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Table of Contents

Device. - The top-level object for a Device. 6.3


RootDataModelVersion - Root data model version, e.g. ''2.4''. For a vendor-defined root data model, this is the standard 6.3
Device.RootDataModelVersion Broadband Forum model on which the vendor-defined model is based. 9

type: string(32)

InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the InterfaceStack table. 6.3

Device.InterfaceStackNumberOf 9
Entries type: uint32

DeviceSummary - This Parameter is added from older Data Models for backward compability and can be used by ACS 6.4
Device.DeviceSummary to determine CPEs capabilities using deprecated method. 5

NOTE - it is not Forced Inform Parameter like in older Data Models.

type: string

Device.DeviceInfo. - This object contains general device information. 6.3


Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the CPE (human readable string). 6.3

Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer 9
type: string(64)

ManufacturerOUI - Organizationally unique identifier of the device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. 9
The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

Any change would indicate that it's a new device and would therefore require a BOOTSTRAP Inform.

type: string(6:6)

ModelName - Model name of the CPE (human readable string). 6.3

Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName 9
type: string(64) , flags: deny-active-notif

Description - A full description of the CPE device (human readable string). 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.Description 9
type: string(256) , flags: deny-active-notif

ProductClass - Identifier of the class of product for which the serial number applies. That is, for a given manufacturer, 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.ProductClass this parameter is used to identify the product or class of product over which the SerialNumber 9
parameter is unique.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

type: string(64)

SerialNumber - Identifier of the particular device that is unique for the indicated class of product and manufacturer. 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber 9
This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

type: string(64)

HardwareVersion - A string identifying the particular CPE model and version. 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersi 9
on type: string(64)

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SoftwareVersion - A string identifying the software version currently installed in the CPE (i.e. version of the overall CPE 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersi firmware). 9
To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where
each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, ''3.0.21'' where
the components mean: ''Major.Minor.Build''.

type: string(64)

ProvisioningCode W Identifier of the primary service provider and other provisioning information, which MAY be used by the 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.ProvisioningC ACS to determine service provider-specific customization and provisioning parameters. 9
type: string(64)

UpTime - Time in seconds since the CPE was last restarted. 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime 9
type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

VendorConfigFileNumberOfEntri - The number of entries in the VendorConfigFile table. 6.3

es 9
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfig type: uint32

X_MIKROTIK_SystemIdentity W Value of system identity 6.3

Device.DeviceInfo.X_MIKROTIK 9
_SystemIdentity type: string
ROS: /system identity =name

X_MIKROTIK_ArchName - Value of ROS architecture name 6.3

Device.DeviceInfo.X_MIKROTIK 9
_ArchName type: string
ROS: /system resource =architecture-name

X_MIKROTIK_BrandingPckgBuil - Branding package build time or null if not available. 6.4

dTime 8
Device.DeviceInfo.X_MIKROTIK type: UNKNOWN

X_MIKROTIK_AutosupoutTime - Generated autosupout.rif timestamp or null if file not available. File can be retrieved by RPC Upload 6.4
Device.DeviceInfo.X_MIKROTIK with file type "X MIKROTIK Autosupout". 9

Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfig - For now this table contains "dummy" record of full ROS configuration export. This could change in
File.{i}. future.

Name - "Dummy" name of configuration file. 6.3

Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfig 9
File.{i}.Name type: string(64)

Description - A description of the vendor configuration file (human-readable string). 6.3

Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfig 9
File.{i}.Description type: string(256)

UseForBackupRestore - When true, this parameter indicates that this VendorConfigFile. instance is to be used for backup and 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfig restoration purposes. 9
Note: The backup and restore operations may require the use of multiple VendorConfigFile. instances.
In this scenario the mechanism for detemining the order and combination of VendorConfigFile.
instances used for backup and restoration purposes is implementation specific.

type: bool

Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus - Status of the device's physical memory. 6.3

. 9

Total - The total physical volatile RAM, in KiB, installed on the device. 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus 9
.Total type: uint32

Free - The free physical volatile RAM, in KiB, currently available on the device. 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus 9
.Free type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus - Status of the processes on the device. 6.3

. 9

CPUUsage - The total amount of the CPU, in percent, rounded up to the nearest whole percent. In the case that 6.3
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus multiple CPU are present, this value represents the average of all CPU. 9
type: uint32[:100] , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.ManagementServer. - This object contains parameters relating to the CPE's association with an ACS. 6.3

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URL W The for the CPE to connect to the ACS using the CPE WAN Management Protocol. 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.URL 9
This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL.

The ''host'' portion of this URL is used by the CPE for validating the ACS certificate when using SSL or

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value.
If an ACS modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation
that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

type: URL
ROS: /tr069-client =acs-url

Username W Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS using the CPE WAN 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.User Management Protocol. 9
This username is used only for HTTP-based authentication of the CPE.

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value.
If an ACS modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation
that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

type: string(256)
ROS: /tr069-client =username

Password W Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the ACS using the CPE WAN 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Pass Management Protocol. 9
This password is used only for HTTP-based authentication of the CPE.

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value.
If an ACS modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation
that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

type: string(256) , flags: hidden

ROS: /tr069-client =password

PeriodicInformEnable W Whether or not the CPE MUST periodically send CPE information to the ACS using the Inform method 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Perio call. 9
type: bool
ROS: /tr069-client =periodic-inform-enabled

PeriodicInformInterval W The duration in seconds of the interval for which the CPE MUST attempt to connect with the ACS and 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Perio call the Inform method if PeriodicInformEnable is true. 9
type: uint32[1:]
ROS: /tr069-client =periodic-inform-interval

ParameterKey - ParameterKey provides the ACS a reliable and extensible means to track changes made by the ACS. 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Para The value of ParameterKey MUST be equal to the value of the ParameterKey argument from the most 9
meterKey recent successful SetParameterValues, AddObject, or DeleteObject method call from the ACS.

The CPE MUST set ParameterKey to the value specified in the corresponding method arguments if
and only if the method completes successfully and no fault response is generated. If a method call
does not complete successfully (implying that the changes requested in the method did not take
effect), the value of ParameterKey MUST NOT be modified.

The CPE MUST only modify the value of ParameterKey as a result of SetParameterValues,
AddObject, DeleteObject, or due to a factory reset. On factory reset, the value of ParameterKey
MUST be set to empty string.

type: string(32) , flags: deny-active-notif

ConnectionRequestURL - The HTTP for an ACS to make a Connection Request notification to the CPE. 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Conn 9
ectionRequestURL In the form:

: http://host:port/path

The ''host'' portion of the URL MAY be the IP address for the management interface of the CPE in lieu
of a host name.

Note: If the ''host'' portion of the URL is a literal IPv6 address then it MUST be enclosed in square
brackets (see [RFC3986]).

type: URL

ConnectionRequestUsername W Username used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE. 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Conn 9
ectionRequestUsername type: string(256)
ROS: /tr069-client =connection-request-username

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ConnectionRequestPassword W Password used to authenticate an ACS making a Connection Request to the CPE. 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Conn 9
ectionRequestPassword type: string(256) , flags: hidden
ROS: /tr069-client =connection-request-password

AliasBasedAddressing - Indicates whether or not the Alias-Based Addressing Mechanism is supported. 6.3
Device.ManagementServer.Alias 9
BasedAddressing A true value indicates that the CPE supports the Alias-Based Addressing Mechanism, as defined in
[TR-069] and described in [TR-069].

type: bool

InformParameterNumberOfEntrie - The number of entries in the InformParameter table. 6.4

s 4
Device.ManagementServer.Infor type: uint32

Device.ManagementServer.Infor W This table provides the ACS with the ability to control the Parameters that are delivered by the Inform
mParameter.{i}. RPC.

Any Parameter (identified by ParameterName) contained in this table MUST be included within the
ParameterList argument of the Inform RPC whenever any Event within the EventList is being

This table does not include Forced Inform Parameters, and Forced Inform Parameters are not allowed
to be inserted into this table. Any attempt by an ACS to configure this table to contain a Forced Inform
Parameter MUST result in the failure of the SetParameterValues RPC with error code 9007.

Enable W Enables or disables this InformParameter.. 6.4

Device.ManagementServer.Infor 4
mParameter.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"

ParameterName W A pattern that describes the Parameter(s) to be included in the Inform’s ParameterList argument. 6.4
Device.ManagementServer.Infor Specifically, patterns with wildcards (an "*" character) in place of Instance Identifiers are allowed; any 4
mParameter.{i}.ParameterName attempt to set the value otherwise MUST be rejected by the CPE.

If the pattern does not match any existing Parameters at the time that the CPE is creating the Inform
RPC, then this #.InformParameter instance is not included in the Inform’s ParameterList argument.

type: string(256) , default: ""

EventList W Each entry in this list represents an Event for which this Parameter MUST be included within the 6.4
Device.ManagementServer.Infor ParameterList argument of the Inform RPC. 4
All Inform Events (see [TR-069]), except for "4 VALUE CHANGE", are allowed as entries in this list. "4
VALUE CHANGE" is not allowed as that would violate requirements contained in [TR-069].

empty string means all events except "4 VALUE CHANGE".

type: list<string> , default: ""

Device.InterfaceStack.{i}. - This table contains information about the relationships between the multiple layers of interface objects
([TR-181i2]). In particular, it contains information on which interfaces run ''on top of'' which other

This table is auto-generated by the CPE based on the ''LowerLayers'' parameters on individual
interface objects.

Each table row represents a "link" between two interface objects, a higher-layer interface object
(referenced by HigherLayer) and a lower-layer interface object (referenced by LowerLayer).
Consequently, if a referenced interface object is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the corresponding {i}.
row(s) that had referenced it.

HigherLayer - A reference to the interface object corresponding to the higher layer of the relationship, i.e. the 6.3
Device.InterfaceStack. interface which runs on ''top'' of the interface identified by the corresponding instance of LowerLayer. 9
When the referenced higher layer interface is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the table row.

type: strongRef(256)

LowerLayer - A reference to the interface object corresponding to the lower layer of the relationship, i.e. the 6.3
Device.InterfaceStack. interface which runs ''below'' the interface identified by the corresponding instance of HigherLayer. 9
When the referenced lower layer interface is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the table row.

type: strongRef(256)

Device.Cellular. - This object models cellular interfaces and access points. 6.3

InterfaceNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Interface table. 6.3

Device.Cellular.InterfaceNumber 9
OfEntries type: uint32

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AccessPointNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the AccessPoint table. 6.3

Device.Cellular.AccessPointNum 9
berOfEntries type: uint32

X_MIKROTIK_Antenna W Indicates which antenna will be used for modem. Contains empty value if board doesn't support 7
Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_An antenna select.

type: enum

X_MIKROTIK_CurrentAntenna - Currently selected antenna in case X_MIKROTIK_Antenna value is "Auto". Otherwise contains the 7
Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Cu configured value or empty if not supported.
type: string

Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}. - Cellular interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [TR-181i2]). Each instance of this
object models a cellular modem with a single radio and a single USIM.

