to and compose texts
in different
modes, media and technologies
EA11-3 analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts considering appropriateness for
specific purposes,
audiences and contexts and evaluates their effects on meaning
EA11-6 investigates and evaluates the relationships between texts
EA11-7 evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds and recognises how they are
valued EA11-8 explains and evaluates cultural assumptions and values in texts and their effects on meaning

Task Outline:

Part One:

Create a multimodal presentation that explores how narratives and representations of the Machiavel have
the potential to shape our perceptions of human nature and the world around us.

The presentation should equate to 500 words and be no more than 4 minutes in duration.
- The composition must be started, edited and submitted on one consistent Google Document. -
There needs to be clear evidence of drafting, application of feedback and refinement of final
composition on the one document.

Part TWO: In class written response, demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the
Narratives that Shape our World Module: completed in the classroom during Period 1 on the due date

You will be required to analyse a previously unseen text text that explores Machiavellian character traits , and
apply this analysis to a series of short answer questions to demonstrate their knowledge of the module and the
prescribed text

Both parts of the assessment must be completed for students to achieve a mark for this assessment.
Success Criteria
You will be assessed on your ability to:
● Explore the significance of the narrative presented in your prescribed text through the lens of
the module.
● Support discussion through detailed reference to the structure, style and language forms and features
of your prescribed and related text
● Engage your audience through a multimodal presentation using language appropriate to form
and context.
● Analyse and evaluate how language, forms and features are used to represent machiavellian
and provide social commentary
● Evaluate connections between the prescribed and related text

Students who are absent on the day of the assessment task

● Must follow the procedures as set out in the Assessment Task Booklet by completing a Senior
Assessment Adjustment Form.
● Will receive zero for the task unless they provide the Faculty Head Teacher with a reasonable, written
explanation of their absence.
● May receive an N-Determination for this task.
● Students who receive zero for more than 50% of assessment tasks may not be eligible for the High
School Certificate Course.
Student Name: _______________________________

Year 11: English Advanced - Module A

Part ONE - Marking Criteria

A 20 ● Expertly defines and analyses how narratives and representations of the Machiavel
19 have the potential to shape our perceptions of human nature and the world around us. ●
Makes judicious use of examples to support discussion through insightful references to
the structure, style and language forms and features of the prescribed and related text ●
17 Engage the audience through a cohesive and sustained multimodal presentation using
language appropriate to form and context.

B 16 ● Thoroughly explores how narratives and representations of the Machiavel have the
15 potential to shape our perceptions of human nature and the world around us. ● Makes
14 appropriate and thorough use of examples to support discussion through references to
the structure, style and language forms and features of the prescribed and related text
● Engage the audience through a well-developed multimodal presentation using
language appropriate to form and context.

C 12 ● Soundly explores how narratives and representations of the Machiavel have the
11 potential to shape our perceptions of human nature and the world around us ●
Makes sound use of examples to support discussion with some references to the
structure, style and language forms and features of the prescribed and related text
9 ● Engage the audience through a soundly developed multimodal presentation using
language appropriate to form and context.

D 8 ● Limited exploration of how narratives and representations of the Machiavel have

7 the potential to shape our perceptions of human nature and the world around us. ●
Makes use of limited examples to support discussion with limited references to the
structure, style and language forms and features of the prescribed and related text ●
5 Limited audience engagement through a multimodal presentation reflecting limited
language, form and context

E 4 ● Elementary exploration of ideas about narrative

3 ● Elementary use of examples to support discussion of textual features
2 ● Elementary engagement of the audience through the conventions of a multimodal text


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