ROS: /interface lte

Enable W Enables or disables the interface. 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Enable This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

type: bool
ROS: /interface lte =disabled

Status - The current operational state of the interface (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Status When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a
fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status

* SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic.

* SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions
before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable
when the expected actions have completed)

* SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the

* SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware)
components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for
some reason.

Because the interface includes layer 1 the LowerLayerDown value SHOULD never be used.

This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].

Up ( Corresponds to {{enum|GPRS|CurrentAccessTechnology}},
{{enum|UMTS|CurrentAccessTechnology}}, {{enum|LTE|CurrentAccessTechnology}} etc
''ATTACHED'' status )
NotPresent ( Corresponds to {{enum|GPRS|CurrentAccessTechnology}},
{{enum|UMTS|CurrentAccessTechnology}}, {{enum|LTE|CurrentAccessTechnology}} etc
''DETACHED'' status )

type: enum , flags: deny-active-notif

LowerLayers - See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.LowerLayers Note: Since Interface. is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

type: list<strongRef>(1024)

IMEI - International Mobile Station Equipment Identity number, represented as a 15 digit string (digits 0-9). 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.IMEI 9
type: string(15:15)

RSSI - The received signal strength in dBm. (null: -255) 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.RSSI 9
Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo.{i}.RSSI instance 1.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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X_MIKROTIK_Model - type: string 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 8

X_MIKROTIK_Revision - type: string 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 8

X_MIKROTIK_ExtRevision - type: string 7.1

Device.Cellular.Interface. 0

X_MIKROTIK_SupportedAccess - Access technologies supported by the interface. 6.4

Technologies 6
Device.Cellular.Interface. GSM
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_SupportedAcce 3G
ssTechnologies LTE

type: list<enum>

X_MIKROTIK_AccessTechnologi W List of enabled access technologies. 6.4

es 6
Device.Cellular.Interface. type: list<string>
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_AccessTechnol ROS: /interface lte =network-mode

X_MIKROTIK_CurrentAccessTec - Access technology that is currently in use. 6.4

hnology 6
Device.Cellular.Interface. type: string

X_MIKROTIK_SupportedLteBan - List items represent possible LTE bands for this device. 6.4
ds 6
Device.Cellular.Interface. type: list<string>

X_MIKROTIK_LteBands W List items indicate which LTE bands this Interface. instance is configured for. 6.4
Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_LteBands Empty list configures all values from X_MIKROTIK_SupportedLteBands.

type: list<string>
ROS: /interface lte =band

X_MIKROTIK_LteCellLock W List items indicate to which Physical Cell Ids (PCI) and Frequencies modem will be locked to. Empty 7
Device.Cellular.Interface. list disables cell locking feature. Some modems do not support this feature or support only one list
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_LteCellLock element.

Syntax: Pci/Freq[,Pci/Freq]

Example: 374/1300,135/1300

type: list<string>
ROS: /interface lte =cell-lock

X_MIKROTIK_Supported5GBan - List items represent possible 5G bands for this device. 7.2
Device.Cellular.Interface. type: list<string>

X_MIKROTIK_5GBands W List items indicate which 5G bands this Interface. instance is configured for. 7.2
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5GBands Empty list configures all values from X_MIKROTIK_Supported5GBands.

type: list<string>
ROS: /interface lte =nr-band

X_MIKROTIK_RSCP - Received Signal Code Power value. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_RSCP type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_ECNO - ECNO value. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_ECNO type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_SINR - SINR value in dB. (null: -255) 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_SINR Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo.{i}.SINR instance 1.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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X_MIKROTIK_RSRP - RSRP value in dBm. (null: -255) 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_RSRP Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo.{i}.RSRP instance 1.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif


Device.Cellular.Interface. 8
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_MimoRSRP type: list<int32> , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_RSRQ - RSRQ value in dB. (null: -255) 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_RSRQ Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo.{i}.RSRQ instance 1.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_CQI - CQI value. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 5
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CQI type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_RI - Rank Indicator. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_RI type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_MCS - Modulation Coding Scheme. (null: 4294967295) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_MCS type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_TBS - Transport Block Size. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_TBS type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_RBs - Number.of allocated Resource Blocks. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_RBs type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_Modulation - 7
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Modulation unknown

type: enum , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_CQI - CQI value for 5G. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_CQI This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_RI - Rank Indicator for 5G. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_RI This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_MCS - Modulation Coding Scheme for 5G. (null: 4294967295) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_MCS This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_TBS - Transport Block Size for 5G. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_TBS This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_RBs - Number.of allocated Resource Blocks for 5G. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_RBs This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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X_MIKROTIK_5G_Modulation - This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode. 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_Modulation unknown

type: enum , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_DataPath - User Layer Data Path under NSA Network. 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_DataPath This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: string , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_TxPUCCH - (null: -2147483648) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 7
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_TxPUCCH type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_TxPUSCH - (null: -2147483648) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 7
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_TxPUSCH type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_TxSRS - (null: -2147483648) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 7
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_TxSRS type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_TxPRACH - (null: -2147483648) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 7
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_TxPRACH type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxPUCCH - (null: -2147483648) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxPUCCH This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxPUSCH - (null: -2147483648) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxPUSCH This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxSRS - (null: -2147483648) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxSRS This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxPRACH - (null: -2147483648) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_TxPRACH This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_Band - Band. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_Band Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G.{i}.Band instance 1.

This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_Bandwidth - Bandwidth in MHz. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_Bandwidth Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G.{i}.Bandwidth instance 1.

This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_PhysicalCellId - Physical Cell Identity. (null: 4294967295) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_PhysicalCel Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G.{i}.PhysicalCellId instance 1.
This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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X_MIKROTIK_5G_SINR - SINR value in dB. (null: -255) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_SINR Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G.{i}.SINR instance 1.

This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_RSRP - RSRP value in dBm. (null: -255) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_RSRP Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G.{i}.RSRP instance 1.

This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_5G_RSRQ - RSRQ value in dB. (null: -255) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_5G_RSRQ Value duplicates with X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G.{i}.RSRQ instance 1.

This parameter is only applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

X_MIKROTIK_CellId - Cell ID value. 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CellId type: uint32

X_MIKROTIK_BandInfo - Human readable band info string. 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_BandInfo type: string

X_MIKROTIK_LinkDowns - 6.4
Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_LinkDowns type: uint32
ROS: /interface =link-downs

X_MIKROTIK_AccessPoints W ROS uses this Parameter in place of standard "Device.Cellular.AccessPoint.{i}.Interface" for more 6.4
Device.Cellular.Interface. flexibility. 1
Links with list of AccessPoint profiles for this Interface.

type: list<strongRef>(1024)
ROS: /interface lte =apn-profiles

X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfoNumber - The number of entries in the X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo table. 6.4

OfEntries 6
Device.Cellular.Interface. type: uint32

X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5GNum - The number of entries in the X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G table. 7

Device.Cellular.Interface. type: uint32

Device.Cellular.Interface. - USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module or SIM card) parameters for the interface. 6.4
{i}.USIM. 5

IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity represented as a string with either 14 or 15 digits (digits 0-9). 6.4
Device.Cellular.Interface. The first 3 digits are the mobile country code (MCC), which are followed by the mobile network code 5
{i}.USIM.IMSI (MNC), either 2 digits (European standard) or 3 digits (North American standard), followed by the
mobile subscription identification number (MSIN).

type: string(14:15)

ICCID - Integrated Circuit Card Identifier represented as a string of up to 20 digits (digits 0-9). The number is 6.4
Device.Cellular.Interface. composed of the following parts: 6
* Major industry identifier (MII), 2 fixed digits, 89 for telecommunication purposes.

* Country code, 1–3 digits, as defined by ITU-T recommendation [ITU-E.164].

* identifier, 1–4 digits.

* Individual account identification number. Its length is variable, but every number under one IIN will
have the same length.

* Single check digit calculated from the other digits using the Luhn algorithm.

For cards using an ICCID according to [ITU-E.118] the maximum length is 19 Digits, for GSM cards 20

type: string(6:20)

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Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.Stats. - Throughput statistics for this interface. 6.3

The CPE MUST reset the interface's Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or
parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous
administrative down (i.e. the interface's Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.Status parameter transitions to a
down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the
interface's Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative
and operational interface status is discussed in [TR-181i2].

BytesSent - The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesSent type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

BytesReceived - The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesReceived type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsSent - The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsSent type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsReceived - The total number of packets received on the interface. 6.3

Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsReceived type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsSent - The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.ErrorsSent type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsReceived - The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. higher-layer protocol. 9
type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsSent - The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsSent could be to free up buffer space.

type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsReceived - The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had 6.3
Device.Cellular.Interface. been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsReceived could be to free up buffer space.

type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.Cellular.Interface. - Information about each carrier. If technology(LTE) supports multiple carriers, then there can be > 1
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo.{i}. instances.

Band - Band. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Fcn - Frequency Channel Number in MHz. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Bandwidth - Bandwidth in MHz. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

PhysicalCellId - Physical Cell Identity. (null: 4294967295) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSSI - The received signal strength in dBm. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

SINR - SINR value in dB. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSRP - RSRP value in dBm. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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RSRQ - RSRQ value in dB. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.Interface. 6
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

UplinkCA - CA UL 7.2
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo. type: bool , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.Cellular.Interface. - Information about each carrier for 5G (NR). Applicable in 5G NR Dual Connectivity mode.

Band - Band. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Bandwidth - Bandwidth in MHz. (null: 0) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

PhysicalCellId - Physical Cell Identity. (null: 4294967295) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

SINR - SINR value in dB. (null: -255) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSRP - RSRP value in dBm. (null: -255) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSRQ - RSRQ value in dB. (null: -255) 7

{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

SNR - SNR value in dB. (null: -255) 7.1

Device.Cellular.Interface. 0
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_CarrierInfo5G. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.Cellular.AccessPoint.{i}. W Cellular Access Point table. Each entry is identified by an APN (Access Point Name) that identifies a
gateway between the mobile network and another computer network.

ROS: /interface lte apn

APN W Access Point Name. 6.3

Device.Cellular.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.APN type: string(64)
ROS: /interface lte apn =apn

Username W Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the Access Point. 6.3
Device.Cellular.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.Username type: string(256)
ROS: /interface lte apn =user

Password W Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the Access Point. 6.3
Device.Cellular.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.Password type: string(256) , flags: hidden
ROS: /interface lte apn =password

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce - Perform neighbour cell scan. 6.4

llDiagnostics. 6

ROS: /interface lte cell-monitor

DiagnosticsState W 6.4
Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.DiagnosticsState None

type: DiagnosticsState

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Interface W Cellular interface over which the test is to be performed. 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Interface type: weakRef(256)

Seconds W Number of seconds to perform the scan. 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Seconds type: uint32

ResultNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Result table. 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.ResultNumberOfEnt type: uint32

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce - Results of cell scan.


Band - Band. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Result.{i}.Band type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Fcn - Frequency Channel Number in MHz. (null: 0) 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Result.{i}.Fcn type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

PhysicalCellId - Physical Cell Identity. (null: 4294967295) 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Result. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSSI - The received signal strength in dBm. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Result.{i}.RSSI type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSRP - RSRP value in dBm. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Result.{i}.RSRP type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

RSRQ - RSRQ value in dB. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.Cellular.X_MIKROTIK_Ce 6
llDiagnostics.Result.{i}.RSRQ type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.Ethernet. - Ethernet object. This object models several Ethernet interface objects, each representing a different 6.3
stack layer, including: Interface, Link, and VLANTermination. Interface is media-specific and models a 9
port, the PHY layer, and the Channel Access Method (CAM) part of the MAC layer. Link is media-
independent and models the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. An "outer" VLANTermination, when
present, is expected to be stacked on top of Link objects to receive and send frames with a configured

NOTE that VLANTermination object is not supported yet.

InterfaceNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Interface table. 6.3

Device.Ethernet.InterfaceNumber 9
OfEntries type: uint32

LinkNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Link table. 6.3

Device.Ethernet.LinkNumberOfE 9
ntries type: uint32

Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}. - Ethernet interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [TR-181i2]). This table models
physical Ethernet ports, but in terms of the interface stack it only models the PHY and Connection
Access Method of the Ethernet interface MAC. A #.Interface is also required to model a full Ethernet

ROS: /interface ethernet

Enable W Enables or disables the interface. 6.3

Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Enable This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

type: bool
ROS: /interface ethernet =disabled

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Status - The current operational state of the interface (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Status When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a
fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able
to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is
operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and
subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD
change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state
because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there
is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent
state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if
the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].


type: enum

LowerLayers - See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.LowerLayers Note: Since Interface. is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

type: list<strongRef>(1024)

MACAddress - The unique manufacturer-assigned Ethernet hardware address of the interface, also referred to as 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. burned-in MAC address. 9
Note: This is not necessarily the same as the MAC address used for higher-level protocols, which is
modeled via the Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter. Its main purpose is the identification
of a specific Ethernet interface; the information can also can be used to perform Wake on LAN.

type: MACAddress
ROS: /interface ethernet =orig-mac-address

CurrentBitRate - The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps). 6.4
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.CurrentBitRate A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

ROS: /interface ethernet monitor =rate

X_MIKROTIK_LinkDowns - 6.4
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_LinkDowns type: uint32
ROS: /interface =link-downs

Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Name type: string
ROS: /interface =name

X_MIKROTIK_Comment W 6.4
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Comment type: string
ROS: /interface =name

Device.Ethernet.Interface. - Throughput statistics for this interface. 6.3

{i}.Stats. 9
The CPE MUST reset the interface's Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or
parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous
administrative down (i.e. the interface's Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Status parameter transitions to a
down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the
interface's Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative
and operational interface status is discussed in [TR-181i2].

BytesSent - The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesSent type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

BytesReceived - The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesReceived type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsSent - The total number of Ethernet frames transmitted out of the interface. 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsSent type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

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PacketsReceived - The total number of Ethernet frames received on the interface. 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsReceived type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsSent - The total number of outbound Ethernet frames that could not be transmitted because of errors. 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.ErrorsSent type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsReceived - The total number of inbound Ethernet frames that contained errors preventing them from being 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. delivered to a higher-layer protocol. 9
type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsSent - The total number of outbound Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsSent a packet could be to free up buffer space.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsReceived - The total number of inbound Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Interface. errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsReceived packet could be to free up buffer space.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}. W Ethernet link layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [TR-181i2]). Table entries model
the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. It is expected that an ''Ethernet Link'' interface can be stacked
above any lower-layer interface object capable of carrying Ethernet frames.

Enable W Enables or disables the link. 6.3

Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.Enable 9
This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

type: bool , default: "false"

Status - The current operational state of the link (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.Status 9
When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a
fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able
to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is
operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and
subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD
change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state
because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there
is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent
state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if
the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].


type: enum , default: "Down"

LowerLayers W See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.Ethernet.Link. 9
{i}.LowerLayers type: list<strongRef>(1024) , default: ""

Device.WiFi. - The WiFi object is based on the IEEE 802.11 specifications ([802.11-2020]). It defines interface 6.3
objects (Radio and SSID), and application objects (AccessPoint and EndPoint). 9

NOTE that EndPoint object is not supported yet.

RadioNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Radio table. 6.3

Device.WiFi.RadioNumberOfEntri 9
es type: uint32

SSIDNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the SSID table. 6.3

Device.WiFi.SSIDNumberOfEntri 9
es type: uint32

AccessPointNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the AccessPoint table. 6.3

Device.WiFi.AccessPointNumber 9
OfEntries type: uint32

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Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}. - This object models an 802.11 wireless radio on a device (a stackable interface object as described in

If the device can establish more than one connection simultaneously (e.g. a dual radio device), a
separate {i}. instance MUST be used for each physical radio of the device. See [TR-181i2] for
additional information.

Note: A dual-band single-radio device (e.g. an 802.11a/b/g radio) can be configured to operate at 2.4
or 5 GHz frequency bands, but only a single frequency band is used to transmit/receive at a given
time. Therefore, a single {i}. instance is used even for a dual-band radio.

ROS: /interface wireless =interface-type!=virtual

Enable W Enables or disables the radio. 6.3

Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Enable 9
This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

type: bool
ROS: /interface wireless =disabled

Status - The current operational state of the radio (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Status 9
When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a
fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able
to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is
operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and
subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD
change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state
because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there
is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent
state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if
the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].


type: enum

LowerLayers - See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.WiFi.Radio. 9
{i}.LowerLayers Note: Since Radio. is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

type: list<strongRef>(1024)

SupportedFrequencyBands - List items indicate the frequency bands at which the radio can operate. 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio. 9
{i}.SupportedFrequencyBands 2.4GHz

type: list<enum>

OperatingFrequencyBand W Indicates the frequency band at which the radio is operating. 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio. 9
{i}.OperatingFrequencyBand If the radio supports multiple bands, and OperatingFrequencyBand is changed, then all parameters
whose value is not valid for the new frequency band (e.g. Channel) MUST be set to a valid value
(according to some CPE vendor-specific behavior).

type: string
ROS: /interface wireless =band

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SupportedStandards - List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this Radio. instance can support simultaneously, in 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio. the frequency band specified by OperatingFrequencyBand. 9
Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax are allowed.

a ( {{bibref|802.11a-1999}} )
b ( {{bibref|802.11b-1999}} )
g ( {{bibref|802.11g-2003}} )
n ( {{bibref|802.11n-2009}} )
ac ( {{bibref|802.11ac-2013}} )
ax ( {{bibref|802.11ax}} )

type: list<enum>

OperatingStandards W List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard this Radio. instance is configured for. 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio. 9
{i}.OperatingStandards Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax are allowed.

For example, a value of "g,b" (or "b,g" - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard
[802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of "g"
means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

type: list<string>
ROS: /interface wireless =band

PossibleChannels - List items represent possible radio channels for the wireless standard (a, b, g, n, ac, ax) and the 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio. regulatory domain. 9
Ranges in the form "n-m" are permitted.

For example, for 802.11b and North America, would be "1-11".

type: list<string>(1024)

Channel W The current radio channel used by the connection. To request automatic channel selection, set 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Channel AutoChannelEnable to true. 9

Whenever AutoChannelEnable is true, the value of the Channel parameter MUST be the channel
selected by the automatic channel selection procedure.

For channels in "wide mode" (802.11n where a 40MHz channel bandwidth is used), this parameter is
used for Primary Channel only. The secondary or extension channel information is available through

Note: Valid Channel values depend on the OperatingFrequencyBand value specified and the

type: uint32[1:255]
ROS: /interface wireless =frequency

AutoChannelSupported - Indicates whether automatic channel selection is supported by this radio. If false, then 6.3
Device.WiFi.Radio. AutoChannelEnable MUST be false. 9
type: bool

AutoChannelEnable W Enable or disable automatic channel selection. 6.3

Device.WiFi.Radio. 9
{i}.AutoChannelEnable Set to false to disable the automatic channel selection procedure, in which case the currently selected
channel remains selected.

Set to true to enable the automatic channel selection procedure. This procedure MUST automatically
select the channel, and MAY also change it subsequently.

AutoChannelEnable MUST automatically change to false whenever the channel is manually selected,
i.e. whenever the Channel parameter is written.

Whenever AutoChannelEnable is true, the value of the Channel parameter MUST be the channel
selected by the automatic channel selection procedure.

type: bool
ROS: /interface wireless =frequency

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X_MIKROTIK_SkipDFSChannels W These values are used to skip all DFS channels or specifically skip DFS CAC channels in range 5600- 7.2
Device.WiFi.Radio. 5650MHz which detection could go up to 10min.
els Disabled

type: enum
ROS: /interface wireless =skip-dfs-channels

Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Stats. - 6.4

Noise - An indicator of average noise strength received at this radio, measured in dBm. This measurement of 6.4
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Stats.Noise non-IEEE 802.11 noise power is made by sampling the channel when virtual carrier sense indicates 8
idle and this radio is neither transmitting nor receiving a frame.

type: int32

Device.WiFi.Radio. - 6.4
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats. 8

OverallTxCCQ - CCQ value in percent. 6.4

Device.WiFi.Radio. 8
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.OverallTx type: uint32[:100] , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia - This object defines access to other WiFi SSIDs that this device is able to receive. 6.3
gnostic. 9

DiagnosticsState W 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.DiagnosticsState None
Completed ( {{deprecated|2.13|because it's a typo for {{enum|Complete}}}} )

type: DiagnosticsState

ResultNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Result table. 6.3

Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.ResultNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia - Neighboring SSID table. This table models other WiFi SSIDs that this device is able to receive.

Radio - The Radio that detected the neighboring WiFi SSID. 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result.{i}.Radio type: strongRef

SSID - The current service set identifier in use by the neighboring WiFi SSID. The value MAY be empty for 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia hidden SSIDs. 9
type: string(32)

BSSID - The BSSID used for the neighboring WiFi SSID. 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result.{i}.BSSID type: MACAddress

Channel - The current radio channel used by the neighboring WiFi radio. 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result.{i}.Channel type: uint32[1:255]

SignalStrength - An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the neighboring WiFi radio measured in dBm, as an 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia average of the last 100 packets received. 9
type: int32[-200:]

OperatingFrequencyBand - Indicates the frequency band at which the radio this SSID instance is operating. 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result. 2.4GHz
{i}.OperatingFrequencyBand 5GHz

type: enum

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OperatingStandards - List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for this Result.. 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result. Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.
If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax are allowed.

For example, a value of "g,b" (or "b,g" - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard
[802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of "g"
means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

type: list<string>

OperatingChannelBandwidth - Indicates the bandwidth at which the channel is operating. 6.3

Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result. 20MHz
{i}.OperatingChannelBandwidth 40MHz

type: enum

Noise - Indicator of average noise strength (in dBm) received from the neighboring WiFi radio. 6.3
Device.WiFi.NeighboringWiFiDia 9
gnostic.Result.{i}.Noise type: int32[-200:]

Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}. W WiFi SSID table (a stackable interface object as described in [TR-181i2]), where table entries model
the MAC layer. A WiFi SSID entry is typically stacked on top of a #.Radio object.

WiFi SSID is also a multiplexing layer, i.e. more than one {i}. can be stacked above a single #.Radio.

In ROS there will always be a linked "main" SSID instance for each Radio instance, which can't be
removed. Every SSID record, which is not linked from valid AccessPoint will be configured as =mode=
(unknown) in ROS.

ROS: /interface wireless

Enable W Enables or disables the SSID entry. 6.3

Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Enable 9
This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

In ROS "main" SSID can't be disabled directly. Respective Radio must be disabled, but that also
disables all related SSIDs.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /interface wireless =disabled

Status - The current operational state of the SSID entry (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Status 9
When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a
fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able
to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is
operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and
subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD
change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state
because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there
is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent
state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if
the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].


type: enum , default: "Down"

LowerLayers W See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.WiFi.SSID. 9
{i}.LowerLayers type: list<strongRef>(1024) , default: ""

BSSID - The Basic Service Set ID. 6.3

Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.BSSID 9
This is the MAC address of the access point, which can either be local (when this instance models an
access point SSID) or remote (when this instance models an end point SSID).

type: MACAddress
ROS: /interface wireless =mac-address

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MACAddress - The MAC address of this interface. 6.3

Device.WiFi.SSID. 9
{i}.MACAddress If this instance models an access point SSID, MACAddress is the same as BSSID.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address,
which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress

type: MACAddress
ROS: /interface wireless =mac-address

SSID W The current service set identifier in use by the connection. The SSID is an identifier that is attached to 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.SSID packets sent over the wireless LAN that functions as an ID for joining a particular radio network (BSS). 9

type: string(32)
ROS: /interface wireless =ssid

Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Stats. - Throughput statistics for this interface. Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames. See [TR- 6.3
181i2] for further details. The CPE MUST reset the interface's Stats parameters (unless otherwise 9
stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally
down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface's Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Status parameter
transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes
administratively up (i.e. the interface's Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Enable parameter transitions from false to
true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [TR-181i2].

BytesSent - The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesSent type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

BytesReceived - The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesReceived type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsSent - The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsSent type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsReceived - The total number of packets received on the interface. 6.3

Device.WiFi.SSID. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsReceived type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsSent - The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. These can be 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes. 9
type: uint32

ErrorsReceived - The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. higher-layer protocol. 9
type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsSent - The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsSent could be to free up buffer space.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsReceived - The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had 6.3
Device.WiFi.SSID. been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsReceived could be to free up buffer space.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}. W This object models an 802.11 connection from the perspective of a wireless access point. Each {i}.
entry is associated with a particular #.SSID interface instance via the SSIDReference parameter.

For enabled table entries, if SSIDReference is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable
and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Each enabled record with configured SSIDReference, is managing the respective SSID/WLAN record
in /interface/wireless using =mode=ap-bridge. Disabling or unsetting SSIDReference will set =mode=
(unknown) for respective wlan.

Enable W Enables or disables this access point. 6.3

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"

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Status - Indicates the status of this access point. 6.3

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.Status The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.


type: enum , default: "Disabled"

SSIDReference W 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.SSIDReference type: strongRef(256) , default: ""

SSIDAdvertisementEnabled W Indicates whether or not beacons include the SSID name. 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled type: bool , default: "true"

AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntri - The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. 6.3

es 9
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. type: uint32

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. - This object contains security related parameters that apply to a CPE acting as an Access Point 6.3
{i}.Security. [802.11-2007]. 9

ModesSupported - Indicates which security modes this # instance is capable of supporting. 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.Security.ModesSupported The WPA3-Personal value is the same as WPA3-SAE.

The WPA3-Personal-Transition value is the same as WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE.


type: list<enum> , default: "None,WPA-Personal,WPA2-Personal,WPA-WPA2-Personal,WPA-


ModeEnabled W Indicates which security mode is enabled. 6.3

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.Security.ModeEnabled type: string , default: "None"

KeyPassphrase W A passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes. 9
type: string(8:63) , flags: hidden

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. - A table of the devices currently associated with the access point.

MACAddress - The MAC address of an associated device. 6.3

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: MACAddress , flags: deny-active-notif

AuthenticationState - Whether an associated device has authenticated (true) or not (false). 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: bool , flags: deny-active-notif

SignalStrength - An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the associated device to the access point, 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device. 9
{i}.SignalStrength type: int32[-200:]
ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =signal-strength

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. - These count bytes or packets sent to, or received from, this Associated Device, which is a WiFi station 6.3
{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats. associated to this access point. Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames. 9

BytesSent - The total number of bytes transmitted to the Associated Device, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64

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BytesReceived - The total number of bytes received from the Associated Device, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64

PacketsSent - The total number of packets transmitted to the Associated Device. 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64

PacketsReceived - The total number of packets received from the Associated Device. 6.3
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. - 6.4
{i}.AssociatedDevice. 7

TxFrames - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.TxFrames ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =frames

RxFrames - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.RxFrame ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =frames

TxFrameBytes - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.TxFrame ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =frame-bytes

RxFrameBytes - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.RxFrame ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =frame-bytes

TxHwFrames - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.TxHwFra ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =hw-frames

RxHwFrames - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.RxHwFra ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =hw-frames

TxHwFrameBytes - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.TxHwFra ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =hw-frame-bytes

RxHwFrameBytes - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: StatsCounter64 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.RxHwFra ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =hw-frame-bytes

TxCCQ - Client Connection Quality (CCQ) for transmit in percent. (null: 0) 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: uint32[:100] , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.TxCCQ ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =tx-ccq

RxCCQ - Client Connection Quality (CCQ) for receive in percent. (null: 0) 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: uint32[:100] , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.RxCCQ ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =rx-ccq

SignalToNoise - Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) value in dB. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 7
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.SignalToN ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =signal-to-noise

RxRate - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 8
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: string , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.RxRate ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =rx-rate

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TxRate - 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 8
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: string , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.TxRate ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =tx-rate

LastActivity - Last interface data tx/rx activity in ms. 6.4

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 8
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.LastActivit ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =last-activity

SignalStrengthCh0 - Signal strength chain 0 in dBm. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 8
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.SignalStr ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =signal-strength-ch0

SignalStrengthCh1 - Signal strength chain 1 in dBm. (null: -255) 6.4

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 8
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: int32 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.SignalStr ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =signal-strength-ch1

StrengthAtRates - Signal strength level at different rates together with time how long ago these rates were used. 6.4
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint. 8
{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: string , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.StrengthA ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =strength-at-rates

UpTime - Client uptime in s. 7.2

{i}.AssociatedDevice. type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif
{i}.X_MIKROTIK_Stats.UpTime ROS: /interface wireless registration-table =uptime

Device.PPP. - Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1661]. This object contains the Interface table. 6.3

InterfaceNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Interface table. 6.3

Device.PPP.InterfaceNumberOfE 9
ntries type: uint32

Device.PPP.Interface.{i}. W PPP interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [TR-181i2]).

NOTE that Parameters can be changed only when X_MIKROTIK_Type is configured.

Enable W Enables or disables the interface. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Enable 9
This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

type: bool , default: "false"

Status - The current operational state of the interface (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Status 9
When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a
fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able
to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is
operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and
subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD
change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state
because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there
is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent
state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if
the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].


type: enum , default: "Down"

LowerLayers W See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.LowerLayers type: list<strongRef>(1024) , default: ""

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ConnectionStatus - Current status of the connection. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.ConnectionStatus Unconfigured

type: enum , default: "Unconfigured"

AutoDisconnectTime W The time in seconds since the establishment of the connection after which connection termination is 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. automatically initiated by the CPE. This occurs irrespective of whether the connection is being used or 9
{i}.AutoDisconnectTime not. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the connection is not to be shut down automatically.

type: uint32 , default: "0"

IdleDisconnectTime W The time in seconds that if the connection remains idle, the CPE automatically terminates the 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. connection. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the connection is not to be shut down automatically. 9
type: uint32 , default: "0"

Username W Username to be used for authentication. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Username type: string(64)

Password W Password to be used for authentication. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Password type: string(64) , flags: hidden

EncryptionProtocol - Describes the PPP encryption protocol. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.EncryptionProtocol None

type: enum

ConnectionTrigger W Trigger used to establish the PPP connection. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.ConnectionTrigger Note that the reason for a PPP connection becoming disconnected to begin with might be either
external to the CPE, such as termination by the BRAS or momentary disconnection of the physical
interface, or internal to the CPE, such as use of the IdleDisconnectTime and/or AutoDisconnectTime
parameters in this object.

OnDemand ( If this PPP connection is disconnected for any reason, it is to remain

disconnected until the CPE has one or more packets to communicate over this connection, at
which time the CPE automatically attempts to reestablish the connection. )
AlwaysOn ( If this PPP connection is disconnected for any reason, the CPE automatically
attempts to reestablish the connection (and continues to attempt to reestablish the connection
as long it remains disconnected). )

type: enum , default: "AlwaysOn"

X_MIKROTIK_Type W Type of PPP interface. Must be set after AddObject, so that ROS record of /interface pppoe-client is 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. created 9


type: enum , default: ""

Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.PPPoE. - PPPoE object that functionally groups PPPoE related parameters. 6.3
PPPoE is only applicable when the lower layer provides Ethernet frames, e.g. ATM with EoA, PTM, or
anything else that supports an Ethernet MAC.

ACName W PPPoE Access Concentrator. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.PPPoE.ACName type: string(256)

ServiceName W PPPoE Service Name. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.PPPoE.ServiceName type: string(256)

Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP. - IP Control Protocol (IPCP) client object for this PPP interface [RFC1332]. IPCP. only applies to IPv4. 6.3

LocalIPAddress - The local IPv4 address for this connection received via IPCP. 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPCP.LocalIPAddress type: IPv4Address , default: ""

RemoteIPAddress - The remote IPv4 address for this connection received via IPCP. 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPCP.RemoteIPAddress type: IPv4Address , default: ""

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Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Stats. - Throughput statistics for this interface. 6.3

The CPE MUST reset the interface's Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or
parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous
administrative down (i.e. the interface's Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Status parameter transitions to a
down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the
interface's Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative
and operational interface status is discussed in [TR-181i2].

BytesSent - The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesSent type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

BytesReceived - The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.BytesReceived type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsSent - The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsSent type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

PacketsReceived - The total number of packets received on the interface. 6.3

Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.PacketsReceived type: uint64 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsSent - The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. 9
{i}.Stats.ErrorsSent type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorsReceived - The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. higher-layer protocol. 9
type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsSent - The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsSent could be to free up buffer space.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

DiscardPacketsReceived - The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had 6.3
Device.PPP.Interface. been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet 9
{i}.Stats.DiscardPacketsReceived could be to free up buffer space.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.IP. - IP object that contains the Interface, ActivePort, and Diagnostics objects. 6.3

InterfaceNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Interface table. 6.3

Device.IP.InterfaceNumberOfEntr 9
ies type: uint32

Device.IP.Interface.{i}. W IP interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [TR-181i2]). This table models the layer
3 IP interface.

Enable W Enables or disables the interface (regardless of IPv4Enable and IPv6Enable). 6.3
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.Enable 9
This parameter is based on ''ifAdminStatus'' from [RFC2863].

type: bool , default: "false"

Status - The current operational state of the interface (see [TR-181i2]). 6.3
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.Status 9
This parameter is based on ''ifOperStatus'' from [RFC2863].


type: enum , default: "Down"

LowerLayers W See [TR-181i2]. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.LowerLayers type: list<strongRef>(1024) , default: ""

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Type - IP interface type. 6.4

Device.IP.Interface.{i}.Type 7
For Loopback, Tunnel, and Tunneled IP interface objects, the LowerLayers parameter MUST be
empty string.

Tunnel ( Only used with legacy ({{enum|Tunnel}},{{enum|Tunneled}}) IP interface pairs )
Tunneled ( Only used with legacy ({{enum|Tunnel}},{{enum|Tunneled}}) IP interface pairs )

type: enum , default: "Normal"

IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the IPv4Address table. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.IP.Interface. W IPv4 address table. Entries are auto-created and auto-deleted as IP addresses are added and deleted
{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. via DHCP, auto-IP, or IPCP. Static entries are created and configured by the Controller.

ROS: /ip address

Enable W Enables or disables this IPv4 address. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip address =disabled

Status - The status of this IPv4Address. table entry. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.Status The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.


type: enum , default: "Disabled"

IPAddress W IPv4 address. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.IPAddress This parameter can only be modified if the AddressingType is Static.

type: IPv4Address , default: ""

ROS: /ip address =address

SubnetMask W Subnet mask. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.SubnetMask This parameter can only be modified if the AddressingType is Static.

type: IPv4Address , default: ""

ROS: /ip address =address

AddressingType - Addressing method used to assign the IP address. 6.3

Device.IP.Interface. 9
{i}.IPv4Address. Static
{i}.AddressingType X_MIKROTIK_Dynamic

type: enum , default: "Static"

Device.IP.Diagnostics. - The IP Diagnostics object. 6.3


Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing. - This object provides access to an IP-layer ping test. 6.3


DiagnosticsState W 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Dia 9
gnosticsState None
Error_NoRouteToHost ( The CPE can not reach the requested Ping host address )

type: DiagnosticsState

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Interface W The layer 2 or layer 3 interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Inte ''Device.IP.Interface.1'', ''Device.Bridge.1.Port.2'' 9
If empty string is specified, the CPE MUST use the interface as directed by its bridging or routing
policy (''Forwarding'' table entries) to determine the appropriate interface.

type: weakRef(256)

Host W Host name or address of the host to ping. 6.3

Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Hos 9
t In the case where Host is specified by name, and the name resolves to more than one address, it is
up to the device implementation to choose which address to use.

type: string(256)

NumberOfRepetitions W Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform before reporting the results. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Nu 9
mberOfRepetitions type: uint32[1:]

Timeout W Timeout in milliseconds for the ping test. 6.3

Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Tim 9
eout type: uint32[1:]

DataBlockSize W Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each ping. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Dat 9
aBlockSize type: uint32[1:65535]

DSCP W DiffServ codepoint to be used for the test packets. By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to zero. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.DS 9
CP type: uint32[:63]

SuccessCount - Result parameter indicating the number of successful pings (those in which a successful response 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Suc was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent ping test. 9
type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

FailureCount - Result parameter indicating the number of failed pings in the most recent ping test. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Fail 9
ureCount type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

AverageResponseTime - Result parameter indicating the average response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Ave successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value 9
rageResponseTime MUST be zero.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

MinimumResponseTime - Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Min successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value 9
imumResponseTime MUST be zero.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

MaximumResponseTime - Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Ma successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value 9
ximumResponseTime MUST be zero.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

AverageResponseTimeDetailed - Result parameter indicating the average response time in microseconds over all repetitions with 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Ave successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value 9
rageResponseTimeDetailed MUST be zero.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

MinimumResponseTimeDetailed - Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Min successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value 9
imumResponseTimeDetailed MUST be zero.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

MaximumResponseTimeDetailed - Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.Ma successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value 9
ximumResponseTimeDetailed MUST be zero.

type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout - This object defines access to an IP-layer trace-route test for the specified IP interface. 6.3
e. 9

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DiagnosticsState W 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout 9
e.DiagnosticsState None
Error_NoRouteToHost ( The CPE can not reach the requested TraceRoute host address )

type: DiagnosticsState

Interface W The layer 2 or layer 3 interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout ''Device.IP.Interface.1'', ''Device.Bridge.1.Port.2'' 9
If empty string is specified, the CPE MUST use the interface as directed by its bridging or routing
policy (''Forwarding'' table entries) to determine the appropriate interface.

type: weakRef(256)

Host W Host name or address of the host to find a route to. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout 9
e.Host In the case where Host is specified by name, and the name resolves to more than one address, it is
up to the device implementation to choose which address to use.

type: string(256)

NumberOfTries W Number of tries per hop. Set prior to running Diagnostic. By default, the CPE SHOULD set this value 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout to 3. 9
type: uint32[1:3]

Timeout W Timeout in milliseconds for each hop of the trace route test. By default the CPE SHOULD set this 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout value to 5000. 9
type: uint32[1:]

DataBlockSize W Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each trace route. By default, the CPE SHOULD set this 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout value to 38. 9
type: uint32[1:65535]

DSCP W DiffServ codepoint to be used for the test packets. By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to 0. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout 9
e.DSCP type: uint32[:63]

MaxHopCount W The maximum number of hop used in outgoing probe packets (max TTL). By default the CPE 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout SHOULD set this value to 30. 9
type: uint32[1:64]

RouteHopsNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the RouteHops table. 6.3

Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout 9
e.RouteHopsNumberOfEntries type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

ResponseTime - Result parameter indicating the response time in milliseconds the most recent trace route test. If a 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout route could not be determined, this value MUST be zero. 9
type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout - Contains the array of hop results returned. If a route could not be determined, this array will be empty

Host - Result parameter indicating the Host Name if DNS is able to resolve or IP Address of a hop along the 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout discovered route. 9
type: string(256) , flags: deny-active-notif

HostAddress - If this parameter is not empty string it will contain the last IP address of the host returned for this hop 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout and the Host will contain the Host Name returned from the reverse DNS query. 9
type: string , flags: deny-active-notif

ErrorCode - Contains the error code returned for this hop. This code is directly from the ICMP CODE field. 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout 9
e.RouteHops.{i}.ErrorCode type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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RTTimes - Each list item contains one or more round trip times in milliseconds (one for each repetition) for this 6.3
Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRout hop. 9
A list item of 0 indicates that the corresponding response was not received. Round trip times of less
than 1 milliseconds MUST be rounded up to 1.

The number of list entries is determined by the value of


type: list<uint32>(16)

Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download - This object defines the diagnostics configuration for a HTTP and FTP DownloadDiagnostics Test. 6.4
Diagnostics. 2
Files received in the DownloadDiagnostics do not require file storage on the CPE device.

DiagnosticsState W 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.DiagnosticsState None
Completed ( {{deprecated|2.13|because it's a typo for {{enum|Complete}}}} )

type: DiagnosticsState

DownloadURL W The for the CPE to perform the download on. This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download [RFC2616] or FTP [RFC959] URL. 2
* When using FTP transport, FTP binary transfer MUST be used.

* When using HTTP transport, persistent connections MUST be used and pipelining MUST NOT be

* When using HTTP transport the HTTP Authentication MUST NOT be used.

Note: For time based tests (TimeBasedTestDuration > 0) the Controller MAY add a hint to duration of
the test to the URL. See [TR-143] for more details.

type: URL

DownloadDiagnosticMaxConnect - Indicates the maximum number of connections that are supported by Download Diagnostics. 6.4
ions 7
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download type: uint32[1:]

DSCP W The DiffServ code point for marking packets transmitted in the test. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.DSCP The default value SHOULD be zero.

type: uint32[:63]

EthernetPriority W Ethernet priority code for marking packets transmitted in the test (if applicable). 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.EthernetPriority The default value SHOULD be zero.

type: uint32[:7]

NumberOfConnections W The number of connections to be used in the test. The default value SHOULD be 1. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download NumberOfConnections MUST NOT be set to a value greater than 7
Diagnostics.NumberOfConnectio DownloadDiagnosticMaxConnections.
type: uint32[1:]

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ROMTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.ROMTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.

If multiple connections are used, then ROMTime is set to the earliest ROMTime across all

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

BOMTime - Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.BOMTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then BOMTime is set to the earliest BOMTime across all

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

EOMTime - End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.EOMTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then EOMTime is set to the latest EOMTime across all connections.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TestBytesReceived - The number of bytes received during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP headers, 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections. 2
type: uint32

TotalBytesReceived - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at 2
Diagnostics.TotalBytesReceived BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is empty string, this parameter cannot be
determined and SHOULD be 0.

type: uint32

TotalBytesSent - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at 8
Diagnostics.TotalBytesSent EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and
SHOULD be 0.

type: uint32

TestBytesReceivedUnderFullLoa - The number of bytes of the test file received between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime 6.4
ding and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections. 7
Diagnostics.TestBytesReceivedU type: uint32

TotalBytesReceivedUnderFullLoa - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received in between the latest PerConnectionResult. 6.4
ding {i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling 8
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the
Diagnostics.TotalBytesReceived earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting.
type: uint32

TotalBytesSentUnderFullLoading - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling 8
Diagnostics.TotalBytesSentUnder Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the
FullLoading earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting.

type: uint32

PeriodOfFullLoading - The period of time in microseconds between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime of the test. 7
type: uint32

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TCPOpenRequestTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.TCPOpenRequestTi For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenRequestTime is set to the latest

TCPOpenRequestTime across all connections.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TCPOpenResponseTime - Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 2
Diagnostics.TCPOpenResponse For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenResponseTime is set to the latest

TCPOpenResponseTime across all connections.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

PerConnectionResultNumberOfE - The number of entries in the PerConnectionResult table. 6.4

ntries 7
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download type: uint32

EnablePerConnectionResults W The results must be returned in the PerConnectionResult table for every connection when set to true. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download The default value SHOULD be false. 7
nResults type: bool , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download - Results for individual connections. This table is only populated when
Diagnostics.PerConnectionResul Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.EnablePerConnectionResults is
t.{i}. true. A new object is created for each connection specified in
Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.NumberOfConnections. Instance
numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are
removed when Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.DiagnosticsState is
set to Requested or None.

ROMTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 7
Diagnostics.PerConnectionResul For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

BOMTime - Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 7
Diagnostics.PerConnectionResul For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

EOMTime - End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 7
Diagnostics.PerConnectionResul For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TestBytesReceived - The number of bytes of the test file received during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime. 7
t.{i}.TestBytesReceived type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

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TCPOpenRequestTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 7
Diagnostics.PerConnectionResul For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TCPOpenResponseTime - Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.Download 7
Diagnostics.PerConnectionResul For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia - This object defines the diagnostics configuration for a HTTP or FTP UploadDiagnostics test. 6.4
gnostics. 2
Files sent by the UploadDiagnostics do not require file storage on the CPE device, and MAY be an
arbitrary stream of bytes.

DiagnosticsState W 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.DiagnosticsState None
Completed ( {{deprecated|2.13|because it's a typo for {{enum|Complete}}}} )

type: DiagnosticsState

UploadURL W The for the CPE to Upload to. This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP [RFC2616] or FTP 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia [RFC959] URL. 2
* When using FTP transport, FTP binary transfer MUST be used.

* When using HTTP transport, persistent connections MUST be used and pipelining MUST NOT be

* When using HTTP transport the HTTP Authentication MUST NOT be used.

type: URL

UploadDiagnosticsMaxConnectio - Indicates the maximum number of connections that are supported by Upload Diagnostics. 6.4
ns 7
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia type: uint32[1:]

DSCP W DiffServ code point for marking packets transmitted in the test. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.DSCP The default value SHOULD be zero.

type: uint32[:63]

EthernetPriority W Ethernet priority code for marking packets transmitted in the test (if applicable). 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.EthernetPriority The default value SHOULD be zero.

type: uint32[:7]

TestFileLength W The size of the file (in bytes) to be uploaded to the server. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.TestFileLength The CPE MUST insure the appropriate number of bytes are sent.

type: uint32

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NumberOfConnections W The number of connections to be used in the test. The default value SHOULD be 1. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia NumberOfConnections MUST NOT be set to a value greater than 7
gnostics.NumberOfConnections UploadDiagnosticsMaxConnections.

type: uint32[1:]

ROMTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.ROMTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.

If multiple connections are used, then ROMTime is set to the earliest ROMTime across all

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

BOMTime - Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.BOMTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then BOMTime is set to the earliest BOMTime across all

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

EOMTime - End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.EOMTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then EOMTime is set to the latest EOMTime across all connections.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TestBytesSent - The number of bytes of the test file sent during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime acrosss all connections. 7
type: uint32

TotalBytesReceived - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at 8
gnostics.TotalBytesReceived BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is empty string, this parameter cannot be
determined and SHOULD be 0.

type: uint32

TotalBytesSent - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at 2
gnostics.TotalBytesSent EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and
SHOULD be 0.

type: uint32

TestBytesSentUnderFullLoading - The number of bytes of the test file sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections. 7
Loading type: uint32

TotalBytesReceivedUnderFullLoa - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received between the latest PerConnectionResult. 6.4
ding {i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections in the test. 8
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at the latest
gnostics.TotalBytesReceivedUnd PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and
erFullLoading subtracting. If Interface is empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0.

type: uint32

TotalBytesSentUnderFullLoading - The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections in the test. This MAY be 8
gnostics.TotalBytesSentUnderFul calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.
lLoading {i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is
empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0.

type: uint32

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PeriodOfFullLoading - The period of time in microseconds between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime of the test. 7
type: uint32

TCPOpenRequestTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.TCPOpenRequestTime For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenRequestTime is set to the latest

TCPOpenRequestTime across all connections.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TCPOpenResponseTime - Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 2
gnostics.TCPOpenResponseTim For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenResponseTime is set to the latest

TCPOpenResponseTime across all connections.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

PerConnectionResultNumberOfE - The number of entries in the PerConnectionResult table. 6.4

ntries 7
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia type: uint32

EnablePerConnectionResults W The results must be returned in the PerConnectionResult table for every connection when set to true. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia The default value SHOULD be false. 7
esults type: bool , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia - Results for individual connections. This table is only populated when
gnostics.PerConnectionResult.{i}. Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.EnablePerConnectionResults is true.
A new object is created for each connection specified in
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.NumberOfConnections. Instance
numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are
removed when Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics.PerConnectionResult.DiagnosticsState is set
to Requested or None.

ROMTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 7
gnostics.PerConnectionResult. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

BOMTime - Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 7
gnostics.PerConnectionResult. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

EOMTime - End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 7
gnostics.PerConnectionResult. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.

* For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

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TestBytesSent - The number of bytes of the test file sent during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime. 7
{i}.TestBytesSent type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif

TCPOpenRequestTime - Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 7
gnostics.PerConnectionResult. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

TCPOpenResponseTime - Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. 6.4
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDia 7
gnostics.PerConnectionResult. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z
* For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was

* For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was

type: UNKNOWN , flags: deny-active-notif

Device.Routing. - Routing object that contains the Router table and RIP protocol object. 6.3

RouterNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Router table. 6.3

Device.Routing.RouterNumberOf 9
Entries type: uint32

Device.Routing.Router.{i}. - This object allows the handling of the routing and forwarding configuration of the device.

Current implementation will contain 1 read-only Router object.

Enable - Currently always enabled 6.3

Device.Routing.Router.{i}.Enable 9
type: bool , default: "false"

Status - Currently always "Enabled" 6.3

Device.Routing.Router.{i}.Status 9

type: enum , default: "Disabled"

IPv4ForwardingNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the IPv4Forwarding table. 6.3

Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4ForwardingNumberOfEntri type: uint32

Device.Routing.Router. W Layer 3 IPv4 forwarding table.

In addition to statically configured routes, this table MUST include dynamic routes learned through
layer 3 routing protocols, including RIP (i.e. RIP version 2), OSPF, DHCPv4, and IPCP. The CPE MAY
reject attempts to delete or modify a dynamic route entry.

For each incoming packet, the layer 3 forwarding decision is conceptually made as follows:

* Only enabled table entries with a matching ForwardingPolicy are considered, i.e. those that either do
not specify a ForwardingPolicy, or else specify a ForwardingPolicy that matches that of the incoming

* Next, table entries that also have a matching destination address/mask are considered, and the
matching entry with the longest prefix is applied to the packet (i.e. the entry with the most specific
network). An unspecified destination address is a wild-card and always matches, but with a prefix
length of zero.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv4-capable interface (that is
attached to the IPv4 stack), then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to

Note: The {i}. table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced
object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to empty string. However, doing so under
these circumstances might cause the updated {i}. row to then violate the table's unique key constraint;
if this occurs, the CPE MUST disable the offending {i}. row.

ROS: /ip route

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Enable W Enables or disables the forwarding entry. On creation, an entry is disabled by default. 6.3
Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip route =disabled

Status - Indicates the status of the forwarding entry. 6.3

Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}.Status The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.


type: enum , default: "Disabled"

StaticRoute - If true, this route is a Static route. 6.3

Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}.StaticRoute type: bool , default: "true"

DestIPAddress W Destination IPv4 address. empty string indicates no destination address is specified. 6.3
Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding. A Forwarding table entry for which DestIPAddress and DestSubnetMask are both empty string is a
{i}.DestIPAddress default route.

type: IPv4Address , default: ""

ROS: /ip route =dst-address

DestSubnetMask W Destination subnet mask. empty string indicates no destination subnet mask is specified. 6.3
Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding. If a destination subnet mask is specified, the DestSubnetMask is ANDed with the destination address
{i}.DestSubnetMask before comparing with the DestIPAddress. Otherwise, the full destination address is used as is.

A Forwarding table entry for which DestIPAddress and DestSubnetMask are both empty string is a
default route.

type: IPv4Address , default: ""

ROS: /ip route =dst-address

GatewayIPAddress W IPv4 address of the gateway. 6.3

Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding. Only one of GatewayIPAddress and Interface SHOULD be configured for a route.
If both are configured, GatewayIPAddress and Interface MUST be consistent with each other.

type: IPv4Address , default: ""

ROS: /ip route =gateway

Interface W Specifies the egress layer 3 interface associated with this entry. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1. 6.3
Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}.Interface Only one of GatewayIPAddress and Interface SHOULD be configured for a route.

If both are configured, GatewayIPAddress and Interface MUST be consistent with each other.

For a route that was configured by setting GatewayIPAddress but not Interface, read access to
Interface MUST return the full hierarchical parameter name for the routes egress interface.

type: strongRef(256) , default: ""

ROS: /ip route =gateway

Origin - Protocol via which the IPv4 forwarding rule was learned. 6.3
Device.Routing.Router. 9
{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}.Origin OSPF
Static ( For example, present in the factory default configuration, created by the ACS, or
created by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI). )

type: enum , default: "Static"

Device.Hosts. - This object provides information about each of the hosts on the LAN, including those whose IP 6.3
address was allocated by the CPE using DHCP as well as hosts with statically allocated IP addresses. 9
It can also include non-IP hosts.

HostNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Host table. 6.3

Device.Hosts.HostNumberOfEntri 9
es type: uint32

Device.Hosts.Host.{i}. - Host table.

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PhysAddress - Unique physical identifier of the host. For many layer 2 technologies this is typically a MAC address. 6.3
Device.Hosts.Host. 9
{i}.PhysAddress type: string(64)

IPAddress - Current IP Address of the host. empty string if no address is available. 6.3
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}.IPAddress 9
If more than one IP address for this host is known, the CPE will choose a ''primary'' address. All known
IP addresses can be listed in the IPv4Address and IPv6Address tables.

type: IPAddress

DHCPClient - Each list item is the DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 server's client entry that corresponds to the host. 6.3
Device.Hosts.Host. 9
{i}.DHCPClient type: list<strongRef>

AssociatedDevice - The value MUST be the path name of the ''AssociatedDevice'' (or equivalent) table row that models 6.3
Device.Hosts.Host. the host, or null if either there is no such table or the host isn't directly connected to this device (e.g. 9
{i}.AssociatedDevice the host is connected to a Wi-Fi Access Point).

For example: ''Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.1.AssociatedDevice.2''

type: strongRef(256)

Layer1Interface - The value MUST be the path name of a row in a layer 1 interface table. If either the layer 1 interface 6.3
Device.Hosts.Host. isn't known or the host isn't directly connected to this device (e.g. the host is connected to a Wi-Fi 9
{i}.Layer1Interface Access Point), then Layer1Interface will be null.

For example: ''Device.Ethernet.Interface.2''

type: strongRef(256)

Layer3Interface - If either the layer 3 interface isn't known or the host isn't directly connected to this device (e.g. the host 6.3
Device.Hosts.Host. is connected to a Wi-Fi Access Point), then Layer3Interface will be null. 9
type: strongRef(256)

HostName - The device's host name or empty string if unknown. 6.3

Device.Hosts.Host.{i}.HostName 9
type: string(64)

Device.DNS. - Properties for Domain Name Service (DNS). 6.3


Device.DNS.Client. - Client properties for Domain Name Service (DNS). The DNS client resolves FQDN on behalf of device 6.3
internal (client) applications. 9

ServerNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Server table. 6.3

Device.DNS.Client.ServerNumbe 9
rOfEntries type: uint32

Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. W This table contains the DNS Server IP address to be used by the DNS Client (it does ''not'' model a
DNS Server). Entries are either automatically created as result of DHCP (v4 or v6), IPCP, or RA
received DNS server information, or are statically configured by the Controller.

Enable W Enables or disables this entry. 6.3

Device.DNS.Client.Server. 9
{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"

Status - The status of this entry. 6.3

Device.DNS.Client.Server. 9
{i}.Status The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.


type: enum , default: "Disabled"

DNSServer W DNS server IP address. 6.3

Device.DNS.Client.Server. 9
{i}.DNSServer Note: DNSServer is only writable when Type is Static; otherwise, DNSServer is automatically
configured as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server information.

type: IPAddress

Type - Method used to assign the DNSServer address. 6.3

Device.DNS.Client.Server. 9
{i}.Type Table entries that are automatically created as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server
information will have Type set to DHCPv4, DHCPv6, IPCP, or RouterAdvertisement, as the case may
be. Manually created table entires will have their Type set to Static.


type: enum , default: "Static"

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Device.DHCPv4. - The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) IPv4 object [RFC2131]. This entire object applies to 6.3
IPv4 only. It contains the Client, Server, and Relay objects. 9

ClientNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Client table. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.ClientNumberOf 9
Entries type: uint32

Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}. W This object contains DHCP client settings for an associated ''IP Interface'' indicated by Interface.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the
CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The {i}. table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced
object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to empty string. However, doing so under
these circumstances might cause the updated {i}. row to then violate the table's unique key constraint;
if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending {i}. row.

ROS: /ip dhcp-client

Enable W Enables or disables the DHCP Client entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}.Enable 9
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip dhcp-client =disabled

Interface W The IP Interface associated with the ''Client'' entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Client. 9
{i}.Interface type: strongRef(256) , default: ""
ROS: /ip dhcp-client =interface

Status - The status of this table entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}.Status 9
The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.


type: enum , default: "Disabled"

DHCPStatus - The DHCP Client status as defined in [RFC2131]. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Client. 9
{i}.DHCPStatus Note: This value is only relevant when the DHCP Client is operationally enabled (i.e. when Status is


type: enum

IPAddress - IPv4 Address option received from the DHCP Server. empty string when Status is not equal to Bound. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Client. 9
{i}.IPAddress type: IPv4Address , default: ""

SubnetMask - Subnet mask option received from the DHCP Server. empty string when Status is not equal to Bound. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Client. 9
{i}.SubnetMask Value is information received via DHCP Option 1.

type: IPv4Address , default: ""

IPRouters - Items represent IP Router IPv4 Address(es) received from the DHCP server. empty string when Status 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Client. is not equal to Bound. 9
Value is information received via DHCP Options 3, 33 or 121.

type: list<IPv4Address>(256) , default: ""

DNSServers - Items represent DNS Server IPv4 Address(es) received from the DHCP server. empty string when 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Client. Status is not equal to Bound. 9
Value is information received via DHCP Option 6.

type: list<IPv4Address>(256) , default: ""

DHCPServer - The IPv4 address of the current DHCP server. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Client. 9
{i}.DHCPServer type: IPv4Address , default: ""

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Device.DHCPv4.Server. - DHCP server configuration. 6.3


PoolNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Pool table. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.PoolNum 9
berOfEntries type: uint32

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}. W This object in ROS works a bit different than standard one, because ROS has non-typical DHCP
server configuration design. Parameters are reused from standard and should work the same for 99%
of configurations where there is one DHCP server for each interface and one network for each DHCP

Each instance maps to "/ip dhcp-server" record and manages respective "/ip dhcp-server network"

ROS: /ip dhcp-server

Enable W Enables or disables the Pool entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip dhcp-server =disabled

Status - The status of this entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.Status The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.


type: enum , default: "Disabled"

Interface W The IP Interface associated with the ''Pool'' entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.Interface type: strongRef(256) , default: ""
ROS: /ip dhcp-server =interface

MinAddress W Specifies first IPv4 address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server on the LAN interface. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.MinAddress Must be set together with MaxAddress.

type: IPv4Address
ROS: /ip pool =ranges

MaxAddress W Specifies last IPv4 address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server on the LAN interface. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.MaxAddress Must be set together with MinAddress.

type: IPv4Address
ROS: /ip pool =ranges

SubnetMask W Specifies the client's network subnet mask. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.SubnetMask MinAddress and MaxAddress must be set.

type: IPv4Address
ROS: /ip dhcp-server network =address

DNSServers W List items represent DNS servers offered to DHCP clients. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.DNSServers MinAddress, MaxAddress and SubnetMask must be set.

type: list<IPv4Address>
ROS: /ip dhcp-server network =dns-server

DomainName W Sets the domain name to provide to clients on the LAN interface. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.DomainName MinAddress, MaxAddress and SubnetMask must be set.

type: string(64)
ROS: /ip dhcp-server network =domain

IPRouters W List items represent addresses of routers on this subnet. Also known as default gateway. Support for 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. more than one Router address is OPTIONAL. 9
MinAddress, MaxAddress and SubnetMask must be set.

type: list<IPv4Address>
ROS: /ip dhcp-server network =gateway

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LeaseTime W Specifies the lease time in seconds of client assigned addresses. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.LeaseTime type: int32[1:] , default: "86400"
ROS: /ip dhcp-server =lease-time

StaticAddressNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the StaticAddress table. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.StaticAddressNumberOfEntrie type: uint32

ClientNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Client table. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.ClientNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. W DHCP static address table.

Entries in this table correspond to what [RFC2131] calls "manual allocation", where a client's IP
address is assigned by the network administrator, and DHCP is used simply to convey the assigned
address to the client.

Each instance of this object specifies a hardware address (MAC address) and an IP address within
the pool. When serving from this pool, this IP address MUST, if available, be assigned to the DHCP
client with this hardware address, and MUST NOT be assigned to any other client.

Note that it is possible that an IP address in this table is present in one or more of the other conditional
serving pools, in which case it is possible that such an address will be assigned to a different client.

ROS: /ip dhcp-server lease

Enable W Enables or disables the StaticAddress table entry. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.StaticAddress.{i}.Enable Disabling an entry does not return the IP address to the pool.

type: bool , default: "false"

ROS: /ip dhcp-server lease =disabled

Chaddr W Hardware address (MAC address) of the physical interface of the DHCP client. 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.StaticAddress.{i}.Chaddr type: MACAddress , default: ""
ROS: /ip dhcp-server lease =address

Yiaddr W IPv4 address to be assigned by the DHCP server to the DHCP client with the specified hardware 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. address (MAC address). 9
type: IPv4Address , default: ""
ROS: /ip dhcp-server lease =max-address

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. - DHCPv4 client table.

This table lists details of DHCPv4 clients that matched the filter criteria of this # entry.

Chaddr - MAC address of the DHCPv4 client. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.Client.{i}.Chaddr type: MACAddress

IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the IPv4Address table. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.Client. type: uint32

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. - IPv4 addresses assigned to this client.


IPAddress - IPv4 address. 6.3

Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. 9
{i}.Client.{i}.IPv4Address. type: IPv4Address

LeaseTimeRemaining - The time at which the DHCP lease will expire or null if not known. For an infinite lease, the parameter 6.3
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool. value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. 9
{i}.LeaseTimeRemaining type: UNKNOWN

Device.Firewall. - For some unknown reason TR181-2 standard Firewall. object was created only to manage filter table's 6.3
"forward" chain rules, which is very limited for security. ROS implementation extends this object to 9
support "input", "output" and "forward" chains in filter table.

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_C - Connection tracking information and management parameters. 6.4

onnTrack. 7

TotalEntries - Amount of connections that currently connection table holds. 6.4

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_C 7
onnTrack.TotalEntries type: uint32 , flags: deny-active-notif
ROS: /ip firewall connection tracking =total-entries

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Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil - 6.3
ter. 9

ChainNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Chain table. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.ChainNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil W Firewall Chain table. Each entry contains an ordered list of Rule objects which can themselves
ter.Chain.{i}. reference other {i}. instances. A hierarchy of rules can therefore be created.

NOTE that there are 3 default/non-editable chains - "forward", "input", "output"

Enable W Enables or disables this Chain. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"

Name W Human-readable name associated with this Chain. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Name type: string(64)

RuleNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Rule table. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain. type: uint32

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil W Firewall Rule table. NOTE that most of Paramaters are similar to standard DM, but multiple of them
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}. are extended to have more functionality.

ROS: /ip firewall filter

Enable W Enables or disables this Rule. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =disabled

Order W Position of the Rule. entry in the order of precedence. A value of ''1'' indicates the first entry 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil considered (highest precedence). For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the rule 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Order criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

When this value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order value for the
existing entry and all lower Order entries is incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure
uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed,
incrementing occurs before compaction.

The value of Order on creation of a Rule. table entry MUST be one greater than the largest current
value (initially assigned the lowest precedence).

type: uint32[1:]

Description W Human-readable description associated with this Rule. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Description type: string(256)
ROS: /ip firewall filter =comment

Target W Action to perform for traffic matching this Rule. entry. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Target Drop ( The firewall discards packets matching this rule. )
Accept ( The firewall forwards packets matching this rule. )
Reject ( The firewall discards packets matching this rule, and sends an ICMP message to the
originating host. )
Return ( The firewall doesn't consider the remaining rules (if any) in the current chain. )
TargetChain ( The rules in the chain referenced by the {{param|TargetChain}} parameter are
matched. )

type: enum , default: "Drop"

ROS: /ip firewall filter =action

TargetChain W Specifies the chain to process when Target equals TargetChain. If there are no matching rules in the 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil referenced chain, processing continues with the next rule in this chain (if any). In other words, 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.TargetChain TargetChain behaves like a subroutine call.

empty string indicates no TargetChain is specified.

type: strongRef , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall filter =jump-target

Log W Enable or disable logging, in a ###.DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile, of packets matching this Rule.. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Log type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =log

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SourceInterfaceGroup W Rule. criterion. Group source interface. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of SourceInterfaceGroup and SourceInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.SourceInterfaceGroup SourceInterface is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to one-interface automatically and if
this Parameter is set, then SourceInterface will be set to empty string automatically.

one-interface ( {{param|SourceInterface}} is used as the rule criterion. )


type: enum , default: "all"

ROS: /ip firewall filter =in-interface

SourceInterface W Rule. criterion. This specifies the ingress interface associated with the entry. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of SourceInterfaceGroup and SourceInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.SourceInterface SourceInterfaceGroup is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to empty string automatically and
if this Parameter is set, then SourceInterfaceGroup will be set to one-interface automatically.

type: strongRef(256) , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall filter =in-interface

SourceInterfaceExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourceInterface or SourceInterfaceGroup 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil entry, if specified. 9
{i}.SourceInterfaceExclude If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourceInterface or
SourceInterfaceGroup entry, if specified.

type: bool , default: "false"

ROS: /ip firewall filter =in-interface

DestInterfaceGroup W Rule. criterion. Group destination interface. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of DestInterfaceGroup and DestInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.DestInterfaceGroup DestInterface is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to one-interface automatically and if this
Parameter is set, then DestInterface will be set to empty string automatically.

one-interface ( {{param|DestInterface}} is used as the rule criterion. )


type: enum , default: "all"

ROS: /ip firewall filter =out-interface

DestInterface W Rule. criterion. This specifies the egress interface associated with the entry. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of DestInterfaceGroup and DestInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.DestInterface DestInterfaceGroup is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to empty string automatically and if
this Parameter is set, then DestInterfaceGroup will be set to one-interface automatically.

type: strongRef(256) , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall filter =out-interface

DestInterfaceExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestInterface or DestInterfaceGroup entry, 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil if specified. 9
{i}.DestInterfaceExclude If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestInterface or DestInterfaceGroup
entry, if specified.

type: bool , default: "false"

ROS: /ip firewall filter =out-interface

DestIPRange W Dest IP range. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. type: IPv4AddressRange , default: ""
{i}.DestIPRange ROS: /ip firewall filter =dst-address

DestIPExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestIPRange entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestIPRange entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =dst-address

SourceIPRange W Source IP range. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. type: IPv4AddressRange , default: ""
{i}.SourceIPRange ROS: /ip firewall filter =src-address

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SourceIPExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourceIPRange entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourceIPRange entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =src-address

Protocol W Rule. criterion. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Protocol Protocol number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

type: int32[-1:255] , default: "-1"

ROS: /ip firewall filter =protocol

ProtocolExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the Protocol entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the Protocol entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =protocol

DestPortList W Destination port value. (e.g. - "1", "1-10", "1-10,20-30", "1,20,80,100-200"). 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.DestPortList type: list<Uint32Range> , default: ""
ROS: /ip firewall filter =dst-port

DestPortExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestPortList entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestPortList, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =dst-port

SourcePortList W Source port value. (e.g. - "1", "1-10", "1-10,20-30", "1,20,80,100-200"). 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. type: list<Uint32Range> , default: ""
{i}.SourcePortList ROS: /ip firewall filter =src-port

SourcePortExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourcePortList entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9
ter.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourcePortList entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall filter =src-port

ConnState W Group destination interface if DestInterface not used. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil 9

type: list<enum> , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall filter =connection-state

ConnStateExclude W type: bool , default: "false" 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_Fil ROS: /ip firewall filter =connection-state 9

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N - 6.3
AT. 9

ChainNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Chain table. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.ChainNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N W Firewall NAT Chain table. Each entry contains an ordered list of Rule objects which can themselves
AT.Chain.{i}. reference other {i}. instances. A hierarchy of rules can therefore be created.

NOTE that there are 2 default/non-editable chains - "dstnat", "srcnat". For Linux knowers they map
this way: (dstnat -> PREROUTING, srcnat -> POSTROUTING).

Enable W Enables or disables this Chain. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"

Name W Human-readable name associated with this Chain. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Name type: string(64)

RuleNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Rule table. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain. type: uint32

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Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N W Firewall Rule table.

NOTE that most of Paramaters are similar to standard DM, but multiple of them are extended to have
more functionality.

ROS: /ip firewall nat

Enable W Enables or disables this Rule. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =disabled

Order W Position of the Rule. entry in the order of precedence. A value of ''1'' indicates the first entry 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N considered (highest precedence). For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the rule 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Order criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

When this value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order value for the
existing entry and all lower Order entries is incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure
uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed,
incrementing occurs before compaction.

The value of Order on creation of a Rule. table entry MUST be one greater than the largest current
value (initially assigned the lowest precedence).

type: uint32[1:]

Description W Human-readable description associated with this Rule. entry. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Description type: string(256)
ROS: /ip firewall nat =comment

Target W Action to perform for traffic matching this Rule. entry. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Target Accept ( The firewall accepts packets matching this rule. )
Return ( The firewall doesn't consider the remaining rules (if any) in the current chain. )
TargetChain ( The rules in the chain referenced by the {{param|TargetChain}} parameter are
matched. )
SourceNAT ( Change src address/port specified in {{param|ToAddresses}} and
{{param|ToPorts}}. Can only be used in POSTROUTING. )
Masquerade ( Change src address/port determined by routing facility. Can only be used in
DestNAT ( Change dst address/port specified in {{param|ToAddresses}} and
{{param|ToPorts}}. Can only be used in PREROUTING. )
Redirect ( Can only be used in PREROUTING. )

type: enum , default: "Accept"

ROS: /ip firewall nat =action

TargetChain W Specifies the chain to process when Target equals TargetChain. If there are no matching rules in the 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N referenced chain, processing continues with the next rule in this chain (if any). In other words, 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.TargetChain TargetChain behaves like a subroutine call.

empty string indicates no TargetChain is specified.

type: strongRef , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall nat =jump-target

Log W Enable or disable logging, in a ###.DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile, of packets matching this Rule.. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Log type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =log

SourceInterfaceGroup W Rule. criterion. Group source interface. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of SourceInterfaceGroup and SourceInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.SourceInterfaceGroup SourceInterface is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to one-interface automatically and if
this Parameter is set, then SourceInterface will be set to empty string automatically.

one-interface ( {{param|SourceInterface}} is used as the rule criterion. )


type: enum , default: "all"

ROS: /ip firewall nat =in-interface

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SourceInterface W Rule. criterion. This specifies the ingress interface associated with the entry. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of SourceInterfaceGroup and SourceInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.SourceInterface SourceInterfaceGroup is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to empty string automatically and
if this Parameter is set, then SourceInterfaceGroup will be set to one-interface automatically.

type: strongRef(256) , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall nat =in-interface

SourceInterfaceExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourceInterface or SourceInterfaceGroup 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N entry, if specified. 9
{i}.SourceInterfaceExclude If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourceInterface or
SourceInterfaceGroup entry, if specified.

type: bool , default: "false"

ROS: /ip firewall nat =in-interface

DestInterfaceGroup W Rule. criterion. Group destination interface. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. Only one of DestInterfaceGroup and DestInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
{i}.DestInterfaceGroup DestInterface is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to one-interface automatically and if this
Parameter is set, then DestInterface will be set to empty string automatically.

one-interface ( {{param|DestInterface}} is used as the rule criterion. )


type: enum , default: "all"

ROS: /ip firewall nat =out-interface

DestInterface W Rule. criterion. This specifies the egress interface associated with the entry. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.DestInterface Only one of DestInterfaceGroup and DestInterface SHOULD be configured at the same time. If
DestInterfaceGroup is set, then value of this Parameter will be set to empty string automatically and if
this Parameter is set, then DestInterfaceGroup will be set to one-interface automatically.

type: strongRef(256) , default: ""

ROS: /ip firewall nat =out-interface

DestInterfaceExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestInterface or DestInterfaceGroup entry, 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N if specified. 9
{i}.DestInterfaceExclude If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestInterface or DestInterfaceGroup
entry, if specified.

type: bool , default: "false"

ROS: /ip firewall nat =out-interface

DestIPRange W Dest IP range. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.DestIPRange type: IPv4AddressRange , default: ""
ROS: /ip firewall nat =dst-address

DestIPExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestIPRange entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestIPRange entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =dst-address

SourceIPRange W Source IP range. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. type: IPv4AddressRange , default: ""
{i}.SourceIPRange ROS: /ip firewall nat =src-address

SourceIPExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourceIPRange entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourceIPRange entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =src-address

Protocol W Rule. criterion. 6.3

Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.Protocol Protocol number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

type: int32[-1:255] , default: "-1"

ROS: /ip firewall nat =protocol

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ProtocolExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the Protocol entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the Protocol entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =protocol

DestPortList W Destination port value. (e.g. - "1", "1-10", "1-10,20-30", "1,20,80,100-200"). 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.DestPortList type: list<Uint32Range> , default: ""
ROS: /ip firewall nat =dst-port

DestPortExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestPortList entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestPortList, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =dst-port

SourcePortList W Source port value. (e.g. - "1", "1-10", "1-10,20-30", "1,20,80,100-200"). 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. type: list<Uint32Range> , default: ""
{i}.SourcePortList ROS: /ip firewall nat =src-port

SourcePortExclude W If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourcePortList entry, if specified. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule. If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourcePortList entry, if specified.
type: bool , default: "false"
ROS: /ip firewall nat =src-port

ToAddresses W Replace original address with specified one. Applicable if Target is DestNAT, Netmap, Same, 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N SourceNAT. 9
type: IPv4AddressRange , default: ""
ROS: /ip firewall nat =to-addresses

ToPorts W Replace original port with specified one. Applicable if Target is DestNAT, Netmap, Same, SourceNAT. 6.3
Device.Firewall.X_MIKROTIK_N 9
AT.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}.ToPorts type: Uint32Range , default: ""
ROS: /ip firewall nat =to-ports

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface. - Contains RouterOS interfaces, which are not applicable to TR069 standard Data Model, but still can 6.3
be used in TR181-2 InterfaceStack. 9

GenericNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Generic table. 6.3

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface.G 9
enericNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface.G - Instances of RouterOS /interface objects, whose support hasn't yet been added in tr069-client
eneric.{i}. implementation (e.g. - bridge, ovpn, pptp, vlan).

Also in special cases can contain "invalid/non-exist" instances if RouterOS contains configuration
which references invalid interface (e.g. /ip address =interface=*4444), so that valid InterfaceStack can
still be represented. These won't have a Name.

Enable - type: bool 6.3

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface.G 9

Status - type: string 6.3

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface.G 9

Name - type: string 6.3

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface.G 9

LowerLayers - type: list<strongRef>(1024) 6.3

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Interface.G 9

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Monitor. - 7

TrafficNumberOfEntries - The number of entries in the Traffic table. 7

afficNumberOfEntries type: uint32

Device.X_MIKROTIK_Monitor.Tr W Allows to configure traffic monitoring for specific interfaces.


ROS: /interface monitor-traffic

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Enable W Enable/disable monitoring. Setting disabled resets recorded values. 7

affic.{i}.Enable type: bool , default: "false"

Interface W Reference of monitor Layer 1 Interface parameter . 7

affic.{i}.Interface For example: ''Device.Ethernet.Interface.2'', ''Device.Cellular.Interface.1'', ''Device.WiFi.SSID.1' etc.

type: strongRef

RxRate - Rx traffic Kbps. (null: 4294967295) 7

affic.{i}.RxRate type: uint32 , default: "4294967295" , flags: deny-active-notif

TxRate - Tx traffic Kbps. (null: 4294967295) 7

affic.{i}.TxRate type: uint32 , default: "4294967295" , flags: deny-active-notif

MaxRxRate - Max rx traffic Kbps since boot or since monitoring enabled. (null: 4294967295) 7
affic.{i}.MaxRxRate type: uint32 , default: "4294967295" , flags: deny-active-notif

MaxTxRate - Max tx traffic Kbps since boot or since monitoring enabled.(null: 4294967295) 7
affic.{i}.MaxTxRate type: uint32 , default: "4294967295" , flags: deny-active-notif

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